InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ The Matchmaker Cometh ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

*Taps the microphone* Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. *Sighs and wishes she did own them* Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! *Waves wildly like a child*

Chapter 1- The Matchmaker Cometh
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He sighed as his father paced the floor in front of the fire. His stepmother was knitting by the desk on the leather loveseat and he was across from her, staring into the fire, on the sofa. They were in the study waiting. Yes, he was nervous, but he didn’t think they’d be more nervous than him.

They were waiting for the matchmaker. To him, and his younger half-brother who was also being matched today, she was an old nut job who wasn’t worth the money their father was paying her. But to their parents, like all the other well to do parents out there, she was a trusting and reliable source to guarantee their children mate with “appropriate people”.

“Where’s Inuyasha? She’ll be here any minuet.” His father barked breaking the silence and thoroughly startling his mate. She quickly calmed and resumed her work.

“Upstairs, I think,” she responded softly. “Sesshomaru, would you be a dear, and go get your brother before your father loses his temper?” Sesshomaru noticed amusement in her eyes as she said this. He nodded as he stood up.

“Of course, Izayoi,” he said before walking out of the room. Immediately out the door and already he felt the stress dissolve from around him. He hoped this whole mess was worth the trouble it was causing.

He walked through out the mansion and eventually found himself in front of his half-brother’s room. He knocked but gained no response. Again he knocked only to have Inuyasha open it with an annoyed expression gracing his hanyou features.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, despite one being full youkai and the other hanyou, looked amazingly like each other. They both were fairly tall; Sesshomaru being six foot three and Inuyasha being six foot even; with long silvery white hair, molten amber eyes, and pale skin. They were both inu youkai, dog demons, like their father. Sesshomaru was his father’s carbon copy, according to some. The similarities between the boys ended there, though. Inuyasha had puppy-like ears and Sesshomaru had markings on his face and arms.

“What?” he growled annoyed. It was obvious he was nervous to see what he was set up with, not primarily who, and the stress was starting to take it’s toll here.

“Father wants you in his study, but I must warn you he’s on the edge of his stress related sanity.” Sesshomaru responded softly as Inuyasha sighed heavily. “She’s not here, yet.”

“Thanks, tell the old man I’ll be down in a minuet,” Inuyasha grumbled as he closed the door again. Sesshomaru headed off to the study as he wondered what kind of female he would be matched up with and what she’d be like.

He headed back to the study to deliver the message when the doorbell went off through out the mansion. Inuyasha’s door flew open and he rushed over to where Sesshomaru was as their father walked out of the study with his mate, Inuyasha’s mother, behind him. Both looked over the boys approvingly before opening the door.

“Welcome Lady Rayne,” Izayoi said as the door was opened. The woman smiled and nodded as she bowed to her hosts. “Please, come in.” The woman walked in the door as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru watched warily.

She was an older woman, with long bluish gray hair. Her skin was wrinkled around the eyes and mouth, but not much elsewhere, and her eyes were a crystal blue. She was short and slightly hunched over, though her robes spoke of elegance and luxury.

Nice clothes, probably from conning all these families. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru thought at the same time. They received a final warning glance from their father before he moved forward some.

“These are our sons, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru,” he said as both boys bowed respectfully. She smiled and nodded, still saying nothing as the door was closed. “Please, we’ll retire to the study and relax some.” She followed with Izayoi as he led the way, the boys bringing up the rear and dreading what was going on.

They were all seated in the study, the fire roaring with warmth as they relaxed a little, or as well as they could considering the circumstances as the older woman looked at both boys as if studying them. She couldn’t have smiled any wider if she wanted to as she beckoned them both over to her. She took each of their left hands after they, admittedly, hesitated.

“You’re both young men of honor, like your father was at your age,” she croaked a little. “I remember matching him with both of your mothers many years ago, and am proud to do so for you both this time. You will mate with ladies much like yourselves, ladies of honor. They will be spirited, sometimes considered stubborn, and strong. These qualities you will both love immediately, among others such as their beauty.” She paused as if to catch her breath. Now both boys were curious, for they had met stubborn females before and disliked them because of that stubborn quality.

After a few moments she spoke again. “But your mates will not be what you expected. They will be as fierce as a lioness protecting her cubs and as gentle as silk against the skin, proud, and independent, but dependent. One will be a hanyou and the other a human, both stronger than what first meets the eye.” She looked to their father.

“I will give you the family names after the boys leave,” she told him. He nodded as Sesshomaru grew a confused look.

“Why not give them to us?” Sesshomaru asked her softly.

“Because, it is customary for the family of the male to set everything up. The family of the male is the one who finds out who is destined to be together. The female’s family then prepares their daughter to be moved into her new home and introduced properly to her mate-to-be.” she explained patiently, it was obvious this question was asked a lot. “You must be patient with these girls, they will be nervous, maybe even jumpy, around you until you all adjust to each other. There is one more thing I must tell you both; your mates both have spiritual powers.”

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru nodded, knowing this was the last of the information they were going to find out. As they stood they both bowed to her once more, their nerves gone as if they had never been there, and left the room for the final preparations to be made between her and their parents.

“As you know,” she said softly to the parents, “they will both need to be moved to larger rooms and prepared to set up room for their mates-to-be.” They both nodded. “You shall contact Higurashi, Mina and Kosenjou, Huang. Their daughters are Higurashi, Kagome and Kosenjou, Akemi. They are not dangerous, but they are powerful. Akemi will be Sesshomaru‘s mate and Kagome is for Inuyasha. They will know it when they meet each other.”

“Of course, we’ll set up for them this afternoon. Tomorrow we’ll contact the two families.” Izayoi said smiling.

“Izayoi, Seiji I am proud of you for raising your sons so well. I know the years have not been easy on either of you.” She said as she took both their hands in hers. “They will make fine mates to these girls, I know it in my heart. But to be doubly sure, keep an eye on the boys and remind them of a few things every now and then.”

With that final word she stood and they walked her to the front doors, where the boys were waiting to say goodbye, as was the polite and proper thing to do. She said goodbye to them all and left as Seiji and Izayoi turned to the boys as they sighed.

“Our babies are growing up so fast,” Izayoi said as she smiled weakly. “First we must get you situated in your new, larger rooms. You must go through your things and the items you no longer want or need will be thrown away to make room for the girls. We’ll contact their families tomorrow to bring them here in about a week, that way you’re comfortable where your rooms will be and can help them assimilate to their new home.” The boys both nodded as they listened to her.

“Also, we’ll go over a few things, just the three of us. How to be a proper mate and discuss the powers of your mates-to-be. If they contain spiritual powers, you will need to learn how to help them control those powers when need be.” Seiji told them.

“Yes, father,” they responded to his pleasure.

“Come, lets pick out your new rooms.” Izayoi said happily. “We’ll leave them the way they are until your mates come, then they can decorate as they want. They’ll be yours until you find a new place of your own to start your own family.” Seiji nodded in agreement as she headed upstairs to change and get ready to move the two into their new rooms. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha followed in suit as Seiji sighed and watched them go, like Izayoi said, their babies had grownup so very fast.