InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Company for Dinner ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Just because I feel like it, here's another chapter. Have fun!
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“Ladies, what are the rules?”
“No running, no swearing, no hitting, no yelling.” Mizuki and Rin spoke in perfect unison.
“And Rin?”
“No challenges.”
Sango was highly amused by this display. “Kagome, do you guys do this every time you have company?”
“Only when we are going to try to give a good impression. Once the first impressions are done all bets are off. Hideaki has been talking with Sesshomaru and Merkamou since he got here, and now he is going to get to meet the rest of the pack. Except Katsuro, he'll meet him tomorrow. I don't think Katsuro could make it through a whole meal with trying to throw something.” Checking her own hair for the last time Kagome eyeballed her pups.
“I will remember this for when my own children are old enough.” Hiding her laughter behind her hand Sango's eyes smiled at her trainee.
Rin and Mizuki looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Mama, we know how to behave. Really.” Dressed in another kimono lent to her by Rin, Mizuki looked quite a bit older than eight.
`I will need to arrange for new clothes for her, since she will never let me change my mind now. She does look very nice though.' Tucking a stray silver strand back in with the rest, Kagome smiled at her daughter. “Mizuki, I am just reminding everyone. I know you will be perfect as always.”
The snort was out before Rin was even aware that it was coming.
“Rin, on the other hand, does have a history of trouble making.” Crossing her arms, Kagome glared at the girl that was now a few inches taller than she was. “Well? Do you think we can make it through this visit without any fights?”
“I will not start them, Kagome-chan.”
Grinding her teeth, Kagome turned on her heel to march to the dining hall. Her companions trailed behind her, whispering to each other. “I can hear you, you know!”
“Hideaki-sama, may I present my mate, the Lady Kagome. Kagome, this is the Lord of the North and his son, Isamu.”
Bowing low, Kagome concentrated on measured, calm movements. She tucked her hands into her sleeves so that she would not be tempted to fidget with anything or gesture wildly. “An honor, my lord.”
“It is a great pleasure to meet you, Kagome-sama. I have heard many tales of your strength, but not nearly enough of your beauty.” The cool blue eyes gave nothing away, but there was a friendly cast to his face. He had hair to about the middle of his back, silver spotted with black in a leopard pattern. His clothing was in shades of blue, conservative while giving the impression of wealth. He was slightly shorter than Sesshomaru, with two horizontal lines of blue on his otherwise perfect face. He was quiet, conservative, but radiated control and power. While Sesshomaru was ice, he was the calm of a deep lake. The surface gave nothing away, but it was still more welcoming than the Lord of the West.
“I am flattered, my lord.” Straightening up, Kagome gave a shy smile. Behind Hideaki glowered his son, not even bothering to hide his annoyance. Despite the fact that Kagome knew he was a century old, he did not look a day over nineteen. He looked like a younger, untested, and less controlled version of his father. “Isamu-sama, it is a pleasure to meet you as well.”
“I have no time for this.” Isamu spun on his heel and marched to the door. Hideaki was staring at his son with one eyebrow raised, disapproval evident. Even Sesshomaru and Merkamou looked annoyed with the young lord's lack of manners.
`Oh, no you don't, cub.' Kagome slapped up a barrier across the door and let the impatient youkai slam right into it. It was most satisfying to see the rude male stumble back with a shocked expression.
“What is this? Who is doing this?”
“I apologize, my lord, but I have not had a chance to meet you yet. Would you care to return and share a meal with us?” Kagome's sweet voice gave none of her plans away, but her eyes were flashing with annoyance.
“I wish to leave. I will not sit here surrounded by weaklings and disgusting half-breeds.”
A slight catch of breath was the only sound Mizuki made, and she did not move. The tiny sound was more than enough for her mother, though. “Cub, I recommend that you apologize to my daughter immediately. You are in my home, and you will not insult my children.”
Sesshomaru made a move towards the youngster, but an almost invisible hand signal from Kagome kept him back. She was advancing herself, casually pulling her sleeves up. “It is your choice, my lord. You may continue to insult my family in our own home and bring dishonor on your father, or you may apologize and we can sit down to a nice meal. Of course, if you do not apologize, I am going to hurt you. A lot.” The exposed hands were now glowing pink.
