InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates. That belongs to the original creator of this wonderful cast of characters.
Sango had found Miroku sitting near a tree. It was so dark that if it weren't for his staff shining she would have missed him. He appeared to be asleep. She wondered why he would be sleeping under a tree, so far from the village he was. Then it dawned on her, he went looking for her. She had been so caught up in her own feelings about slapping him she didn't realize that he would come looking for her. She felt worse now. She felt she may have overreacted and cause him great concern. She and Kirara ran over towards him. He was moaning as if in pain. She quickly bent down to him calling out his name,
“Miroku! Miroku! Come on open your eyes!”
She didn't want to shake him as his moans were continuing. She told Kirara to turn into her big cat form so they could quickly get back to the hut. As Sango started to lift Miroku as his eyes had slightly opened, she heard him say,
“Sango I'm sorry. Please forgive me.”
Sango heart felt heavy. She didn't want him to feel guilty. She was the one who slapped him. She knew he meant no real harm stroking her bottom, but it was completely out of impulse. It was a habit with him stroking her, as it was impulse for her to slap him.
She prayed and asked Kami to give her strength as she lift Miroku on Kirara's back. She told Kirara to head back to the village so she could get him comfortable. She noticed that his head bandage was completed. She wondered if it was himself or Kaede that finished the wrapping. Kirara didn't have to fly far the village was coming into view.
As Sango dismounted from Kirara's back, she gently slid Miroku down. She put his left arm around her neck and supported him by circling his waist with her right arm. She used her left hand to hold his left wrist and proceeded to getting him into the hut.
As Sango approached the hut's entrance, she sat Miroku down to take off his sandals. It seemed as if he was becoming conscious as he tried to focus his sight on Sango. He felt her removing his sandals as well as removing her own sandals. The mat that he was resting on was close by the entrance so she didn't have to struggle too hard. She noticed that Shippou and Kagome were asleep so she tried to be as quiet as possible.
She laid Miroku down and covered him with the blanket. She went to the other side of the room where her mat was rolled up. She thought about not unrolling it but decided to lie down because it was late and she needed sleep. Then she thought about his head injury.
{Oh darn, maybe I should keep my eyes on him. He's not completely conscious. I don't want to bother Kagome.}
So Sango went to go sit closer to where Miroku was laying. She sat closer to his head and fell completely out. Moments later Sango had a bout with sleep balancing. She rocked from one side to the other trying to stay straight. Anytime now she would find herself hitting the floor.
At that moment Kagome opened her eyes and saw Sango battling with her body to keeping it straight. So Kagome got up and slowly motioned over towards Sango. She touched her sister-friend on the shoulder and Sango opened her eyes.
Kagome motioned for her to go and lie down on her mat and go to sleep. Sango stubbornly shook her head no. Kagome knew Sango was tired so she got up and took Sango's mat and unrolled it next to Miroku. She situated the mat so that it was an “L-shape” so their heads would be close together. Kagome would not take Sango's stubbornness and whispered to her,
“Come on Sango, you were about to kiss the floor with your head. Now come, lie down!”
Sango was too tired to argue and did as Kagome said. Kagome then went back to Shippou and fell back to sleep.
Kaede left her quarters and went to the hut finding four of her children asleep. She had referred to them as her children since they spent most of their time with her whenever they came back from their adventure. It was still dark as she went to start a fresh fire for them to get their breakfast going. She left the hut and went on to tend to the couple with the newborn. She noticed that Inuyasha was not present. She prayed that somehow he and Kagome would come to terms and get themselves back to normal. The young miko seemed very hurt beyond reconciliation. But with prayer maybe they'll get it together and forgiveness will be granted all around. She knew Kagome was anything but useless, never!
{That child should not be underestimated. She may not be trained in her powers, but I feel deeply that the girl could be quite surprising.}
Kaede sighed to herself it seemed like it was going to be a wonderful morning.
Kagome woke up with a slight headache. She rubbed her temples a little putting mild pressure as she did a circular motion to her temples. Shippou opened his eyes seeing Kagome rubbing her head. Curiosity got the better of him so he asked,
“Kagome are you okay?”
Kagome was startled for a second, as she didn't expect him to be awake. She smiled saying,
“You startled me, I didn't expect you to be awake. I got a headache. A little one but I'm all right”
She ruffled his already messy hair. They noticed that the fire seemed to be rekindled and tea was brewing. They figured Kaede must have done this being that Sango and Miroku were snoring up a storm.
Kagome went into her bag and got out a package of Ramen noodles and went into a small cupboard that kept bowls, saucers and cups. She gathered the dishes for all of them and put water on for the noodles. She had a huge bag of trail mix and dried apples. She used the bowls for the Ramen and used the saucers for the trail mix and apples. The brewed tea smelled wonderful. She pulled out the squeeze bottle of honey she bought along for the tea. While she was waiting for the water to boil for the noodles, she went to get things ready for their morning chores for Kaede maybe gone most to the day. She got a pair of old sweatpants that she bought from home. It was hunter-green with pockets. She had an off-white colored tee shirt that had a pink circle in the center. Then she got a pair of oxford sneakers.
