InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original, wonderful creator Rumiko Takahashi and her wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro, Akemi and Yoshiro (aka Yo-Yo) are conjured by me.
CH. 16: The Real Miko Blues
Yo-Yo looked at the hanyou in the tree. Not getting a response to his question, he asked again in a very low tone,
“Are they calling for you? Beckoning you to follow? Who's calling for you?”
Inuyasha growled, never looking at the Kitsune. He felt that he did not have to answer. He kept his senses focused for danger. But at the same time he felt her. He felt Kikyo's presence, and as curious as he was, he was not moving from this spot. Not with the Kitsune still present. He didn't trust him.
Yo-Yo again not getting anything but a growl, returned to the fire. The monk and demon slayer had long fallen asleep. They were lying on the large fire cat as she wrapped her beautiful fluffy tails around her mistress and the monk. He then turned his sparkling green eyes towards his cousin and Kagome.
He was still puzzled by his cousin's behavior. He knew that his power of illusion was strong, but usually he should have reverted back to his older self. Maybe, just maybe Shippou was having difficulty in reverting back.
At that moment Kagome started to stir. She was moaning. It was a very sad sounding moan. It was almost as if she was crying. Her breaths were like that of hiccups and shuddering. As he was about to move towards the miko just to see what could be done, he noticed a flash of red out of nowhere. Startled by the sudden appearance of the hanyou he replied,
“What's wrong with her?”
Inuyasha not answering plucked Shippou out from Kagome grasp and threw him in the direction of the older Kitsune. Shippou totally unaware of what was happening, was coming out of a sleep stupor, when he noticed that he was being held by Yo-Yo he said in a very groggy voice,
“What's going on? Why are you holding me? Where's Ka…”
Shippou turned to look at Inuyasha holding Kagome in his arms. His expression is one of worry as he rubbed her face. The sounds of sadness radiating from Kagome was enough to make Shippou cry as he shouted,
“Inuyasha what did you do to her? Why is she…”
Inuyasha growled clenching his teeth saying,
“Shut up! She just started crying I'm trying to wake her but she's not coming out of this!”
Yo-Yo's heart felt as it was tightening as he heard the heart shattering cries coming from the kind-hearted miko. Trying to calm his cousin he defended Inuyasha by saying,
“It is true my cousin, the miko just started crying and Inuyasha rushed to her side.”
At that moment Miroku and Sango awakened to the sounds of the hanyou and the Kitsunes arguing. Sango, as fast as she could get up headed towards her friend. As she approached she noticed Inuyasha's expression. He was worried. So she asked,
“Inuyasha what's going on with Kagome? She was asleep. Is she having a nightmare?”
Inuyasha continued to rub Kagome's face. He couldn't wake her up. Not that he ignored Sango's question but all he said in a very worried tone was,
“I can't wake her up. She's not responding.”
At that moment Kagome moans gradually turned from incoherent sounds to words. What every one heard made their hearts drop.
**Inside Kagome**
She was sitting on her favorite log. Kagome mind was going in so many directions. The last thing she wanted to do was be a burden to anyone. She tried to pull her weight with her feudal family, as she liked to refer to the group. She knows she's not the best fighter, but she will defend. Sometimes she surprises herself not knowing where her bravery comes from.
She never given this much thought, but she liked this corner of her mind. She conjured a very beautiful place. The sky was very dark with the stars glimmering brightly and the warm air blew softly. The constellations were giving her a wonderful display. The silver gleam of the stars was almost dancing. Silver… Inuyasha…
Tears started to form and her heart knotted as if was going to constrict in her chest. She couldn't help it. She had to let go of this and not hold it in. The pain was too great. She doesn't know how to handle this pain. Comfort was needed…Mom…
Then, she let lose the bawling that needed release. Her very throat was as if it didn't have enough room to let out the pain, frustration, and anger that were building up straining to get out. This hurt so much.
“What did I do? What did I do?”
Kagome had her face in her hands as she bellowed loudly in to this beautiful night setting.
“I tried to just be a friend, that's all. I know he doesn't love me, but at least he could be a friend. I don't know what to do anymore! Maybe he doesn't trust me! I'm tired, so tired!”
Her crying turned into a series of coughs, hiccups and shuddering breaths. It was too much. Just then a presence was felt. There were tiny lights in the distance. Looks like fireflies. The lights traveled towards Kagome and surrounded her body. The tears that she was shedding were now being wiped away by the fireflies one by one. Their gentle touch caused Kagome to giggle for it tickled her face. Then in a round of voices, tiny voices, they asked,
“Why do you weep?”
Kagome couldn't believe that these fireflies talked to her! But then again, this is her corner of the world. As more tears flowed from her eyes, the fireflies continued to wipe away each one that flowed. Suddenly, something that felt like a hand touched her shoulder from behind her. She was startled for a moment and she turned and saw herself. This was Kagome's dark side. Not that this part of her was evil, just a stronger part of herself. This dark Kagome sat down beside the crying miko and embraced her. Once the crying miko calmed the dark Kagome said,
“We sure can take a lot from him. But I guess he needs a lot old girl.”
Kagome lifted her head from her dark half's shoulder and smiled. She
gave a giggle as she said,
“I guess you're right. Thank you. I guess I'm being a big baby now aren't I?”
Kagome started to wipe her face but the fireflies did the job for her, causing Kagome to giggle once again. It really tickled. He dark half smiled as she stood up taking Kagome with her. They walked over to the very large pond. The pond water was sparkling. The golden color of the moon reflected off the water making the moon dance as the gentle breeze caused the water to ripple. The fireflies followed the two as they sat down on the dew kissed grass. They just sat and looked out into the pond. The fireflies were putting on a display of different shapes causing both companions to smile and laugh as the fireflies also sang a non-sense song.
Then they heard laughter coming from behind them. It was Akemi and Takahiro. They saw the two girls and plopped beside Kagome. Akemi looked at Kagome's dark half and said,
“My dear, what happened to our young one here? I got a feeling it is the hanyou again?”
The dark half shook her head affirming Akemi's concerns. Takahiro crawled in front of Kagome so he could see her face. He saw pain as tracks of tears were still on a dry display. He asked,
“My young one, how much do you understand about your hanyou friend?”
