InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This took forever, and I'm still not one hundred percent with it, but close enough. And now I'm all set for violence! Lots and lots of violence! Whee! No more cookie dough while writing, it's not healthy. Oh, and to Taiyoukai Lady, you made my day. To be mentioned in the same sentence with those two, two of my favorites, just blew me away. I'm not worthy! *kow tows* Still own nothing, still poor, school sucks that way.
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Rin was smiling. A genuine, happy smile. `Who would have thought that dragon would be the one to help me sort this out?' She ran a hand over the soft silk she was wearing, her mind replaying the activities of the previous day.
“Rin-san, I am glad you are here.” Akira came into Rin's room, followed by a small army of servants including a pair of seamstresses.
“Akira-sama? What is going on?” Rin had been preparing to change for dinner, but quickly aborted that plan when she was invaded.
“I am going to help you.” Akira disappeared into Rin's closet. “My goodness, child. What a difference between this side and the other. No wonder you always look so uncomfortable.”
Rolling her eyes, Rin stuck her head into the closet to watch the dragon. “I do not have a lot of choices when it comes to my attire. I wear these to train, and these for company.”
“And this?” Akira gestured to her armor.
“Well, everyone has something for battle, but we can combine the rest into something that will not be such a hindrance. You can be both beautiful and deadly at the same time.”
The seamstresses had Rin on a stool while Akira pulled out clothing. “She must be able to move, but elegant. Almost exotic. We will not even pretend that she is an average lady, but will play up the fact that she is different as well as lovely. They must be distracted into not thinking of her as a threat.”
The usual hakama was there, but now partnered with a shorter, thinner kimono that was tucked inside. Both were of silk, with the hakama in black and the kimono in white. Rin made a face, not seeing the difference. Akira unburied another kimono from the closet. This one was of very light silk in a dark wine color with a pattern that started at her waist and continued to the floor.
“I would like this to be adjusted.” The kimono was tossed over Rin. “It should not wrap all of the way across. She must be able to move. Shorten the hem and sleeves as well. Remove some of the bulk from the hakama, since they must go under the kimono. Modesty must be preserved.”
Bundled into a robe, Rin waited as the two youkai seamstresses made short work of the adjustments. Blushing furiously, she allowed the group to redress her under Akira's command as her closet was turned inside out.
The end result was surprising. At first glance Rin appeared to be wearing an elegant kimono. As long as she was still the impression would remain. If she ran or leapt, the kimono would part and allow movement. The light silk did not bind or weigh her down. The slightest breeze would blow the kimono back to reveal her considerably slimmer hakama, a look that would certainly be distracting. The dark blue obi was simplified so that it could be easily removed if need be. `I could even ride Ah-Un like this!'
“This can be hidden inside of your kimono.” Akira handed Rin her poison mask. “These are too lovely to hide, even if you could.”
Before the owner could give a warning, Akira was rejected by the two katanas. She frowned at the blades, shaking her hand. “Youkai blades?”
“Hai. A gift from Sesshomaru-sama.” Rin quickly slid her katanas into place before Akira could ask any questions.
“Interesting.” Akira looked over the piles of clothing that the servants had gathered. “These are to be adjusted to match what she is wearing, and I expect that more will need to be made.”
“Hai, my lady.” The seamstresses hustled out, followed by the servants and clothing.
“And the last touches.” Akira carefully taught Rin how to pin her hair on top of her head, not even trying to control the mass. Small tendrils were allowed to escape and curl around her face. Several jade sticks were used to hold her hair, hiding their true purpose as weapons. Rin's small dagger was tucked under her kimono where she could easily slip a hand inside to reach it.
“I am a walking armory.” Rin examined her reflection, liking what she saw. She would not be mistaken for just another lady at court, but she looked polished. Instead of looking like a lost orphan, she looked like a poised lady that could take care of herself.
“Exactly. You will need a fan, of course.”
