InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ When It Rains ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Thank you to my friends who have followed over from the last beast. The updates may not be as rapid fire, since my class has started up again. Accounting sucks. Anyways, this one is pretty long, so it should make up for the extra time. R&R, since it is still early enough to steer me around.
`When it rains, it pours.'
Kagome rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to force the headache away. `After this we are starting a `no visitor' policy. Anytime somebody comes to visit the idea just blows up and I end up working like crazy to avoid any murders or mass destruction. Sesshomaru should not be this popular.'
The miko was alone in her study. The Captain was organizing her guard while Kumo and Mizuki were organizing the guest rooms. At least she had help this time. And now she was going to track down her adopted daughter and best friend so they could come back and help protect her pups. A servant was already running down to the stable to get Ah-Un ready to fly.
Braiding her hair back so that it would not get tangled in the flight, Kagome did not notice the servant in her doorway until he cleared his throat.
“Eep!” The Lady tipped over and landed on her side, her fingers caught in her hair, as she startled at the sudden sound.
“My lady, a guest has arrived.”
“Already? Geez, Akira, you could have given me some more warning then a couple of hours. Is he alone? Does he look dangerous?”
The servant looked befuddled. “He has one other with him. He does not look any more dangerous than is usual for a taiyoukai, my lady.”
“Taiyoukai? Who the heck did Ryuutaisho send?” Kagome's heart raced at the idea of a taiyoukai assassin standing in her reception hall.
“My lady? Why would the Lord of the South be sent by the Lord of the East?”
“The Lord of the . . . it's Merkamou?”
“Hai, my lady.”
“That's impossible, he is not supposed to be here until . . . oh, never mind. I should have known. Impatient bird. I will be right there.”
The relieved servant bowed himself out, leaving Kagome alone to growl to herself. `Of course he is here early. No self control.'
The first order of business was to find Kumo and let her know that at least two guests were here early. Then she could greet the headstrong hawk that ruled the southern lands.
For the first time in years Merkamou was excited to be somewhere. He had been so bored in his own lands, and the opportunity to spend time in Sesshomaru's palace was a welcome diversion. With those two ningens this was just about the most entertaining place he knew. The plan when he left had been to find a mate and raise a brood of his own to entertain him. However, the females that he had met were boring in the extreme, none holding his attention long enough to progress the courtship past a few meetings. A soft sigh blew a stray feather away from his face. Eventually he would settle for one of those calm, sensible females that his court kept throwing at him, but he longed for a female with some fire.
Footsteps called his attention to the door of the hall. A familiar figure moved into the room, an exasperated look on her face. Her hair was in a messy braid down her back, and she was dressed in a hakama and haori. He had missed the little miko. With a bright smile he swept her a dramatic bow.
“Merkamou-sama! What a surprise to find you here a whole week early.” Kagome gave him a glare before breaking into a smile. “I will admit to being glad to see you here, even if you are quite early, my lord. A loyal ally is always a welcome sight.”
“Kagome-sama, I could not resist the call to return to this place. I have been so bored away from Sesshomaru-sama's court, and the idea of seeing you drove me to come as quickly as possible.”
The bright laugh from the miko echoed off the walls, bringing a smile to Merkamou's face. “I do not think my lord would be amused to find that his court is being described as a place of entertainment. Fortunately for you, he is not here right now. Actually, there is nobody to greet you but me, but that is what happens when you show up unannounced.”
“Where is your mate? Not far, I would assume.”
“No, he's watching over some exercises. He is . . .” Kagome's eyes unfocused as she stared out into space. “He is just north of here, not too far. It's interesting, whatever he's watching. At least he's not bored like he was yesterday.”
It was slightly unnerving to know that Kagome could track her mate like that. `Perhaps being mated is not all it's cracked up to be. I've never seen a hawk's mate do that, so hopefully it is an inu-youkai thing.'
“Since he is in a good mood we could probably just go interrupt them. I'm sure he would not mind having another pair of eyes while they are arguing over strategy. I was about to head out on Ah-Un to go to my friend's village. My mate would probably be annoyed if you rode behind me, though.” Kagome tipped her head to the side, considering.
“Do not worry, Kagome-sama. I will be able to keep up with that flying beast. If you will lead me to Sesshomaru-sama I will entertain myself there, leaving you free to go to your friend.”
“Beautiful. Your guest can be seen to his rooms.” A wave of her hand brought a bowing servant into the hall. The silent youkai was escorted from the room, as one of Kagome's guards detached from the wall and followed him out. No one was to be trusted.
