InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Bad Thoughts ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: And here I was afraid that I was going to be lynched for this plot. Thanks for the support, and I am glad that you got a bunch of chuckles, Vulcana. I am truly aiming for chuckles this time. I own none of the originals, but the weirdos are mine. I am so glad to have Merkamou back, he is a wonderful source of chaos.
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Visions of a graceful fighter flying through the air were haunting Merkamou as he tried to sleep.
`No. That is not a beautiful female, that is Rin! The same one that has been writing you for the last ten years with all of her little stories about the palace and her lessons. The same one who has sent you dried flowers that she has found, thinking that you might like them.' A hiss of frustration escaped him as he rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. `My little merlin has grown into a fighter of great skill. Not surprising, considering that she was destroying youkai at such a young age, but still a shock to see. Her letters did not change nearly enough to let me know that she had grown. Ningens change so quickly. I noticed a change in her writing, the childish marks turning into a graceful calligraphy, but that is all.'
The moon was full that night, and showing its bright face in the window. Unwelcome thoughts drove the hawk youkai from his bed to look out over the grounds. `When I met her she was a fledgling, as tall as my waist and giving me a fierce look. Not too frightening in a tiny ningen, but interesting. Now she sees me as an uncle of sorts, and has grown to an adult. She may see me as an uncle, but it is most difficult to not see her as fiery female.'
`Exactly what you were looking for.'
`Unacceptable. Not only is she a ningen, it's Rin! The same one that shared breakfast with me ten years ago after she had killed those youkai. A brave little thing, asking about my first battles. Sesshomaru's ward is off limits for so many reasons. It must be the shock. I was not expecting that fighter to be her. Once I get used to the change I will see her as my little merlin again. At least that much has not changed.'
Pacing back to his bed, Merkamou tried to force the idea of Rin onto the image of the fighter he had seen. `Tomorrow. When I see her tomorrow and talk to her it will be obvious that it is the same person.'
“Katsuro, no! Not food!” Kagome pulled her pendant out of her son's mouth and tucked it inside of her clothes. Her son just waved his hands and giggled, looking for something else that could go in his mouth. She handed him a small rag that had been soaked in sugar water to suck on, making him settle back down.
“You son is beautiful, Kagome-sama.” Merkamou smiled at the pup, admiring the emerald eyes and the jet black hair. The emerald eyes were locked on his face now, one had reaching out for his hair while the other held onto his new toy.
“Arigato. Watch out, Merkamou-sama. Anything he gets his hands on goes straight into his mouth.” Kagome caught her son's hand and let him grab onto her finger instead.
Chuckling, Merkamou pulled his hair back behind his shoulders. “You will be a feisty one, more like your mother I believe.” His eyes moved to the father, sitting near by. “You have a wonderful litter forming here, Sesshomaru-sama.”
Kagome gave her mate a glare. “What he means to say is arigato.”
“Excuse me, Kagome-chan?”
“Hmm?” Kagome turned to find Rin behind her. “What's up, Rin-chan?”
“The Captain is looking for you.”
“Oh, no. I forgot. Can't you tell him that I have Katsuro right now?” Kagome looked around. “And Mizuki is with me, too. I could not possibly have time today.”
“I am not getting in the middle of this. It is bad enough that I have both Sango and the Captain to deal with, I'm not going to be a messenger between you two.” Rin gave Kagome a bright smile, but she was not going to change her mind. “I am going to be out past the gardens with them. I have delivered my message, now it is up to you.”
Kagome watched as Rin walked out of the room, glaring at her back. “She could have saved me.”
“Am I to assume that this means she is out training? And that you are supposed to be joining her?”
A glare was directed at Merkamou now. “Hai. I have not been in practice while I was carrying Katsuro, so I am not looking forward to this. My body is going to be all stiff. Besides, I want to keep the pups with me as much as possible, and I cannot fight while holding this one.”
“Kagome, you should not be absent from your lesson.” Sesshomaru looked over at his mate, his blank expression hiding the reproving feeling that she could feel.
“Don't you start with me. I have responsibilities!”
“I could watch him, mother. If we bring some blankets so that he can sit on the ground I could watch him. I do enjoy going to Rin-sama's lessons, and this way you could go to your lesson as well.” Mizuki was standing off to the side with her hands neatly folded in front of her.
A faint whisper came from Kagome, so soft that Merkamou and Sesshomaru could barely hear it. “They are all conspiring against me.”
Fighting back a chuckle, Merkamou offered his arm to Kagome. “It seems that you are needed outside. I will escort you and the lovely Lady Mizuki to the gardens, then keep Mizuki-sama company while I observe your lesson.”
