InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ A Deal ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Aw, I'm being predictable, am I? You know that won't last. *grin* Enjoy. I don't own any of the really cool ones.
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“Rin-neechan? Rin-neechan, do you still have those silver hair combs? Can I borrow them? What are you doing?”
Mizuki came to a dead stop, staring at her big sister.
“Mizuki! Don't you know how to knock?” Rin darted forward and pulled her sister into her room, shutting the door behind her.
“Sorry, Rin-neechan, but what are you doing? Kumo-sama? What's going on?”
“What does it look like, silly? I'm getting dressed, and Kumo is helping me.” A quick glare, then Rin went back to where Kumo was waiting to finish tying some of her clothes. The layers of silk were quickly rearranged and the obi was secured around her waist.
“Gee, Rin-neechan, I couldn't figure that out.” Letting her usual façade slip with her big sister, Mizuki stuck her tongue out. “What I meant was why are you wearing that? I can't even remember the last time you wore a kimono like that.”
“We have company.” Rin tried to ignore the heat on her face, knowing that she was blushing. Kumo plunked her down on a cushion so she could work on the teenager's hair. “The silver combs are in the box with the rest of them, help yourself.”
“I wish I could dress like that for company.” Looking down at her simple clothing, Mizuki sighed. She was still considered too young to wear the elaborate clothing that Rin was wearing. Rummaging through the box of combs she pulled out the matched pair of silver ones that she loved.
Mischief was dancing in Rin's eyes. “Stand up straight for a second, Mizuiki-chan. How tall are you these days?” Rin glanced back to Kumo. “Do you think it would fit her?”
“I'm not sure, Rin-sama. It might be a bit big on her, but it will be close. Kagome-sama will not approve, though. Mizuki-sama is only eight years old, and too young for such elaborate clothing.” Kumo put some gold combs in her mouth, twisting Rin's hair up and pinning it into place.
“I am not too young.”
“Kumo, I was just two years older than her when I wore it.” Rin winced a little when her hair was pulled into place.
“But you are a ningen.” Kumo pulled the combs out of her mouth so that she could speak clearly. “Mizuki-sama may look like you did when you were ten, but for a youkai she is considered to be little more than a toddler. Pups grow quickly until they are able to move about and care for themselves, then the aging slows down dramatically. Mizuki-sama will not seem any different ten years from now. It will be another twenty years before she is considered old enough to be an adolescent.”
Mizuki groaned. “Hey, I'm standing right here, you know! And I do not want to wait another ten or twenty years to wear the same kind of clothes as Rin.”
“Oh, come on Kumo. There are no rules saying that she cannot where my clothes. I have seen younger youkai then her dressed in full formal attire in court.”
“I am just explaining what her mother wishes.” Defeat was just around the bend, and Kumo knew it. “Let us see if the clothing even fits. The whole discussion may be pointless.”
Kumo went into Rin's closet, looking in the very back to find a carefully stored pile of silk. Pulling the pile to her chest, she turned to find the silver haired pup practically climbing on top of her to see what she had found. Shaking out the layers, the dark blue kimono was revealed, with silver fish running from the shoulder down to the hem. Draped over her arm were more layers of silk and a light blue obi. Dancing about with excitement Mizuki's sapphire eyes were shining. `Oh, please let it fit!'
Holding the kimono against the girl, Kumo nodded. “Hai, it will fit her. You do realize that Kagome-sama is going to be very annoyed, correct?”
“I will take the blame, Kumo. It will be worth it to make Mizuki-chan that happy. She's been wanting to dress like this since the first time she saw me getting ready for a formal dinner.” Smiling, Rin ran a hand through her little sister's hair. “I'm the big sister, and it is my job to spoil her rotten.”
“Go and talk to Kagome-sama so that you do not have to face her with company. Believe me, it will be better this way. I will help Mizuki-sama to change. Come, young one, and we will get you dressed. And we will need to do your hair, ne?”
“Arigato, arigato, arigato Kumo-sama and Rin-neechan!” Sprinting down the hall like any pup her age Mizuki zipped into her room well ahead of Kumo.
Bracing herself, Rin went to see Kagome. Tapping politely at the door, she waited till she heard a voice.
“Kagome-chan, it's Rin.”