“Akira-sama, if I add anything else I will fall over!”
“Nonsense.” A fan was pulled from Akira's obi. “You will like this one. Look closely. There are tiny blades along the top. No one, especially a male, will inspect a fan. These are sharp enough to slit a throat. I have done so, twice.”
“Why are you helping me, Akira-sama?” The ningen watched the dangerous taiyoukai as she snapped the fan back closed.
“Kagome-sama. I will never be able to repay her for what she has done for me. Besides, I was never able to help a daughter. At least a daughter would have been left with me. Did you kill him?”
Rin did not have to ask who `he' was. “No. I was actually unconscious when he was destroyed. I did blind him though. He was after my sister, and I had to save her.”
Akira was staring at Rin in the mirror, running her talons over the fan she still held. “What did he look like?”
“I do not know which of my sons was sent.”
“He had black hair and violet eyes. He had a purple slash across his face, and was not much taller than you.”
“My youngest. I have not seen him since he was a week old, and that was over a century ago.”
“Akira-sama.” Rin looked at the haunted eyes in the mirror. “I am sorry. It means nothing, I know, but I truly am sorry.”
“He did not know me, and I did not know him. I thought I would hate the ones who attacked my son, but I cannot. I have spoken more with you then I ever did with him. Ryuutaisho killed my sons long ago. I do not know these monsters.” Akira tucked the fan into Rin's obi. “I believe we have found someone that you are comfortable being, Rin-san.”
“Akira-sama. I will help you kill him.”
“Arigato, Rin-san.” Akira left without another word.
Gazing at her reflection, Rin thought that something was still missing. Glancing around her room, her eyes landed on a vase of flowers that she had picked that morning. She placed a single white lily in her hair, smiling when the scent reached her. `Now I'm ready.'
`And she was right. I can be this person. It will take some getting used to. Every time the breeze blows my kimono open I feel so immodest, even if I am fully dressed. Having my hair out of the way is certainly a nice change.' Rin was perched on a branch, swinging her legs as she watched the household prepare to leave. Below her Ah-Un was grazing, tacked and ready to go. Neither of them wanted anything to do with the chaos at the palace.
Several of Kagome's guards had been glancing at Rin, admiring the new look. Sesshomaru's ward suddenly seemed like an adult female. To say nothing about the tempting picture she made with her kimono ruffling in the breeze to reveal the pants underneath. Even Sesshomaru noticed the difference.
“Kagome, is this your doing?”
Kagome's eyes found Rin against the leaves. “Nope, but I wish I could take credit. It's a good look for her.”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru stalked away, trying to ignore Kagome's giggles.
“Hai, Kagome-chan!” Rin jumped down, easily handling the ten foot drop.
“Look at you! When did this happen?”
“Akira-sama helped me. Do you like it?”
“Absolutely, and I know that several of my guards like it, too.”
“Really?” Rin blushed before glancing over Kagome's shoulder. “Which ones?”
“Rin-chan! Quit hiding and find Sango, she's been looking for you.”
“Hai, Kagome-chan.”
`Merkamou is going to have a heart attack.' The miko watched as Rin darted across the grounds, looking for her instructor. A couple of heads turned to watch her go. `What has Akira done?'
“In the stories they always say going off to battle like it is some big, exciting thing. What a disappointment.”
Kagome was behind Sango on Kirara, grumbling to Rin on Ah-Un. “How long is this going to take?”
“Four days, according to Sesshomaru-sama.” Rin stretched, just as bored as her friends. “We cannot exhaust everyone by running the whole way. It is youkai, so we will still make better time then a ningen army. Less breaks.”
“Stop complaining, Kagome-chan. How much time did we spend wandering around Japan to find those shards?”
“I know, but it was entertaining then. With you smacking Mirokou, Shippou fighting with Inu . . . “ Kagome's voice trailed away.
“I could always start a fight with Rin-chan for you.”
