InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates. That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters. I do own Takahiro and Akemi.
Kagome sat in front of everyone in Kaede's hut as they waited for her to explain to them what has been happening to her. Inuyasha was sulking in the corner. Earlier, he and Kagome had an argument over guess what? Being late.
She looked at all the faces that were anticipating her explanation. This was hard! She sort of expected her family to freak out, but not knowing how her friends would react made her uneasy. It was Miroku, who broke the silence saying,
“Kagome-sama, you've been stretching the silence. Is this really that hard? What ever you feel uncomfortable about know that we all are here for you. We've been through many trials together. So please try to trust us enough to try to help you.”
Kagome knew what Miroku said was true, so she spoke,
Well I know you guys are concerned for me. I just wanted to let my family know what's going on with me. While I was in my time for that lengthy stay, and again I apologize for that.”
Sango moved closer to Kagome to comfort her by putting her arm around her shoulders patting them to reassure her that all would be fine. Sango interrupted by saying,
“It's all right Kagome. We all know it had to be pretty serious for you to have been gone that long.”
Sango cut her eyes to a sulking hanyou as Inuyasha eyes widen at Sango's intimate statement. Then she says,
“Go on Kagome, please.”
Kagome smiled at Sango feeling a little relaxed continued.
“As I was saying, my jii-chan had given me some books to study and also had consulted with a colleague of his to help me develop a few new skills, chants, meditation and all that kind of stuff… you know.”
As Kagome was giving this explanation, Inuyasha was making grumbling sounds about `her studying' this, and `not doing her any good' that. Kagome ignored him and continued,
“But that's not the `meat' of the matter, you see some things I had to keep silent about until the appropriate time. But I will say this much, it has nothing to do with the jewel, not directly anyway. There is something I must do and it involves…”
As everyone was waiting for her next word, Inuyasha jumped up saying,
“Her aura's changed! I don't like this!”
Kagome went into a trance.
“Akemi my love, she must tell them about us. I know we were going to contact our son…”
Akemi cut her mate off by saying,
“I've already contacted our son my love.”
Takahiro wondered how she could have done this without his knowledge. Akemi knew his sentiment so she said,
“We women understand each other. She knew of our urgency to speak to our son, so while she slept with our son in her arms… the sweet soul… I told him we would speak to him together. Her relationship for our son is so strong; I was able to assure our son through her heartbeat. This way I could convey messages to him without weakening her. But he will only be aware of this when the time comes.''
Takahiro smiled at his mate's cleverness and said,
“Why my clever little vixen! You always could find a way!”
Akemi returned a smile saying,
“Why thank you my dear. Now she can express to her friends what she's going to do for our son without reservations.”
Takahiro standing behind Akemi, wrapped his arms around his mate's waist saying,
“Yes we need her to be strong as possible. So much depends on her being strong. But we should release her now. Her companions are becoming jumpy.”
While in this trance state, Kagome found herself in a beautiful open field with wild flowers of all colors. When she heard Shippou's parents speak she turned to face them. Smiling she says,
“I didn't tell them until I knew if it was okay with you two. It is good to see you again. I guess I need to tell them now am I right?”
Shippou's parents looked at each other, then at Kagome and spoke in unison,
“How insightful you are. Yes my child. Please do inform your companions of us. Do not worry about Shippou for he will be aware once you tell them. We know you are going to face difficulties. We will do what we can from our end to help.”
They bowed to each other. Then Shippou's parents faded from Kagome.
Things started to fade around her and soon she opened her eyes to see everyone looking at her confused and concerned. She took deep a deep breath knowing now she had to explain.
“It happened again didn't it?”
Kagome said blinking her eyes. Then Inuyasha exclaimed,
“Damn right it did! Kagome do you remember anything at all this time?”
Kagome now finding it a little more difficult to tell them what just happened. So with as much courage as she muster up said,
“What just happened has to do with what I was about to say it involves Shippou's parents.”
Everyone now looking more shock and confused at what Kagome just relayed. So Sango asked,
“What about Shippou's parents Kagome?”
Kagome held her head down and said,
“They possess my body.”
