InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Dance:Inuyasha ❯ Fears and Shippo's Memory ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four: Fears and Shippo's Memory
They all ran the way Koga went and soon came across some very thick fog.
“What in the world did this fog come from? I don't remember it being here last time we came by,” Sango said. Then out of nowhere there came this explosion and they were split up. Sango to the west, Miroku to the east, Shippo to the south, and Inuyasha to the north; they didn't know what hit them.
Sango didn't know where she was. The last thing she heard was a big explosion and then they were all blasted. She sat up. Where were the others? Then she saw them; they were standing beside the well waving Kagome goodbye. She must've been dreaming. She smiled and got off the ground. “Hey you guys! Why did ya'll just leave me on the ground?”
They looked at her with such hatred that she recoiled from the force of it.
“What are you doing awake? I thought I knocked you out for at least two hours,” Miroku said with contempt.
“Yeah. You weren't supposed to wake up until we buried you,” It was Inuyasha who said this.
Sango couldn't believe it. Her friends hated her; she didn't think such hatred was possible amongst friends. But she guessed she was wrong.
“Well since you didn't stay on the ground like you were supposed to, we're going to have to get rid of you the fast way; just like I wanted to. Shippo turn into a bow for me please,” Kagome looked at her with angry eyes.
Shippo used his fox magic and said to Kagome, “Gladly.”
Sango looked up in terror then she felt her mind being carried away.
Miroku saw Sango in the bed, naked except for the sheet as much as he knew. Then he heard her soft whisper to come here. He walked as in a trance. He knelt down to where he could kiss her and then he did. It didn't feel right, he thought. Sango was cold, she felt like she wasn't even alive. Then he felt her stab him in the stomach. He looked at her and saw the glee in her face as he fell back.
“Sango, why?” Miroku's face contorted in pain. “I thought you liked me at least a little bit. Why'd you stab me?”
“Because you felt on too many girls.”
And that's the last thing he heard before he saw eternal darkness.
“Shippo! Come on! You're so slow.” Shippo's twin sister called to him from where she was standing on the bridge.
“Yumi, come back over here. That bridge is rotting and isn't safe. I'm going to tell mom and dad.” He turned around and then he heard the ripping of a rope.
“Shippo! Help MEEEEEE!” Yumi was hanging on by her tail (she couldn't use her fox magic because she lived with her mother and her mom thought she was too young.)
“Yumi! Hang on!” He turned towards his house. “Mommy, daddy! Yumi is stuck on the bridge. I can't help her.”
Their parents ran out and saw Yumi on the bridge. “Yumi!” Shippo's mom just started going crazy. “Yumi, hold on. Don't let go of the rope!” She turned to Shippo. “How could you let this happen? You're her older brother.”
“I didn't mean to mom. She just ran out there. I told her to come back, but she didn't listen.” Shippo ran to his dad, at least he'll believe him.
“Shippo, how did this happen?” His father looked down at him. “You were supposed to be watching her.”
“I WAS watching her. But you know she's faster than me; she ran on the bridge before I could tell her not to.”
They both turned around, not wanting to look, but knowing they had to.
“YUMI!” Shippo ran to the now destroyed bridge. “Mama! Yumi! Come back!” Shippo sat down and started crying. He couldn't believe his mother and sister were dead. It just wasn't possible. He looked at his father. “What are we going to do now?”
“Oh Inuyasha! I thought you were going to leave me with Koga. What took you so long?” Kagome kissed his cheek and his fangs.
“Uhhhh… I don't remember. Kagome what are you doing?” She was now undressing him. She already had his shirt off.
“What does it look like?”
“Where's Koga? I know he's somewhere around here.” Inuyasha started looking around. He took Kagome's arms off of himself even though he didn't want to.
“Is that all you think about? Beating up Koga?” Kagome got up. “Hmph! Then you can stay with him for all I care.” Then she just disappeared.
“Kagome! Come back! Damn!” Inuyasha cursed himself. What was Kagome's problem? She's the one who wanted to get rid of Koga and Kikyo.
Everything went blank. When Inuyasha woke up, he was tied to a post with his arms spread out and all he could see were two people who looked really familiar.
