InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ From the East ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Nope, no purehearted mikos here. I think you're mixed up with another story. Thanks for the compliment on Merkamou, he is a favorite of mine. Honestly, still debating on Rin's fate. I'm posting as I go, but there seems to be a lot of votes for Merkamou. We'll see. I don't own any of the originals.
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“Miko, he's here.”
Kagome did not even need to ask who `he' was. “Is he in the palace yet?”
The Captain shook his head. “He is about two hours away. He appears to be alone.”
Katsuro squirmed as his mother's grip tightened. “Notify my guard. I will let Sesshomaru know myself. Find Mizuki and Rin and tell them to come here and wait for me to get back. And send a message off to Sango, lets see if we can get her back here. From now on we assume that there is an assassin in the palace, and it could be anyone. Mizuki and Katsuro are not to be left alone.”
Bowing, the Captain left Kagome to stare at her son. `The assassin is here for you, my son. Why won't they just leave us alone?' Shaking her head, Kagome lifted her son and set out through the palace. Sesshomaru was in a meeting room, and from the feel of things he was not alone.
Slipping into the room, Kagome bowed. “My lord, may I speak with you for a moment?”
“Hai.” Sesshomaru rose and moved to her side. She took his arm and steered him out the door.
“He's two hours away.”
Her mate's body tensed. “Understood. We will be finished before he arrives.” He turned to return to the room.
“Hideaki, are you going to tell him?”
“I will tell him something. I will not mention the Lady Akira.”
“I will be in my study.” Kagome squeezed his arm, then brought her son back to her study flanked by two guards.
In her study she found Mizuki and Rin, still glaring at each other. Whatever Mizuki was teasing Rin about had not let up since the previous night.
“Rin-chan, the emissary will be here in less then two hours.”
The young warrior glanced at Mizuki, the teasing forgotten. “Very well, Kagome-chan. Mizuki-chan, I am going to move you into my room for the time being.”
“Nani? Mama, what is going on?” Mizuki looked annoyed and worried.
“The emissary is not of the friendly sort. He may be trying to hurt you and Katsuro, so I have asked Rin to stay with you until we think it is safe again. You are also going to have some guards, and you absolutely will not give them the slip. Do you understand how important this is?” Trying not to upset her daughter Kagome tried to downplay the situation.
“He's an assassin, is he not Mama?”
`Damn, she's a bright pup.' Sighing, Kagome gave. “Hai, Mizuki-chan. Either the emissary or someone else coming with him is an assassin.”
“I will stay with Rin. I promise, Mama, I will do what you want.”
Setting down Katsuro, Kagome opened her arms for her daughter. Mizuki moved into her embrace, giving her mother a quick hug before pulling away to sit next to Rin again.
“Well, Mizuki, you are going to be stuck with me a lot for the next week. I am sure we can find plenty of trouble to cause.” Rin ruffled her sister's hair.
“I can go out on Ah-Un starting tomorrow.” Smiling at her sister, Mizuki was already planning. `Maybe this will not be so bad. Rin is more fun than the guards.'
“Rin-chan, don't corrupt my well behaved daughter. I don't need another pup starting fights with the honored guests.”
“He started it.” Crossing her arms Rin gave Kagome a glare.
“Rin-chan does not want to talk about Isamu-sama. She has told me so.” An evil grin was on the pup's face as a blush appeared on her sister's face.
“Mizuki . . .” The years spent in an inu-youkai household had given Rin an excellent growl.
“Is that what this is all about? Have you been teasing Rin about Isamu?” Kagome looked back and forth between the two girls. The answer was obvious when Mizuki ducked her head to hide behind her hair and Rin's blush intensified. “Kami save me from hormones. Mizuki, leave your sister alone.”
“Hai, Mama.”
“And Rin-chan, is it true?”
“Kagome-chan!” Rin's loud voice made Mizuki jump. “No! Where is everybody getting this from? Did I or did I not cause him injury yesterday? And I knocked him over with Ah-Un.”
“Isamu-sama chased Rin-neechan around Ah-Un afterwards. It was very slow, and kind of strange.” Tipping her head over, Mizuki looked to her sister.
“He was too close. I moved away, and he followed me. It was nothing, Mizuki.”
