InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mate Hunting ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<< Author's Note: Just trying a different formatting to see if that helps, I never got any feedback and since they were posted so quickly I didn't go back and check them. Hopes this makes it easier to read. >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kagura'sPerspective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
He finally left, though I'm honestly too tired to even move, which I think was his plan to begin with. This guy is insatiable, though he never takes anything for himself, so I really don't understand the persistence. Well another escape attempt flops, though it was really nice of Kagome to try to help, but `this Sesshoumaru' has got to be the most persistence asshole I've ever had the misfortune to meet.
Ever since I went to that stupid banquet for my father I've been stuck in this house, well mansion really, but a cage is still a cage. I finally get way from my father for a night, and then I end up with an even more controlling overbearing Neanderthal. Though admittedly this one is a little easier on the eyes, not that I think of my father that way, but boy I may not like being caged but at lease the guard is hot.
And I did finally get out of my fathers clutches; I'm still waiting to see what he'll do when he finds out whose bed I'm currently in. The truth is, is I've been spying on this company for my father for a couple months, and my father absolutely hates this family. I'm supposed to be trying to assist in the extermination of the Takahashi's not mating them. Once my father discovers where I am and what I'm doing I would be surprised if I make it to my wedding day alive, even with the date less then a week away.
I finally get out of `this Sesshoumaru's' bed and start looking for the clothes I wore for my escape. After scouring the room I still can't seem to find any trace of them. Maybe the Neanderthal tore them off me, I honestly wouldn't have been able to notice, he kept me pretty distracted.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to stay in bed until the future hubby comes home. The truth is I feel it too. This undeniable need to be with him, he smells like the perfect mix of alpine and sandalwood and I find it irresistible. There is only one thing stopping me from taking advantage of the situation, and that's the knowledge that my mate could get killed over it. But If I stay my father will find out and while I've stopped worrying about my life, his life is another story. I could never forgive myself if I got my mate killed simply because I couldn't stay away.
Though I have tried, this guy just can't take a hint. I go running as fast as I can away from him, and he just chases me down and drags me back. Once my father discovers Sesshoumaru's weakness is me he'll find a way to destroy everything, including me. I know my father would do anything to get ahead, even killing his own daughter. I hear the door open and I pull the comforter up to cover myself all the way to my neck.
“This Sesshoumaru expected a more pleasant welcome,” Is all he says as he heads towards his closet. I speak without really thinking about my response, “Maybe I would be pleasanter if I had some of my own clothes to change into.” While I'm speaking Sesshoumaru starts taking his shirt off and it takes all my will power not to go over there and take a closer look.
“I don't think you'll be needing clothes now that you are no longer permitted to leave this room.” Now I completely forget about the fact that I'm hardly wearing anything and that this man isn't wearing a shirt, and walk up to him and poke him as hard as I can in the chest. “I don't need your permission to do anything! If I want to leave I damn well will, with or without my damn clothes you asshole! I don't care who sees me!”
I don't remember too much after that since the second I let my guard down and head for the door all I remember is pain than pleasure, then everything going black. I keep forgetting how domineering this guy can be, I never should have said anything about me being naked in front of anyone. Damnit, now I'm sore and tired again. How this guy keeps the stamina I can't comprehend, but I imagine once the actual fun begins he's going to really make me sore.
When I finally work up enough energy to open my eyes, I've already noticed I'm laying on something firm and that it's giving off enough heat to make me feel almost uncomfortable. I look and see the bare chest of my guard, and I look up to see his face, most of the time I wake up to the most awkward stare. But this time his eyes are closed and he has an almost peaceful look on his face. I almost feel bad that I'm planning to sneak out of his grip while he looks so vulnerable, but survival of the fittest.
I slowly push off the bed and move away from the very appealing body under me, and am just about to roll off the bed when I feel an arm wrap around me and pull me back down. Dangit! “You will be staying right here with this Sesshoumaru until I say otherwise.” He still sounds pretty groggy, so maybe if I move fast I can still get away. Right as I'm about to put this plan in motion, Sesshoumaru rolls on top of me and pins me under his weight, which I find surprisingly comfortable.
“I need to pee!” is the only thing I can think of that might get him to release me. He gets off me, and I really think I may make it out of here, until he grabs my arm and walks…well drag would be a better word, me over to the attached bathroom. He releases my arm and lightly pushes me towards the door. “Hurry than, this Sesshoumaru has much to discuss with you.” I take the hint; he's not going to wait any longer than he has to. So if I don't make this quick I'm going to have a guest to help speed things up.
