InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Dragon ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Brace yourselves, I have never attempted something quite like this before, and it is going to be a bumpy ride. Remain seated while the ride is in motion, keep your arms inside of the car at all times, etc. I am still broke and own nothing of interest.
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“Should we try to wake them?”
“You first.”
“No way. You're bigger then me, you go first.”
“Uh uh. You're faster, so you go.”
The two sisters fidgeted outside the door. “We could both go in.” Mizuki had no interest in going into the lion's den alone.
“Or we could let them sleep.”
“You know they would not want us to go to breakfast alone, Rin-neechan. We need to wake them up.”
“Well, I'm not doing it.” Rin stuck her nose up in the air. “I'm the big sister and I say you have to.”
“No fair!”
“As if anyone could sleep through this.” Kagome slid the door open, fully dressed and ready to face the day. Behind her the girls could see Sesshomaru staring at them.
“Good morning, Sesshomaru-sama and Kagome-chan.” “Good morning, father and mother.”
Kagome smiled. “Should we go down to breakfast?”
“Hai, Mama.” Mizuki moved out of the way so Kagome and Sesshomaru could lead the way down to breakfast. Katsuro was in Kagome's arms. The Captain was waiting to take the heir until after the meal when we would be presented to Hachiro. Then the dragon was to be thrown out.
Rin forced her body to relax and gave her sister a smile. Mizuki already had her mask on, her face and body giving little away. The family left the guards waiting in the hall and went into the dining room together, a united front against the threat that waited for them.
Wishing for some of her sister's icy demeanor Rin dropped to her seat. `Breathe in, breathe out. He means nothing.'
Silence ruled as the group ate. Isamu managed to keep his attention on his food, but Merkamou gave Hachiro a few choice looks.
“Will I have the pleasure of seeing your heir today, Sesshomaru-sama?”
Kagome tried to keep from giggling at Hachiro's aggravated expression. The emissary's eyes pivoted to hers. “Is there something amusing, Kagome-sama?”
The temperature in the room dropped as everyone froze. If Hachiro insulted Sesshomaru's mate his death was all but assured. Kagome set down her chopsticks slowly, that eerie glow forming around her. Mizuki shifted slightly when she felt the pins and needles sensation across her skin.
“Nothing at all, Hachiro.”
The two gazes were locked in a battle of wills, but it was the dragon that looked away. The air began to move again as Kagome returned to her meal as though nothing had happened.
There were no more interruptions to the meal. Kagome met the Captain and her guards in the reception hall, taking Katsuro back as Hachiro came into the hall. Sesshomaru stood next to her, warning the dragon away. Even Rin was there, across the room near the Captain with Mizuki.
“Hachiro, this is my son Katsuro.”
“He has amazing eyes, my lord.” Hachiro moved as though he would come closer, but two growls from the parents stopped him. “You must be very proud. A pity.”
There was a swift movement, a flash and an explosion. Kagome threw up a barrier, holding Katsuro close as white smoke filled the room outside of her barrier. “Poison, Sesshomaru.”
Eyes flashing, Sesshomaru lifted the two. Hachiro had already disappeared into the smoke. Seeing Rin and Mizuki starting to cough Sesshomaru yelled, “Rin, Mizuki, out!”
Rin grabbed Mizuki's wrist and dragged the pup out, wishing for her poison mask.
“Kagome, drop the barrier so I can get you both out.”
The pink glow disappeared, letting Sesshomaru race through the room and down the corridor. The poison did not seem to affect the inu-youkai, but Kagome and Katsuro were gasping for air. Turning into his study Sesshomaru set his mate down, staring into her eyes.
“Kagome. Kagome!”
`You would think that a library of this size would have something of interest to read. Perhaps I should send something from my own library for the merlin and Mizuki to enjoy. `Accounts of Council Deliberations'? Bah.' Merkamou paced the library. `Even a study of tactics would be interesting.'
A faint explosion caught his attention, just loud enough to hear. `Now what?' Tearing through the palace towards the sound brought Merkamou right to the Captain. “What is it, Captain?”
