InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity & Sacrifice ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original, wonderful creator Rumiko Takahashi and her wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro, Akemi and Yoshiro (aka Yo-Yo) are conjured by me. For my lengthy absences, Ch. 16 will soon follow. Forgive me.
CH. 15: Trust & Discoveries
“Are you all trying to breathe or catch flies?”
All mouths were wide opened. Shippou didn't understand why everyone was so shocked. Like he couldn't have any other family members? Kagome slowly walked from behind Inuyasha to get a closer look at this relative of Shippou's. Inuyasha spoke saying,
“He's your cousin huh? Why haven't you ever talked about him?”
Kagome saw that Inuyasha was leery about this demon claiming to be Shippou's relative. As Kagome was walking from behind Inuyasha, he quickly got in front of her. Kagome knew Inuyasha was very protective of her, so giving a sigh she said,
“Shippou, why don't you introduce us to your cousin?”
Shippou blushed a bit because he was embarrassed about not doing the introduction and being told to do so. But he quickly went to the task of saying,
“I'm sorry, Yo-Yo, I want you to meet, Kagome. She's a priestess, this is Sango, a demon slayer, and this is Miroku he's a monk. This is Kirara our beloved fire cat, and last but not least, this is Inuyasha and he's…”
Inuyasha cut Shippou off by saying,
“He doesn't need to know who I am. I'm quite sure he's come to his own conclusion.”
Yo-Yo looked at what he already knew that Inuyasha was a half demon. But what he didn't understand was why he was being so hostile, so he asked,
“And what conclusion would that be my hound friend?”
Inuyasha growled at being called a hound. He knew that this guy was just like every full-blooded demon he comes across. Hell even his own half brother that is a full-blooded demon never let him forget that he's only a half-breed. So Inuyasha barked.
“Oh don't stand there like you are…”
Kagome held Inuyasha's arm trying to calm his anger, she knew where this was going. She then walked up to Yo-Yo. Studying him she sees that he wasn't as tall as Inuyasha, but just a little taller than about herself. He also had an air of calmness about him. But she also knew like most kitsunes, he could be mischievous. She wondered if when Shippou grew up, he would look like Yo-Yo. She was broken out of her amusement by Inuyasha saying,
“Why are you studying him so hard Kagome?”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha and saw that jealous look. It was the same kind of look when Kouga was around. Giving another sigh she said,
“Oh knock it off Inuyasha! What's wrong with getting to know someone better?”
Inuyasha patience was growing thin because he didn't know anything about this so call relative of Shippou's. He was more irritated when every time someone or something didn't appear hostile to Kagome, she was always extending invitations to strangers. So he barked back saying,
“What do you mean knock it off? This strange fox walks up claiming Shippou to be his cousin, and we're supposed to accept that theory? We've been down this road before of being tricked and I for one ain't letting a stranger thinking himself to be so familiar!”
Kagome trying not to let her anger over Inuyasha's ranting get to her said,
“Oh Inuyash, we were all strangers to each other at one time, and now we are a group of close friends! We can at least give him a chance.”
Inuyasha ranted on,
“Oh forgive me for being concerned! I forgot you like to pick up strays!”
Kagome patience grew thin. Sango and Miroku gasped thinking that Inuyasha considered them being strays. So before Sango, Miroku and Shippou could retaliate Kagome gave her shout of subjugation,
Yo-Yo eyes went wide when he saw what happened to the hanyou as he slams to the ground! He'd never seen subjugation like that before. It was kind of amusing. The others appeared not to be shocked; obviously they've seen this many times. Inuyasha grunted,
“What the hell was that for Kagome?”
Kagome took a deep breath walking over to the hanyou explaining to him about his rudeness. Yo-Yo picked up on the feeling that the dog demon cared for this girl a lot. Before entering their camp he noticed the exchange between his cousin, Inuyasha and Kagome. Although she's human, he could also see that this priestess was someone special. She definitely didn't wear clothes of a normal priestess, but her spiritual power flowed from her. Most priestess would not tolerate the presence demons. She was definitely different. He looked at Shippou saying,
“They are like this all the time?”
Shippou nodded his head affirming what Yo-Yo saw and told him that it happens frequently. Yo-Yo walked closer until he was in front of the priestess. Giving a respectful bow and in his most soothing voice he said,
“Forgive me Lady Kagome, I did not mean to cause such an argument between the two of you. Let me just say I welcome you wanting to know me better.”
Kagome blushed. He really was adorable like Shippou, although Shippou was much younger, Yo-Yo did have some maturity in his mannerisms. Giving a big welcoming smile Kagome said,
“Please join us! Would you like some tea?”
