InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matchmaker ❯ Party Time! ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Starlight Demon 22

Taps the microphone
Is this thing on? It is? Great! I just wanted to say hi and thank you for reading my story! Also, I do not own the story of Inuyasha or the characters, they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahashi. I own Akemi, but that’s nothing as special as the other characters. Sighs and wishes she did own them Oh well. Enjoy the story and please leave me a review, just to let me know if you like it or not! Bye! Waves wildly like a child

Chapter 20- Party Time!
Akemi, Kagome, Sango, and Izayoi got home from the spa two hours before the party was to begin. Since they walked in the door they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the males of the house, which worried them a little. But they didn’t have time to worry, there were four of them and two hours to prepare, so naturally they bolted up the stairs and into the master bedchamber where their outfits were waiting with the makeup artist and hairdresser. The girls just looked surprised at everything, Izayoi had obviously gone all out for the party, despite the small number of people showing up.

When finished Akemi stood in a mirror looking at herself surprised. She had never been this dressed up. Her long red hair was up in a messy bun with fake diamonds sparkling here and there, her large green eyes were darkened with blue and green eye shadow and liners and black mascara, her pale skin had barely been touched by foundation or blush, and the silvery pink lipstick added a nice touch to her face. Her gown was silvery green in color, it had spaghetti straps, and went full length to the floor. The top was fitted perfectly for her form, not too tight in the bust or stomach area so she could eat and breathe if she wanted to, though others had different opinions with so many in the house at once. And the skirt was an a-line that flowed perfectly down. Her mark, the one Sesshomaru gave her, had turned into a golden circle with a deep blue crescent set up the same way the mark on Sesshomaru’s forehead was. She felt and looked like a princess. She turned and looked at the others.

Izayoi, the mastermind of this party, had her long black hair up in a bun more appropriate for a woman of her age and stature in society. She didn’t have any foundation or blush on, but violet eye shadow and almost a maroon lipstick on as her short and thin form was being slid into her own outfit. Her dress was a sheath dress that was also a deep red, sequins every so often were sewn into flower shapes and such all over it. There were short sleeves on the gown, again also more appropriate for her position as wife of one of the most powerful youkai in Japan. Her deep violet eyes smiled as she looked at Akemi looking around. She was finally getting what she had wanted all along. Yes, Seiji got his boys, but she had wanted at least one daughter to dote on, and now she had two. She was already planning Kagome and Inuyasha’s party for when they mated.

Kagome’s gown was a deep, midnight blue, and looked more like a ball gown than any of the others. Her jet black hair was up in a bun, but some of it hung down her back in curls. She had on shimmer eye shadows in various blues mixed together and gloss over her pouty lips. There was a hint of blush on her cheek bones that seemed to accentuate them beautifully. The bodice of her gown had borealis crystals and sequins all over it to reflect the light, the skirt itself looked to be made of layers of taffeta in various blue shades, though they knew the very last layer was satin in midnight blue. It looked as though she were wearing the night sky and all of the stars on her, and thus her small body even smaller because of the dark hues. She looked as what Akemi thought Cinderella would have exactly looked like when she met her prince at the ball. She smiled as she walked up to Akemi.

“Are you alright?” she asked as Akemi sighed and shrugged.

“No worries, Akemi, we’re right here for you,” Sango said as her dress was being put on her muscular, yet thin body.

Sango’s gown was also a sheath, but deep, jungle green. Instead of sleeves, like on Izayoi’s, she had spaghetti straps like Akemi, while Kagome was the only one going strapless. It didn’t look lacy like Izayoi’s, but it had sequins and borealis crystals on it in spots to reflect the lights as well. Akemi figured they’d be their own lightshow by the end of the night, reflecting everything. Sango’s dark hair was up in a French braid and she had pinks on for her makeup, with a little green mixed in the eye shadow. As she got finished being zipped up there was a knock on the door to the room.

“One moment!” Izayoi called. They quickly finished getting Sango dressed before the door was opened. There a butler stood with four corsages for the ladies. “Oh, Seiji is just too sweet!” she said happily as she accepted hers and helped the girls put theirs on.

“Is it bad that I feel like I’m going to a prom?” Kagome asked giggling with the other girls. Izayoi smiled and shook her head.

