InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates
That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
CH. 1: Vigil
He kept vigil by the well. Hoping, praying for her return. She said she would return. He knows she will come back, she promised. He's not naive to the fact that her heart is in pain, and that coming back would be hard for her. But he still kept faith hope for her return. She was the closest to a mother he's had since his parents were killed. She bought joy to his life, protected him especially from that `jerk'! Any respect he had for that `jerk!' is quickly diminishing.
“Oh Kagome, please come back!!”
he exclaimed loudly. His senses alerted him,
“Hey short stuff, what are you doing here?”
Shippou was a little startled, but didn't jump out of his skin he would usually. His soul was in turmoil. He didn't look back; he knew he was in for another round of teasing from the `jerk!' Inuyasha.
“I said what you're doing here runt!”
Inuyasha yelled at Shippou. Shippou slowly stood up turned to Inuyasha saying,
“The best, and I do mean the best person you ever had in your sorry life may never return. I don't know what she sees in you, but I guess someone like her and her gentle heart, would see the best in someone like you. Sticking by you when you were in what you call you weak human form. She protected you! Not Kikyo! She sacrificed a lot for all of us. More time with us than with her whole family!”
Inuyash picked him up by his tail shaking him arguing,
“She, she, she! What am I! Yak dung! Didn't I sacrifice a lot to save her?!”
Shippou replied voice trilling from the hanyou shaking him,
“Yes, but she did it out of love for you! Do you love her? Or are your reasons less than honorable?”
With that Inuyasha threw Shippou to the ground. Shippou continued,
“You can do what you want to me Inuyasha, I loved you both. I looked up you, but now I don't know. I'm going to Sango and Miroku, at least they somewhat care for each other. Even if they are human, I'm a demon attracted to human kindness and love, thanks to Kagome. I know and understand their compassion. You're half human and you hold back that side because you think it's a weakness. Kagome loves you, all of you! Nobody's ever showed you that much love since your mother!”
Inuyasha shouted,
What do you know about my mother you runt?!”
Shippou shook his head from side to side saying,
“All I know is you've done Kagome an injustice to the heart!”
With that Shippou started off to Sango's village with tears flowing.
Inuyasha stood there not knowing what else to shout at Shippou. So he flopped himself by the well. Sure, Kagome's been gone along time, he thought she would have calmed herself by not. Shippou's words were haunting him. All of what the runt said rang true. Sadness filled him. He could only sit by the well whispering Kagome's name.
Shippou arrived at Sango's village. There were little children in training. Miroku was tripping students who didn't perform correctly. Sango was picking them up giving encouragement. They saw Shippou afar off. His walk was very slow and sad. Sango knew immediately where he'd come from. It tore her heart to see him sad. She knew he missed Kagome. Sango left her students telling them to take a break. She slowly walked towards Shippou holding out her arms so he could jump up. Sango knew he'd been crying. His beautiful green eyes were blood shot from the crying.
“No show at the well my little one?”
Shippou shook his head saying,
“No. I'll keep going until she does!”
Sango held him close as he continued to cry. Holding him made her think of her own little brother who was Naraku's prisoner. Kohaku was killed then brought back to life with a jewel shard. The only thing that's keeping her brother alive is the shard. It was Naraku's sick and twisted way of keeping a hold on her, using her brother as collateral. She decided to break from this train of thought, feeling that Shippou would feel her sadness. Comforting him as best as she could she spoke to him,
“Look little one, if Kagome says she's coming back, then she will. She's going through a lot right now and needs time to heal. I know in my heart she loves you. So you be brave for her, and when she returns you can tell her just how brave you've been.”
With that the little fox child stopped crying and held Sango around her neck saying,
“Thank you Sango. You know I was fine until that `Jerk' showed up!”
Sango knew immediately whom Shippou meant. Inuyasha was the only `Jerk' Shippou referred that name to.
“So Inuyasha was at the well uh?”
Sango replied. Shippou then said,
“Yeah! He yelled at me, shook me, and threw me to the ground!”
Sango shook her head saying,
“If Kagome was here he would get the “SIT” of his life.”