“A poison bomb while Katsuro was being presented. Sesshomaru took the miko and Katsuro that way. We are hunting the bastard down, he is somewhere in the palace.”
“Where are Mizuki and the merlin?”
“They ran out with the guard to get away from the poison.”
Merkamou pushed past the Captain to run into Sesshomaru's study. Inside Sesshomaru had Kagome speaking again. Sensing a presence behind him the taiyoukai turned and snarled at Merkamou. Recognition took hold and the snarl faded. Glancing at his mate, he looked back at the taiyoukai, locking eyes with him. A low growl escaped Sesshomaru, challenging the hawk. Merkamou let out a soft hiss, keeping his gaze steady. A sharp nod, and the inu-youkai snapped his attention to the Captain standing in the door way. “Where?”
“In the palace somewhere.”
“Find him.”
Explosions were coming from outside. “Now what?” Merkamou went to the window, trying to see the new source of chaos. Soon after the explosions a pair of sharp screams sent both of the taiyoukai's heads up.
“Rin! What about Mama and Katsuro?”
“Sesshomaru-sama has them. We need to get out of this poison.” Surrounded by guards the two rushed through the courtyard and into the fresh air of the gardens, wheezing. “That was low, a poison bomb in a room with pups. Are you okay, Mizuki-chan?”
“Hai, but my chest hurts.”
“Mine, too.” Rin straightened up slowly, looking around. Her life amongst the youkai and Sango's training kicked in. Someone was watching. They had just run right into a trap.
“Rin-chan, what is it?”
“Stay behind me, Mizuki. There is someone watching.”
“Very good, for a ningen.”
Sitting on the wall to the courtyard was a youkai. Rin was certain that he had not been there before. Keeping Mizuki behind her she backed away, letting the guards move to the front. “Identify yourself.”
“That would be a waste of time, since you will be dead so very soon.” The youkai was still advancing, his eyes on Rin's. He radiated controlled power. Dressed all in black, he had his hair tied back to show his face. A slash of purple ran diagonally across his face.
`Oh, Kami, it's a taiyoukai. It's a dragon taiyoukai. Oh Kami.'
The dragon had reached her guards. “Do not waste your lives for a hanyou. Leave now and live. Even you, ningen.” When none moved he gave a small shrug. “It is your death.”
He slashed with his talons, disemboweling a guard while the others attacked him as one.
Drawing both katanas Rin looked for an escape. She would never make it to the palace, not even Mizuki would be fast enough for that. She knew she could not beat this one, but she had to get Mizuki out of there.
`Of course.' Tightening her grip on her katanas Rin steeled herself to buy time and let out a shrill whistle.
“I am not sure what you are doing, ningen, but you should move.” Blood was running down his hands as the dragon slashed his way through the attacking guards.
“Never. Stay away from my sister, you bastard!”
“Sister? Ningen, you are confused. She smells nothing like you.”
“She is my sister and I will kill you before you set a hand on her.”
“So be it.” Dropping the last of the guards the taiyoukai charged.
Talons were ringing off of steel as Rin fought desperately. She needed more time! She landed a blow to his arm, adding a wet stain to his black clothing.
The dragon snarled and landed a blow in return, opening up Rin's side and knocking her to her knees. Rushing past her to the pup he swung at Mizuki with his talons.
Mizuki darted away, surprising the dragon with her speed and slashed at him with her own little claws. The dragon snatched his arm back, the cuts bubbling and smoking. `The damn pup is poisonous.'
Twin katanas were slammed through his chest, reminding him of the stubborn ningen behind him. Snatching the katanas free, Rin took a swing for his head, but he was no longer there. He was behind her with his talons buried in her arms. “Not bad at all, for a ningen.”
An explosion sent both sprawling to the ground. Ah-Un circled and dove again, firing at the youkai that was attacking his rider. Rin kicked free, sheathed her katanas, and ran to Mizuki. She picked up the pup by her waist as Ah-Un dived again.
