InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Dance:Inuyasha ❯ Kidnapped By Koga....AGAIN! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three: Kidnapped by Koga….AGAIN!
“What are you thinking about Inuyasha?” asked Kagome, rubbing his hair.
“Nothing. Why'd you ask?” he replied.
“No reason, except that you look like you were somewhere else. Were you thinking about Kikyo?”
“NO! What made you think that!” Inuyasha exclaimed, turning around to look at her.
“Because I was thinking about her,” Kagome said, going quiet.
“Why?” Inuyasha said really low. “We don't have to worry about her anymore. She should understand that I chose you and not her.”
“I know she SHOULD, but I don't think she does. She tried to kill you and me both a lot of times. I just don't trust her Inuyasha.”
“Well you don't have to worry about that, I'll protect you,” he said, gathering her close. “I'll protect you and the baby.”
While they were talking they didn't notice that Koga had come up behind them (although Inuyasha should have) and when he was getting ready to say hello to Kagome he heard the last part of what Inuyasha had said. Then he stopped and ran back to his tribe. He couldn't believe they had actually had a baby together. He knew they liked each other, but Kagome was HIS woman. He had something in store for Kagome and Inuyasha, one that would test the strength of their relationship. Koga smiled maliciously.
“Kagome! Inuyasha! Hurry up and come here.” screamed Shippo. “Koga was seen running from the village just a while ago and he was coming from here. Did you see him?”
“What! That bastard was here? Why couldn't I smell him? I should have been able to.” Inuyasha said exasperated.
“Well Inuyasha, if you haven't noticed, tonight is the new moon,” Kagome said looking at him. “You must be losing your powers.”
“But it's only noon!”
“Myouga did say something like this I think,” Shippo cut in. “Didn't he say when you're overcome by a lot of emotions, your powers will start weakening?”
Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other, each knowing what the other was thinking.
“He must have heard what I said,” Inuyasha said, breaking the silence. “Probably coming to see you and when he heard me, took off.”
“Now we have two problems; Koga and Kikyo. Maybe if we put them together, even if Kikyo's dead, we'll kill two birds with one stone,” Kagome exclaimed. “Although, I don't think Koga likes Kikyo and vice versa.”
“Kagome you know that won't work. They practically hate each other. We have to get rid of them or at least make them disappear for awhile,” Inuyasha told them. “Come on let's get Miroku and Sango.”
Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and Shippo jumped on his shoulder, the three of them walking to Kaede's village. Kagome was far along enough in her pregnancy that sometimes you could feel the baby kick (you'll know why I put this in here later). So before they got to the hut, Kagome felt the baby kick, punch, and anything else you could think of. She stopped and put Inuyasha's hand on her stomach and before he could ask/scream why she stopped, he felt the baby kick.
“Inuyasha, Kagome? What are you doing?”
“Shippo, come here and see,” Kagome said while watching Inuyasha lose himself completely to the wonderful feeling of parenthood.
Well, they were just there feeling Kagome's stomach when Sango and Miroku came looking for them, wondering what was taking Shippo so long. When they came upon the three (they had moved to the ground now, Inuyasha sitting with Kagome between his legs and Shippo in front of Kagome) they just stopped and looked at the way they looked like a family. Inuyasha the loving, sometimes jealous, husband and father; Kagome the caring mother and wife, who just adored her children; and Shippo the older son wondering what the baby would be like when it comes and thinking it would probably get everything it wants.
“Miroku, Sango! Come over here, don't just stand there gawking at us like we're crazy,” Shippo said when he noticed them.
“Sorry! We were wondering where you were when you didn't come back,” Sango said looking at them.
“Now we know what caught your attention,” Miroku glanced at Kagome's stomach. To Kagome, “When is your baby due again?”
“In about two months actually. Why do you ask?”
“Because, I don't think you should stay in the feudal era any longer than you have to. We don't want Naraku knowing that you're pregnant now do we?”
“Miroku, you know that Naraku hasn't shown his ugly face around here in a long time. So why worry?” Inuyasha asked him.
“Because,” Sango looked at him, “we don't want Kagome to get hurt…ever.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome, wondering what was going through her mind. Did she want to go back? If she did, would he let her?
“Inuyasha, you don't have to worry. I won't be in your way; I'll just stay in Kaede's village. Ok?”
“You don't have to stay Kagome; you can go back to your own time to insure the safety of our child. I won't let you stay because of me,” Inuyasha grabbed her hands and then hugged her.
“That's so sweet! Inuyasha, I thought you were the “take charge” kind of guy, not the “sensitive, I actually care about you” shit!”
They all turned at the sound of Koga's voice.
“What the hell do you want Koga! We have nothing for the likes of you!” Inuyasha jumped in front of Kagome, shielding her from Koga. Miroku soon joined him.
“Come on Kagome, let's get out of here,” whispered Shippo, turning to Sango. “Help me get her up.”
“I don't need help and I want to stay here and help Inuyasha!” Kagome protested.
Inuyasha turned at the sound of Kagome's voice and registered what she said. “Kagome, get out of here! I don't want you to get hurt!” When she didn't move he said, “Get out of here NOW!”
Kagome looked up and nodded. She would do anything for Inuyasha, even if it meant leaving him alone in a battle. Although she did know that Inuyasha was going to beat Koga like he did all the time. Shippo and Sango helped her up and she let them lead her away.
“Come back here Kagome, I want you to watch Inuyasha die! It wouldn't be any fun without you,” Koga yelled after her. Then he ran and picked her up like a sack of flour. He started down the path he came from.
Inuyasha quickly ran after them. “You bastard! Put down Kagome and fight me like a man!” Damn, didn't he know Kagome was pregnant? He could harm the baby that way. He knew Koga didn't like him, but he says he loves Kagome, would he actually hurt their child? Inuyasha knew he couldn't risk it; he was going to kill him!
“Hey!” Sango, Miroku, and Shippo looked up. “Are ya'll going to help me or not?” Inuyasha looked back at them.
“Uh-oh.” They all looked at one another. “You know something's wrong when Inuyasha starts asking for help. Come on, let's hurry.” Miroku said in haste.