Kagome's look became confused. How much did she understand? Based on what she did understand, she thought that it was enough. But maybe, just maybe there was more to know. Takahiro continued,
“Youkai and humans are different that goes without saying. But different youkai responds differently to humans. Some are receptive and some aren't tolerant at all.”
Kagome pondered this and realized that some humans are the same towards youkai. She herself accepts them no matter what. If they aren't evil, she totally accepts them. Takahiro continued,
“Your hanyou friend is in constant battle with what he is and what he wants to be, more likely because he's neither one or the other, human nor demon.”
Kagome recalled Inuyasha telling her that once and that he created a place in this world for himself. She understood how hard it was for him to live in this day and time. But still he remained to stay around humans. As her mind was processing this, she turned her attention back to Takahiro as he continued,
“I can not say I understand how it must be for him to survive, for I do not know of any half demons personally. I can only imagine it being difficult not being accepted. I myself was ostracized for my beliefs as well as my beautiful mate. Though we are what some in the demon world consider lesser demons because we are small, we make up for our cunning and staying in constant vigil. Even though we appear to very light hearted, we know we must stay alert about ourselves.”
Kagome looked at the Kitsune mates and smiled. She saw how the two interact with each other, playful yet always affectionate. She wondered about demons relationship so she asked,
“Do you two love each other?”
Akemi and Takahiro looked at Kagome and then at each other. Akemi gave a warm smile while Takahiro snickered. Akemi playfully slapped his arm and responded to Kagome,
“To be honest, we demons do love. Some put so much stock in it just being affection and saying that love is a wasted emotion for humans only. But yes, I do love my baka here as well as my son!”
Akemi mussed her mate's hair and giggled. She detected Kagome's sadness as she looked up and saw her dark half holding her from behind. Kagome went into another round of tears. Takahiro and Akemi were confused as to why Kagome was crying. They looked at her dark half and said,
“We didn't mean to make her cry! We were just answering her question.”
Kagome felt foolish for her tears. She was just overwhelmed that the couple loved each other. She often wondered about Inuyasha's parents' love for each other. She also felt bad about Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship being destroyed. She cried because maybe Inuyasha would never trust her to care for him. Maybe he'll always have it in his mind that she may betray him! Her dark half knew what she was feeling and turned Kagome around to face her as she said in a stern, but understanding tone,
“Kagome, you know now that you are just letting your mind go into a wild spin of emotions. You already know he cares for you. He might be a bit confused, but don't doubt that he cares for you. Sure he's a jerk, but one that would give his life for you. All I can say is that right now you need a time out! You are going to let me take over until you feel strong enough then I will come back. But right now we have a mission to complete and you can't do anything in this state! Rest here a while please. You will be the better for it. Don't worry, I'll take care of our loving jerk!”
With that she gave Kagome a smirk and then gave her a huge hug. The fireflies got between them and again cleaned Kagome's face. She giggled and turned to Akemi and Takahiro. She apologized for her tears telling them,
“You two are so wonderful together. I guess in my naïve-ness I want everyone to be like you two or at least have this much love towards each other. Silly aren't I?”
The Kitsune couple both gave Kagome an embrace as they sandwiched Kagome between them. Akemi started to hum her tune as she stroked Kagome's back. Kagome felt herself relaxed between them. Her dark half smiled and gave a wink to the couple as she said,
“I'll be surfacing for a while. She needs to rest. I know you two will look out for her.”
The dark half faded away as Takahiro and Akemi led Kagome to her favorite log and sat her down on the cool grass in front of the log. Akemi sat with her back against the log and transformed into her large fox body in a curled position then giving her mate a gentle yip.
Takahiro beckoned for Kagome to come closer to his mate and gently laid Kagome's head on Akemi's right shoulder. He then transformed into his large fox body facing his mate, and curled his body so that his large fluffy tail lay on his mate's tail. His head rested on the top of his mate's head, as Akemi's head rested on her mate's front paws.
Kagome felt so safe and warm sandwiched between her fox friends as she heard Akemi still humming her tune. She reached up as stroked Takahiro's muzzle and then Akemi's shoulder saying,
“Thank you so much, I do feel a lot better.”
The couple mentally told Kagome in unison,
“Rest our friend, just rest.”
Kagome smiled and closed her eyes.
**Outside Kagome**
Kagome's ranting was making Inuyasha uncomfortable as he heard her sobbing words,
“What did I do? What did I do?”
Sango's heart was knotting up as tears started to flow. Her sister-friend was in pain and she felt so helpless. Miroku held Sango's shoulders trying to calm her. Shippou was also sporting tears as he heard the one person he cared deeply for wail in pain. Her moaning was then followed by,
“I tried to just be a friend, that's all. I know he doesn't love me, but at least he could be a friend. I don't know what to do anymore! Maybe he doesn't trust me! I'm tired, so tired!”
Inuyasha just held Kagome close to him. Never! Never did he mean to cause this much pain to her. He just didn't know how to comfort her when she's like this. She's so fragile right now and he's afraid that if he says anything, it may hurt her more. But he didn't want to hear this heart wrenching crying from her.
Suddenly the crying stopped. Kagome eyes opened. She looked up and saw strands of silver hair and the red from his shirt. Her face was soaked and she realized now what had happened. She gently pushed her head back and noticed Inuyasha's face. His beautiful golden eyes that she loved so, were full of concern, she wondered was the concern for her? As she opened her mouth to speak the sound of her voice was even, almost with no feelings,
“Inuyasha you can let go of me please.”
As Kagome again gently pushed herself from Inuyasha's embraced, she sat up to see that all eyes were on her. She was feeling a bit uncomfortable and out of sorts as she asked,
“Okay guys what happened?”
Miroku told her what went on as Inuyasha was trying to awaken her because she was crying in her sleep. Kagome nodded in understanding and looked at Sango. She saw that Sango was in tears and held her arms out to her telling her that she was fine. She looked at everyone and said,
“I'm so sorry I made all of you concerned. I won't be a problem like that anymore. I'll try to keep my emotions as stable as I can. Right now I'm still tired and want to lie back down. I'm so sorry everyone.”
Assuring Sango as best she could, she told her she was fine. Sango slowly leaving Kagome's went back to stand by the monk. With that she pulled the cover of her sleeping bag over her body and soon was back to sleep. Everyone looked at her. Then at Inuyasha as he said,
“Why are you all looking at me? What did I do?”
