InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
A/N: The three girls I've included are only classmates of Kagome. Not her three best friends.
On their way to the fair, Shippou couldn't keep his eyes from roaming all over the place. Never had he seen such sights, the different smells that attacked his sensitive nose, and the loud sounds that attacked his sensitive ears. It was overwhelming and took all of his strength not to jump up on Kagome's shoulders and hide behind her hair!
Kagome sensed that the surroundings maybe too much for him at first so she offered to carry him in her arms. He refused saying,
“I'll be fine!”
Souta told him that he'd see to it that nothing scares him too much.
After finally getting use to everything, he was starting to really enjoy himself. Everything was so colorful and bright. Children were laughing and screaming with delight. Shippou played some games and ate lots of food and candy until he was gorged. Kagome was watching him the whole time. She was so happy to see him enjoying himself. Shippou found her and wanted to know if he could meet her friends. She agreed and led him to the fortune telling booth.
The girls were laughing as three guys left the booth wishing they'd never entered. As Kagome and Shippou approached the booth the girls spotted them and let out a squeal that sent Shippou's ears drumming in pain.
“Oh Kagome he's just adorable!”
They squealed. Kagome gave Shippou a gentle squeeze of the hand and introduced him to her classmates.
“Shippou, this is Aki, Mika, and this is Kako.”
All the `Ooo's and Ahha's' took what seemed like forever when Kagome broke the chorus by saying,
“Okay guys, what is your booth about?”
Kako still adoring Shippou's face replied,
“Oh Kagome you know, we just look at your hand, recite some mumbo-jumbo, flip some tarot cards and all that junk!”
While loving all the attention, Shippou wanted to do whatever it was and then go get some more food.
Mika and Aki set up everything. Their booth was very spacious so it could support the tables. A table for Tarot, an Oujia board, and a Crystal Ball no less. Kako adorned herself with a wrap on her head and costume jewelry around her neck, waist, and her wrist. Kagome laughed telling her how ridiculous she looked. Kako just crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue at Kagome.
There was a small space to the rear of the booth that had a curtain draped and a table behind in it. Shippou was asking Mika and Aki questions about their set up. The one with the crystal ball sought of caught his attention. Mika and Aki first told him that it was only for entertainment purposes. They went on to tell Shippou that the crystal ball was for telling the future, and sometimes used to help contact love ones from the dead. Shippou went to Kagome and told her he wanted to see if her friends knew what they were doing in the name of entertainment.
Shippou had a very mischievous grin on his face. Kagome agreed as long as it doesn't scare them too bad.
“Alright everyone, let's sit around the table.”
Kako instructed. They all sat in chairs that were completely around the purple velvet covered table and Kako pulled the curtain closed.
“Now we are going to perform a séance. I will ask you all now to hold hands. Now my young man, whom do you wish to contact?”
Kako asked.
Oh boy! Shippou wasn't prepared for her asking whom he wanted to contact! Kagome looked at him puzzled as well. Who were they going to say?
Shippou replied,
“Since we both lost someone, why not call for the loved ones of us both. Her Dad, and both my parents?”
The girls all sighed a sad tone,
“Oh no, we didn't know you lost both your parents. We're sorry Shippou!”
Shippou lowered his head saying,
“It's Okay, Kagome's been there for me, so I'm fine.”
Kagome just smiled. Kako replied,
“Yea, that's our Kagome!”
Wanting to break up the sullen moment, Kagome says,
“Okay guys, let's get on with the entertainment!”
Kako smiled,
“Okay, Okay!”
Kako instructed everyone to close their eyes. As she recited some incantation,
“I call on the love ones of Kagome and Shippou. Are you out there? Please give us a sign!”
With that Shippou had taken one of his spinning tops that he had on his feet causing it to spin as he released it from his illusion shoes. It started spinning on the floor underneath the table causing wind to lift up the tablecloth. Kako and the other girls looked at each other surprised as hell. Except for Kagome who eyes were still closed. The hosting girls jumped away from the table. The top was spinning so fast, it couldn't be seen.
“Oh wow! What's going on?!”
Kako exclaimed. Aki who was closest to Kagome called the others attention to Kagome. Kagome's head was bent downward, as her hair whipped and covered her face. She started moaning. Her head was slowly rising upward. Eyes remaining closed, she slowly opened them and was in a distant stare.
