InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating, it's becoming a big trend. ❯ What's a dildo? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I was going to turn this into a Kag/Sess but since I'm going to have people say my idea's are stupid, then whatever. I just made another story with them as the pair. And for you who left that comment, don't call other people's work stupid. They can do as they please. If you wanted to say something about me sticking to it being Kag/Inu, you could have asked nicely.
So this isn't for you, this is for the people that don't suck.
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Kagome woke up the next morning to see red and white. She blushed as she realized she was in Inu Yasha's arms, his hair was entangled in her own. His breathing was steady, and she watched as his chest rose and fell. `He's so cute when he's sleeping...'
“Ahem.” Miroku caughed. Inu Yasha sat upright, causing Kagome to not only be startled, but to also fly forward. The half-demon managed to grab the back of her shirt before she hit the ground, he face only inches from the dirt. The only bad part, if you wanted to call it bad, was that Inu Yasha had a full view of Kagome's underwear. He blushed deeply and dropped her.
Kagome got up and whipped around, fuming, “What was that for?” As she asked that Sango's boomerang came down on Inu Yasha's head.
Inu Yasha mimicked Kagome and asked, “What was that for?”
“I saw the position you put Kagome in.” She blushed admitting to seeing the position they were in.
“I was only helping her!” Meanwhile, Kagome and Shippo sat a couple feet away, confused and no longer caring. The bickering continued.
Miroku leaned over to brush the dirt off of Kagome's face. “Kagome, maybe you should take a bath.” Everyone got quiet, and then stared at the monk. In second's he was on the ground.
“Actually, I am a bit dirty…”
Sango looked at Kagome in disbelief. “How can you own such a devise?? Kagome, I would have never- does everyone own one of these in your time??” She asked, holding up a red dildo. Kagome just laughed, watching her friend blush deeply. “How does it work?”
Kagome moved over to her, careful not to step on anything sharp. They had decided to take the bath after-all and Kagome had told Sango about last nights events, what a porn video was… and decided to introduce her to one of her good friends. She twisted the bottom of it and watched it come to life. Sango screamed, then dropped the damn thing. “Sango!” They felt around for it, almost coming to the conclusion that they had lost it. “Sango… my dildo…” Kagome moped.
“What's a dildo?” Shippo sat on the bank, staring at the two naked girls. Behind him were Inu Yasha and Miroku, totally wide eyed. Inu Yasha was blushing wildly as Miroku's blush was less, and he was smiling wickedly. They had come to save the girls, they had afterall heard a scream.
“Perverts!!!!” The two girls dove under the water, only leaving their eyes to be seen. The men ran, knowing that once the girls were out of there they would get a beating.
Shippo just stripped and jumped in gleefully.
Two slapping noises echoed in unison throughout the forest.
It was getting dark already, and the air had a bit of a chill to it. Sango and Kagome walked ahead with Kilala while the boys where in back.
“So, what about you and Miroku?” Kagome asked quietly.
Sango blushed and turned to her friend. “What do you mean, what about me and Miroku??”
“C'mon.. I see how you look at him. And he has a special place for you too, he doesn't even grope at other girls anymore, its just you.”
“You think I enjoy that?” Inwardly, she was happy to hear that she was the only one that Miroku was after anymore. She smiled slightly. Sometimes, she did enjoy it.
Kagome smiled as she watched Sango think. “Was that a smile I saw? Sango, I think you do enjoy it. Every girl likes to get some every so often.”
“Yeah, and so the dildo was invented, right?” The girls laughed.
“I'm just happy I found it.”
“What's she saying now??” Miroku asked quietly, waiting for Inu Yasha's answer impatiently. Inu Yasha's ears twitched, his cheeks burning up. He couldn't believe that he was actually listening in on the girls conversation, but was even harder to believe was what they were saying. Miroku had already gotten that Sango had actually enjoyed his groping, the thing about all girls like it every so often. Miroku started mumbling. “So why does she still hit me every time, does she think I like it? I'm going to get a concussion one of these days..”
“Sango said, `So that's why the dildo was invented?' and now their laughing.” Inu Yasha crossed him arms, he was sick of feeding Miroku information.
Miroku went deep into thought. “So that's why the dildo was invented? What do you think a dildo is? Is it a man?”
“You guys shouldn't be doing this!!” Shippo was red faced and covering his ears. After the first thing Inu Yasha had told them that Sango and Kagome where talking about, he decided he didn't want to hear anymore. “Grown-ups are so bad.”
The sun had set, and they were almost out of the forest, nearing a jewel shard. They had decided to start camp, and Sango and Shippo were already sleeping. He lay underneath his covers inching his way towards Sango slowely. `Tomorrow my plan will go into action, she'll be begging me to touch her. But tonight... I'm just going to have some fun.'
Kagome giggled as she watched Miroku slowly inch towards Sango's sleeping body. She sat on the opposite end of the fire, Inu Yasha a couple of feet away from her, still thinking about the dildo thing and blushing deeply. His eyes were closed. Kagome made her way over to Inu Yasha who didn't notice her, yet again he was too absorbed in thought.
She grabbed his arm and watched as he jumped, obviously surprised. She moved him so she could sit on his lap, then nuzzled her face in his neck. Inu Yasha shivered in pleasure, the simplest act turning him on. He placed his arms around her. “Look as Miroku.” Kagome said, her eyes on the monk. Inu Yasha lifted his head to watch also. He had made it to Sango, and was trying to get underneath her covers.
Miroku was right next to his destination, he slowely pulled the covers off of Sango and slid under them. She sighed in her sleep and snuggled up next to him. Miroku froze, an enormous smile on his lips. `Perfect.' He moved his hand over her side and groped her breast lightly, the sleeping Sango giving out an unknowing moan. Miroku groaned as he watched. `Oh… she's going to kill me…' He leaned in and began to kiss her neck, sucking lightly. Again Sango let out a moan, this time opening her eyes up.
“Wha-?” She felt something playing with her breast, something kissing her neck, and something hard was on her leg. She moaned again unwillingly, then noticed what the something was. “Miroku!” She blushed uncontrollably, pushing him off of her and whacking him on the head.
“Awe, don't tell me you didn't like it.” Miroku smiled.
Sango blushed deeper. “No! I-”
“Yeah, yeah. The noises you were making tell a different story.” Sango became even redder if possible, and hit Miroku over the head again.
Shippo sat up in a daze. His head turned slowly to the side, making a scary sight for Miroku and Sango. “Sleep. Now.” Shippo said seriously, then slowly turned is head back to facing straight forward. His body then fell back with a thud, and snoring was heard.
Miroku and Sango shut up, laying down and going to sleep, a little scared.
Inu Yasha and Kagome had watched the scene play out, and were laughing quietly. They had thought for a little that they were going to have to watch Sango and Miroku have sex, but luckily they didn't.
“Hm?” She moved closed to Inu Yasha's body, yet again burying her face into his neck.
Inu Yasha hesitated. “What's… What's a dildo?”
Kagome was glad at that point that she had her face where Inu Yasha couldn't see it. She was bright red, and struggled to answer. “I'll show you tomorrow. Let's go to sleep.”
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I kind of wrote this on the spur of the moment, I had no idea what was going to happen next. Review for me!