A chorus of groans sounded from all except Yo-Yo who just kept a blank face and studied the interaction with this unusual crew. They couldn't believe Inuyasha asked such a question. Sango and Miroku went back to their spot on Kirara as Shippou just lay on the outside cover near Kagome's stomach. Yo-Yo just watched as everyone went back to sleep. Inuyasha did not go back up in the tree. He stayed as closed to Kagome as he could. He still didn't trust the Kitsune so he kept his vigil on the ground.
Souta felt out of sorts. He missed going to his job after school. He really felt like the man of the family. His mother was handling all of the responsibility of the shrine. It left him with time to help out around the shrine. He swept the grounds, steps and did the tours of the shrine. He saw how his mother looked at him as he did these chores. He even went so far as dressing in the traditional garb while his grandfather was off helping his friend. He realizes he could have been with his friends playing videos or practicing soccer moves, but he felt his mom needed him.
Souta felt something strange. He couldn't put his finger on it but he knew something was not right. Something like a weird presence and it filled him with great unease. The group that he was giving a tour to was taking pictures as he looked around them. He caught a glimpse of a tall man that was in a black suit that gave a quick look his way then turned his head away when he noticed Souta looking his way. The tall man turned his back as Souta saw him walking towards the shrine steps. The tall man had a long ponytail that ended just below the shoulder blades.
Souta wanted to get a better look at this man. So he apologized to the group and excused himself from them. He ran in the direction where he saw the tall man was descending down the steps but when he reached the top of the steps, strangely the tall man disappeared. How strange? He wasn't that far from the step where he couldn't at least catch the man going half way down. He and his sister ran these steps many times, but the man must have flown literally down the rest. He couldn't believe it. How un-nerving! He will have to tell his mom about this. He just got a strange feeling from the tall man. He knew it was the stranger because just as he reached the top steps, the strange feeling was gone from him.
When he returned to the group he continued the rest of the tour. There were only two more spots to take them to then he could end his day at the shrine for he had homework to get done. But that tall man will make for some concern at dinner, mom will have to know. The group had started to leave giving thanks to their guide as Souta bowed to them. Souta turned to head back to the house. He needed to start his homework as soon as possible. Entering the house his mother called to him to come to the kitchen. She asked him how the tour went and he told her it went well. He decided tell her about the strange man at dinner because he wanted grandpa to be present as well. He mentioned that he was going to go start his homework and his mother smiled and let him go.
Dinner was quiet but as soon as Souta remembered he blurted out,
“Grandpa, Mom, I forgot to mentioned that there was a strange looking man lurking around the shrine. He had on a black suit and he had a long ponytail and he was very tall. It was as if he was staring at me while I was giving a tour. At first I didn't notice him but then I felt a presence that was strange. I never felt anything like it. It was like I was being warned about something and I felt like I had to look for it. I looked around and saw him and it was then that the feeling told me I was right. I wanted to get a better look at him but he went down the steps. I wasn't that far away when I got to the edge of the steps he was gone, almost as if he disappeared. Unless he was the god of speed Mercury, he either flew or disappeared, because at normal speed he should have been no farther than halfway down the steps. It was unbelievable!”
Grandpa let his grandson get out his explanation because the boy left no room for interruptions. Once Souta was ready to take a much needed breathe Grandpa interrupted saying,
“Young man, you sure you were not imagining how close or far you were from the step to come to the conclusion that the stranger allegedly flew as you said down the steps?”
Souta was surprised his grandfather asked such a question! With a look of disbelief he defended himself by saying,
“Oh, come on Jii-chan! Kagome goes back and forth through time fighting monsters and demons, a half dog demon and a fox child visit us and you say that I might be imagining this stranger! We live on a shrine! Strange things are always happening! I promised Kagome that I'd let you guys know if something strange happens and this is what I get.”
Souta pouted as Mrs. Higurashi thought it was time to do a little interruption of her own by saying,
“All right you two, enough debating about how strange our shrine is or the strange things that goes on. This stranger Souta, have you seen him before today?”
Souta thought for a moment and answered,
“Not really mom, but he gave me a strange feeling when I noticed him and then he moved away. That's when I got suspicious and followed after him.”
Grandpa was still eating as Souta mentioned the promise he made to his sister. So he asked,
“Souta, any connection with your sister lately through the locket?”
Souta knew that this question would pop up, so with a sigh he responded,
“Yes Grandpa, I have around a couple nights ago. It was scary. They were all fighting monsters. Huge ones! Inuyasha got hurt really badly, but the others managed to weaken them while Inuyasha and Kagome dealt the fatal blow. Kagome used her arrows, but what was strange at one point in the battle, she had blue flames coming out of her hands.”
Grandpa and his daughter interrupted for a moment saying in unison,
“Blue flames?”
Souta nodded his head excitedly and continued,
“Yes! And she shot it from her hands. Then the monsters were all looking at Kagome and…”
He stopped his thoughts there when he noticed the look on his audience faces. They were wide eyed and look like deer facing a car's headlights! Souta was wondering if he'd said something that he should not have mentioned. It worried him seeing the expressions on their faces. Just then mom broke out of her surprised look and said,
“I'm sorry honey continue!”
So Souta continued telling the images he saw. Grandpa was still a little shaken, he knew his granddaughter was battling evil demons and such, but not to this degree. But he also considered that it was because she was possessed, she had abilities that helped her. He only prayed that the dog boy do his job at protecting her.
He didn't want to make Souta afraid to tell them what's going on, so he said to the boy,
“Thank you Souta for telling us. We know that this must have been hard for you. You are really growing to be a fine young man. Now if I can only make you understand how important it is for you to study the priesthood…”
Souta cut Grandpa off saying,
“Oh come on Jii-chan! I want to be a athlete, a soccer pro…
Mom knew where this was going, like always these two never let a day go by without mentioning Souta's career. As they continued their discussion, she cleared the table of the dishes and left the men to their talk. She was glad at how Grandpa handled the situation with Souta. He knew that his grandson was a bit skittish so to help him feel at ease, he complemented him on being responsible toward the promise he made his sister.