Shippou was laughing inwardly at the girl's reaction to his spinning top. But what happened next startled him. Kagome's head started rolling around in a circular motion. Still moaning, she suddenly stood straight up from her chair knocking it to the floor. Everyone still in shocked, even Shippou, as Kagome started to hum some kind of tune.
“What's she doing?”
Aki asked. Kako looked at Aki and then at Mika shaking her head saying,
“I haven't got a clue, but I don't think we should disturb her now. Hopefully this will pass.”
Mika stared in fear saying,
“This was just supposed to be for fun! What have we done?!”
Kako grabbed Mika by the shoulders to calm her.
Shippou in the mean time got closer to the humming Kagome. He called out to her
“Kagome… are you alright?”
Kagome was still humming, but it became louder and the tempo picked up. Then suddenly the wind under the table stopped, Kagome's humming stopped and she dropped to the floor. Everything was quiet in the tent, but outside you could still hear the sounds of the festival. Shippou went to Kagome's side patting her face. The other girls rushed over also patting her face and hands.
“Kagome! Please! Wake up!”
Mika exclaimed near tears.
“Oh calm down Mika!”
Kako said,
“She'll be fine. See, her eyes are open!”
Kagome looked up seeing Shippou's face, then her friends. She was wondering why she was on the floor.
“How'd I get down here? Wasn't I sitting at the table?”
Shippou told her what happened and how her friends were afraid to touch her while she was in a trance. Kagome was puzzled. She had no recollection of anything.
Kako, Aki, and Mika by now were relieved that Kagome was fine. At least they hoped she was. They decided to close the booth for the rest of the day. They were too shaken by this experience. They swore not to mention this experience to anyone. With that Kagome and Shippou left them apologizing for the scare. The two decided to go find Souta and enjoy the rest of the activities.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
They found Souta by the arcade, of course playing one of his favorite games. Shippou looked at Kagome saying,
“Are you sure you're okay? You look tired.”
Kagome smiled and told him she was fine. Shippou not convinced pulled her to a near by tree with a bench underneath.
Sitting her down, he looked her in the eye saying,
“That tune you were humming, I know it.”
Kagome looked at him perplexed saying,
“I don't remember anything pass holding hands. I was humming a tune?”
Shippou answered,
“Yes! It was something my mother used to hum to me when we camped in a den after she and father would hunt. It used to frighten me when they would hide me in a den by myself. But I would stay hidden until they returned. I would be so happy too because she would hum the tune to let me know it was safe for me to come to her. Kagome, how do you know that tune?”
Kagome really couldn't answer him.
“Shippou I really don't recall doing anything. I believe you. I just really don't know. I only remember holding hands, and then you guys picking me up from the floor.”
Then Shippou took his opportunity to ask her about her feelings.
“Kagome, back at the well, and even before we got to the well, I couldn't sense any feelings from you when Inuyasha grabbed your arm, I know you usually would've gotten mad, but you didn't even sit him like you normally would. I don't understand, are you sure you're feeling good?”
Kagome knew she had to tell him something that would not include the dream of his parents. They'd asked her not to tell him. Maybe they will come to him in a dream.
“Shippou, I'm fine. There is something going on. I'm studying more of the spiritual side of myself. My grandfather suggests I see a colleague of his to help me understand this more. I'm having some difficulty, but I think it'll be okay. Right now hiding my feelings or emotions is one part. Meditating is also something that is a challenge to me. My mother says I can't keep still long enough.”
She giggled.
Shippou's wide eyes just stared at her. Then he spoke,
“I guess there's no one better that Inuyasha to try this on, being that he loves to get you mad.”
Kagome really laughed hard at his statement. Then Shippou laughed as well.
“That had to take a lot of meditation on my part!”
Kagome continued to laugh.
Souta approached finding the two laughing when he asked,
“Hey, what's so funny?”
Kagome looked at him saying,
“Your fly's open!”
Souta said,
“Uh? What?”
Then he looked down to discover he had been tricked saying,
“Not funny Kagome!”
Kagome calm down her laughing long enough to apologize when Shippou asked,
“What do you mean by his fly's being open?”