“Really? You would do that for me?”
“Of course, Kagome-chan. Oy, Rin! Are you here to fight or just distract the males?”
“Hey! Just because you are an old married woman does not mean we all have to act like one!” Rin managed a passable indignant look.
“Old?” Sango dived Kirara at Ah-Un, making Kagome squeal with surprise and grab onto her friend. “I'll show you old, you upstart!”
“Sure, if you can catch me!” Ah-Un skimmed the ground as they dodged Kirara.
“So much for conserving energy.” Isamu watched the ningens chase each other across the grass.
Akira made no comment, forcing Isamu to try harder to engage her in a conversation.
“Do you believe that we will find Ryuutaisho waiting at the border?”
“I would expect so. He is very impatient.” Akira kept her eyes down.
“And what will you do after he is defeated, Akira-sama?”
“I am uncertain. The others wish for me to rule, but it will be hard without help.” The blue eyes flicked up to the leopard's face for half of a heartbeat before returning to the ground.
“Any would wish to be with you, Akira-sama.”
The fan flashed into existence, hiding Akira's face. “You flatter me, my lord.”
Heart pounding, Isamu watched the lady next to him. She was everything he ever wanted. She was perfect. “If you ever need assistance, Akira-sama, just tell me. I will do anything I can.”
“Arigato, my lord.” The fan lowered, allowing Akira to peek at Isamu. “You are very kind.”
Isamu's heart skipped a beat. “My lady, . . . “
“Look out!”
No one saw Akira move, but she was simply out of the way. Isamu was not as quick and found himself knocked face first into the grass.
“Bad, Ah-Un! You were not supposed to knock him over, just scare him. Are you okay, Isamu?”
“Crazed female.” Isamu rolled onto his back to glare at his nemesis. “If you cannot control him, land!”
“Well, if you are going to be that way I will not apologize!”
“Isamu-sama, are you injured?” Akira was kneeling at his side, her hands fluttering over him.
“It is nothing, my lady.” Isamu gave her a bright smile. `Small price to pay for her attentions.'
Akira turned her back to him, facing Rin. “You must be more careful, Rin-san!”
“Hai, Akira-sama.” Looking down right smug, Rin soared away.
“Please, Isamu-sama. Let me help you.”
Shaking her head at Akira's game, Rin looked over the force that was marching to the east. She saw a familiar figure struggling to keep up with the taller youkai around him. Diving down, she snagged him by the back of his clothing and hauled him into the air. “Good afternoon, Jaken-sama!”
“Rin, you impudent child! Put me down this instant!”
“Are you certain that is what you want, Jaken-sama?”
Staring at the ground, Jaken changed his mind. “Do not drop me, foolish ningen! You are the most troublesome creature.”
“Then you do not wish to ride on Ah-Un for the rest of this march?”
“I never said that!”
Rin dropped Jaken behind her on Ah-Un. “Rin is happy to see you as well, Jaken-sama.”
The toad softened somewhat. “It is good to travel with you again, no matter how annoying. It brings back such memories.”
“Oh, Jaken-sama, I still do not like long stories.”
“I will never get the respect I deserve from you!”
Somehow things seemed more in balance with Jaken behind her on Ah-Un. Rin smiled to herself and hummed a tune as Jaken grumbled away. Sesshomaru glanced up at them, amused to see his two companions back in their usual places.
Kagome stood next to Sesshomaru, looking over the mass of soldiers that had gathered. Merkamou's banner was to her right, and Hideaki's banner was off to the left. From her viewpoint it looked like an ant mound that had been disturbed, sending the soldiers scurrying about. “There are so many. I had no idea.”
“Hai. And Ryuutaisho is on the other side of those hills with an army that is just as massive. He has been building up to this for years, and has thrown all of his resources into it. He cannot lose, and he knows it.”
“A trapped animal.” Kagome shivered. “I am going to say hi to Merkamou.”
