InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mates ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The dress really would have been beautiful, that is if it wasn't for the fact that parts were see threw and causing kagome to be the center of unwanted attention. The long black dress was covered in sparkles all the way down to the floor. The tightness of the dress formed perfectly with her body. The majority of it was see threw with the exception of a flower like design that covered her neither regions and breasts. A belly button ring, which he knew was fake, was visible threw the see threw material. The top of her dress was nothing other than a basic tank top cut with and inch and a half traps. A large white gold and diamond choker covered her neck and dangled in an arrow shaped pattern that pointed down between her breasts. A small tiara sat on her cranium, tangled in a mess of curls that fell just above her shoulders.
He needed to get her away from those men before one of them thought it necessary to take her as their own. With that perfume on it magnified her scent enough to simulate a female demon in heat and that dress left nothing to the imagination.
Growling he stepped forward, only to stop. He needed her away from those men, but she needed to be taught a lesson as well. What would he do? He couldn't do anything too harsh or he could loose his mate. Then again this couldn't go unpunished.
Watching her giggle at something the demon closest to her said, she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and looked away just as fast. His eyes narrowed. She wants to play like that, huh? Fine!
Turning on his heal he turned around and searched the room. Almost everybody was here. They were missing a few people including…
“Inu Yasha my darling”
The half demon smiled.
…she would have to do.
Facing the owner of the voice he smiled. “hello Bridget, visiting from America I can see. How is my favorite lady from the states?” in all honestly he couldn't stand her. She was annoying and always after something he never wanted to give her, but that was understandable. He was a prince.
“Inu Yasha you are such a charmer” she smiled. Her American ascent a little thick. She learned Japanese in high school and was pretty good, but mispronounced a few things here and there.
Inu Yasha had met Bridget in an under 18 club in new York last summer. Her blue eyes and long blond hair caught his attention from across the room. There were many girls with long blond hair and similar eyes, but this girl was a natural blond. He danced with her most of the night and met up again the next. She tried many a time to get him into her bed but failed. He didn't want a harmless lay when he was getting his mate in a year.
They did however do many other interesting things, such as make out and feel each other up. When she started acting like an attacked little whinny brat he couldn't take it anymore. He spent the remainder of his trip avoiding her.
“What brings you here?” Inu Yasha asked, trying to ask as if he didn't care that his mate was flirting with a table full of other demons.
“You actually” she smiled seductively. “I wanted to meat the girl that took my Inu yasha's heart from me. She reached her hand up and placed it on his cheek lovingly. “Then maybe we could finish what we started.” She winked. This did not go unnoticed by kagome, who wasn't really paying attention to the man talking to her.
She really was attractive. Ok so she was down right hot. Her body was perfect in everyway, could be super model material. She was thin but not in an unhealthy way. Her breasts were large, but not over powering, and she had the greatest ass he had ever seen, but he didn't want her. He wanted the flirty bitch sitting at the table across the room.
“Maybe some other time” he backed away slightly, taking himself out of her reach. “but we can sit at the bar and have a drink”
Nodding she grabbed his arm and “aloud” him to leads the way.
He noted that kagome watched their every move.
“So, I heard you are getting married” she smiled, a hidden agenda behind that smile.
“Yes I am”
“tomorrow, am I right?” she leaned forward slightly.
“that's right” inu Yasha nodded. He smiled at the bartender who placed their drinks infront of them.
“how did he know what I wanted?” she asked amazed.
Inu Yasha smiled. “He's a demon, one with the ability to read minds.”
“really” she looked at the demon who smiled at her innocently. “He doesn't look demon”
“trust me he is” Inu Yasha nodded politely to the demon.
Her smiled turned seductive. “ok them, what am I thinking right now?”
The man blushed a deep shade of crimson, mumbled something neither could understand and wondered off down the bar towards another customer.
Inu Yasha's eyebrow's went up. Just what the hell was she thinking…and was she still thinking it.
His questions were answered when she faced him, the same seductive smile on her face.
“You know, you can't imagine my shock when I found out you were a prince.” He never once looked away “I could pleasure you far more than that inexperienced twit.” Moving her leg up she placed it on the inside of this thigh. Good thing no one was paying attention because it was out in the open; except for one. Moving her foot up she rubbed his member gently before he growled and pushed her foot away.
“I don't care what you think you can do, I have no desire of ever leaving kagome for the likes of some slut like you” he said before he even knew it. Looking around he tried to focus on something other than her angry eyes, but only landed on the back of kagome head. Just looking at the back of her head he could tell she was hurting.