In the courtyard Ah-Un was waiting patiently, using the servant holding him as a scratching post. The sight of the miko caught first one head's attention, then the other. Kagome stopped to pet each head before climbing into the saddle and taking up the reins. She was not the fearless rider that Mizuki was, but she did know how to control the dragon well enough to get around in a pinch. A little cluck sent her mount into the air. There was a flash of light, and a streak of fire took to the sky at her side. Kagome gave Merkamou's flame form a surprised look, then directed Ah-Un to the field where Sesshomaru was working.
Skimming over the forest brought a grin to Kagome's face. Ah-Un was excited to be out of the stall again, and was stretching out to enjoy the wind. Merkamou was not having any trouble keeping up, so the reins were loosened and the dragon was allowed to pick his own pace. Trees turned to a blur as the wind made the miko squeeze her eyes half shut. In a matter of minutes they were soaring over a field where two groups of about ten were fighting with each other, engaging in a skirmish of one kind or another.
Hovering over the field Kagome spotted her mate off to the side. It was not hard to find the single youkai dressed in all white with knee length white hair, even without a connection. “Well, Merkamou-sama, do you think you will find this entertaining enough?”
“Hai, but I do believe that things are about to be even more entertaining.” The voice coming from the ball of flames sounded like the hissing, snapping, and crackling of a campfire, but was understandable.
“How so?”
“Look carefully to the north. See the birds taking wing?”
The ningen's eyes could barely see some movement in the distance. “Not really.”
“There is something large in the trees, heading this way. Rather rapidly, it would seem.”
Kagome squinted into the distance, now able to see the disturbed birds coming closer. She swung Ah-Un into a dive, aiming for her mate. “Sesshomaru!”
Amber eyes swung up to the sky, not surprised to see his mate, but surprised to see her diving the dragon at him.
“Sesshomaru, there is something coming. Merkamou-sama saw the birds taking off, so it looks like its big.” Ah-Un hovered off of the ground, bringing Kagome into yelling distance, but ready to take to the open air again.
“It is probably that youkai that has been causing problems. It seems that we have found it, or rather that it has found us.” Sesshomaru turned to one of his generals. `And of course my men are not properly armed to deal with any kind of a threat. These are only light skirmishers.' “Recall the troops, they are not armed for this. There is no need to lose more soldiers then necessary. Kagome, you should go back to the air and try to see what is coming.”
Streaking back up to Merkamou, Kagome tried to see what was coming with her weak eyes. “What do you see, Merkamou-sama?”
“Nothing more then some glances, but it is getting close. I have also seen a neko-youkai approaching.”
“Neko-youkai?” Blue eyes swept the sky, quickly finding the approaching youkai. “Kirara! That's Sango's mount! She must have been tracking the youkai. Hopefully she will get here before whatever that thing is starts to shred Sesshomaru's troops.”
“Who is this Sango?”
“The last of the youkai exterminators, and a dear friend of mine. She is married to a monk that is also a friend of mine, and they are trying to rebuild her village and the youkai exterminators.” Kirara was racing towards them, her eyes on the large shape crashing through the forest. It seemed that the neko-youkai would arrive at almost the same instant that the youkai did.
“You keep odd company, Kagome-sama.” Merkamou flickered, zig-zagging in the air. “This is a large youkai, can this ningen handle it?”
“She isn't alone. She has a trainee.” Kagome bit back who the trainee was. `Let Merkamou figure it out on his own.'
“This should prove to be most entertaining.”
A roar echoed through the forest, the youkai crashing through the last of the trees to stop in the clearing, glaring at the retreating soldiers. The creature looked like a bear, but it was the size of Kagome's home in the future. Red eyes rolled in its head as claws sliced through the ground. It may not have been a great strategist, but it would be tough to kill and could do considerable damage with those claws.
Kirara answered with a roar of her own, distracting the bear from the escaping troops. Sesshomaru had his own sword drawn, but he would wait and let Sango and Rin make the kill. Only if it looked like his ward was in trouble would he interfere. This was part of Rin's training after all. He watched with a blank expression as Sango hoisted her boomerang over her head and let it fly at the beast with a mighty yell, her own expression hidden behind her poison mask.
The boomerang took a chunk out of the bears back on its first pass, then a chunk out of the neck on its second pass. The bear roared in pain, rearing up to swipe its claws at Kirara. The fire cat dodged, twisting away to give her passengers a second shot.