With much gasping, and other sounds of shock, everyone was with widen eyes shouted,
Still holding her head down Shippou approached her. He went to hold Kagome's hand as she slowly looked up to see the beautiful green eyes of her little kit, and suddenly she felt reassured. She looked up and saw everyone looking at her as if she had two heads. Kaede calming herself down said,
“Child do ye know of the dangers this may cause? I must ask was this forced upon ye or did ye accept?”
Kagome knowing she would have to calm herself. Seeing everyone's excitement to her claim just made her withdraw into herself. Miroku seeing Kagome's gloomy features knew he had to let reason prevail.
“Please everyone let Kagome tell us in her own way. We should reserve all opinions and judgments until she's had a chance to explain.”
Kagome sent a grateful look to Miroku. As everyone calmed down Kagome continued,
First Kaede-babaa I was not forced. I guess I sort of accepted. It's not like it's the first time possession tried to over take me like with Tsubaki and Naraku and all others that tried to turn me against Inuyasha. So I know the dangers of possession. My Jii-Chan has told me what needs to be done, that's why I've been studying the books he gave me and also meditating. I feel I should help Shippou's parents, not because of he and my relationship, but because his parents has come this far to help their only child. I can't explain how this occurred, but I feel deep down that this needs to be done and I will carry this out. They relayed to me that there is a village towards the southlands where he can be trained to use his powers. I also have a feeling that there's so much more to this. My brother has been drawn into this somehow.”
Kagome went on to explain to them her encounter with Souta when she returned to her time. She told them about the locket that he gotten from the merchant that was similar to Shippou's locket. But it was the dream that really shocked her. She told them how he was able to know what was going on through his dream, because he wears the locket to bed. She further explained to them that the locket was a gift that came as a pair.
Shippou wrapped his hand around the locket he was wearing. As Kagome was about continue Shippou interrupted saying,
“You mean Souta have a similar one? Wow! You know the other night the locket vibrated and then it just stopped. I didn't think too much about it.”
Kagome gave a thoughtful look at Shippou and said,
Maybe some sort of connection, I don't know I maybe I'm making too much of it. But my brother giving me an account of what was going on here through a dream state is something amazing to say the least.”
Inuyasha started thrumming his claws on his swords sheath. He was annoyed with all this talking. His only concern was why Kagome would do something so stupid allowing herself to be possessed by not one but two demons! How could she?
Then he looked at the monk, the old miko and the demon slayer. They were all still listening to Kagome's explanation about her brother's dreams and dumb lockets. Kagome completely got off the subject about the body possession so he spoke out,
“Listen can you just get back to the body possession thing! How you could let this happen has got to be the dumbest thing you've done since breaking the jewel!”
Everyone's shocked expression, and gasping voices caused a deadly silence. Kagome's deep breathing sounds were heard along with the few crickets that seemed to be giving a round robin of chorus. Kagome closed her eyes trying to keep the pain and anger that was coursing through her. In a calm and low voice she said,
“Inuyasha that was an accident I did not break it on purpose. I'm sorry! I guess that was stupid of me.”
Kagome slowly stood up looking at everyone's face and continued,
“Let's get into my history of being stupid. First of all, that centipede youkai creep forced me here, and then it ripped the jewel from my side. Oh yeah, what about pulling Tetsusaiga from the stone plate or what ever it was from your father's tomb! Why I was able to pull it out is beyond me, but stupid me gave it to you so you could defeat your homicidal brother! Oh and let me go on, when my soul was taken by that witch Urasue that resurrected Kikyo, somewhere in my near death experience, I felt her trying to purify you and I screamed your name as some of my soul returned. Part of my soul is still in Kikyo. I guess somehow I'm stupid for that. If it weren't for me Kikyo would not be walking around now trying to take you back to hell with her. You know why I follow you every time her soul collectors come for you, stupid me, I'm afraid she'll succeed in taking you to hell!”
