InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates
That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
This chapter is dedicated to Mikazuki Tsuki, author of (Delightfully Disastrous & Simply Business) who was my first reviewer. I thank you so much for your constructive critique and I'm glad you enjoyed it. As promised to you Sis here's chapter 2.
Making it to the other side of the well, Kagome and Shippou touches solid ground. Kagome looked up to the well's opening, then down at Shippou. Smiling at him she asked,
“Ready my little one?”
Shippou being very excited, tail twitching saying,
“Ready Kagome!”
On that note Kagome climbed up the well.
At that moment Souta, who had been waiting at the top of the stairs, heard voices. He instantly ran down and looked over the lip of the well. As Souta was looking down, Kagome and Shippou were looking up seeing a very excited Souta.
“He's here! He's really here!”
Souta yelled.
“Hurry up Kagome!
Kagome was climbing as fast as she could. Feeling so warm inside knowing she could share Shippou with her family. Finally reaching the top, Shippou jumped off Kagome's shoulder, coming face to face with Souta. Shippou gave him a sniff, and then Souta pulled Shippou off the well's ledge as if he was doll, and gave him a hug.
Giggles filled the shrine as Kagome watch the two. She knew Souta and Shippou would hit it off, so she spoke,
“Okay you two, can we get to the house now?”
Then it just hit Kagome, his feet!
“Shippou, you think you can do the illusion thing for you feet?”
Shippou and Souta looked down and laughed. Souta replied,
Aw, come on sis, nobody's around, let him be as he is. People are getting ready for the fair. No one's been at the shrine all day except me!!”
Kagome shook her head smiling and saying,
“Okay go! Run on to the house!”
Off they went. As Kagome was closing the door, she felt dizzy for a second. Holding the post of the door, she regained her bearings and wondered
{What was that all about? Um… must be the excitement of having Shippou here and the fair.}
With that bit of reasoning, she turned to the house.
Once inside the house, the boys were talking and giggling and running right into Mrs. Higurashi.
“Whoa boys! Oh look! I know who you are! Kagome told me how cute you are, but she didn't say how adorable you are! Come here, let me get a good look at you!”
She had the warmest smile she could give hoping not to frighten him.
“Shippou is it?”
Shippou smiled showing cute white fangs and blushing saying,
“Yes that's me. Pleased to meet you Mrs. Higurashi”
Shippou said as he gave a polite bow.
Then Mrs. Higurashi asked,
“Oh, may I give you a hug little one?”
Shippou nodded his head yes. She lifted him in her arms and cradled him. Shippou thought to himself
{I see where Kagome get her love, her beauty and gentleness from.}
Kagome entered at that moment looking at her mother and Shippou's encounter, feeling so good about seeing this she replied,
“Hey Mom, are you going to spoil him like you did Souta?”
Her brother frowned saying,
“I am not spoiled!”
Mrs. Higurashi gently putting Shippou down saying,
“With a face like that, every chance I get. Oh by the way, where is Inuyasha?”
Boy, did that deadened the sound in the room. Mrs. Higurashi picked up on the vibe and just changed the subject.
“Who's hungry?”
With that the boys yelled,
“We are!”
Mrs. Higurashi told them to go wash and she'll have the meal ready for them. She told Souta to help Shippou with their modern day equipment. Souta replied he already knew to do that after all, he had to help Inuyasha.
While they were having their meal, Shippou and Souta were just chatting. Grandpa was just reading the newspaper every now and again glancing at the kitsune pup. Kagome noticing this, and was wondering when Grandpa was going to ask his questions. Mom thought about breaking this weird exchange by talking about the upcoming festival. So she asked,
“Kagome, what do we have prepared for our little one here?”
Smiling all the while hoping her daughter get the hint. Kagome replied,
“Well, I thought I'd take him to the magic show. He loves magic ticks, but I warn you Shippou, only observe, not interact because I know you're true magician, right?”
Shippou smiled showing his white cute little fangs, chest swelling with pride as Kagome addressed him as a true magician. Kagome continued,
“Then I'll take him to the puppet show, on a few rides, let him taste the foods, oh there's just so much!”
Mrs. Higurashi smiled saying,
“I hope you can handle Shippou and your brother!”
Kagome looked at Souta stuffing his face and saying,
“Well, I know the food part they'll both enjoy!”
As the boys continued their meal, Grandpa noticed how Kagome was staring at the new guest in their house.
“You alright girl?”
Grandpa asked. Kagome just kept staring, and then slowly turned her gaze to her grandfather.
“Oh…yeah Grandpa, I'm fine.”
