InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Dance:Inuyasha ❯ Sickness ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One: Sickness
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Never have, never will.
They were trudging in the snow for awhile now, thought Inuyasha. Kagome had started turning blue and purple from the cold. “I hate snow!” was all she kept saying. And all Inuyasha kept saying was, “Shut up you stupid girl!”
Inuyasha was walking for awhile before he realized Kagome wasn't following him. He couldn't smell her scent anymore. He retraced his steps and soon found her half frozen in the deep snow.
I have to find someplace warm or she'll die, thought Inuyasha. Before he found Kagome he had seen a cabin up ahead so he headed that way. Inuyasha had past the cabin about three times before he realized that it was under some trees. Before long he found it and said, “Hold on Kagome! We're almost there.”
He kicked the door of the cabin open and looked around. It had one blanket, a fireplace (with logs), and a pile of hay. He laid Kagome on the hay and proceeded to wrap the blanket around her. He then looked in Kagome's pack for some dry clothes but everything was wet except a box of matches. He lit a fire and then moved Kagome closer to it.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome and saw that she was getting worse by the second. He wrapped the blanket more tightly around her and put her in his lap. Then he rubbed his hands up and down her arms trying to rub feeling back into her body. He looked again in her pack and found a book labeled `Health'. He flipped through the pages until he found the one with pictures similar to Kagome's condition on it.
“Hypothermia,” Inuyasha read, “when you start to lose feeling in your body and goes into shock.”
Kagome was starting to rock violently.
Inuyasha read on: Step one-take all wet clothing from victim's body.
Step two-warm them with blankets or anything you can spare.
Step three-if needed use body heat from your body to warm
Inuyasha read over the first part three times before he did anything. “I have to do this,” he said, “if I don't she'll die.” It's not like I haven't seen her naked before, thought Inuyasha, undoing her blouse. He saw that she had on something underneath her shirt and was relieved, but oddly disappointed. He then took off her skirt and noticed she had on something underneath that as well. Silly humans and all these clothes, he thought.
Inuyasha looked around for any other blankets, but he didn't find one. He got the one thick blanket and wrapped Kagome in it. He put his hakama around her too. Then he read the last part and thought he would do that if nothing else worked. He was not about to have a bruised face because he was trying to save her. But as much as he tried, Inuyasha couldn't make her warm enough. She did get some of her color back though.
“Inu-Inuyasha,” whispered Kagome.
“What? Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, but you look like a popsicle. Come get in the blanket with me.” Kagome looked in the direction of Inuyasha's voice. He was on the farthest wall away from her.
“No,” replied Inuyasha. “You need it more. After all I am a half demon. Achoo! Achoo!”
“Well those sound like you're dying. So you either come over here or I go over there.”
“Okay,” Inuyasha relented, “although I'm only doing this because I didn't want you to get up.” Then Inuyasha got up and said,” Kagome, turn around.”
“All right, all right!”
Inuyasha started taking off his clothes and Kagome turned red, after all she was about to share a blanket with a naked Inuyasha! Inuyasha slid in behind Kagome. He put one arm under his head and another on his side.
“Are you comfortable Inuyasha?” asked Kagome.
“I guess that means yes.” Kagome muttered.
Inuyasha's ears picked up what she said though. “What gave you that idea?”
“Well, are you not comfortable?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” replied Inuyasha.
“I'm not going to argue over this with you, got it?”
Inuyasha looked at her, “I got it.”
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