Kagome's voice now becoming loud, as the others observed her wanting to console her. Sango made a motion to go to her, but Miroku held up his hand signaling Sango to remain where she was. They all knew by this point she needed to let all the pinned up frustrations she held in for so long. Inuyasha shocked expression, couldn't believe Kagome had all these feelings in her. But he understood that he was the cause of her heartache. He was now feeling from her all the pain that was now cutting him worst than any battle scars he received. His eyes lowered towards the floor. Kagome started pacing the floor and went into full ranting,
“You all want to know why I left that night? I overheard the two of them discussing my worth to this group. Inuyasha seems to feel I'm pretty useless! I'm not strong as Kikyo, my archery is mediocre, I can't fight and that all I can do is scream his name. Well let's now go back to why I'm so stupid! I'm stupid for allowing Kikyo to take the jewel from me, trying to kill me; then she gives the jewel to Naraku! I'm stupid for coming back after you threw me down the well. But I came back! Stupid me, I always come back! You really want to know what I'm the most stupid for?”
She stopped catching her breath; all was waiting to hear what was coming next. Inuyasha ears flatten not particularly wanting to look at Kagome, he didn't want to look at the tears that were now forming but not falling, the scent made that clear. He can hear the rush of her heartbeat that was racing more than could she bear.
Kagome breathing suddenly stopped as a pressure grew in her chest. She put her hand up to her chest as the pressure turned to a lump that was traveling towards her throat, trying not to let her fragile heart explode. Holding on to what little strength she has, she looked at Inuyasha with the tears spilling over the lids, her breath panting, and voice shrilled saying,
“The most stupidest thing I've done was choosing to pull that arrow from your chest that the woman you love so much put there!”
Her tears fully flowing and the sobs now in full force causing her next tearful statement to be fragmented,
“I'm sorry Inuyasha! So Sorry! For…my…stupidity…and for…my love!”
With that Kagome stormed from the hut. Shippou slowly picked up the locket he was wearing and opened it to view the pictures. Tears forming in his eyes, he closed it back and got up to head towards the hut exit. Miroku asked,
“Where are you going Shippou?”
With sadness in his eyes Shippou looked at Inuyasha, then at Miroku saying,
“I'm going after my family.”
He pulled the curtain back and exited the hut walking into the night. Moments after Shippou left Inuyasha got up not saying a word and left the hut. Leaving all eyes to look at each other. Miroku broke the silence,
“Well now, seems like the flood gates has opened. Kagome couldn't hold that any longer. I've warned Inuyasha about pushing Kagome too far. She is long suffering when it comes to Inuyasha but even she has her limits.”
Kaede took a deep breath closing her eye saying,
“Like life, love is a growing process. Kagome certainly is more mature than Inuyasha admitting her love. She may not have had experience in dealing with males, but she understands the give and take.”
Sango was wiping tears from her eyes with anger in her voice saying,
“Yeah he sure takes her heart she gives freely and then throws it back in her face!”
Miroku held Sango's hand saying,
“Now my dear Sango, despite what we see on the surface, I've no doubt Inuyasha cares for Kagome deeply. So many times they've argued and managed to come to common ground for the sake of their friendship. Even if Kagome feelings are stronger for Inuyasha, I know she'll never abandon him. Our hanyou friend needs to learn to be a little tactful in his opinions about Kagome. Especially when it involves Kikyo. Please pardon me Lady Kaede I meant no disrespect in using Kykio in our conversation.”
Kaede sighed saying,
“No do not be concern my young monk. Since the very beginning I urged Inuyasha to destroy the abomination known as Kikyo. My dear sister is nothing like what you see walking this earth. She's been resurrected by evil made to steal souls of others. I was there that day and so was Shippou. Kagome nearly lost her life; even then Inuyasha took off after Kikyo when parts of Kagome's soul returned. Kykio's fear was loosing that last bit of Kagome's soul. From what I understand it helps keep the other souls from escaping when they are gathered. The soul collectors came with the resurrection process as her messengers and caregivers feeding her souls of dead maidens. Such a life is not for my sister. I cannot blame Inuyasha for not destroying Kikyo. It was a task that I could not do. Kagome will need time to deal with her feelings. While she's here in our time, we must be the support she needs.”
Throwing more wood into the fire pit to rekindle the fire, the old miko stood up to get fresh bandages. She handed them to Sango saying,
“Here my child, ye check his wound for I shall be retiring for the night. I must make a call a couple that just had their first-born. I want to be there before the sun rises. Goodnight children.”
