InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Thanks, 45cats and Dalafanole. I'm loving everyone's reaction to Rin and Merkamou. Now I have to decide which is more important, happy ending or drama. Hmmmm. I own very little, and none of it is profitable.
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Watching as yet another youkai disappeared in a puff of purifying energy, Kagome was already looking for her next target. A blast of power from her mate decimated a band of attackers, as well as an unfortunate tent that was too close.
"Well, he is thorough." Sango leaned against Hirakoutsu to watch as Sesshomaru mopped up the remaining attackers. The various lords and generals were moving through the camp and looking for additional threats.
With the last group destroyed, Sesshomaru resheathed Tokijin and returned to check on Kagome.
"I'm fine, jo-chan." Kagome knew what his question would be before he even began to speak.
"You're so sweet." Ignoring the dark look, the miko looked about for the missing members of her group. "We should bring Akira back. Did anyone see where Rin and Merkamou went?"
"I saw them running towards the edge of camp." Hideaki gestured towards the escape route the decoy had used. "I am returning to my own camp to find Akira-sama and my son. I will bring her back once I have found her."
"Arigato, Hideaki-sama."
The fighters were splitting up now, moving to their own camps or seeking a healer for their injuries. There did not seem to be any losses, but there were some serious injuries.
A familiar laugh caught Kagome's attention, sending her gaze to a couple coming towards her. "Rin-chan! Merkamou-sama! I was starting to get worried."
"Told you so." Rin elbowed Merkamou. "We are fine, Kagome-chan. Aside from this one getting hit in the shoulder we are quite fine."
"Thank goodness. Now all I need is Akira to come back. If she's okay then I won't have to worry anymore tonight. Come on, Merkamou-sama. Let's get a real bandage on your shoulder."
They were sitting in the command tent with Sango and rebandaging Merkamou when Hideaki returned with Akira.
"Akira-sama, you're covered in blood!"
"None of it is mine, Kagome-sama. Isamu was injured protecting me. It was nothing serious, but it did bleed profusely." Akira settled next to Kagome to assist her.
Seeing Merkamou attended by the group of ladies made Hideaki raise an eyebrow. "I am beginning to suspect that you allowed yourself to be injured to have the undivided attention of these ladies."
"Hideaki-sama, you were not supposed to give me away."
Rin hissed at the hawk under her breath. "Sukebe."
"Kagome-sama, I will leave you to tend to your patient. Tomorrow promises to be an interesting day." Hideaki bowed himself out.
"Rin-chan, you are bleeding too." Sango pushed up Rin's sleeve to show a long cut.
"A close call with the archer. I am more worried about my leg." The hakama was pulled up to show another long cut, but this one was partnered with a deep bruise. "This one hurts. Some fool tried to tackle me and this was from the glancing blow."
Sango wiped off Rin's leg, tsking to herself. It was not noticed by any except Akira that the hawk was also watching Rin's leg closely. Somehow she doubted that his interest was in the injury.
"It has been an exhausting day, Kagome-chan. I just want to sleep." Rin hid a yawn behind her hand. "Are you ready for sleep, Sango-chan?"
"Hai." Rin's leg was now bandaged and the hakama was pulled back down. "Are you coming, Kagome-chan?"
"Not yet. I need to talk to Sesshomaru."
"How about you, Akira-sama? Do you want to stay in your own tent or do you wish to stay with us?"
Rin's offer surprised Akira. "I believe I shall take your kind offer. This has been a rather unnerving day, and I do not imagine that I will be comfortable alone."
"We can stop by your tent and let you grab your things. If Sesshomaru-sama is staying up all night come and stay with us, Kagome-chan. We will find room." Sango took Rin's offered hand and pulled herself to her feet.
"I will, Sango-chan. Go get some rest." Kagome went out to find her mate.
"And I will find my own camp, since I doubt there will be an invitation extended to me." Merkamou smiled brightly at the row of glares.
"Rin-chan, you can deal with him. I will walk you to your tent, Akira-sama." Sango and Akira slipped out into the dark after Kagome.
"And I will walk you to yours, merlin."
"Um, I am fine, Merkamou." Rin fidgeted a bit with her sash.
"What is wrong?"
"I just do not want anyone to get the wrong idea."
One red and gold eyebrow threatened to roost in his hair. "You say this about my walking you across camp, and yet in the woods . . ."
"Shhh!" Rin looked around for eavesdroppers. "Do you think you could be any louder?"
"When did you become so embarrassed by me? Neither of us is mated."
"But you are courting Sora, remember?"