Shippou still was holding Sango around her neck with tears still flowing,
“Will she ever come back Sango? Will she?”
Sango smiled gently pulling Shippou away onto her lap saying,
“You know she will! I know it's been awhile. She has a lot to sort through. Give her time little one.”
With that she gave him a hug and he seemed satisfied.
Kagome packed her bag getting ready for school. She hears her mother yelling at her brother to hurry along so he could get ready for school. Kagome made her way down to the kitchen laughing at her brother wolfing down his breakfast. Her mother looked up and saw Kagome laughing. Her mother's heart also smiled to see her daughter laughing. She always wanted to ask Kagome about this extensive stay at home in this time. Kagome's been home about six months with no break in school. But she knew that Kagome would tell her in her own time.
“Honey! Your lunch is packed.”
she referred to Kagome
“You get a move on also, or you'll be late!”
Kagome looked at her mother,
“Okay Mom.”
She walked to the counter and grabbed her lunch bag, kissed her mom on the cheek, rubbed her fingers through Souta's hair,
he shouted, and then gave her Grandfather a hug. Her Grandfather looked at her saying,
You need to start getting into your Miko lessons Kagome and the sooner the, better young lady. When you decide to go back, you'll be prepared,”
Kagome gave him another hug saying,
“I will Grandpa, I will.”
And with that she ran out of the door.
{Maybe Grandpa's right. Fleeting back fighting all this evil, I need something so I can be a little more effective.}
Lady Kaede showed her the many herbs to help heal people. She missed doing that. Healing felt so natural. When her brother was sick with the flu, she enjoyed talking care of him, even though he was obnoxious. She thought about how she ministered Shippou, Miroku, and Sango even Inuyasha. Oh how `dog boy could make her blood boil. Everything she tried to do to make him happy always seems to slap her in her face. She always sticks by his side as his friend, trying to keep Inyasha from following Kikyo to hell. Kikyo seems to be obsessed with Inuyasha following him to hell. But in reality, Kikyo is as much a victim as Inuyasha, both have Naraku to blame for their situation. Kagome thought how she found Inuyasha impaled to the tree. Inuyasha and Kikyo had never been able to love each other. Sad was how Kikyo felt betrayed by the man she loved.
She thought. Time to be off to school and on with her life. She'll see her friends and along the way and felt a long day of trying to get her to open up about her `perfect' attendance for the past six months. They thought for sure she would come down with some kind of illness by now. She smiled if only they knew.
He sat deep in thought. Knowing all the while his encounter with Shippou wasn't going to be pleasant.
{The little baka came here daily for some sign that Kagome would return.}
It was driving Inuyasha crazy to know the brat came here every single day. For six months without fail. Night was falling. He knew it was mealtime by now. Sango and Miroku always told him he was welcomed as long as he didn't irritate Shippou. He snickered at the thought of him irritating Shippou. He thought Shippou was nothing but a walking irritation. But food really wasn't on his mind right now. He thought what Kagome might be doing about now. This is the longest she stayed away.
{Is she still upset? All of this time?}
He cursed himself,
{Stupid, of course she is! You pulled on her heart as if she is one of Naraku's puppets.}
He didn't mean to hurt her. He did care deeply about her for always trying to make him happy.
{Damn you Kagome! Why do you love me? I never knew this kind of love, selfless love you give me. Sure I protect you, care deeply for you, how come I can never tell you this? I never want to see you hurt in body, that's why I defend you. I would never forgive myself if something happens to you. Damn, I can't handle this!}
Now it's really dark. He didn't realize how long he's been sitting by the well. He stood up looked down into the well.
“I guess I'll go to see if she's okay.”
His inner voice says,
{Why? You are feeling something?}
Shut up! He cursed himself.
In the present time, Inuyasha climbed up the well. He sat on the edge for a while before walking towards the doors of the shack. Sliding them open looking from side to side it was very dark now. It seems like all maybe asleep. He hopped along the trees and rooftops until he came to Kagome's home. He found her lights still on. He peered through her window to see that she was at her desk. Kagome was faced down. Her head was on her books. She'd been studying. Inuyasha looked at Kagome, wanting to awaken her just to hear her voice.