“You would not dare.” Isamu glanced to his father, and found him standing with the other taiyoukai with a slightly amused expression.
“Oh, cub. You obviously have not met Kagome-sama.” Merkamou was chuckling to himself. “Trust me, you do not wish for her to get a hold of you. If I were you I would apologize.”
“Apologize to a ningen? Never.” Isamu closed the remaining distance between himself and the miko to glare down at her. There was a flash of pink as the miko dropped the old barrier and a new barrier was erected to keep her enraged mate on the other side of the room.
“Baka.” Kagome set her hand against the lord's chest and threw him across the room so that he slid to a stop against a wall. Shaking her head, she walked across the room at a leisurely pace. “Do we need to do that again, or have you learned your lesson on manners?”
Nausea rushed over Kagome as Sesshomaru attacked the barrier keeping him away. It was only one hit, but he was certainly mad enough to make it count. Fighting away the haze around her vision, Kagome reached down to grab onto the visitor's arm. The familiar burning smell filled the air as she gave him a nasty burn on his arm, leaving a smoldering hole in his clothes. “You may apologize at your leisure, my lord.”
Glaring past her at his father, who was watching with the same calm expression, Isamu gave. “I apologize to Mizuki-sama for my comment. It was uncalled for.”
“Good boy.” Kagome turned to lock eyes with her mate. `Oh, great. He hasn't been that pissed in years.' Merkamou had edged a short distance away from Sesshomaru and was watching him with leery eyes. Struggling to avoid swaying, Kagome moved so that she was right in front of the inu-youkai. As her barrier fell she dropped a hand on his arm, calming him. Her eyes fluttered as exhaustion dragged at her, but she was able to stay upright with the support of his arm.
The amber eyes locked with hers, a very clear thought being directed her way. `We will deal with this later.'
Gulp. Kagome gave Sesshomaru a weak smile and allowed him to walk her to her seat. She was thankful to be sitting, with the world insisting on moving around the way it was. The rest of the group took the signal and settled into their places. With everyone seated dinner was quickly brought out and gave everyone something to focus on other than the recent exchange.
Hideaki seemed to have completely forgotten the sight of his son flying through the air. “Sesshomaru-sama, your introductions were rudely interrupted, so I do not know several of the lovely ladies dining with us tonight. Could you please introduce me?”
“Apologies. This is my daughter, Mizuki.”
The pup immediately climbed to her feet and bowed. “My lord.”
“This is my ward, Rin, and the youkai exterminator Sango.”
The two dark haired females stood and bowed together. “My lord.”
With just eight people eating and the social nature of the visit the meal was family style. Isamu would cast the occasional glare towards Kagome, but stopped the behavior when she caught him in the act. She set one hand on the table, glowing ever so slightly, and raised one eyebrow at him. Grimacing, the youngster turned away. The exchange was not lost on Merkamou, who was trying to behave like the other taiyoukai but having a very difficult time.
“You set a fine table, Sesshomaru-sama. Your kitchens have prepared enough for an army, and yet there are only eight of us tonight.” Hideaki helped himself to some more of the pork. He caught an amused glance from Merkamou directed at the ward, and the ward's quick move to hide behind a sleeve. “Perhaps you will let us in on the joke, Merkamou-sama.”
“The hunt today did not go exactly to plan, Hideaki-sama. That is all.”
“Perhaps Rin-sama would enlighten me as to how the hunt was so amusing.” Hideaki was curious as to why the ward would be involved in this joke.
“We did not intend to bring back two, my lord, only one. It seems that the fates had other plans. The sow attacked after we had brought the boar down, so we brought back twice as much food as planned.” The girl had a polite smile, her mirth now under control.
“We? It was you who accompanied Merkamou-sama?”
Now Rin was blushing, uncertain on how she was supposed to answer. “Hai, my lord.”
