InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Dance:Inuyasha ❯ Finally ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two: Finally
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha but I do own the first and second movie.
After a few minutes, they fell asleep. Inuyasha's arm fell over Kagome's stomach, while Kagome was dreaming this…
“Kagome, your eyes are so beautiful, just like the rest of you.”
“Thank you Inuyasha, but I think your dog ears are more beautiful.” And with that she started rubbing them.
“Oh, Kagome, stop! It's killing me. Ohhh! But it feels so good!” The he started kissing her, hard and ferociously.
“Inuyasha!” screamed Kagome. Then she woke up feeling oddly warm and wet, but not the way you think. Inuyasha was licking her! And she was LOVING it.
Oh, I know this is wrong, but I don't want him to stop, thought Kagome.
“Oh Kagome! You taste so good.” Then he stopped and looked at her. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, I trust you Inuyasha.”
“Ok. But I hope you're completely sure about this.” He then unhooked her bra or more accurately, tore it apart.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said breathlessly. She tried to cover herself up.
“No, stop. You said you trusted me right.” She nodded. “Then I expect you to live up to your word.” He looked down at her and kissed her gently to reassure her. Then he trailed kisses down her throat and onto her chest until he came to her breast. He drew one into his mouth, sucking lightly at first, then licking and nibbling a little. He did the same to the other one as well.
Kagome was breathless-literally. She couldn't believe what was happening. Inuyasha was making love to her! But she wasn't exactly protesting. She was urging him on, putting her hands on his head and pushing him lower. She wanted him to pleasure her EVERYWHERE!
“Kagome, you taste wonderful. I don't want to stop, do you want me to?” He stilled.
No! Don't stop Inuyasha. I've always wanted this. So don't stop!” Kagome said to him.
Inuyasha looked at her, and then parted her legs. He slid off her underwear and started kissing her left thigh all the way to her right.
“Oh, Inuyasha! That feels so good,” Kagome said. She then felt his ears twitch against her leg. She looked down to find Inuyasha between her legs, his face inches from her core. “Inuyasha?” Kagome queried.
But he didn't answer, just bent down until his lips touched her. It felt as if she was on fire! Her legs buckled and tempted to close, but Inuyasha had his hands on them, holding them open.
Inuyasha was getting dizzy, Kagome's scent was overpowering. But he wasn't going to stop; he knew Kagome was about to climax. She was rocking beneath him, thrusting up against him. Her legs would have probably crushed him if he didn't keep them open. Just then he felt her go still and she came, her juices flowing, making him even dizzier.
Kagome felt Inuyasha leaning against her leg and got worried. She hoped she hadn't hurt him when she almost smashed him to bits with her legs. She got up, forgetting her nakedness. “Inuyasha, are you okay?”
He looked up at Kagome. He couldn't believe he passed out because her scent was too overpowering. “Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just inhaled too much of your scent and passed out.”
“In that case,” Kagome seductively said. “It's time to repay your kindness.” She leaned down and started kissing him. Then Inuyasha took over and coaxed her mouth open and inserted his tongue into her mouth. She could still taste herself on his tongue.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome she said, while still kissing him, “it was my turn to pleasure you. So stop taking over!”
“Yes ma'am.” He stopped. “Have your way with me.”
“Kagome laughed. Inuyasha was acting different. If he was his old self, he would already be inside her.
Kagome got on top of Inuyasha and started kissing him on his throat, his shoulders, and anything else within reach.
Inuyasha's hands itched to move. He wanted Kagome to be in command. He wanted to see what she could do. He wanted HER!
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said between kisses, “what are you thinking?”
“I'm thinking that if you don't hurry, I'm going to flip you over and have MY way with YOU!”
“Then why don't you?” came the unexpected reply.
“I would but you said you wanted to be in control, “Inuyasha said looking at the top of Kagome's head.
“Well, I want you to be control now. I can have my way later.” And with that she gave him one last kiss and flipped herself over.
“Hmmm. If you want me to…” Inuyasha put his whole hand on Kagome's breast, and started rubbing it, hardening her nipples to a point. Then he got his other hand and put it between her folds, pushing it in and out. He felt her contracting around his finger, holding it in tightly then letting it go.
“Inuyasha,” restraining herself from release, Kagome said, “I want you to come with me. Now!”
Inuyasha felt her need, so he parted her legs and entered her slowly. He knew that she was a virgin and there would be pain. He watched her register the pain.
“Inuyasha, will you please start moving? I'm getting kind of stiff,” Kagome said painfully.
Inuyasha laughed, and then Kagome felt him moving. She went into rhythm with him so quickly; you'd think they'd been doing this all the time. Then the rhythm suddenly picked up. Inuyasha was close to coming, she knew because she was up there with him.
Inuyasha knew he was close, so he started getting faster and faster. He was afraid he was hurting Kagome though.
“Kagome,” was all he could say, and then he came. He poured his seed into Kagome. He felt airborne for awhile then slowly came back down to earth. He pulled out of Kagome, lay beside her and pulled her into his arms. Then he put the blanket over them.
“Kagome, are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?” Inuyasha asked after he got her settled.
“I'm fine Inuyasha. That was wonderful. I could do it again if I wasn't so tired,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.
“Okay, you get some rest then,” said Inuyasha, then he gathered her close and fell asleep.
They did a repeat of what you just read (with a few changes of course ) a few more times that night and in the morning got fairly decent and went to meet their friends.
“Kagome! Inuyasha! Hey, where have you been? We've been looking for you,” Sango said looking them over, and then she noticed their clasped hands and looked at Miroku. He was looking at them like they were crazy, which they probably were for all they knew.
“Kagome, you're positively glowing!” Kagome turned bright red, but kept her hand in Inuyasha's. “Is there anything I should know about?” questioned Miroku.
“Miroku, it's there business! So leave them to it,” Shippo yelled at Miroku when Kagome blushed.
“Yeah Miroku!” Sango said after looking at Inuyasha and Kagome smiling at each other. She then whispered to Kagome, “You'll tell me later won't you? Please.”
This went on for awhile. Miroku trying to get answers out of Kagome and Inuyasha (who didn't yell at Miroku even ONCE!) and Sango and Shippo trying to make him stop. But all through this Kagome and Inuyasha kept to themselves.