InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Decoy ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Thank you for the kind reviews, it is great to get encouragement. Especially with this beast. It may take me a bit to send out the next couple of chapters, since this war is going to be a pain to write! What was I thinking? Oh, well, it will be worth it. Quick question, should I have a chapter about Mizuki's time at Hideaki's court? Anyone want to hear about it? I own nada.
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"What language are they speaking, Rin-chan?"
"I am not sure, Kagome-chan, but it sounds complicated. Sango seems to speak it, though."
The two friends sat off to the side with Shippo while a large group studied maps spread over a table. All of the taiyoukai were there with their generals, making it rather crowded for the lone ningen. After a few useful suggestions the youkai had accepted Sango's presence, even harassing her as they would each other.
"If you would open your eyes you could see that would never work. Ryuutaisho would never fall for that!" A tough old eagle thumped on the table, earning a glare from Sango.
"My eyes are open, you wind bag, and it would work!"
"Sesshomaru-sama, tell the ningen that this is a foolish idea."
"I agree with the ningen." Sesshomaru rearranged the imaginary troops again.
A triumphant look was shot at the old general, who grumbled to Merkamou. Smiling, Merkamou hissed back, thumping him on the shoulder. Whatever Merkamou had said worked, for the eagle smiled back and nodded to Sango.
"Well, at least Sango is enjoying herself." Kagome shifted restlessly, looking around. "I keep looking for my pups, wondering where they are. I woke up last night panicking because I couldn't find Katsuro."
"You will have them back soon, Kagome-chan. Sesshomaru-sama said Ryuutaisho is gearing up for one huge battle, not a drawn out war." Slipping an arm around the miko's shoulders let Rin give her friend comfort.
"It's hard to see a huge battle as a good thing. This whole thing is stupid!"
"I know, but it is much too late now. Ryuutaisho is not going to back down, and neither is Sesshomaru-sama."
Shippo burrowed in Kagome's arms. "Where are your pups, Kagome?"
"They're at Hideaki-sama's home. It's too bad Mizuki is missing this, she would just love it." Kagome looked over the tacticians at work.
"Is Mizuki your daughter?"
"Hai, she's eight. My son is Katsuro, and he's just a month old. I'd guess that he has started to crawl, and is driving Mayu insane. At least Mizuki will behave herself."
"When can I meet them?"
"As soon as you come to visit, of course! Especially if Katsuro is up and running by then, you two would have so much fun!" Kagome squished the kit, thinking about him playing with her son in the gardens.
"Why can't I play with Mizuki? She's old enough to be running around."
Rin snorted. "Mizuki does not run around. She may sit in a tree and watch while she reads, but that is all the more you will get."
"Bor-ing! I didn't think that any of Kagome's daughters would be like that." Shippo wiggled loose enough that he could look up at the miko.
"She takes after Sesshomaru. All calm and collected."
"Like I said, boring."
Kagome broke back in. "Hush. You don't even know her, so no fair picking on her."
"Fine, Kagome. I'll wait to pick on her until I've met her."
The friends returned to watching the youkai debate and plan. From the expressions around the table it looked like some sort of agreement had been reached. Heads were nodding as notes were jotted down on paper. The meeting was breaking up, with the attendees moving outside to mix and talk before returning to their own camps. Kagome, Rin, and Shippo followed the group out of the tent.
Kagome joined her mate, greeting Hideaki and his generals with her open smile. Shippo was handed a note and sent scurrying back to the Southern camp, weaving through the startled soldiers. Alone, Rin looked around at all of the strange youkai. Akira was with Isamu again, giving him small smiles as encouragement. With Sango caught in an animated discussion with that eagle Rin was left on her own and rather nervous. She desperately tried to not fidget as one of the youkai approached her.
"Excuse me, my lady. I am being very forward, but I have not yet been introduced." The green eyes looking down at her were friendly, paired with a smile and a pleasant face.
Rin bowed, taking a deep breath against her nervousness. "My name is Rin."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Rin-sama. I am Daichi. May I ask how you came to be at this meeting?"
"I am fighting for Sesshomaru-sama. And how did you end up here?"
"I am a general in the Northern armies. Although, with Hideaki-sama as a leader, I do not have much say in strategy. That is his specialty and my job is to correctly execute his plan."
Daichi's rather aggravated expression made Rin chuckle. "I am in the same position, my lord. I do not help with the strategy. I simply go where I am told and kill as instructed."