Isamu tried giving Rin a glare, since Kagome did not seem like a safe choice. The soft brown eyes caught his, quickly assessing his look. The soft color hardened to steel and her free hand began to move to her waist before clenching and coming to rest on the table. Isamu was now curious. `Is that ningen seriously considering challenging me? What kind of females does Sesshomaru keep in this place?'
Fighting back a sigh Kagome gave Rin a tap on her arm. A guilty look, then Rin relaxed her hand and focused on her meal. Sango also relaxed, now that she did not have to worry about intercepting her trainee before she vaulted over the table at the honored guests. `You would think that she would have more self control. Honestly.'
As soon as it was polite Kagome was excusing herself and her daughter from the room. Mizuki had been absolutely silent the entire meal and had barely moved other than to eat. With a quick bow Kagome escorted the pup from the room, giving Isamu a parting glare for his words.
“I think you made an enemy today, cub.”
Isamu almost missed the comment from Merkamou, as he was too busy glaring at the door the two females had left through. “Excuse me?”
“Kagome-sama will not forget your insults today.”
“Insolent wench,” Isamu growled under his breath. The attack did not come from the inu-youkai, as he had expected, but came instead from his own father. His throat was in a vise like grip, making breathing impossible as his father stared at him with impassive eyes.
“You will conduct yourself with honor, Isamu. Do not insult Sesshomaru-sama's mate while eating at his table.” Releasing his son, Hideaki returned to his meal.
“Very well, father. I will not insult Sesshomaru-sama's mate.” The dark glare directed at the other two ningen left the rest of his thought plain to any.
“If you have something to say, my lord, it would be better to just say it.” Rin's soft voice was in a direct contrast to the look on her face as she locked her eyes on his, her body still.
“Rin,” Sango hissed, trying to distract her.
“I have nothing to say to you, weakling.”
Rin's hand went to her side, finding her twin hilts.
“Rin, no challenges!” Tugging on her trainee's arm, Sango tried to make Rin look away without luck.
“Let her challenge me, it would be amusing.” Isamu's hand was going to his own waist.
One of Rin's katanas moved, an inch of steel showing.
“Rin.” The cold voice washed over the young warrior like a bucket of water.
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama. Gomen nasai.” Taking a deep breath, she turned to Isamu. “I apologize for my behavior.”
Isamu's fingers twitched, disappointed that his fun was getting away. Bowing, Sango and Rin excused themselves and left the taiyoukai alone. Sesshomaru's face gave away nothing, but he desperately wanted to slaughter Hideaki's heir on the spot. Not only his mate and his daughter, but now his ward had been insulted.
“Hideaki-sama, as you have been a peaceful neighbor to this family for many centuries this Sesshomaru will not harm your heir. Tonight. He would do well to not insult my pack.”
“Understood, Sesshomaru-sama.” Hideaki pierced his son with a glare. `The cub will be paying for this dishonorable behavior.'
“That ningen was challenging me. I was within my rights. Her life is mine to take.” Crossing his arms in defiance, Isamu glared at the older taiyoukai. He was not expecting laughter.
“Cub, I would be highly surprised if you were able to take that one's life.” Still laughing, Merkamou shook his head. “Sesshomaru-sama, will you let this fool risk his life like that?”
“If he is fool enough to start the fight, this Sesshomaru will not stay Rin's hand.”
“May I be excused?” Without waiting for an answer Isamu stormed from the room.
`Well, this meal went well. Merkamou must be delighted.' Fighting down the urge to rub his head, Sesshomaru finished off his tea.
“The littles are all gone, let us find some sake and have a real discussion.” Merkamou was grinning at his companions.
Hideaki stretched. “That is not a bad idea. Sesshomaru, I do apologize for Isamu. He has never been particularly fond of ningens and always thought that you had the right attitude regarding them. When he heard that you had taken a miko he was rather angry about it.”
“He will learn. Perhaps I will let Rin teach him a lesson.”
The tea was being whisked away and was being replaced by a bottle of sake and some cups. Merkamou poured for all three. Drinking the sake, the three relaxed slightly.
“You think your Rin can defeat him?” Hideaki eyed the aloof inu-youkai. It was not like him to place any faith in another's abilities.