I hurry and am about to wash my hands when Mr. Domineering decides I'm taking to long. I continue washing my hands pretending I'm not alone in the bathroom with a very attractive demon in nothing but my underwear. “Well since you're in such a hurry, what do you want to talk about?” He doesn't seem happy with my snappy question and I'm suddenly pushed against the bathroom door.
“Do not patronize me Wind Witch, this Sesshoumaru simply wishes to know why someone named Naraku discovered the number to my home? He is your father after all, I was sure you would know how he received the number.” I'm sure this is a trap, but I still feel the need to be bluntly honest. “How do you think? I gave it to him; I figured if you wouldn't listen to me, maybe having my father demand my return would do the trick.”
I see red start to seep into his eyes, but I still can't seem to stop myself from continuing. “What did you expect? That I would let you just kidnap me and force me to marry you. Maybe you weren't listening when we first met, but the fact of the matter is that I hate you!” Now his eyes have gone completely red and I know I've gone too far, but am still hopeful he will finally release me and I can get on with his life.
Suddenly I'm no longer against the door, but on the bathroom counter and there is a very aggressive and domineering dog-demon between my legs keeping me in place against him with a single arm around my thighs. “This Sesshoumaru always gets what he wants!” And he grabs my hair and pulls my head back, baring my throat to him. “Stop this Sesshoumaru; you know you can't just mark me without consent!” This doesn't seem to stop him though, and I feel his fangs grazing my neck.
I really can't think when he does that, it always makes me feel tingly and think wonton thoughts. “You will consent to be this Sesshoumaru's.” I'm hardly able to think of a single coherent word let alone enough to tell him I would rather choke to death. All that essentially escapes my mouth is some nonsensical groan. I'm much to out of sorts to care what noises I'm making. “Tell this Sesshoumaru who you belong to.” Before I can retort with something somewhat logical, and of course in the negative, he scraps his fangs against my neck again.
This time there was nothing subtle about my moan, how he knows my body so well I can't be sure, but I'm almost at the point where I'd be willing to sell my soul if he'd just keep doing that. “Oh please…” I can't get much more out before he scraps my neck again and I start tugging at his hair trying to push him closer. “This Sesshoumaru only needs a simple answer, and then you'll get what you want.”
I can't remember what he asked but I'd be willing to agree to anything at this point, he smells so good, I really can't control myself. Then Sesshoumaru using the arm that was holding my thighs in place pushes a very obvious bulge into me, and I couldn't control the next words that came out of my mouth. “Yours', I'm yours'” The next thing I know, I feel a pleasurable pain coming from my neck, and without thinking about it I bit into the first stretch of flesh I could find on Sesshoumaru.
Everything seemed to stop as I realize what just happened. I pull my fangs out and start pushing against Sesshoumaru's chest trying to get as much distance between the two of us as possible. He doesn't seem pleased if the growl was any indication, but at this point I can't find the energy to care. “No!” Seems to be the only thing I can think to say. “It is to late Wind Witch, you are this Sesshoumaru's now whether you like it or not.” I'm in to much of a daze to fight his next advance and before I know it he's nursing my mark and carrying me out of the bathroom and into his room.
When I wake up the next morning sore in places I wasn't aware could be sore, I knew it was too late to leave. Once my father found out that I was mated to Sesshoumaru Takahashi I would be as good as dead.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sesshoumaru's Perspective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I finally had Kagura exactly where she was supposed to be, in my arms with my mark healing on her neck. With my superior healing abilities mine was completely sealed and rested on my right bicep. The moment I saw her from across the room, the second I caught her scent, I knew she would be mine. Why she insisted on being stubborn for so long astounds me. Regardless, she belongs to me now, and with the wedding days away it will be publicly known as well. The issue of her father calling my home without consent will be dealt with as soon as Kagura wakes up.
I would actually enjoy taking her one more time before I left for work, but if she takes too much longer to wake I really won't have the time. I can't seem to get enough of her, she may be reluctant at first but by the time we were somewhere interesting she was more than willing. I know it shouldn't work this way, but even with my sensitive ears I love hearing my witch scream. She even has the stamina to keep up with me, though if she remains such a late sleeper I may be forced to wake her every morning, I hate denying myself anything.
She shifts a bit, and I hear a groan signaling the beginning of her waking up. Before she becomes too lucid I decide a morning surprise couldn't hurt. I start to nurse her mark and almost instantaneously I have her moaning, every so often my name is coming from those luscious red lips. After the second time she moans my name I can't help myself, I take her, this time from the traditional dog-demon position. There's nothing like having ones bitch trying to smother her screams into a pillow.