The discussion was about to get heated so mom interrupted,
“Okay you two enough! Souta time for you to prepare for bed you do have school. I want you up a little earlier. I'm going to see you to school. Since you told us about that stranger, I don't want to take any chances.”
Souta pouted, he didn't want to be treated like a baby. He knew how to travel and he didn't want his mother to go back to treating him like a toddler! So he said,
“Mom, I'll be fine. I'm very aware of my surroundings when I go to school. Tell you what mom, just see me to the bus stop okay, the walk to the school is less than a half a block away, and you know I'll run into my classmates so we'll be in a group as we enter the school grounds. Please mom!”
Mrs. Higurashi knew her son was being responsible and trying to be brave, but her mother instinct was telling her to do as she first thought and take him to school. But then she thought that if she trusts Kagome, she'd have to trust the gods to look over him, and trust her son. Taking a deep breath she looked at her son's pleading eyes and surrendered,
“Okay, but I will be waiting at the bus stop when you come home.”
Grandpa told them that he would be at the shrine now that his friend is feeling stronger so he'll keep his eyes out for anything strange. As both men retired to their rooms, Mrs. Higurashi just continued cleaning and securing the house. Her sleep will be very light tonight, but she'll keep a vigil on her son and that locket he has.
The camp woke to tightness and tension. The argument was who was going to escort Kagome to the springs. The only one Kagome preferred to escort her was Sango and Kirara. Inuyasha protested saying that he was going to make sure she was protected being that a stranger was in camp. Kagome gave a sigh and just grabbed Sango as they walked towards the springs with Kirara trailing behind.
Yo-Yo was just observing the interaction between everyone. The monk losing his argument about going, just made himself busy getting water on for tea. Shippou was arguing with Inuyasha about wanting to go with the women. He has always gone before; he wanted to know why was he being denied going with them now. At that moment Yo-Yo picked up his cousin and walked a few feet away from them. Inuyasha and Miroku look at them and saw Yo-Yo whisper something in Shippou's ear and the little fox-child crossed his arms and pouted walking back towards the other men.
Yo-Yo had a stern look as he kept his eyes on the fox-child. Inuyasha at that moment thought to say,
“Boy what did you say to him? He'd usually cry until Kagome breaks down and give into his bratty behavior.”
Yo-Yo just stared sternly at Shippou because he knows that the fox-child had defiance on his mind. He stared because he saw Shippou's tail twitching. Shippou stared at Yo-Yo all the while pouting and twitching his tail. Suddenly, Shippou reached in his vest and pulled out a leaf and there were clones of Shippou running around the camp.
Yo-Yo knew he had to give chase. His cousin was using his multiple image power to confuse him. Yo-Yo knew the trick very well. He knew that Shippou was going to make a run towards the springs anyway. So Yo-Yo chased after him. Shippou not getting very far as Yo-Yo grabbed his cousin by the scruff of his neck, laughing all the while as Shippou ranted on about this not being fair. Yo-Yo walked back with his cousin and places him down beside him. Shippou crossed his arms pouting again.
Inuyasha and Miroku watched as the two fox youkai ran around. The multiple images of Shippou that were running around had started to disappear one by one. Then Inuyasha and Miroku saw Yo-Yo run towards the direction where the springs were. Inuyasha had started to run after him, but Miroku stopped him giving Inuyasha a look that said, `wait and see!' A few moments later they saw Yo-Yo laughing and a fighting and ranting Shippou dangling from Yo-Yo's grip.
Miroku passed Inuyasha a cup of tea, and passed one to Yo-Yo. Shippou turned up his nose and did not take the cup of tea from Miroku. He just stared at the flames and continued to pout.
Inuyasha just started laughing as he saw how Yo-Yo handled Shippou. Shippou started to shake with anger, as Inuyasha's laughter continued and he knew it was meant to tease him. Shippou started to make a jump towards Inuyasha. Again Yo-Yo grabbed Shippou forcing him to sit beside him this time a little harder and giving him an even sterner look.
Inuyasha was impressed. Never before has anyone but Kagome and maybe even Sango had been able to quiet the brat. He kept laughing as he sipped his tea. Inuyasha was a little curious though. Why was this stranger who called himself Shippou's cousin being so forceful with him. He knew Shippou needed a little guidance, but Kagome would not let him discipline Shippou without being `sit' to hell. So he asked, Yo-Yo,
“How the hell you get him to mind? He's been pure hell since he's been with us.”
Yo-Yo did not answer him right away, but kept his eye on the fox-child. He knew Shippou would try to runaway again. Shippou kept his arms folded and pouted. When Yo-Yo satisfied that Shippou would not make a break for it, he looked to Inuyasha and said,
“I see. He can be spoiled very easily as we all can. I see he's allowed the priestess to spoil him without limitations. He knows very well that there are limitations. That's why I'm here. With this training he must go through, he will need to get rid of the pretense of being a child forever.”
Inuyasha eyebrows went up as he caught the last part of Yo-Yo's statement, `being a child forever.' Just what did that mean? So Inuyasha asked,
“What do you mean by forever? You mean he can stay this way? Forever a runt and bratty as hell?”
Yo-Yo turned his attention back to his pouting cousin and noticed that Shippou was becoming irritated as he responded to Inuyasha,
“Not really, although he's been in this child state for so long, that the illusion will not revert back to where he should be. The longer he maintains this illusion, the harder it can become to change back.”
Yo-Yo put his face towards Shippou's saying low and slowly,
“And he should be back to my age. Right cousin?”
Shippou jumped up and turned away from Yo-Yo. Shippou knew that Yo-Yo was trying to get him to explode. He was not going to give Yo-Yo the satisfaction of bawling. Yo-Yo chuckled as he sat up to finish his tea.
At the hot springs, Kagome and Sango relaxed as they soaked after washing themselves. It felt so good and both women just enjoyed the warmth the spring gave. They both sported towels on their heads after getting their hair squeaky clean. Sango noticed that Kagome was not talking as much as she normally did. She would usually refer to her family, friends at school, but she's not even talking about them. This worried Sango. She knew that whatever Inuyasha put her through, she never let that damper their talks. Sango decided to break the silence by saying,
“Kagome, what do you think about Yo-Yo? Inuyasha seems to feel he's a phony, but I've noticed that Kirara has taken a fancy to him. She never even took to Miroku that way.”