Yo-Yo smiled and accepted the miko's offer for tea. Yo-Yo was amazed at how pleasant she was towards him. Just meeting him, and she treated him as if he belonged. Inuyasha was still on the ground spitting out dirt. The subjugations spell was wearing off as he sat up shaking lingering dirt that was in his bangs. He thought he would try to jump up in a tree. But found he wasn't that strong in his legs yet. The herbs were still in his system and he wasn't quite to his full strength.
Kagome watched him attempting to jump the tree and just shook her head. His stubbornness was unrelenting. Miroku walked up to Inuyasha suggesting that maybe he should just sit at the base of the tree since it was clear that he didn't want to join everyone for tea. Like always Inuyasha blew him off. Miroku just calmly turned heading back with the group.
Kagome prepared tea first serving Yo-Yo. She told him that she hoped that he would like it. She next served Sango and Miroku and then Shippou. She knew Inuyasha was brooding but she still offered him tea as well and he blew her off. He was pissed that she served Yo-Yo first. He always was served first.
Kagome excused herself because she wanted to hang up the clothes that she had washed so they could dry. While she was doing this task, Miroku and Sango entertained Yo-Yo and Kirara could not get enough of being stroked by the older fox demon. She really took a liking to Yo-Yo. Then Shippou joined in stroking her fur as Kirara purred with much delight. Sango was really amazed at how Kirara took a fancy to Yo-Yo.
Miroku noticed that Yo-Yo carried what appeared to be a sword on his back. The sheath was about two feet in length and was black with a silver shape of a fox full body along the whole length of the sheath. There was a double hilt that let you know it housed two swords and it was what wrapped in black criss-cross leather with a royal blue material in a diamond shape in the crosswise openings. The tip of the hilt was a plane circle with a whole that was open. Miroku thought he might question Yo-Yo about it later.
Kagome was hanging up the last of the clothes. She felt kind of bad for sitting Inuyasha. She realized that he was just trying to protect them from any stranger. She decided to walk over towards him and apologize. As she got closer to the tree where Inuyasha was sitting, he gave her a quick glance and then looked away as if to ignore her. She squatted beside him as he looked straight ahead.
“Inuyasha, I'm sorry for sitting you. I realize you were just being concerned for our safety. Would you please join us for tea? At least get to know Shippou's cousin.”
Inuyasha just stared straight out. He was still brooding about her attentions towards this stranger. Kagome gently took his left large hand and sandwiched it in her small hands. She looked at him in his eyes. He knew she was sincere in her apology so taking a deep breath he stood up securing his hand to hers as he gently pulled her up and the two walked to where the group was.
Yo-Yo noticed the couple talking. He knew that the hanyou was jealous. Yo-Yo concluded that the hanyou must have been this group's leader. He was protective of all of them but especially the miko. He detected much sadness from her. He wondered why. He saw them approaching. He will just ask questions and see where they lead. As Kagome and Inuyasha sat a smirking Miroku said,
“So you decided to join us strays Inuyasha? Glad our presence is to your liking”
Inuyasha growled saying,
“Shut up monk before you get a mouth full of claws! And about the stray thing, I didn't mean that.”
Kagome was pouring Inuyasha a cup of tea. As she handed the cup to him, Shippou hopped towards her lap saying,
“Kagome I'm kind of hungry is there anymore ramen?”
Kagome dug through the bag and pulled out the noodle shrimp flavor that Shippou liked, and then she held up the beef and chicken silently asking Inuyasha which one he wanted he motioned to the beef flavor. Kagome then considered Yo-Yo so she asked,
“I don't know if you've eaten human food before but if you would like to try, I'll be more than happy to make you some.”
Yo-Yo was just in awe by her generosity. It seems to be vast. In his sitting position he bowed saying,
“Thank you my lady for your offer. Though I never tried human food like this before, but my cousin seems to enjoy it then so shall I.”
Sango and Miroku had already eaten and decided to go and get some fish as Kirara decided to join them. There was a river not too far east of their camp. Yo-Yo told them they would find plenty. Giving him a nod they headed out with a shout from Kagome for them to be careful.
Kagome served the men their bowls of ramen and Inuyasha watched as she served Shippou and Yo-Yo their bowls. Yo-Yo bowed giving thanks to this kindhearted miko. No one spoke as they ate. When all was finished Shippou asked Kagome,
“Kagome, are there any poky left?”
Smiling all the while Kagome went into the bag and found his favorite snack. Shippou smiled thanking Kagome and looked at his cousin and offered him some. He knew Yo-Yo would like it. Kitsunes have been known to have a sweet tooth as large as life.
Kagome seeing the exchange between cousins turned her attention to Inuyasha. He just had a stoic look that would have put Sesshomaru to shame! She asked Inuyasha if he wanted anything else besides the ramen, he just snorted and got up walking over to the tree.