Although he has heard her talking, lately just not talking to him. She's either on the thing she puts to her ear talking to someone he could never see (telephone) or her family. The way she talks to him sometimes made him feel that she always had his best interest at heart. He longed to hear her voice. He fought with himself, if she woke up while he was there, what could he say to her? He quietly opened her window. Kagome moved slightly to turn her head and Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks. Hoping she didn't hear him. Her head was turned from the window, Inuyasha was relieved her head wasn't towards his direction. He slid through the window, his feet lightly touching the floor. The scent of her room was somewhat different. It was the like he smelled something unnatural. He just couldn't grasp it. Not evil or anything just intrusive. This interests him a great deal, so he continued to sniff around. He saw books on her bed, some to do with spiritual medium. While he was experiencing this in Kagome's room, he didn't realize she opened her eyes. In an emotionless voice low and soft she says,
“Why are you here Inuyasha?”
He jumped, startled and shocked,
“Why are you awake!?”
he growled low as to wake the whole house.
“You scared the hell out of me!”
Kagome laughed inside but answered whispering low and emotionless,
“Good, the more hell scared out of you the better.”
Kagome stretched her back lifting her arms yawning. Got up from her chair slowly walked over to her bed and flopped herself on it. Inuyasha could only say,
“Very funny Kagome!”
Kagome rubbed her eyes, but all the while wondering why he's there. So she asked him again but with some emotion,
“Why are you here Inuyasha?”
He noticed something different about her. Not knowing just what was different. He was afraid of telling her that she seemed different to him. He used the fact that Shippou needed her so he says,
“You know, Shippou is very sad you left. The Brat's seems like he is going to fall apart. He goes to the well everyday you've been gone and cries when he feels that you're not going to show up!”
Kagome stares at Inuyasha knowing that he's using Shippou as an excuse to see her. But she realized she has been gone an awful long time. Poor Shippou, she thought. Guilt kicked her heart hard. She must go see him if nothing else. But for now, Inuyasha plagued her mind. So keeping her composure she says,
“I'll get to see Shippou soon, but I know you just didn't transcend time just to tell me that.”
Inuyasha knew she was fishing for the truth of his visit. So being even more evasive he says,
“Yes I've been coming here some night to check on you for the little runt.”
Kagome looked in Inuyasha's eyes responding,
“Who you're kidding Inuyasha, you've been coming here for at least 5 of the 6 months I've been away. I know how long I've been gone. I counted everyday. So now really, and do not use Shippou, Why do you come in my room every night? Shouldn't you be with Kikyo?”
When she said that, his heart jumped inside, because the whole statement was very calm, no emotion at all.
He couldn't read her feelings, couldn't smell anything that would let him know how she was feeling. Then she laughed! Now he's freaked!
she said,
“I love you. You know I do. I just can't be your `mat' anymore.”
Inuyasha growled low,
“Mat! I never thought of you as a mat!”
Kagome crossed her arms making eye contact saying,
“Inuyasha, what do I mean to you?”
For the first time since being there, he smelled her sadness. It made his doggy ears droop down as he lowered his head wanting to go over to her and hold her. Instead she got up from her bed walking over to him and put both her hands on either side of his cheeks. Gently rubbing his beautiful face, he surrendered to her touch. While she touched his face, she always thought his face was beautiful when he was uncertain or sad. She held his face up so he could look at her. His amber eyes looked longing at her. Yearning for her arms to embrace him. He wanted to engulf his arms around her. She in turn wrapped her arms around him. He felt her stroked his back. He relished her touch. He wanted more of her warmth she gave so freely
She loved the way his hair felt as she stroked his back. His silky mane felt so wonderful. Not wanting to let him go but she realized this would be leading, she told him,
“You know how I feel, but my heart is bruised Inuyasha. I need time to heal. Tell Shippou I'll see him very soon.”
With that, she let go of her embrace and turned back to the bed sitting down. She reached in her nightstand drawer and pulled out a picture that had strange objects. She handed the picture to Inuyasha's,
“Give this to Shippou. Tell him when he sees this floating over the well; he'll know I'm there.”
Inuyasha took the picture from her hand. Looking at her, he again could not feel, smell any emotions from her.
