InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ On the Move ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Nope, not done yet. Close, but not quite. And this chapter is just huge! Don't know how that happened, but I don't think anyone will complain about that.
As inuchick so kindly reminded me, I own the story, but about half of the critters are not my fault. I take full blame for the other half. Especially Merkamou. :-)
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“Ki-chan. Are you sleeping?”
“If I were sleeping, could I answer that question?”
Katsuro slipped into his sister's room and dropped onto her blankets. “Can't sleep?”
“It is considerably more difficult to do that when I have someone talking to me.”
“No, I cannot sleep. I am worried.” Mizuki sat up to watch her brother's eyes in the moonlight.
“Me too. Poor Rin-neechan.”
“And Merkamou, and even Yuriko. But I am also worried about Mama and father.”
Katsuro burrowed under the blankets, settling in near his sister. “Why Mama and father?”
“Because they are going to leave and help Rin-neechan.”
“Are you sure? They weren't talking about doing that.”
Mizuki gave her brother an amused look. “Rin is in trouble. Do you think father will stay here? And where father goes, Mama goes.”
“And what about us? I want to help!”
“Oh, they will probably bundle us off to Hideaki and Mayu again.”
“I don't want to visit Auntie. I'm so sick of having my cheeks pinched.”
“I doubt that Mama will allow us anywhere near a battle field.”
“Then what do we do?”
“We come up with a plan to make them take us with them.”
“Great. How do we do that?”
Mizuki put her hands behind her head and lay back down, staring at the ceiling. “I have no idea. I guess it is a good thing neither of us can sleep, because this could take awhile.”
“I'll do anything that keeps me away from Auntie and Cho.”
“Leave Cho out of this.”
Katsuro laughed and imitated his sister's posture. “It's only fair, after you knocked Shippou off the bridge.”
“There is a difference. Shippou is annoying.”
“And Cho isn't?”
The siblings exchanged a glare.
“Concentrate, Katsuro. We need a plan.”
“Planning is your specialty, Ki-chan. I'm more into execution.”
“You mean you are more into destruction.”
“Blah.” Katsuro made a face. “Dirty word.”
“If you do not help, you will be visiting with Auntie in a matter of days.”
“Okay, how do we convince Mama and father to bring us with them . . . “
-- - -
`I will not go easy on that hawk when we face off today. Even if working with the council like this does seem to improve how they deal with me.'
Rin tried to stay awake as a noble droned on and on through his list of complaints. Since almost every single one was directed at a male sitting across from him, the tension between them was thick enough to make Jaken forget to keep up with his meticulous notes.
“That baka will destroy the agriculture in the entire region, just so he may build a home exactly where he wishes to. Rin-sama, you must agree that rerouting a river is extreme.”
“It is my land, and I may do as I wish. Your precious fields will still have access to water, since I am only moving a small section. Rin-sama will not listen to your jealous pleas.”
“I am about ready to ignore both of you.” Rin smiled a bit as quiet chuckles echoed up and down the table. “Rerouting a river, Rai? Your family must be doing very well for that kind of expense. If you can do it without destroying anything, go right ahead.”
“Wait. If something does go wrong, Rai will be financially responsible for every creature affected.”
The noble in question looked rather nervous. “It is a large and dangerous undertaking, my lady. Accidents can occur . . .”
“And I am certain that you have carefully considered this, and would never risk your neighbor's holdings over something as minor as where to build a house.”
“Hai, Rin-sama.” Rai capitulated, not willing to get into a fight with both Rin and his adversary at the same time.
“Is there anything else interesting for me?” Rin looked over to Jaken, who was back to scribbling notes.
Another noble spoke up. “The group of ningens that we have been watching is preparing to move out.”
“And which way are they going?”
“We believe they are heading east, where some of their rivals are located.”
“Then it is Akira's problem.”
“My lady? Do you not mean Isamu-sama?”
“You forget, I have met that particular pair. It is Akira's problem, although I am certain that Isamu will swoop down on them exactly as instructed.”
