InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator Rumiko Takahashi of this wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro, Akemi and Yo-Yo are conjured by me.
CH. 14: Meet the Yo-Yo
Souta awoke with a start. He was panting, and sweating. When he was aware of his surroundings, he calmed down. He was grateful that he didn't yell, or his mother would have charged into his room. Boy that was some dream. Or was it a dream? He looked down at the locket and saw that the blue glow was fading. Did his Sis really do battle with some horrid monsters? If what he saw was true then he needed to know if she was really okay.
From what he remembered he saw Inuyasha being flung around by the monster that looked like a huge boar that held a whip. Then he saw Shippou and Inuyasha being thrown around. It was something Souta never saw before! Did his Sis do this all the time? He was shaking inside, really frightened. He knew he couldn't tell his mother and grandfather about this. It would only worry them. He had to keep this a secret. But it really frightened him! He decided to go to the bathroom and hopefully when he comes back he could return to sleep. When he looked at the clock it was only twelve-thirty am.
Back from the bathroom Souta got back in bed hoping sleep would find him and he hoped that if he dreamed again he would see Kagome and her crew safe and sound. He closes his eyes trying to relax. Soon sleep found him. But the locket did not glow. It would seem that Souta would find peaceful slumber the rest of the night.
As Kagome and Shippou walked to get fresh water, Kirara was just running in between the two. Shippou notice that Kagome had a far away look. He felt her sadness. Kagome turned to look at him. She saw the concerned look on Shippou's face. Giving him a smile she said,
“Don't worry Shippou, I'll be fine.”
Shippou couldn't help but doubt what she was saying when there was a wave of sadness flowing off her like a over filled cup of tea. They walked in silence as they approached the stream. Kagome filled the bottles of water and Shippou carried them. As they walked back he asked,
“Do you think Kikyo will come to the camp?”
Kagome answered,
“I don't know Shippou, I couldn't even begin to know what she might do, but don't worry I promise to behave myself.”
Shippou huffed! How could Kagome think that she needed to behave? When it was kikyo who was always being hostile? So he said,
“She's always rude when it comes to Inuyasha when you're present. I know one thing for sure I don't trust her. She tried to kill you!”
Kagome gave a grin, then a little chuckle, and then a full hearty laughter. This caused Shippou to wonder if she lost her mind. When she saw the look on Shippou's face she went completely hysterical. When her laughter calmed she said,
“You know, so did Inuyasha. He swiped at me with his claws, chased me to get the jewel. But look at us now. He's my friend now, even though he's rude and obnoxious, I can't turn my back on him. My nature just won't let me. Sometimes I feel like a damn fool for what I put up with, but I did ask him if I could stay with him, and I might be hurt from time to time, but I am beginning to not let it hurt me so much. For now, I'm going to do all I can to help you. He may be peeved that I'm doing this, but that's his problem. Come on, we got tea to make. Let's go Kirara.”
Giving him a smile and rubbing the top of his head, they headed back to camp.
Miroku and Sango were talking about the recent circumstances with the three youkai that attacked. With Naraku still in the midst but not seen, demons have been coming in droves attacking for the shards. While conversing with each other they watch how Inuyasha was still breathing normally. Sango noticed that the darkness on his arm from the poison of the boar youkai seemed to be getting lighter in color.
At that moment Kagome, Shippou, and Kirara were returning. Kirara jumped into Sango's lap as Sango rubbed Kirara's back. Sango looked at Kagome's face and noticed that she didn't seem so down. She was smiling at Shippou as he was talking to her. As Kagome sat the water bottles down as she prepared the kettle for the tea. She asked if anyone was hungry. The only reply came from Shippou so she took a package of ramen noodles for him.
Inuyasha started to stir again. Sango pointed out to Kagome that the poison may be residing due to the coloration on his arm is getting lighter. Kagome approached Inuyasha to examine his arm. She was a little relieved by what she saw. Inuyasha's body was still warm which concerned her. So she prepared another round of cool leaves to put on his body. Once this task was completed she went to prepare tea for everyone and Shippo's ramen.