Shippou watched her gathering her things together. She's a lot like her mother in a sense at how she goes about doing things. She's always focused and seems to be happy when performing such duties. Her mom says she can be lazy sometimes but when focused, Kagome accomplishes a lot. He giggled out loud and Kagome turned to look at him.
“What's so funny?”
Shippou didn't realize he had giggled so loud. So he told her how much of her mother she's like.
Kagome just smiled saying,
“I'll take that as a compliment. She is a wonderful old gal.”
Shippou got mischievous look saying,
“Yeah! Her daughter is a wonderful, beautiful… Old gal!”
Kagome gasped as Shippou referred to her as an old gal as she replied,
“Whom are you referring to as an old gal?”
Still giggling Shippou replied,
“Don't you think you mother would object to you calling her an Old Gal?”
Kagome thought that over saying,
“Oh yeah, you're right.”
Then they both giggled. At that moment Sango grumbled,
“You two sure can wake the dead.”
Sango slowly sat up rubbing her eyes trying to promote clear vision. She shook her head and looked at Kagome and Shippou setting the place for them to eat. She then looked down at Miroku. Oh yes Miroku. She felt awful. Shippou caught this whiff of sadness coming from Sango so he asked,
“Sango what's wrong?”
Kagome quickly looked at her sister-friend as a look of concern was in her face. Shippou felt that she was trying to block her feelings by falsely smiling at them as Sango replied,
“Oh nothing, I was just thinking how you two can wake the dead even when you whisper”
Shippou folding his arms saying,
“I'm not buying it Sango, you were sad. Did something happen the reason you and Miroku came in late last night that Kagome had to get up and put you to down to sleep?”
Sango's eyes widen saying,
“You little brat, you were awake the whole time?”
Kagome eye also in disbelief looking at Shippou to further explain.
Shippou felt like he should've been a turtle and stick his head down in his shell. Kagome and Sango still looking at him waiting for an explanation.
“Well Kagome, didn't you tell me that there was a saying that goes, `Children should be seen and not heard' well, you seen that I was lying down being quiet and not being heard, right?”
Kagome and Sango just let out an exasperated sigh and groaned things like, `Kitsune's being too cunning for their own good.' At that moment they hear another groan. It was coming from Miroku. He was waking up.
“To answer your question Shippou, Sango is upset about something. Something I did. And let me just say I'm very sorry Sango. I didn't mean for you to consider anything was your fault. It was completely my doing. Can you please forgive me? I don't want you to think I'm some fragile egghead. You did not hurt me! Honest. In case you two do not know what I'm referring to, I played a cruel joke, one that I shall not do ever again. I do not want Sango to feel that she cannot touch me to care for me. I should have realized how much torture it was for you when I was unconscious. To do something like that was insensitive of me. Please Sango, forgive me.”
Sango eyes filled with tears. She slowly got up not saying a word and left the hut. Kagome went after her telling Shippou to look after Miroku.
Sango was slowly walking as Kagome caught up with her. She gave Sango some tissue she carried in her robe. Kagome wrapped her arm around Sango's right arm as they walked towards the fence. Kagome rubbed Sango's back. Sango smile at her saying,
“You know there are times where I can kill that monk!”
Sango went on to tell Kagome what had transpired last night. She was feeling so guilty about slapping him. Then he comes out with this apology. Kagome looked at her sister-friend who was struggling with feeling she knew were mixed. So Kagome asked,
Do you forgive him Sango?”
Sango looked at Kagome and felt compelled to ask,
“Do you forgive Inuyasha?”
Kagome face fell at that question. Sango had every right to ask the question. Then Sango felt that it was too soon to ask a question like that. Kagome's suppressed feelings were painful indeed. She hugged Kagome apologizing for her bold question.
Kagome hugged Sango back and they both cried on each other's shoulders. Sango pulled back and looked at Kagome's red nose and red eyes and giggled.
Kagome wondered what was so funny. Sango putting the tissue that Kagome gave her to her nose saying
If you look at yourself you'd see that your nose and eyes are like red berries. Kagome look at Sango saying,
“Yeah, well back at you. You look like this reindeer, a story in my time called `Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' only you don't have antlers”
Sango had a puzzled look. Then they both laughed. Kagome said,
“I guess we should forgive them, but I must honestly say, it'll take me some time. You want to eat today? Then let us be off.”
Sango understood that it would take Kagome a while, and she'll let Kagome handle it her own way so long as she'll let her handle forgiving Miroku her way. So they headed back to the hut to eat. As they were walking away Sango asked,
“You have to tell me of the story about this `reindeer' with the red nose he got. Was he always crying about something that caused his nose stayed red or something?”
Kagome giggled and promised to tell the tale later on.
When the girls entered the cabin, they found that the water was ready to make the meal. Kagome went on to fixing the trail mix and dried apples as she planned. Kagome asked Shippou,
“Shippou could you please go see if you can sniff out Inuyasha and tell him breakfast is ready?”
