InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
Souta walked home from school feeling forlorn, missing Shippou. He always wished he could travel with Kagome in the feudal era. All the things she told him were fascinating.
As he was walking, he saw the gift shop where he purchased the locket for Shippou. He also saw the merchant that helped him with the purchase beckoning him to come in. This man had a very friendly face, a soothing gentle tone to his voice as well as his mannerism. The merchant was tall in stature, he had kind of light brown eyes, brown hair that was in a long pony tail and looked to be somewhere around mid-twenties. The merchant spoke,
“My good man, you're the one that purchased the unique locket for your friend. Tell me, did he enjoy the gift?”
Souta's face told the man that something was not right. So the man asked,
“May I ask what is wrong? Was the gift not to his satisfaction?”
Souta looked at the man's concerned face and said,
“Oh no, I'm quite sure he liked the gift, it's just… well I asked him not to open it until he got back home. You see he lives very far away.”
{Oh boy, he don't know how far away}
Souta thought.
“He travels quite often. He was only visiting for a short while. I'm not sure if I'll see him again, but whether I do see him again or not, I wanted to give him something to remember me by.”
The merchant was hanging on Souta's every word. He then asked Souta,
“Young one, I must apologize to you. I should have told you that the locket you purchased came as a pair. When you picked up the other locket this one should have accompanied the other”
As the merchant opened a black velvet case a locket identical to the one he purchased for Shippou slid out onto the merchant's hand. Souta eyes opened wide. He was hoping he had not misunderstood so he asked,
“Are you giving this to me? I have no money to pay for this.”
The merchant gave a chuckle and smile at the youth saying,
“As I said young one, it comes as a pair. You need not pay for this one.”
Souta smiled. He couldn't believe his luck. Souta opened the locket to discover that his pictures were in the locket like the other. The only difference was the picture with he and Shippou was in the center as the other locket had Shippou and Kagome in the center.
Souta smiled as he turned his attention back to the merchant. The merchant smiled seeing that the young man was pleased. The merchant spoke,
“I guess you better be getting along, don't want your mother to worry.”
Souta taking the man's advice and put the locket in the black velvet case and placed it in his pocket then headed towards the door. He stopped and turned back to the merchant saying,
“Thank you mister! Thank you very much!”
The merchant smiled waving as the door closed behind Souta.
{Now I can be connected somewhat. I do worry for my Sis. She was acting so strange when she left. Well I know Inuyasha and Shippou will look out for her, even if she and Inuyasha are having problems. Umph! They always have problems. I do know they do care for each other.}
Souta thought to himself as he continued home.
The merchant looked out his window as the boy left his shop.
{I hope through him the connection can be full-filled. If not then I'll no longer exist.}
As his thoughts wandered his appearance changed. His hair went from brown to deep reddish-brown; his eyes went from light brown to green.
{The future of our existence rides on the young miko. May the fates grant us favor.}
As Souta sat in his bedroom, he admired the locket. Since the locket has been in his possession, he's been feeling as if he had a purpose. He's not sure, but since having the locket he felt like his sister's life and his will never be the same.
He placed the locket around his neck and lay down to sleep. Closing his eyes the locket glowed a bright blue then faded away. Unknowing to Souta, a mysterious blue light appeared around his neck helped put him in a dream state.
**Souta's Dream**
{The humming, I know that humming! It's Sis! She's doing it again! What's going on Sis?}
He saw Kagome holding Shippou and humming that weird `tune' again. Everyone is gathered around her. Inuyasha was holding Kagome and was very concerned as to what was playing out.
“She did this very thing at Jeninji's, only she didn't hum. That weird aura is present again. I don't mind saying I don't like this one bit! What do you know monk?”
Miroku was looking at Kagome holding Shippou. Miroku saw that Shippou was looking very content. So he asked,
“Shippou, do you feel the same aura?”