There was more laughter as Rin skimmed over her list. While the council was not fond of her, and would frequently be very belligerent, a truce of sorts had been called. The general attitude was, `If we had to be stuck with a ningen, at least she has a sense of humor.'
“I do not see anything else that cannot wait. Wish me luck, so that you may deal with my mate instead of me for the next moon.”
“Good luck!” One of the nobles smiled broadly.
“You do not need to be that enthusiastic.”
Another noble bowed dramatically from his seated position. “I, for one, will not wish you luck in this, Rin-sama. We are much more productive under your influence.”
“Flattery, Kenta?”
“Hai. And perhaps you will have time to look at . . . “
Rin clapped her hands over her ears. “Adjourned! We are adjourned!”
There was a final laugh as the nobles gathered their things.
“Oh, before I forget.” Rin kept her eyes on her paper as she spoke. “If anyone is looking to go on a trip, especially to the Far Shores area, I suggest you change your plans.”
No one even dared to breathe in that silence. All eyes were on the ningen, who was still looking at her paper. One brave soul spoke with the softest of voices. “Rin-sama, we are not going to visit Lady Sumi.”
“Of course not. None of you would ever be foolish enough to cross Merkamou in such a way.” Rin finally looked up at the row of staring eyes. “You know what would happen.”
There was a mumbling of “Hai, Rin-sama” as the nobles drifted out.
Rin turned to the toad at her side. “Well, Jaken-sama?”
“If any of them are involved they will either try to distance themselves, or they will bolt tonight. Either way, I will be watching.” Jaken shuffled his own notes together.
“Arigato, Jaken-sama.”
“This is all that hawk's fault, for letting them go unchecked for so long.”
“Hai, Jaken-sama.” Rin walked away, letting the toad continue to rant and sputter by himself. She had heard this rant too many times to stay for another rendition. “I am going to find Merkamou. If I can manage it, we will not have to go to council for a moon.”
“And you will let him regain control when he cannot manage them? Be reasonable, Rin!”
Ignoring Jaken's parting shot, Rin went straight outside. She stretched out, forcing her body to loosen up after spending the morning inside. Merkamou would be waiting for her, and they would spar to see who would have council duty for the next month. Rin ended up with the duty three times out of four, with her mate being a taiyoukai and all, but she was determined to have the next month off. No matter what it took.
“I do not think I like the look in your eyes, merlin.” Merkamou dropped from a tree to watch her. “I predict that this will be rather painful for me.”
“A safe prediction.” Rin slipped her katanas out of her sash and set them aside. They were too dangerous for practice, and she would use practice blades in their place. “Rai is planning to reroute a river to build a house.”
“You are joking.”
“I wish I was. I want it to be your problem to deal with.”
“I am in very serious danger, I think.” Merkamou picked up a practice blade of his own. Rin had insisted that he use one, after he had insisted she put those damn katanas away. A glancing blow with one of those evil things had itched like crazy and cost the hawk a night of sleep, and he had no interest in dealing with that again.
“That you are, my love. Now get over here and let me take out some of my frustration on you.”
“How could anyone deny a request like that?”
The hawk dove forward, hoping to get one easy point before she was ready for him, but she was waiting. Rin was in motion, coming around behind him to land a swat across his backside. “That was not a nice way to start, trouble maker.”
The two exchanged blows, and Rin felt her heart race as the adrenaline kicked in. `This is what I am good at. Not meetings, not letters, but this.' A hard blow shook through her arms, pushing her back as Merkamou tried to trip her up. She twisted and slammed her elbow into his gut, stopping with her back to his chest while he wheezed. “Come now, my lord. Are you even trying?”
Giggling, Rin jumped away as Merkamou tried to grab her arm. He chased after her, stopping in time to avoid a sudden attack when she spun back around. His blade was caught with both of hers as she stared into his eyes. “Gomen, Merkamou.”
“Keh?” Merkamou narrowed his eyes at her. Rin stepped in and kicked, her foot connecting with his chin. His head snapped back, throwing off his balance enough for Rin to get in under his blade. She set one blade across his torso and the other at his throat.
“Kill, Merkamou.”