“Didn't answer my Question Inuyasha”
Not waiting for a response, she said,
“Never mind, you couldn't tell me then, you can't tell me now. Look I must get some sleep. You checked me out, Seen I'm okay, give Shippou my message, tell Miroku, Sango and Kaede I'll see them soon as well. Now you better go. Kikyo may wonder where you are.”
Inuyasha knew he should leave. Not answering her question, he knew she did not want to talk about anything else. So he climb out of the window looking back at Kagome's tired face wondered about why he couldn't feel her. What he felt in her room was puzzling. He wanted to ask her about what he felt in her room.
He thought he'd leave that for another time. Mentioning Kikyo did not leave him room to question her about anything. Since he couldn't answer her when she asked him what she meant to him.
He said to himself.
{You know what you wanted to say! Just go back and give Shippou this weird picture. Why didn't I embrace her back? I felt her sadness then. I did want to hold her. What stopped me?}
A few week passed, Shippou still not losing hope on his way towards the well. Accompanying him for support was Sango, with Miroku trailing behind them. Even further away was Inuyasha, but no one knew but Shippou. He could smell him. He didn't mention to Sango and Miroku that Inuyasha was following. He just thought that Inuyasha was being his `jerky' self. Sango said,
“Are you all right Shippou?”
Shippou eyes all wide with excitement.
“I'm fine Sango. Don't worry; I won't break down if Kagome doesn't show. I just don't want to miss her in case today or tomorrow, or next week, of next month…”
Sango laughed replying,
“Okay, okay, I get the picture”
Miroku shook his head. The journey seemed longer than usual coming from Sango's village. Maybe because Shippou was walking slower, of maybe he was thinking he shouldn't be so excited. No! He should be strong. He missed Kagome so much. Long months gone by now and he started to wonder if she was upset with all of them. No! He needed to stop letting his imagination go. Lucky he was thinking and not saying what he was feeling. He knew Inuyasha could not resist saying anything he thought would be foolish and would tell Shippou to `Shut up', so Shippou kept his thoughts to himself. Shippou had not noticed that Miroku and Sango were behind him now. Shippou felt strange. As they were getting closer to the well, he looked up and noticed something strange.
“Sango! Miroku! Look!”
Shippou shouted. He took out the picture Inuyasha gave him. He shook, jumped up and down, turning around in circle, and then jetted off towards the well. Sango and Miroku saw the strange objects by the well and marveled as to what it was. Kagome never said what it is, but they were sure she would tell them of this strange thing from her world. Shippou ran as fast as his little fox could carry him.
As Shippou got closer to the well, another one of the strange objects popped up.
“Oh look!”
Shippou yelled. The object was attached to the first one he saw, then another, each towering the other, all colors. Shippou counted, there were 20 of them. Shippou stopped short not knowing how to approach the objects. Sango and Miroku finally caught up to the Kitsune pup. Marveling at the strange objects, Shippou questioned,
“Should I touch them?”
They all looked at each other. Shippou then replied,
“If these are from Kagome, they can't be dangerous. They looked just like the picture here, but happier looking and they float.”
Miroku observed that there were scripts on them. At first he couldn't make out what the scripts said. It read
“I love you Shippou”
For what seemed like hours, Shippou got bold with his feelings, jumped up and grabbed the very one that strangely let him see the message. Sango and Miroku got closer also. When Shippou grabbed the object, he laughed because he heard something inside. They all had something in them. All of a sudden Shippou felt sad. He knew what these object meant, but, `Where is Kagome?' He sadly questioned himself.
He didn't want to alert Sango and Miroku of his feelings. Miroku didn't miss a beat. He saw Shippou's face expression changed going solemn. Suddenly Shippou heard a rustling of the bushes. Because the wind was blowing away from him, he couldn't smell any scent. He assumed it to be Inuyasha because earlier he knew Inuyasha was following.
“Come out Inuyasha. Why do you have to sneak?”
No response. Then he went to grab around Sango legs a little afraid. Sango and Miroku prepared themselves for battle. The bushes ruffled again. Now everyone was sort of freaked! By this time Shippou really wanted his Kagome. He couldn't help himself; he climbed up onto Sango's shoulders.