As he walked to the tree, he noticed that his legs felt a little stronger. He felt that he could jump up and perch himself on a branch and just keep his senses open for other strangers.
Kagome sighed and just started to clean up the mess. Yo-Yo detected something from Kagome he never detected before! She had an aura or auras that were becoming visible to him. It was so strange for he knew that things like this came from someone being possessed. His curiosity got the better of him so he straight out asked,
“Lady Kagome, are you possessed?”
Grandpa was getting ready to go see his friend. He was pleased to see that his longtime friend was doing well. He was really worried for a time there. His friend looked at one point like he may check out. His friend often asked about Kagome. His friend had a lot of knowledge about miko training. Kagome was one to never sit still to listen to him about such training. Young ones today do not believe in the ancient ways of spirituality. To fight against evil that prey upon the weak and the ignorant. He wanted his granddaughter to have as much knowledge as possible being that she dabbled between worlds and time alone.
His friend was one of mystery. He took a firm interest in his family and gave him much knowledge of this shrine's history. He was always amazed at how much his friend knew. His knowledge went as far back as a thousand years of Japan's history alone. His friend had authentic artifacts of such times in Japan. Many legends and stories of how this shrine was built close to the Tree of Time or the God Tree. Grandpa never told his friend of his granddaughter's adventures. He knew that his friend may believe in some things, but this might be too outlandish.
As he was about to head out to see his friend he noticed his daughter sitting at the table staring into space. He knew that at this time she was thinking about her only daughter. He knew his daughter was strong. She had to be to let her daughter go from one time to another without knowing if and when that old well will close up and trap her child in the past forever. He thought he'd better give her more of his encouragement.
“My dear are you in that mood again? Kagome will be fine. She's got that dense dog to protect her as well as the others she talks about.”
Mrs. Higurashi smiled at her father, as she knew he was doing his encouragement thing so she said,
“It's not Kagome this time, it's Souta. He's been having nightmares and when I ask him about it he just says that he can't remember the dream. I noticed for a while now that when he sleeps he wears that locket. One night I went to check on him and found a bright blue light coming from the locket. I wonder if he will tell us about it. I know that the locket is a connection, but I wonder if what he sees in his dreams is too scary for him to witness. I know he do not see everything, but what he do see, we need to know”
Grandpa thought about what she was saying. Souta was young and very scary and excitable. All he could think of was this to say,
“If we can trust Kagome, we should trust Souta as well. We have to have faith in whatever is put before them and that the Kami's know what's best. Give him time to get used to this connection. I'm quite sure Kagome told him to alert us if it gets to be a bit much.”
Mrs. Higurashi smiled. Grandpa knew when to turn his wisdom on when he wanted to! He could be so silly sometimes but she wouldn't have him any other way. He was right about one thing; the Kami's knew what was best. So she'll keep her courage up and keep the prayers going that they will keep her children safe. She got up and gave her father a hug and went about her house chores.
Souta was flying down the steps to hug his mother, grabbing his books, bowing to his grandfather and jetted out of the house shouting his good-byes. Both mother and grandfather shrugged their shoulders. He's never been this fast to leave the house before. Grandpa said good-bye to his daughter telling her he would see her by dinnertime.
It was a long day for Souta. A science project was issued to the students and Souta couldn't wait to get it over with. He so wanted to work with Hitomi. She was disappointed that she wasn't with Souta. The two had total jerks on their team. They were the kind of jerks who were lazy and never did any hard work. He wouldn't sweat it though. It was only a project and he learned how to handle problems like this before. The bell rang and it was time to exit the school for the day. He walked Hitomi to the bus stop and waited with her until her big sister showed up. Her big sister reminded him of Kagome. Not that she looked anything like Kagome, but she picked on Hitomi just as Kagome would tease him. When they entered the bus he waved to them as the bus pulled out. Souta turned and walked towards the gift shop.
Walking thorough the doors of the gift shop, Souta went to the back and threw is books down, grabbed his apron and then ran to the front to start his duties. Yoshiro had been busy with customers when he noticed Souta running into the shop. The next moment he noticed that the young man had busied himself restocking the shelves with trinkets that attracted many young girls. There were bracelets, earrings, and anklets in colors of gold and silver of many shapes sizes.
Souta noticed that Yoshiro was looking his way and gave his boss a respectable nod of his head. When Souta finished this task he went to put the empty box that housed the jewelry in the back where all other boxes were put for trash. Souta did his chores in record time. It was just then Yoshiro had finished with a customer that he called Souta over. Souta approached Yoshiro and smiled waiting for whatever Yoshiro wanted. Souta was surprised when Yoshiro gave him an envelope that was sealed. Souta had an inquisitive look on his face as Yoshiro explained,
“This is a bonus for all the hard work you've done for me so far. I've had many who had worked for me and they had never given such commitment and devotion, so this is a show of appreciation.”