The hawk stretched out his jaw, feeling it pop back into place. “Very well, merlin. If you wish to play that way.”
“Uh oh.” Rin danced away as her mate came after her again. He managed to catch her arm and actually lifted her up off of the ground by it. She swung at him with her free arm, but he blocked it, pulling her in close.
“That was not a very nice hit, merlin.” The hawk pushed Rin's own blade against her chest, holding it there. “Would you like to yield?”
“Damn.” She wiggled about, trying to figure out a way free, but she was well and truly caught. “I yield.”
Merkamou could hear discussion drifting down from an open window. Looking up, he could see the council piled up around a window, probably placing bets on the outcome. Setting his mate back down, he smiled at the group. “We have an audience, merlin.”
“Then we should give them a show.” Rin swung again, sending her hawk into a retreat.
The betting continued as the council watched their Lord and Lady pummel each other. When Rin managed to crack him in the head with the flat of a blade, the odds swung to her favor. The odds swung back to Merkamou when he knocked her feet out from underneath her and got one of her blades away. When they were tied, four to four, the audience watched anxiously to see who would win.
Desperation made Merkamou back up, seeing the glint in his mate's eyes. He tried to catch both blades with his single one, but he was having no luck. He left an opening, one that Rin could not ignore, and invited her to come in close. A quick move with a leg sent Rin down. The mistake was made when Merkamou moved in for the kill too quickly, not noticing that his mate's fall was controlled. A hard kick to his knee sent him to the ground next to her. She was on her feet and over top of him in a heart beat.
Lunging to his feet, the taiyoukai simply slammed into Rin to get her out of the way. Without even intending to she managed to hit a nerve cluster in his right shoulder hard with the hilt of a sword. Swearing, Merkamou took a step back. She was on him in that moment of distraction, slamming into the blade hard enough to jar it from his fingers. He ducked under her next attack, rolling for his weapon, but came up short when she slammed one blade through his kimono to pin it to the ground. Dropping on top of him, she set her second blade across his throat.
“Do you yield?”
Merkamou sighed with resignation as he looked up at the ningen that had managed to trap him. Unarmed, he stood no chance of escape. “Hai, merlin.”
“Thank goodness.” Rin flopped over next to him, panting. “I was getting worried that I would be stuck with Rai and that stupid river.”
“I will get you for this, merlin.”
“You can try.”
“Mizuki, Katsuro, your father and I are going to go check on Rin-chan and Merkamou. You two are going to be staying at the Northern court.”
Kagome's words made both of her children cross their arms over the chests and lay their ears back. Mizuki was the spokesperson. “Mama, that is a bad idea.”
“Nani?” The miko stared at her usually obedient child.
“There is trouble in the Southern lands, involving family, and you want to send us on a journey?”
“It's not like I'm just sending you two out on the road. I'm sending guards.”
“But no taiyoukai. And we have seen how well guards stand up to that kind of threat. How do you know this is not a tactic to distract you while they attack your own pups? Everyone knows that you would run to help Rin-neechan if she was in trouble.”
Mouth hanging slightly open, Kagome tried to wrap her mind around this new objection. “Mizuki, don't be ridiculous.”
“Katsuro is heir, and many disagree with that. I cannot protect him alone . . . “
“Hey, I don't need you to protect me!” Katsuro broke in.
“And the last assassin that came to call ripped through your guards like they were not even there. And you intend to leave right away, I am sure.”
“Well, yes.” Kagome fidgeted as the conversation ran away with her.
“Then it would take two days for Mayu-sama or Hideaki-sama to collect us. That is a long time for someone to attack.”
“I can't take you two with me. We don't know what is going to be happening.” Kagome crossed her own arms, trying to wrestle control of the conversation away from her daughter. “You are in less danger here.”
“Between your protection and father's we are safer with you, no matter where you go. It is not like we would be going into battle with you.”
“I'm getting your father.” Spinning around on her heel, Kagome stomped off to where she could sense Sesshomaru.
Katsuro winked at his sister as they trailed along after their mother. It had taken most of the night to come up with this objection, and it just might work.