Growling, Kagome eyeballed her mate. “And what are you going to be doing today?”
“We will be finishing our exercises today. When they are over I will find you.”
Groaning, Kagome accepted Merkamou's arm. “I am outnumbered. Fine. Mizuki, grab some of those blankets from next to my desk for Katsuro, please.”
Out past the gardens Kagome found Rin, Sango, and the Captain. Ah-Un and Kirara were off to the side, watching with amusement as their riders tried to flatten each other.
“Damn it all, Rin, what are you doing? Are you so tired of living that you want everyone to be able to kill you? Keep your guard up, or so help me I will come over there and nail you so hard that your future children will feel it!” The Captain was in excellent form, delighted to have his protégé back.
“Umm, I think I forgot something back at the palace, I'll be right back.” Kagome made a break for freedom, but not before she was spotted.
“Hold it right there, miko. You need to practice.”
`Caught.' Slowly Kagome turned to face her instructor.
“You are out of practice, so it is just archery for you today. Over there, a target and a bow for you.”
A huge sigh of relief deflated Kagome, her eyes clearing. `Archery. Thank you, Kami.'
Merkamou sat next to Mizuki, Katusuro between them on the blankets. Kagome's guard was behind him, watching for any threats against the pups. Merkamou's eyes were fixed on the two ningen females that were sparring in the center of the clearing. They were dressed in armor again, each armed with a single blade. They clashed again with surprising speed, looking for any hole that would end the fight. Rin twisted, knocking Sango's arm up by the elbow and making her sword arm temporarily useless. She slipped her blade free of her opponent's, coming underneath to lay the length across Sango's torso. “Kill.”
“Hai.” Sango sighed. “You are getting to know me too well, Rin-chan. You know what I am going to do before I do it. I think you need to spar with one of Kagome's guards for some variety.”
The guards behind Merkamou stiffened, fear in their eyes. Nobody liked to get whipped by a ningen female, and with Sesshomaru's ward it was often a forgone conclusion.
Rin looked over to the guards, but spotted the taiyoukai sitting in the grass. “Perhaps not. Merkamou-sama, would you consider sparing with me?”
One red and gold eyebrow lifted, a small smile appearing. “Would Sango-sama consider taking my place with the lovely Lady Mizuki?” The silver haired pup blushed at being referred to as the lovely lady.
“Hai, if you do not harm my trainee.” Sango gave him a fierce glare before sitting down with the pups.
“My word was given long ago that I would not harm the merlin. You do not need to be concerned.”
Merkamou walked out onto the grass. Rin was watching with a bright smile as he eyeballed her. “What would you like for a weapon, Merkamou-sama?” Her fingers were brushing across the hilt of her second katana.
“Your choice, merlin. Are you intending to practice with live steel, as you did with your instructor?”
“If you are comfortable with it, my lord.”
“Very well, then. You may fight with whatever you wish.” Merkamou drew his own blade from its sheath. “Come for me, merlin.”
The smile growing into a grin, Rin drew her second katana. She had been looking forward to this since she had heard that Merkamou was coming to visit. Her taiyoukai friend had been giving her tips and strategies in his letters over the years, and she fully intended to use all of them. The urge to prove herself was there. She had grown, and she would show Merkamou that she was not a little girl anymore. Besides, he was just fun to have around and spar with.
Kagome heard silence behind her and turned. In the center of the clearing were Merkamou and Rin, both armed and facing each other. Her breath caught, looking at the weapons in their hands. `They're practicing with live steel. Is she nuts? You don't take on a taiyoukai like that!' Her eyes found her pups, watched over by Sango and her guards. Mizuki had her eyes locked on her big sister, a hint of fear in her expressionless face. Setting her bow aside she went to her pups, putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. “It's okay, Mizuki. He swore many years ago to not hurt her. Rin-chan will be fine.”
“I was worried for Merkamou-sama.”
`Well, I'm sure that Merkamou would be amused by that.' Kagome elbowed Sango so she would stop giggling. “Rin-chan is not going to hurt Merkamou-sama. He is a taiyoukai, just like your father, after all.”
“If you're sure, Mama.” Mizuki let her head rest on her mother's shoulder.
Fighting back laughter of her own, Kagome focused on the pair that was warily circling each other. They had exchanged a few blows, mostly looking to see how the other had changed. Merkamou attacked with intent, closing the distance in half a heartbeat. Rin saw the small shift in balance before he moved and was ready, her right hand blade swinging up to stop his attack while her left hand blade slipped underneath to aim for his body.
