InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate Hunting ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<Authors Note: Just doing a simple update since the formatting was so irregular.>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kagura's Perspective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I now know what it feels like to be a leech, to feed off people in order to live. I knew he would come after me, I didn't know when, I honestly thought it would take him more time to figure out I was even here. Now Sesshoumaru is involved and there is nothing I can do about it. Naraku will use me to get to him, this is almost too easy for him, and Naraku knows every single one of my weaknesses.
And there is nothing I can do, I could try leaving, but now that I'm mated I wouldn't be able to go far without pain. Damn, I knew this was only going to lead to trouble! Well if the rest of my life consists of nights with Sesshoumaru I may not actually mind all that much, if nothing else, he keeps me occupied. Well if he is still planning on having that wedding, I'm sure that's where Naraku will strike, what better demonstration of power than a public one.
I wake up wrapped in dog, and I find I do not mind all that much, even if the pouch is insufferable. The wedding is a day away, and I have no idea what I'll even be wearing to this ceremony. I'm beginning to really like the idea of being with this overbearing bulldog a little more than I should, especially since I know it's only temporary. Maybe I'm secretly some kind of masochist, though my puppy does make pain feel really good. Oh, bad thought.
The aforementioned puppy starts moving and I begin to think I'll never get a quiet wake up again, as he pins me down I find I don't mind all that much.
As I wake up for the second time that morning, I notice a lack of warmth; which, after my little kidnapping, has me almost hysterical with worry. Then I hear the bathroom door open, and I see Sesshoumaru and everything feels alright again. “You had me worried for a second,” was out of my mouth before I could stop it. “This Sesshoumaru will never leave you.”
Before I can stop myself I'm out of the bed and clinging onto him as tightly as I can. “They'll come after you now, I tried to leave but you wouldn't let me. Now look what's happening!” I know I'm rambling, and I doubt any of this makes any sense to him, but I just had to say it. “This Sesshoumaru is capable of taking care of both himself, and his mate. You have nothing to fear.” I end up crying and before I know it, Sesshoumaru has his arms wrapped around me, sitting on his bed. “This Sesshoumaru would never allow anyone near what is his, even your fool of a father.”
It only took me a second to process this information before it occurred to me, that he might know about my father. “What do you mean, my father?” He loosened his grip enough so I could look at his face, “This Sesshoumaru is no fool, I know of your spying and your father. I care not, you are mine now, and your past will stay there.” I didn't know how to feel about this, if he knew about me from the beginning, why didn't he say something.
“You are now this Sesshoumaru's and you will never work again. So your past careers are obsolete.” Well now I know exactly how to feel, that suffocating insufferable dog! “Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do you overbearing ignoramus! If I decide I want to work, I will! And if I decide I can't stand the sight of you, I'll leave!” His eyes flashing red seems to be my only indicator of his anger, and my only warning.
Before I could continue what would have been an extremely eloquent rant regarding my mates genetics, I'm pinned to a wall with a very dominant dog down my throat, literally. I'm not very functional when my mate did this before the marking, now the entire experience is enhanced, so now I feel every emotion Sesshoumaru seems to expel, all through some unspoken connection.
Finally he releases my mouth, “You have no choice now, this Sesshoumaru has decided, you are mine.” I really didn't care what nonsense he was spewing, I just wanted his mouth occupied with something else. So taking the initiative into my own hands, I grab the back of his head and push him into a kiss; pulling him away for only a second to say, “Just shut-up!”
That day and night flew by until our impending nuptials, which would involve his whole family. Surprisingly the gown in the chapel was the perfect size, and everything seemed to of been designed to my taste. A small little chapel, with a few family friends, a simple white strapless gown, and family only, all my preferences. If only my wedding didn't have to end in despair, I just knew father would strike.
A man who looked substantially like Sesshoumaru was at the entrance waiting to lead me down the aisle while I changed. Once I finished I met up with him, and once we entered everyone was staring at me and I was staring at Sesshoumaru. His face stayed as passive as ever, but his eyes seemed almost glazed over. I wasn't sure how to take it. The man, I am now assuming is his father, handed me off to Sesshoumaru and the ceremony commenced.
Everything seemed to be going fine, I said I do, he said I do; and then during the objection we ran into a small snag. See I wasn't that off about the whole father thing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sesshoumaru's Perspective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
With such a fool for a father, I knew that Kagura's relations would strike today. They are of course underhanded enough to attack during a wedding ceremony, which is why I invited the family. If anyone could take care of this nuisance quickly it would be the heads of the clan. I wouldn't have to waste my time on the simpleton that is Kagura's father. Once the ceremony began, and the I do's were finished I smelt a stench coming from the chapel doors. It seems her father wished to wait for the objections, though what he had to say is irrelevant, the witch is already mine.
As soon as the priest asked if anyone objects the chapel doors are flung open, and a demon with shoulder length black hair and a very unattractive scowl steps in, “I would like to have my daughter back.” I chose to ignore it, and tell the priest to continue with the ceremony, which he does without hesitation. What idiot would hesitate from an order directly from a Takahashi!
While the priest states that I must kiss the bride, I hear quite a commotion from the back of the chapel, but of course chose to ignore it. With the witch now mine legally and physically I simply needed to prove it publicly, and all would be done. After the short affectionate display I look to the back of the chapel to see Naraku surrounded by my father and uncle. “It is too late to object, this female belongs to this Sesshoumaru now.”
He is beginning to transform, but I care not. I simply grab my witch and leave through the side doors, my family has taken care of stronger demons than this fool. Kagura and I head towards the airport, since I had decided that our honeymoon shall be in the British Isles. Once we arrive, and our luggage has been taken, I receive a phone call. I only received one brief statement before the phone went dead. “Taken care of.”