The answering laugh made Rin duck her head, pleasantly surprised by his reaction to her blunt comment. Akira was watching and Rin could see her tap at her fan with a long talon. After a second Rin figured out what the dragon was after. She shot a perplexed look back to the lady, which got her a slightly frustrated glare. Akira opened her own fan to look at Isamu from over the top. Feeling somewhat awkward, Rin pulled out her own fan and snapped it open. She would not hide her entire face as Akira did, but the fan would be useful for when her shyness threatened to overwhelm her. To say nothing about giving her hands something to do so she would not fidget.
Obviously this was the correct move, as Daichi smiled at her flirtatious gesture. "Somehow I think you are underselling yourself, Rin-sama. Are you such a powerful tactician that Sesshomaru-sama does not want to give it away?"
Thinking back to how Akira spoke to Isamu, Rin let her voice drop a few notes. She caught the green eyes in front of her in a direct look as she smiled. "Ah, that must be it, my lord. You have found me out. Sesshomaru-sama will not be pleased."
There was a split second hesitation before Daichi started to laugh again. "You did catch me there, Rin-sama. How cruel."
"I believe you can handle it, my lord."
"Hai, that I can. Perhaps you are a secret weapon after all. An irresistible trap set by Sesshomaru-sama to lure in the unwary."
Rin leaned in close, noting the change in the male's breathing. She whispered to him, "You will never know, my lord."
"Oh look, Rin-chan made a friend." Kagome was delighted to see Rin talking to someone new. Her friend was rather shy.
"Hai." Sesshomaru watched closely as Rin whispered to her new friend, using her fan to hide her words from eavesdroppers.
"Oh, that is just Daichi. He will talk to any pretty female he can find while his mate is so far away. He means no harm." Hideaki smiled at the flirting couple.
A second male joined the couple. Now Rin was flirting with two males, laughing with both of them. Merkamou did not look amused.
"Your Daichi may not be a problem, but that male will be." The audience was entertained when Rin snapped her fan closed and bopped the new male on the head. "Or perhaps not."
"It is certainly more enjoyable to have such attractive faces while we are here. Usually we have nothing but tired, dirty males to look at for weeks on end. The attendance at meetings should go up." One of the generals was watching Rin with appreciative eyes.
When a third male joined the group with Rin, Kagome could see the hawk lord tense. Rin was smiling at all of her new friends, casually playing with her fan as she slowly entranced them.
"If you will excuse me." Merkamou bowed to the group and moved towards Rin, eaves dropping on the conversation.
"You truly should see the Southern lands, Rin-sama. I would be delighted to have you as a guest at my home."
"Oh, I am sure you would." Daichi gave the second male a faint glare.
"Daichi, just because you cannot invite lovely ladies to visit anymore does not mean that we must all do the same. It is an honest and honorable offer, Rin-sama."
"And a generous one, my lord." Rin smiled, spotting Merkamou over the male's shoulder. "However, I have already had an offer to stay in the Southern lands when I can find the time."
"May I ask who made this wonderful offer?"
"Do not tell me that you are believing anything that this one says."
All eyes turned to find Merkamou looking back at them. The male in question blanched at the sight of his lord staring at him.
"Merkamou-sama, play nice. I have no reason to doubt the honesty of his offer." Rin snapped her fan closed to give the hawk a playful glare.
"I was surprised that you were not at the table with Sesshomaru-sama."
"It is as I told Daichi-sama. I have no head for strategy."
"But your presence would have been every bit as entertaining as that of Sango-san."
Rin's eyes found Sango, still talking with that eagle. From the gestures, it looked as though they were discussing efficient ways to disembowel an enemy. "Ew."
"We are under attack!"
Yells from the edges of the camp sent all of the fun out of the situation. Rin was on the move in an instant, going with Merkamou to look for the threat. In the dark it was hard for Rin to see what was going on, but Merkamou could see just fine. "They are trying to get over here. It is the most logical target."
As one the fighters drew their weapons. Akira retreated to the back of the group, anxious. Kagome moved to stand near her, her bow and arrows already retrieved from the tent. Isamu took the other side.
Sesshomaru moved to the front of the group, Tokijin at the ready, to face the attackers. Yells and metal clashing could be heard as the unseen force clashed with Sesshomaru's soldiers. Merkamou stood next to him, reporting what his sharp eyes could see. "No more then one hundred, Sesshomaru. Your troops are scrambling, though. They will break through."