The figure that stepped from the bushes was by first sight was Kirara's head. As she stepped out further on her back was Kagome.
“You guys!”
Kagome laughed,
“Are a funny sight!”
Shippou was beside himself with joy. So fast was he off Sango's shoulder, she didn't know he was gone. Into Kagome's arms Shippou jumped. Kagome arms stretched forward to receive him. As Sango looked on she felt tears welling up in her eyes knowing how happy Shippou was to see her. Miroku caught this look and put his arms around Sango's shoulder, one of few times perversion was not on his mind.
“I knew you'd come!”
Shippou cried not holding back his tears. Kagome cried seeing her little sweetie!
“I missed you too Shippou. I am so sorry I stayed away so long. Please forgive me.”
Shippou squeezing firmly saying,
“I do Kagome. I do!”
Sango walked over to Kagome and gave her a hug as well. Kagome looked up at Miroku and motioned him to come over to the hug sandwich. Putting his arms around both ladies, they scornfully looked at him in unison saying,
“Watch it monk!”
Miroku responded,
“My dear ladies, you wound me deeply”,
Giving his embrace he promised to keep it clean. Once everyone got their greeting over, Kagome picked up her very gorged backpack and another large bag. Miroku was puzzled as to how Kagome carried all of what she had. He offered to carry a bag,
“Why thank you Miroku, but no, I can manage.”
She smiled at him,
“I'm not that helpless”
He was amazed to see her sling the bags and started walking saying,
“I see!”
Shippou sniffed the air and shouted,
“Come out Inuyasha!”
Kagome turned to see what direction he would come from.
“He's here Shipppou?”
Kagome asked. Shippou replied,
“He's been following us since we left Sango's village.”
Inuyasha jumped out of the tree.
“Hello Inuyasha.”
Kagome replied. It was a different `hello'. It was kind of distant, but not unkind.
“Come on guys let's go to Kaede's hut. I'd love to see her.”
Kagome said as she started to walk, Inuyasha grabbed both bags Kagome was carrying and leading ahead saying,
“Let's go!”
Kagome didn't have time to respond because he was far ahead of them.
At Kaede's hut, Kagome ran to the elder miko and gave her a hug. Inuyasha place the bags inside the hut as they were doing their greeting. Kagome raced to the bags and started distributing the gifts she bought from her time. The biggest package was for Shippou. He hurried to opened his package and saw some weird clothing. Kagome watched his expression, as did everyone else.
“What are these clothes for Kagome? They're kind of weird looking”
Shippou said. Kagome laughed lightly picked up each piece of clothing and told him what they were. Then she replied,
“You know what, I fee like I nee to tell you why I brought these clothes.”
There was a pause. Then everyone responded,
A startled Kagome jumped then smiled,
“Okay, okay! I'm taking you back home with me Shippou.”
Shippou tail wagged about 90 mile a minute, eyes as wide as saucers screaming,
“Oh Kagome, really?! Oh Wow!”
He jumped up and grabbed Kagome around her neck. Sango and Miroku looked at each other puzzled.
“Yes! We'll be gone for about a week. I figured I could show you my everyday world; you can meet my mother, brother and my grandfather. I always talk about you, so I figured you should meet them.”
Sango and Miroku still puzzled. Miroku finally asked,
“What about the shards? Won't Inuyasha be upset about the long excursion?”
Kagome thought for a moment then saying,
“I'd suppose he'll be upset, but I have a good reason for what I'm doing.”
Sango even more confused asked,
“And what reason would that be? Naraku still at large, I need to try to get my brother back from that monster, Kagome you've been gone six months already and we have no way of tracking him down without you. I'm sorry if I'm sounding selfish her but…”
Kagome interrupted,
“Sango, I know and you're not being selfish, but right now we all need some kind of distraction. The last battle was kind of tough. And besides, the six months I was gone, no activity from Naraku right? He too was battered pretty badly. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru seemed to put him on the run. As for these other demons popping up, you guys seem too done well. So let's get our energy back by enjoying each other. I needed to see my family as well. Stretching myself from this era and my era can take a pretty tough toll on me. When I return with Shippou I want to take you two back with me for a week. I want you guys to personally know my family. If something should happen to me, you would know the sacrifice my family is giving by letting me venture here.”