“Hn.” The conversation was bringing back some memories for Kagome. It was not that long ago that she was screaming in the courtyard about a male trying to kill her, and how could that be considered courting?
“Okay, Rin-chan. You don't need to yell, unless you want the whole palace to start asking questions. As long as you two stick together and keep the guards with you, you can go find something to do.” Katusuro was fussing and distracting Kagome.
“We will stay together. Right, Mizuki-chan?” Rin climbed to her feet and tugged her sister up with her.
“Hai, Rin-neechan.”
The sisters left the study, leaving Kagome to focus on Katsuro and her thoughts. `Hmm, I wonder what is going on there. I hope there is nothing, since it would be very hard to try and get her mated to the heir of the North. I would not want her to go through what I am dealing with, anyways. My little ones will hardly know me.' Running her hand over her son's hair, Kagome tried to steer her thoughts away from that dark place. Instead she would focus on the new threat. Mizuki had her sister and guards to keep her safe. Katsuro was a bigger target, and would be staying with his mother, father, or the Captain from now on. The emissary only needed to see Katsuro once, and that would be at a distance with a number of guards and taiyoukai to watch.
“Don't worry, Katsuro. Your mama will keep you safe. Anyone who tries to hurt you will have to answer to me and your father. And your father has a temper, even worse than mine.”
`I hate politics.'
Staring at the bowing emissary, Sesshomaru kept his face blank while he fought off the urge to simply strike this creature down where he stood. Either the emissary was a fabulous actor, or he was not the primary assassin. He truly seemed to be a low ranking noble that had been sent as punishment.
“Sesshomaru-sama, I bring the greetings and felicitations of the Eastern court on the birth of your heir.”
“Uh. . . “ The speech would require a greeting from Sesshomaru at this point, but the lord did not seem to be willing to cooperate. The emissary scrambled to start his speech again. “I look forward to meeting your mate and offspring, my lord. Lord Ryuutaisho was very interested in their wellbeing.”
Squirming, the emissary racked his brain. “Perhaps, my lord, I could meet your family tonight?”
“My mate and eldest will be at dinner. A servant will show you to your rooms and will inform you when dinner is ready.” Sesshomaru gestured, bringing a servant and two guards. With a final cold stare, he turned and left the room.
The emissary stared after the cold inu-youkai. `I will enjoy bringing you agony with the destruction of your mutts.' He followed the servant out, followed by the guards.
“No rules tonight, ladies. We are not out to impress this one.” Kagome tucked her dagger into her obi. “I'd prefer you didn't kill him, though. Only if he does something really rash should you attack him. Other than that we can just ignore him. And no fighting with Isamu.”
Her daughters nodded. Rin was fighting with her hair again, trying to pin it down. Both were dressed in a conservative manner with little in the way of decorations. They were acutely aware that the newest addition was not a friend. Rin was still annoyed that she was going to be sitting next to him, but with Sango at home visiting her family it was the logical place to put him.
“Let's get this over with.” Kagome lifted Katsuro and led the group into the hall. The guards proceeded them and followed them down the hall. The Captain met them in front of the dining room, taking Katsuro. Nodding to Kagome, he turned and took Katsuro away to someplace far away from the suspected assassin.
A final deep breath, and one of the guard's was sliding the door open. Tipping her chin up, Kagome walked into the room. `I am the Lady here, and he will remember that.' Her eyes swept over the males in the room. The taiyoukai were already there, along with the emissary. Cold purple eyes met hers, making her hands tense. She nodded her head to him, then bowed to the rest of the group. “Good evening, my lords.” Behind her Rin and Mizuki echoed her before moving to sit.
“Kagome, this is the emissary from the Lord of the East, Hachiro. Hachiro, this is my mate Lady Kagome, my daughter Lady Mizuki, and my ward Lady Rin.”
`I've been upgraded to a lady. Wow.' Rin sat down next to emissary without even glancing his way. Her eyes instead found those of the hawk sitting across from her. Merkamou did not seem pleased with the seating arrangement either, but he did give her a small, supportive smile. To her far left Isamu was pointedly ignoring Hachiro, but she did catch him glancing at her. She snapped her attention back to her food, while keeping her senses on the male next to her. If he so much as twitched the wrong way she would take an arm off before he could do anything with the dagger she could see at his waist.
Uncomfortable silence settled on the room.
