InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Kagome's Sadness ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Another day, another chapter! Lets get right into it :D

Disclaimer: Inuyasha does not belong to me

Chapter 10 recap:

"Kagome, I hurt you."

Hearing his voice back to normal, Eri peaked over from behind the couch and walked over slowly.

"Inuyasha, you didn't hurt me. You saved me. You don't remember?"

He thinks hard and memories start to flow back to him as if they never left. He blushes a bright pink and looks at Eri, realizing she was there the whole time.

"So we are mates. .. We just have to finish the mating ritual." Kagome said to him. 

"We don't have to do anything until you are ready, Kagome." Then he turns her face slowly to look at his and says, "I'm sorry I haven't been completely straight forward."

This worries her at first but then she finally hears it. The three words she has been waiting for her Inuyasha to say. 

"I .. Love .. you, Kagome. I love you." They both lean in for another warm and passionate kiss. Their first kiss since he admitted his love. Their first kiss that starts their future together. Together, as mates.

Chapter 11: Kagome's Sadness

Ms. Higurashi walks down into the living room first thing in the morning and notices Kagome and Inuyasha sleeping on the floor, Inuyasha's arm wrapped protectively around her daughter. She smiles to herself, 'those kids. They finally admitted how they feel towards each other.' She looks at the couch and realizes Kagome's friend Eri is still here and Inuyasha's ears are uncovered. 'I guess we have another person in on our family secret. I've always liked that girl.' Kagome's mother heads into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

Inuyasha's ear twitches as his eyes are still closed, then he sniffs the air and smells something absolutly delicious to his dog like senses. Without thinking of the beautiful girl next to him, he jumps up to the smell of food. Kagome gets knocked over and wakes up immediately. 

"OW! Inuyaasshhaa! .."

He looks over and his ears go down because he knows what that means. "No, wait, I'm .."


His face smacks into the ground and all that can be heard is groaning.

Eri wakes up with a start. She looks over at the couple with confusion. "Whats" .. *yawn* .. "Going on?" 

"Nothing, just a certain dog demon without any manners." Kagome turns her head in that child-like manner whenever Inuyasha upsets her in the smallest of ways, and walks over to her mother. She smiles like nothing happened and asks, "So, whats for breakfast?"

Her mom just smiles back and replies, "I am making an egg dish with tamagoyaki, onsen tamago, raw egg and fried egg." 

"Mmmmmm, smells yummy!" Kagome sits at the table. She is putting up a front of hapiness for her mother. Of course she feels better now that Inuyasha replaced Kouga's mark on her skin, but the events of the other night still happened. Those events are still in her memories that play over and over in her head like a nightmare she just can't wake up from. Kagome didn't realize she was staring off into space while Inuyasha and Eri had already sat down at the table.

Ms. Higurashi notices Kagome's deep stare into another world and really wanted to know what was happening with her daughter.

"Kagome, dear. Will you go get Sota for breakfast? He has to start getting ready for school."

Kagome practically jumped out of her seat. "SCHOOL!" She looked at the calander on the wall, "It's Wednesday! I have to get to school!" Before she could leave the room, Inuyasha grabbed her arm. "Let go, Inuyasha."

"Kagome, you are NOT going to this skool today."

"And why not?"

Eri spoke up, "Kagome, I understand now why you miss so much school, and I promise not to tell anyone, but I think you should stay home. I'll take a sick day and stay with you, okay?" 'Something is seriously wrong. I feel sad and I don't even know what happened.' Eri thought back to last nights events and remembered something Kagome had said. Something that didn't quite make sense to her.


"Please, Inuyasha. I can't stop thinking about what he did to me. I need it to stop. Make his mark go away and replace it with your own."

End Flashback

Kagome smiled at her friend, "fine. I'll stay. I need to get some stuff done anyway. Inuyasha, I'm not ready to go back. Can we stay here? Just for a few days?"

"Keh. Whatever."

Kagome squealed with delight. Sure, it's not like she was going to listen to him if he said no anyway, but atleast there wasn't going to be an argument this time. She hugged him tight and left to go wake up her little brother.

"Eri dear, do you mind heading down the street to the market for some bread? Here is some money." She hands her some yen and Eri agrees and walks out.

Inuyasha is looking at Ms. Higurashi and he knows what's coming. 'A lecture,' he thought. He growls lightly to himself.



"You and Kagome? Are you .."

"Yes. She's my mate."

Ms. Higurashi's face is flush. Gramps talks about demons all day long so she knows what mate means. Her understanding is it is like human marriage. Then she thinks about what is means to be a mate.