Merkamou watched with fascination as the two armored and masked ningens attacked the beast. The first attack had been impressive, the weapon wielded with great skill. Now the second ningen was leaping from the back of the cat, drawing two katanas as she fell and slamming them into the bear. The controlled fall drove the blades through the bear's side and dragged them half way down the side. One of the blades was snatched free of her opponent and slashed across the bear's eyes as he turned to crush his attacker with his jaws.
The ningen was still hanging from one blade in the bear's side. As the bear staggered and started to fall, the second blade was pulled free from the bear. The beast landed on the opposite side, thrashing in pain. Another attack from the mounted exterminator took a massive chunk out of the side of the bear, ensuring that he would not be getting up any time soon. The two katanas flashed in the sun as the figure in blue leapt into the air, slashing through the damaged neck of her opponent and landing in a crouch as her opponent collapsed to the ground behind her, the head was now being held on by a strip of muscle and nothing else. Warily, the ningen circled to the front of the beast and slammed a blade through the creature's eye, ramming into the brain and ensuring that he was dead.
Silence hung over the clearing as the neko-youkai landed, reuniting the two exterminators. Merkamou let out a soft hiss, a sound that Kagome guessed was a chuckle. “I am impressed with your friend and her trainee. Your friend is the older one dressed in pink, correct?”
“And the trainee is the one dressed in blue. She is a fiery one, leaping from the neko-youkai like that. Very interesting.” The youkai's sight was caught on the female that was now cleaning off her blades and putting them away. She moved with the grace of a natural fighter, oozing confidence as she discussed the fight with her instructor. “Perhaps you could introduce her to me.”
Fighting down a grin, Kagome nodded. “As long as you are willing to behave yourself.”
“Of course, Kagome-sama.”
The two exterminator's looked up as Ah-Un settled to the ground. The streak of fire swirled and turned back into the taiyoukai, his eyes locked on the two ningen. Kagome could feel a flash of irritation from her mate as he moved over to join them.
“Merkamou-sama, this is Sango-sama, the youkai exterminator and my dear friend.”
Merkamou bowed to the fighter, a genuine smile on his face. “It was a pleasure to see you in action, Sango-sama. And your trainee as well.”
Sango untied her mask, returning it to her sash. “It is wonderful to meet you at last, my lord. You have already met my trainee, if I remember correctly.”
“Have I?” The gold eyes flicked over to the second ningen, fidgeting with her sash. `Now this is what a female should be like. She does have an appealing look in that armor, and she fights like a fury. She reminds me of someone, with the fidgeting. Who was it?' “It is difficult with the mask. Please, my lady, forgive me but may I ask your name? I wish to know who this talented fighter is.”
“Merkamou-sama, you truly do not recognize me?” The voice behind the mask was rough from it's covering, giving the mystified taiyoukai no clues. It did not help that Sesshomaru was staring at him like it was obvious and Kagome was hiding her mouth behind her hand, giggling.
Graceful fingers untied the mask, returning it to her sash. “I have changed, I realize, but I would think that Merkamou-sama would recognize his little merlin.”
Absolute shock. That was the only way Kagome could describe the look on Merkamou's face. Mind numbing amazement ran a close second. “Merkamou-sama, you remember Rin-sama, of course.”
It took a few seconds before Merkamou could make his mouth work again. “Rin-sama! Kami, the fledgling has indeed grown to an adult. Little merlin, none could recognize you now. When I last saw you, you were a little thing, just to my waist. Now look at you! And your fighting, you have developed a style all your own. You did not mention any of this in your letters.”
Rin blushed at Kagome's questioning look. No one but Jaken knew that Rin and Merkamou had kept in contact over the last ten years, and Jaken only knew because he had found one of her notes. “I did not think that it was worth mentioning.”
“Merkamou-sama.” Disaster averted, Sesshomaru would now deal with his visitor. “You are early.”
“Do you think I could stay away when entertainment like this was waiting for me, Sesshomaru-sama?”
A soft growl rumbled through the inu-youkai chest. `Annoying, loud, impatient. And Kagome would call him a friend of mine. The miko needs to have her reasoning checked.' His growls made Kagome set her hand on his arm, calming him. A thankful glance, then he could focus on the annoying taiyoukai. “Entertainment is the only reason for your early arrival?”
“Of course, Sesshomaru-sama. If I had known that my little merlin had grown to such a fighter I would have come even sooner. My court is a dull place compared to your own.”
“Hai.” `I recall the dull court of days past with great fondness.'
“Well, Merkamou-sama, it seems that I will not have to travel the countryside looking for my friend, so we may return to the palace at your leisure.”
Sango caught what Kagome was saying. “Why were you looking for me, Kagome-chan?”
