InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating, it's becoming a big trend. ❯ I watch people mate for fun... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Inu Yasha, blada blada bler.
Inu Yasha climbed out of the well, sniffing the air. It was full of pollution and was the complete opposite of the air of his era. He couldn't wait to get Kagome and leave.
He climbed down the steps and turned, confronted be the tree that he had first met her. Everything was so different here except this tree. The forest around it was gone but yet there it was, standing tall and looking exactly the same. He sighed, recalling the first time they met. How far back that now seemed…
“Keh…” Inu Yasha turned his head and moved towards the house. He thought about knocking, but thought better of it when he saw that Kagome's window was open. It would make everything a lot faster if he didn't have to go through her family. He jumped to the window and climbed in noticing her clothes where everywhere, much like her smell. He looked around for a little, kicking things around, not knowing what to go.
“Great. She's probably at school.” He sighed as he sat down on the floor. “I guess I'll have to wait for her now…” He closed his eyes and thought for a while. He didn't know how to tell her that he liked her, so much love her. And now it was the youkai's mating season again, which made everything worse for him.
If he could only get Kagome to be his mate… “Damn.” Inu Yasha punched the carpet, then got up and started exploring around the room trying to take his mind off of things. He reached the closet and opened it, finding only shoes and clothes. `Why does that woman need to much clothes, when all she wears is that damn uniform… that really short damn uniform..' He blushed, he was more horny lately since it was mating season.
Inu Yasha was about to close the door when he noticed something out of place. He reached up and grabbed a brown paper bag, pulling it down. “What's this?” He opened it up and found rectangle cases with no covers. He sniffed it stupidly before opening it. Inside he found shiny discs' and he pulled them out. He spinned one around his finger a couple of times before it hit him. It was one of those things that makes people move on the TV screen.
He walked over to Kagome's TV and opened the dvd player, sliding the cd in. Nothing happened for a while. `Piece of junk…' Soon he realized he had to turn on the TV, and did so, folding his arms triumphantly. The screen came on to show a man and a woman together, the man on top of the woman, kissing her.
Inu Yasha sat completely shocked as he watched the screen. `Kagome never showed me anything like this before..' He shifted where he was sitting, paying more attention to what the humans were doing. The man's hand was now riding up the girls skirt, pulling it up as he moved to kiss her neck. Inu Yasha watched the woman's head go back, her eyes closed as she bit her lip and moaned. He himself was becoming aroused, his only thought, `I need to get myself one of these things…'
He watched as the man completely undressed the woman and himself, playing and sucking every inch of her body, making the woman moan even louder. He soon entered her with the ladies legs pulled back above her torso, thrusting into her and grunting as he went faster and harder. Inu Yasha was supporting a full blown erection at this point. `If only Kagome and me could do this…'
Right as he thought that the doorknob turned. Kagome entered the room saying, “Inu Yasha? Are you up here?” She moved her gaze to the window to catch a glimpse of white hair. “I wonder why he ran off like that. Stupid baka.” She looked over to the TV when she heard something that wasn't right. Moaning. `What the hell??' She noticed her porn videos where on the floor, and one of her favorites was on the screen already, Kagome went pale.
“Oh man…” She moved to scoop them up. “I wonder what Inu Yasha thinks of me now…” She somewhat hoped he was turned on, like she always was when she watched the videos. She hoped that he was thinking of her when he watched them.
“Where's Kagome at??” Shippo jumped forwards toward the half-demon. “Inu Yasha whats wrong??”
Inu Yasha was trying to get ahold of himself, he couldn't believe Kagome liked that stuff. `I wonder what she does while she watches it..' He groaned at the thought, becoming even more aroused than before.
“Inu Yasha, are you ok?” Shippo tilted his head at him, waiting for his answer.
“Yeah, I feel fine runt.” He folded his arms.
The monk came up behind him Shippo, blushing when he saw Inu Yasha. “No Inu Yasha, he wants to know about your pants.” Inu Yasha was still full and erect, as ever.
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Yeah, so review, tell me what you think. It's a starter.