The soul collectors returned and again circled around Inuyasha. Just then coming out from among the trees walked Kikyo. Everyone eyes moved from Kikyo to Kagome who just went on and prepared the tea.
Kikyo not saying a word just walked over to Inuyasha. Miroku's curiosity was getting the better of him. He wanted to know why Kikyo was traveling this far, because usually according to Inuyasha she come with news of Naraku's whereabouts so he asked,
“Lady Kikyo, have you traveled here with news about Naraku?”
Instead of answering Miroku's question, she lowered herself on her knees beside Inuyasha as he started to stir again. As much as Kagome wanted to go to his side, she held her arms out to Shippou as he gladly jumped into her arms. He surprisingly felt no sadness, but maybe irritation. She held him tightly as Sango got up and went to Kagome's side. Kikyo not missing the exchange wondered why Kagome had not moved closer towards she and Inuyasha. Turning her eyes towards the hanyou, she asked,
“What happened to Inuyasha?”
Miroku gave the whole story of the battle and the boar's tusks poisoning Inuyasha, which at this point he walked over to Kikyo and asked his question, again,
“Are you here to bring information of Narku?”
His question this time was more demanding but not too hostile. He knew this was hard on Kagome and wanted to make this as democratic and quick as possible. Again Kikyo avoided his question and touched Inuyasha's head seeing that he was still warm she answered,
“Might I assist in changing the leaves for they are warm and cooler ones need to be replaced?”
Sango growled at the way she ignored Miroku's questioned and started to say something when Kagome put her hand on Sango's knee looking into her eyes that read, `let it go' Kagome then answered,
“On Inuyasha's right side are another set in cool water ready to be applied.”
Kikyo bowed her head and went on to do the task. While she removed the leaves that was on Inuyasha's body, she spoke,
“Monk, there are no news concerning Narku to speak of, but I was getting information from neighboring villages about rogue demons that has been terrorizing the surrounding areas looking for jewel shards. I sensed shards in this direction, which is why I'm here. I am assuming that the demons that attacked your group boldly did so for Kagome's shards. I am afraid there will be more demons attacking as you travel on.”
Kikyo was then putting on the cooler leaves when Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes. Getting his eyes into focus he called out,
“Kikyo? What are you doing here? You did this for me?”
His mind was going back to what he could remember and he didn't understand why Kikyo was present. He remembered hearing Kagome shouting his name and passing out. Suddenly his eyes became wide and asked,
“Where's Kagome?”
Kikyo moved her self over so Inuyasha could have better view of Kagome. He saw her with Shippou in her arms. The look on Kagome's face! He knew it all to well and that Kikyo's presence had a lot to do with it. He then saw Miroku walking towards where Kagome and Sango were sitting next to the fire as Sango poured Miroku a cup of tea. Shippou was enjoying a bowl of ramen. It was then Kagome asked in a rather monotone voice,
“Inuyasha glad you're awake. Would you care for something to eat or some tea?”
He knew she was a tad miffed if not dejected or angry. But then he did not feel anything. No emotion at all. In a very groggy voice he responded,
“No thanks. My head is pounding and my arm feels like its on fire. I guess I need to sleep more.”
Kagome nodded and went on sipping her tea. She beckoned Kirara to come close to her as she had a treat that she knew Kirara liked. Once that was done she took Shippou's empty bowl and put it aside for cleaning. She started to feel very tired and a bit light-headed. She put her hand on her forehead covering her eyes. Shippou was concerned but then saw that when she opened her eyes they were green! She started humming `That tune' and started to rock Shippou.
At that moment Inuyasha felt the presence of the aura that was Shippou's parents or parent he never knew which one would surface. Kikyo had a curious look on her face. She felt the change also and asked,
“What is going on? Why is the aura of Kagome different? I sense a demonic aura in her! Is she possessed?”
Everyone looked at Kikyo. Then the humming stopped and the next voice that was heard was that of Akemi,
“You are correct miko of the undead.”