"Let them." The inu-youkai would destroy this threat.
"Remember, take her alive!"
The yelled command made Sesshomaru furrow his brow. "Take who alive?"
"Kagome-sama?" Merkamou looked at the miko defending Akira. "Wait . . ."
Rin followed Merkamou's glance. "Akira! They are after Akira!" She ran into the tent, reemerging with two hooded cloaks. "Akira-sama, put this on and pull the hood up!"
"What's going on, Rin-chan?" A tense Kagome watched as Rin covered Akira and pulled the other cloak on herself.
"They are after Akira, so we are getting her out of here. Isamu, get Akira out. Remember, use your fucking brains!" Rin thumped Isamu once on the head.
To Kagome's shock, Isamu nodded at Rin. "Hai." He snagged Akira by the waist and disappeared into the dark, her two guards chasing after him.
"Language, Rin-chan!"
"It's something the Captain taught him, Kagome-chan." Pulling up the hood, Rin grabbed Merkamou. "I am the decoy now. Akira is close to my height, and Isamu just took her away."
"Understood, Akira-sama." An amused grin went with Merkamou's assent. He pushed Rin behind him, rather enjoying her annoyed expression at playing the part of a passive lady. Most amusing.
The first group of soldiers was coming close enough for even Rin to see them. "Release Akira!"
"No." Sesshomaru swung Tokijin and slashed through the group, destroying half of them.
Rin grasped at Merkamou, trying not to laugh at his aggravated expression. The act seemed to be working, since the attackers were not taking the time to look at anything too closely. They saw a hooded female being protected by the Lord of the South. It was obviously not the Lady of the West, since she was at her mate's side and unleashing arrows into any youkai unlucky enough to come within her sights.
When more of the soldiers arrived the youkai had their hands full. Merkamou fell back, pushing Rin back with him. The ruse was working almost too well, with the forces focusing on the false Akira as they swarmed Merkamou. Sesshomaru and Kagome were cutting a wide swath with their attacks, while Sango's boomerang slashed unfortunate soldiers in half. Each of the generals and taiyoukai were taking soldiers down, even as Sesshomaru's forces caught any stragglers. The attackers were losing, but they had a single minded focus. They would capture Akira.
"I think you and Akira need to beat a retreat," Sango yelled.
"Good idea." With a quick movement Merkamou swept the hooded figure into his arms and took off into the night, in the opposite direction of Isamu and the true Akira.
The attackers tried to follow, but Merkamou was making it difficult for them. Zig zagging through the camp, he left them scattered and open to attack. Only the most stubborn were able to stay with them.
"Enough. Let's just kill the last of them. We have been running decoy long enough."
"Very well, Akira-sama." Stopping at the edge of camp, Merkamou set his bundle down.
"You can quit calling me that now. I think they will figure it out very quickly." The two katanas hissed as she unsheathed them.
"Well, merlin, when you said that you were going to provide entertainment I had no idea that this was what you meant."
"Do not blame this one me! This was not my doing!"
The pursuing soldiers surrounded them, warily eyeing the hooded figure that now had two katanas. Since when did Akira even know which end of a sword to hold on to?
Back to back, Merkamou and Rin waited for them to attack. The hesitating group had obviously decided to kill Merkamou and then worry about who this female was.
Akira stayed behind Isamu as he helped her guards deal with the soldiers. The few that had followed them quickly found their death. Once the threat was removed Isamu continued on his path to the Northern camp, keeping his sword drawn as he watched for more threats. His own camp did not seem to be under attack, but that could change rapidly if they figured out where Akira had gone. The lady was quickly tucked into a tent, her guards at the door while Isamu stayed at her side.
"Isamu . . . "
"Shh." Listening carefully, Isamu tried to track any sign of a threat. There was a whistling sound as an arrow punched through the tent and flew out the other side. "Down!"
Gasping, Akira found herself shoved down into the dirt as her guards ran to find the attacker. Crouching beside her, Isamu listened for footsteps, waiting for the next attacker. He did not have to wait long. A dark figure pushed back the flap, finding the hooded female on the ground with a snarling leopard on guard.
"Release the lady. Ryuutaisho is waiting for her."
"Never." Trying to remember his lessons, Isamu moved towards the threat that was now in the tent with him. 'Do not just swing. Look for the mistakes. Use my advantages.'