Kagome just started laughing over again. Souta said,
“Never mind Shippou. She's in her goofy world. Come let me show you this game I was playing.”
Shippou looked at Kagome making sure it was okay without her going with him. Kagome smiled and nodded yes, and said to him,
“I'll just sit here a while.”
Off the two gamers went. Kagome started thinking to about what had happened in the tent and was a little intrigued about what Shippou told her of the song she was humming. Just then breaking her thought she heard her mother's voice. She looked in the direction where her mother was coming. Along with her mother was her friends and Hojou.
{Hojou! Oh no! Now what kind of medicine he's going to give me?}
Mrs. Higurashi sat next to her daughter feeling her forehead saying,
“Sweetheart, are you alright? Your friends told me you passed out. How you're feeling now?”
{Oh great! Hope they didn't tell her about the other weird thing, they said they wouldn't!}
Kagome nodded that she was fine, and then Hojou spoke,
“You know Kagome it is rather hot today. Have you had enough water to drink?”
Kagome sighed at the fuss that was being made in her honor, and assured everyone that she was fine.
Giving her best smile ever, she told her mom that she was going over to the arcade to see what Souta and Shippou were up to. Hojou asked,
“Would it be alright if I accompany you to the arcade?”
Kagome replied,
“Sure, do the rest of you want to come?”
Her friends said they would decline, but would catch up with her later. Hojou took Kagome's arm wrapping it around his and they walked to the arcade. Kagome heard her brother's voice along with Shippou's excited yelling. They were playing a fighting game and they were winning against two other opponents. A crowd was gathering because they were excited by the high score Souta and Shippou were generating. People in the crowd were saying the level they were at was very difficult and was wondering how two very small kids could advance this far. Shippou saw Kagome approaching with someone he'd never seen before. At least while he was here in her time. He kept playing and found that the opposing team was advancing on he and Souta.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
People were cheering them on, not knowing who to cheer for because both sides were putting on a terrific show. The crowd just got caught up in the excitement of the game. Shippou sensed Kagome's aura, so he used his natural speed to help he and Souta beat the opposing team. When the alarm of victory went off, everyone cheered the little ones on. Thanking everyone for cheering them on, they quickly left the game and headed towards Kagome.
While the two boys were walking, Shippou wanted to know who was this guy with Kagome. He tugged Souta's arm asking,
“Who's that with Kagome?”
Souta told him,
“Oh, that's Hojou, he goes to her school. He likes Kagome and all, but I don't think she feels the same.”
Shippou now recalled Kagome talking to Sango about a boy in her time that really likes her.
{This must be him.}
Shippou thought. Finally reaching Kagome, she took her arm from Hojou to take Shippou's hand so she could introduce him. Shippou at first was weary but then caught his scent and found him to have a pleasant aura to him.
“Shippou, I want you to meet Hojou, another one of my friends from school.”
Hojou bent forward to take Shippou's hand. Hojou was surprised at how strong Shippou's grip was for one so small.
“Please to meet you Shippou.”
Pleasantly Hojou smiled at Shippou.
“You have a very strong hand shake there.”
Shippou blushed smiling,
“Thanks nice to meet you too. Are you Kagome's boyfriend?”
With that statement, nervous laughs from both Hojou and Kagome. Shippou replied,
“What? Did I say something wrong?”
Souta was beside himself laughing. Hojou spoke,
“No, you said nothing wrong. But we are friends. I'm a boy and she's a girl and the two of us are friends.”
Souts laughed harder exclaiming,
“Yeah right!”
Kagome up slapped Souta's head. Shippou had a puzzling look on his face, but then his stomach stared growling. Kagome picked up on this noise and suggested they go get some food. Shippou was none to happy!
The whole day was fun. Shippou never experienced so much excitement. The magic show was intriguing, but he figured how it was done telling Kagome all about it.
Then nighttime bought on the fireworks, music, dancing and so on. Kagome saw how tired her brother and Shippou looked and thought she'd take them home. Her mom had long ago left for home with her grandfather and took Hojou up on his offer to bring everyone home.
On their way home Kagome and Hojou talked about how exhausted the boys were,
“They looked as though they over did it.”
Hojou stated. Kagome smiled saying,
“Well, boys will be boys.”
The bus soon pulled up to the stop they were getting off. The boys had been snoozing the whole time. They were shaken awake gently and escorted of the bus.