Souta was shocked to say the least. He stood in a daze looking at the envelope as if it were an alien. Clearing his throat, Souta said,
“I don't know what to say. Uh… thank you! Thank you very much Yoshiro-sama! It is a pleasure to work for you. I never thought that my mom would let me do something like this. She thinks I'm a baby. I'm trying to show her that I can handle some form of responsibility.”
Yoshiro smiled when Souta said this. The young man had indeed handled himself better than any young man his age. He was amazed at how Souta handled customers and poured himself into knowing the history of most of the artifacts that came through the gift shop. Yoshiro noticed that Souta had a look of uncertainty and asked,
“Are you all right Souta?”
Souta shook his head raising his eyes towards Yoshiro saying,
“I want to tell you something, but I don't know how or even if I should. I don't want to alarm you about it, but it is kind of weird. Being shrine keepers, we get a lot of weird happenings. Some things we must keep secret.”
Yoshiro intensely listened to the youth. He could tell the boy was in a bit of turmoil to express his feelings. He didn't want the young man to feel frightened as he put his hand on Souta's shoulder he said,
“When the time is right Souta, you tell me what you want me to know. Believe me when I say that collecting certain artifacts over the years, I have come across many unbelievable things and occurrences. I promise that when you are ready to tell me, I will not prejudge or think anything you say to be, as you say weird. Do you think you should as least let your family know? I mean it seems to me they would understand.”
Souta knew what Yoshiro said was true. He should let Jii-chan and his Mother know. After all, sister jumps from time both present and past, why was he so worried? Deciding at that moment he would do as he promised Kagome. It wasn't like they didn't understand what dangers she faced each time she went to the past. The vision he saw just got to him. He had seen her uniforms that were shredded up and worst of all blood ridden. It frightens him, and he never told his mother how much it worried him. When Kagome did come home he was shy about letting his big sister know his fears. He felt she would tease him about how much of a baby he was.
Yoshiro saw that Souta was in deep thought. He also felt that the boy was needed a break so he said,
“You deserve a break young one. I'm going to be out of town again for a couple of days. I'm going to check on more artifacts and it is in China. In that time I want you to consider just what a strong young man you've become. In my short time knowing you, you've shown much maturity. I'm going to let you off early today because I must take care of a pressing matter when I leave for China. I'll be closing the shop day after tomorrow. So I'll drive you home”
Souta was happy to know that he'll have some time off and that Yoshiro would be driving him home it that awesome car of his. Yoshiro told Souta to pack up so they could leave.
While Souta was gathering his belongings, the heard the bell ringing indicating that someone had entered the shop. When Souta gathered everything, he walked to the front seeing Yoshiro talking to the same guy that had come to the shop before and left a package for Yoshiro to give to the museum. The man gave Souta a nod as he was still talking to Yoshiro. Yoshiro beckoned Souta to join them so he can introduce them to each other.
Souta bowed to the man as Yoshiro told Souta to introduce himself. Souta smiled saying,
“I am Higurashi Souta; I'm working for Yoshiro-sama.”
The man eyes widened and then quickly glanced to Yoshiro. Yoshiro gave a knowing smile as the man regained his composure realizing he had not introduced himself so he said,
“Forgive me young one. I am Liu Hing from China. I am an old acquaintance of Yoshiro-sama. We are both interested in artifacts from the past of both China and Japan. I hear you are becoming quite knowledgeable in this line of interest as well. Do you plan on becoming a collector of ancient artifacts?”
Souta grinned as he thought about his Jii-chan and his thousands of family heirlooms. Noticing that they were staring at him he cleared his throat saying,
“I'm sorry but I'm not quite sure what I want to do. I can truly say that I would like to be a soccer player, but my Jii-chan wants me to study the priesthood since we live on a shrine”
The man gave a look of interest at Souta mentioning that he lived on a shrine. Yoshiro cut in saying,
“I was just going to take Souta home due to me closing early today. I must prepare for a trip out of town only for a couple of days.”
Yoshiro dug into his pocket pulling out the keys to close the shop. He led Liu Hing and Souta to the door so he could lock up. Then once the doors were locked he went to the car and the conversation continued about Souta's family shrine. Souta told him how many generations his family had been on the shrine. Yoshiro opened the car door to let Souta in. Souta really liked when Yoshiro drove him home. The car was just too awesome for words. As Yoshiro opened the door, Souta bowed to Liu Hing saying his farewell.
Making sure that Souta put on his seatbelt, Yoshiro closed the passenger side and locked the door. Walking back over to Liu Hing, Yoshiro smiled as the man's astonishing look caused Yoshiro to pat his shoulder to calm him down. Liu Hing said,
“He's the one you said made the connection? Oh I am grateful to meet the brother of the miko.”
