InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Merlin ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I was inspired, at work of all places, to add a chapter. This was not in the original outline, but it seemed necessary before the next chapter which should be posted tonight when I get home. People get grumpy when I just jump into something without any explanation or background. Everyone cross your fingers that I won't get fired for this one! It's short, it's fluffy, it makes me happy. Anyways, just for the record, Isamu was outside of Rin's room, she was sitting in the window when he saw her. Vulcana, I guess that means that I'm due for a posting frenzy. Thank you for the reviews, you always encourage me to try just that little bit harder. Cindy, I think it's going to get pretty obvious, so don't worry about the tension. I don't own anything that might actually make me money.
“I thought you were supposed to be resting.”
Rin startled and gave Isamu a guilty look. “I am resting. Just one blade, and I am working at half speed.”
“You know what that healer and Kagome-sama would say if they saw you.”
“Kagome-chan has already threatened to tie me down if I do not rest, but I just can not stay still! I will stiffen up and slow down. What good will I be to Sesshomaru-sama then? I must be ready when he marches east.”
“You truly intend to follow him into battle?” Isamu sat with his back against the palace, staring at Rin.
“Of course. I will follow Sesshomaru-sama as I have always done. I will help him.”
“Why not say here? Someone must remain to guard the palace. The front lines are no place for a female.”
“I have as much right to be there as you. Maybe more.” Rin slammed her blade into her sheath and crossed her arms.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that I have spent most of the last week barely able to move because of that bastard. It was my family he attacked, my brother and sister he tried to kill. I want my revenge.”
“That's my point. That was one taiyoukai. Are you ready to face his brothers and father?”
Rin went white. “I will not be alone. I will have Sesshomaru-sama and Merkamou-sama with me. And you will be there as well.”
“I do not want to spend my time watching out for a ningen female when I should be at my father's side, claiming victory.”
“Fine. I will take care of myself. I do not need anyone's help.” Ignoring her stiff body, Rin stomped away. She only managed about a dozen paces before she was spun back around.
“Do not be like that, Rin. I only want what is best for you. A ningen in this war? That is suicide. It will not help anyone if you get yourself killed. Why not stay here and guard Kagome-sama's pups?” Isamu held Rin by her upper arms, staring down into her eyes.
Rin wavered. “I will think about it, Isamu.”
“Arigato, Rin.” A soft kiss was brushed across her lips. “And remember what you promised last night?”
Sigh. “Hai, Isamu. You will see at dinner.”
“I look forward to it.”
“Merlin, where are your blades?”
Rin turned to find Merkamou staring at her from the door of his room. “They are in my room, my lord. I am in no condition to use them, so I left them.”
`She is a poor liar.' Merkamou studied Rin's appearance. A beautiful kimono, her hair carefully styled, and it appeared as though some cosmetics had been used. There was even a fan at her waist. Most frightening of all, her eyes were blank, and her smile was missing. `She looks like a noble lady. What the hell?'
“Is there something wrong, my lord?”
“You do not look like yourself.”
Rin wanted to glare, to stick out her tongue or smack him, but she resisted. “I am in different clothing. It is not such a drastic change.”
“I was referring to your eyes. I have seen you dressed like this before, but it is as though there are screens over your eyes.”
“Merlin, what are you trying to prove?”
Rin took a step back. “Nothing, my lord. You are seeing things.”
Merkmaou advanced, closing the distance. “You are much too honest to lie well, and this is a poor disguise. Whoever put this idea into your head, and I believe I know who it is, does not appreciate you for what you are. Why would you wish to be just like everyone else?”
“What do you know? People change, my lord. Just because you think of me as a merlin does not automatically mean that I am. What if this is what I want?”
“What you want, or what he wants?”
“He has nothing to do with this!”
“If this is what you want, then I wish you all joy with it, Rin-san.” Merkamou brushed past her to walk away.
The sound of her proper name from his lips threatened to bring tears to Rin's eyes. “Merkamou.”
The taiyoukai stopped, but did not turn around.
“I will always be your merlin, no matter what others may see.”
He turned to her, a small smile appearing. “I hope that is because you wish it to be so. Stop trying to be whatever he wants of you. If you wish to change, so be it, but do it because you want to.” Shaking his head, Merkamou returned to his usual boisterous self. “Now we will be late for our meal. Although I am usually late, you are usually prompt. Come, I will walk you to the dining hall as is appropriate for a lady.”
Rin stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her eyes.
“Ah, and what a lady she is. The court will swoon at her grace.”
“Shut up, jerk.”
“And her eloquence.”
A sound punch connected with the hawk's arm.
“Ow, and delicacy.”
The kimono stilted Rin's movements and gave her intentions away. Merkamou easily sidestepped her kick, giving her a mock glare. “You are much too fond of using questionable blows, merlin.”
“Then quit driving me crazy,” Rin hissed as they walked into the dining hall.