Kagome had a thoughtful look as Sango asked her question. She did think that Yo-Yo was certainly charming, he had manners of a royal prince, but she also saw a degree of mischief that can surely cause trouble. Must be a Kitsune thing. Kagome saw that Sango was waiting for an answer so she replied,
“Well I think he's very charming like a nobleman, and I also see that he can be mischievous like our little Shippou. But there also seems to be calmness to him. If I'm not mistaken he seems almost spiritual.”
Sango raised her eyebrows giving Kagome a confused look as she said,
“Spiritual? Really? I never gave it a thought that demons might be spiritual.”
Sango just nodded as she thought about what Kagome just mentioned about demons being spiritual. Kagome continued,
“Well, I just think that all demons are not bad. Inuyasha at one time mentioned that all demons are, but Kirara's not bad. Shippou's not bad, even Miroku's tanuki friend, Hachie's not bad, mischievous maybe, but not bad. I mean some humans are down right cruel and evil as well as demons. I think that demons can be spiritual as well. They inhabit this world with us; surely I think they belong just like us. I think humans and demons, as we tend tocall them disconnected from each other so long ago. I'd like to think that we were all together at one time.”
Sango detected sadness in her sister-friend's voice. She moved closer to Kagome putting her hand on her shoulder. She knew at this point that Kagome had Inuyasha on her mind. She understood Kagome's loyalty towards him, but it pained her to see her suffer because of his immaturity, but more importantly, his disregard of Kagome whenever Kikyo appears. It burned her to no end! Kagome put her hand over Sango's hand that was on her shoulder and gave her a smile saying,
“I know, I'm being a sad case again aren't I. I guess we should get back the guys may want to wash. Sango… thanks. I'm fine. Really.”
As Kagome was getting ready to stand up to leave the spring, Sango grabbed her wrist saying,
“Kagome, I don't want you to ever think that you're a burden at least not to me. I have come to be very close to you. Even though I didn't relate to many females in my village because I was always around males who taught me to fight. Not to many women were slayers. Just something I chose to do. So girls my age were preparing to become wives and mothers, here I am slaying demons. I kind of felt isolated because I didn't fit in with them. Don't get me wrong, I cherished them, but I couldn't relate at times.
“You showed me that it was okay to have an occupation and consider being a wife and mother one day. You help me to have faith that one day I'll have my brother back in my life. Strangely with Inuyasha's help and even that lecher Miroku, My faith is stronger knowing that. So please don't you ever feel that you are not worth having around, because believe me, when you're not here, you are missed!”
Tears welled in both the women eyes and they just held each other for the moment. They both giggled and released each other saying what bakas they were being and they exited the springs to return to the camp. Kirara sat up as the women approached to put their clothing on. She heard them laughing as she mewed wondering what was going on with them. The two just rubbed her head as they dried their bodies and got dressed and headed back to camp.
Inuyasha was still laughing at how Shippou was being handled. Miroku told Inuyasha that he should ease up on teasing the little kit. But of course Inuyasha didn't. Shippou was growling in pure annoyance showing all his little fangs towards Inuyasha. Yo-Yo couldn't help but chuckle inward for he didn't want Shippou to see his amusement. He knew soon that Shippou was going to break.
Out of nowhere, Inuyasha felt his head go backwards hitting the ground as Shippou jumped square in his face with his tiny fist, pounding on Inuyasha's face. Miroku just gave a sigh. He knew he could not and would not interfere with demons and their roughhousing. Inuyasha grabbed Shippou by his collar and glared over to Yo-Yo asking,
“Hey Fox! Why aren't you protecting your so-called cousin now? You were ready to slice me up earlier! What's changed?”
Yo-Yo realized too late that he shouldn't have interfered with Inuyasha and Shippou's argument. If the hanyou had not killed or seriously injured his cousin by now, he wasn't going to do so now. He needed to apologized so as humble as he could he said,
“I realized that I shouldn't have interfered. I just didn't understand the ways of your pack. I was only looking out for family, but I realize that your pack is the family he has come to rely on and I do apologize Inuyasha especially for upsetting Kagome.”
Inuyasha just gave his ever-loving “Feh!” and tossed Shippou to Yo-Yo dusting himself off. He caught the scent of the women returning to camp. He first saw Kirara in her kitten form run and jumped on Yo-Yo's shoulder rubbing her face on his cheeks. Yo-Yo gave a hearty laugh as she also used her twin tails and tickled his neck.
Kagome and Sango soon arrived and put away their bathing supplies and started to get breakfast ready. Miroku made the women sit as he poured them a cup of tea telling them to relax and he would be happy to serve them.
Much to the delight of Kagome she graciously accepted his offer as so did Sango. But Sango was wondering why he was being so helpful. She didn't say anything. Miroku was thoughtful at times. She'll just thank him. Inuyasha couldn't believe Miroku was putting on such a show of phoniness. Why was he being so…nice! He yelled,
“Hey Miroku, what's with the being nice? Expect something in return?”
Kagome gasped at Inuyasha's tacky statement so she said,
“Inuyasha! Why are you being rude? Don't make me use the…”
Inuyasha cut her off,
“Oi Wench, why are you defending him, you know he'll just get in his…”
He stopped because he didn't sense any emotion from Kagome. She just stared at him like before. So now he didn't know whether she would say the `It' word. A pause went by and she didn't say the command. He didn't like it when that happened. Kagome just blew into her cup and sipped her tea.
Miroku served the girls some of the roasted fish along with some of the rice cakes that the kind people of the village gave them. The girls thanked Miroku for his hospitality and offered to clean up. He held up his hand and told them to just relax and the men will take care of clean up. No problem from Shippou or Yo-Yo who was more than happy to help out. Only Inuyasha just sat with his arms crossed in his sleeve. The women were really awed and delighted that Miroku sparked such cooperation. The camp was tidy and provisions were packed. Kagome was so appreciative she couldn't help herself and leaning closer to Sango saying softly,
“Let's both give Miroku a hug!”
Sango gasped as her eyes widened looking at Kagome as if she lost her mind as Kagome continued,
“Oh come on Sango! You hold one side of his hand and I'll hold the other, that way he won't grope either of us. Okay?”