“Oh, umm, we can talk about it later, okay?” Kagome gave her friend a pleading look, hoping that she would drop it until they were back. Merkamou would probably be told, but the general and all of the soldiers were still within ear-shot. “Sesshomaru, will you be continuing your exercises today?”
“Doubtful. They will be occupied with removing the corpse so that this field is usable for tomorrow.”
The general heard the comment and started to direct clean up. It was not how he wanted to spend his time, but if that what was his commander wished then he would do it. No one was foolish enough to disagree with the taiyoukai.
“Does this mean that you will be returning with me?” A hopeful look, combined with a perfect pair of puppy eyes, ensured that her mate would be returning with her.
Kagome gave his hand a squeeze, knowing better than to show a larger display of affection then that when there was an audience. “Come on, you can ride back with me on Ah-Un. Sango-chan, Rin-chan, can you two come straight back to the palace?”
“Hai, Kagome-chan. Our hunt ended much faster then planned, and was not much of a lesson in tracking. We will have to try again later.” Sango swung onto Kirara, pulling Rin up behind her. “It was still a good fight for Rin-chan to practice with, though. There are not many of the very large youkai running about since the Shikon jewel vanished.”
“Thank goodness.” Sesshomaru settled behind Kagome, his hands resting on her waist making her heart beat a bit faster. Trying to act as though nothing was happening, she kept her attention on Sango. “Lets get back, I'm sure you two would like to get cleaned up.”
“Hai, I do not much care for the smell of bear guts.” Rin was still trying to get some of the gore off of her arm, making Sango roll her eyes.
“Leave it, Rin-chan, before you fall off again. Do you want to end up flat on your back with the healer? Again?” Sango glared back over her shoulder at her trainee.
“Go, Ah-Un.” Kagome whispered to the dragon, tapping his sides with her heels. Ah-Un launched himself into the air, easily leaving Kirara behind. Merkamou was staying with the two exterminators, leaving Kagome and Sesshomaru for a few minutes of peace and quiet.
“I am not surprised at his early arrival.” The hands at her waist pulled her back slightly to press against him. “He never arrives as planned.”
“Hai, but I am glad to see him. Trouble is brewing.” One of the hands guiding the dragon slipped from the reins to rest on her mate's arm. “We will deal with it when we get back. Kami, I am already tired of this. Why can't they just send us a fruit basket or something?”
“Fruit basket?”
“A common gift from my time. I'd rather they just sent something then come themselves and make such a mess of things.”
“Hai.” Sesshomaru pressed his lips to the side of Kagome's neck, just behind her jawline. “Unfortunately, we cannot stop them now.”
“I know.” The kiss sent a shiver down her spine. “I can still wish, though.”
“I also wish that we could be left in peace, so that we would only have to deal with annoying each other. And the pups.”
“Ah, yes. The pups can be every bit as troublesome as all of the taiyoukai in Japan combined.”
“So, you have an emissary that is probably an assassin, and knowing Ryuutaisho he is not the only one. At least you know that it is coming.” Merkamou did not look surprised. It was just the sort of thing he would expect from that dragon.
“Hai. Now we must concentrate on keeping the pups far away from danger, since we cannot just kill him when he walks through the gates.” Sipping at her tea, Kagome was still running through options in her mind. As though the mention had brought her, Mizuki opened the door and slipped in, bowing to the adults. “Mizuki, come and have your dinner. Where have you been, pup?”
Keeping her face in the expressionless mask that her father used, Mizuki moved to sit by her mother. “I was assisting Kumo-sama, mother.” Her sapphire eyes flicked to the unknown youkai before returning to her dinner.
“Oh, I'm sorry Mizuki. Mizuki, this is Merkamou-sama, Lord of the Southern Lands. Merkamou-sama, this is my daughter Mizuki.” Kagome watched with pride as Mizuki rose to bow to their guest.
“It is an honor, my lord.” With a natural grace that was all her father the pup settled back into her place, carefully lifting her chopsticks and concentrating on her meal. Every inch of her was the proper daughter of a great lord.
“The honor is all mine, Mizuki-sama. Sesshomaru-sama, I can certainly see that this is your daughter. The resemblance is uncanny.” Merkamou was fighting down a smile at the very reserved pup, such a contrast to the miko that sat next to her.
“Arigato.” Pride was visible for an instant, focused on his daughter, before the usual mask returned.
Rin, for her part, was fighting the urge to roll her eyes. `Mizuki is always so worried about being proper. If she had any idea what Merkamou was truly like she would not be so formal.' She elbowed Sango, who was trying not to giggle. Kagome glared at the both of them, surprised that Sango was part of the trouble at the table. Usually it was just Rin.