Shippou gave a look that said, `Are you sure?' Kagome was too busy doing her task to notice Shippou's apprehensive look. He thought that it took a lot for her to request Inuyasha's presence. So off he went to look for Inuyasha.
Shippou used his nose to find Inuyasha. He finally found him in the direction of the god tree. He looked up and yelled,
“Hey Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha was on the branch when his ears twitched hearing noises coming from below. Then he heard the shrilling sound of that annoying kit.
“Hey Inuyasha! I know you hear me. Kagome wanted to know if you want to eat this morning?”
Inuyasha ears perked up at the statement of Kagome wanting to still have him in the same room with her. Shippou impatiently crossed his arms and swishing his tail from side to side wondering why Inuyasha was ignoring him. So he decided to turn back and head on to the hut leaving Inuyasha behind. Then Shippou said,
“Okay, I'll just eat your share. You know more for me!”
Shippou thought that Inuyasha would come down after him saying that, but discovered that Inuyasha was still in the tree.
{Such a jerk! Every time he and Kagome argue, he keeps his distance or if he's around he doesn't talk to her until he feels she can't do without his company. Then she wounds up apologizing to him when it is usually his fault. He thinks that is a way to control her by making her feel guilty. The Jerk!}
Shippou thought as he kept walking towards the hut. When he reached the hut, he was about to tell Kagome that Inuyasha was being a jerk, but decided to just tell her that he gave the message and left him in the tree.
When Shippou entered the hut Kagome smiled and motioned for him to get to his food. Shippou was more than happy to. It puzzled him that she didn't ask where Inuyasha was. He thought that she would as soon as she didn't see him behind or in front of him. But she just served him his portion of the meal. Sango and Miroku were already enjoying their meal. But Miroku asked,
“Where's Inuyasha? He didn't follow you back?”
Shippou wanted to just eat his meal and enjoy Kagome's presence. He couldn't care about Inuyasha's sulking. So he shrugged his shoulder and said,
“I gave him the message.”
Kagome was almost done eating as she took the last sip of her tea saying,
“I'm going to go wash and change my clothes. Kaede need some chores done. I want that done when she comes back so she'll at least have a meal ready. Sango, you want to stay and care for Miroku? The fact that he was semi-conscious by the tree leads me to believe he needs to take it easy. Miroku, you behave yourself.”
Miroku eyes went to the ceiling. He knew Kagome was not going to let him get away with anything. All he could do was promise that he would try to be on his best behavior as he relayed to Kagome,
“My dear Kagome, I will be on my best behavior. I have learned my lesson.”
Kagome smiled looking at Sango as Sango got up to clear the dishes away. Sango's face was very void of emotion. She just took the dishes that were empty and waited for the others to finish. She heard Kagome's question. But took her time to answer not to be disrespectful to Kagome but to make that monk squirm. She was still a little upset with him. But then smiled to herself seeing the look on his face. He was sincere and she knew that. But he had to realize that there is a time and place for practical jokes.
She told Kagome her fears about people who had head injuries and just died a few days or so after regaining conscious. It really did frighten her. She just wanted to make sure Miroku would be healed completely before they set out again looking for Naraku to get their revenge.
Kagome didn't press the question. She knew that Sango needed to handle this her way. She just got her things together to bathe and the clothes she was going to wear to do the chores.
Inuyasha sat on the branch for what seem like hours. He decided to climb down and head towards the hut. He wanted to see if Kagome's demeanor was indifferent of cordial. He hoped for the latter. But deep down he knew he had no right to hope for the latter.
While he approached the hut he heard Shippou and Miroku talking about the girls. He heard the monk tell Shippou just how delicate a woman's heart can be. But at the same time can summon strength when it comes to the ones she loved.
He entered the hut and saw that there was tea brewing and a place still set up for another. She must have thought he would return with Shippou. Shippou and Miroku looked at him as he sat down and served himself. Inuyasha asked,
“Where are the girls?”
They told him that Sango was cleaning the dishes, and Kagome was bathing. Just then Sango came into the hut. She saw Inuyasha eating and said to him,
“When you finish, you can clean your own dishes since you don't want to eat with the rest of us.”
As has she was giving Inuyasha the feeling of indifference, she put the dishes she cleaned away in the cupboard. She stood and exited the hut again. Inuyasha still stuffing his face with his noodles asked with a full mouth,
“What's her problem?”
Miroku explained why she was a bit miffed and what had happened the previous night. Inuyasha being a dense brain as always said,
“So why is she upset with me when you're the one who grabbed her butt?”
Shippou and Miroku both sighed as Shippou said,
“You know you're such an idiot! She maybe upset with you over the way you made Kagome upset last night. They're very close you know. Sango is very protective of her feelings. So you hurt Kagome, you hurt Sango as well! You're such a Jerk!”
Inuyasha at that moment finally knew the reception he may get from Kagome by Sango's reaction towards him. He just took a deep breath looking at the kit as he was rolling the mats and putting them away. He knew Shippou was going to be next to impossible to handle now that he was even closer to Kagome who was toting two demons in her soul that happens to be his parents. This didn't make any sense. Naraku is out there getting stronger, and all she wants to do now is get the runt to some village to get stronger in his powers.