Shippou did not answer. He seems as if he was in a trance. Kagome continued to hum as she rubbed Shippou's head like a mother would do to a baby. Miroku then put his hand on Shippou's shoulder mildly shaking him asking,
“Shippou are you alright?”
Shippou blinked his eyes coming out of the trance saying,
“Yes I'm fine! Why is everyone frantic?”
Then Kagome stopped humming and slowly opened her eyes. Inuyasha stared down at Kagome as he felt her aura return. Souta seeing all this wondered to himself,
{Why is this happening? Oh Kagome! What's going on?}
Even in this dream state he was concerned for his big sister. He looked around the room and saw Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou. The others that were gathered he could not see who they were but assumed from what Kagome told him of them who they could have been. Other than Shippou, the only other male must have been the `monk' Inuyasha referred to must have been Miroku.
Souta saw his body and his head wrapped in bandages but for some reason Souta cold not see his face. There was what appeared to be other than Kagome, two other females. One had dark brown hair and seems to be as young or a little older than Kagome must have been Sango. The other female appeared to be elderly like his Jii-chan must have been Kaede. He could not see any of their faces. Only Kagome, Shippou and Inuyasha.
Kagome sat up from Inuyaha slowly letting Shippou go. She looked at all who was looking at her saying,
“What's going on? Why are you all starring at me?”
Inuyasha couldn't contain his frustration, he blurted out,
“You had another one of those attacks again! You mean to say you don't know that this is happening to you? You did this at Jeninji's village and when I tried to ask you about this you only evade me by arguing. I mean your aura even changes and I don't like this! If something's attacking you I want to know!”
Kagome took a deep breath saying,
“I need some air right now. Please let me go outside for a little while.”
Miroku responded,
“Kagome we are only concern for you. We must talk later. If you please allow us to find out what's going on. Please Kagome.”
Kagome saw the concern in all their eyes even Shippou. She nodded and left the hut.
Souta saw the scene fading away before him. He wanted to know what would be said as well. His body soon went into a relaxed state as the night moved into serenity as the locket glowed blue and faded out.
The next morning Souta stretched and did as he's done every school morning. He took the locket from his neck and hung it on his family picture. He then went downstairs to the kitchen, had his breakfast, said his farewells, and headed out for school.
On his way to school he stopped by the gift shop. Naturally it was closed being that it was 7:30 in the morning. He smiled while remembering the previous day with the merchant. Rushing off to school he had a strange feeling. An image flashed through his mind's eye. He saw the face of a tall man, with long reddish brown hair, green eyes and elf-like ears.
He stopped walking and was in a daze. Just as quickly as it had come, the image was gone. He tried to comprehend what it was he saw but was interrupted by someone calling his name. He looked behind him seeing it was one of his classmates. His classmate greeted Souta and they walked along towards school.
Souta went through dinner like always and helped to clear the table. His mother asked him,
You liked the locket you received yesterday?”
Souta smiled saying,
“Yes! I was surprised when the merchant told me it really came as a pair.”
His mother mussed his hair saying,
“You've must have spent most of your allowance on such a gift.”
Souta rubbing his hands in his mussed up hair replied,
“Yeah, I know but I wanted my gift to be special.”
With the pictures that he found the one his mother took while at the fair, and the ones that included Inuyasha at Kagome's school festival that had him with the family. Souta continued,
“I just thought if Kagome ever got to where she couldn't go back to the past, Shippou would at least have something to remember her by. Or if she couldn't get back home, at least I'll have something of Kagome to keep with me. I know we have many pictures together, but this locket I can keep on me always.”
His mother looked lovingly at her son saying,
“I think that is wonderful Souta”
She embraced his head to her heart and kissed the top of his head. He pulled away saying,
“Aw mom no need to get mushy, I am her brother”
In his bedroom Souta took the locket and placed it around his neck.