She could hear voices talking to each other, meaning that Kagome was not alone. The door slid open and Kagome was smiling at her, her hair a bit rumpled and still wearing her robe. “What's up, Rin-chan?”
`Oh, this is awkward. I'm surprised that Sesshomaru-sama has not just told me to come back later.' Looking at the ground to keep from blushing, Rin fidgeted with her obi. “I was dressing, and Mizuki-chan came in, and she wanted to know why I was dressed this way, and then she was asking about what she could wear, and then . . . “
“Rin.” Sesshomaru was looking towards her with that slightly annoyed and amused expression he would get when she was rambling.
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama. Kagome-chan, can Mizuki-chan borrow one of my old kimonos?”
“Nani? She has clothes of her own, you know.” Puzzlement was wrinkling Kagome's brow.
“Hai, but she wants to borrow my blue one that I wore when I went to court with you the first time. Remember, I was supposed to keep you company.”
“Oh, that one. She is awfully young, Rin-chan.” Watching Rin's face melt in disappointment made Kagome soften. “Oh, fine. She can wear it. I'll never hear the end of it if I tell her no. I suppose this means that I will need to dress nicely, too. What is bringing all of this on? It's just dinner you know.”
“I wanted to make a good impression, and show how much I've changed since Merkamou-sama saw me last time.”
“Hn.” The years with Sesshomaru had added some new expressions to Kagome's vocabulary, and that was one that she used rather frequently.
“I am going to go check on Mizuki-chan and let you finish changing.” Giving a quick bow Rin escaped before more questions could be sent her way. Trotting down the hall she tapped on Mizuki's door before slipping in. “It's all clear, Mizuki-chan. Mama said its okay.”
“Oh, wonderful. I did not want to cause a problem tonight.” Kumo looked up with a smile from helping Mizuki with the various layers.
For her part Mizuki was silent, reveling in the chance to play dress up.
“I'll be right back, I'm going to warn Sango that everybody is dressing up for dinner. She'll be mad if she is the only one that doesn't know.”
The door slid shut behind Rin, leaving the pup and the assistant alone. “Well, Mizuki-sama, what shall we do with your hair?”
“I do have those combs from Rin-neechan, but other then that I don't know.”
“Here, pup, I will take care of it.” Skilled hands moved through the silver hair, pulling it away from the young face. “Your parents will be very surprised, I believe.”
“I hope so, Kumo-sama.”
`He may be a cold bastard, but he does sire lovely pups.' Merkamou watched as Sesshomaru's little daughter bowed carefully to him and moved to her place next to her mother. The dark blue of her kimono set off her eyes to a lovely effect, and her silver hair was pulled back with combs just behind her fluffy ears. `She will be a heartbreaker when she is older, hanyou or no.'
The two exterminators were next to each other, almost unrecognizable when dressed as fine ladies. Especially Rin. What had happened to the impulsive child? Now she looked the part of a noble lady, the ward of a great lord. Why was she not mated and in a home of her own? She looked to be old enough, and with her position and appearance it was hard to imagine that no ningen family would want her. He would ask Sesshomaru about this later.
Dinner was a quiet affair, with small talk interspersed throughout the dishes. Mizuki and Kagome were the first to retire from the meal, quickly followed by Sesshomaru.
Smiling, Sango bowed herself out. “You youngsters can stay up as late as you wish, but I have had a long day and am calling it a night.”
Merkamou looked over to the lady left at the table. She was still picking at her plate, concentrating on not making a mess. A single lock of hair had escaped and was trailing over her face, making her growl at it. `Ah, this is more like the merlin I know.' Fighting back a chuckle, Merkamou caught the exterminator's attention. “Have you any stories for me, merlin?”
“Nani, my lord?”
“I am certain that you have stories about your great battles that you could share.”
“Oh, umm, I don't really have any great battles to share. I'm not a great warrior like you, Merkamou-sama.” She fought down the urge to fidget with her clothes.
“I beg to differ, merlin. I did see you take down that bear youkai yesterday, and seeing you in action today has led me to believe that you are a very capable fighter. Do not be modest, I would truly like to hear your stories.”