“Not at all,” she said happily. “In fact, we have a few moments I’ll explain the part of this small gathering to you.” The girls nodded and waited, though Akemi had a generally good idea of where this was going. “I’m sure you’ve heard of a debutant, where a young woman of age is thrown a party for other members of polite society to see that she is available to be courted.” The girls nodded, Sango and Akemi both remembering Akemi’s. “This is kind of like it’s equivalent in that, it shows the young couple, supposed to be for the first time, together in public after their wedding or mating. Since I don’t think Akemi and Sesshomaru are planning a human ceremony, this would be like the reception.” Akemi nodded as she thought about it, she hadn’t thought of a human ceremony, but as of now it would be kind of pointless.

“Okay,” Kagome said as she thought about it. “So, for Inuyasha and me, we want a human wedding, would the reception be this?”

“If you held the reception after the honeymoon,” Izayoi answered as Kagome nodded. She didn’t particularly want to wait that long to have a party celebrating her wedding. “Or, if you should mate before the wedding. Like the night before.” Kagome nodded again as they looked at the clock and Izayoi opened the door to the room. “I think we’re ready!” She was obviously excited as she led them all downstairs and into the dining hall where the guys were.

The guys turned just as the ladies walked in and stared. To each of them, their own girl was the most beautiful. Sesshomaru smiled as Akemi walked up to him, still a slight hint of worry and fear in her eyes, but other wise calm and cool. She smiled as he hugged her gently so as to not crush the flower or her gown. He had on a black tuxedo, his long silvery hair pulled back in a low ponytail, and clean shaven. He wrapped an arm around her waist, his head bent to whisper calming words to her as they prepared for the guests to arrive.

Inuyasha had welcomed Kagome in basically the same way, he hugged her, but not too tightly. He held her hand as she giggled and gently pushed some of his bangs back, but for the most part his long, silvery hair was also in a low ponytail. His puppy ears were perked up as he listened around them, constantly making sure the area was safe for Kagome, despite them being in his father’s house, probably the safest area in the world for them. He smiled as he fingered a box in his other jacket pocket with the ring he was going to give her tonight, since she wanted a human courting for the most part. He honestly couldn’t wait to surprise her with it.

Seiji welcomed his wife with a few sweet words of how beautiful she looked and a kiss before offering her his arm. She smiled at how nicely he cleaned up. From his usual jeans and t-shirts while running around the house, he had on a black tux, just like the boys, all of them tie-less of course, and his long hair in a low ponytail. He was clean shaven, which was always a pet peeve of hers and looked the part of the proper gentlemen, she only hoped he’d play the part. The last time they went to one of these she got hit on while they were courting and her mate-to-be at the time threw the offending male into the pool, which had been dyed green and the lights were on full blast for a neat effect with koi swimming in it. She didn’t think she’d ever been so embarrassed.

Kouga, who had arrived early to be with Sango, of course, smiled as his date for the evening walked up. His own hair was up in a high ponytail, and he was in a tuxedo with a tie. He smiled as she straightened it up a bit for him, and commented on her beauty, causing Sango to blush. He was the tannest of the bunch and stood out as he wrapped his arms around Sango from behind and his chin on her shoulder, softly speaking about their own party one day in the future.

As the guests arrived, Sesshomaru felt Akemi squeeze his hand nervously. They shook hands, kissed cheeks, and welcomed everyone before sitting at the table themselves, Akemi and Sesshomaru at the head of the table. As everyone fell silent, Seiji stood up with a glass of champagne. Everyone, in unison, minus Sesshomaru and Akemi, raised their glasses as well as he prepared to make a toast.

“A toast to the new couple, may they find an eternity of happiness in each other’s arms.” He said as everyone looked to Akemi and Sesshomaru, one of which was almost positive there were more than two hundred people packed into the room. Everyone else raised their glasses and murmurs of agreements and congratulations were given as everyone sipped their champagne and Akemi’s father stood. She sighed, she knew what was going to happen, he was going to cry. She looked to Sango, who was already pulling out a handkerchief because it happened the last time they attended anything like this, and that was Akemi’s debutant. The handkerchief was silently passed to him, who chuckled as he accepted it.

“Yes, they’re already anticipating the fact that I get emotional about my daughter,” he said with a chuckle as a few of the other adults laughed a little as well. “But anyway, to our newest happy couple. May they take care of, love, and find peace with each other for the rest of their many days. Be true and spontaneous and you shall find the perfect combination to hold each other dear for centuries.” With that everyone sipped their champagne with a few chuckles. He sat down and did end up dabbing his eyes a little. Akemi sighed, she was afraid her father really would break down again and it was embarrassing enough the first time, mainly for him though.

