InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I'm so excited that I own some stuff, but none of the originals.
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“Rin-chan! I wasn't planning on seeing you for another week! Where's Sango?”
The graceful teenager gave Kagome one of her famous smiles. “Sango-chan is meeting with some of Sesshomaru-sama's scouts about a youkai that has been causing trouble. The scouts cannot find it, so Sango is going to track it with me for practice.”
“Well, as long as you are still planning on coming back for next week. It seems that we are going to be invaded and I already have my hands full with the pups. Besides, Merkamou is going to want to see his little fledgling.”
Rin rolled her eyes. “I am not a fledgling, remember? I am a merlin. He will be disappointed that I do not have more stories for him, but I will still be glad to see him.”
“Sit, Rin-chan. How has your training been going?” Kagome set Katsuro in his little nest of blankets next to her desk so she could concentrate on Rin. The once little girl was now a young woman, dressed in armor similar to Sango's but accented in royal blue. A matched pair of katanas hung at her side, and Rin's hand never strayed too far from them. The katanas had been a gift from Sesshomaru after she had defeated a nasty worm youkai on her own a few years back.
“It is going well. She actually let me try her weapon. Kami, I do not know how she can deal with that thing! I just about knocked my own head off!”
A small snort escaped Kagome. “That thing has always scared me. But it is the only thing that keeps Mirokou in line.”
“Not anymore. His hands are completely full watching over Sango's litter. While she is out destroying youkai he must watch her pups. It is most confusing.”
The feeling of coming from another world washed over Kagome. Aside from Sesshomaru nobody knew about her life in the future. `I think it's cute, but in this time it is down right unbelievable for the man to stay home. Poor Mirokou.'
“So, any luck with that young lord you saved?”
Rin blushed. “Kagome-chan! No, that will not happen. He screamed like a girl and hid when the youkai attacked his caravan.”
“But he is a strong, handsome man, and royal for a ningen. He has inquired after you.”
“No, Kagome-chan. I will not mate someone who runs and hides when there is danger.”
Groaning, Kagome flopped on her back. “Rin, you are most difficult to find a suitor for. Ningens are too weak. Heck, most of the youkai are too weak. Have you considered giving any of these males a chance on something other then brawn?”
“That's not fair.” Rin crossed her arms and glared. “I give them all a chance.”
“Oh, really? How many of your would be suitors have needed a healer after meeting you?”
“Two of those males attempted to take liberties. They do not count!”
“Maybe we can try a normal courtship, with a no challenges rule. If you get to know them before you pound them . . .”
“They will be horrified when they find out later that their mate can defeat them.” A sad sigh deflated the young warrior. “I cannot help it. I have worked too hard for my mate to be embarrassed by me.”
“Rin-chan, don't ever be embarrassed. Even Sango says that you will be one of the best exterminators ever. We will find someone for you.” Kagome pulled herself up so she could smile at the girl who was friend, sister, and daughter to her. “The real problem is Sesshomaru.”
“You grew up with the most powerful of the youkai watching over you. Who can measure up to that?”
“And a powerful miko. Kagome-chan, I want what you have. A partner. You watch his back, and he watches yours. I do not want a male that will not let me help him, or one who is helpless! And every ningen male I've met is helpless!” Now it was Rin's turn to flop over. “Honestly, how do they survive? And dishonorable! So many times I have had things yelled at me, or they have tried to take liberties. Honestly, Kagome-chan, I believe I would be happier with a youkai!”
`I think so too. Kami, what are we going to do with her? She is still a ningen and not acceptable to the youkai strong enough to interest her. To say nothing about the whole exterminator thing.' Kagome moved so she was next to Rin and started to play with her hair. `She was raised as an inu-youkai pup. She is much too educated for a ningen female in this time, and the fighting skills would drive off almost any ningen male. An inu-youkai would never yell insults at a female or try to touch her without permission. What have we done?'
“How am I supposed to find someone?” Rin was fidgeting with her clothes, a habit she had never lost.
“It just happens, Jo-chan. You remember how I ended up here, right? Big scary youkai that had tried to kill me scoops me up and drops me off here to stay with his ward? And then he ends up as my mate? If I had any sense I should have run as soon as I got the chance, but I didn't. It worked out in the end.”