Once I dismount she seems to have enough energy for one more time, and who am I to be wasteful. This time I decided to take her on her back, since she must be sore from last night. Her reactions last night alone lead me to believe she was a virgin, and since she was also my first I can thank instincts for having lead me into all the right directions; at least if her noises were any indication.
I feel that she is finally tired enough to be left alone without causing any problems, so I decide to head to work, of course after sharing a warm shower with my mate.
Once I get to the office, I make a call to this Naraku to see what information he has in regards to Kagura. The number was of course gained through my home phone records. After the third ring a male finally picks up with the common courtesy response of hello. “This Sesshoumaru is trying to ascertain any information in regards to a Kagura Kaze?” There is a long stretch of silence until I finally here a throat being cleared then, “I regret to inform you that Miss Kaze has been missing for some time, and I am unable to assist in finding her whereabouts.”
Of course already knowing this, I make the question simpler. “This Sesshoumaru wishes to know about her previous employment?” Again there was a long stretch of silence. “Mr. Takahashi, I believe she was one of you employees. You would be more aware of her employment than I.” Growing frustrated with these responses I finally bluntly state, “She worked undercover for you, do not mock this Sesshoumaru. I simply wished to know how.”
The pause was almost a full minute before Naraku finally started, “I don't know what you're talking about, and Kagura Kaze is my daughter. She has never worked for me. I'm a simple business man.” Now I begin to get frustrated, but of course allow nothing to show through my physical demeanor. “If you do not answer the question this Sesshoumaru will use the information gathered thus far, and give it to the authorities. It is a simple question.”
This pause proved much shorter, than finally Naraku said, “Information gatherer, undercover sleeper. That is all.” After these brief sentences the phone line went dead. I had already collected the information desired; this Kagura Kaze was not sent to seduce this Sesshoumaru. I had finally removed a major distraction and could now work without dwelling on a lack of information.
I already gathered all additional information regarding my mate, from her date of birth down to her favorite food, which were strawberries. I simply couldn't obtain information on her undercover work. Regardless no mate of mine will work! This Sesshoumaru would simply never allow it.
By lunch time I had already caught up on everything and was ready to sneak home for a mid-afternoon snack, when I received a phone call from my home security. Seems some fool tried to breech the wall, simpletons should know better than to challenge this Sesshoumaru. Regardless, I still head home to see if my mate was still in bed, or if I'd have to return her to it.
Once I arrive I am waved through the front gate and get inside my home without any problems. Once I get outside of my bedroom door I take a strong whiff to catch the minx's scent, only to smell a human male. Beyond angry I open the door only to find the room empty without a single trace of my mate. All I see is red, and I start sniffing out her scent to find a trail.
Finally after finally heading towards the window I smell Kagura, and this other male; so I follow without hesitation. Once I reach the forest that borders my home I make a call to the office to explain I will not be back in the office until tomorrow. Than, just to make sure I have plenty of backup I call my idiot of a half-brother. I briefly explain the situation and give orders to find information on this Naraku, and then hang up. I have better things to do than waste my time on idiots.
The scent finally stops at a small cabin I was unaware resided in my forest, regardless I enter without hesitation. Someone has taken my bitch, and whoever they are is going to pay. As soon as I enter I see Kagura tied to a chair in the center of the room, with what looks like demon repelling chains. I use my senses to feel out anyone else in the cabin, and am unsurprised to find nothing. Whoever is here, obviously trained with demon-slayers.
“Kagura, you will tell this Sesshoumaru at once who is here.” She looks up at me and my vision gets darker as I see bruises on her face. As soon as she sees me she starts spewing nonsense about me needing to escape, as if I would need to evade anyone. She lets out a scream as I hear a slight movement behind me, without thought I decapitated them, it was merely a human anyway.
My first thought after destroying my enemy was to get my mate to safety, whoever did this, would pay, after my mate was safely home that is. I walk over to her and remove the chains, the moment she was free she attached herself to this Sesshoumaru without thought. After such a threat the only thing I wished to do upon arriving home was reacquainting myself with my mate. And not surprisingly she was more than willing to oblige.
With the wedding two days away, this Sesshoumaru decided that Kagura would not be leaving his side. Once the wedding was through and the information on Naraku was in his hands, Sesshoumaru planned on going hunting.
<< Final Note>>