{I hope all is well Sis. That dream I had the night before was like I was there. I don't want to tell mom or grandfather about it. Somehow I get the feeling as if I shouldn't tell anyone. Oh well. Better get some sleep.}
Souta thought. As he lay down closing his eyes the blue light appeared again putting him in a dream state.
**Souta's Dream**
Souta found himself looking at zillions of stars. Night never looked so wonderful.
{So huge these stars are. Beautiful. No wonder Sis stays here so much.}
He thought. Souta noticed he was outside. He still had his nightclothes on with nothing on his feet. Then he heard voices.
“Oh come on Kagome! You need to tell us what's going on with you! This weird thing that's happening to you is creepy!”
Souta followed the voice to a clearing. There he spotted Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, the monk called Miroku, and the one called Sango sitting around a tree. Souta saw Kagome holding Shippou in her lap showing him a book. Then Miroku spoke,
“Kagome, seeing what has occurred is cause for concern. Even Shippou was affected. How long has this been going on?”
Kagome's eyes looked around at all who was staring at her. Taking a deep breath she said,
“I know you guys. I'm sorry this has you all concerned for me. Believe me I'm fine! Let me go back to my time so I can get more supplies. I promise I will let you all explore what's going on. Okay?”
Inuyasha shook his head saying,
“No Kagome! Now! We need to know now! Any longer may be too late to do anything!”
Souta looked at Inuyasha. He saw how desperate he was trying to get his stubborn sister to comply. Shippou started to feel something coming from his locket. It sort of vibrated then it suddenly stopped.
{Wow! That was weird}
Shippou thought. At that same moment, Souta's locket glowed blue. Not only did it glow, he felt a warm sensation coming from it. Then it stopped.
{What is that all about?}
Souta thought as he held the locket in his hand.
“A connection is being made.”
A voice called out. Souta gasped and turned to see this tall man with reddish brown hair, huge green eyes, and elf-like ears. Souta knew his face but couldn't grasp from where. Then the man spoke,
“I am a fox youkai. You are being connected to you sister. She will need you my young one. But you must be strong. She'll need your strength.”
As Souta studied the youkai's face he felt no real fear. He heard Kagome talk of some very dangerous ones, but Shippou was a youkai. Even Inuyasha was part youkai. This youkai before him seems familiar to him. The youkai spoke,
“You are seeing a connection to your sister and the fox-child. From time to time when fate deems it necessary, you will have these visions. When you wear this locket you will experience this. Do not fear for you will only be speculating. They will not be able to hear nor see you. But if it becomes necessary for you to communicate, the locket will glow with its partner. The fox-child will respond to you in his dream state.”
Souta turned his attention back to his sister. She placed Shippou down and walked a few feet away from the tree and stood as the cool night wind gently blew her hair around. Inuyasha walked behind her. As he got closer he stood in front of Kagome. He sensed her confusion and sadness. He took her hand and continued to walk side by side. He missed doing this with her.
Shippou started off after them but Miroku held his arm telling Shippou to let them have this time alone. Shippou protested but Sango also agreed with Miroku so he stayed pouting.
Souta walked behind them, not caring about the youkai that was talking to him. He just wanted to know what conversation Inuyasha and Kagome were having. Seeing his sister and Inuyasha holding hands he knew his sister cared deeply for him, but this looked serious to him. Inuyasha spoke,
“Kagome, I'm not going to push you but I'm worried for you. You don't seem yourself. I… I just… Oh hell! I can't explain this. All I know is you're different!”
Kagome stopped walking. Inuyasha still held her hand in his. She looked him in his eyes and gave his hand a gentle squeeze saying,
“I'm sorry Inuyasha I don't mean to worry you. I will try to be more cooperative when I come back. In the morning I will go to my home to get more supplies and I will seriously try to get it together okay? I'm tired I want to sleep now. Goodnight Inuyasha.”