Sango and Miroku bid their farewell to Kaede as she retired to her quarters. Sango started unraveling Miroku's bandages to check his head wound. While she did this she was thinking about how hurt Kagome looked. Her heart bled for the one she took as a sister. She knew Kagome didn't mean what she said about her choice in taking that arrow out of Inuyasha's chest. As much as she loved Kagome, she knew she needed sometime to herself. Then there was the body possession thing. Yes it was dangerous but she knew Kagome's reasons were for her little kitsune. So many questions to ask, they'll have to wait until Kagome is calm.
The bandages being off, Sango examined Miroku's wound. It looked a whole lot better than it did a few days ago still lumpy but better. Miroku was enjoying the attention he was receiving from Sango. He felt as her hand carefully made its way around his head as she unraveled the bandages. He was grateful that Kaede charged Sango to take care of him.
Both Sango and Kagome tended to him but Sango was always charged. Kagome would make some sort of excuse to leave when it was her turn to tend to him. But he knew Kagome enough to know she did this so he and Sango could spend time alone. Not that he mined. Miroku could also tell that Sango was in deep thought. More than likely Kagome was in her thoughts.
He felt her touch the wound lightly. He hissed and this caused Sango to jump and apologizing for what she thought she was bringing pain to Miroku. The pain wasn't so great, but he wanted to play with Sango.
“Oh Miroku I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just checking to make sure it was healing okay!”
Sango apologized. Miroku sported a wicked grin then quickly changed to one who was in pain saying,
“Dear Sango your touch is always welcomed, but I'm afraid I'm still a little sensitive on the crown”
Sango nodded in understanding and try to be a little gentler. She gathered the fresh bandages and the ointment that Kagome suggested to be used along with the herbs that Kaede grew. Miroku by this time was paying attention to how Sango was being careful at how she administered the ointment and herb mixture to his wound. Lightly ever so lightly she smeared the wound with the medicine. Each time she touched Miroku he hissed causing her to apologize.
After about the last of the medicine was used. She turned around so her back was facing Miroku. His eyes widen as if he received a gift. He was slightly panting looking the movement of Sango's rear that was in his opinion, beckoning him with an invitation. He knew if he'd responds to this temptation he would receive the only response she was known to give him. He opened and closed his hand. That cursed hand! She turned around as he quickly gathered the hand that was about to commit the crime.
Facing him Sango started to bandage his head. Only two rolls were used to bandage him. So once again she turned her back to him for the other roll of bandage. He really tried hard not to give into the temptation, but he just couldn't resist. He took the hand and stroked the backside he loved so much. `
Sango jumped and gasp at the touch of her backside being violated. She quickly turned and out of impulse she slapped Miroku. As he fell towards the floor, he fell on the area that was sensitive and gave an agonizing yell.
Sango's expression was one of regret. She didn't mean to hit him. She did it out of impulse as she always did when he acted inappropriately. But something ran through her mind.
{What if my slap causes him to go back to being unconscious? What if he goes out again, he may go out, for good! Oh Kami, I could kill him! I'm not a gentle woman. I've seen head injuries in my village where sometimes they come out of it and then just die! I'll never forgive myself if I hurt Miroku that way!}
Tears formed in her eyes as Miroku slowly sat up from his fall. She shook her head from side to side not believing what she did! Her hands went towards her mouth as she said,
“Miroku I'm so sorry! So Sorry!”
She got up and stormed out of the hut. Miroku tried to tell her that he wasn't hurt too badly and tried to call out,
“Wait Sango, don't go wait!”
But she was gone. He realized that Sango might have been feeling guilty by her slapping him. She needs to know that it was his fault. As he tried to get up Kaede came into the hut. She saw Miroku trying to get up. She made him sit back down. She asked,
“What happened? I heard ye yelling in pain. Why was Sango in tears running away?”
Miroku sighed and told Kaede what had happened. She saw that the bandage work was not finished as seeing the strip was dangling from his head. Kaede proceeded to finishing the bandaging and went on to say to Miroku,
“Sango was in such turmoil when ye was unconscious. She and Kirara stuck by ye daily. She was not sleeping some nights as she kept her eyes on ye. That is why Kagome and myself charged her with the duties of taking care of ye. We had to make her sleep. She did, but it was never long. She must feel that she may be a danger to ye. She knows she is a bit stronger than most females and not as gentle. She has a gentle nature, but her training as a demon slayer was to prepare her for rough and dangerous battles. Right now ye and the others are all she have with her brother's life being amiss. Let her calm down. With what is happening to Kagome, she feels she not the one to hold things together. Her strength lies with in battles of protection. She needs those around her like Kagome and yourself to show her that her inner strength is just as strong. Ye men can be a troublesome sort.”