“It is not often that you would find four taiyoukai, a miko, a hanyou, and a ningen dining together.”
Hachiro's sudden comment made Kagome and Rin jump. Blushing slightly at her reaction, Kagome tried to play the hostess. “Hai. It does seem unusual at first, but it seems natural now.”
“The taiyoukai belong here, of course, and the miko makes sense in an odd way. The hanyou, that was an unfortunate conclusion from the miko's presence, but what of the ningen?” Hachiro's eyes swept over Rin. “How did you end up at this table?”
`Deep breaths. In and out. Just as the Captain has told me. Rage will get me killed.' Rin forced her body to relax again. “I am Sesshomaru-sama's ward. I have been under his protection since I was just a pup.”
“And what purpose do you serve? Do you have a gift or ability that you bring to this house?”
Rin's eyes found the cold, violet gaze next to her. “I do not think it would be appropriate to demonstrate my abilities at the table, my lord.”
“So you do not.”
There was a soft hiss from across the table. “You would do well to silence yourself.”
“Merkamou-sama, you will jump to this female's defense? Perhaps Sesshomaru-sama has had more of an influence on you then I thought.” Hachiro sat back to watch the hawk glare.
The tension in the room was making it hard to breathe. Even Mizuki was looking up, her eyes flicking from face to face around the table.
“Watch your mouth, dragon.” Merkamou stared the emissary down, forcing the other youkai to look away.
Hachiro refocused on Rin. “You must have some skill that keeps you here. Perhaps your talents are inappropriate to demonstrate with a pup in the room. If so, perhaps you will be able to demonstrate them for me later.”
There was a ripple of movement as several hands went to their weapons. Isamu snarled, glaring at Hachiro. “You will apologize to the Lady Rin. Now.”
Raising an eyebrow, Hachiro looked Isamu up and down. “This female must be very talented to have so many taiyoukai behaving in this way.”
A flash of movement, and Hachiro found himself in the air by his throat. Amber eyes edged in red glared at him, closing off his air supply. “You will be silent, or this Sesshomaru will silence you.” Blood was running into the emissary's clothes as Sesshomaru's claws dug into his neck.
Wheezing, Hachiro nodded. He was released, falling to a heap on the ground. Looking up, he noticed Rin's hand on the hilt of a katana, a sliver of steel showing. `I will see that this female's existence is ended as well.' Staggering to his feet, he bowed and left the room. The guards assigned to him followed him out and made sure that he went directly to his room. An interior room, with no windows and only one way out.
With the threat removed, Rin forced her hands to rest on the table and relax. Shaking out her shoulders, she gave a smile to Mizuki who was staring at her with worry flashing through her eyes. Around her the rest of the table's occupants followed her example and forced their bodies to relax.
“Charming company.” Merkamou went back to his tea as though nothing had happened.
Several growls echoed back at the hawk.
“Rin-sama, I do not understand.” Mizuki's face gave nothing away, but the faint tremble in her hands spoke volumes to her sister.
“He was insulting me. I'll explain later.” Dinner had lost its appeal for Rin. “May I be excused?”
“He will be leaving tomorrow. His insults to you are unforgivable.” Sesshomaru's eyes locked with Rin's.
“Arigato, Sesshomaru-sama.” Bowing, Rin left the table.
Merkamou gazed after her. “Well, Sesshomaru-sama, shall we go to war?”
“While Sesshomaru-sama would have more than enough reason, I would rather not see this escalate as Ryuutaisho would wish.” Hideaki gave his son a last glare. “Leave it, Isamu. She is not yours to defend.”
“After such an insult . . .”
“And who was it yelling insults in this room just yesterday? Honestly, Isamu-sama, how was his behavior any different than your own?” Kagome had her arms crossed, setting all of her pent up frustration and rage on the unfortunate cub.
“I insulted her ability to fight, I did not call her a . . .”
“Whoa there, cub. There is a pup present.” Merkamou's eyes flicked to Mizuki who was following every word.
“No, you settled for calling her a weakling and my pup disgusting.” Kagome's hands were now flat on the table, glowing faintly, as she glared at Isamu.
“And I apologized.” Glaring back, Isamu ignored his father who had his arm in a steel grip.
“Kagome-sama, easy.” Merkamou recognized his mistake the second the miko's eyes swung to his.
“And you!”