“Not alone.”
“No, I'll bring Rin and Sango.” The miko gave Sesshomaru a peck on the cheek before heading to his camp. “Rin-chan! Sango-chan!”
“Hai!” Sango waved to Kagome before turning to poke Rin. “Come on, Rin-chan. Kagome's calling.”
The three ningens crowded together in the midst of the youkai army. None would dare to bother the Lady of the West, but they were still getting a wide variety of stares. Kagome opted to ignore them, focusing on her friends. “I want to say hi to Merkamou. Sesshomaru says I can't go alone, so can you guys come with me?”
“Of course, Kagome-chan. Let's go, Rin-chan.”
Sango followed right behind Kagome, but Rin lagged behind. She did not really want to face Merkamou, but she knew it would be coming sooner or later. The miko was making a beeline for the hawk's banner, weaving her way through the soldiers. As they passed into the Southern armies there was an increase in stares being directed their way. The rumor that the Lady of the West was a ningen did not prepare the troops to see a trio of ningen females wandering through the camp. The lagging Rin was subjected to some cat calls, making her face burn.
“Are you lost, ningen? Perhaps I could help.” A hand snagged at Rin's sleeve, making her whirl around. With her right arm caught, she slipped her left hand inside of her kimono, unnoticed by the attacker. “You can come with me.”
Rin buried the dagger in his arm, making him howl and fall back. “Keep your hands off of me unless you would like them removed for you.” Snatching the dagger back, she glared at the surrounding group. The youkai moved away, staring as she marched after Kagome.
“Was that the Lady of the West?” one solider asked another.
“I don't know,” was his companions reply.
Growling to herself, Rin caught up with her friends as they approached the command tent in the center of the camp. The guards waved them through, obviously expecting them. Kagome was looking every which way, trying to find her friend.
A youkai launched himself at Kagome, slamming into her chest and knocking her across the ground. The pair came to rest at Merkamou's feet. The hawk raised one eyebrow at the pair, then quickly drew his sword to block Rin's attack. “Easy, merlin.”
“Kagome! I never thought I would see you again! I've missed you so much, where have you been? What happened to everybody?”
The emerald green eyes that stared at her had changed, but the eager expression under the unruly red hair was the same. “Shippo? Shippo!? It's you!” Kagome nearly smothered the kit as she hugged him to her. “You're so big!”
“I've been growing, Kagome. It's been ten years since I saw you last. Where have you been?”
Merkamou looked down at the pair, breaking off his argument with Rin over Kagome's safety. “Shippo, may I present the Lady of the West.”
“Nani? You and Sesshomaru? You mated with Sesshomaru? You're the ningen? But, but, but you were supposed to . . . and he's his half brother . . . and he tried to kill you!” Shippo sat up to stare at his friend.
“Half of Japan has tried to kill me. Including Merkamou-sama. I try to not hold a grudge these days.” Kagome gave Merkamou a glare out of the corner of her eye as she climbed off of the ground. The kit now almost came up to her chest, just a bit taller than Mizuki. “You need to remember that I can't catch you like I could when you were little.”
“So I take it that you know this one.” The hawk was looking at the kit with amusement.
“Oh, hai. I met Shippo right after his father was killed, and he stayed with me and my friends while we hunted for the Shikon Jewel. But why are you here, Shippo? Merkamou-sama, what is a little kid like Shippo doing here?”
“It was not my doing. He came with his relatives. His father was an advisor of mine, and this one has found a spot in my court.”
“I'm a messenger!” Shippo puffed up with pride.
“Some things never change.” Sango came up alongside Kagome.
“Sango!” The exterminator was subjected to the same greeting that Kagome had received, but Sango was able to keep her balance. “Where's Mirokou?”
“He is at home, with our children.”
“I knew he loved you! Who's that, Kagome?”
“You don't recognize her, huh? This is Rin.” Kagome steered Shippo over to meet Rin again.