Miroku understood what Kaede was saying. Even though he himself may not be around them long if this cursed hand hole should grow and consume him. He didn't think that Sango might have that on her mind also. She worried when he took on the deadly insects and it weakens him. He really felt bad for this situation. He doesn't know how Sango may react towards him now. She may not want to touch him at all. He'd definitely have to do something about that. Kaede urged him to lie down and get some rest and left the hut.
Shippou walked until he found Kagome. He used his nose to smell her trail of tears. The trail leads him to the God tree. She had her knees up to her chest as her arms wrapped around her legs. Shippou quickly came upon her and climbed up on top of her knees gently stroking her hair. She looked up at him with red swollen eyes. He too was teary eyed as she unwrapped her arms and pulled Shippou down to her chest rubbing his red crop.
At that moment she started humming that `tune'. Shippou just closed his eyes in complete contentment. They both seem to be asleep but they were in a trance.
Kagome and Shippou were in an open field of tall golden grasses. It was swaying with a very calming wind. They looked at each other and had a gleeful smile that lead into joyful laughter. Shippou jumped down from Kagome's arms saying,
“Come on Kagome! Try to get me!”
Shippou ran toward the tall grasses. Kagome soon followed. Running and laughing through the grasses, Kagome saw Shippou popped up from the grasses about a yard away and sticking out his tongue at her. She ran in the direction she saw him fall down in. He jumped up and came down on her shoulder. She didn't realize he had gotten that close. She grabbed him off her shoulder and twirled him around and tossed him in the air. When he landed in her arms they heard a hearty laughter behind them. As Shippou and Kagome turned, Shippou eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
“Mother! Father!”
He yelled. Jumping down from Kagome's arms he ran towards his parents opened arms. Kagome watched his mother's cries of joy and hearing endearing word to her son, as his father held both mother and son in a wonderful sandwich. Kagome just viewed from a distance feeling so much joy for Shippou.
There was a rock a few yards away that Kagome walked over to sitting down and enjoyed the scene playing out before her. Whatever danger could come from this possession was worth it. Maybe she should be afraid, but she wasn't. She was just enjoying what she was seeing. She saw his parents take him over towards the tall grasses and played the same game she and Shippou were playing. Only now they were in their true forms. The most beautiful foxes she'd ever seen. Even Shippou was in his true form. Large and beautiful they were. On all fours they had to have stood about the size of Kirara's large fire cat form! Shippou was about the size of Kirara's kitten form, not much bigger than he already was.
“Oh My!”
Kagome was amazed! They jumped up and down yipping and yelping in a most joyous sound. Kagome laughed at the scene before her. Shippou had grabbed his father's tail in his mouth and his father grabbed Shippou's tail running in circles looking like he was chasing his tail, and then he threw his son up in the air. As Shippou was coming down, his mother grabbed him by the neck and ran in another direction from the father. The father gave chase after the both of them.
It was then that all got quiet and Kagome saw and heard nothing. She stood up from the rock she was sitting on and walked over towards the grasses. As she was nearing, they all jumped out and ran in a circle around Kagome. Kagome squealed then laughed as they circled her.
They cut back into the tall grasses. Shippou yelped at Kagome as if beckoning her to follow. She quickly understood and followed them into the grasses. When Kagome got into the grasses all she saw was them jumping up and down giving chase to each other. Kagome was running only seeing bushy tails. As the tails left her sight she felt that something mischievous was going on. And out of nowhere, she was on Shippou's back cutting through the grasses.
{How did he get this big?}
She thought. She held onto his neck and he jumped up over the grasses with his parents in pursuit. Kagome laughed so hard she fell of Shippou's back. Still laughing, Shippou turned back to Kagome and ran circles around her. His parents joined in the chase as Kagome watched and laughed.