“Merkamou-sama, I have not heard of your lands yet. How have things been for you?” The bright smile and alert eyes that Kagome directed at him was all Merkamou needed to launch into an animated story. Appropriate for the pup, of course.
“He will keep this up all night now, but the stories are great.” Rin was whispering to Sango, while the older exterminator bit down on another giggle. A new glare from Kagome made them both sit up straight and pay attention to their guest.
Dinner was cleared away as Merkamou regaled them with court gossip. Kagome experienced déjà vu as she listened to him. Rin was grown now, her place taken by Mizuki while she sat next to Sango, but the room was the same and the youkai were unchanged. Some of the tension from the day flowed out of Kagome's shoulders as she enjoyed the lighthearted tales of romance and bickering that came from his court. Her daughter was fascinated, her bright blue eyes focused on the lord with unwavering attention. Not at all like the young Rin, but rather like her father when he saw something interesting.
When she noticed Mizuki nodding off, Kagome called a stop to the stories. “I am sorry, my lord, but I believe that my daughter is ready for her own room. Mizuki, would you like to say good night to our guest?”
Looking a little out of it, Mizuki climbed to her feet and bowed to Merkamou. “Good evening, Merkamou-sama. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
“I'll be right back.” Kagome took her pup by the arm and guided her half-asleep form out of the room.
“She is a lovely pup, Sesshomaru-sama. I am surprised that she has her mother's eyes, but acts so little like her.” Sipping his tea, Merkamou gazed at the door where the mother and daughter had just left.
Rin chuckled. “Oh, she has her moments. I have seen her in a temper tantrum that would blast your ears off. I love her, but sometimes she needs to enjoy herself. She is in such a hurry to grow up that she is missing out on being a pup.”
“Not something you did, little merlin. Perhaps that is why I am having difficulty in adjusting to the change. You have yet to lose that sense of wonder.”
“And when can we expect to hear of your own young?” Rin wanted to get the conversation off of herself.
“That would require a mate, and that search is on going. Does your miko have a sister, Sesshomaru-sama? It would make the search faster.” A teasing light was in the youkai's eyes as he turned to his host.
“Ah, well, I will just accept whatever the court has decided to saddle me with. After spending time in your household I find that the average female is quite dull.”
“Hn.” `Kami save you from interesting females.'
“Merkamou-sama, I find it difficult to believe that the Lord of the Southern Lands is suffering from a lack of possible mates.” Sango was giving him that look that said quite clearly that she did not believe him.
“Oh, my lady exterminator, you have no idea how many possible mates there are being foisted upon me every day. The problem is in finding an acceptable one. Now that is the difficult task. Perhaps Sesshomaru-sama or Hideaki-sama will be able to assist me in this search.”
“You would have better luck asking Kagome, she has more of an interest in such things.” The deadpan expression gave away nothing of Sesshomaru's amusement. `She is already plotting your demise, foolish one. And you will walk into that trap with open arms.'
“An excellent suggestion, Sesshomaru-sama.” Merkamou rose from his place. “It has been a long journey, so I will take my leave of you. Until the morning Sesshomaru-sama, Sango-sama, little merlin.”
The urge to stick her tongue out at the taiyoukai was overwhelming, but Rin fought it down. `Later, when Sesshomaru-sama is not watching.'
Now it was Sango's turn to stretch. “I believe that I will turn in as well. Come, Rin-chan, we have had a long day. You can show me which room I am staying in, since there are other guests and I do not think they would appreciate it if I stumbled into the wrong room.”
With a quick bow to Sesshomaru, Rin led her instructor out of the room and into the dark palace. Alone in the dining room, the inu-youkai could stretch and shake some of the tension out of his shoulders. What a miserable day. The idea of joining his mate in their rooms was sounding fabulous. Moving silently through the halls, he watched as Kagome backed out of Mizuki's room. She flashed a smile at her mate before moving to the door of their rooms. She was already dressed in a yukuta and robe, ready for sleep.
Inside of the room Sesshomaru caught her in his arms, pulling her to rest against his chest. “The invasion has begun.”
Groaning, Kagome buried her face in his chest. “Can we just run away? We can take the pups and take off before they even think to look for us.”
The image was actually tempting. “No, koishii. We will deal with these problems, then we will be able to enjoy our home again.”
“Oh, fine. If you insist. I was all set to pack my bags and everything.”
“Miko, you are a bad influence.”
“Hai.” She snuggled closer, enjoying their respite.