Sango blushed as Kagome pulled her up and headed towards Miroku. Being that his back was turned he didn't expect to be so lovingly ambushed by two beautiful women as they sang in unison,
“Thank you Miroku!”
Holding his hands as planned, they planted a squeeze hug on his shoulders with their cheeks. Miroku caught completely off guard as he said,
“Ladies, this is pleasantly unexpected. I'm not complaining at all. I just felt that all the things you two have done for me, it was the least I could do for taking such great care of me.”
Kagome giggled and gently patted Miroku's arm leaving Sango to his other arm. She then turned to Shippou and held her arms out to him and he quickly jumped in her arms, as she held him tight. She turned her attention to Yo-Yo and bowed to him giving her thanks to him as well. Inuyasha seeing this display of gratitude grumbled as he barked out,
“All this gratitude is sickening! These morons were doing nothing but showing off.”
Kagome felt that she needed to comment being he felt the need to.
“Well I like their degree of showing off. They were very helpful, unlike someone who chose to slack off.”
Inuyasha growled and got in Kagome's face saying,
“And you say that I slacked off!”
Kagome answered sharply saying,
“You didn't help did you? All you did was pout and growled about!”
Inuyasha turned his back and walked over to the tree and jumped up. Kagome gave a sigh and turned to Miroku saying,
“Are you going to the hot springs? Sango and I with Kirara will be fine.”
Miroku thought it would be a great idea to relax and soak for a spell so he looked up the tree to see if Inuyasha wanted to join them. Inuyasha just ignored him. Yo-Yo knew this would not sit well with the hanyou so with a mischievous look he made a mention to stay behind just to see what response he would get,
“I would be glad to stay to guard the camp until your return Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha barked out a quick response,
“Not on your life buddy! If you're going to the springs I suggest you go on!”
Yo-Yo chuckled to himself because he knew he would get a response of that nature. His protection is strong for the women in his group. He grabbed Shippou placing him on his shoulder. Miroku gathered he and Shippou's things and the men headed off towards the springs.
Kagome and Sango just talked among themselves as they discussed what they might face once they made it to the Kitsune village. Inuyasha ears twitched back and forth listening to the women's chatter and the men footsteps heading away from the camp.
Sango asked Kagome a question that caused Inuyasha to have his attention fully on their conversation. She asked,
“Kagome I know there will come a time when you'll have the exorcism, what worries me is if your soul will be the same. I have seen some exorcisms that went horribly wrong. The person became like a zombie.”
Kagome gave a thoughtful look to her sister-friend. She knew that Sango seen a lot of things being a demon slayer. She also experienced a lot of weird occurrences traveling with them. So as best as she could, she tried to assure her by saying,
“I have faith in Miroku. He may sometimes come off as a total lecherous jerk, but I believe that he'll do what he needs to do when the time comes. Just make sure you're guarding my backside.”
At first Sango didn't get what she referred to in her last statement, then she laughed when she saw Kagome's grin. Both women laughed as Inuyasha jumped down from the tree. He plopped right next to Kagome giving a stern stare. Kagome asked,
“What's wrong now Inuyasha?”
He looked over at Sango then back at Kagome and said,
“I'm more concerned about the two spirits that's in you. Fox demons are very cunning and tricky. Who's to say that they won't leave your body? You might be possessed the rest of your life. Like you're not mixed up as it is, you don't need these tricksters inside you screwing you around.”
Kagome had an incredulous look on her face. She couldn't believe that Inuyasha had not one ounce of faith in her. She knew that Shippou's parents would not do such a thing. She could feel it is the right thing to do for the fox-child. But what upset her more is how he referred to her being mixed up! Her eyes widened as she said,
“You are gonna sit there and tell me that I'm mixed up! Well listen dog boy, if I am that mixed up, then you are the main contributor. These two spirits in me are only concerned about their kit. So I'm gonna help them. You know that now, so can we drop it already! You've expressed your concerns, I appreciate them, so soon as the guys get back we'll pack up and leave. They are only allowed to reside in me a short while. How long, I don't really know.”
Inuyasha huffed, as he was about to comment he sensed a presence that was all too familiar. I was Kikyo. Kagome saw how Inuyasha attention went from her to staring around the camp looking for something. She assumed that at first it may have been the guys, but they had not too long ago left the camp. But then she studied his face and soon it set in who it could be. She took a deep sigh and started to gather things together to pack.
Sango also noticed the hanyou's face and saw as his eyes turned to Kagome. Sango kept staring at Inuyasha wondering if he was going to say anything. But he never did, she knew he always waited for Kagome to give him the okay to leave to see the dead priestess. Kagome never looked his way; she just continued the chores of packing. Inuyasha noticed that Sango was staring at him so he went on the defensive asking,
“Something you want to say Sango?”
Sango wasn't going to answer him because she didn't want her anger to show, so she just joined Kagome in packing for departure. Inuyasha stood still as he watched Kagome occupied herself by folding this, rolling that and stuffing everything.
Inuyasha slowly walked to the tree and hopped up perching himself on a sturdy branch. He knew not to bother Kagome at the moment since she seems to be already touchy. He didn't want to agitate the situation. Anyway, the stranger amongst them was keeping him close.
At the hot spring, Miroku, Shippou and Yo-Yo were lounging in the perfect temperature water laughing and conversing about their adventures. Miroku thought opportunity was now to inquire about Yo-Yo swords. The two kitsunes were laughing when Miroku asked,
“Pardon the interruption Yo-Yo-san, but I've been meaning to ask you about your swords. I couldn't help but notice the fine craftsmanship and the ornate design on the scabbard it's truly astounding. Where did you get such a sword?”
Yo-Yo never losing his laughter as he and Shippou was enjoying their moment of splashing, regarded the monk's interest in his swords. He stood up to retrieve the swords as he answered,
“I'll tell you when we walk back to camp. Makes a great walking story I promise.”
Miroku smiled as he settled for waiting to hear the older Kitsune story. The older Kitsune held the swords out towards the monk for him to examine it. Miroku was hesitant at first because he assumed that Yo-Yo's sword was a demon sword he knew that most humans couldn't touch a demon sword. Yo-Yo smiled as he noticed the look on monk's face that sited caution.