As she tried to slip her hand away from his, he held onto hers a moment longer. She had her head down not looking at him. Sadness. He felt sadness coming from her. He released her hand and she started walking back towards the tree. As she was walking back, Souta followed along side his sister who could either hear or see him. Souta spoke,
“Oh Sis, I can tell you are sad and it has to do with Inuyasha. I wish I knew what I could do to help you.”
As the clearing came into view, Shippou saw Kagome alone thinking to himself,
{What did that jerk Inuyasha do this time?}
Shippou ran to her. As she saw him charging she held out her arms to greet him. He jumped into her arms and smiled. She smiled back and mussed his hair. Souta seeing this exchange longed to be there.
Kagome told Shippou she was turning in so she could get up very early as soon as she could. At that moment Shippou locket glowed. Souta saw the scene starting to fade. When he heard that youkai's voice saying,
“Don't worry young one, you shall be connected again soon. For now, sleep well my young one.”
Souta felt calm and serene and soon fell in a deep sleep.
When Souta awoke he felt strange. It was still dark. He got out of bed acting on the idea of going to the well house. His mother was still asleep. Not knowing why he felt compelled to go to the well house he headed out.
Sliding the door open he hesitated. It was dark, but there was a lantern kept by the door entrance. He lit the lantern and headed down to the lip of the well. He was waiting for Kagome hoping the dream was right revealing to him that she was coming back home. He was thinking about the dream. He was going to question his sister. He had to do something, because his curiosity was in overdrive.
Then there was that youkai in his dream. Now he remembered! That image he had yesterday on his way to school. Boy, this is getting weird. He didn't want to tell anyone just yet.
{I don't want to tell anyone, but I guess I should tell Kagome. If anyone knows weird it's her!}
Souta smiled to himself thinking how all-weird things come his sister's way.
Just then the blue light appeared from inside the well. He heard Kagome sigh then a grunt indicating that she was climbing up. Souta backed away to sit at the bottom of the steps placing the to lantern beside him.
When Kagome was reaching the top, she saw a glow in the well house. Cautiously climbing, she slowly raised her head until her eyes opened wide, surprised to see Souta sitting on the bottom step with the lantern so she asked,
“Souta, what are you doing here? You're up before the sun? What gives?”
Souta stood up walking towards Kagome. His face was full of determination. He couldn't let curiosity be held back any longer.
“I've been having these dreams Sis. This last one I just had lead me here to the well. The dream was of you and Inuyasha talking. He's worried about you in this dream and you told him you would be coming home and when you got back you would get into what's been going on with you. I saw this and well… here you are.”
Kagome gasped! She was stunned by what Souta was revealing to her. She could see in his eyes he was serious. Kagome smiled trying to lighten the mood saying,
“Oh Souta, dreams can often be weird. Don't worry yourself.”
Souta not letting this go said,
“Sis, you had another one of these attacks and the one called Miroku head was in bandages. You and Shippou were reading a book when Miroku said to you how they were all concerned because they witnessed your attack! Sis, now I know there's more, much more that's going on. Look at this.”
He pointed to the locket around his neck. Kagome was still in shock by all Souta told her while her mind was racing.
{He actually saw us in a dream? As it was happening! How can this be?}
Souta seeing his sister's confusion said,
“I got this locket a couple of days ago as I walked by the gift shop where I purchased Shippou's locket. Did he like it Sis?”
Kagome still shocked managed to answer,
“Yeah! He loves it. Never takes it off.”
Souta continued,
“The merchant invited me in and apologized for not giving me this locket. He told me it was a pair like a friendship gift and he should've given them together.”
Kagome placed her hand on the locket and opened it. There she saw the arrangement of the locket and was about the same except for the center picture was of Souta and Shippou. The fox etching that was on Shippou's locket was also on this one. The words `Love your family' was also engraved. Souta broke his sister's thoughts by saying,
“Sis, was my dream true? I mean the fact that you're here is proof enough for me. Please don't tell me it's nothing. Remember you had the attack while you were here.”