Great, his plan either worked too well or backfired in his face. Maybe even both. the least she could have done was watched the part where he rejected the skank.
“What makes you think you could talk to me like that after what we did together? I gave myself to you-”
“first of all, you never gave yourself to me because I rejected you, and second your scent proves I wasn't your first by far. There is nothing special about me except I am royalty, and there is no way I would EVER be with somebody that wanted me for that.” He stood up and took down the rest of this drink.
Her face was emotionless. She didn't know what to think.
Turning from her he started to walk toward where kagome was when he realized she wasn't there anymore, and one of the guys weren't either.
His eye widened. “she wouldn't” she whispered.
His search for her began.
He had been watching her from his post since she got there. It was obvious that something was wrong by the way she dressed. He never took her for somebody to show off themselves like that. It was time to investigate.
He watched her flirt. He watched inu Yasha pretend me didn't care and talk with that foreign chick. He watched kagome get upset and walk out of the room with some guy and friendly like. He saw inu Yasha refuse the foreign chick only to find kagome gone.
Somewhere is all this he felt bad, like somehow it was his fault.
Naw, couldn't be.
Walking past inu Yasha he smiled when he saw the half bread go in the wrong direction looking for kagome. Shaking his head he made his way out of the back door toward the gardens where he saw her go. Stepping to the gardens he spotted them right away. It was almost as if she did that on purpose so she would get caught.
Sighing he made his way towards her.
He heard her giggle.
“You know, inu Yasha will be very displeased to know you are out here with another man.”
Kagome looked up into the speakers face hopeful for a second, but when she saw who it was she slouched and glared.
“What do you want miroku? Can't you see that im busy?”
“Yes I can see that, however, I don't think you should be. Inu Yasha would not be happy to-”
“He doesn't care. Just ask him and miss blondie” kagome held back the tears. The honest truth was that it hurt like hell. She couldn't believe he would do something like that. She loved and trusted him. If he acted like that when she was around what was he doing all me? Living up his last week as a single man by human standards?
“I don't think you understand Kagome” Miroku smiled sadly.
“Look buddy, she aint interested in talking to you, now get lost” the demon stood ready to take miroku on.
“I do not wish to fight, but I do wish to talk to kagome, not you” Miroku's face became hard, as if he were ready for battle.
Kagome studied miroku. He didn't fight…did he? Suddenly she got a bad feeling.
“that's it, leave or be creamed” the demon made his way toward miroku.
Closing his eyes, he waited for the demon to get close enough. As soon as he set foot within range miroku pulled out a ward from inside his shirt. Holding it out infront of him he chanted a few words. An energy wave few from him in all directions, going threw the demon.
“what did you do?” kagome ran to the now frozen demon. She touched the demons face only to feel warmth.
Walking over to kagome he looked down at her. “I suggest we leave now kagome, this spell will only last a few minutes and we really need to talk”
Nodding kagome started to fallow not taking her eyes off of the frozen demon until he was out of site.
They didn't saw a word as miroku led them to the other side of the garden. There was a large tree with think branches, big enough for two people to sit on. She could have sworn that the leave were gold for a second.
“This tree is the oldest tree we know of. It has been around, protecting all who protect it. When you sit under it you could feel its energy transferring to you as if trying to comfort or give answers.” Placing his hands on the bark he smiled. “this tree really is amazing”
Kagome stared at him funny. Was he loosing it?
“I apologize kagome. I did not know it would turn out the way that it did. It is obvious that inu Yasha has not told you why has been avoiding you” He turned to look at kagome.
Shaking her head she starred at him still, this time out of shock. This was a conspiracy…ok maybe it wasn't but still it kind of felt like it.
“the day we met I told him about the traditions of the humans. About how it would damage the honor of a family to take their daughter before they are married. He did not know that was how it happened. He is so in love with you he kept his desires and feelings to himself. He nearly killed himself to keep from dishonoring you any further.”
Tears sprang into kagome eyes. She tried not to let them fall but she couldn't help it. Inu Yasha loved her. he loved her so much. How could she do this to him. She embarrassed him when he was trying to…wait!
“that doesn't explain little miss America does it” She became angry again. Her tears dried immediately. “and what the hell is the big idea telling inu Yasha to stay away from me? I didn't want him to ignore me”
Putting up his hands he tried to calm her down. “Actually I didn't think he would completely ignore you, I was just looking out for you and it does kinda explain the American girl”
“He saw you the way you were…and the demons around you. He didn't think you wanted him” Ok so it was exactly the truth but this way kagome would do something to prove she loved inu Yasha and inu Yasha only.
He watched her for a reaction.
She just stared at the ground deep in thought.
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