InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
Ch. 6 Welcome Back Purple Monk
Sango slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes felt like burning embers were in them and her eyes were swollen from her crying. She moved slowly sitting up glancing at Miroku as she reached to hold his left hand.
Looking at his handsome face, one she'd slapped so often, she sighed saying,
Squeezing his hand she continued,
“…I'm trying to be strong for you. Not since losing my family have I felt so useless!”
She was shocked to feel a squeeze from his hand. Sango gasped,
“Hoshi! … Miroku!
She screamed out. At that moment Kaede entered the hut hearing Sango's outburst.
“What is it child? What happened?!”
Kaede asked. She watched Sango panting as if she was out of breath. Sango replied,
“He squeezed my hand Kaede!”
Sango shouted excitedly. Kaede approached Miroku's side. She noticed his breathing was a bit laborious as his brows contracted. He moaned slightly and then his breathing slowed as his face once again was in a sleep state.
Kaede had a pleased look for she saw he was still breathing, said to Sango,
“It would appear that our young monk is responding. Did I not say that he was a strong one?”
Sango just let out a huge breath she didn't realize she was holding. Checking his bandage, Kaede was pleased to notice that no blood oozed through.
“Young Monk.”
Miroku was sitting in what appeared to be very calm surroundings. There were trees, a lake, grass and flowers. No breeze was stirring but there was warmth that gave way to serenity he had never experienced. Then he quickly turned when he heard the voice. What he saw was a tall woman. She had a stoic look that would make a certain demon lord he knew be envious. Her voice was soothing. He saw she was wearing a dark blue Kimono that had a baby blue undershirt. The Kimono sported the most beautiful flowers, animals of land, sea, and air that was embroidered all over. She had a sparkling light blue Obi that wrapped around the Kimono. There was a deeper blue that was around her head like a hood. Her hair was like a wavy ice blue that shined like silver. Her eyes were like opals. In her had she held a staff of gold with cranes that appear to be dancing. She continued to speak,
“You are Miroku?”
The monk was surprised that she knew his name. He answered,
“Yes my lady, I am he.”
Coming to stand on his feet he bowed in respect. As he stood from bowing, the woman was so close to him he was startled, stepping back a ways. Again the woman spoke,
“Fear not young monk, I am a spirit guide on a mission that deeply involves you.”
Miroku was indeed captivated by her beauty and her melodious voice. She continued,
“You are going to be given a stronger power of exorcism. Two Kitsune spirits have chosen the one named Kagome. They are the parents of the kit named Shippou.”
Miroku gasped at all he was told. There were many questions he wanted to ask so he interrupted,
“My Lady, pardon me but you say that two spirits chose Kagome? May I inquire as for what purpose?”
The spirit guide motioned for Miroku to sit. As he sat he heard a voice in the distance,
“Hoshi-sama… …I'm trying to be strong for you.”
Miroku looked around the voice was Sango's. The spirit guide looked him saying,
“You will have to calm her, but first I must explain to you what is expected of you. There will come a time where you must perform an exorcism on Kagome. You must also understand that it will not be easy. Kagome has accepted these two spirits to help their kit Shippou. Lord Takahiro and Lady Akemi have been in Kagome since her soul was put in such agony. They appeared to her in her dream state asking her for her assistance. Kagome accepted thus having their spirits in her soul. They both want to have their kit prepared that consist of training that will strengthen his attacks so he can better defend himself.”
Miroku absorbing all he was being told and was concerned for Kagome's soul. He knew exorcisms could be dangerous to one's soul so he asked,
“My lady what of Kagome's soul? Exorcisms can be harmful to one who is possessed. Her soul in agony as you said could be a serious factor.”
The spirit guide saw Miroku's concerns and answered,
“This is true but Kagome is an exceptional young miko even though she is not aware of her ability. Her only weakness is her feelings for the hanyou named Inuyasha. While he is very confused of his feelings for her, he no doubt cares deeply for her and will protect her with his life. His interrupted love for the miko Kikyo is something he will have to come to terms with. Kagome will also have to come to terms where as it may be instrumental to this exorcism. Then there is the kit Shippou. He may prove the most difficult.”
Miroku had to interrupt asking,
“Why the fox child?”
The spirit guide continued,
“He has been in his child-like illusion far too long. He's not as young as you think. He stays in this stage of his life because he feels it is a form of survival. But he needs to grow. His illusion powers are fine he managed to stay child-like for so many years. His other powers must be evoked by a master sensei. Now his parents concerns are evident as to his not wanting to grow and mature. He's mentioned so many times. Have you ever wondered how he sometimes knows certain things that only come with maturity? Their demise while he was still young is the reason for their action. They need for him to grow not only in age, but also in his attack powers. The miko took it upon her to help him. She seems to have great fondness for him.”