A quiet voice was unheard by any at the table save Sesshomaru. “Father?”
Kagome never saw her mate move, he was just there next to her. “Mizuki. We are leaving.”
“Hai, father.” Obediently climbing to her feet Mizuki followed Sesshomaru out, as close to him as possible without touching.
“Sesshomaru? Where are you taking Mizuki?”
“Away from this childish display. It is not something this Sesshomaru would subject his daughter to.” The door slid shut behind him.
Her mouth hanging open, Kagome stared at the closed door. Everyone left at the table looked as though they had been dunked in ice water.
“Kagome-sama, I did not mean to upset your daughter.” Isamu had his eyes on the table. “My behavior has been childish and unacceptable for a lord. I would ask for your forgiveness.”
With a heart all out of proportion to her small frame, Kagome softened. “Isamu-sama, you have driven me closer to purifying a youkai then any in the last five years, excluding tonight. However, Rin has forgiven you. I will accept your apology, but you need to make amends with Mizuki. She has never had insults thrown at her like that before. Though she acts much older she is only a pup.”
“Understood, Kagome-sama.”
“And you.” Kagome turned to the hawk, whose eyes widened slightly. “Arigato.”
“Huh?” The usually glib taiyoukai was at a loss for words.
“You did try to stop things from getting out of control and reminded us about Mizuki, even if it almost got you fried.”
“It was nothing, my lady. After that bastard's behavior an explosion was to be expected.”
Kagome sighed and stretched. “What a miserable day. Thank heavens Sesshomaru is throwing that bastard out tomorrow.”
“Hai. If it were possible to kill him without declaring war I believe that your mate would have dispatched him already.” Hideaki finished his tea and set it aside. “With your permission, Kagome-sama, I would retire for the evening.”
“Of course, Hideaki-sama. I apologize for the drama.”
“Think nothing of it, Kagome-sama. It was not of your doing. Isamu.”
The two leopards bowed before leaving the room.
“Well, trouble maker, what do you think? Assassin?” Kagome dropped her head onto her chin, gazing at her friend.
“I do not think so. His purpose seems to be aggravation. I would expect a true assassin to be in the area and working with him.”
“I think you're right.” Kagome rubbed the bridge of her nose. “We can throw this viper out tomorrow, but that still leaves an unknown threat running around.”
“You have done all you can. Your pups are as well protected as possible. It is unfortunate that they are targets, but you can do nothing about that.”
“I know, I know.”
“Perhaps you would join me for a drink to help you relax.”
“Oh, no! I have not touched that evil stuff since your last visit and I am not having a repeat. My poor, ningen body did not react well.”
“I will never understand your race, miko. Throw taiyoukai around like rag dolls, but sake is too dangerous.”
“Shut up.”
Sesshomaru moved swiftly through the halls, but his daughter had little trouble keeping up. Passing the corridor leading to the guest rooms brought the stench of Hachiro to Sesshomaru. A faint growl could be heard from the pup next to him. To his surprise Mizuki was looking towards that door, growling with a hint of fang.
“Gomen nasai, father.” Her usual mask in place, Mizuki followed Sesshomaru back to her room. To her surprise Sesshomaru stayed with her, shutting the door.
“The reaction was correct, but you must not give so much away.” Dropping to sit on a cushion Sesshomaru focused on his daughter. “Do not let your enemies know what you are thinking.”
“Hai, father. May I ask a question?”
“Any would be angered after his behavior. Why hide something that any would know?”
“If you always appear unaffected then they will assume you are unaffected. You do not want to be predicted. Do not let them guess your next move by giving away your thoughts or letting emotions rule.”
“How does mother avoid being predicted? We always know what she is feeling.” Mizuki sat across from her father, carefully imitating his calm posture.
A hint of a smile formed on Sesshomaru's face. “Your mother is naturally so unpredictable that it does not matter. You, however, resemble myself. Give your opponents no advantage. Show no reaction and no hint as to your thoughts. Let them be the ones to give their intentions away.”
“I do not want to hide from mother or Rin. Can they know what I am thinking and feeling?”
“Mizuki, I do not believe that either of us could hide from your mother. Choose carefully who you will show your thoughts too, but Rin is a wise choice.”
“And you, father?”
“That is your choice.”
“Then I will show you my thoughts.”