A moment later she heard Souta asked if he and Shippou could be excused, he wanted to show Shippou all the things he had in his room. Mrs. Higurashi gave the approval and off they went. Kagome's attention went back to her grandfather, as she spoke to him,
“You know Grandpa, if there ever came a time that I couldn't get back to the past, I would really worry about Shippou. He's an orphan and his life would really be in peril. I'm not sure what would happen to him. The past is all he knows. This world would be a shock to his system. Whatever time I'm granted to be with him, I'll be his guardian I guess.”
Grandpa looked at her saying,
“Well, you better get into those lessons I spoke to you about. From the adventures you tell us about, you really need to get into your spiritual training. Now I know you're doing a lot over there, then you come back here you have school that takes up most of your time. But you're going to have to balance this out somehow young lady. Don't think we don't worry about you!”
Kagome smiled looking lovingly at her grandfather.
“You're right Grandpa, I'll start soon as I can.”
She started to get up from the table when her mother said,
“Hold it little miss, I want to know what happened with you and Inuyasha?”
Grandpa interjected,
“Yeah! Why is he not here annoying the cat or something?”
At that moment Kagome felt that she should be straight with them, but said to the contrary,
“Oh…you know we had a fight again. Something stupid of course, Heh-Heh!”
She gave that laugh hoping they would drop it. But grandpa was not one to do so, he continued,
“It's not like you guys hasn't fought before, but this time you stayed home pretty long, and I had so many new ailments I could've used.”
With that Mrs. Higurashi busted out laughing and so did Kagome. So she took this opportunity to excuse herself saying,
“You know, I think I'll go check on the guys. Very funny Grandpa.”
Kagome left the kitchen laughing trotting up the stairs. Thinking that she would soon have to put their worry at ease about Inuyasha. She knew they were not worried about their arguing, but more about the fact that Inuyasha hadn't come for her in all that time. They didn't know about the visits he did concerning Shippou's vigil.
Approaching Souta's bedroom, Kagome heard her brother explaining to Shippou about some characters in his video game. She knocked on the door and asked if she could come in. Souta yelled,
“Only if you're a guy!”
Kagome frowned thinking
{Why that little…}
and decided to deepened her voice saying,
“Well I'm a big guy! Bigger than both of you!”
They both giggled at how Kagome sounded. Souta granted her to enter, as she looked at them in full concentration with the video game. Shippou was so focused. Souta looked at his big sister and noticed a look on her face. Something like how his mother would look when he felt sick or something. But she was staring at Shippou. He asked,
“What's wrong Sis?”
Kagome jerked out of her trance to answer,
“Oh, just looking at how Shippou's picked up on this modern stuff so quickly.”
Souta still looking concerned because he never took his eyes off his sister. But he decided to let it slip for now; he was getting seriously stomped by Shippou in this game. There was a celebrated sound from the game indicating the victor. Shippou jumped up shouting with glee asking Souta,
“Let's do this again! Please?”
Souta agreed. Then Kagome walked out of the room telling them to have fun. The two were so engrossed; they didn't realize Kagome had closed the door. Kagome decided to go to her room to prepare for the fair the following day. She wanted Shippou to first get acquainted with her family. Since the fair was a whole week. She just thought about how much fun Shippou might have in her time.
Suddenly her head felt light, she was holding the wall while walking to her bedroom. Arriving towards her bed, she slowly sat down.
{Whoa, second time this happened.}
She thought.
“I'll lay my head down for a little while.”
Soon she was fast asleep.
Kagome was fidgeting while she was sleeping. She heard something that sounded like humming. A woman's tone no doubt, but not her mother's. Following where the humming was coming from, she walked out of her bedroom and weirdly stepped into what appeared to be a forest. Never seen this place or one like it. It seemed to be sort of ancient. The trees were humongous. One tree was as wide as her house.
she exclaimed.
“Never seen trees this huge!”
This place was highly colorful, so rich and sharp in contrast without being overpowering and very pleasant to the eyes. The humming became clear and close. Dodging through the huge trees, Kagome came to a tree where the woman was humming. The woman wore a hooded cloak, burnt orange in color. Her back was turned so Kagome could not see her face. Slowly Kagome approached the humming woman cautiously,
“Excuse me.”
Kagome spoke and when she did the woman stopped humming and slowly turned towards Kagome. The hood covered much of her face. As the woman raised her hands to remove her hood, just that quick Kagome was awakened by her mother's call.