“I suppose. I guess this is not like that youkai we are tracking. I can not just hunt it down and kill it.”
“Jo-chan, if you keep talking like that I am never going to be able to convince a male to come here again, Sesshomaru's ward or no. You cannot hunt down a mate, whack him over the head, and drag him home.”
A contemplative look had settled on Rin's features. “It would be easier, though. And faster.”
Rin squealed when Kagome tickled her, making her squirm away. Katsuro squealed back, his nap ended.
“Now you get to deal with your little brother.” The squirming pup was dumped onto Rin's chest. “Have fun. I am going to go say hi to Sango before you two take off to whack males over the head.”
Burbling happily, Katsuro's hands made a beeline for the katanas at Rin's waist.
“No, Katsuro! Not food!”
The giggling pup was pulled into her arms as she stood up. The emerald green eyes stared at her chocolate ones, tiny black ears twitching about. Katsuro was a happy, loving, noisy pup and Rin adored him.
“You are going to be a handsome boy, aren't you Katsuro?” The exterminator tossed the pup in the air, enjoying his squeals of delight. “And your big sister Rin will teach you how to handle a sword, and you can come out hunting with her. How does that sound?”
Katsuro giggled and grabbed onto some loose hair.
“Ow! Let go, pup! Ow ow ow!”
The neko-youkai faded away to a tiny dot, taking Kagome's best friend and adopted daughter with her. Mizuki sighed next to her. The pup missed her big sister, and Rin had been gone a lot since Sango had decided to take her out for some hands-on training.
“Come on, Mizuki. The nurse has Katsuro, so let's do something. What would you like?”
“Can we play in the gardens? You can hide and I can track you.”
`Any other pup would have said hide and seek, but not Mizuki. I think she was born thinking she was an adult.'
Mother and daughter played in the woods for hours. Kagome found it rather difficult to hide from her hanyou daughter's nose, but it got Mizuki out and laughing. This pup was far too serious.
“When will Rin-chan be back?”
Kagome caught her daughter and pulled her into her lap, running her fingers through the silver hair and starting a braid. “Soon. We have guests coming and Rin is going to need to help me.”
“I can help too, Mama. Who is coming?” Mizuki started to pick some flowers that were just barely in reach and chain them together.
“Merkamou-sama, Hideaki-sama, and his son. Not too many, but since they are important there will be a lot of work. And Merkamou-sama likes to bring his friends with him when he travels. They shouldn't be here for very long though.”
“I want to help. What can I do to help you, Mama?”
The shining hair was now neatly braided. Kagome tied it off with the tie from her own hair and started to steal flowers from her daughter's pile to weave in. “Well, I think you will be able to help me when I am getting things organized. Rin will be too busy, and she is usually in charge of the flowers for the guest rooms. Do you want to help her with that? And I'm sure I can find plenty for you to do to be a good hostess. Even Kumo will need help, and your writing has gotten good enough that you could help her as well.”
“Hai, Mama! I can help you, Rin-chan, and Kumo-sama.”
“Thank you, sugar.”
“Mama, you know I don't like it when you call me that.” Mizuki put on her best grown up face.
“Oh, but you are my little sugar plum, aren't you?” She said in a high-pitched, sugary sweet voice that made Mizuki try to squirm away, but Kagome smothered her in a hug. “You are my sweetest little sweetie, aren't you?”
“Ah! Help!” Mizuki could not help laughing at her Mama as Kagome covered her head in kisses. “You just finished my hair, and now you will mess it up!”
“Don't worry, Mizuki, I'll make sure you look presentable before we go back up to the palace.”
Suitably pacified, Mizuki leaned back into her mother's arms in a rare show of affection. “I'll help with Katsuro, too. I'm his big sister, after all.”
“Hai. And a wonderful one. I'm sure that you will take fabulous care of your little brother.”
Her little daughter was down for a nap, and Kagome was trying to make it through the messages she had received that day. A note from Lady Akira caught her eyes. It was not her secretary's handwriting, but the flowing calligraphy of the lady herself.
`Uh-oh.' It felt as though the temperature in the room had dropped. Kagome opened the note, catching the pressed sakura blossom that fell out. `Double uh-oh.'