Just at that moment Kagome walks in. She's carrying her bedclothes and has on the clothes that she's going to do the chores in.
She stares at Inuyasha for what seems like and eternity. Giving a weak smile she says,
“Good morning Inuyasha.”
She folded her clothes neatly and put took her oxford sneakers and exit the hut to put them on. Miroku and Shippou carefully watched the exchange between Kagome and Inuyasha. Shippou thought to himself,
{Dumb jerk, he could at least say good morning!}
Kagome tied a white scarf around her head and headed over to the garden to pull the weeds. A few minutes later Shippou joined her in pulling weeds. Sango and Kirara were sweeping around the hut. A little kid was running by the garden playing with a ball. Shippou was so distracted as he watched the kid play. Kagome noticed how Shippou was distracted. She knew he wanted to play so she said,
“Go and play Shippou. I can handle the weeds for now but later we'll have to draw water for cooking okay?”
Shippou gave his big fanged smile and jumped up and hugged Kagome's neck then ran off to play.
Miroku stared at Inuyasha. He tried to understand why the hanyou was being a baka. Miroku knows that Inuyasha will not speak to Kagome when they have arguments. It's as if he wears her down by giving her the silent treatment. She tries to break the silence with him by just having a casual conversation, and he would just ignore her or just rudely walk off. This ate at Miroku. But he knew that Kagome would not want any of them to come down hard on Inuyasha. But he may have to. He too cared deeply for Kagome because he understands that her heart is large on love for all those she comes involve with. He felt fortunate to know someone like Kagome. He looked at Inuyasha as he was finishing the last of his meal before he spoke.
“Inuyasha, are you going to talk to Kagome and resolve the issues at hand?”
Inuyasha just grunted an answer. Not giving Miroku the courtesy of looking at him. Miroku not at all bothered by Inuyasha disregarding him continued,
“You know I warned you about pushing her. As forgiving as she is, she has limits. But to betray her friendship in front of a woman she knows only want to have you destroyed, and then say that she's useless to this group, I don't mind saying that you speak for yourself”
Inuyasha growled at Miroku saying,
Miroku eyes widen, he was feeling anger starting to rise inside. But he just took a deep breath looking Inuyasha in the eyes saying,
“Look Inuyasha, when it comes to Kagome it is my business, all of our business. She has done nothing, nothing to deserve the treatment you send her way at times when you go running off to see Kikyo. It's almost as if you blame her for you decisions. You know it upsets her, but you do it anyway. Again it was and always is your decision.
You know that night of my injury well let me tell you, I've never seen Kagome so forceful. If it were not for her quick thinking of vanquishing that rat demon, I would hate to think what would have happen to us. I being unconscious did not actually see it, but from Sango and Shippou's account I'm sure they did not think that she was useless.
Obviously you were not there, so Kagome's only thought was to not let that rat demon come near the village. After she destroyed the demon, she thought it was strange that the demon had such a small slither of the jewel inside it. Then her concern turned towards me. She helped to keep Sango together so she could get me safely back to the village. I'm quite sure Kagome would not want to face another battle without you, but I have a strong feeling that she's not going to depend on you much. What ever you can salvage out of whatever relationship you share with her you better figure on what to do.
From what I realize, by her soul being broken because the one person she loves constantly tells her often that she's useless is why she has chosen to do what it is she feels she needs to do now for Shippou. I have no doubt that if it was any of us even if it were your father, she would do it for you. So her heart now is towards the kit because he needs her, and now she needs him.”
Inuyasha knew deep down Miroku was trying to give him advice; he just didn't like being told by a pervert how he should handle his woman. Woman? Was Kagome his woman? She may not be now. After what she said to him, are they even friends? What if she's given up on him? He couldn't take that.
Just then Sango entered the hut seeing Inuyasha gathering up his dishes. Giving him a cold stare she just walked over towards Miroku. Making sure she only spoke to Miroku she said,
“I'm going to join Kagome in the garden, you need anything?”
Miroku gave a wide smile saying,
“I will always need you Sango, but please go help Kagome. I'll just rest as she prescribed.”
Not smiling, Sango was about to exit the hut when Inuyasha asked,
“Sango is Shippou with her?”
Sango nodded a yes to Inuyasha and exited out. Inuyasha knew Sango reception was going to spread towards Kagome. He'll just have to take whatever Kagome's going to dish out to him. Miroku went to lie back down when Inuyasha asked,
“Hey monk, you think you'll be healed soon, there's Naraku to deal with you know. You getting your head busted slowed things up.”
Miroku had just about had it with Inuyasha's innuendos hinting things that are someone else's fault. So he sat back up saying,
“Well now let me say this, if you had been there that night, maybe this weak mortal would not have to depend on a even weaker, as you put it useless miko to do battle with a twenty-foot rat demon with only our weak useless human abilities. But I'm glad that the useless miko as you say she is, did what she did to protect this weak mortal. Let me say this one last thing Inuyasha and I'm through talking about this, the decision is yours, you always say that you will protect Kagome, and then you turn around wanting to protect Kikyo. You decide Inuyasha you protect what's living or what's dead?”