Miroku considered this. He acknowledged the relationship, as he knew Kagome would go out of her way for any of them. He then asked,
“You say her soul being in such agony that Shippou parents was able to chose her. How is this possible?”
The spirit guide answered,
“She had to have experienced something that bought on much sadness. She will have to be the one to either let go of her sadness or hold on to it, which can make the exorcism difficult. The longer the two spirits are in her body, the weaker she becomes when they want to communicate outwardly. She looses her appetite as well. It is not a real concern, only her mental state is important. Know this, they will not harm her intentionally. They will even protect her by using what earthly power they possessed while alive. Kagome granted them permission. Her acceptance was the only way. When they came to her in her dream state, Kagome's heart spoke to them concerning their kit.”
Miroku was in awe by all he was told. Then in the distance he heard Sango's voice,
“Not since losing my family have I felt so useless!”
Feeling a bit frantic, Miroku stood up looking upward saying loudly,
“Sango, don't torture yourself!”
The spirit guide laid her staff on Miroku's shoulders to calm him,
“Young monk, squeeze your hand shut now!”
He was startled but did as the spirit guide commanded. Miroku then heard her shout still sounding a distance away,
He looked at the spirit guide. She nodded her head letting him know all would be well. Then Miroku heard,
“He squeezed my hand Kaede!”
The spirit guide motioned for him to sit back where she first saw him. She took her staff and lightly touched his head as a purple glow encircled Miroku's body. She then said some incantations. He once again felt at peace. He wondered if the beautiful guide had a name. So he asked,
“My lady do you have a name?”
She smiled as she faced him.
“I am called Hiroko.”
Miroku smiled,
“Generous and beautiful as well.”
She smiled at him knowing his lecherous ways and said,
“I thank you young monk. I know of what a lecher you are and you hold no secrets from me my handsome one.”
She said playfully. Miroku groaned saying,
“Even here I am misunderstood.”
Then Hiroko placed her hands on his cheek looking seriously,
“Young monk when the time comes you must have courage for what you have to do. You will not be well received when performing this exorcism. Do not fear I will be present. Now I'll take my leave. Rest, your slayer friend needs you. Talk to the young miko. She'll need lots of encouragement. Do not be too hard on the hanyou, he means well. The kit will need encouragement and understanding as well. Do not alert Kagome of your plight. You will remember all I told you and use your best judgment. I will see you when the time comes.”
With that she was gone. Miroku found himself peacefully waiting.
It was getting dark as the village was finally coming into view. Kagome couldn't wait to do as Jeninji instructed on how to mix the potion for Miroku. As Inuyasha came to a halt, Shippou hopped down from Kagome's shoulders. Kagome climbed off Inuyasha's back as she adjusted her backpack. She started walking towards the hut when she stopped and turn to look at Inuyasha saying,
“Thank you for coming Inuyasha, it means a lot.”
Inuyasha just stared when he felt her sadness.
{Why is she sad?}
He just couldn't make out what's with her. She seemed to be fine a few moments ago.
{Something's not right. But what! I'd ask her and she evades me by arguing with me! Damn it Kagome!}
Kagome enters the hut to find Sango hugging Shippou. When Sango saw Kagome she jumped up to give Kagome a sisterly hug. Both women embraced each other with Shippou between them. Grunting Shippou asked,
“Hey guys can I please have some air?!”
They released Shippou giggling. Kagome then turned her attention to Miroku. His condition looked the same. She asked Sango,
“No change huh Sango?”
Sango eyes went wide with excitement saying,
“Kagome! He squeezed my hand! Earlier today he squeezed my hand!”
Kagome and Shippou looked at each other. Not that they didn't believe her or anything like that. Sango noticed the look Kagome and Shippou exchanged.
{They don't believe me!}
Sango thought.
“Look you two, I'm not crazy with grief, Miroku squeezed my hand! Not only that, he squirmed a little. Kaede saw him!”
Kagome put her hand on Sango's shoulder saying,
“Oh Sango, it's not like we don't believe you. Just to us… well the change didn't look any different. He's been out for so long. I'm sorry Sango please don't listen to me, you know how I can go on.”
Kagome gave a sad smile while patting Sango's shoulder.
“Well his heart beat is a lot stronger since we left Kagome.”
Shippou injected as Sango shook her head affirming what Shippou detected.
“Well that's great news! By the way where's Kaede?”
Kagome asked. Just then Kaede walked in with a basket of herbs. Kagome couldn't wait to show Kaede what Jeninji had given. At that very moment, Kaede entered the hut.