Not realizing how loud he was being Yoshiro quieted the man by holding his finger to his lips hoping Liu Hing got the message. Liu Hing apologized. Yoshiro wanted to get Souta home so Liu Hing bowed to Yoshiro telling him he would contact him another time and walked away. Souta looked at Yoshiro saying,
“He sure asked a lot of questions about our shrine.”
Yoshiro just smiled as he pulled off to take Souta home.
The day was going by fast for Sango and Miroku as they caught plenty of fish even as Kirara caught and ate her fill. The directions Yo-Yo gave of where fish could be found were helpful. They thought that they would be there for hours, but as soon as they baited their makeshift fishing tools, they were catching fish quickly. They enjoyed each others company for Miroku was not being his perverted self. Sango noticed as they were walking back to camp, Miroku would be rubbing his temples. So out of concern she asked,
“Miroku are you feeling well? You've been rubbing your head quite often.”
Miroku saw the concern in Sango's eyes thinking,
{Such beautiful warm brown eyes when she's concern. And how fierce they can be when… well, I'm misbehaving or when she's in battle.}
Miroku gave a smile. He knew Sango was not going to let him just say he was fine. He was indeed in pain, but mild so he tells her,
“My dear Sango, while I am in some pain, I assure you it is mild and I can bare this. Your concern for me is refreshing”
Holding the fish he caught and the staff in his cursed hand he put his left hand on Sango's left shoulder and pulled her close. Sango cheeks were red as two cherries. She felt him kiss the top of her head and the two continued to walk in this fashion. Sango was surprised that his hand did not venture lower as it usually did.
“Sango, I want you to know that I am aware that you may not trust me at this moment, and that you expect me to be inappropriate. I just want to hold you close if you don't mind”
Sango smiled, as she was unsure as what to say to him so she just nodded in approval. Deeply she did welcome his arms around her. She enjoyed how soothing his voice could be when he was comforting her.At that moment she felt his hand leave her shoulder to again rub his temple.
{That's too often, he's in pain and I think more than he's telling me. I'll ask Kirara to carry us back the rest of the way.}
“Kirara, please carry us back to camp, I'm afraid that Miroku is not feeling well”
As Miroku was about to protest, Sango grabbed the fish he was carrying and tied it together with hers and motioned for him to mount Kirara. Her determined look let Miroku know that there was no room for argument. So obeying his lovely woman he mounted a transformed Kirara. Sango mounted in front of him telling him to rest his head on her back as he wrapped his arms around her holding his staff. Sango's weapon rested on Miroku's back as Kirara took off towards the camp. Miroku smiled. He didn't deserve such a woman but he was glad that she was in his life.
Shippou choked on the poky that he was chewing, Kagome dropped the dishes she was about to clean from her hands and Inuyasha fell from the tree he was on. Seeing the shocked expressions and motions of everyone present, Yo-Yo felt that maybe his question may have been too unexpected to say the least.
“I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong? I only mentioned it because I sensed it just now. I've always been able to detect such matters. I'm not certain, but I sense two auras.”
Kagome felt light-headed as she started to fall Yo-Yo swiftly caught her. Inuyasha was charging towards Yo-Yo to relieve his grasp from Kagome. Yo-Yo held up his had to halt Inuyasha's charging. As Inuyasha stopped, Shippou jumped on Yo-Yo shoulders to view Kagome's face. Kagome moaned in Yo-Yo's arms and slowly opened her eyes. They had turned green again. Kagome's hands rose up to Yo-Yo's face caressing it as the voice they heard belonged to Akemi.
“My dear Yo-Yo! It's you! My dear nephew it's so good to see you!”
Yo-Yo was shocked to say the least. He recognized the voice. Shippou confirmed all when Kagome's body took Shippou from his shoulder holding him to her chest as only a mother could. Kagome gently left Yo-Yo's embrace as she embraced Shippou. Akemi then spoke.
“This must be a shock to you my nephew. It shocked the rest of them as well. This wonderful soul, Kagome is responsible for us being here. She's agreed to help us help our kit. He's in need of help and if we were alive we would be here to do this ourselves. Although this young woman is allowing us to do this, the great spirits granted us this short time to do what we need to do. Kagome is the vessel for which this is possible. A soul that is most melancholy was chosen. She carries a great sadness that only can be cured by the one who caused it.”