Stepping out of the way of her answering attack, Merkamou narrowed his eyes. She was quick. Spinning to get behind her, Merkamou used his superior size to pull his blade up and away from her, freeing it and getting her into a very awkward position. Rin dropped to the ground, letting his next attack whistle through the empty air as she brought back an elbow and hit a nerve center in his thigh.
“Ow!” Merkamou moved back, his muscles protesting the hit he had just received. “Low blow, merlin!”
“Be glad that it was that low, my lord. A little bit higher and it would have been more effective, if more dishonorable.” Giggling, Rin was back on her feet and facing him. Her two blades were on guard again, easing closer to her opponent. She attacked on her own, her two blades acting as two separate entities in an attempt to confuse him.
The right hand blade was blocked easily enough, but it took a good bit of strength to force that blade over so that he could stop the second attack. Both blades blocked, he shoved hard, sending Rin back and off balance. He closed, expecting to be able to finish it, but she had one of her blades in the way, blocking his attack even as the force of it sent a shock through her whole body. That damn second blade was moving again, forcing him back onto the defensive. That was the true strength of her weapons; it made him divide his attention between the two weapons and left him vulnerable to anything that she could sneak in while his attention was on the wrong blade.
He managed to catch one hand in his own, stopping her right handed blade while attacking the left handed one. She struggled in his grip, blocking with her free weapon now that he had the advantage again. Unexpectedly she threw herself forward, tangling his legs with her own and tripping him up. Both hands occupied and off balance, Merkamou fell backwards, taking the ningen with him. To Rin's surprise he did not let go of her hand to save himself, but pulled her down hard. Landing on top of the taiyoukai she used her leverage to push down on her blade, trying to force a yield. His own blade was resting near his throat, being pushed down by her blade.
Rin found herself on her back, pinned by the taiyoukai and her own blade at her throat, pressed down by his in a mirror image of her previous position. Growling a bit, she looked for a way out of this mess. He had the leverage and strength now, and her second weapon was pinned to the ground by his free hand.
“Do you yield, merlin?”
`Damn, no way out of this one.' Her own blade was just barely touching her skin, leaving a faint red line. “Hai, my lord.”
Merkamou relaxed his arms, letting Rin move her blade away from her own throat. “You were most impressive, merlin. Your skill with the two katanas is considerable.”
“Arigato, my lord. Would you consider getting off of me?”
Realizing the rather awkward position he was in, Merkamou jumped to his feet and tried to not look flustered. `It is Rin, it is just Rin. A muscular, strong, attractive . . . Stop that!' He offered a hand to help his sparing partner up. She took it gracefully, pulling herself to her feet and brushing the dirt from her armor.
“Well, it has been awhile since I found myself pinned on my back like that. Shall we try it again, my lord?” Head tipped to the side, Rin waited for her friend to come and play again.
`Does she have any idea what that sounded like? Evidently not.' Merkamou faced off with her again. “Of course, merlin. Perhaps you will refrain from any questionable blows, this time.”
“And give up my one advantage? Not likely, my lord.”
“Oh, Kami, I hurt all over.”
Rin sank deeper into the hot water, her hair piled up on the top of her hair. Her companions just rolled their eyes, not feeling terribly sympathetic.
“Next time you won't spar with Merkamou for two hours straight, baka. You would probably still be out there if we hadn't dragged you back to the palace.” Kagome did not even open her eyes, just laid her head back on the edge of the pool and sighed. “You have no one to blame but yourself.”
“He didn't need to drop me quite that hard, or from that high. My back is killing me!” Rubbing her bruised body, Rin glared at her friends. `Some sympathy would still be nice.'
“If you are going to giggle at a taiyoukai after knocking him down, you are going to end up flat out on the ground, silly.” This time it was Sango offering a bit of wisdom.
“I thought you were wonderful, Rin-chan.” Mizuki's silver hair stood out in the group of black haired females. Her ears twitched a bit with excitement. “It was amazing, I have never seen fighting like that. Not even when you fight with Aunt Sango or the Captain!”
“That's because Rin holds back against us, don't you, Rin-chan?” Sango fixed her student with a bit of a glare.
The object of their attention squirmed in the hot water. “Just a little. I worry that I'm going to hurt one of you.”
“But you don't worry about Merkamou?”
“No, he's a taiyoukai, he can take care of himself. Even if I slipped and got through his guard it would not hurt him for more than a day or two.”
“So you were going all out against him.” Kagome pulled Mizuki over so she could pile her hair up on top of her head and pin it there.
“Hai. Kind of embarrassing to give it everything I've got and not win a single match.” The young woman glared at the water. It had been fun to lose herself in a fight like that, but it was frustrating to never win.