Yo- Yo held the swords out further for the monk to inspect. He knew that the monk was curious so he grabbed the monk's hand and forced him to touch it. To Miroku's surprise he didn't know what to expect, but nothing happened. Yo-Yo laughed as he saw the relief in the monk's face and said,
“Ha,ha,ha…what were you expecting monk? Eternal damnation? You should see your face.”
Miroku accepted Yo-Yo's teasing and said,
“I had no idea what to expect. There are some demons swords that cannot be touched by humans. Forgive me for assuming the worst.”
Yo-Yo just smiled as he watched Shippou back stroking in the water. Turning his attention back to the monk, he saw as Miroku unsheathed the blades and looked at the blades with a meticulous inspection. Observing every inch of the scabbard alone then Miroku said,
“The artwork is incredibly beautiful, and the detailed etching of this fox is outstanding! I would like to ask you who's your sword smith? I know that a demon constructed Inuyasha's sword originally from his father's fang and later used Inuyasha's fang. Is your constructed the same way?”
Yo-Yo knew he had to go into his story about the sword. The monk was too absorbed in his curiosity to be stifled. So he sighs and said,
“The swords were crafted by a monk in the main land of China. I was there when I was young. After my parents mysteriously died, I was ostracized because of my spiritual beliefs. I always believed that we all have a place in this world, but many demons believed that we are not to co-inhabit with humans because they are considered below what demons are. Not all demons feel this way of course but many do. It makes it highly impossible to change the views of demons who has it etched in their hearts that humans are a disease to the earth.”
Yo-Yo saw as the monk had a solemn look on his face as Miroku said,
“You know, until I met Kagome, I felt that demons especially ones hell bent on destroying humans were to be banished from this world. Kagome showed me that most demons were to be given the benefit of the doubt unless otherwise provoked. As for changing the views of most humans, it's equally impossible.
“But back to your swords, was the smith of this remarkable sword human by any chance?”
Yo-Yo knew that the monk had much insight so he answered,
“You are correct. The monk that forged the swords did use something from me. It was not just my fang, but my blood as well. The monk told me that everyday that he worked on the sword, he prayed to the gods for my protection. Since I lived with these monks they even told me that my spiritual aura was special for a demon.
“They seem not surprised that I have spiritual energy and knew of this the moment they rescued me from a group of malcontent soldiers. They were watching me from afar and stepped in and put those soldiers in their place. There were seven monks to about fifty soldiers. I was amazed at their fighting skills, their swiftness, and precision in their execution, and the monks didn't kill not one soldier but hurt them pretty badly.
“The elder monk walk up to me and said `Young one, it can be dangerous for you a Kitsune pup in these parts. Come with us. Many like yourself are facing perilous times.' I didn't understand, but I knew I needed to follow them.”
Miroku listened to Yo-Yo's story of times he spent at the temple with the monks. Seeing that the blades were together he laid the scabbard on his lap when he went to separate the swords. As he did the separations, he felt something run through his body. It caused his hands to tremble and saw eerie blue sparks shooting through his hands. Miroku immediately put the swords together as the sensation that he felt stopped.
Yo-Yo eyes widened as he saw the reaction of the monk when he separated the swords. He saw Miroku's hands shake as the blue sparks shot through his hands. The monk quickly put the swords together as the sensation stopped. Yo-Yo carefully took the blades from Miroku and sheathed the blade back in the scabbard. He watched as the monk looked at both of his hands opening and closing them as well as shaking as though they might be burning. Yo-Yo asked,
“Are you all right Monk? Is there any pain present?”
Miroku caught the concern tone in the kitsune's voice. He smiled a little to ease the concern, but he was amazed at what he felt as he answered,
“No, I'm not hurt at all. It felt invigorating! I must say that had I held onto it longer, no telling what might have occurred. I'm still tingling from this experience.”
Yo-Yo- had to agree. Some humans that have touched his swords in the past have never had this reaction. He wondered if it maybe a response to his spiritual powers.
At that moment Shippou ran from the spring as the men were dried and dressed. Shippou saw the blue sparks coming from their direction and wondered what it was all about. The men explained to him what happened and Shippou was excited that his cousin had such a blade that has some power as he joyfully said,
“Wow you mean there's more than one sword of power with us? This is great! We have the Tetsuaiga and the… uh what are your swords called Yo-Yo?”
Yo-Yo smiled at his cousin's wide-eyed features and said,
“Simply it is called Hu Li Jing Mo. The monk who had it made for me said it was my spirit sword since a part of me went into forging it. When I was being trained, many strange things happened. But we should leave that for another time. I feel we should be getting back”
Miroku agreed as the men hurried Shippou along so they could leave. Shippou was amazed that his cousin had a powerful sword. He wasn't sure if it was as powerful as Inuyasha's but an extra source of power to help protect the group was fine by him.
Sango and Kagome had finished packing the last of everything. As they waited for the others return, Kagome examined her bowstring and then her arrows. Sango noticed that she had the chanting stick and the yin-yang disk on her arms. It seemed to be a bit different in its appearance since the first time she saw it so she asked,
“Kagome, the things on your arm seem to be different somehow. I don't know exactly how to say how it changed, but it seems to be a little lighter in color.”
Kagome looked at the disk and saw what Sango meant. She didn't know if it was anything to be concerned about but all the same she said,
“Gee, it is lighter. Don't know if it has anything to do with what it does. We'll ask Miroku when he returns. Maybe it's nothing I hope.”
Inuyasha jumped down from the tree. He told them that the guys were on their way back. At that moment the guys came towards the campsite seeing that all had been packed up. Only the fire, which was burning very low, was the last life of the camp.
After the campfire was extinguished, the crew set out on the road to the Kitsune village. Kagome was walking very slowly memorizing this place. It was truly beautiful. The hot spring was the most beautiful. So tranquil the spring was especially in the night. Sango noticed how Kagome was gazing back every so often looking at the former campsite. Wondering why she asked,
“Kagome, you keep looking back, did you forget something?”
Kagome slowly turned to Sango with a look of sadness and said,
“Out of all the places we went to with a hot spring, none of them was as beautiful as this one. I mean excluding the battle we had, it felt special here. You know, when I was younger, my mother took us on a family picnic and it was the most beautiful place. When it was time to go, I was sad. That place felt special as well. Sorry if I caused you to worry. I'm fine Sango.”