The walk to the shrine wasn't far, but seeing how the boys were so tired, and then climbing the shrine steps, Kagome and Hojou knew it would be too much. So they carried them up the steps. When they reached the top, Souta and Shippou were put down and told to walk on in the house.
Hojou and Kagome walked slowly towards the house. Kagome felt a strange presence as they walked. Not threatening, but there nonetheless. She and Hojou reached the door to her home; Hojou took Kagome's hand. This sort of startled her, but not enough to concern Hojou.
“I'm just happy to see you smile Kagome. You really looked like you've enjoyed yourself. I worry about you, you know. I mean you seem to get ill so much. I hope that some of the herb and remedies that my mom gave me to give you helped some”
Kagome couldn't help but giggle at that due to the fact of how her grandfather created bogus ailments, diseases and God knows what. It amazed her that her friends believed any of it. But she looked at Hojou and thought what a dear he was. She put her other hand over his and squeezed gently thanking him for always having her in mind. Then Hojou walked away from her waving.
“Goodnight Hojou and thanks for seeing us home!”
Upon entering the house Kagome saw the boys at the table having a snack with grandpa. She couldn't believe this! These guys did nothing but eat all day! They were `drop-dead' tired just a few minuets ago!
“Unbelievable! How could you guys be hungry?”
Grandpa startled by her outburst replied,
“Hey! Stop an old man's heart why don't you!”
Kagome didn't know that she was being so loud and quickly apologized to her grandfather.
“Oh grandpa, it's just that they've been eating all day!”
Kagome was trying to sound as motherly as possible. Then Grandpa huffed,
“You could do to put meat on your bones. Did you eat today?”
Kagome hadn't thought about it. All she remembered having was tea at breakfast. She really didn't feel hungry.
A concerned look was on Shippou's face. He recalled not seeing Kagome eat while he was at the fair.
“But I don't feel hungry Grandpa, and I don't feel sick, maybe tired but not sick.”
Shippou detected something different. He stared at her. Souta noticed Shippou's staring and asked,
“Are you okay Shippou?”
That snapped him out of his stare as he now looked at Souta saying,
“I'm just tired. Maybe we should go to bed.”
Kagome smiled,
Yes I agree, so off you two!”
Shippou walked up to Kagome saying,
“Kagome, may I talk to you before you go to sleep?”
Patting his head, Kagome smiled,
“Sure Shippou, as soon as I clean the kitchen with mom I'll be right up.”
With that Souta and Shippou headed up to the bedroom. Walking towards her bedroom, she stopped by Souta's room. She saw that Souta was completely knocked out, snoring, mouth opened, drool and all. Shippou was not sleep he was waiting for Kagome. When she saw him and his wide eyes, she beckoned him to follow her to her room.
Entering her room Shippou hopped onto her bed and she sat next to him. She felt a little uneasy at how he stared at her. Shippou didn't beat around the bush an asked,
“Kagome are you okay?”
She saw concern in his face at this question. Shippou continued,
“I mean since that what you called… uh…”
Kagome interrupted,
Shippou continued,
“Yeah! You've been sort of strange. Like most demons, I can sense your emotions; I feel you're not happy. Did I do anything to make you sad Kagome?”
Kagome gasped, she was shocked by his question. She had to be careful not to spook the little guy. She told him,
“Oh no Shippou!”
She quickly picked him up and cradled him in her arms saying,
“Oh sweetheart I didn't mean to give you any concerns that you've made me sad or anything. Shippou, you've done nothing but made me happy when we're together. Just that sometimes I get so stuck on something that do make me sad and I tend to space out.”
He was in her lap while she was explaining herself. Staring into her eyes the whole time still feeling waves of sadness from her.
He put his little hands on her cheek and asked this question that's been bugging him,
“Is this all about Inuyasha and Kikyo?”
Kagome knew she had to answer him truthfully so with that came a simple,
“Yes Shippou. It's mostly about that”
Giving a rather uncomfortable laugh. Shippou's thoughtful look sort of made Kagome brace herself for the next question.
“Kagome, why when people have such deep feelings for each other they can't tell each other. Kagome I'm not sure if this means anything to you, but I love you!”
He held onto her as she cradled him even closer.