This went on for sometime until Kagome just exited out of the tall grass back to the rock she was sitting on. She watched the fox family playing and yelping. She saw how Shippou was enjoying his parents. Then out of nowhere she felt a wave of sadness. She thought that when this was over, they would have to leave them. She knew they were here temporarily, but she wished she could grant them as much time as they need to prepare their son for his rearing.
Just then they stopped their play to look over where Kagome was sitting. They caught her sadness and quickly ran over towards her. Still in their true form they all circled her the one who was the mother Akemi laid her muzzle on Kagome's shoulder. Shippou jumped in her lap as the father Takahiro sat facing Kagome. Then they changed into their humanoid forms while having concern looks on their faces. Takahiro spoke first,
“My dear what is wrong? Are you not having fun?”
Giving a weak and unconvincing smile, she looked at each of them saying,
“I was just enjoying watching you all play and became a little homesick is all. Please don't mind me continue.”
Shippou knew better. He knew Kagome was dancing around what was truly bothering her. His mother put her arm around Kagome and started humming that `tune'. Kagome smiled at Akemi for the `tune' sounded very soothing.
“That's a very pretty tune.”
Kagome told Akemi. Akemi smiled saying blithe fully,
“I know my little one, I had you sing it to my little treasure here. It always relaxes him when he was frightened or needed reassurance. Did your mother ever sing to you Kagome?”
Kagome smiled saying,
“Yes, until I grew out of it. She also sang to my little brother Souta. I used to sing to him, but he preferred mom more.”
Akemi smiled saying
“You hum lovely Kagome, that's why I hummed my tune through you and the fact that our kit has taken a liking to you. Kagome let me express my gratitude to you for what you are doing for our kit and us. We know that this is a great undertaking for you.”
Kagome smiled. They just made her smile. They seemed so jubilant it was contagious. Wait, their not talking in unison. She asked,
“How come you two are not talking in unison anymore?”
Shrugging his shoulders, Takahiro says,
“I do not know. But back to your sadness, you are not telling us everything. We can feel your sadness. Does this have anything to do with the hanyou?”
Kagome eyes widened, as she didn't know if they knew about her feeling for him or what! Oh what the heck. If they're in her, then they're bound to know something. Akemi knew this must be a sensitive subject for the little miko. So she looked at Takahiro saying,
“Let's see what our son know of his powers.”
Picking up Shippou from Kagome's lap she and Shippou walked over to the grasses and she asked him to throw his fox magic flames and smoke objects. Shippou did so and his mother was amazed at how much he learned to do on his own.
Takahiro eyed Kagome as she watched his mate and kit interact. He knew he shouldn't say much about the hanyou to her, but he felt she need to face all obstacles even if the heart is involved. He cleared his throat to get Kagome's attention then he says,
“My little miko, you already know that some thing in life do not always go as planned. You've seen many things that show you such. I just want you to know that you are so much more than you think! The compassion to love in you is so large! I mean just look how you've taken to my kit. I don't know of anyone human or demon that would do such a task. Akemi and I are blessed that we were granted to come back through you to help our son. Unfortunately because of your sad soul we were granted such journey. We don't want you to feel that we are taking advantage of you, but Shippou needs to expand his powers.”
Kagome looking at him feeling that he was fishing for her to open up about her sadness. She just couldn't deal right now with Inuyasha. She just wanted to help Shippou. So she replied,
“I don't want you to think that I feel you are taking advantage, if I'm the vessel that can help Shippou, then no apology is needed. If you want to know, I was sad for the moment when this is over you two would have to leave your kit again. That made me also think when this journey we are on for these shards and Naraku, I don't know if I'm going to be going back to my time for good or not. If I am to go back to my time, I may never see Shippou or the others again. That makes me sad because they are my family when I'm not in my time.”
Takahiro looked away from Kagome as he heard Akemi and Shippou's laughter. He laughed because he saw Shippou's tail swished from side to side as his mother's stalking stance indicated that she was going to give chase. Takahiro laughed so hard that it caused Kagome to laugh.
{Boy do they have fun together. This is so nice!}
“Come Kagome let's play with my kit some more. Get your mind off trouble for now! Come!”
Kagome smiled getting up from the rock following Takahiro to his family. They showed Kagome some of their tricks that can throw an opponent off with illusion using both fox fire and magic with trinkets from leaves, toys any object that can fool the eye and mind.
