InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Matey By A Deal ❯ Chapter One: Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 1: Memories*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Inuyasha woke with a start, sweating and panting softly. Disoriented he looked around his cabin before recognizing his surroundings, whispering to himself, "Fuck, it was only a goddamn dream. seems so familiar...Wait a moment! It wasn't just a dream...I remember was so long ago...Then that news! Not even a week after her ship left I found out it had been attacked by fucking pirates and sunk. No one had survived but...Kikyou's body had never been found...maybe...just maybe she was alive still...waiting for me to find her..."
Just then a knock at the door interupted Inuyasha's musing and his dog ears flattened against his head as he snarled out, "Yes? Who is it?"
"Sorry to wake you Captain Inuyasha, but we are about to set sail and you told me to wake you so you could watch the proceedings," Shipou called outside the door and, not waiting for a response, left.
Growling moodily to himself, Inuyasha got up to change. Today was going to be a long, long day.
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Stepping out of his cabin, Inuyasha shaded his eyes from the sun, purposely walking towards the wheel. He survayed his crew and yelled out to them, "Listen up! We, the Devine Glory, shall embark on one of our most important missions to date! We need everything to go smoothly, with no inncidents. This is also going to be a very high paying endevour. If I catch anyone trying to steal or keep anything to themself, they will be thrown off the ship after a short trial. Do I make myself heard?"
He gave the evil eye to his motely crew of people from all over Angelonac. Each and everyone called out their agreement before heading off to their jobs, menting sails here, pulling rope there, taring any cracks or imperfections upon the ship.
Smirking to himself Inuyasha strode over to Shippou, his first mate and long time comrade in arms and friend. They had been through a lot together since Inuyasha found him in a gutter, wounded from a knife wound and near death when he was 12. Over the years he looked after him, caring for him as if he was his own brother. They were both half, animal half human, but not the only ones in the crew. Inuyasha was part dog, Shippou part fox. You could never see a more unlikely pair then those two for Inuyasha was up tight and all about rules and dissiplin and Shippou about mischief and tricks.
"So Shippou, I think it is time I finally test you...on how well you can get us setting sail and if you do well, maybe I will let you take us all the way to Atnoma. How does that sound?"
Shippou, stunned out of his whits, stared at Inuyasha like he had been hit with a ton of bricks. Finally he exclaimed, "Really?!?! You will accually let me try? Thank you Captain, you will NOT be sorry you let me!"
With Shippou's answer, Inuyasha turned to his crew, trying to hide a smile, saying to them, "Devine Glory! For our journey I am handing the reins to Shippou so listen to him as if he was me!"
Everyone cheared and called out congrats to Shippou, making him blush and grin, all at the same time as he started getting to work when he got the nod of okay from Inuyasha to finally get things running so they could sail.
Ah, yes. This was going to be a long journey and a long day.
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