Rin had practiced this maneuver at least a hundred times with Sango. Ah-Un barely slowed as Rin grabbed his mane and hauled herself onto his back. He laid down covering fire as the sisters struggled to find their balance bareback while the dragon streaked into the sky.
Glancing behind her, Rin saw the now injured taiyoukai starting to transform. Mizuki followed her stare and saw the same thing. As the taiyoukai dragon took flight Ah-Un dived, pulling twin screeches from the two riders.
Isamu bolted through the palace, almost slamming into his father when they met at a junction. “What the hell is going on?”
“The emissary attacked Katsuro and the miko, and now there is a second attacker outside.” Hideaki was tying his hair back as he spoke, his blade now at his waist. “We are guests here, we must assist. The first attacker is still hiding in the palace somewhere.”
“Hai.” The two leopards split up to track the hidden attacker. Hideaki moved towards the room where the emissary was staying while Isamu moved towards the reception hall to meet up with the other search parties and see what they had found.
Before he could reach the reception hall he saw movement, a figure going through a door. On silent feet he stalked forward, easing to the door. Inside he could see the emissary. Hachiro dropped something and bolted back out the door. Isamu tackled him from behind, slamming him to the floor.
“Let me go, you fool, or we will both be killed!”
“What have you done?” Isamu slammed the dragon's head into the floor. “Answer me!”
“It is a poison bomb, a big one. Get me out of here!”
Isamu stared in horror before dragging the youkai to his feet. “Everybody out! Out now before this bomb goes!”
Guards scrambled to evacuate. His father was running down the hall. Hideaki exchanged a few words with the Captain, then both went into Sesshomaru's study. Isamu dragged his captive out of the palace, joining the guards in the courtyard. He could see two dragons streaking across the sky. The smaller dragon had two familiar figures on it, but they were losing ground to the larger dragon quickly. Snarling, he slammed the emissary against the ground. “If they die, I will personally send you screaming to Hell.”
Sesshomaru and Merkamou looked at the ceiling, knowing that Rin was above them. His mate and son were here, but two of his pups were there.
The dilemma was solved when Merkamou flashed and streaked away, soaring out the window. Shouts were filling the palace as the Captain and Hideaki bolted into the study. “We have to get out now! There is another bomb!”
“What the hell?” Kagome was on her feet, clutching her pup. She found herself back in her mate's grip and crashing through the formerly closed window. Running across the grounds, Sesshomaru put distance between his mate and the new threat, which had just exploded. A black cloud was seeping through the windows.
“Isamu has Hachiro. He is on the other side of the palace.” Hideaki's eyes went to the sky. “Kami, what is that?”
All eyes went up to the sky where Ah-Un was being hunted down by a large dragon. Behind the dragon was a flash of flame.
“Down!” Without a bridle Rin had to resort to verbal commands to control Ah-Un. The dragon dived down into the trees, desperately trying to lose his pursuer. The taiyoukai roared, a black cloud escaping. The cloud killed the trees that it drifted over, leaving a chocking stench. “Up, Ah-Un!”
There was a new scream, that of an attacking hawk. Daring to look behind her, Rin saw a giant red hawk dive at the dragon and slam into its back, digging in its talons. “Merkamou-sama!” She watched as the dragon dropped a short distance before recovering and throwing its head back to strike at the hawk. Releasing its prey, the hawk dived away before circling back with another scream. Flames erupted from its beak, surrounding the dragon. Roaring, the dragon turned away from Ah-Un to focus on this new attacker.
Dodging the black clouds that the dragon was spewing, Merkamou swept in to drag his talons across the dragon's hide, leaving a long line of gashes. A glancing blow from the tail opened a bleeding wound across Merkamou's side, sending him into a dive that he had to struggle to get out of. Another blast of flame from the hawk drove the dragon back again.
“Sesshomaru-sama! Kagome-chan!” Diving down, Rin brought Ah-Un to the group that she could now see outside of the palace. “Take Mizuki!”
“I am not leaving you, Rin-chan!” Mizuki fought, but was unceremoniously dumped into her father's arms. “Rin-chan, you get back her!”