Isamu's eyes swept over Rin, taking in her appearance with pleasure. Having Merkamou escorting her made his hackles come up, especially with them whispering together. She was smiling, that open honest smile that she would always use with that hawk.
Rin sank to her place, ignoring Kagome's perplexed look. `I really need to talk to her. This is getting confusing.' Isamu seemed pleased with her appearance, but he was giving Merkamou glares whenever the hawk looked at her. He did not say a word to her through the meal, leaving her to chatter with Kagome and Merkamou as usual.
After the family had scattered to their rooms for the night, Rin went out to the gardens. She had promised Isamu she would meet him out here. It seemed strange that he only wanted to talk to her when they could be alone, but perhaps he was shy.
Standing under a tree, Rin fidgeted with her clothes. If it was not for her kimono she would have won that argument with Merkamou. Her hands strayed to where her hilts should be, feeling vulnerable. She was in the gardens alone, at night, and unarmed. `This is stupid. Anything could happen, and I would be helpless. I can not even run like this. Baka, baka, baka, Rin.'
Arms closed around her waist, startling her. Reflexes that had been pounded into her for the last decade took over. She brought her elbow back, connecting with his diaphragm and stunning him. A second elbow to the side of his head was joined by a sharp stomp to his foot.
Isamu had expected a cute squeal and jump, like any of the other ladies he had accosted at night. Instead he was under attack, trying to get away as his intended conquest tripped him and threw him to the ground.
“Rin, what are you doing?”
Eyes practically popping out of her head, Rin recognized Isamu. “Oh, gomen, Isamu. You startled me.” Leaning back against the tree, Rin silently apologized to her body, which was loudly protesting the abuse. `Gomen, gomen.'
“Are you insane? Why would you attack me like that?”
“I did not know it was you! You could have been an attacker, and I am unarmed. I do not care what you say, my katanas are staying with me from now on!”
“Why? I can protect you.”
Laughter was Rin's initial response. “Sure you can. You should pick yourself up off of the ground before you say that.”
“You know I am stronger than you.”
`I think he just threatened me.' The laughter stopped as Rin stared at him. “Hai, you are stronger. However, you have no self control. How do you think I was able to beat you before?”
“That was a fluke. I was holding back.”
“So was I.” The challenge hung heavy in the air.
“Enough. I will not argue about this with you. We will settle this when you are able to train again. We would not want to cause more damage to your already injured body.” Isamu was smiling, but it bore more than a passing resemblance to a snarl. `You will be flat out on the ground this time, and you will not question my abilities again.'
“Very well, it will wait.” Rin snapped her head away, turning to gaze up through the branches to the sky. Confusion was pulling at her. `Is it just me, or does he truly wish to change me? I thought he wanted to help, but now I am not sure.'
“I did not want to meet you here to fight.” Hands were trailing up Rin's arms to rest on her shoulders. Isamu reveled in the sight and feel of Rin's clothing, soft silk caressing his fingers.
Sigh. “I do not wish to fight, either.” Rin leaned back to rest against his chest. The warm hands were massaging away the tension, relaxing her. She felt his lips at the side of her neck and sighed again. `What am I doing? This is insane. What does he want from me?'
A finger turned her head so that Isamu could press a kiss to her lips. His hands slid from her shoulders to her waist, holding her against him. The kiss became more urgent.
Rin felt a soft stroke at her bottom lip. She allowed her lips to part, giving him access. His tongue met hers, stroking it. Something close to panic hit Rin's stomach. `What the hell is he doing? Is he supposed to do that? Should I bite him? No, no, do not bite him. Am I supposed to be enjoying this? Whoa, where is that hand going?'
One of Isamu's hands had slid up her body to cup a breast, making Rin jump. She broke away, panting for air. “I must return to my room, Isamu. Mizuki will be looking for me.”
The kimono prevented Rin from bolting like she wanted to, forcing her to move at a more sedate pace.
`Well, that was progress.' Isamu turned to find his own room. `She may be more fun then I gave her credit for.'
`Holy Kami, Holy Kami, Holy Kami.' Rin's mind was spinning when she slipped into her own room. Mizuki was not there, giving Rin a chance to reorganize.
`Okay, he was not supposed to do that. I know that much. Much too far for my comfort. I had hoped that he would be content with a few kisses, but obviously not. He really does like ladies with a reputation, and I will have one if he does not stop soon! No, I have to stop him. He has not self control in battle, I do not know why I thought he would in this.'
Rin struggled with her obi, fighting her way free of the layers of silk. `I will tell him tomorrow that we will go no further. He will stop if I tell him to. He cares about me. He must if he is so eager to touch me. And I will talk with Kagome-chan. She will know what to do.'
Dressed for sleep, Rin moved her katanas to rest next to her head. `I will never be without them again, not even for him. I will always be the merlin first and anything else second.'