InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Demon ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After searching every inch of the house and garden outside he decided to check the ball once again.
He had no idea where she had gone. If she wasn't in the ball room then he would have to call out the guard and have them track her down.
What the hell was she thinking? Leaving the pre wedding dinner with another man? Was she trying to ruin his name or something? Or maybe she was trying to ruin her own. Either way, he really wanted to ring her little neck.
Walking into the ball he stood in the darkest corner he could find. Searching each person his heart eased slightly when he saw her smiling while talking to his father and miroku as if nothing happened at all. Growling deep in his throat his eye started to bleed. She was no longer in her skimpy `take me now' dress, but in a plane black sleeveless dress.
There was hardly any amber left in his eyes as he fought for control.
She left with another guy only to reappear in another outfit.
Making to turn away he watched her out of the corner of his eyes. He stopped to watch what she would do now that she had noticed he was there.
She smiled and waved to him lovingly.
He almost lost it then.
How dare she pretend it never happened!
Stomping out of the room he made his way outside. He needed to run, and maybe destroy a few trees or boulders. If he stayed any longer there may have been a massacre. He lost control of his demon once, and he swore it would never happen again.
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“Where is he going?” Kagome asked, not to anybody in particular.
“Kagome, I need to escort you to you room” miroku interrupted kagome's thought process. Every muscle in his body was tense.
“What why” kagome looked at miroku who was now starring at the place where inu Yasha was standing as if he was trying to light it on fire with his eyes.
“You protect kagome. I need to find my son” the demon lord said before he merely disappeared.
Kagome looked around in a panic “Whats going on?” she asked miroku.
Grabbing her hand he pulled her up to him and looked around protectively. “It seems something had angered are dear half bread enough to release his demon blood”
Almost dragging her out of the ball he made his way up the stairs and down the hall to the back room. Opening the double doors he walked inside and assessed the room.
The entire room was decorated in blue and taupe. The blue and taupe sheets and comforter dressed a mattress that was being held by a stone bed frame with stone bedposts. The two six drawer dressers, which sat at the opposite wall from the bed, were also made from the same smooth dark gray stone. One dresser held a large tv while the other held the satellite box and dvd player.
The wall to the right of the bed looked to be one giant window covered in taupe curtains and was framed with taupe and blue drapes while the wall to the left held a rack of swords and other older weapons.
To the left of the bed was a giant walk in closet that could have easily been somebody's room.
To the right of the bed was a door that led to a large bathroom with a separate shower and Jacuzzi tub. The double sinks and vanity area were made from the same stone as the dressers, and separated by a white door that led to the toilet. Each area had their own chair.
The floor of the bathroom was laid with the same light colored carpet from in the bedroom while the walls were decorated with some kind of sponge work that incorporated many different shades of blue, black, and white. Their Jacuzzi tub and separate shower were both made from a kind of dark gray stone and made to look like they were bathing in either a hot spring or under a waterfall.
Kagome wanted to cry it was so gorgeous. “Who designed this room?”
Miroku smiled. “do you like it kagome?”
“Yes, I have never imagined a room could be so beautiful” She continued to look around touching and petting things as she went.
“That's fortunate because inu Yasha designed it” He watched her with amusement.
“Inu Yasha? He did this? How? When? Why?” She couldn't take her eyes off of it. Reaching the bed she felt the fabric between her fingers. It was so soft. It just screamed for her to jump in and snuggle up.
“He did it with about four people on Monday with a computer for you.”
“Me?” here she went with the tears again.
Walking up to her he wrapped his arms around her allowing her to cry into his shirt.
“He wasn't just off whoring himself, was he?” she cried. She felt like such an idiot.
“No he wasn't” miroku nearly laughed. “He planned the whole wedding and designed different rooms of the house. He did it all for you”
Kagome smiled up at miroku.
“Im going to go out into the hall now and wait for inu Yasha, if he comes here tonight.”
Miroku made his way to the door.
“Wait” kagome called.
Miroku stopped and looked behind him.
“What wrong with inu Yasha? What did you mean about his demon?”
Miroku smiled. “Its nothing for you to concern yourself with right now. Just prepare for bed. I'm sure inu Yasha is just fine”
Kagome smiled and nodded.
Miroku left the room.
Sighing, kagome started giggle as she ran and leapt onto the bed.
He ran. He ran for all its worth. He didn't know where he was but the pain in his head was making it hard for him to concentrate on not hitting trees or falling off cliffs. Lord knew he didn't need to be visited by the doctor again.
Closing his eyes he held his head, still running at the break neck speed. Why was it hurting so much? His demon was never this unsure of whether or not it wanted to be let loose.
Before he knew it he ran right into a stream. Trying to open his eyes he was barely able to make out the waterfall that was not but twenty feet from him. Perhaps he should sit under that; the cool water may help his head.
Turning toward the waterfall he didn't get far before a pain ripped threw his head, sending his falling forward on his knees; the water coming up to his waist.
The pain increased until he felt as if something was about to exit is skull threw the back. His vision was fading in and out. He clenched his jaw so hard he felt a tooth crack under the pressure.
He did the only thing he could do at the time; he screamed. He screamed for the pain in his head. He screamed for the pain he must have caused Kagome. He screamed for the pain he felt because of jealousy. He screamed for it all and more.
Slowly crawling toward a soft piece of grass he fell onto his back.
Every muscle in his body felt as if it was being ripped from him. His chest hurt. Every movement, breathing or not, made it feel as if his ribs were separating themselves. There was nothing but pain. The most horrific pain he had ever experienced. He half wished his demon would just take over and get it over with.
He didn't know how long he laid there, but there was only so much he could take. Eventually he became dead to the world. His mind sat in a state of limbo while his body twitched and moved his limbs in random directions, as if trying to take back its control.
“MOVE” a roar was heard coming from an open that led into the kitchen from the side yard.
Everybody parted.
“Somebody call the doctor” The man yelled walking quickly threw the door and into the kitchen. Taking is quick right he moved threw the door way into the front room. There the staircase sat.
Nearly jumping up the stairs the man kicked open the first door, completely missing a worried Miroku standing at the end of the hall.
“What happened?” Miroku stalked forward. “Is he alright?”
The demon Lord held the bundle of unconscious Inu Yasha close to his chest before placing in on the nightly made bed in the far corner of the room. “Where is Kagome?”
“She is in her room. I checked on her a few minutes ago. She is now asleep”
The demon nodded, looking at his son sleeping peacefully on the bed.
“How did you detain him?” Miroku looked down at the boys limp body. There were no visible wounds anywhere.
“I found him wet and half frozen next to a stream to the north. His mind, as well as his body, was in an extreme case of turmoil. I do not doubt he would wake up soon, but I don't know if he will still be the same as he was before”
“Is there a chance that he will recovery?”
“The odds are defiantly in his favor”
Miroku eyed the Demon Lord. He was not telling him something. “Kagome didn't do anything wrong. His demon is tormenting him only because he is allowing it. He had become week with the pain”
Miroku nodded. It made sense in some strange kind of way.