Sesshomaru stood up, Akemi next to him, and the only people noticing her shake was those directly around her and who feared she’d feint from looking at all the people. Fortunately, she didn’t. Sesshomaru raised his glass as did Akemi and they smiled happily as they prepared a small speech of their own in their heads, really Sesshomaru did because he had no hope of getting Akemi to utter a squeak in front of so many people, not that it mattered.

“My new mate and I just want to thank you all,” he said as they all smiled pleased, “for your love and support of our union.” Everyone raised their glasses to that as Sesshomaru helped Akemi sit down before being seated himself. The speeches were short, but no one expected them long. It was unusual for them to last very long, Darien’s being the longest with a pause between his small joke and his actual toast.

As the food was being served, Akemi smiled as Sesshomaru squeezed her hand a little. “You’re doing great,” he said softly to her as he kissed her on the side of the head. She shrugged bashfully as she nodded. “This’ll all be over before you know it.” Akemi sighed and nodded again as she thought.

“Thank you,” she said softly as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, “for not being mad at me.” He wrapped an arm around her, some of the older members of the party awing at the scene, and kissed her on the head before they were served.

“Akemi, you should eat,” Sango said as she looked at her worriedly. Instead of eating, which Sango insisted was one of Akemi’s favorite things to do while upset, Akemi had simply moved the food around on her plate a little. “It’ll help keep up your strength.” Akemi sighed and shrugged as Sesshomaru nodded in agreement. She took small bites, mainly to keep food from getting on her dress, to make them a little happy at least.

As dessert was brought around, Akemi declined citing she was full though having barely touching her food. Her friends just watched as her mate doted on her, offering her some of his since he didn’t really eat much sweets. Their parents, who were watching, knew what was going on. Besides for being on the verge of a panic attack because of all the people, Akemi was so nervous she wasn’t eating anything if she could help it.

“Do you want to go outside and get some fresh air?” Sesshomaru asked her softly. Akemi sighed heavily and shook her head.

“’m alright...” she said softly. He nodded as he held her hand, feeling how clammy it was. He wasn’t going to force her, thus making a scene, but he knew she needed air to calm down some and get away from everyone.

Soon they all retired to another part of the mansion, one the girls hadn’t really, if ever, been in. It was set up, at least for this evening, as a ball room. Everyone looked around the beauty of the room in awe, Izayoi had it professionally decorated for hours on end until everything was absolutely perfect. Akemi looked around in awe, the room was more than big enough for all the guests so it didn’t look like one massive crowd, and thus to help her calm down more. Sesshomaru smiled as he watched her look around and start to relax.


They stood on the side, in the shadows, watching happily. His arms were around her waist from behind and his chin gently resting on her bare shoulder. Her scent, which he was happy to note wasn’t hidden by any perfumes or anything, enveloped him as they swayed slightly. The happy couple before them began a slow dance, technically supposed to be their first dance as mates, and knowing Sesshomaru it was. They chuckled as he stumbled a little but Akemi had caught him with a smile and showed him to take it easy.

“That’s going to be us, you showing me how to dance in front of people,” he said lovingly. She giggled and nodded as she rested her head against his. “She’s calmed down.”

“Yeah, your mother set this up perfectly, Akemi barely registers there’s two hundred people here, plus us, and then add on the orchestra she hired.” she replied as he sighed and nodded. “Of course, if we want her at ours, and I do, we’ll have to keep the guest list down.”

“That’s fine with me,” he said softly. “I don’t like large crowds either, granted I don’t go thru fits, but even I like my privacy.” She smiled and giggled a little in agreement. “I can’t wait until it’s us out there dancing our first dance.” She smiled as she looked at him as well as she could, it’s hard to turn your head with someone behind you and their head on your shoulder.

“Neither can I,” she whispered back. He chuckled and squeezed her a little. “Your mother said this could be our wedding reception if we mate before the wedding.” Inuyasha nodded a little, or at least attempted to make the motion.

“We can do that if you want, but when do you want to get married?” he asked her curiously. “Spring will be here in three months.” Kagome nodded as she thought about it. “And then you’ll have a problem.” Kagome looked at him confused. “Ask Akemi, Sango, or mother.” She nodded, still confused as they applauded the end of Akemi and Sesshomaru’s dance.

“She’s so beautiful out there,” Sango said as she and Kouga joined them. Inuyasha and Kagome nodded in agreement as they looked at the new, odd couple. Shockwaves of stunned people who are still just finding out have yet to dissipate.