At that moment her eyes laid on the Inu-hanyou. Inuyasha just turned his back. Yo-Yo didn't miss the message his aunt was giving. At that moment the voice changed to the sound of Takahiro. Weird as this was because it was Kagome's body, Yo-Yo was glad to hear his uncle's voice. Shippou had a wide grin as he saw Yo-Yo giving a respectful bow. Takahiro put his claw on his nephew's shoulder giving his infectious laughter. Tears filled Yo-Yo's eyes, as he was glad to hear his uncle's laughter again. As a little kit he always found amusement in his uncle when he laughed. His father was one to not laugh, but when Takahiro laughed you couldn't help but do the same.
Inuyasha was getting very irritated. This family reunion as Kagome called it was not sitting well with him. So he made it a point to say,
“Hey! Aren't you two weakening Kagome by being here?”
As Takahiro laughter suddenly stopped, he glared at Inuyasha with annoyance, but said,
“It is true nephew. We can surface but not for so long. She can weaken if we're here too long. So until later my nephew, give help to the miko with this quest. It's why you're here.”
As Kagome's eyes went back to their soft brown her legs were bending and Yo-Yo caught the miko. Inuyasha's eyes widen as he saw just how swift the older Kitsune was. Inuyasha growled as he went to grab Kagome away from Yo-Yo. Kagome was still weak and couldn't respond to Inuyasha's possessiveness. Inuyasha picked up Kagome along with Shippou who was still in her arms and placed the two of them on a nearby stone. Making sure Kagome was okay, Inuyasha just sat until she could gather herself. She smiled at Shippou as she put him down. She thanked Inuyasha for his help as well as Yo-Yo. Inuyasha growled, as he was about to protest when he heard in the distance Sango telling Miroku to hold on and telling Kirara to hurry. Her voice carried stressed and he wondered what was wrong. Kagome saw Inuyasha's reaction and asked,
“What wrong Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha looked up and saw Kirara descend from the sky and land into the camp. He rushed over with Kagome running behind; to Sango and Miroku seeing that Miroku was slowly dismounting Kirara holding his head. Sango dismounted taking her weapon from Miroku's back as she let it fall to the ground to give him support. Inuyasha asked,
“What happen to him Sango? He couldn't control his hands again and you whacked him?”
Sango gave a look of irritation to Inuyasha as she started to go off on him but instead said,
“No Inuyasha! We were on our way back and he kept holding his head so I decided to get us back as soon as possible.”
Inuyasha looked at Sango and noticed that she was very agitated with him and said,
“What are you mad at me for? He's always stroking your backside and you always whack him for it. It's safe to assume that this could be one of those times right?”
Sango knew Inuyasha was right for his assumptions but knew that this was not the time to argue so she replied,
“Inuyasha you've haven't noticed that since his head injury I have not `whacked' him as you said even when he was being inappropriate. So don't assume what you don't know.”
Kagome thought that this might be the time to intervene because she knew Sango was still upset with Inuyasha since Kikyo's visit. So she said,
“Come on you guys, Miroku needs our help! Let's get him comfortable. Miroku is the pain strong?”
Miroku looked at Sango's face seeing her stressed out look, he looked over to Kagome saying,
“Yes there is pain, but nothing a little rest wouldn't cure as long as Sango administer me.”
Kagome smiled and got together some herbs just for the pain and made a tea for him and let Sango do the rest. Kirara got the fish that was caught and took it over to Inuyasha. He looked at Kirara saying,
“Why are you giving this to me? What do you want me to do with this?”
Kirara gave what appeared to sound like a sigh to Kagome. Kagome couldn't believe Inuyasha's denseness sometimes, so she said,
“For you to clean them what else? I believe if she had the proper limbs do it herself she would without asking!”
Inuyasha just gave his normal grunt and went to cleaning the fish. Yo-Yo at this time noticed how the miko was really the backbone of this group. She promoted calmness. She has such a good nature but he also saw fire in her if she was angered. Tolerance she had plenty especially dealing with a hanyou such as Inuyasha.
{She must see something in him no one else sees.}
Yo-Yo thought to himself. This is some group for sure. Interesting to say the least. He saw Shippou rekindling the fire as he helped. Shippou went to Kagome to help her with getting things set up for the night meal. Even though it was still early, it had been decided that they would stay another night until all were feeling well to travel.
Night came and all had eaten and Kagome wanted to go to that beautiful hot spring again so she asked,
“Miroku, are you feeling well enough to go to the hot spring?”
He smiled at Sango asking her,
“My dear Sango, is it alright if I go to the hot spring with Kagome-chan?”
Everyone gasped
Kagome burst out with laughter saying,
“Well he must be fine. He had enough energy to say that. But I think you would want to go with Sango since she's your caregiver for tonight. What do you say Sango?”
Sango blushed the reddest of red and was surprised at Kagome for suggesting such a thing. She said,
“Kagome! Are you suggesting that I be alone with this lecher? He's…”
Kagome cut her off saying,
“In need of your help, and if modesty is the problem, your robes are dry and you can take Shippou with you then he can singe him with fox-fire instead of you exerting your energy. What do you say Shippou?”