The dark youkai charged him, looking to bowl him over. Isamu stepped to the side and let him blow by with a hit to his arm. Sliding to a stop much faster than Isamu could have predicted, the attacker spun and was on him. Rapid fire attacks put Isamu on the defensive, backing away from the blows. His opponent was smiling, triumph in his eyes. "What a pity they left her with a weakling to defend her."
The killing blow never landed. Isamu was no longer there, but was beside the youkai, slamming into him to drag him to the ground. His claws dug into the youkai's arm, ripping through muscle and tendon to force the youkai to drop his sword. Unarmed and desperate, the youkai lunged for Isamu's throat with his teeth, managing to leave a nasty bite before Isamu's claws could rip his opponent's throat out. The youkai collapsed as his blood drained into the dirt.
Akira was in the back of the tent, staying down in case of more archers. Her eyes were huge when she saw Isamu's condition. "My lord, your throat! We must get help!"
"It is fine." Ripping a piece of his own clothing off, he held the cloth to his throat to slow the bleeding. "He did not hit anything vital."
Cautiously Akira rose from the ground to approach him. Her hands went to the bite, genuine concern appearing for a second before being reburied. "Should we leave or stay here?"
"I do not think you want to stay here with a rotting soldier."
"My lord, that was not a necessary comment."
Shaking his head, Isamu tugged Akira after him as they eased back out into the open. Her guards had returned, and from the fresh blood on their weapons he guessed they had found the archer. The way to his father's tent was clear, and the word had reached the camp of the attack. Everyone was up and looking for a threat, letting Isamu follow Akira into the tent to clean himself up.
"Let me help you, my lord. It is the least I can do after you fought for my safety." Akira found a basin of water and a cloth. "Please, sit."
Settling on a cushion, Isamu watched as Akira tucked her sleeves up and knelt in front of him. She pushed his hand away, revealing the rather nasty bite. Sighing, she lifted her cloth and started to wash the blood away. It turned out that the young lord was right, that the wound was not serious, but it was deep enough to bleed everywhere. "Arigato, my lord. I did not think that Ryuutaisho would want me back enough to attack like that."
"Of course he would want you back. Aside from being his mate and desirable, he has most likely guessed that you may be helping us. And it is dishonorable to have your mate stolen by another, which some have been saying about him."
"Flattery again, my lord."
"The truth, Akira-sama."
The two pairs of blue eyes locked on each other. For the first time in centuries Akira felt her pulse quicken as she saw the heat in Isamu's eyes. She flicked her eyes down, concentrating on the water in front of her.
"Akira-sama?" Isamu tried to look into her eyes again, but she kept them down. "Have I upset you?"
"No, my lord." Looking back up, she recaptured the male's eyes. "If I may be so bold, I do enjoy talking with you."
Swift as thought Isamu caught Akira with a kiss, startling her. It was over in the span of a heartbeat, leaving her with the impression of softness and a carefully controlled force just beneath the surface. He felt like a thunderstorm on the horizon. She raised her fingers to her lips, confusion rippling through her.
"My lady, I apologize for my behavior. Please forgive me."
"I forgive you, my lord." Seeing Isamu reach to touch her, she snapped out her fan and left a cut across the back of his hand. "But do not push your luck."
The flash of fire in the usually quiet and submissive Akira caught Isamu by surprise. He snatched his hand back, looking at the cut with wide eyes. "Whatever you wish, my lady. I do not want to upset you."
"Arigato, my lord. Now it seems that I must clean another injury." Her eyes down, Akira continued to tend to Isamu as though nothing had happened. Her heart was still racing, and it was difficult not to smile or laugh. 'It is just too perfect. He will do anything I want now. He will make a much more acceptable partner then Ryuutaisho. I will rule the East as I was born to do, and with him I will have an alliance to the North. None will dare to threaten my position then. The East is mine.'
Looking at Isamu still made her stomach flutter, a sensation that made absolutely no sense to her. 'He is certainly more appealing to look at. Ryuutaisho never kissed me, at least not like that. This time I will pick my mate, and this one will be a biddable one. To say nothing about the way he treats me. He does not look at me like a contract or an object. I think he actually sees me, or at least the me that I have shown him. It is an improvement.'
'I would like to show him the real me. One day.'
"Well, I hope you are enjoying yourself!" Rin ducked under a blow and used her katanas to remove her attacker's arm. The now familiar smoke rose from the injury, making him fall back as the poison moved through his system.
"Of course, dear merlin." A quick stroke sent Merkamou's opponent to the ground with his head beside him. "I still say that it was kind of you to arrange this for me."