Kikyo gasped as she heard the voice of Akemi coming from Kagome. Akemi giggled at Kikyo's expression. Kikyo wondered why no one was surprised by this occurrence. She looked at Miroku and demanded to know,
“Monk! Why have this possession happened? Why have you not exorcised these demons from Kagome?”
Miroku was a bit appalled at Kikyo's questioning but then knew she needed not to know the circumstances surrounding this possession. So he stated,
“I will not get into a long explanation as to why this occurred, but we all know of this and so does Kagome. And I will know when it's time to do this exorcism for the task will solely fall on me. Why are you so concerned for Kagome? I was under the impression that you could care less what happens to her.”
Kikyo just stared at the monk. Then looked at Inuyasha who offered nothing just shrugged his shoulders. At that moment the humming started as Akemi rocked her little kit asleep. She wanted him to sleep for she knew that Kagome had pushed herself beyond what she should have. Sango helped Kagome to her sleeping bag, as Kagome was only going on the energy that Akemi could give her. Once in her bag, Sango went over towards Miroku where they situated themselves around the fire facing Kikyo and Inuyasha.
Kagome was soundly sleeping as Akemi also ended her presence. Shippou was curled up with his back towards Kagome's chest as her arm was wrapped around him. Kirara was back in her mistress lap but keeping a close eye on the undead miko.
Sango poured another cup of tea for Miroku as the two sat in silence watching Kagome and Shippou. Miroku nodded his thanks to Sango for pouring the tea as she poured one for herself. They watch the exchange between Inuyasha and Kikyo. At a moment like this Sango was glad that Kagome was asleep. Kikyo touched Inuyasha's head to see if the fever had gone down. Inuyasha's eyes were focused on Kikyo's face. He wondered if she had really come to care for him. She gave him a small smile as she removed her hand from his head as she looked at his arm. It was still bandaged. The darkness surrounding the bandage to Kikyo looked worst than anything. She saw next to Inuyasha was the solution that was made to draw out the poison. She never saw such herbs used in that combination before so she asked,
“What herbs were used to make this solution? I've never seen some of these herbs before.”
Miroku took it upon himself to answer,
“The spirit of Shippou's mother instructed her son where to find such herbs. She told us that it was good to use to draw out the type of poison that the boar carried. She told us that it was an herb used on demons to build immunity and that small doses would work on humans as well if administered in time.”
Kikyo nodded her head in understanding and got up from her knees to leave the camp. Inuyasha tried to grab hold of her arm but couldn't because she moved quickly. As she walked some distance, she stopped and looked back at Inuyasha and then at Miroku and Sango and walked away. Inuyasha, frustrated because he couldn't move shouted,
“Wait! Kikyo, where are you going?”
Kikyo knew that she shouldn't stay so she kept walking saying,
“Another time Inuyasha.”
She disappeared into the trees just as she had come. Sango and Miroku did not look at Inuyasha as they sipped their tea. Inyasha knew that they wanted to say something when he shouted out to Kikyo. Since they didn't say anything, he turned his head towards the stars until sleep found him again.
Souta was in the school cafeteria in a daydream when Hitomi sat next to him. She waved her hand in front of his face as he blinked and came to focus. She had a concern look on her face. She had noticed that he had been weird acting all day. So she took the opportunity to ask,
“Souta, are you okay?”
Souta smiled at Hitomi. He was happy she was next to him. He knew she was concerned and said,
“I'm fine Hitomi, thanks for asking. I didn't sleep to well and I guess I sort of blanked out”
Hitomi smiled at him as she opened her lunch box. She often shared her lunch with Souta and he with her. But he wasn't very hungry. Even at breakfast he didn't eat much. He knew he better get it together or his mother will baby him. He didn't want that at all.
Most of the students at his school knew he had a job and admired him for it. For even though he was young, they knew he could handle his responsibility and it not affect his schoolwork or his soccer games. He was becoming popular in school and he knew being a baby would not go well. So he just snapped out of his daze over the dream he knew that was worrying him and just enjoyed his friends.
Classes were ending and he was heading out when his teacher called out to him,
“Higurashi Souta, may I see you please?”
