InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

In this time a girl named Lady Fugin was the most famous and wanted person of all time. Well, not wanted like you think. She e-mailed, called, and even visited people in person; for free. However, she didn't do this just because; she had a job to do. She was the communicator to the faiths. When a demon was born she'd contact that family and tell them who their child was to mate with. It wasn't something that everybody did or even knew about, but after the word got around there was no stopping it. It took 5 years for everybody to start doing it. It was now a tradition.
17 years ago the quean of the western lands (demon territory) gave birth. The strange thing was that she was a human. It was not common for a demon to take a human mate, and here it was. A demon king took a mortal for his mate; well it was bound to happen eventually.
Anyway, that day was something special for them. The two had been together for hundreds of year and just now decided to have children. They knew that half-bread were treated terribly, and needed to wait for a time when they could live normally amongst the rest of the world. This was the closest they figured they'd come to it.
Lady Kodoru laid in her bed, sweet covered, holding her newborn dog-eared baby in her arms when a knock was heard.
“Come in” Kadoru called sleepily.
The door opened to reveille an elegantly dressed woman. He practically flouted across the room to the side of her bed. Standing there, starring at the newly found mother, she smiled. “My dear, I have come to offer the knowledge of your sons mate.” She bowed.
“Thank you Lady Fugin” Lady Kodoru bowed her head slightly.
“This woman is not born yet. She will be given life a month before his first birthday. She will have a heart of purity and love. She is just what this young boy will need. Trust me” She winked. “This one will be a handful”
Lady Kadoru smiled “If he is anything like his father, I'm sure he will be”
Fugin frowned. “I suggest you call the family of this chosen girl. Her family does not follow the rules of the demons, for she is not one, nor is she exactly human. You must call this family and tell them of your discovery and the importance of their matting. Fates will have them together one way or another, but it may take longer and delay fates plan if we do not help.”
Kadoru starred at Fugin in concern. Not human or demon…well what was she then? Will her family corporate?
Luckily they were more than happy to.

Walking threw the halls Inu Yasha glances to the left and right. Every female was already marked. How was he supposed to find his mate when they're all taken? He was the only boy in his demon high school without a mate. He had no doubt in his mind that his parents knew exactly who she was; after all they did tell him they knew. For some strange reason his parents chose to wait till his 17th birthday to tell him. Those bastards! He may be the hottest and most popular guy in school, but he was by far the loneliest. Even if there was a single female demon he wouldn't be allowed to take her. If he went against Lady Fugin's word it would be like betraying his family.
Reaching his locker he opened it, revealing a bundle of cards. They remembered; his friends remembered his birthday; His 17th birthday.
Being half-demon, his demon blood begs to be let loose. Mating is the only and only thing on his mind right now. Hell, a meat grinder would even do.
Stacking the cards in a neat pile he placed them toward the back of the locker.
“This is your last chance Kouga” an irritated yet calm voice came from his left. Without looking he knew what was going on; for it was all too familiar. Kouga was going after Jatori again. There was a loud thud followed by the shaking of the lockers.
“Here is comes” Inu Yasha smirked. This never got old.
“Listen to me. I don't care I'm supposed to be with Ayame. I love you” Kouga had shoved Jatori into the lockers and held her there by her shoulders.
Inu Yasha smirked. She was going to slap him or maybe even knee his in his manhood. That girl fought dirty, and even though he never really talked to her, she amused the hell out of him. He'd love to put her in a room with 3-4 demons and just watch her fight. Normally it wouldn't have been so amusing to watch a demon girl fight, but a Jatori was human. The only human to attend his high school.
Suddenly Jatori's energy grew. Inu Yasha turned to see Kouga fly from her and into the lockers across the hall. Kouga instantly fell unconscious. Jatori fell to her knees, a little unsure of why she felt so weak.
“What the hell?” Inu Yasha Stared shocked at Kouga. His gaze shifted to the a girl making a sad attempt to stand up.