“Kagome! Come down stairs honey you have company”
Kagome thought
{Company? Who could it be?}
As she walked down stairs, Kagome noticed it was one of her school friends. Her friend apologized for coming late; she needed to find out if Kagome was going to attend the fair, and if Kagome wanted to participate in one of the fortune telling games. Kagome wanted to devote as much time with Shippou as she could. Kagome made some excuse that she was entertaining someone who was new to her family. Her friend was trying to be persistent by telling her that this person could participate as well. Not wanting this at all, Kagome tried to tell her that the young man was too young, but that she'll bring him by to watch. Her friend still being persistent or down right nosey wanted to know if she could meet her guest. Kagome eyed her mother for a rescue. With that Kagome's mother said she'd go and check to see if Shippou wanted to come down. Kagome rolled her eyes to the ceiling. She really didn't want to share Shippou at that moment. She wanted to show him off tomorrow.
A moment later Kagome's mother returned without Shippou and apologized to her friend that she couldn't tear him away from Souta and the video games. Kagome's friend exhausting all her persistence finally gave up and excused herself. She asked Kagome not to forget to come to the booth of the fortune telling games. Kagome promised she would come and then her friend left. Kagome went to the kitchen where her mother was. Her mother looked at her and noticed she looked very tired. She asked Kagome,
“You all right dear?”
Kagome rubbed her eyes saying,
“I feel a little tired, I guess I'm excited having Shippou here. I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that, but I was half sleep and I wasn't thinking clearly. I just wanted Shippou to be a surprise tomorrow to my friends.”
Ms. Higurashi just smiled at her daughter. She could see how much Shippou brightened her home on his first visit. She could see why Kagome was attached to him. At dinner she'll get to ask him more questions about himself.
Dinner was ready and all was at the table Souta and Shippou was chattering and giggling about the games they played. When dinner was placed on the table, Shippou immediately grabbed what he recognized, when Kagome brought food with her to the past. Kagome patted his hand indicating that he should wait. She explained,
“We serve our elders first little one.”
Shippou dropped his head in a shameful manner. Ms. Higurashi patted Shippou's head assuring him there was nothing to fear. Then Kagome looked over at Grandpa who said,
“He is our guest, so serve him first.”
Shippou smiled at this and said,
“It's okay, I should have known better. When I was with my parents, my mother would always serve my Grandparents first when they would visit us.”
Grandpa looked at the kitsune and gave a nod of acknowledgement.
Dinner was all about getting to know Shippou. Grandpa had the most questions. Souta's questions were more about Shippou's magic. Ms. Higurashi's questions were more on his parents but there was one question she had to ask.
“Kagome how is it that Shippou is able to pass through the well? I thought that only Inuyasha could.”
Kagome really wasn't sure, but she felt maybe the shards she carries might have something to do with it, or his exposure to her.
“Gee mom I never gave it much thought. I'm just glad that it did grant him passage. I really had no idea it would work just thought I try.”
Souta was surprised as every one else as he said,
You mean you just risked jumping in not fully knowing if it would work or not? Boy Shippou, you must trust my sister a lot!”
Kagome glared at Souta saying,
“Just what do you mean by that?”
Shippou felt tension in Kagome, much like she do when she argues with Inuyasha. So Shippou said,
“I do trust Kagome, she protected me many times as well as Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango, even I protected them.”
Kagome looked at Shippou and said,
“Thanks Shippou, as I was saying I took a chance. The worst that could happen is I would have gone through and he would have stayed. But I'm glad he's here! Like I told you Souta I was going to try.”
Grandpa questions were more on his relationship with Inuyasha and Kagome. Kagome would sigh when this question was raised. But Shippou was very aware that this would make Kagome uncomfortable. So he just told Grandpa that he was only concerned for Kagome. He felt like she was as close as family that he would have because they all looked out for each other. Ms. Higurashi notices how Shippou sort of blushed whenever he said he thought of her as family.
“Well if she's your family then so are we, and as mother of this family, I say it's time for baths and bed. Big day tomorrow.”
Ms. Higurashi said. The boys broke from the table and ran upstairs. She looked at her daughter and smiled.
“Shippou is sure attached to you.”
Blushing a bit Kagome smiled saying,
“When I first met Shippou, he didn't care that I was human. Inuyasha picks on him something terrible, but you know I think it's just Inuyasha's way of making him strong. Sometimes it gets a little rough between the two of them, so the only way to stop this is if I `Sit' Inuyasha. But on a whole, we all look out for each other.”
Her mom thought it would be a good time to ask her daughter about she and Inuyasha.
“Honey, how are things going between you and Inuyasha? I think I've waited long enough.”
Kagome being solemn,
“I know mom. I just thought I'd concentrate more on my schooling. Then when I'm done with school, I'll go back to fully doing my responsibility with the shards. A lot has happened in Inuyasha's past that right now I can not involve myself in.”