After what seemed like hours everyone settled down. It was time to return to reality. Shippou of course didn't want to go, but knew he had to. Akemi told him that Kagome's body would weaken if this went on too long. Akemi held her kit as Takahiro rubbed Shippou's head. Akemi handed Shippou to Kagome and the scene started to fade. Kagome and Shippou heard his parents say,
“We will be here for you Kagome. Take care of Shippou and Thank you!”
Then the scene was gone.
Kagome eyes opened to see that she was at the God tree. She slowly got up with Shippou in her arms. Shippou opened his eyes as well. They look at the moon shining brightly. Kagome stretched and yawned saying.
“Boy I'm tired. I guess we better be getting back to the hut. Everyone must be worried.”
Shippou looked at Kagome noticing tears still in the corner of her eyes so he asked,
“Kagome were you going to go back home? Will you be going back anytime soon?
Kagome understood what he really wanted to ask. She knew that when Inuyasha made her upset she would run home. She rubbed Shippou's head saying,
“The only reason I will go home is to get supplies or if I have to take a test for school. Don't worry it won't be because of Inuyasha that I leave. I'm here for some reason and no one is going to change my mind as to what I need to do. As long as my family knows what's going on, I can handle other things. I may be hurt now, but pain usually passes. I'll be fine. Now let's go get some sleep. Kaede needs to be up early so we'll need to handle some chores for her while she's out.”
Kagome hugged Shippou and started back towards the hut. Once there she entered finding no one around.
“Where's everyone? Miroku! Sango!”
Shippou got down and went to Kaede's quarters to see if she was there. He was careful not to wake her. Satisfied that she was there he headed back to Kagome.
“Kaede's sleep I didn't want to wake her. Where could Sango and Miroku gone off to?”
Kagome rubbed her bangs back from her face seeing that even Kirara was not there. Miroku's staff was gone also.
“Maybe they went for a walk or something. Miroku should be resting more. Head injuries requires he should rest he was out a good while and could have bouts with dizziness. Sango will look out for him. I'll get our bed ready.”
She set up the bed as Shippou put more kindle on the fire. Once the bedding was done Kagome and Shippou got under the blanket. Shippou wondered about Inuyasha. He knew Inuyasha would be gone for a while until he felt like Kagome may have calm down. He can be insensitive but he knew Inuyasha cared for Kagome. He just had problems dealing with the heart that Kagome has. Oh well tomorrow is another day.
Inuyasha had been running for hours. He had to run! Kagome's tears, her words, and her heart, wounded because of him. She had all of that in her. He just didn't know how much he had hurt her. Out of all the arguments they had, she usually got over them. Okay, there were times she held a grudge but not long. Six months away, his doing. Now she may go again. How long? This can't keep going on. They had to get going back on the shard hunt. Naraku is getting stronger. He needs to be stopped. He is ruining other lives. Then there's Miroku injury.
{Stupid monk! Damn it all! Kagome feels we should hold off until his blockhead is healed. Then there's this body possession thing! Two demons, what the hell are they doing living in her body? All these time her aura changing, acting weird, and helping their son. Kagome's really got herself into something this time. Maybe when she calms down I can get to the bottom of this! If and when she calms down. After tonight…}
He was tired of thinking. He came upon the God tree and smelled the scent of tears and Shippou was here too. The kit usually calms her. He'll stay here also. Kagome's voice of pain echoed in his mind. He heard her cry before. But this was different.
{She said I thinks she's useless, Umph! Far from it. But she heard me say it in front of Kikyo. Damn it all!}
Inuyasha climbs up the god tree and got on his favorite branch and tried to relax. Tomorrow will be an interesting day trying to see what kind of mood Kagome will be in.
A/N: DAMN! This killed me! Like I said I'm no writer, and I sympathize with those of you wonderful authors who go through the block thing. I appreciate you; love you for your imagination and storytelling. I wanted to get this out at least 2 weeks ago, but life being as it is has its and I just had a birthday! Yay! Another year! Well I'm going to go to ch. 9 and I hope I don't disappoint. Thanks to all who reviewed, love ya! I thank you for taking time to read my story.