"Knock that off." Attacked from both sides, Rin had her hands full for a moment, trying to get the two arranged so that she could kill them. She eased them closer to each other, inching them in until they got in each other's way. Once they were tangled up with each other she was able to run both of them through, sending them both to the dirt. The most convenient part of her new swords was that it only took one hit to the heart to kill the average youkai, as opposed to the tedious business of always killing them twice.
Turning to check on her partner, Rin saw a figure trying to sneak up on him from behind. She snatched out her dagger, hitting him in the eye and making him stagger. A quick attack and this soldier was also dead. Pulling her dagger back out, she gave it a quick wipe on the dead soldier's clothes before tucking it back at her waist. Merkamou smiled at her. "Arigato, merlin."
"No problem, trouble maker."
The ground was now littered with bodies, some still smoking from Rin's blades while others looked like mummies from Merkamou's attacks. Rin turned, hunting for another target and realized that the only one left standing was Merkamou.
"Is that it?"
An arrow slammed into Merkamou's shoulder, making him stumble. Rin grabbed him and dragged him into the trees for cover.
"Evidently not. Ow." Merkamou pulled the arrow out with a swift jerk.
Rin pushed him against a tree, standing in front of him and trying to find the archer. A second arrow left a shallow cut on her arm as it flew past. "I think they are still trying to take me alive."
"No surprise there, merlin. If at all possible they would prefer to take an attractive female alive." Merkamou clamped an arm around Rin's waist, pulling her close as his other hand slipped inside of her kimono.
"What the hell?!"
Rin's dagger flashed through the dark, hitting the archer that had given his position away in the throat. Blushing furiously, Rin turned her head to yell at the taiyoukai. "You could have just asked!"
"That would have taken too long."
"I do not buy that." Turning about Rin checked on Merkmaou's shoulder. "Ick. You did not do a good job of pulling that out." Quick fingers were loosening the sash that held his clothing shut.
"Now it is my turn to say what the hell."
"I think you left the head of the arrow in your shoulder." Rin had helped patch up Kagome's guard enough times that it seemed natural to help him with an injury.
"And I could have told you that."
Rin gave him a glare as she pushed his clothes off. "Great. And you threw my dagger so I can not get this out."
A quick slash of talons opened up Merkamou's shoulder. "Ow."
Grimacing, Rin worked to get the arrow head out. When she finally had a grip she braced herself. "Gomen, Merkamou." A quick yank and it was out.
"Ugh. I hate archers."
"Hai." Rin untied her own sash, revealing the white kimono underneath. Pulling it free of her hakama she ripped the bottom of it off, creating a temporary bandage. "No point in you bleeding everywhere.
Merkamou could hardly breathe as Rin tucked her kimono back into her hakama. She was so close to him, her fingers brushing against him as she wound the bandage around his shoulder. From the way her pulse had accelerated he would guess that she had just noticed how she was pressed against his bare chest.
"You should be fine to walk back to camp, Mer . . . "
An urgent kiss was pressed against Rin's lips, leaving her breathless. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his arms wound about her waist. Breaking apart for oxygen, she looked up at those gold eyes. "Sugoi."
Chuckling, Merkamou brushed a tendril of hair out of her eyes. "Arigato."
"Kagome-chan will be worried if we do not return."
"And we do not want a repeat of the last time she came looking for you."
"Absolutely not." Rin set to work straightening out her clothes and retying her sash. "You should redress."
"Am I that distracting, merlin?"
She refused to answer, sliding her katanas back into her sash. 'Oh, yes. Much too distracting.' Another glance at the prize specimen on display threatened to destroy Rin's self control. Flawless, of course, with lightly tanned skin and the muscles of a highly trained fighter.
"You are staring."
"Cover yourself, sukebe."
"Sukebe? I am not the one that is staring."
Rin chucked his sash at him.
"Fine, fine, since you cannot control yourself."
"And go find my dagger!"
"Touchy, touchy." Merkamou left his clothes untied as he went to find her dagger. "It is right here, merlin. Please, return it to the same spot. I should know where it is should I need to borrow it again."
Snatching back the dagger, Rin cleaned it off in the grass before returning it to its place at her waist. "You are infuriating, Merkamou."
"Hai." A blur of movement and he had Rin back in his arms. "And yet you seem to enjoy my company."
"I have no taste." She indulged in another passionate kiss before pulling away. "Let's go before they send a rescue party."
"As you command, my lady."