Souta didn't know why the teacher wanted to see him. It was a little nerve wrecking when a teacher called you back into class to talk to you privately. As he approached his teacher he noticed that the teacher had a smile on his face. Well that was encouraging but he was still on edge. The teacher reached into his draw and pulled out something that looked like tickets. It was tickets! To a soccer game! His teacher smiled and gave them to Souta as he explained,
“These are distributed to students who show exceptionally great work in a whole school year. Two are given to the students who achieved high standards and met hard challenges. These tickets are donated by private industries to students of all schools and the school also receives monetary awards for the school excellent progress. So because of students like yourself and others are rewarded. Congratulations!”
Souta smiled from ear to ear! This was not expected at all. He couldn't wait to show his mother. Wait! He has two tickets. Who could he take? His mom only wanted to go to games he was in, and Jii-chan says that he not into all the rude fans. Oh well, he'll worry about that later. Right now he had to get to work. He secured his tickets in his backpack and headed off to the gift shop.
He was ecstatic! Soccer tickets! All the fear he had because of the night vision died down some. He never knew his hard work would earn him such an opportunity. He opened the door of the gift shop and saw Yoshiro at the counter. He bowed to his employer and headed to the back to put his backpack down and get his apron and gloves for he had to clean the shelves. Yoshiro noticed that Souta was humming and had a rather happy contented look on his face. Yoshiro couldn't help but ask,
“Young man, you seem to be very joyous this afternoon. Care to share the joy?”
Souta stopped his humming to tell Yoshiro about his good fortune. Yoshiro looked at Souta smiling and said,
“I am happy to know that you work so hard in school and that your extra activity is not a hindrance. You seem to be handling yourself quite well and I know your grandfather and your mother are very proud”
Souta smiled shaking his head to affirm what Yoshiro just said. His mother also told him how proud she was. His grandfather was away from home a lot and this kind of worried Souta. But he knew that his grandfather was taking care of an old friend and knew he would be proud. As he continued his work, Souta stopped his movement and started to hold his locket in his hand. That vision came back rushing in his mind with the image of his sister and her friends fighting monsters. Yoshiro noticed the change in Souta's facial expression and slowly walked over to his young helper. He asked,
“Young one, are you alright?”
Getting no response, he came closer to the boy and touched his shoulder. In a flash Yoshiro got a flash image in his mind. He saw exactly what Souta saw. He also felt the fear Souta was experiencing. He released his hand from Souta's shoulder and saw that he was in some sort of trance. He lifted Souta in his arms and took him to the back room. Just as he laid Souta down on a small cot, Souta eyes closed as if he was sleeping. Yoshiro knelt down beside the cot and kept his eyes on Souta. He noticed that Souta was still holding the locket. He took Souta's hand trying to pry open his hand from around the locket. Once he got his hands free, Souta opened his eyes and yelled out,
Yoshiro was startled that the boy could yell so loud. He shook Souta until he saw that he had Souta's attention. Souta was breathing hard and tears were rolling down his cheeks. Souta with a most confused look asked,
“Yoshiro-sama, what happened? How did I get in here? I was working and then I…”
Yoshiro looked at the confused boy and told him what happened. He explained to Souta that he was the one who brought him to the room. Souta wiped his eyes of the falling tears. Yoshiro took this opportunity to ask,
“Young one, what did you experience? You were holding your locket and went into a trance and that's when I acted. Did anything like this happen to you before?”
Souta was torn. He felt that he could tell Yoshiro, but didn't really know if he should. Yoshiro knew that Souta was having trouble explaining his experience to him so he said,
“Why don't I take you home. You look like you should rest I'll just go and call your mother…”
Souta eyes went wide saying,
“No! Please let me stay, I'm all right really! I just… well had this nightmare and it was rather scary. This is not the first time, you see, since I got this locket, I've been having these visions. I haven't told my family because I don't want them to think I'm a baby. I'll admit I do scare easy, but I'm trying to be stronger about it. I just had this one nightmare since this locket, the other visions were just that, visions and not scary. My sister used to say that if I had nightmares it is good to talk about it if you remember them so you can see just how ridiculous they can be or how your overall worries about something turns into these ridiculous nightmares. So I'm all right now. Please don't call my mother, she'll only baby me and I want to show her how I can handle my fears. But I did promise my sister that if it becomes too much, I'll tell my family. I will keep my promise to her. She's depending on me to hold the family together while she's away. I guess I have these visions or nightmares because I miss her.”