“Well, I did have an interesting time with this snake youkai that was trying to attack Mizouki a couple of years back. You would think that the youkai in this area would learn, but they never do. It attacked the guards, killed one and knocked the other one back. It tried to go for Mizouki, ignoring me. I am always armed, ever since that attack in the gardens when you were here last. So I drew my sword and managed to get a hit on him to get him away from Mizouki. He was fast! I kept backing up, drawing him away from Mizouki and trying to get him to be overly confident. Doesn't take much when you are just a ningen.” A bitter look crossed the young face. “He just kept lunging at me, exactly the same way over and over again. So I spun to the side and let him lunge right past me, then ran him through and lopped his head off. Of course he was poisonous, and his blood was getting on everything. I still have the scar on my arm from where it burnt through my sleeve. Mizouki zipped off faster then I could see to get help and the healer was able to save my arm.”
“Unbelievable that they still do not respect you. How many youkai will you need to slaughter before word gets out that the oldest of Sesshomaru's pups is far more dangerous than the guards?”
“It's kind of convenient, actually. There has not been an attack in the palace since that one, so maybe word has gotten out. Most of my experience has been out with Sango training. We did run into this weasel youkai. That was a tricky beast. I thought the kitsune were bad with their tricks, but he rivaled them. Trying to work out which was the illusion and which was the youkai almost got me killed, but in the end I noticed that the original could not stop mumbling to himself, while his illusions were silent. I do think that weasel was insane, my lord.”
“Quite possible. I ran into a weasel not too long ago, and it was quite certainly insane. It was insisting that I was its mate, and hunted me for days, wailing. I did end destroying it when it attacked me for being unfaithful. I do hope it was a female.”
Very unladylike snorts were coming from Rin. “I should hope so, my lord. Here you are complaining about not being able to find a mate, and this youkai was throwing itself at you.”
“And you are going to lecture me? I do not see any males here looking for your hand. Is it possible that you are the one that is not accepting suitors? Or have you frightened them away?”
“You've been talking to Kagome-chan, Merkamou-sama.” Rin crossed her arms and glared. “If they are frightened away after one sparing match then I do not think they are acceptable.”
“Sparing? You have been sparing with your suitors? Kami, merlin, I do not know of any ningen male that could stand up to that.” Merkamou still had a smile on, very amused at the image of his merlin pounding on some uppity member of the ningen royalty.
“Not you, too. I would think that you would support me in this. I do not want a male that is embarrassed by me, or that is helpless. I'm starting to think that I will remain single and live here the rest of my days. It does have some appeal, since I do not want to ever leave Kagome-chan and Sesshomaru-sama, but it sounds rather lonely.”
“Self pity does not suit you, merlin.”
Angry eyes snapped to the youkai's face. “Excuse me, my lord?”
“I would think that a fighter of your caliber would not indulge in bouts of self pity. If you are unhappy with a situation, then you should do something about it.”
“And you are lecturing me, why? You are not mated either, despite your protests that you wish to be, my lord.”
A soft hiss escaped the youkai. “It is more difficult when there is a political consideration. I cannot just choose an appealing female, there are alliances to consider.”
“That sounds like an evasion, my lord. You could admit that it is not a matter of just choosing someone for either of us. I discussed this with Kagome-chan, and I have been told that I am not to just pick a male and whack him over the head.”
“Whack him?” A blank stare was quickly replaced by laughter. “Oh, Kami, merlin. I feel sympathy for your future mate. He will have his hands full, to be certain.”
“And the same to you, my lord.” Rin took a sip of her tea. “I will make a deal with you. You will keep an eye out for acceptable ningen males, and I will look for acceptable youkai females. I am certain that Kagome-chan will assist me in my hunt, since you have stricter requirements.”
“That is a deal, merlin.”
“All right, ladies, settle down. We all know why we are here.”
“We know that you are making us be here, but we're not sure on why exactly we are here. Can't this wait until morning?”
Kagome gave Sango a glare. “We are going to brainstorm for females that we can introduce to Merkamou. And we have Hideaki and his son coming. From what I understand his son is unmated and with no commitments. We do have some nice females here, and some of them have very impressive bloodlines.”
“And explain to me why I'm here?” Sango gave her friend a long suffering look.
“Because the rest of us had to suffer, so you do, too,” Rin giggled.
“I'm not suffering.” Mizuki was excited to be with the adults.