With that Miroku turned to lie back down to rest. Inuyasha seems to feel that even Miroku had pinned up feelings. He didn't know that they all felt this way.
{Wow, are they all feeling that I did so wrong towards Kagome? I guess I have. She may not want to deal with me at all. She may turn to Kouga or that Houjo guy! I can't let that happen! She means a lot to me! `Then why don't you tell her that stupid! I seem to remember that she asked you many time what she means to you, and all you do is evade her or stare at her like a fool.' Feh, who asked you? `All I know is you better make some kind of amends before we loose her altogether.' I just know that this body possession thing scares me like no other. I know she's been through things with others trying to steal her soul, but demon possession can be difficult to exercise! I guess when everyone has calmed down; I'll talk to them about how we will handle this possession situation. I could loose Kagome and that's not an option! `Whoa, look who's thinking! I must say I'm impressed, finally getting the message. In case you forgot it was you who directly got her on this new mission of hers for the kit.' Yeah, Yeah I know that's the air I'm breathing today.
Inuyasha walked out of the hut to clean the dishes. Just as he was about to clean them, he saw Sango and Kagome walking towards the hut. He quickly cleaned the dishes, dried them and put them in the cupboard with the rest of the dishes. Then he quickly jumped up on the roof of the hut. Something he liked to do when waiting for Kagome to return from her time.
The girls were laughing as Shippou was just running around their legs and jumping on their shoulders. He'd jump from Kagome's to Sango's shoulders.
Inuyasha watching, as they got closer, he looked only at Kagome. She had that wonderful look when she was happy. Her laughter sounded like birds singing in the morning. He heard Kagome say to Shippou,
“Now remember you said you'd help me gather water for the meal right?”
Shippou just smiled and continued to jump from shoulder to shoulder. Sango was just amused at how much playful Shippou became. She wondered if this had to do with his knowledge of his parents residing in Kagome's soul. Kagome also seem to be enjoying his play.
Shippou jumped down and headed to get the bucket to help Kagome draw water. Sango told Kagome that she would go to get the vegetables and wash them. Kagome said she would get the fire together. One of the villagers had sent a child with fresh caught fish at a count of twelve. They were nice size. Kagome graciously accepted the fish from the child and the child happily trotted back home.
Miroku was tired of lying down all day. He asked if he could help with at least cleaning the fish. Kagome went over to him and looked into his eyes to check if anything looked strange. He had experienced a dizzy spell and she knew that he had pushed himself when he went to look for Sango. She smiled at him saying,
“No, the fish is already clean. The child said that they had been cleaned and ready to cook. So you just remain still. I'll get you some tea.”
Miroku just groaned and put his hands on top of his brow. He slowly started to rise just to stretch. Kagome seeing this just let him at least do that but warned him to take it easy.
Shippou arrive with the water so Kagome could get the meal going. She thanked Shippou for doing it on his own. It surprised her that Shippou carried the water it was full and heavy. She just chalked it up to him being a demon and was stronger than she thought.
Sango had all the vegetables cleaned and the ones that needed peeling were done as well. Miroku saw Sango entering the hut while he was stretching. He thought that she would say something to him, but she just continued doing her duties. Kagome caught the exchange. She wanted to start a conversation that would get all of them talking, but thought it better to just get the chores done and save the talking for later.
The day was just about over. Kagome had done the gardening, Sango swept around the hut. Shippou hauled water and firewood, both girls did some washing of clothes and bedding and hung them up to dry while dinner was cooking. Shippou and Miroku kept an eye on the food.
All this time while everyone was being busy, Inuyasha was watching the crew. Especially Kagome. He saw how she seems to be content with helping Kaede with the chores while she was out. He decided at that moment to come down off the roof. Sango and Kagome were heading back to the hut. They noticed Inuyasha was standing in front of the hut. Sango just entered the hut without looking at Inuyasha. Kagome stopped looked at him and gave him a smile. Then she walked into the hut behind Sango.
Inuyasha's heart was beating fast as Kagome approached him. He thought she might say something about him not helping them with the chores. She didn't, she just smile at him and went into the hut. He didn't know what to make of that. He would just keep silent. He felt if he opened his mouth now she might get upset and say more of what she may be holding in.
Kaede returned that evening to find that the hut was cleaned and there was a wonderful aroma that she knew was a meal in progress. Everyone was sitting around the fire pit getting their bowls filled with rice and the stew and roasted fish. It was truly a wonderful site. No arguing was going on and it seems as if Kagome and Inuyasha was being civil.
Entering the hut, Kaede saw that everyone was preparing to eat. Kagome's bright smile motioned for Kaede to sit so she could serve her. Kaede was so pleased to see that her little miko was smiling. Kaede turned her attention towards Inuyasha. He had a nonchalant look in his face. Sango and Mirioku seem to be fine, Sango still sits next to him. Shippou and Kirara seem to be waiting for their meal as Kagome served.