Sending Ah-Un back into the sky, Rin drew one of her katanas. She would not leave Merkamou to deal with this fight alone.
Sesshomaru handed the squirming pup to his mate, moving away. His youki cloud was too slow for the combat that was taking place above him. Snarling, Sesshomaru's face began to twist as power surged around him. A giant white dog stood in the grass, snarling with poison dripping down to burn holes in the ground. The fight was still too high up for him, but as soon as Merkamou could bring the dragon down low enough Sesshomaru would finish the assassin himself.
`Sesshomaru-sama cannot help as long as that dragon is so high in the air.' Rin looked the dragon over. `He will need to be badly wounded to come down.'
`Or blind.'
A new plan formed in her mind as she wheeled Ah-Un to face the on coming dragon. “I hope this is a good idea, Ah-Un.” The dragon let out twin roars as he charged the taiyoukai, blasting away at his adversary.
The dragon continued his charge, looking for all the world as though he was going to slam into the taiyoukai. Rin drew her second katana and tensed, waiting for the perfect moment. As Ah-Un swerved up to avoid slamming into his opponent Rin leapt, digging a blade into the taiyoukai to stop her momentum. The dragon roared and threw his head, forcing Rin to use all of her strength to hang on. There was a rush of wind, and then an impact rippled through the dragon. Merkamou had his talons dug into the dragon again, his beak ripping into the tough hide and aiming for the spine. The dragon dropped closer to the ground as he writhed against both attackers.
Rin took the moment of relative peace that Merkamou had bought for her and slammed her katanas into the dragon's eyes, blinding him. A shriek echoed across the lands as the dragon bolted. Rin struggled to pull her blades free of the now out of control taiyoukai. The blood of the dragon was burning her skin, the fumes from his breath making her vision gray out. Pulling her second blade free she crossed her blades and slammed them into the top of his head, pinning the jaws shut. She felt the world spin and tip, then saw nothing.
The hawk saw Rin fall from the dragon. He released his prey and dove, desperate to reach her before she hit the ground. Sweeping under her limp form he felt her land on his back. The dragon was soaring after him, following the scent of his own blood. Poison was working through the hawk's body and slowing him, allowing the blind dragon to gain on him.
A flash of movement, and a large object took a huge chunk out of the dragon, then took another swipe on its return. It flew to its owner, clinging to the mane of a neko-youkai. Kirara roared at the dragon, slamming into the dragon's back and shoving him down lower. Circling, Kirara struck again, shoving the dragon just that last bit lower.
Sesshomaru leapt, slamming into the side of the dragon and bringing it down. Poison burned like acid into the dragon taiyoukai's hide as Sesshomaru ripped into his opponent. The dragon lashed out with its claws, trying to lock onto this new attacker. Still deadly, the dragon and the dog twisted and writhed. Claws racked down Sesshomaru's side as the inu-youkai got his fangs into the dragon's throat. Dragons are notoriously hard to kill, and this one was proving to be no different. Even as Sesshomaru collapsed his throat the taiyoukai struggled against him, digging in claws. Poison was moving through the dragon's blood stream, slowing his struggles. The bites and cuts were bubbling as the flesh was eaten away.
Slowly, the dragon ceased its struggles. With a final swipe of his claws, Sesshomaru was able to remove the head and ensure that this taiyoukai was dead. Backing away, he watched the corpse for any signs of life. Seeing none, he turned to return to his pack.
Kagome had a barrier up around herself, her pups, and an unconscious Rin. Hideaki was on guard as the Captain searched for the healer. Merkamou was on his knees, eyes glazed over as he held a hand over one of the gashes he had received. The hawk did not have Sesshomaru's resistance to poison and was feeling the effects of the extended contact. A short distance away Isamu had the emissary on the ground, a sword through the dragon's shoulder to pin him down. The palace occupants were milling about everywhere in mass confusion from the attack.
Kagome turned her attention to the emissary that was screaming in pain from the sword in his shoulder. Leaving her pups inside of the barrier she stormed to her enemy. Isamu backed away, leaving Hachiro to the miko. She glared down at him, a low growl in her voice. “Who ordered this?”