From the expression on Merkamou's face it was obvious he had not remembered her at all. "You know that is against my will."
"Whatever the reason, you are promised to someone else. My behavior will destroy any chance I had at finding a partner of my own if it gets out."
"You could come to the South with me. I could find a position for you at court."
"As what, your concubine? I do not think Sora or Sesshomaru-sama would approve."
"I would never do that! I was thinking as a member of my guard."
"And that would solve what? You would see me, but would not have a relationship with me. I would be alone, surrounded by youkai that hated me and said the same things Hachiro did. And I am becoming suspicious that a questionable position was your intentions."
"I could protect you from them."
Rin snorted. "Oh, I am sure Sora would love that. Bringing a ningen from the West to be your whore and then protecting her. Have you lost your mind?"
"I am trying to find a way where we can be together!"
"You think so little of me that you would throw my honor away so you could have my body? You would want me as a whore?"
"Then what are you saying?"
Merkamou's shoulders slumped in defeat. "I do not know. I can not stand the thought of never seeing you."
The smile Rin gave him was sympathetic, but distant. "I will write you. You will always be in my thoughts. But that is all. I will not live that life, not even for you."
Rin gave a stiff bow. "Goodnight, Merkamou-sama."
He stared after her, feeling as though he had been kicked in the stomach. He had been so eager to have her near him, to avoid saying good bye, that he had actually offered the position of mistress.
And been very sharply refused.
'As if the merlin would ever accept such an offer. Baka, Merkamou!' Pressing fists against his eyes, the hawk lord tried to think of a way to get Rin's favor back. She was very upset.
'Pissed would be more accurate. I was so desperate to keep her, and now she wants nothing to do with me. Just great.'
The walk back to his camp was a miserable one, with images of Rin in the woods competing with images of Rin's face when she realized what he was saying. 'I deserve this. It was selfish to suggest that. No one would question a lord for having a mistress, but the merlin would be a creature to be mocked and scorned. To say nothing about Sora's reaction. She strikes me as the jealous type.'
His eyes were drawn up to the sky, looking for shooting stars. Somehow, there had to be a way out of this mess.
There were no shooting stars that night.
Finding her mate was no problem for Kagome, not even in the chaos that came after the attack. He was standing in front of some of his officers, and it looked like the officers were fighting. Sesshomaru was furious, but only Kagome knew that.
There was a flash of movement, and one of the officers dropped to the ground dead. Kagome's eyebrows disappeared into her hair. 'What the hell?'
The surviving officers were scattering, rushing through the camp. Sesshomaru turned to meet Kagome's stare as she picked her way through the mess to his side, concern written plainly across her face. "What was that all about?"
"The night watch was not arranged properly for tonight. The question is whether it was incompetence or treachery."
"And the one you killed?"
"The head of the watch."
"Oh." The miko looked at the carnage, her stomach threatening to rebel.
Sesshomaru caught her arm with one hand and steered her towards the tent they shared.
"What is it?"
"You are distressed."
"Well, yeah, seeing pieces of youkai all over the place will do that to you."
"I do not want you to be distressed. I would not let you see this if it were possible."
Kagome melted. 'That's my overprotective, annoying, loving inu-youkai.' She ducked inside of the darkened tent, relieved to have the blank canvas as the only scenery around her. "Arigato, Sesshomaru. When will this be over?"
"The scouts say that Ryuutaisho is on the move, and coming to meet us. Not tomorrow, but the next day I would expect battle to begin."
"So soon." Kagome dropped to her makeshift bed. "I'm scared, Sesshomaru."
"I know, koishii." Sesshomaru sat next to her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.
"And you're worried."
There was no point in arguing with Kagome, since she already knew the truth. "Hai. We are outnumbered."
"It kind of makes me feel better, since I know even you are worried. I just know you'll win."
"Of course."
Giggling, Kagome gave the long hair beside her a tug. "Arrogant."
"Everything will be all right, right?"
"I will not fail."
"Good." Closing her eyes, Kagome leaned against her taiyoukai. "You aren't coming to bed tonight, are you?"
"No. Until the cause of tonight's incident is found it is not safe."
Soft fingers trailed through the silvery white hair. "I'll miss you."
"You should stay with Rin and Sango."
"It's going to be very crowded with Akira there. Can we send for Shippo to keep me company?"
"Hai." Kissing her, Sesshomaru pushed his miko back into the bed. "Rest."
"Then you better leave, or neither of us is going to be resting."
Sesshomaru left Kagome giggling in her bed, relieved to feel her emotions settling. At the opening of the tent he found the Captain standing at guard.