“The little girl that followed Sesshomaru around? She's gotten big.”
“That is only because you are so very short.” Crossing her arms, she glared at the cheeky kit. Merkamou was chuckling beside her, and it was making concentration difficult.
“Am not! Are you going to fight, Kagome?”
“Hai, Shippo. I'm going to be with the Western armies with Sango and Rin. And Sesshomaru, of course.”
“That is just too weird. I can't even imagine you having a conversation with him, much less any of that other stuff.”
“Shippo!” Kagome blushed scarlet as Rin and Sango got a good laugh in at her expense.
“Are you not supposed to be doing something, kit?” Merkamou stepped in to save Kagome from further embarrassment.
Jumping to attention, Shippo handed a scroll to Merkamou. “Hai, my lord!” Mission completed, Shippo turned back to Kagome. “So, can I come and visit you guys?”
“Of course you can. I'll let my guards know that you're coming.” A final hug from Kagome threatened to squeeze the life out of Shippo.
“This is the reply, kit: No way in hell. Please make sure that the message is received word for word.” Merkamou watched with a smile as Shippo darted across the camp to find his target. “He is a bother sometimes, but he has proved rather valuable here. He is very quick, and can find almost anyone in this chaos.”
“I'm just relieved that he is alive and well. I never knew what happened to him after his family swept him away. It never occurred to me to ask you. How has it been going?”
An elegant shrug was the answer. “It is war. The preparations went well, and we are here now. Of course I would rather not be here, but such is the way of things.”
`Ouch, that was a pretty melancholy answer from him.' Kagome forced a smile onto her face. “At least it went well.” `Lame, Kagome.'
`Okay, this is awkward.' Fidgeting, Kagome tried to think of something to say. “You look pretty busy, so I'm just going to get out of your way. See you later?”
“Of course, Kagome-sama. I will be by later tonight to visit with Sesshomaru-sama.”
“I'll see you then.” Steering Sango around, Kagome went back towards her home camp.
Rin smiled up at Merkamou. “It is very strange to see you looking so melancholy and I am the one smiling.”
The jibe worked, bringing a small smile to his face. “It has been exhausting work.”
“We will find something to cheer you up when you come to visit our camp. With so many people running around, I am certain we could arrange something that would be entertaining. Perhaps you will help me design a joke for our friends.”
“A joke? I doubt that Sesshomaru-sama will be in a joking mood.”
“Probably not, but we will think of something to entertain ourselves.”
“Your presence is entertaining enough.” The hawk leaned closer to her, whispering in her ear. “May I mention that this look suits you?”
Blushing, Rin pulled back a bit so she could look in his eyes. “Arigato, Merkamou. I will see you tonight.”
Watching the ningen jog off to catch up with her friends, Merkamou sighed. It was bitter sweet to see his merlin.
“Rin-chan, keep up!” Sango called back for her trainee.
“Hai, Sango-chan!”
The two older females were watching her closely. “So, what were you two plotting?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“Kagome-chan, do not do that!”
"We can argue about this later. I'm starving. Let's go see what there is for food in Sesshomaru's camp before the other lords show up. And we should rescue Akira from Isamu." Kagome giggled to herself at the image of Akira hiding from the persistent Isamu.
"Isamu may be the one that needs saving. I think Akira is after him." Rin tipped her head to the side. "When she was yelling at me to be careful she winked at me. And I know that fan bit was just her flirting with him."
"Akira and Isamu? No way!"
"I am more shocked then you are, Kagome-chan. But that is what I saw."
Sango felt rather bad for the young taiyoukai. "Should we warn him?"
"Hell no!"
"Rin-chan! You better not keep talking like that when Mizuki gets back."
Smiling with an evil gleam, Rin looked over at Sesshomaru's camp. "Let Akira have him. I cannot think of a better fate for him than to get mixed up with her."
"That poor boy will never know what hit him."