“You know that I will never speak.”
Kagome grabbed the sword and twisted it in the emissary's shoulder. Screaming, the emissary flailed.
“You are too weak, miko.”
The sword began to glow and smoke rose from the emissary's shoulder.
“Ryuutaisho ordered the attempt. The assassin was one of his sons.”
Grimacing, Kagome released the sword, staring at the creature that had attacked her pups. “Hachiro. Please give Ryuutaisho a message for me. Tell him that he should have never tried to touch my pups. He will be joining you in Hell shortly.” Kagome grabbed onto the sword with both hands and purified him, making him scream before turning into a pile of ash. Her eyes fluttered as she sagged slightly, making Isamu catch her. “Ugh, forgot about that barrier. It's hard to do both at the same time.”
Transforming back to his other form, Sesshomaru gritted his teeth against the pain from his injuries. `Later. I will feel pain later.'
Seeing his mate sagging against Isamu sent him flying to her side, snarling at the leopard. Isamu was so startled he almost dropped Kagome. Grabbing onto Sesshomaru's haori Kagome forced him to return to calm. “Leave Isamu alone. He caught me when I over did it. Don't worry, the Captain has already left for the healer.”
The first priority for the inu-youkai was to assure that his family was unharmed. Mizuki had some bruises and cuts, but Rin was the only serious injury. She had burns and cuts across her body and was unconscious from the poison. Merkamou was wheezing slightly as his body dealt with the poison that he had been exposed to. He watched as the Captain and the healer moved out of the chaos around the palace and ran to Kagome's barrier.
“The healer is here now, you will need to drop the barrier.” Sesshomaru held his mate up.
With a sigh of relief Kagome dropped her barrier. The Captain lifted the squalling Katsuro, letting the pup grab onto his escaping hair to keep him quiet. The healer gave a sketch of a bow before setting to work. “My lord, the palace is mass chaos. Most of the occupants were able to get out in time, but there were some losses.” The healer looked over Merkamou briefly, forcing the taiyoukai's head up so that he could examine his eyes. Then he turned to Rin with a much more concerned look on his face.
“Both of them need to be moved somewhere safe. They have both been poisoned and I will need to keep them alive long enough for their bodies to recover. The ningen will need an antidote, but Merkamou-sama will only need care. His body will take care of the poison.” The healer checked Rin's pulse and breathing. “I have something that will work, but I will need to get into the palace to retrieve it.”
“I can get it.” Kirara landed next to the healer, letting Sango slide off. Her voice was raspy behind her poison mask, but Kagome had never been so happy to see her. “I have been looking for any sign of more attackers, but I cannot find any. If the healer will tell me where to find the antidote I can bring it out here to him.”
“This is the way to my quarters. Inside you will find a chest . . .” The healer darted across the grounds with Sango on his heels.
“Stay with me, Rin.” Kagome was kneeling next to Rin, the girl's hand between her own. “Don't even think about going anywhere.” The Captain was openly anxious, alternating between searching for threats and watching over his protégé.
“Mama, will Rin-neechan be okay?” Mizuki knelt next to Rin, touching her sister's cheek. “She feels cold.”
“The healer will take care of her, Mizuki-chan.” The miko worried her bottom lip with her teeth. `He better take care of her.' “Captain, is there anywhere safe we can move them?”
“Nowhere in the palace, at least not until we can get the mess cleaned up. We can move them to the stables for now.” The Captain handed Katsuro back to Kagome and lifted Rin.
Hideaki knelt down beside Merkamou. “Merkamou, will you be able to walk if I assist?”
Nodding, Merkamou stumbled to his feet and leaned on Hideaki. “I have had better ideas then biting a dragon repeatedly.”
“Do you think so?” Shaking his head Hideaki hauled the hawk towards the stable. “I would have expected such behavior from my son.”
Glaring at the older taiyoukai, Merkamou continued to drag himself after the Captain. Seeing Rin still unconscious made his heart skip a beat. “The merlin?”