Sango pouted,
“Why are we taking this letch?”
Miroku dropped head moaning. Kagome giggled.
“He'll need our protection. The girls in my time may kill him with his touching.”
Kagome's face went dim for a moment. They all knew when she looked like that, could only mean Inuyasha was in her thoughts. Then she suddenly told Shippou to come to her so she could help him get dressed so they could go.
Outside the hut, Inuyasha was listening to what was being said. He stood up walking to the entrance of the hut, walking through he didn't have a pleased look on his face. Kagome noticed this look but continued to dress Shippou.
“So when do this distraction start?”
Inuyasha demanded.
“Today, as soon as I get Shippou dressed.”
Kagome said making final touches. “That Soon! You just got here!”
Inuyasha yelled pacing the floor. Kagome continued prepping Shippou while Inuyasha rambled on. She looked over Shippou then frowned when she noticed his feet.
“Oh my, I didn't think of food wear for you. Oh well, I'll worry about that when I get back home.”
Kagome too his bow from his hair and re-adjusted his hair. {How beautiful his hair is.} she thought to herself. Over his pointed ears his lovely hair fell as Kagome gave him a low ponytail that was tied at the nape of his neck.
“Are you listening to me?!”
Inuyasha yelled. Kagome replied,
“Yes! I heard you! As for my responsibility in this shard hunt, I'm not abandoning! So if you don't mind, Shippou and I have a date!”
She grabbed Shippou in her arms. She then gave Miroku, Sango and Kaede their hugs and exited the hut. Inuyasha storms out behind her, still fussing about her responsibility to the group.
Kagome still walking smiling at Shippou who was on her shoulder as they were giggling about Inuyasha's fussing. This made Inuyasha angry to no end. He jumped in front of Kagome, stopping her in her tracks, and then grabbed her by her arm making Shippou fly off her shoulder in the process. Kagome shocked as her eyes widened looking at Inuyasha. He was squeezing the hell out of her wrist.
Then Inuyasha noticed something strange, he noticed her expression, but couldn't feel if she was afraid or angry. She was shocked, he could see that, but just couldn't feel her emotions afterwards. Calmly Kagome said,
“Inuyasha, take your hand off of me. You're delaying us.”
She never sounded so distant towards him. Slowly Inuyasha released her arm, Kagome turned and held her arms out to Shippou. Passing Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou continued their walk towards the well. Leaving Inuyasha standing dumbfounded.
{Why couldn't I sense her feelings? It's not a new moon. Why?}
Kagome and Shippou arrived at the well. She pulled Shippou from her lap and sat him next to her. Shippou wanted to ask her so many questions, but thought better of it. He too wondered why he couldn't sense any emotion from her when Inuyashe grabbed her. Any other time she would be upset boiling with emotions. Shippou looked up to her face and saw a weird look. Kagome noticed Shippou was concerned. She rubbed his head slowly lovingly and spoke,
“You of all demons never have to worry about me Shippou, I love you very much. I'll explain everything to you. But not now, we have a date remember? I want to share my world with you. You're the only one who truly love me no matter what I am.”
Shippou didn't quite understand, feeling her emotions now he knew she was very sad. To that, he stood on her lap hugged her around her neck firmly speaking softly in her ear,
“I will always love you Kagome, always.”
She gently pulls Shippou from her neck and kissed him on his cheek saying,
“That's so sweet of you to say, and so good to know. But now enough of this, we must be going or we'll miss the fun I have planned for us.”
She held Shippou close to her, and down the well they went.
Near by Inuyasha watching them the whole time hearing every word, felt a strange heaviness deep within his chest. He sensed the feeling Shippou got whenever she held him close. {Lucky brat!} Inuyasha said to himself. But his feelings and Shippou feelings were different. To Shippou this relationship was more than friendship. Sister and Brother or maybe even Mother and Son by the way she baby him all the time. Inuyasha's feelings… well… With that he turned around and headed back towards the hut.
End Ch. 1