“Kagome! Good to have ye back my child. I know Sango told ye of the progress. Miroku had some movement but then he returned back to this state. It was as if he were trying to regain conscious.”
Kagome had the package in her hand saying to Kaede,
“Jeninji has instructed us to carefully mix these two herbs. They're very potent.”
As Kagome continued to tell Kaede Jeningji's instructions, Kaede prepared water needed to make the potion. Sango also listened intensely just incase she's called on to help. Shippou decided he would make sure there was enough wood for the fire. He told the women he would return with more wood and left the hut.
Inuyasha decided to stay outside and let the women to do whatever. He couldn't understand what was up with Kagome. The sky was turning its beautiful red-orange and purple hues. Something caught his attention. It was Shippou gathering wood for the fire. As Shippou entered the hut Inuyasha decided to walker closer to the hut but not enter. He heard Kagome's voice full of her normal energy, excitement, concern and her all around nurturing tweaks, as she always seems to have. She sounded like the old Kagome, but when they were in each other presences did the weirdness occurred.
At that moment Shippou came out. He looked at Inuyasha saying,
“Why are you out here? The huts to good for you?”
Inuyasha growled saying,
“None of your business why I'm out here runt!”
Shippou ignored his remark and just went to get more wood.
Inside the hut the women mixed the potion and was about to give Miroku a dosage. Kagome suggested that Sango administer the potion so Kaede could rest. The old miko had been running since this whole ordeal. She really looked worn.
Sango felt a little apprehensive at first but Kagome assured her that she would do a good job. Kagome held Miroku's body up in a reclined position while Sango took the reed to her mouth and sucked up some of the deep colored potion. Drawing up two notches she placed her tongue at the tip of the reed to keep the potion from spilling out.
A trick she learned from Kagome using something she called plastic straws.
Kagome gently opened Miroku's mouth with her hands as Sango carefully placed the reed towards the back of his throat and gently released the potion. Tilting his head back, Kagome rubbed his throat to help the solution go down. Happy that his mouth was clear she gently placed him back down.
While all this was going on, Inuyasha was watching. He heard Kaede compliment the girls on their careful handling of the monk. He kept his sights on Kagome. She had such a gentle way of caring. The way she would look after himself when he was injured. The genuine concern she held in her eyes while asking if there was anything else she could do. It seems to him that he maybe losing a part of her. He realizes this and a sense of longing engulfed him.
He remembered how she would just grab hold of his hand when they walked, or sit next to him even when she thought he just wanted to be alone. He missed that. Since she has been back after the lengthy stay in her time, she had done none of those things.
{Am I losing her friendship? No! She promised to stay by me. But she's distant, so distant.}
Shippou was approaching with more wood. Without looking at Inuyasha he just went into the hut. The girls thanked him for helping. Feeling proud of his effort he turned his attention to Miroku. Shippou also noticed the herb carried a very pleasing scent.
“You all noticed the scent coming from the herbs?”
Kagome and Sango took a whiff into the air and replied together,
Kagome closed her eyes and said,
“It reminds me of fresh berries and grass!”
Sango also agreed,
“Yes, fresh berries a very soothing scent.”
Kagome told Shippou that it would be time to turn in. She would go say goodnight to Inuyasha. As she left the hut, Inuyasha was not at the hut entrance. She looked up on the roof, as he sometimes likes to sit there but no Inuyasha. Her mind raced. Should she go to the Goshin Boku God Tree? Yes! But no further. She walked towards the God Tree, no Inuyasha!
“Well I'll just go to bed no need to go any further”
She said to herself and walked back. As she was at the huts entrance she saw Inuyasha when he asked,
“Where did you go?!”
Kagome held her temper because his way of asking was rude, she stated as calmly as she could,
“I went looking for you to say goodnight. So now since you are here, good night Inuyasha!”
He felt her anger and decided to let her go. At least she showed some kind of emotion.
The dawn came into a very loud shrill that would put a rooster to shame. Sango's screams put everyone on alert. Inuyasha burst through the hut entrance, Shippou and Kagome jumped up from the sleeping bag, and Kaede was getting some water that was in a vat out in the back of the hut, ran in the hut a few seconds behind Inuyasha. Seeing them all, Sango motioned her hand in Miroku's direction. They all gasped! He had turned PURPLE!!!!!
“Oh for the love of… What the hell happened to him?!!!
Inuyasha shouted. Kagome took a deep breath. She knew this would happen.
“Please everyone calm down. Sango remember I told you Jeninji mentioned there would be a color change.”
Sango shook her head in understanding.