“Don't beat up on yourself too much. That is like taking on Sesshomaru. You are still a ningen, and you should be proud that you did manage to knock him down a couple of times. I know he was impressed, to say nothing about entertained.”
“Merkamou is not like father! Nobody is as strong as father.” Glaring at her mother over her shoulder, Mizuki crossed her arms.
Kagome rolled her eyes behind her daughter. “Easy, sugar. I wasn't saying that he is as strong as your father, just saying that he is a taiyoukai, like your father. Rin-chan should be proud that she was able to face him at all, and I know he was not holding much back.”
“Mama, don't call me that.”
Sticking her tongue out at her daughter, Kagome turned her attention back to Sango. “What do you think, Sango-chan? You've never seen him in action before.”
“While I agree with Mizuki that Sesshomaru would win, I think that Merkamou would give your mate a serious run for his money. They are so different, it's hard to compare them. It's a wonder that Sesshomaru can stand him.”
“It is a battle at times to keep him from just attacking Merkamou.” Kagome finished Mizuki's hair and let her go back to her spot.
“It would be interesting, to see what would happen if those two ever fought.” Rin did not even seem fully aware of her companions as she thought. “He does have some strong attacks, maybe it would not be a foregone conclusion on who would win.”
“Rin-chan? Did you just suggest that somebody might be able to beat your Sesshomaru-sama? Have you been in the hot water for too long?” A shocked stare was coming from Kagome and Sango. Mizuki looked scandalized.
Blushing, Rin looked back down at the water. “It was just a thought.”
“Really.” Kagome was giving the girl an appraising look, but decided to let it drop.
“My ladies?” Kumo stuck her head in the door. “You will miss your meal if you do not come out of the water now.”
“Hai, Kumo. Arigato.”
The group of ladies climbed out of the water, finding towels and robes so that they could return to their rooms and dress. Rin was still moving slowly, her body insisting that she take it easy. Mizuki stood on her tip toes to help Rin get her robe on over sore shoulders. Once in the halls the ladies scattered to their separate rooms. Of course the aching young woman was the last to find her room. Down the hall she could see Merkamou emerging from the room he had been given for his stay, wearing a robe and carrying a towel of his own. His upgrade to family friend had provided him with a guest room in the same wing as the family.
The taiyoukai had seen her as well, catching the movement of her robe as he entered the hall. “I was starting to believe that all of the palace's ladies had drowned.”
Sticking her tongue out at him, Rin carefully slid her own door open. “Settle your feathers, my lord. The baths are now empty and you can enjoy them at your leisure.”
“It is for the best that the ladies have now vacated it. I was contemplating ways to convince the group to move on so that others could bathe.”
“If you would have gone through with any of these plans, my lord, I am certain that you would have been severely injured. Entering the baths while Kagome-chan is soaking would have been very foolish.”
“To say nothing about the questionable blows you would have landed on my person.”
Rin crossed her eyes at him and moved into her room, hiding her aching movements as much as possible. The argument was going nowhere, and she still needed to dress. It was very odd to argue with Merkamou in the hall, dressed in a robe with her hair in a damp, messy pile on the top of her head. It felt almost awkward, knowing that she was not wearing nearly enough clothing to be talking to a male, but it was Merkamou! He didn't count.
The memory of his body crushing hers to the ground came rushing back. Gold eyes locked on hers, a smile on his face. Not the dark amber of Sesshomaru's, but a bright gold. She had spent a considerable amount of time on the ground, usually with him over top of her or underneath her. Not at all like the games they had played when she was just a pup. He had not had a lot of luck disarming her or getting both of her blades tied up, so he had resorted to simply pinning her to force a yield in most of the matches.
Not that she minded.
Gasping in her room, Rin slapped a hand to her cheek. `What? That's Merkamou! He's like an uncle to me! Sure, I haven't seen him in ten years, but still. I think I hit my head too hard.'
Shaking her head she pulled out her clothing for dinner, choosing to wear a kimono instead of her usual haori and hakama. They did have company, after all. She chose a lovely cream colored piece with dark blue flowers and metallic fish. A dark blue obi went with it, and Rin knew she was stuck. She went back out into the hall to find Kumo. Just this once, she would have someone help her to dress. Maybe Kagome's assistant could even be convinced to help her with her hair. Sure, Kumo did not really hold the position of maid anymore, but Rin was too shy to track down someone else. And knowing Kumo, she would be delighted to have a willing female to dress. It did not happen often in this palace.
`Just this once I'll look the part of Sesshomaru-sama's ward and surprise that hawk.'