“Sesshomaru, talk some sense into your daughter. She can't come with us!” Kagome pushed the advisor sitting in front of the desk over so she could sit next to him.
“Why do you wish to come, Mizuki?”
Under the steady gaze of her father's eyes, the pup struggled to keep her own composure. “We are safer with our parents.”
“And you think that this is a distraction.”
“It is a possibility.”
“A slight one.”
“But real.”
The inu-youkai narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at his daughter. “She has a point. I have been receiving reports of several odd happenings in the south, not all related to the exiled hawk. There may be more going on here then Rin knows.”
“Nani? You agree with her?” Kagome whipped her head around to look at her daughter, then back to her mate. “You want them to come with us?”
“It is not ideal, but they are safer with us. I will protect them.”
“This is a really bad idea. We are running into battle with our pups!”
“They will not fight. Understood?”
“Understood, father.” The two pups bowed slightly as they spoke in unison.
“I guess this means I have to pack for them, too. And how are we going to get them there? You can't carry all of us, and we were just planning on you carrying me.”
“I have Shou, Mama.” Mizuki's pet popped his head up and the sound of his name, but decided that this was boring and went back to sleep.
“Perfect, my daughter and son can ride the half trained dragon into battle. This is stupid.”
“I have worked with Shou. He is safe.” Sesshomaru looked over at the advisor, who looked like he wanted to just drop through the floor. “We will continue later.”
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.” The advisor bolted from the room, leaving his lord to deal with his unruly family.
“Kagome, they are not ningens. They are not as delicate as you think.”
There was a heavy sigh as Kagome propped her chin on one hand. “I know. I still think this is a bad idea, but they probably are safer with us then anywhere else. Especially on this short of notice. We may be running around like crazy over nothing, after all.”
“When are we leaving, Mama?” Katsuro tried to avoid bouncing with excitement. `I get to see Rin-neechan and Shippou, see a battle, and ride Shou. This is incredible!'
“As soon as we can get you two ready.” Kagome rubbed her temples as she stood up. “Mizuki-chan, if I didn't know better I would say that this was a plot so you wouldn't get left behind.”
“Do not be silly, Mama.” Mizuki watched as her mother and brother left, knowing by her father's look he was not done with her.
“Did Katsuro help with this?” Sesshomaru leveled a cool gaze at his daughter.
“It very nearly did not work. Go and help.”
“Hai, father. Arigato.” Mizuki bowed before escaping. `He knew the whole time!'
Pushing a stray tendril behind her ear, Rin looked up from drawing with Yurkio. “Hai?”
“Merkamou-sama requests your immediate presence in his study.”
`What now?' Rin set aside her brush and dropped a kiss on top of Yurkio's head. “I will be back, Yuriko-chan.”
Following the servant, the exterminator tried to guess what would be this important. Usually Merkamou just came and got her himself. She found him sitting behind a desk, with an unusually serious expression. Waving the servant away, she dropped down on the cushion in front of his desk. “What is it?”
“The ningens are marching this way, not to the east. They will be here in another day or two, depending on the time they make.” Merkamou slid a document to her. “And my mother has escaped.”
“So you think she is responsible for the ningens.” Rin glanced over the paper. “This is a rather large force, even if it is just ningens.”
“Nothing that we cannot stop, but now my mother is loose with her allies. I am becoming suspicious that she has another trick waiting for us.”
“How did she convince a group of ningens to march against you? You have never had a quarrel with any of the villages in your lands.”
A taloned finger tapped at the paper, close to the bottom. Rin read the end of the message.
The rumor is that the ningens are marching to rescue a female held captive by the Lord of the South.
“This must be a joke. Are they referring to me?”
“This reeks of my mother's handy work. She would tell them that I have captured a ningen, and sired a hanyou on her. Now they are marching to rescue you and destroy me. In the chaos she can attack on her own, with whatever other weapons she has put together.”
“Simple enough. I tell them that it was all a mistake, and they go home.”