They looked at him. “Ah, so you're finally awoke.” The speaker came forward.
“Koga!” Inuyasha looked at the other guy, except it wasn't a guy, it was Kagome! She looked like Kagome, thought Inuyasha, but she isn't acting like her and he KNEW Kagome. Then he got it. “Kikyo, what are you doing with Koga? I thought you hated him.”
“Inuyasha, hate is a strong word. I hate you, but I just don't like Koga. How did you see through my disguise anyway? I thought we looked just alike.”
“I saw through it because Kagome doesn't act like a bitch! And I don't believe Kagome would betray me on purpose.”
“You're right Inuyasha,” Koga spoke up. “She wouldn't do it on purpose, but what if she wasn't in her right mind?”
Just then Kagome came walking out of the fog. “How are you Inuyasha? I thought you wanted to kill Koga; why isn't he dead yet?” Kagome sidled up to Koga's side and put her arms around him. Inuyasha looked at Koga as if he wanted to rip out his insides and feed them to his friends.
“Kagome, do you still love Inuyasha? If you don't, I'll take him,” Kikyo said walking up to Inuyasha. “He's actually very nice when you want him to be. Isn't that right Inuyasha?”
“As if! Get away from me Kikyo. Even if Kagome doesn't love me anymore,” he took a deep breath, “I still love her.”
Silence erupted then suddenly there was a loud scream.
They all looked at Kagome. She was running at Kikyo and with the strength she had, she tackled her-or more accurately-she punched her and she disappeared in a puff of smoke…
“Whoa! What a punch!” Inuyasha was still tied up, trying to rip away his bonds. “Can you help me Kagome?”
“Inuyasha, did you say you loved me?” She was trying to cut his bonds off. “I think that was what broke the spell; your proclamation of love.”
“Well, don't let it go to your head.” He looked at Koga. He was trying to get away. “Now that you know that nothing will get in the middle of our relationship, you're gonna run away?”
“No,” Koga looked panicked. “I was going to go inform my men of my whereabouts.”
“How bout I tell them for you?” Inuyasha didn't let him answer. He punched Koga right in the jaw and he disappeared in a puff of smoke as well.
“Were they even real? Koga doesn't usually act like that.” She looked around. “Where are the others?”
“I don't know. They were here when I came to rescue you. I think there was this big explosion and we all split up. Come on, let's look for them.”
They finally met up with their friends and when they did they heard the weirdest things.
“What do you mean I stabbed you because you felt on too many girls? You can feel on monkeys for all I care.” Sango punched Miroku in the arm playfully. “Of course, if you get too friendly with them I just might put my boomerang against that thick skull of yours.”
“Right! I'll keep that in mind.”
Shippo looked at his friends. They were all so happy; they didn't know what kind of pain he was in. They didn't have to relive their sister's death. Over and over again. He got up and started walking away.
“Shippo, where are you going?” Kagome asked, looking at him walking away. She turned to the others. “Did ya'll do something to make him upset?”
“No, they didn't!” Shippo threw over his shoulder. “I just want to be alone.”
“But,” Kagome started, but Inuyasha stopped her.
“Let me handle this,” he said.
“Okay.” Inuyasha was acting all fatherly like; it was a nice change.
Inuyasha ran after Shippo. “Hey, what's wrong? What happened to you?”
“Nothing, just leave me alone.” Shippo walked faster. “You wouldn't understand anyway.”
“How do you know that? I probably have gone through what you have. Just tell me what that is.”
“Inuyasha, have you ever lost anyone you loved very much, not counting Kikyo.”
“Well….” He almost lost Kagome a million times, would that count?
“Yes or no Inuyasha?”
“Would losing Kagome count? Although I haven't lost her, she's been taken from me a lot of times.”
“No, but that would be a start. You see, I lost my sister in an accident. I was supposed to be watching her, but she was faster than me and she ran on the bridge before I could stop her.” Shippo started crying.
“Hold on, don't start crying on me. Start from the beginning.”
“Okay, this is what happened…..”
I love cliffies!!! Well, until next time!!