My congratulations on the birth of Lord Sesshomaru's heir. An emissary has been dispatched to bring our felicitations to you. My mate was quite interested in the well being of your offspring.
The court is restless with spring coming upon us so quickly. Perhaps you have noticed the same in your lands? The males in particular are looking for something new to entertain them.
How are your offspring, Kagome-sama? Especially the young heir? Please let me know when the emissary arrives, it should be soon after this missive.
Lady Akira
Lady Akira hated her mate, the dragon youkai that ruled the Eastern Lands. It was an arranged partnership, without the bond that came with youkai that mated for life. Akira was actually a rather gentle soul and spent most of her time and considerable power trying to keep her mate in check. The Lady of the East and the Lady of the West had formed a partnership to try and keep war from breaking out.
`And her mate has sent an assassin for my pups. Damn him to hell! That's low, even for you, Ryuutaisho!'
Both ladies knew that their messages would be intercepted and read. The sakura blossom was a warning, as well as identifying the note as coming from Akira. By tradition the Ladies would include a flower in their messages to verify who the sender was and let the receiver know that the message was not as it seemed. It was Kumo that had let Kagome in on this female world of secret messages and allies. Without Kumo's help she would have been lost in a sea of double meanings and subtle clues.
Intrigue was quickly becoming a way of life for Kagome. Kumo had seen the sakura blossom and was staring at the note, her body suddenly tense.
“Hai, Kumo. It's from Lady Akira. We have a problem. I think I am going to need to recall Rin as back up. Can you find the Captain for me?”
The assistant bowed and hurried out of the room. The Captain had come out of retirement to be the head of Kagome's personal guard and to oversee the safety of the lady and her pups.
Chewing on her bottom lip Kagome wrote a note back to Lady Akira.
I thank you for your kind thoughts. My pups are well, and my Lord's ward is returning tomorrow to help receive guests.
Perhaps the weather is more turbulent in your lands. Things are quite peaceful here, with nothing more than the occasional hunt to keep the males occupied.
I will keep watch for your emissary and send word of his safe arrival.
My best wishes to you and your young.
Lady Kagome
`Akira knows who Rin is, so that should let her know that I'm ready for trouble.' Kagome pulled a pressed flower from a box on her desk to include in her note. She would include a honey suckle blossom so that Lady Akira would know it was from her. The Lady of the North would include some dried lavender in her personal notes, on the two occasions that she had needed to work with Kagome directly. The Lord of the North was much more reasonable then some of the other lords, and his mate did not often interfere.
`At least one of the taiyoukai is reasonable. I need to find a nice, sensible female for Merkamou. Preferably one that can hold her own in a fight. Then I can keep tabs on what is going on in the South. I may love that troublemaker, but I still need to keep an eye on him. He can be so rash!'
The note was sealed and set aside to wait for a messenger.
Heavy footsteps announced the Captain's arrival. He bowed, then gave Kagome a glare. “You have not returned to your lessons.”
`Caught.' A nervous giggle burbled forth from Kagome as she messed with things on her desk. “Oh, come on, I just had a pup.”
Silent glare.
“Fine, fine, tomorrow. You're just bored with Rin away. She'll be back soon and you can torture her instead of me.”
“You are going to get soft, miko.”
`Ten years and he still won't use my name unless he has to. He's worse then Sesshomaru!' Kagome crossed her arms and glared back. “Do you want to go through that wall? I'm not carrying a pup right now so I can arrange it.”
The two engaged in a staring match until Kumo cleared her throat, making both look her way. “The note, my lady?”
“Oh, I almost forgot. I got a note from Lady Akira. It seems that we have an assassin coming for the pups.” Kagome drummed her fingers on her desk. “I'm not sure if it's the emissary or someone else. Maybe both. I wish she could have been more specific.”
“We have not had an attempt in two years, since that snake attacked Mizuki. Are you sure about this?”
“Very. We can't just kill the emissary, that would start a war. Somehow we have to keep the pups safe even with guests here.”
“And Mizuki taking off every chance she gets.” The Captain sighed and sat across from Kagome. “Well, miko? How are we going to protect those pups of yours?”