Seeing the raised eyebrow, the Captain came to attention. "Until we have figured out what happened I will be guarding the miko myself. I won't risk treachery."
A sharp nod was Sesshomaru's response. Catching a messenger, he sent a request for the kit to be brought for Kagome. Now that his mate was settled he could focus on weeding out the cause of that night's trouble.
"So, Rin-chan."
"I thought you were sleeping."
"Not yet. What were you doing with Merkamou tonight?"
Rin sighed and rolled over to glare at Sango. "Killing things."
"And that is all?"
"I don't believe you."
Rin flopped out on her blankets. "You have been talking to Kagome-chan."
"Not really. I was just noticing how at ease he seems with you."
"We have known each other a long time."
"He was jealous tonight." Akira's voice drifted from the dark.
"Nani?" Rin sat up to look towards Akira.
"When you were speaking with those generals he was jealous."
"You were seeing things."
"No, wait. I think you're right, Akira-sama. He did look jealous." Sango sounded down right excited.
"Both of you were much too busy to have noticed anything like that. Sango-chan was arguing with that eagle, and Akira-sama was talking to Isamu. And, if I remember correctly, you had Isamu quite bewitched." Rin tried to deflect the conversation away from the very sore spot it had been heading towards.
There was a rustle of cloth while Akira shifted. "I was talking to him, yes."
Rin was on this like a terrier on a bone. "And he was very quick to protect you when we were attacked. I think that there is something going on there."
"Good point." Sango looked over to Akira. "Isamu seems more infatuated with you then Merkamou is with Rin."
"Hey, he is not infatuated!" Rin was not amused.
"There may be some truth to your statement, Sango-san."
"Ha! I knew it!" Memories of Mizuki teasing her played behind Rin's eyes. "Isamu has a crush on you! Do you like him?"
Even in the darkness Sango and Rin had the impression that Akira was actually blushing. "He is interesting company."
"I think that is a yes." Sango was giggling. "So, Isamu and Akira. And let's not forget Merkamou and Rin. Young love."
"Young love? Merkamou is over three hundred years old!" Rin chucked a pillow at her instructor.
"But he acts like he's no older than you. And Isamu is even worse. How can you deal with him, Akira-sama?"
"It is not that bad, Sango-san. He has great potential."
"So long as he is doing as he is told." Rin crossed her arms and glared in the dark.
"Exactly." Everyone was surprised to hear a soft chuckle floating from the dragon's corner, including the dragon.
"And Merkamou . . . " Sango began.
"And nothing, Sango-chan. There is nothing there but a long friendship." Rin dropped back onto her bed.
It was far too easy for Akira to forget who she was with in the dark. They sounded so much like her own sisters, teasing in the night over the different males they knew. "I am not certain I believe her," Akira whispered.
"Oh, I know I don't."
"This is not fair, Sango-chan. You are only picking on Akira-sama and I because you are married and we cannot tease you back. But I have heard the stories about your husband." Rin caught her pillow as Sango chucked it back at her.
"I believe I would be interested in hearing these stories, Rin-san. It would put us on even footing."
"Now, now, aren't we supposed to be sleeping?"
"It is much too late for that, Sango-chan. Well, Akira-sama, Sango-chan is married to a hentai."
"Truly? What an interesting choice. And what does this say about Sango-san?"
The conversation between the three ladies was very entertaining for Akira's guards, who had not heard their mistress laugh in decades. The whispering and teasing lasted well into the night.
"A message has arrived for you, my lord."
"Who sent it."
"The Lady of the West."
Ryuutaisho snarled as he snatched the note away. The messenger scurried off, somehow knowing that he did not want to be nearby for this.
Dearest Ryuutaisho,
I have received your message and, after through consideration, am suggesting you go piss into the wind. It will do you as much good, you stupid cross-eyed lizard. Was that too complicated for you? Honestly, do you think any sensible, attractive female would stay with a male as pathetic as you? It's a wonder you have any sons at all, since you have absolutely no idea what to do with a female when you manage to pay one enough to tolerate your stench. A stupid, smelly, desperate, dickless wonder is nothing to be feared. Now, be a good little boy and have your secretary write your pathetic response for you, since you can't do it yourself. I'll see you soon, and you better hope I don't capture you alive. If I catch you I'm going to stick you in a TINY cell with my mate. I'm sure you've heard of him.
Hugs and Kisses,
"I want that dog's bitch taken alive. She will die at my claws, screaming for my mercy."
'I will kill you for this, Akira.'