“Yeah, but for Kami sake Purple!!!
Kaede moved closer to examine the monk stating,
“Maybe the strength of this herb caused such a reaction. I wonder how long he will be this color?”
Inuyasha burst out laughing
“What's so funny Inuyasha?!”
Sango burst out not finding this funny at all.
“Oh come on Sango! Look at him! He's purple! Wow! What a grape! Ha-ha, ha-ha!”
Shippou was trying as hard as he could not to laugh. He clenched his lips tightly and snickered out through his nose but just couldn't hold it.
“Ha-a-a-a-a-a ha-ha-ha! A grape! How about an eggplant Inuyasha! Ha-ha-ha-ha!”
Sango looked at Shippou and was about to reprimand him, but quickly noticed the amused look on Kagome's face.
“Oh no, not you too Kagome!”
Kagome swallowed hard, cleared her throat saying,
“I'm sorry Sango, we shouldn't laugh. But uh… I must admit I didn't expect this color purple. Um… I hope it doesn't last… a-hem… long!”
Kagome couldn't contain herself. Inuyasha and Shippou were beside themselves. Kagome put one hand on her head, the other hand on her chest and let loose.
At this time Sango couldn't believe their behavior. How horrible to laugh at Miroku. He couldn't help it if he's purple. Sango turned to Kaede for some kind of sensible response when she looked and saw even the old miko was holding back a laugh. That did it! Sango was beside herself with frustration. She stood up and stormed outside the hut while everyone laughed.
Kagome quickly followed Sango. Sango was standing with her arms crossed huffing. Kagome slipped her left hand and arm through Sango's right crossed arm and started to pull away from the laughing sounds.
Kagome put on her serious face walking with Sango. They stopped at the fence a few yards away from the hut.
“Come on Sango. I know we shouldn't have laughed and for that I apologize. Sango I can only speak for myself. I am relieved. At least this color change let us know it's through his system. Who knows, he might be waking up soon. I trust what Jeninji said about the herb being strong enough to bring him to conscious. From what you told us he's half way back to us. He squeezed your hand; he must've heard you and did that to let you know he's okay! In my time it happens. Countless of people have came out of a comatose state telling their family and friends what they heard while unconscious.”
Sango allowed herself be comforted by Kagome. She knew Kagome meant no harm by laughing. Sango couldn't understand why she was so stiff about all of this. Kagome squeezed her arm saying,
“Look, we have been through much. We all nearly faced death many time together. As long as one was standing, that one was always there doing what one could. We all are in this chaos together. Being together is our strength. We may be a strange group of humans, hanyou and youkai, but this group belongs to us! Right?!”
Sango was amazed at how Kagome knew what to say for one so young. Kagome saw a smile trying to form on Sango's face saying,
“At least now Miroku is your Perverted Purple Passionate Monk!”
Sango gasped, eyes widened in shock saying,
Kagome let go of her arm giggling starting walking back to the hut.
“Come on Sango. Let's go back to check on him. See if we should prepare more herbs”
Sango couldn't believe Kagome!
{But Kagome was right though. He is passionate.}
Kaede told the girls not to administer the herbs this morning, but to wait until evening being that the first dosage was given the evening before. The girls agreed and decided to make breakfast. Kagome noticed that their supplies were getting low and mentioned to everyone that once Miroku regain conscious, she would head back to her time to get more. Inuyasha and Shippou were staring at Miroku. Shippou responded,
“Hey Inuyasha think he'll be this way long?”
Inuyasha snickered saying,
“How in the hell should I know?! Ask Kagome she got Jeninj's instructions!”
Inuyasha got up and walked out of the hut still snickering. Kagome shook her head turning to face Shippou saying,
“I really don't know Shippou but at least we know it's in his system. I just hope it revives him.”
Shippou shook his head in understanding saying,
“Yeah, I guess you're right Kagome!”
Night started coming into view. Kaede and Kagome were getting ready to administer another dosage when…
Sango yelled. Kaede and Kagome turned to look at Miroku smiling at Sango while she shook and flared her hands deciding whether or not to slap him or shake him but knew she couldn't because of his head injury. Kagome smiled looking at Sango's changing expressions.
“I just turned my back to get the reeds ready when that cursed hand… UGH!”
Sango cried. Her emotions were so mixed at the moment. Kagome walked over and kneeled down beside Miroku. Funny he didn't notice the color on his hand.
“It appears we have you back Miroku. I'm so glad! You've been out a little over a week. We got an herb from Jeninji's village that helped revive you.”
Sango still growling said to Kagome,
“Give him your mirror Kagome!”
