InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Spring is Coming ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome everyone! Thank you for reading my first ever fanfiction! I'm excited to write this and I hope you enjoy it!

Warning: This story will have lemons/limes later on

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or any of the Inuyasha characters

I Am Uploading This Story To Three Different Sites. If They Are On Any Others Or Different Accounts, Please Let Me Know.

MediaMiner: mre240582

Fanfiction: InuyashaKagome4everandalways

Wattpad: InuyashaxKagomeLover


Chapter 1: Spring is Coming

It was a very beautiful day in Feudal Japan. The sun was shining, there was a light breeze in the air, and there were no signs of evil demons anywhere. Inuyasha; a half dog demon, Shippo; a full fledged fox demon child, Sango; a demon slayer and Miroku; a lecherous monk were sitting under the Goshinboku.

"Inuyasha! When is Kagome coming back?!" A small fox demon that goes by the name of Shippo whined.

"I don't know, runt. she said she'd be back by now," replied the irritated half-demon.

"Why don't you just go get her!"

*THUMP* A pink lump appeared on top of little shippos head.

"OW! What did I do?" Shippo exclaimed.

Inuyasha, now extremely irritated, "Just shut up! I'll go get her then!" He stomps away grumbling to himself.

"That Inuyasha, he really can't stand to be away from our lady Kagome, can he?" Miroku, the monk said as he chuckled.

Inuyasha, still grumbling to himself is walking towards the bone eaters well. This well is how Kagome's world, located 500 years in the future, and Inuyasha's world connect. Only Inuyasha and Kagome can pass through the well.

'Why do I always have to go get that wench. It's not like I NEED her here.. I do miss her. WHAT? I didn't just think that' Inuyasha looks down the well and quietly growls to himself. He is too deep in thought to realize Sango, Miroku and Shippo are spying from behind a bush about fifty feet away.


"Hey Kagome!" Kagome turned around to see her three best friends of this time. Eri, Yuka and Ayumi, three girls that mean well but can be very curious and intrusive on others lives, especially Kagomes.

"Hey guys," Kagome said in a sort of depressing manor. "Whats up?"

"Whats wrong, Kagome? Is it that two-timing boyfriend again?!" Ayumi Guessed.

"What? No, It's just .. I don't think I did well on todays test. That's all." Kagome nervously explained.

"Oh! You have been so sick recently, I can understand why you wouldn't do well, Kagome. It's okay." Eri tried to make her feel better.

'Good, they bought that.' Kagome looks down to the ground as the four girls walk to the shrine together. 'I wonder why Inuyasha has been acting so strange these passed two weeks. It's like he doesn't want to be around me and he's acting even angrier than usual.'

The four girls make it to the bottom of the steps that lead into Kagomes house.


"I can't just go and get Kagome! It's almost spring .." Inuyasha is talking to himself outloud while still staring down into the well.

Fifty feet away behind a bush Miroku whispers, "well? What's he saying Shippo? He's acting kind of strange."

Shippo is confused as he says, "he said he can't go get Kagome because of spring. But I don't understand. Why does the weather matter if Kagome is back or not?"

Sango, the demon slayer speaks up. "We really shouldn't be spying like this. Come on, let's go."

"No, Sango! We can't. What does Inuyasha mean? I know the demon slayers study youkai behaviors and things of that nature. So what's going on?" Miroku insisted on getting an answer.

Shippo is thinking hard and than exclaims, "I remember something! When I was real little, my father would tell me that one day I would find a mate during spring time. Ummm, Mating season, he called it!" He looks down at the grass and continues, "he didn't get to tell me everything before he died though. So I never fully learned."

Sango tries to chear him up. "It's okay Shippo, It's grown-up stuff anyway. Why don't you go to Kaede's hut in the village and we will meet you there."

"Okay." Shippo hops up and runs to the village.

"Sooo, our dog demon is growing up! He wants to have some fun with lady Kagome." Miroku chuckles with a wide grin on his face.

Sango slaps him across the face, "Stop grinning you pervert! Inuyasha can't help it! Dog demons, when sexually mature, find a mate. They don't just mate randomly though. When spring comes, his demon side will feel that it needs to mate with the one person that is his soul mate. I'm sure Inuyasha may not even realize that his true love has been staring him in the face for months now. Lets go, before his senses pick up that we are here"

Sango and Miroku head back to the village to acompany Shippo.

"Grrrr. FINE! I'll go get her!" Inuyasha yells as he jumps into the well.