Tears welled up in her eyes,
“I love you too Shippou!”
He really didn't like to see her sad. Kagome fussed at herself
{Come on girl! Get a grip!}
Wiping her eyes, she rubbed Shippou's head saying,
“Look at me, total mess uh? Let me sit you down her while I go shower before going to bed.”
Before leaving Shippou asked her,
“Kagome, may I sleep with you?”
She smiled her heart feeling warm saying,
“Of course you can! Here, let me tuck you in. Now I'll be right back.”
Off to the bathroom she went with her bedclothes and supplies.
When she returned, Shippou was fast asleep.
{How adorable he is!}
Kagome thought sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his beautiful red hair so soft to the touch. Demons have such beautiful hair. Even Inuyasha's hair though wild looking was just as beautiful and soft to the touch.
Kagome thought of Shippou's mother. It must be hard to watch from within her seeing her son. Unknown to Kagome, her own mother was watching her. Then she heard Kagome humming. Mrs. Higurashi interrupted with a throat clearing. Kagome turned around smiling at her mother. Her Mother approached the bed then gently holding her daughter shoulders while looking at the little fox-child.
“He's a heart stealer you know.”
Mrs. Higurashi turned Kagome to face her,
“Shippou stole a small part of your heart, so who has the large part?”
Kagome eyes went to the floor. She knew her mother was going to get deep with her.
“You know, you young ones today think that we parents were never your age, and we never experienced what you go through. We've never loved; we've never had disappointments, the whole nine yards. Sweetie, I've known for a long time your feelings for Inuyasha…”
Kagome tried to cut her mother off, but her mother held up her hand so she can continue,
“…But just let me say this, then I'll leave this subject alone. One-sided love only causes pain. It usually is the one who is giving the love that gets hurt. Explore your own feelings all the while being honest with yourself. Sometimes it's hard to express your feelings. The best thing to do is to say what's on your mind, and hopefully the other party would do the same. If not, well you've given it your best shot. Move on with your life. You can start with `Mr. Adorable' here. He's attached to you. I can only imagine how he must feel when you go away for so long. I may not know about demon children, but a child is a child and when you were young, you wouldn't let me out of your sight.”
She squeezed Kagome's shoulder and rubbed Shippou's hair saying,
“A good parent would do anything for their children within reason. It's hard sometimes but the love of a child is so precious as well as the love you give them. Any parent would be blessed because you taught that child what love is about. When your father would be away, and loneliness would set in me, you would give me such a sweet hug. I can't begin to tell you that being a young mother is sometimes scary. But you were a constant joy in my life. Now I have two children and when you go away I have Souta. I understand what it is you're trying to do; I love you for accepting this large responsibility I don't ever want you to feel guilty because I want you to be focused on what you're doing. Now I leave you.”
She kissed Kagome's head and exited the room. Kagome thought of what her mother said. Shippou's parents are trying to do all they could for him through her. All so suddenly, Kagome felt a strong sense of purpose. She would do all she could for Shippou. Her mom's talk gave her strength. Tomorrow she will look into executing this for Shippou's parents. Love is the energy for this!
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
Before Kagome knew it the week was over. Her mother was packing supplies for them to take back. She gave each of her friends a special package. As her mother was packing, she wondered how Kagome was going to get all this back by herself. Usually Inuyasha would be here, but well….
She just continued packing. She felt a tug on her apron, turned and looked down at Shippou.
“What's up little one?”
He had a concerned look on his face.
“Kagome's in her room in some sort of trance. I tried to snap her out of it, but she's just looking spacey!”
Mrs. Higurashi raced to her room. Souta was holding his sister's hand. Her mother was shaking Kagome to revive her. Shippou was so distraught he jumped oh Mrs. Higurashi's shoulder, looking at Kagome pleading for her to awaken. Kagome lifted her arms taking Shippou off her mother's shoulder bringing him to her chest, rubbing his hair and started humming. That tune! That same tune! Souta' asked,
“Sis are you-…”
His mother hushed him whispering in his ear,
“Listen to her humming.”
Shipppou's expression was one of pure content. Normally one would be afraid, but her mom was not alarmed. It was at this moment, Kagome's humming stopped, and her eyes blinked.
“What's going on? Why are you all looking at me strange? What's wrong?”