Shippou frowned because he wanted to go with Kagome and Sango. He always had fun with them. He pouted saying,
“Aw, Kagome! I have more fun with you and Sango!”
Yo-Yo's eyes widened when he heard how his cousin bathed with two beautiful women. Inuyasha caught his look and barked out,
“Okay look, Kagome if you want to go to the springs take Sango and Kirara with you, Shippou can go with me and Miroku when you wenches return!”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha's determined look and saw no compromise in his decision. Shrugging her shoulders not saying a word, she picked up her supplies and weapon looking at Sango saying,
“Ready Sango, Kirara?”
A relieved Sango grabbed her supplies as well as her weapon as Kirara followed her mistress and the miko to the springs. They left two pouting males and one agitated hanyou and an inquisitive Kitsune at the camp. Yo-Yo had to ask,
“Is it wise to let two women go off alone like that?”
Inuyasha looked at Yo-Yo as if he had two heads saying,
“They'll be fine! Sango and Kirara will protect Kagome. I trust them.”
Shippou interjected,
“What are you saying that Miroku and I can't be trusted? All this time we've been together and nothing happened to Kagome that we all couldn't handle. You don't give Kagome enough credit for some of what she's done so far.”
Inuyasha balled his fist saying,
“All Kagome manage to do is to stay in trouble. I always have to save her hide every time we're in battle. And like she listens! I tell her to stay put and she just runs right into trouble!”
Miroku at this moment had to have his say in this matter.
“Inuyasha, remember that not too long ago, Sango and Kagome saved my life. While I maybe a fighter as well, sometimes-unforeseen circumstances come into play where there is no control. I received a bad injury that if it were not for Kagome's quick thinking, I might not be here to tell this. And you yourself just a couple nights ago received an injury that might have killed you if it were not for Kagome being possessed by Lady Akemi and giving advice for the treatment of such a poison. As for Kagome not listening to you, there were many time that if she did listen to you, you surely would be gone. She's very loyal to you Inuyasha despite what you think.”
Shippou affirming what Miroku was saying by nodding his head. Inuyasha growled at Shippou. As he started to charge Shippou, Yo-Yo pulled his swords and got in front of his cousin. Inuyasha was surprised to say the least, but not long enough before he pulled his own sword as it transformed into the fang. Yo-Yo felt the power that came from the sword and it made him tremble inside. Yo-Yo was not going to back down he was going to protect his cousin. So both hanyou and Kitsune was at a stalemate.
Kagome and Sango had not made it far from the camp when Kagome realized that she forgotten her towel and robe. She apologized to Sango and said that they needed to go back before they gotten too far. Sango agreed. As they approached the camp, they heard loud voices one being Inuyasha, and the other Shippou and then Miroku. They paused to hear out the discussion before they went further. What Kagome heard caused her heart to sink more. Was she such a burden to Inuyasha? Did she really slow him down in battle? Maybe he was tired of protecting her?
As the argument continued, Kagome wanted to go into the camp to stop them before it got out of hand but Sango held her in place looking her in the eyes with unspoken words saying to wait. Kagome turned her attention back to the camp and heard Miroku talking. Then what she saw next turned her blood cold. When Yo-Yo got in front of Shippou and drew his sword, and then Inuyasha drew tetsuagia she knew she had to stop this. Sango held onto her seeing that they both were at a stalemate. But unknown to Sango, Kagome had blocked her scent. The armed males just stared at each other, with about a five feet distance between them and with swords drawn. The Kitsune at first had the one blade then two blades parted as each hand held a blade. Miroku stood up and grabbed Shippou as Shippou yelled,
“Inuyasha stop this! You know Kagome wouldn't not like this.”
Inuyasha eyes still on Yo-Yo just spoke to Shippou through clenched teeth saying,
“Kagome's not here so I don't have to worry about her getting in the way. I can fight like I want. This person called your cousin will loose his life today if he doesn't back down.”
This time Miroku shouted,
“Inuyasha you know this is not necessary. I urge you to stop this now!”
Sango let go of Kagome as she really saw that this altercation needed to be stopped. Kagome was running as she yelled,
“Inuyasha stop this now! What's wrong with you?”
Not taking his eyes off Yo-Yo-, one of his ears went back to hear Kagome's yelling, the other ear stayed forward to listen for the Kitsune's unexpected movements. Kagome had made it to Inuyasha and stood in between the two males. Inuyasha yelled,
“Kagome move away! This is between me and the fox!”
Shippou made it over towards Yo-Yo saying,
“Yo-Yo please stop this! This upsets Kagome! We're suppose to work together, not fight and Inuyasha knows that!”