Kaede was telling them about the newborn and how the couple was so happy. The mother had a most difficult pregnancy. Kaede had to offer so much support to the young mother. Becoming a first time mother, she was anxious and nervous. Kaede was particularly devoted to this family, because the young mother great grandparents took care of Kaede after Kikyo's death. So Kaede was proud of the young mother's adjustment of her newborn.
While Kaede was giving her accounts of the newborn, She was watching the interaction between Kagome and Inuyasha. She noticed that Inuyasha kept his eyes on Kagome. Kagome on the other hand was not making much eye contact. Kagome's looks were quick as she served Inuyasha. Usually she would look at him in a loving matter, but now it was like calculated, done in such a method that you would think that she was unfeeling. Let's just say the way she served Inuyasha compared to the others in the hut was definitely noticeable.
As everyone finished their meal, Kaede started to clear the dishes, but Kagome would not hear of it. Sango also told Kaede to rest and that she and Kagome would take care of everything. As the girls quickly took the dishes from the hut to wash them, Inuyasha left the hut to sit up on the roof. Shippou followed, as he and Inuyasha would often do. Inuyasha looked over as the kit sat next to him. Inuyasha asked Shippou,
“Think Kagome will have anymore of those spells now that we all know that your parents resides in her?”
Shippou looked at Inuyasha as if he was fishing for something, Shippou responded,
“Just what are you trying to say Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha just shrugged his shoulders saying,
“I don't know, just seems like all this time they sought to now reach out to you when things with Naraku are now unpredictable. We should be out searching for that filth; instead we are going on some trek that has nothing to do with getting the shards back from Naraku. Why would they now of all times appear?”
Shippou didn't have an answer for that. All he knew was that his parents wanted to prepare him for whatever challenges he may face. And to work through Kagome was something definitely unexpected. He was in no way disappointed, he was glad Kagome chose to help them. It just made Shippou love Kagome even more.
Shippou saw the girls enter the hut and took off after them. He knew that there were more questions that everyone wanted to ask Kagome. As everyone gathered around the fire pit, as Kaede served some tea. She had some pressing questions for Kagome, but before she could ask, Kagome said,
“Everyone, I know you all still have some questions about the situation, and I will do the best I can to answer.”
Kaede was pleased to hear that the miko would be cooperative. She just thought after the outburst, Kagome would withdraw herself. But Kaede needed to address all of them about the importance of them sticking together.
“My young one before ye continue let me just say something to all of you. You too Inuyasha so ye may as well come and hear this as well.”
To everyone surprise, Inuyasha came in and parked himself in the corner of the hut entrance.
“My young ones, one thing I know for certain is that all of ye together is stronger than apart. If there are any weaknesses in any of ye, then there would be severe tragedy. I know that when this village faced numerous attacks before our young Kagome appeared, it was our unity that made protecting this village not too much of a chore. I say this to ye all, we never know what fate has planned for us. But I do believe all of this may have some connection. I beg of you all to please let nothing come between any of you. Yes Naraku is still out there, but now something is pulling you all elsewhere and I do believe that this is nothing to ignore. The fact that the rat demon had such a small shard leads me to believe that no matter the size of the shard, It can do damage in the wrong hands. Even when ye told us ye brother has some connection to you in his dream state is more than enough to know that this should not be discounted.”
Kagome shaking her head in understanding knew that Kaede was telling them that no matter what happens they must all stick together. She will make sure to not let anything come between their friendships. There is more to this than Shippou's parents possessing her body now that her brother is involved. She definitely must hold it together. She must try to separate her feeling from Inuyasha if she is to carry this out. Not separate her feelings to the point that they are no longer friends. Never! She's made the promise to stay by him, and that she shall, but her other feelings for him is what's eating at her. She loves him yes, but to keep being hurt by him that way was going to be a challenge for her. One can't help the way one feels for the other. Kaede's voice broke her out of her musing
“My dear children, I know tension is running tight amongst all of ye. Be warned again, this is all it will take to break the bond ye all share. Before ye go on this next venture, ye all must resolve this tension or be dissolved by what ye may face ahead. Please, don't take anything for granted, information we know now may help. How soon will ye be going on this trek?”
They all looked at Kagome. Not realizing she had an audience, she responded,
“Well I would like to make sure Miroku is well. How do you feel now Miroku?”
Touching his head he said,
“Mild head ache nothing I can't handle, but I must say I am tired of lying down day in and day out. If I can just do some mild walking and meditate for a short while in the open air, I think my recovery will be quick for sure. Sango can accompany me if she so chooses. It will be most welcomed.”
Sango scowled her face. She looked at the monk and saw that to her his face read, `It's your decision, but I'll understand if you don't.' Damn him! She put on an impassive look saying.
“Being that you are able to joke around I guess you can go and do those things. I really don't think you need my company, but if Kaede and Kagome agree, then I'll go along just to make sure you don't over exert yourself.”
Sango looked at Kaede then to Kagome. Both mikos' shook their heads in agreement. Then Kagome and Kaede said in unison,
“Behave Miroku!”
Miroku threw his hand up to his chest and replied
“Ladies! You wound me deeply. But I promise to be on my best behavior. (Sighs) Guess I'll never be trusted.”