Her mother knew her daughter was being evasive. She knew not to push any further. It was enough that her daughter told her that much. So with that she hugged Kagome and went to start cleaning the kitchen. Kagome went to check on the guys and found them past out.
Kagome slipped into bed thinking about the festivities she hoped Inuyasha would come to enjoy the fair, but didn't want to be between whatever he and Kikyo are going through. Clearing her mind of this nonsense she drifted off.
Walking through the forest again, Kagome heard what sounded like a `swoosh' and also smelled smoke. She also heard laughter, a very hearty laughter from what sounded like a man. As she continued on, she saw the man shooting blue flame from his hands. He had on clothes that favored something Shippou wears in the past. Then the woman appeared, the same woman as before. She still had her cloak on and the two of them had their back towards her. The two laughed at whatever was funny. Kagome felt such warmth from the laughter she couldn't help but smile. Then the woman gave a `shh...' sound.
The two stopped laughing and turned to face Kagome. They both spoke,
“We are honored to meet you. Sorry to do so under the circumstances, but we need your assistance.”
Kagome was puzzled that the two of them spoke with their voices together sort of like an echo. She also noticed that they spoke individually when conversing with each other.
Kagome gave a bow of respect. The woman took the hood from her head so Kagome could get a look at her. She was so cute! She had red/orange almost like Shippou's; the man had a deeper auburn color hair. Both of their hair looked beautiful and silky. They sported beautiful green eyes and a captivating smile
Kagome felt such a blithe of energy from them. It made her giggle a bit just how adorable the two were. Kagome spoke to the woman,
“I've seen you before. But didn't get to see your face.”
The woman giggled then a very serious look came upon the two of them. They spoke,
“We know how close you are to our son. We need your help because of our early demise; we needed to get our son prepared for any upcoming battles. He so young and has some skills that are natural to him, but he needs more, so much more.”
Kagome was puzzled by what they were telling her. They saw how she looked at them and they continued,
“You see the only way we could come to you was through your state of sadness. You were quite down. The spirit guides told us that the only way to get to our son was to find someone close to him. Out of everyone in your group, you are the only one. The genuine love you have for him is special even if you are human.”
Kagome gave sort of a frown and spoke,
“Out of all the demons I've met, he's the only one…”
They cut her off,
“Please! We meant no offense my dear lady!”
Kagome shook her head smiling saying,
“Oh no, none taken, I was just going to say that he was the only demon that didn't try to kill me first! Hee-hee, he tricked me, but didn't try to kill me.”
They spoke saying,
“Sorry, trickery is one of our defense.”
Kagome's still giggling started them to laugh as well.
As the laughter stopped they got serious saying to Kagome,
“We have to go now, your day comes. We will see you again. Please, do not tell Shippou of this dream. He will be informed later.”
Kagome had so many questions, but the whole scenery started to fade away.
Kagome felt her body slowly coming awake. She felt something lying on her arm very heavy. She opened her eyes to discover sometime in the night, Shippou crawled into bed with her. She smiled as she watched him snore. All of a sudden, a wave of sadness came over her. The thought of the couple in her dream, so loving, so adorable just like him.
She was sad for him because he was orphaned. So small and cute he was. Shippou stirred a bit as he opened his eyes slowly, looked at Kagome staring at him. He felt her sadness, smelt her tears, so he had to ask,
“What's wrong Kagome? Why are you crying?”
Kagome didn't want to alarm him to the dream, so she wiped her eyes and asked him,
“Do you ever think of your parents Shippou?”
Shippou replied,
“All the time. Sometimes I cry but I think of the fun time we would have jumping in the tall grasses, running around trees, digging under trees to make a den when we would either hunt or relax.”
Kagome twirling his bangs while he was talking, smiling as she could see as clear as anything the cute couple having such fun with their pup. Kagome didn't realize that more tears welled up again and Shippou became concerned.
“What's Wrong?!”
Kagome sniffed here, wiped her eyes there saying,
“Forgive me Shippou, some humans tend to be overly sensitive and sympathetic to others loss. I imagine you with your parents and just became overwhelmed, that's all. I'll be fine. Hey, it's going to be a busy day! Lots to do and I can't wait to show you off to my friends. One of them stopped by last night, but you and Souta was having so much fun, I didn't want to share you just then. You'll see them today at the festival.”
With that Kagome gave Shippou a squeeze saying,
“Right now I'm going to get a little more sleep. It's still dark.”
Shippou snuggled close to Kagome saying,
“You're the best Kagome.”
They both smiled and drifted back to sleep.
End Ch. 2