“I know, we were just talking about how we can’t wait for ours.” Kagome said as Sango smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, Kouga and I are just doing the mating thing,” Sango said as she nodded in agreement. “So ours will probably be after spring ends.” Kagome looked at her confused.

“Why?” she asked curiously.

“Because, like he’s going to let me go anywhere during the spring,” Sango said as she giggled while he tickled her. When she noticed the blank look on Kagome’s face Sango nearly dropped her jaw before grabbing Kagome’s hand. “Excuse us boys.” With that she pulled Kagome to Izayoi, whispered something in her ear, and the two women led her out of the hall.

“Kagome, do you know what springtime is?” Izayoi asked softly as they led her into an office. Kagome shook her head with a shrug. “At least for wild animals?”

“Mating season?” Kagome asked as if it were obvious.

“Yeah, only youkai tend to fall in that wild animals category.” Sango said with a sigh. “The males tend to get....oh what’s that word...”

“Ravenous, as if they haven’t eaten in months, only you’re the main course?” Izayoi suggested as both girls looked at her surprised. “What? I read those books too.” The girls giggled before growing serious.

“So that’s why he wants to hold this before...” Kagome said as if realization dawned on her. Izayoi and Sango nodded in agreement. “Oh.” They both nearly fell as they shook their heads.

“Just oh?” Sango asked surprised.

“Well,” Kagome said with a shrug, “I knew I was going to be mated to Inuyasha, I didn’t know he wanted to so soon. But that makes sense now.” The two women sighed as they walked with her back to the party to see Akemi and Sesshomaru talking with Kouga and Inuyasha. “So for the few months of spring, we’re not going to see them, are we?”

“Nope, you’ll be lucky to see outside your room,” Izayoi said with a weak smile. Kagome stopped and stared at them stunned as both women laughed a little, they forgot how naive Kagome was.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
That’s the party. I didn’t make anything happen because...well...I’m running out of disasters. What can I say? Gotta save the best for last.

Now for my Mediaminer reviewers! Thank you for the 29 comments/reviews! Yay!

unistar- Kagome and Inuyasha, due to Kagome’s blunt refusal to originally accept are going a little slower. It’s harder with a human than it is a hanyou are youkai. Sango and Kouga are the same way, they haven’t even moved in yet. But don’t worry, they will before you know it! Thank you for all your reviews!

bk- Thank you for the review! Hopefully you’ll think the following chapters are just as good!

future author- Thank you for reading and the review!

angel-up-above-heaven- Kagome’s mother isn’t done yet...but that’s all I’m saying 0:) Thank you for your reviews!

kokoronagomu- Sorry if it seemed deceiving, I actually just set up the pairings as I thought of them, not really how the story was meant to be written (at the time I wasn’t sure which way I was going either). There will be more Inu/Kag scenes coming up, including the wanted all around lemon. I prefer writing and adding personalities where they fall short else where (the peripheral characters from the anime) and adding twists (Kouga/Sango) and I hope the story isn’t so bad that you should suffer at all.

Fanfactor- Thank you for your review!

ladygeri- Actually I’ve never really liked the Kagura/Sesshomaru match ups, normally I have Kagura causing mass mayhem and such. I dunno, I’m weird, but like I said above, I like the odd and twists. But thank you for seeing how my story was. Thank you for the review and adding me to your faves! I’m happy you like it so much!

ObsessedInuyashaFan- Kikyo and Kagura have a few more cameos, though I’m not quite positive how far off they show back up. I’m thinking around the beginning of spring, so a few more chapters. Thank you for the review!

adeanery- I’m happy you enjoyed reading it so much! Thanks for the review!

Ethereal Siren- Yeah, I don’t think I explained that. Akemi and Kagome don’t really “know” each other in the sense of friends or even acquaintances. They know each other more out of rumor. Kagome’s actually very well known in the youkai world because of her family and Akemi’s known in the human world for her own abilities as a priestess (before all of this started she, and her mother before her, worked in a large and popular shrine). So really it was they knew of each other, and the introductions only sealed what they knew. Sorry that it wasn’t explained, it was one of those to add or not to add kind of things. Thank you for your review!

Thanks everyone! Hopefully I answered your concerns, if not you can always message me again and I’ll try it better or click on my name and email me. I will gladly answer questions or concerns about the story. Hopefully this and the following chapters will be just as good as the first 19! Happy reading!