“Suck up. You're just happy to be up past your bed time.” Rin stuck her tongue out at her little sister.
“Kagome-sama, I do have some suggestions from the court, but there is also the unmated daughter of Hideaki-sama. We should consider that possibility for Merkamou-sama.” Kumo had a list in front of her with notes scribbled next to the names.
“Hmm, I wonder if they have met each other.” Kagome made a note on her own paper. “I could always ask if Lady Akira had a daughter that was of age.”
“Are you nuts? Merkamou is not going to mate a daughter of that bastard!”
“Watch your language, Rin-chan.” Kagome glanced at Mizuki who was soaking up everything Rin said like a sponge.
“It's okay, Mama. I have heard you call father that one.”
Kagome stared at the table as her friends burst out laughing.
“Perhaps, Rin-sama, you know some of these females.” Kumo handed her list over to Rin, watching as the young woman scanned down the list.
“Well, I can tell you who will not work. The Ladies Natsumi, Aiko, and Shizuka will never work out, they are all much too boring. We need a female that will keep him entertained long enough to make it through a courtship.” Rin slid the list over to Kagome. “We may have a shot with Ladies Sora and Yoshiko. They are both very well educated, and I know that Lady Sora is a wonderful story teller.”
“And as vain as the day is long.” Sango rolled her eyes. “I know that name, at least. I can not remember ever seeing her without a mirror nearby.”
“It is still worth a try. You never know, Merkamou may find that to be entertaining as well. Besides, she is a cousin to Sesshomaru on his mother's side and it would be a good match.” Kagome drew a little star next to Sora's name. “Lady Yoshiko is not as royal, but has a very pleasant personality.”
“She is scared of spiders,” Mizuki offered. “And of heights and small rooms.”
“That is a little less then promising.” Kumo leaned over to put a dash next to her name. “Not to be ruled out completely, but not as likely.”
“There is not a fighter in the lot. I believe Merkamou will be disappointed.” Rin smiled a bit to herself.
Kagome bit back a groan. “If he is looking for a blue blooded youkai female that can fight, he is going to have a very difficult search. Most of these ladies have learned enough to know which end of a sword to grab onto, but they do not take it seriously. They see it as an opportunity to show off to prospective mates. Lady Tamiko is rumored to be a great fighter . . .”
“But she has as much personality as her blade. That is a lost cause.” Rin dropped her head to her hands. “This is far too much trouble. How do any of these youkai lords find a mate? Honestly?”
“Most are not as picky as Merkamou-sama.” Kumo looked over the list again. “Many of the lords will accept whichever female provides the strongest alliance or the best title. Merkamou-sama is unique for insisting on a female that is entertaining as well.”
“Perhaps we should advise him to look to the alliance or title, and be flexible on the rest of his requirements.” Sango tipped her head over and looked to Kagome. “It does not need to be a match of love, at least not in the beginning. As long as they believe they can tolerate each other.”
“Oh, but I don't want Merkamou to be miserable. I want him to fall in love!”
Kagome's outburst made several pairs of eyes roll. Kumo was the first to speak up. “He is a taiyoukai, Kagome-sama. It is more important that he have an appropriate mate and produce an heir then he fall in love.”
“Can't he fall in love and have both?”
“Focus, Kagome-chan.” Sango poked her friend in the arm. “All you can do is introduce him to acceptable females that are possibilities.”
“Why acceptable? I wasn't acceptable, and it worked out just fine.” Glancing around the table, Kagome looked for support. “Let's not limit our choices too much.”
“Unless you are planning on finding another powerful miko, we are going to need to stay with the noble youkai females to keep Merkamou-sama's position secure.” Kumo was looking her list over again. “I would also like to try Lady Naomi.”
“You guys are no fun.” Kagome pouted as the list of names was discussed by her friends.
Sesshomaru continued down the hall, fighting down laughter at the antics of his mate. Of course Kagome would want Merkamou to fall in love. She was an optimist till the end, and had even managed to make her own cold mate fall in love. It would be very interesting to watch as she introduced Merkamou to the various females at court. He would not be surprised if old Hideaki's daughter was summoned for a visit. Merkamou did not know what he had started, and Sesshomaru had very little pity for his ally.