Kagome giggled patting Miroku's shoulder saying,
“Just think gentleman thoughts, if you can and it will come naturally”
At this moment Inuyasha stood up looking at Kagome, he said,
“Kagome we need to talk, walk with me.”
Kagome didn't move at the moment. She looked at all who was in the room. Then she looked at Inuyasha. She knew that look all to well, but what could he want to talk to her about in private? She stayed in her position eyes on Inuyasha saying,
“Would you all excuse us?”
She looked at Kaede and smiled. She knew that she needs to hear what Inuyasha has to say to her, if nothing but reaching a common ground on their issues. She'll let him speak and she'll listen, and hope that what comes out of her mouth will be sensible and with some degree of wisdom. In Inuyasha's case it may present a challenge, but he did surprise her sometimes.
They finally reached that all famous tree. She wondered what he would say to her. He usually walked in front of her. But now walked beside her. All the time Kagome kept reminding herself to just listen and not open her mouth. Just let him speak she hoped understanding will be present in her thinking as he spoke.
Inuyasha motioned for her to sit. Kagome did so on one of the many roots that protruded from the ground. For what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke,
“Kagome, I just want to say that I had no idea you had all those feelings inside you. I figured that once we would argue, you would calm down and we would go back to being friends. I know after what you heard me say to Kikyo about you, you have no need to forgive me and I know I have no right to ask. I never want to betray your friendship. I can never take back what I said. Was it stupid of me? Yes. I know I have a lot to make up for. I have no idea where to start.
But let me say that this whole possession thing has me worried. It can be the death of you. That frightens me. I have no way of protecting you. You taking this on is something that I don't understand. How could you accept without knowing the full consequences?”
Kagome at this time was just staring straight in front. Her mind was racing as she listened. Her heart was racing. She was becoming upset.
{Not once did he apologize for all he put me through. I know he has a hard time expressing his feelings. He's doing pretty fair so far. No apology present. But I'm not going to burst out. I'm going to try to keep it together.}
Inuyasha knew she was becoming upset he heard her heart racing; he knew she was going to start yelling. But to his surprise she took a deep breath and didn't say a word. She just sat silent as if waiting for him to finish. He was finished in fact he'd asked her a question. Hearing Kagome sighing she motioned for him to sit. He sat in front of her looking up at her for the root she was sitting on was elevated. Then Kagome spoke,
“Let me say this, I can't explain to you how this all really happened but if what Kaede said was true then I willfully accepted this. My guess is fate has other plans. What? I can't say. Everything we do is dangerous. I'm sometimes afraid of what may happen to me, oh heck to all of us. But one thing is certain; I am not giving up on this. Now that this has found its way in the future, I must be sure that my brother is not in any danger.
Which is why before I go on this trek I got to be certain that my brothers' connection is not going to present any harm to him or my family. My mom trusts me and that's all I need. You may not trust anything I do and that's fine. I'll live with that. Know this Inuyasha, no trust, no unity. Anything and anyone can split us apart. Just like you and Kikyo. Naraku just came between an already fragile relationship and tore you two apart.
For all we know Naraku may be involved in this. He's devious, conniving and will use any resource to get at us. That rat demon shard has me puzzled. No shards have been detected until that night. That was the tiniest shard ever. But that rat put up a huge fight. By the way, were you with Kikyo that night?”
Inuyasha gasped he didn't expect her to ask that question. It was a while before he answered. Kagome just stood up and started walking back to the hut. If he didn't want to answer that was fine.
“Wait Kagome! Where are you going?”
She stopped walking and turned around. Kagome's impassive look told Inuyasha that she was not going for his silence on her question. She said,
“Is there anything else you want to say to me Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha started to speak but didn't know if he should, seeing that her feelings were not there. He was afraid that she might yell at him.
“Kagome! Please don't go. I'm sorry for all of this. I can't tell you how it was for me not having you around all the months you were away. Shippou cried everyday, Sango gives me death stares and Miroku just asks me dumb questions, even Kaede nagged me, old hag! I never knew I hurt you that much. I can't ask you to forgive. I don't deserve your forgiveness.”
Kagome's look still impassive asked,
“What are you sorry for Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha gave her an incredulous look. Then he noticed her feelings returned and the sadness that waved from it was nothing like he'd ever felt from her. Then she spoke,
“You couldn't be sorry for telling Kikyo how useless I am could you? Well I don't think you are sorry. I can't be her. I'm not her. She's dead! I'm alive! I don't know Inuyasha, maybe I shouldn't exist at all?”
He couldn't believe she would say something like that he rushed up to her and grabbed her in an embrace. She struggled to be released, but Inuyasha would not let her go. Her pain was immense her tears held a bitterness that stung his senses, but he would not release her. He knew that this was something that only he could try to work out. He would even chance her purifying him. Kagome screamed,
“Please Inuyasha let me go! Let Me Go!”
He couldn't let go. Her struggles continued as he said in a voice that was full of determination,
“No Kagome I won't! I can't! Please forgive me. I'm sorry I ever said you were useless. You're not! You hear me! You're not!”