Mrs. Higurashi placed her hands on her daughter's head.
“My dear, you were in some kind of trance, and we couldn't snap you out of it.”
Kagome thought
{Wow! I thought I was just waking up!}
Shippou asked,
“Are you alright Kagome? We were all worried about you!”
She smiled,
“I'm fine Shippou! In fact I never felt so good! I'm hungry I know that!”
Her mom decided to change the mood.
“Boys, you go and get washed and dressed, breakfast is… Oh my! The food!”
With that she ran down stairs.
After breakfast Mrs. Higurashi continued to pack supplies for Kagome and her friends. Kagome told her mom what her friends liked. All the while she thought of her daughter and Shippou's relationship. She felt that Shippou has helped her daughter mature due to the attachment to her. She smiled when she saw how her daughter held him as they slept. She figured that they were together like that a lot in their travels. She couldn't help but wonder about Inuyasha and her daughter. She knew that they were close. She knew her daughter was in love with him but how did he feel for her? She'd hope she could worm that information from Kagome, but just left the matter to fate. If Kagome wanted her to know, she would tell her.
After breakfast Kagome and Shippou was ready to go. Souta was sad that the week went by quickly. He had such a good time with Shippou. He knew that they had to get back. He wished he could either go with them or they would stay. It was nice having a surrogate nephew. He took a small box he had wrapped for Shippou to take back hoping he'd like it.
Just as Kagome and Shippou were saying their goodbye's Shippou caught a familiar scent. It was Inuyasha's. Before Shippou could alert Kagome, she sensed him as well. Kagome right then decided to call him out.
“Inuyasha you can show yourself now. Why are you hiding?”
Inuyasha caught off guard simply replied,
“About time, did you enjoy your little time together?”
At that moment, Souta ran to give Shippou his gift and spotted Inuyasha.
Souta exclaimed.
“How have you been?”
Inuyasha just wanted to get back to the well, but knew if he were impatient, Kagome would get mad and `sit' him. Inuyasha replied,
“Hey kid, did you enjoy the bushy-tailed brat?”
Shippou knew he was being insulted and responded,
“Hey watch it, I heard you!”
Inuyasha smirked turning his back to Shippou. At that moment, Mrs. Higurashi also joined them.
“Well Inuyasha, it's been a while how are you?”
Inuyasha just nodded and crossed his arms. Kagome was doing a last check making sure she had everything. Not saying very much, she went over to her mother giving a hug.
“Mom, when I come back, we'll have that extensive talk.”
Kissing her mother on the cheek saying,
“I love you mom, you're the best.”
Firmly hugging her daughter she replied,
“I'm counting on it! You owe me.”
She kissed Kagome on her cheek and went for Shippou. She picked him up squeezing him firmly and kissed him as well.
“I'll miss you my Grandson!”
She said smiling. Shippou smiled and blushed. His heart felt so warm, he never knew humans could care so much. He hugged Mrs. Higurashi just as firmly. She put him down and walked up to Inuyasha. His arms still folded. She turned him to face her.
“Inuyasha, you know you're never alone. Just think of us, we always have you on our mind. You all take care of each other.”
With that she turned to walk back to the house. Inuyasha stood there confused and blushed. Shippou noticed this and shook his head thinking
{I Bet that baka didn't get what she was saying.}
Souta finally getting Shippou's attention gave him the little box he was carrying. Shippou wondered what it could be. Souta asked him to wait to open it when he got back to his time. Shippou really didn't want to wait, but to respect Souta he decided he would.
“It's so you don't forget us!”
Shippou smiled saying,
“I'll never forget you, and we're family right?”
Souta smiled replying,
“Right! If you come back, I'll have something else for you or I'll send it by Kagome when she returns.”
They bowed to each other and Shippou turned towards Kagome. Souta felt some tears forming and ran towards the house. Kagome picked up her backpack and one of the other bags when Inuyasha motioned to pick up all the bags. He told Kagome,
“Just pick up the runt, he must be tired from all his fun.”
Kagome shook her head and just held Shippou and jumped into the well. This was a very weird feeling going through the well. It scared him at first, but he knew Kagome would let nothing happen to him. He just closed his eyes until the floating feeling stopped.
End Ch. 3
Please review and all blessings to you!