A tired smile was directed at the simple plan. “Do you honestly think that a few words will turn them back? They are probably worked up into a righteous frenzy, and they will take you from here if at all possible. Most do not agree with ningen and youkai pairings.”
“Then what do we do?”
“We defend ourselves.”
“Against ningens? That will be nothing more then a slaughter!”
Merkamou slammed a fist on his desk. “You think I do not know that? My choices are to fight, to let them overrun my palace and kill the occupants, or turn you over. Which would you prefer, merlin? Understanding, of course, that they would still try to kill every youkai here even if I did turn you over.”
“We fight.” A sour taste was in Rin's mouth as she said the words. “If we kill them, more will come for you.”
“I know.”
“I will kill your mother for this.” Rin looked up at her mate's eyes, her mouth a hard line. “I will personally hunt your mother down and tear her apart.”
The hawk swallowed hard, casting his eyes down. It was his mother, but she was the greatest threat to his mate and his offspring. “Do as you will.”
“Are we there yet?”
“For the last time, Katsuro, it will not make things go faster if you keep asking that.” Kagome glared at her son. She had both of her pups in front of her on Shou, who was now large enough to carry three. If the dragon was going to take off, she would be there to help. “Are you sure this dragon is safe, Sesshomaru?”
Shou gave her a definite glare.
“Hai.” Sesshomaru pushed his pace again, checking to see if the still growing dragon could keep up. `There was once a time when journeys like this were peaceful, quiet affairs. Even with just Kagome it was fairly peaceful. I was never this noisy when traveling with father.'
“Want to play a game, Ki-chan?”
Mizuki looked at the pup in front of her. “Are you serious?”
“I'm bored.”
“I'll play with you, Katsuro. This one is called I Spy.” Kagome leaned around Mizuki to address her son. “I spy with my little eye something. . . purple.”
The desperate expression on his daughter's face made Sesshomaru hang back. “Mizuki.”
“Hai, father.” Without a second though she jumped from the racing dragon to her father, confident he would catch her.
Kagome gave them a startled look before returning to her game. Katsuro was avidly guessing everything he could find that was purple. “Father's stripes?”
“No, but good one! I'll have to remember that. Try again.”
The taiyoukai moved a short distance away, providing some relative peace and quiet. Mizuki set her head on his shoulder, soaking up the calm and solid feeling of him. She loved her Mama and Katsuro, but they were like mercury, always moving and changing. Father was solid and calm, soothing. Katsuro and Mama together would feed off of each other, playing loud and silly games until Mizuki's head would spin trying to keep up. It seemed to her that father understood how she felt. He loved Mama and Katsuro, too, but sometimes it was just too much.
“Do you see that river? That is the boundary between this family's lands and Merkamou's lands.” Sesshomaru pointed to a winding river.
Mizuki looked on with interest as her father pointed out some of the geographic points that she had seen on maps. “I know that point, father. You fought a battle there. One of the generals laid it out for me on a map.”
“Then tell me how that battle was fought.”
Avidly pointing out the landmarks that she could now see, Mizuki replayed the battle for her father. She sprinkled in questions about strategy now that she could see where the fight had occurred, and was delighted to have her father's undivided attention.
“You need to spend more time out of the palace, daughter. You should learn the lands you will help defend.”
“Hai, father.” The silver haired pup settled against her father's shoulder, happy enough that she could almost fly by herself at that moment.
“Come on, Katsuro, what is it? Tell your Mama.”
“You have to guess! It's not that hard.”
Two pairs of eyes glanced at the squabbling pair on the dragon, with identical blank expressions that hinted at fascinated confusion and a touch of affection. Unknown to them, identical thoughts were also running through their minds.
`I will never understand them.'
The ningen army was spread out around Merkamou's palace. With the palace facing the sea and with a cliff on one side, there were only two walls to defend. Rin stood on one of these walls with Merkamou, both dressed for battle.
“Where is Yuriko?”
Rin tightened her sash, keeping her eyes on the approaching enemy. “She is in one of the interior rooms. We do not need to worry about her getting in the crossfire. I have several youkai she knows watching her, along with the guards. She will not be able to get away from that group.”