Yo-Yo not taking his eyes off Inuyasha and feeling the stress of Kagome says,
“I'm sorry my cousin. I am your family and I will look after you once this quest is done for you. Your father has spoken to me, and I will do as he requested.”
Kagome, trying to get Inuyasha's eyes to look her way decided to move so that he could see her. When Inuyasha did he see her eyes, he saw the pain again. He saw her eyes with the pain of that night when she heard he and Kikyo talking about her. Kagome took a deep breath saying,
“Inuyasha I can see I'm a burden to you aren't I? You've said it more than once that I'm weak, useless, and not strong in my powers like Kikyo. Inuyasha I am who I am. If I'm too much trouble for you, then you can tell me this now, face to face!”
There was a pause. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the campfire and the songs of the crickets. Inuyasha saw the Kitsune put his swords together to make one blade and then put it back into its sheath. Inuyasha still holding his sword looked at Kagome's painful eyes and said,
“Kagome while you do get into a lot of trouble, I didn't mean for it to sound otherwise.”
Shippou felt Kagome's pain and went to her side looking up at her he wanted to jump into her arms. But she never held her arms out to him. He looked at Inuyasha and saw that he was with a shameful look. He said as he walked over to he fire,
“Remember, you first said you'd protect her.”
Inuyasha looked at him with a hard glare but then it changed when he saw Kagome's shoulder slumped and she walked over towards her bedding and just lay down. Both males withdrew their swords. Sango went to Kagome's side saying,
“Kagome-chan, do you want to still go to the springs?”
Kagome smiled at Sango saying,
“I'll go in the morning; will you come with me then? I'm exhausted right now.”
Yo-Yo felt awful about his participation in this and wanted to express his apologies,
“Lady Kagome, I humbly apologize for my part in this situation. I hope you can forgive me. I didn't mean to upset you in any way.”
Kagome gave a weak smile to Yo-Yo as she nodded her head letting him know that she acknowledge his apologies. Inuyasha made his way to the tree and hopped up. This night was ruined. Kagome stared at the fire while Miroku came to her mind. She wanted to ask him about his headache, so she asked,
“Miroku are you feeling better? I know all this ruckus couldn't help any.”
Miroku did feel a lot better especially since Sango was attending to rubbing his temples. So he smiled saying,
“Yes Kagome-chan, I do feel better. Thank you for your concern. You get some rest we'll watch over you as this must have been a lot on you.”
Kagome smiled and thanked Miroku. Something was missing. Shippou! She saw him looking into the fire. He was very sad and he just wanted to be near Kagome. She knew this and said,
“Shippou you coming?”
Shippou saw Kagome raise the corner of her sleeping bag welcoming him in and he dashed over to her. He looked at her before he lay down saying,
“I'm sorry too Kagome. I didn't want to upset you either.”
Kagome smiled and mussed the top of his head and forcing his head down on her arm as she held him. Yo-Yo was really puzzled at his cousin's behavior. He can't understand why he is in a child-like form. He is the same age as himself. He must ask him about this but not tonight. It has been exhausting. He knew one thing the hanyou should be comforting the miko, not Shippou.
Inuyasha was up in the tree contemplating a way of making Kagome not feel so bad. He didn't mean to upset her. She took his meaning the wrong way. He wanted to shut his mind off. He looked down and saw that everyone was asleep except for the Kitsune. He was stoking the fire. There is something off about him. But he will let this whole quest play out the sooner the better.
The two familiar lights hovered above the canopy in the camp. Inuyasha knew what they meant. But the Kitsune below was leery of them. He stood up looking around and noticed the two strange eerie lights that turned into serpents. Then without warning they just disappeared. He looked at Inuyasha saying in a very low voice knowing Inuyasha could hear him,
“Are they calling for you dog?”
End: CH.15
A/N: People, I do apologize. I had so many issues that I had to pray for strength. I had to. Many funerals since the month of February to present, and a co-worker of mine lost his son at the age of 20 years to brain cancer. Being that I have children over 20yrs old myself I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. Any way I'm blessed to see another birthday early in July and now I'm a silver fox. I'm truly grateful because most of the women in my family hardly make it past 50. But I'm doing my best to keep well.
Like our loveable characters, Inuyasha who is still in progress of growing in trust, Kagome who is learning that love is not without pain, and Shippou who will soon find that growing develops more strength and that change must happen. Miroku and Sango's relationship will be tested no doubt. Souta will learn that courage can beat fear and that he will gain inner strength.
I would like give special thanks to my daughters for telling me not to give up, and to madmiko, ceriwolf and G-Bomber and Saholia for their encouragements and to all of you who reviewed my story being this is my first one you truly inspired me. Bless you all. Until next time, Peace!