At this moment Inuyasha and Shippou walked in seeing that Miroku was awake.
“Miroku! Good to have you back!”
Shippou exclaimed. Miroku voiced a raspy sound from not speaking horsed out,
“Good to be back Shippou!”
Inuyasha just burst out in laughter. Kagome trying to quell this scenario she knew would be shocking tried to change the subject. But Miroku already catching the air of deception asked,
“What's so funny?”
Shippou couldn't help it. He busted out in laughter as well. Sango being patient no longer exclaimed to Kagome,
“Give him the mirror! Let him see for himself!”
Kagome reluctantly gave Miroku the mirror. As he saw his image, his eyes were wide with disbelief. Miroku touched his face.
“By the gods! What is this! What's going on?!”
Kagome grabbed the mirror from Miroku while he continued to sport a horrified look. With a nervous laugh she explained to him the properties of the herb. All the while Inuyasha, Shippou and yes-even Sango were beside themselves.
Miroku still in shock said,
“I guess I'll be staying indoors until this wears off. It will wear off Kagome will it not?”
Kagome looked at Miroku and touching his cheek saying,
“Of course it will. At least I hope so.”
Miroku let out a groan saying,
“That didn't sound to convincing Kagome!”
Kaede decided to step in saying,
“Well I guess ye will not be needing the herb anymore. So maybe ye complexion will clear up soon. Ye did mention Kagome that Jeninji said to give plenty of fluids to ingest. So Sango my dear, get some tea ready for Miroku. I'll go and get the water I was retrieving before this outburst.”
Inuyasha calmed down enough to say,
“Hey purple monk, better stay out of site. Someone might mistake you for a plum or something! Ha-ha-ha!”
Miroku groaned not believing his misfortune. Sango seeing how Miroku was looking a little displaced gave him a cup of Jasmine tea to drink. She wasn't laughing anymore. Everyone watched how she was giving him the tea considering his head injury. Kagome motioned for all to clear the hut to let them have time alone. Kagome saw how their eyes met. Miroku never took his eyes off Sango as she gave him the tea. She grabbed Shippou and a still laughing Inuyasha out of the hut while Inuyasha protested about leaving.
The hut now cleared of everyone except for Kirara who had not left her mistress the whole time decided to leave as well. Sango could not hold back her tears. She just let the flood of frustration, anger, fear and relief storm from her soul. Miroku understood this forgetting his humiliation of `purple-itis' and pulled Sango into his embrace. He told her she didn't have to say a word.
“I heard you my dearest Sango. I heard your pain and knew I had to come back. So go ahead and cry my love.”
Sango's crying seemed to last forever but she soon stopped long enough to look at Miroku.
“I was really worried Miroku.”
She said as she gently moved from his embrace.
“I know my lovely Sango, I will try to be more careful”
Holding her hand he lifted to kiss the slayer's hand. Sango lifted herself up to leave the hut. Miroku asked,
“Where are you going Sango?”
Smiling she said,
“I'm going to get more herbs and bandages to change your head wrap. You'll be stuck here for a while. At least you won't be asking any young maidens if they'll bear your children! My purple perverted monk, besides the way you look they may mistake you for some kind of demon!”
Miroku placed his beaded hand on his chest saying,
“My beautiful Sango! How you wound me!”
Sango giggled as she exited the hut thinking,
{I'm glad you're back my Purple Passionate monk! Oh Kami I'm hopeless!}
Kagome, Kaede, and Sango were rolling clothes for fresh bandages. Kaede told the girls that his head wound is healing nicely. Inuyasha and Shippou were conversing with Miroku.
As Kagome stood up to put the already rolled bandages away, she felt light-headed. Inuyasha noticed that she was giving away to a fall and with his demonic speed caught her. Inuyasha was frantic because he felt that strange aura like before at Jeninji's village.
Miroku struggled slowly making his way towards Inuyasha and Kagome. Sango reprimanded him for moving so soon after gaining consciousness. Miroku assured her he was fine. Looking down at the young girl, he knew what was going on. Shippou was being held by Kagome for he also raced as Inuyasha did. She automatically picked him up and held him. She started to hum that `tune'! Sango looking concerned for Kagome asked,
“Why is she humming?”
Kaede looked concerned as well. In all her years as a Miko, she had seen something similar to this before. But it was Miroku's statement that puzzled her. Miroku looked at everyone saying,
“I'm afraid it's begun.”
A/N: I'm sorry to leave off here. My brain's not used to all this thinking. (={ More mystery I'm afraid is in the next chapter dealing with Souta. But I assure you; the confrontation with Inuyasha, Kikyo and Kagome will be soon. Please Review. Peace!