“Good.” Merkamou crossed his arms over his chest, watching the group. There were not enough soldiers to make him worry about holding the palace, but his mother was out there somewhere. This was all a trap, and he was desperate to not get caught in it.
A lone figure cantered out on a horse, riding close to the palace. Rin scanned over the clothing, and bit back a gasp.
The woman dressed as a miko stopped her horse, glaring at the hawk lord and his mate. “We have come for the ningen that you are holding captive. Release her!”
Merkamou gave Rin an almost amused look. “Shall I release you, merlin?”
“Knock that off.” Rin raised her voice to address the strange miko. “I am not here against my will. I do not wish to leave.”
“Child, you do not know what you are saying. You are being controlled by that youkai!”
“As if I could ever control you,” Merkamou grumbled under his breath.
Rin elbowed him in the gut as she called back to the miko. “I am not being controlled by him. I made this choice. We simply wish to stay here in peace.”
“He gave up any chance of peace when he snatched you away from your family!” The miko folded her hands and mumbled under her breath, concentrating.
“She does not know who your family is, does she.”
“This is serious, Merkamou! Do you want to fight a miko?” Rin leaned forward to watch the woman. She had no idea what this miko was doing, since the only other priestess she had met was Kagome. And Kagome was rather unusual.
“No, I would really rather not.” Merkamou nodded to an archer, who fired an arrow at the woman. The weapon hit a barrier and disappeared in a puff of energy. “So much for doing this the easy way. What do you suggest, merlin?”
“I have no idea. I was never very interested in attacking mikos before.” The ningens were milling about, and Rin was suspicious they were about to charge. “I hope the rest of these ningens are just regular soldiers.”
“Mother certainly did an excellent job on this scheme.” The hawk grabbed his mate's arm and pulled her down as the miko pulled out her bow and arrow. “This does not look promising.”
An arrow arced over the wall, taking out a group of archers. The ningens were now yelling and charging, rallying around the miko. The youkai archers loosed their arrows, but were dropping for cover when the miko attacked again. A third arrow hit the wall, and blew out a large section.
“Damn miko.” Merkamou grabbed Rin around the waist and dropped to the ground. “We have to kill her before we can deal with the rest. I could really use Kagome right about now.”
“Well . . . “ Rin fidgeted.
“What is it, merlin?”
“I sort of sent a note to Kagome-chan when we found out about your mother.”
“Then I hope that miko is on her way, because we will need some help.”
Youkai ran to defend the rather large hole that was now the focus of the ningens' attack. Archers tried to lay down covering fire, but the miko was taking out groups of them at a time. Another explosion rocked the palace as the miko hit the wall again, punching another hole.
Rin whistled, calling the already saddled Ah-Un to her side. The miko was less of a threat to her then any of the youkai, so she would focus on that danger. “Merkamou, you stay here and hold the ningens back. I am after the miko.”
“Be careful, merlin.” Merkamou grabbed her in a quick kiss before turning his attention to defending the crumbling walls.
Leaping onto Ah-Un, Rin soared over the wall. The ningens took aim with their arrows, looking to bring the dragon down, but could not catch them. The exterminator had eyes only for the miko that was firing at her mate's home again.
In the palace Merkamou had his own blade out, keeping the threat out of his compound. A solider slid to a stop near him, bobbing in a quick bow. “My lord, there is another force coming!”
“Nani?” Merkamou grabbed the soldier by the arm. “Who?”
“A youkai force, flying Kenji's colors.”
`Mother did her job well. The ningens breech the wall and cause chaos with the miko's help, then her allies come in to finish the job.' The hawk turned to bellow to his own troops. “Destroy this force! Now! Kenji is leading a second wave!”
All of his youkai surged forward, trying to eliminate the enemy as the miko continued to unleash her arrows. When the miko's arrows stopped, they were able to push the ningens back out of the palace. Merkamou waded through the ningens, cutting a swath and sending them back out of the compound in a crazed retreat. Once that threat was gone he dared to jump on the wall, looking to see if Rin had brought the miko down.
The miko was not down, but his mate was.