Kagome knew her brother would never let up when his curiosity was in full blast. Kagome put her hand on her brother's shoulders gently saying,
“I know Souta. I'm not going to tell you that what you saw wasn't so. It was. But now I want to get out of this well house. Let's go. I will tell you all what's happening. I owe you all that much.”
With that they headed to the house.
Kagome sat on her bed. She knew she'd have to tell her mother what's been going on. Her mother wasn't a prying woman, but Kagome knew enough that her mother needed answers. Now her brother needed answers. This locket issue intrigued her.
Kagome heard noises coming from the kitchen and knew that her mother was up and about. She got up and headed downstairs. Her mom was humming. Her mother was so wonderful, caring giving understanding and full of love for her children. Facing many adversities with raising two children alone and taking care of an elderly parent must be hard. But her mother did this with a song in her heart and a smile.
Her mother taught her about responsibilities, being honorable and graceful. Kagome cleared her throat to get her mother's attention. Her mother exclaimed,
“Kagome! Sweetheart! When did you get back?”
Kagome smile walking towards her mother's open arms. Embracing her daughter she asked,
“Ready to have that `talk'? You didn't think I'd forgotten?”
She felt Kagome slump in her arms. Kagome solemnly said,
“Yes mom. But something else has come up and I guess I need to fill you in.”
Her mother's expression was of course one of concern. But she decided to finish preparing breakfast then, talk to her daughter. She could see from Kagome's look that her daughter needed time to collect her thoughts. Giving her daughter a squeeze, she ushered her to the table to make a place for her meal.
A few moments later, Souta entered the kitchen saying,
“Good-morning mom! Sis. Where's grandpa?”
His mother continued setting the table saying
“He's in the storage house looking for something to give to Kagome. Please Souta go retrieve your grandfather. Kagome needs to talk to us and he needs to be present”
Souta looked at his sister face full of mischief saying,
“Finally! She's going to tell us why she's so weird! Eh Sis?”
Kagome eyes got wide when she realized her brother had razzed her. She motioned out of the chair to give chase, but Souta was long gone. Sitting back down Kagome watched as her mother busied herself with the task of serving breakfast when Kagome spoke,
“Mom, I love that kid, but sometimes…”
Her mother giggled. Changing the subject Kagome says,
“He showed me the twin locket he got from the gift shop.”
Her mother smiled saying,
“Yes, he was surprised the merchant held it until he saw Souta again.”
Just then Grandpa and Souta walked into the kitchen. Grandpa had what appeared to be a stack of papers tied up in gold and red ribbons and a green cork sealed ceramic jar. He placed the items on a lone table that was at the entrance. Kagome gave a curious look at the items and asked,
“Grandpa, what are those things you placed on the table? Are they more spell that do not work?”
Grandpa giving an indignant grunt said,
“I'll have you know young lady that this isn't just any trinkets. You will take these back with you. Kagome I know much of the things I had before was superficial I'll admit that. But this is genuine!”
Kagome saw that her grandpa was serious. He continued,
“I know you feel Inuyasha may protect you, and there maybe instances where he may not be able to. You must take what you've been reading and studying seriously!”
Kagome cleared her throat looking at her mother then Souta. She could tell they all agreed with grandpa. She replied,
“I'm sorry Grandpa. You're right. You'll be happy to know that one of the things you suggested is working. I've tried it on Inuyasha. He couldn't sense my emotions. It's been driving him nuts!”
Kagome giggled. Her mother interjected,
“All right enough! Time to eat. Souta, since you have no class today, you will help grandpa with the grounds pulling weeds from the flower beds.”
Souta scowled his face saying,
“Aww mom, one of few times I get a day off and I have to pull weeds! This is so not fair!”