"Inuyasha, does this mean, you .. and Kagome .."

"Inuyasha turns bright red, "NO! No, not .. yet. I mean, we haven't umm.."

She interupts the stammering hanyou with, "Oh, good. She is much too young for that! She's only 16 and still in highschool. I am perfectly okay and happy with you're relationship but sex needs to wait until after she graduates."

Kagome just returns from upstairs to hear that last part. She turns the brightest shade of red and says, "MOM! What are you talking about??"

"Oh, nothing. I am happy you and Inuyasha are together, hunny. I understand what it means for demons to mate. Atleast, I know the basics from gramps running around all day. You are only 16, you can't risk having a baby yet." Without meaning to say anything upsetting, she did.

Inuyasha's ears flattened as he smelled her tears. Salt and sadness. He looked over, "Ka-gome."

She runs out of the kitchen, up to her bedroom, slams the door and locks it tight.

Eri walked in with the bread at the moment Kagome ran upstairs and she felt like she needed to comfort her friend.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna head to school now." Sota says as he walked into the room oblivious to any of the recent events.

Ms. Higurashi hands him his breakfast to-go and some lunch. "Have a good day, dear."

"Inuyasha, what is going on with my daughter? I know something happened."

He flattens his ears again and says, "I don't think Kagome wants to talk about it yet.."

Ms. Higurashi heads upstairs anyway, leaving Eri and Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, is everything okay with Kagome?"


There is a knock on Kagome's door. She has her face in her pillow crying and can't seem to stop, no matter how hard she tries. "Go. Away. I don't want to talk about it."

"Please Kagome? Open the door."

'Mom.. How am I supposed to tell you what happened? What if .. ' She looks at her door and decides to unlock it. She sits back down on her bed and tries not to look her mom in the eyes, but she notices her mom sits right next to her.

Ms. Higurashi puts her arm around her daughter and hugged her tight. They sat there for five minutes without speaking. Then Kagome innitiated the conversation.

"Mom, something happened. In the feudal era."

"I know. I can see it in your eyes. My Kagome's eyes have changed." She moves a strand of hair from her face and looks her in the big brown usually happy eyes. Now filled with darkness, sadness, despair. "Kagome, you don't have to tell me anything. I just want you to listen. No matter what happened, or what is causing you this deep sadness, I will always be here to listen. I won't judge you and neither will Inuyasha or the rest of your friends and family. We are here to help you. Okay?"

Kagome starts to cry even more and she grabs her mom in a big hug. 'Mom. Thank you, but I don't think I'm ready just yet.' 


Inuyasha and Eri just finished eating and are sitting in silence. She looks over at him and says, "What happened?"

"What do ya mean?"

"What did Kagome mean last night when she said, 'replace his mark with your own?'" 

He gulps, "Kagome doesn't wanna say anything to anyone. I'm not going to tell anyone if Kagome doesn't want me too."

Ms. Higurashi and Kagome walk into the room right as Inuyasha says this. Kagome can't help but to smile. She always does feel the happiest when he is around. 'He really is everything. He really does care.' 

Kagome's mom is thinking close to the same thing, 'He is perfect for my daughter. He cares so much, this is obvious.' 

Eri looks at him and smiles, "You really care about her, don't you?"

"Keh, whatever." He blushes and looks away.

Kagome walks up to them from behind and hugs Inuyasha. "Thanks," she whispers for only him to hear. 

'You're welcome Kagome.'

"Eri, now that you know the truth about Inuyasha, I need to talk to you about everything else." She waves for her to follow, and both Inuyasha and Eri follow her to her bedroom.


"Sango, they have been gone awhile. When do you think they are coming back?" A worried Shippo asks.

"As soon as Kagome is ready, Shippo." 'I hope you are feeling okay, Kagome.'


Kagome and Inuyasha are arm in arm again while sitting on the floor of her bedroom. Eri sits in front of them and asks, "What happened? What do you need to tell me, Kagome?"

"Eri. .." She looks at Inuyasha and back towards her friend. She takes a deep breath in and finally says what no one else but Inuyasha knows.

"I was raped."

Authors Notes: Thanks for continuing to read my first ever Fanfiction! I love Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship and if I could change one thing from the anime, is that they would tell eachother they love eachother. Or atleast have Inuyasha say it outloud, lol. That was my only complaint to how the show ended because I absolutely LOVED the end. Okay, enough rambling on hahaha, can't wait until the next chapter!