Uncertain, Mizuki hesitated before scooting over to sit next to her father, resting her head lightly against his arm. The arm shifted as he moved so that she was resting against his side in a light hold. Mizuki relaxed with a sigh, closing her eyes. Safe.
Kagome found her mate dozing lightly on the floor of her daughter's room with Mizuki sound asleep beside him. The resemblance was uncanny when they both had their eyes shut. She was resting so lightly against his side, and his arm barely encircled her. Neither was comfortable with being close to another, but for the moment they were content. Kagome cuddled Katsuro closer, savoring the sight.
Amber eyes cracked open to meet Kagome's cobalt. Careful to not wake his pup Sesshomaru lifted Mizuki and carried her to Rin's room.
Rin was sitting in bed, writing furiously in a small book Kagome had given her.
How dare he? That jack ass! I should have slashed his throat right there and to hell with starting a war. What do I need to do to prove my worth? Everyone just dismisses me out of hand. Sure, I can't beat a taiyoukai by myself, but who can? Not that bastard, I'm sure of that. I would just love for him to take a wrong step. I'll be waiting for him with both blades out.
Hearing a knock at her door broke Rin away from her rant. `Kagome-chan has a good idea with this diary thing. It is nice to get stuff off of my chest.' Tucking the little book under a pillow Rin called to the door. “Come in.”
Sesshomaru carried a sleeping Mizuki in and set her on the spare bed set up in Rin's room. Rin hopped up and went to check on her sister. “Long night for her. Poor thing. First Isamu, then Hachiro.”
Kagome was leaning on the door frame, holding Katsuro. “Isamu will be making amends to her tomorrow.”
“Good. Otherwise I was going to pound them out of him.”
“And what about you?”
“The attack tonight was on you, not Mizuki.”
“I can take it. I know that he was trying to start a fight and that none of it was true. How could any of that be true? I have never even kissed someone, much less what he was implying, and anyone . . . “
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.” Blushing furiously at the conversation she had started with her hero in the room Rin pulled a blanket over her sister. “I'll take care of her.”
Sesshomaru gave a slight nod of his head and left for his own room.
“Rin-chan. Really, are you okay?”
With a sigh Rin flopped on her bed. “The idea is so ridiculous that it's almost funny.” The teenager beckoned for the now awake Katsuro to play with. “Nobody would believe that rumor, even the one's who hate me. But having it said to my face, it was shocking.”
“I couldn't believe it myself.” Kagome settled on the bed with Rin. “I thought Sesshomaru was going to kill him. He felt like he was about to lose control.”
“I was surprised.”
“Why? You had been insulted in a very nasty way.”
“I would expect that response when someone insults you, not me.”
“One day you will figure out how much you mean to him.” Stealing her pup back Kagome walked back to the door. “Get some rest, Rin-chan. Even after we throw this one out there is probably a partner.”
“Hai, Kagome-chan. Sleep well.”
“Good night, Rin-chan.”
Nodding to the two guards at the door Kagome left for her own room.
`Sleep sounds like a good idea. If only my mind would go to sleep.' Rin dragged her diary back out, much calmer now then she had been.
I'll admit that it felt good to have everyone jump to my defense. Even Merkamou and Isamu went for a weapon. Hideaki had his hands hidden, so I don't know what he was up to. I'll probably never know. Isamu looked really mad. I guess he took our truce to heart. Mizuki will never let that one go. What is that pup thinking, anyways? Isamu does not have a crush on me. How could he? Impossible.
`I better put this away or I will never get to sleep.' Tucking her book away Rin blew out the lamps. “Good night, Mizuki.”
“Good night, Rin-neechan.”
“Hey, how long have you been awake?”
“Since father brought me in here. I think Katsuro woke me up.” Sapphire eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. “Are you really okay, Rin-neechan?”
“I'm fine, pup. I just wish I could make that bastard pay. Don't tell Kagome-chan I said that.”
“I wish I could help, Rin-neechan. He should pay for what he said.” There was a small growl in Mizuki's words.
“Figured out what he meant, huh?”
“Pretty easy after you talked to Mama.”
`Ugh, of course she was awake for that.' “He leaves tomorrow and we will never have to deal with him again.”
“Sleep, pup.”
“Fine. Good night, Rin-neechan.”
“Good night, Mizuki-chan.”