“Merlin? Oh, you mean Rin-sama. The healer is fetching an antidote for her. She was poisoned while she was blinding the dragon.”
“She was foolish to attack like that.”
“Hai. Just as foolish as another I could mention. What possessed you to lock on like that? Why not continue to attack from a distance or hit and fade?”
“And incinerate the merlin? I think not. The dragon would have killed her if I did not stay on him.”
“A very effective pair of fools. You did not leave much work for Sesshomaru.”
The stables were blessedly quiet, leaving the chaos at the palace. Kagome threw some blankets on the straw so that Rin and Merkamou could be set down.
“Next time he can blind the dragon and the merlin and I will finish him off.” Laying back Merkamou set a hand on his forehead. “Damn dragon. I do not much care for being poisoned.”
The healer returned, clutching a vial. Lifting up Rin he tipped the contents into her mouth, making her sputter and cough. “Oh, yes, it is nasty, but it will keep you alive.”
Still unconscious, Rin offered no protest as Kagome and the healer checked her injuries. Hideaki and Sesshomaru had returned to the palace to regain order, leaving the Captain, Sango, and Isamu on guard. Mizouki held her brother in her lap and watched over Rin.
“Every time I turn around I am fixing burns on this one.” The healer cut cloth away to reveal a set of gashes across Rin's side. Settling in to stitch the worst of it, the inu-youkai scowled at the damage. “These will scar, unfortunately. I will be able to prevent most of the other's from scaring, but this one is too deep.”
“Scars are not the end of the world. She'll be alive, that's what counts.” Kagome worked to clean the dragon's blood off of Rin as the healer continued to work. When he was finished he turned his attention to Merkamou.
“Well, my lord, let us see how you fared.” The gash on Merkamou's side was still oozing blood and needed to be bandaged. “Aside from the poison you are in better shape then the last time I saw you.”
“Sesshomaru-sama is far more through then any dragon.” The world was moving about in unusual ways, forcing Merkamou to close his eyes.
“Next time you will think twice before biting a dragon like that.”
The hawk hissed and clicked his teeth in threat. Wisely, the healer let it go. Even a poisoned taiyoukai was not someone that you wanted to upset.
After cleaning and bandaging the taiyoukai the healer returned to Rin. “Her color is better, and her breathing has improved. She will not wake for some time though.” The healer inspected the bandages that Kagome had put on and nodded his approval.
“She will wake, though. Correct?” Mizuki was sitting in the straw close to Rin.
“Oh, hai. She is far too stubborn to let a little thing like a dragon stop her.” The healer gathered his supplies. “I must return to the palace, there will be other injuries.”
“Go ahead. I'll stay here.” Kagome pulled another blanket over Rin. Ah-Un was hanging his heads over the partition, watching his rider.
“I'll take care of Ah-Un.” Mizuki set Katsuro with her mother and went to clean up the two headed dragon. He had some small cuts, but his hide was too tough for the poison to eat through. Careful to avoid burning herself, Mizuki spent an hour cleaning Ah-Un while her mother kept watch over Rin and Merkamou. Sango came to sit with Kagome, Kirara perched on her shoulder.
“Looks like I got your message just in time.”
“Sango-chan, I am so glad you are here. What a mess.”
“Hai.” Sango's eyes trailed over the two resting figures before looking out the doorway towards the palace. “Two assassins. All of this from just two.”
“And this is just the beginning.”
Every window and door was open, trying to get the poison out of the palace. The dead and injured had been dragged out and were now being dealt with by the healer. Kumo had the servants in hand now, organizing them to help with the palace or set up for the night. The poison was not a long lasting one. The healer believed that the palace would be safe that night, but they would wait until the next morning to be sure.
Kagome had already seen to Sesshomaru's injuries, cleaning and bandaging the worst of them. He allowed it, even though most of them would be gone within a day. He had learned that it was easier to just allow her to care for him. Otherwise she would be tempted to do drastic things.
“You know what this means.”
Sesshomaru looked over to the ice blue eyes of Hideaki. He nodded once before looking back to the clean up.
A soft, weary sigh escaped Hideaki. “War.”