Sango relieved that her friend was okay, she had to agree that this was a wonderful spot. Inuyasha saw that the girls was slowing down in their walk and yelled back to them,
“Can you two slugs move along, you're slowing down the rest of us?”
The girls hadn't realized that they were behind everyone. Everyone, that is except for Yo-Yo who wasn't present at all. Shippou and Kirara were on Miroku's shoulders. Miroku backed up to walk along side the women. Shippou noticed that his cousin was not with the group so he said as he hopped from Miroku's shoulder, bouncing off Sango's shoulder and into Kagome's arms,
“I wonder where Yo-Yo's gone?”
Kagome giggled as she caught Shippou in her arms being that he always did this to her, she was in tuned to him doing this jumping off this and bouncing off that. She then turned her attention to Shippou's question and looked around as far as her eyes could see in every direction she looked, she did not see the older Kitsune present.
“Where ever he's gone to, I'm quite sure he'll catch up to us.”
She tried to assure the little fox-child. Sango and Miroku now have slowed down their pace leaving Kagome and Shippou in the center of the pack as always. Inuyasha stayed in the front. Kagome started to walk quickly trying to walk along side Inuyasha when she saw the luminous glow of the soul collectors.
Inuyasha looked up as they circled him, then he looked at Kagome with a look she knew all to well. The gentle breeze of the summer air blew her hair over her face as she used her hand to pull the offending hairs from her vision of the hanyou saying,
“Inuyasha, if you want to go, then just go. But we'll keep moving along. You can catch up when you can.”
Kagome didn't wait for any rebuttal from Inuyasha she just walked on. Sango and Miroku also walked by Inuyasha to walk closer with Kagome. They have been through this scenario so many times, that the two of them made it second nature to just be close to the miko.
Inuyasha just stood watching as his pack continued on. He was torn. He knew that Kikyo wanted to tell him something. She wouldn't have sent them if it wasn't important. Twice she sent them, and he ignored the call. All because of that damn Kitsune hanging around. No! He was not going to leave Kagome.
The soul collectors again circled him. Urging him to follow. But no, he'll stay with the group. If Kikyo need to see him is really important, she'll appear. For now he wants to get this damn thing of Shippou's parents and Kagome's body possession garbage over with.
The group walked on for a few hours and they saw a figure a few yards away. It was Kikyo. Inuyasha was now in front of the group, had slowed his pace until he was closer to the group. Drawing nearer to Kikyo the group stopped. Inuyasha now along sided Kagome looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and noticed that Kagome was looking at Kikyo. Kagome turned her head to face Inuyasha only to find that he quickly turned to look at Kikyo.
There was a long pause as all eyes were either looking at Inuyasha, Kikyo or Kagome. The silence was broken as Kagome let out a sigh saying,
“Is this a staring match or is something going to be said?”
Inuyasha jumped at Kagome's statement, startled out of his staring at Kikyo. At that moment Kikyo decided to speak,
“Inuyasha, did you not see my soul collectors. I summoned you last night. Why have you not come?”
Kagome busted out with laughter. She couldn't believe there was laughter coming out. What did she find so funny? Was it the look on Inuyasha's indecisive face, or Kikyo's demanding question? She finally got herself under control saying,
“I don't know why you didn't come to the camp? I mean you came to him the other night, so what stopped you last night? I mean it couldn't have been little old me that stopped you.”
With a deep sigh she started walking in the direction they were traveling. Walking pass Kikyo, Kagome looked straight ahead. She wanted to get away, she wanted to run, but no, she's not a kid, she will just walk because this situation was getting old. She heard Inuyasha ask,
“Where do you think you're going Kagome?”
Sango and Miroku just followed Kagome. Shippou stuck out his tongue at Inuyasha while looking over Kagome's shoulder. Kagome turned to answer him,
“Catch up when you finish Inuyasha. We'll be just ahead.”
The group traveled on as Kikyo and Inuyasha stood there watching them. Kikyo had turned her attention to Inuyasha asking him,
“Inuyasha, are you heading for the Kitsune village? I must warn you that your group may be in great danger. The elder of the village has been known not let anyone leave when they enter the village. Anyone that does leave mysteriously disappears. The souls that are in Kagome may be sending you and your group to your deaths. Your strength alone may not be enough. Be warned Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha looked at Kikyo as she relay this warning to him. He was wondering if Kikyo was testing him, trying to make him doubt the ability of his pack. He wondered if her warning was for his pack or just him alone. So he asked,
“Why are you warning us? You concerned about the spirits in Kagome? Why didn't you tell me the other night?”
Kikyo gave an arrogant smirk saying,
“You know I'm not concerned for her, she is your problem. I only came to warn you. I didn't want to warn you while your stranger was there, being that he's a Kitsune, I didn't know how much he could be trusted. What you do with this information is your concern.”
Kikyo walked away with her soul collectors behind her. Inuyasha called out to Kikyo,
“You're right, I don't trust him, but Kagome seems to want him to join us.”
Kikyo stopped her walking and turned to Inuyasha saying in a solemn tone,
“Her trust might be the death of you all.”
Kikyo's figure disappeared over the small hill that was in the opposite direction, leaving an even more confused hanyou. Turning in the other direction, he ran to catch up to the group.
A/N: Oh good gracious of life! This has been some year for me in 2008! I'd call that year the year of funerals. Got to be a bit much. It seems as though I was attending a funeral every month. Most of them due to illness, but the ones due to tragedy was a bit much especially since they were children. I'm sorry. Enough gloom!
This chapter gnawed at my nerves. I know I couldn't concentrate, but please forgive me. Will Kagome's tears dry up? With Inuyasha, who knows? Our crew will finally make it to the village and will find out more than they imagined.
Yo-Yo will be facing problems because he will not be well received by the village elder. The group will be tested on their strength of friendship, and Inuyasha is on high alert when he finds out who Shippou's trainer is, and why he showers Kagome with so much attention.
Souta will also be having issues to deal with as he reveals to Yoshiro about the strange person who visits the shrine too often for his comfort. Well again, I thank you who took the time to read and review my story, I apologize again for the delay, but RLI's (real life issues) and writer's block is agitating never the less, I'll get through it! Peace to one and all!