“I have not seen your heir in battle, but Rin is a skilled fighter. It would be interesting.”
“I think she could beat him.” Merkamou's eyes were glowing with amusement. “I have seen Isamu before, and while he is strong he has all of the recklessness of youth. She would be able to slide through those holes.”
“Would you care to wager on it?” Hideaki had one vice, and it was gambling. He was an unstopable tactician, a cool negotiator, and an awe inspiring fighter, but he could not pass up a wager.
“You will not wager on my ward's life.” Sesshomaru was not surprised, but he was not amused that Rin's life would be the focus of a bet.
“Not to the death, just some sparring. The merlin is always looking for a new opponent, and it would do Isamu some good to face a ningen of her abilities.” Leaning forward in excitement, Merkamou tried to sway Sesshomaru. “I will not enter a wager without Sesshomaru's permission, of course.”
“Do as you please.” Taking another drink Sesshomaru tried to ignore the escalating situation.
“What shall we wager, Hideaki?”
“I have a cask of sake that is like the nectar of the gods. What will you put against that?”
Hideaki's eyes were locked on Merkamou, waiting for his offer.
“I have a matched pair of throwing daggers, wonderfully weighted as well as being examples of exquisite craftsmanship. I understand that you are quite the marksman, and would get good use from them.” Merkamou's guess was on the mark as Hideaki nodded.
“Hai. It is a wager then. Shall we say three rounds, to a yield or kill? My sake against your daggers?”
“That is a wager, Hideaki.” Merkamou leaned across the table to shake on the bet. He was already envisioning a new cask of sake to enjoy.
“If you both have finished this behavior.” Momentarily forgotten, Sesshomaru gave his companions cold looks.
Taking a risk, Merkamou raised an eyebrow at Sesshomaru. “Do you ever have any fun, Sesshomaru?”
Amber eyes met gold, and for an instant Merkamou could have sworn that Sesshomaru had amusement in his eyes. But the eyes were as cold as ever as he spoke. “It is well known that this Sesshomaru does not indulge in fun.”
Hideaki snorted. “Hai, Sesshomaru.”
“Mizuki? Are you going to talk to me tonight?”
The sapphire eyes were dark with hurt. “Am I disgusting, Mama?”
Heart breaking, Kagome pulled her daughter into her lap. “No, no, a million times no. He is a rude, arrogant pig.”
“Snow leopard.”
“You know what I mean, Mizuki. You didn't believe him when he called Rin a weakling, did you?”
“Of course not! Rin could beat him up any day.”
Tucking her daughter's silver hair back, Kagome smiled. “Then why would you believe what he said about you?”
“It was the way he looked at me. Like I was disgusting. It made me feel all cold and slimy.”
“He won't do it again. Your mama taught him a lesson, remember?”
“Hai. That was kind of scary. How did you do that?”
`That's right, she's never seen me fight before.' Kagome turned her daughter so she could see her face. “Your mama's a miko.”
“I know that.” Life was coming back to the pup as she gave her mother an aggravated glare. “Is that what mikos do? All that pink glowing? Father did not look happy.”
“No, he does not like it when I use that trick. He likes the other tricks even less, though. The burns hurt quite a bit, or so I'm told.”
“You have burned father?”
“Just sometimes, when he's being naughty. Oh, don't give me that look. Somebody has to keep him in line.”
“If you say so, Mama.”
Giggling at her daughter's scandalized expression Kagome pulled her into a hug. “Do not even think about what Isamu said. If he says anything else to you then you can pick who beats him up.”
“Who do I get to pick from?”
“Me, Rin, or your father.”
“Perhaps I will let everyone have a turn, to be fair.”
Giggles erupted from the pup when her mother started tickling her. “I think you're really mad at him, to set all three of us on him at the same time.”
“He was most dishonorable, insulting us in our own home. He deserves it.”
“Fair enough. Do you want a story before bed?”
“Please? The one about the well?”
“All right. Once upon a time there was a girl who lived at a shrine. One day, while chasing her cat, she fell through a magical well and went 500 years into the past. She met many friends, many enemies, and one person who was to be her mate.”