His mom just smiled and continued to serve the meal. When she sat herself down, she looked at Kagome with that look in her eyes that said `time to talk'. Kagome knew this look all to well. So she said,
“I know I owe you all an explanation. Yes I have been acting weird. It started during Shippou's visit with us. I had a dream and in this dream his parents appeared to me. They express to me that they needed my help. Shippou needs to get to this particular Kitsune territory so he could be trained to use his powers. He's a full-blooded youkai and they felt in order for him to be well trained, he need to be in this village. They more or less told me that they would always be there to help me to help their son.”
There was a pause and Kagome's next line she knew would be too much so she said,
“You see the two of them possessed my body.”
Gasps and shocks filled the room. Then grandpa dug in his sleeve pulled out a sutra and slapped it on Kagome's forehead. Kagome rolled her eyes saying,
“Oh grandpa! Everyone please calm down!”
Peeling the sutra from her forehead she continued,
“They're not going to harm me! So please don't freak out!”
Grandpa looked at his granddaughter with concern saying,
Kagome one spirit is trouble enough. Not to mention their demon spirits, but two? Kagome you're not kidding are you? Oh my granddaughter, this can be most dangerous! An exorcism must be done!”
Kagome was now on the defensive saying,
“No! Please grandpa, I know they mean me no harm. Their son is an orphan. I'm the only link he has to them right now. Both his parents need to do this for him. Once this is accomplished I'm quite sure they'll leave me.”
Grandpa interrupted,
“Spirits can only leave when a priest exorcise them out and back to the spirit world.”
Mom broke in saying,
“Kagome, I'm quite sure you understand your grandfather's concerns. This is a bit much for us to take in. But let me say this, I trust you. I know there are a lot of things that go on that you are not sharing with us. You have come back each time and that comforts me. I trust Kami to keep you safe. I always pray for you and for your friends as well while you all are on this journey putting this jewel together. Fate has chosen this time in your life to help this orphan. If you feel you must do this, then you must. All I ask is that you use all your teachings and use it to help you on this journey. Most parents may think I'm crazy if they knew, but hey, my daughter is time traveling!”
Her mother giggled continuing,
“I would like to do nothing more than to stop this, but that would go against what you're taught about responsibility, honor and sacrifice. Which is what I do every time you leave us. Kagome I'm not going to lie, I cry at night sometimes because I'm aware I may never see you again if that well closes up. But I feel Kami has a purpose for you. I have no right to question the work of the gods. Now let me question you about this. How are things with you and Inuyasha?”
Oh man, Kagome should've known that was coming. So she says,
Mom I really don't know. I am just going to focus on Shippou right now. And let me say this, Kaede is a miko and Miroku is a… let's just say he's performed exorcisms before. I'm going to tell them what I told you guys and I'm sure they'll keep an eye on me. I just wanted to tell you guys first. Since these attacks are frequent, I got a feeling it is for a reason. For what, I'm not sure. Maybe it's Shippou's parents trying to connect to him through me.”
All this time Souta listened as they all talked. He was holding the locket. When Kagome said the word `connect', he thought about the dream he's been having. Then there was that youkai in his dream. What could all this mean? Well he liked the fact that he would be connected somehow. He'll just let things go as they are for now. Grandpa, not at all liking this whole possession thing said,
“All the more reason you must take what I bought back with you. I'm going to find the scroll explaining what you need to do. I'll take my leave now.”
With that he left. Mom smiled saying.
“Okay let's get this day started. Souta, to the grounds! Kagome pack your bags and don't forget to pack that stuff grandpa wants you to take. I know you think he's lost it sometimes, but he's really on the ball most of the time. I'm going shopping for more items! Come on! Let's go!”
Everyone dispersed from the kitchen to do his or her duties. Kagome didn't know if she should tell her mother about Souta's dream. She thought that Souta should tell her. She'll talk to Souta later. She had a lot of packing to do and get back before a certain hanyou gets impatient.
A/N: I apologize; I tried to get this out at least once a month on or around the 14th. Serves me right for putting pressure on myself. But life… you know. I may have run a little to long with this chapter. But I had to get Souta connected. Now that he has this connection how will he handle it? Let me know what you think.