The day was much more interesting than he though it would be. Jatori managed to put Kouga in the hospital over night plus adding a giant crater in the middle of the football field. No one knew that she had that kind of power. NO wonder she goes here, she wouldn't be accepted with humans.
Although that was entertaining, watching Shippo eat all that Ramón then puke for the rest of the lunch beat it.
Standing in front of the door to his family's castle he sighed. His father had lived for hundreds of years, ruling the western lands. His mother, who also lived for hundreds of year, was bound to his father years ago, allowing her to outlive other humans. Why it tool so long for them to have kids was beyond him.
That's not important now. What's important is that today he is 17 and his mate will be revealed.
Opening the door he made his way to the large living room straight ahead from the front door. Pushing the door open he saw his mother and father sitting happily on a couch that faced him.
“Happy Birthday!” his mother smiled happily.
“Happy birthday son…what are you now..57?”
Growling, “that joke wasn't funny last year, or the year before, or the year before that…”
“Yeah I know, it's just hard to believe that you are finally 17.”
“Yeah yeah, so why haven't you guys done your usual smothering of hugs and kisses like you do every year?” his parents shift uncomfortably. Their fear filled the room. Inu Yasha smirks. “You are afraid how I will react to the news of my mate?”
“Patience son, you will find out soon enough, and trust me. I did my research on this girl, she's quite amazing.”
“feh, who is she?”
“Well um”
“My my, you do know that once I tell you, you wont be able to keep your hands off her.” Inu Yasha's father smirked. He leans in “you do know about that janitor's closet by the girls' bathroom right?” Suddenly a hard object came into contact with the back of Inu Yasha's father's head.
“Stop that! He'll he end up like you”
“He is like me!”
“Ok stop that!” Inu screams “who the hell is this damn girl!”
Sighing Inu Yasha's father prepared for the explanation. “This Girl's name is Kagome Higarashi”
“Higarashi Huh? Where have I heard that?” Scratches his head.
“She goes to your school hun” his mother interrupted, trying to be useful.
“That's impossible. I have checked every female in the school, they all have mates”
“Obviously you missed one. Did you check all the females by smell?”
Confused “yeah”.
“There's your problem. She has a spell placed on her. Her smell is completely hidden. It's been that way for some time now”
“That's right, but tonight her mother is taking the spell off. Tomorrow you will kno-”
“Tomorrow?” he asked suddenly.
Both parents nod.
“Good, I'll prepare myself. I wonder what she looks like.” He turns to leave.
“Son, wait!”
Turns around “huh?”
“You have to be careful around her.”
“Normally when you take a demon female she can take what you give her…but this girl can't. You could seriously hurt her. You must control yourself.”
“Hurt her? Why would I do that?”
“You have to choice. Your demon blood will take over”
Scared Inu Yasha gulped. “What would I do to her?”
“I don't know. You could rape her or go as far as kill her.”
A look of horror took over Inu Yasha's face. “I wouldn't kill my mate!”
“I don't think you will; just learn to keep that demon in check, just in case!”

“MOM!!!” kagome wined.
“No butts about it kagome. You will attend you high school until you graduate. You are too powerful to be among humans.”
“But mom, I am human. I can be with my own kind, besides, I'm in a demon mating class. They have a class to teach you the rules of mating. Why the hell would I need to be in that? I'm not demon and every demon in my school already has a mate. There is no chance that I will date a demon.”
“KAGOME! That's enough. I have this argument with you more times than I can count.”
There was a silence filled with irritation on both sides until Kagome broke it. “So what is this secret that decided to reveal to me. Is that not why you called me from my homework?”
“Yes dear” sighs. “I have some news that you aren't going to like”
“Ok, why don't you just tell me and we will go from there” Kagome smiles.
“Ok…well…you have um…been predestined to mate with a demon” kagome's mother closed her eyes waiting for the yelling; but is never came.
“Oh?” was all kagome said; and “oh” of interest.
Kagome mother looked slowly to see kagome smiling. “You aren't mad?”
“Oh no, I'm irritated that you know who I am going to spend the rest of my life with and didn't tell me, but I'm am happy to know that I will have somebody”
Smiling in relief kagome mother sighed. “Ok then, that's a relief.”
“What's he like?” kagome blushed.
“Well, he's very handsome and has a thing for his cars and bikes. He gets really good grades and is on most of the sports teams in high school”
“What high school does he go to?”
“What? You mean I may know who he is and not know it”
“Um, something like that, but he doesn't know about you yet. Well he will today. Today is his 17th birthday. His parents and I agreed to tell you on that day.”
“So who is he? Will I know it when I see him? Where do I find him?”
Kagome mother giggled. “Don't worry dear. He will find you! Oh that reminds me” She started chanting. A light white engulfed Kagome's body then vanished.
“What did you just do?” kagome asked wordily.
“I took the sent binding spell off”
“What? Why?”
“It will make is easy to find you. Didn't you pay attention in your demon mating class?”
“Oh right, a part of mate choosing is by the smell of his/her mate”
Kisses her daughter forehead. “Now don't forget about the festival this weekend. It's a huge thing around here.”
“I know…give out flyer”
“That's my daughter.”