Kagome was tiring and couldn't struggle to get out of his grasp. She just slumped downward and jerked out the most sorrowful cry that he ever heard. They were both on their knees as Inuyasha still held Kagome in his embrace her sobbing was so great that it pulled at his heart. Through her sobbing Kagome said,
“It hurts so much Inuyasha (sob) so much. I only wanted you to be happy. I tried to be a friend to you, looking out for you when it's the new moon, but I guess (sob) I failed at that. At everything I tried. You do not need have someone who is as weak as I am around you, I'll only be a burden.”
Her sobbing continued. Inuyasha couldn't let her think he didn't need her. They all needed her. Her tears and sobbing kept coming. He didn't know what to do to get her to stop crying. But he held onto her. When she had stopped struggling, he just rubbed her back hoping it would calm her.
While he was trying to comfort her, all the words that she said to him the night before came stabbing at his heart like heated blades.
Stopping Kikyo from purifying you
Giving you the blade to defeat Sesshomaru
Protecting you on the new moon.
More, many more things she did. And you say she's useless! I don't know what it is she loves about you. But she loves you. Deeply. Feel her pain? You did that! You hurt her time and time again. I don't know what you can do to rectify this. It's going to take a lot.}
Inuyasha looked at the best friend he would ever have in his arms crying her heart out. He couldn't console her. He never knew a human could cry this much. He felt her hand on his chest trying to push away but he held on as she said,
“Inuyasha please I need air!”
He slowly released her. Her face was swollen and completely wet; her eyes were red and puffy. This was a face he could not bear to let occur again. Kagome slowly put her hand in her pocket and took out some tissue she had and wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She scooted herself away from Inuyasha but not far. He couldn't understand why she would move away at all. But he would not do anything to get her mad so he just looked at her. When she finished taking care of her face she looked at him.
“Inuyasha, I need time to adjust my feelings for you. Right now I'm too confused to give you an absolute answer. So much I must sort through. Maybe I expected too much, my choices are pretty screwed up. I just want you to know that what I said before was not true.”
Puzzled Inuyasha asked,
“Most of what you said was true, and I'm the one at fault. But what do you feel is not true?”
Kagome put her hand to his cheek rubbing her thumb back and forward looking in his eyes saying,
“That the most stupidest thing I ever done was pulling that arrow from your chest. I didn't mean that at all.”
Inuyasha leaned into her touch. Feeling her warmth, true sincere warmth. He then held her wrist of the hand that was holding his face and pull Kagome back to his chest. He said.
“May I hold you Kagome? I really miss holding you.”
She wanted to resist, sort of. She wanted to pull away, sort of. But she couldn't do either. She just let him hold her. She didn't want to dissolve their friendship. She didn't want him out of her life. But she was not going to be taken advantage of. He accepts her like she is or he could forget about her.
Inuyasha held her as if he may not see her again. He didn't want to lose her. If this friendship matters at all, he'll do what he can with in reason to stay in Kagome's good graces.
He noticed that she was lightly snoring. She was sleep! Just like Kagome. His Kagome. His very best friend Kagome. No one has ever thought of his well being before other than his mother. No one cared deeply for him since his mother. Did Kikyo care for him this much? He picked up Kagome bridal style and headed back to the hut.
When he got back to the hut he found everyone waiting. Seeing Kagome asleep in Inuyasha's arms lead them all to believe that they must have had one of their arguments. Not asking for any explanation, Shippou unrolled the sleeping bag so Inuyasha could lay her down. Sango suggested the men leave so she could undress her in her bedclothes. Miroku was more that happy to leave the hut and get some fresh air. He asked Inuyasha to walk with him since no one was going to get any of their questions answered tonight. Inuyasha ignored the monk.
When Sango said she was finished, Inuyasha went in to tell Sango that the monk needed to be walked or he may hurt himself. Sango knew Inuyasha enough to know that he was not leaving Kagome's side. Sango grabbed her weapon and headed out the hut. Shippou followed along with the couple as well as Kirara. Kaede went to the next hut where she spent meditating and left Kagome and Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was glad they left. He could think well when he was alone.
He heard Kagome moan. She opened her eyes seeing two beautiful golden ones looking at her. She slowly sat up. She wondered where everyone was. Inuyasha saw that she was looking for everyone. He told her that they took Miroku for a walk and Kaede was meditating. She lay back down. She said,
“Inuyasha, I thank you for trying to comfort me. I'm going to need time to deal with my feelings. Okay?”
Inuyasha understood. He didn't say a word. But he let Kagome know by rubbing her head as she went back to sleep. Unknown to them in the hut, the gang was outside the hut listening. They were grateful that they were on some civil terms.
They can only hope things will be somewhat normal. But fate has a way with turning things. They all hope it would be for the best.
A/N: I didn't mean for this to go on, but I couldn't let the tension between all of them go with out resolving some pinned up feelings. There's more to come. Souta's not out of it yet, and the perils of travel will follow. I thank all who took the time to read this my firs attempt at writing. Let me know what you think and bless you all. Peace!