Yoshiro looked at the boy and decided to let him continue on with the day. He knew that Souta's visions were now becoming more intense. He'll have to keep a close watch so he can help him through these visions. He only hoped that what the young miko is doing will be coming together so his family will continue to exist.
Souta and Yoshiro left the back room and continued with the daily chores of the gift shop. Souta was grateful Yoshiro didn't call his mom. He must not fall apart. He knew that Kagome was okay she had to be! Inuyasha is with her. He won't let any harm come to her.
Akemi was beside herself with anger. That walking dead miko really got under her furry tail. Her tail swished from side to side with agitation as she paced in front of her mate. Takehiro smiled at his adorable mate. He knew how protective she could be. He knew that Kagome was often in agony when it came to this walking dead. He knew that his mate became very protective of this little miko that wants to help their kit so deeply.
The two felt a presence that was warm. They knew it was Kagome's. She was sitting on a log that was behind the Kitsune couple. It was a night scene in this serene surrounding. Kagome was staring at the sky with her knees bended up towards her chest as her arms wrapped around them. She was sporting her nightclothes. The Kitsune couple walked over to her and saw the little miko with tears in her eyes. Akemi was concerned as she got closer to Kagome and asked,
“My dear, are you okay? Do you want to talk?”
Kagome looked at Akemi then as Takahiro came into view they both stood in front of her and got on their knees to be eye level with her. Kagome went to wipe her tears but Akemi gently took her hand saying,
“You are obviously in pain. I know why but I feel that you must be willing to face this. I know more than once you've cried because of the hanyou's callous behavior when it comes to that walking dead. She irritates me to no end I tell you! I hate the feeling you have whenever she's talked about or when she's present! You know if I were that monk I would have exorcised her! She may be a priestess and had been kind, but I feel when it comes to demons full or half, she really has little tolerance. You on the other hand are far more a priestess than she'll ever be. Why if I were in the living world I'd singe her to no end!”
Kagome started giggling as she saw Akemi's tail swish from side to side. Then her giggling turned into a full laughter. Takahiro also laughed as Akemi wondered what they were so amused. When Kagome saw Akemi's expression she compose herself saying,
“I'm sorry. Your tail is expressing just how angry you are. It's kind of funny and cute that's all. I'm sorry.”
Kagome once again laughed as Akemi looked back and indeed saw that her tail was very active with agitation. She grabbed her tail to stop the action. She too giggled as she said,
“Ah well, as long as it makes you feel better. That always happens when I get angry. I'm sorry for my ranting little one”
Kagome saw that Takahiro held out his hand to her and then to his mate saying,
“Come you two let us enjoy this night. It has been one of excitement. Look, our kit approaches.”
Shippou jetted quickly towards his mother's open arms. When she held him and spun him around, she then tossed him to his father who then caught him and placed him on his shoulder. At that moment they all turned into their beast fox form. Shippou ran towards Kagome and ran around her in circles and then ran back to his parents. They were trying to coax Kagome to follow them to the tall grasses. Kagome understood this and followed suit. As before she watched them jump up and down in the grasses. She giggled at their folly. She really adored this family. They had a mischievous nature, but they definitely loved as well. She felt happy watching them. The moon that shone on the grasses gave an eerie but beautiful glow. A gentle breeze blew the tall grasses as the fox family enjoyed each other.
As Kagome watched them, she started to realize that they did not speak in unison, nor did they drain her as much as when they were first in her body. She did tire, but not as quickly whenever they surfaced. Kagome felt something, like it was watching her. She turned and she saw herself again. She was smiling at her. Kagome knew that it was a part of her that had an aura of strength. She took Kagome's hand and stood with her to watch the fox family.
The next morning found Shippou and Kagome up early and preparing breakfast. Kagome prepared tea for Inuyasha to drink. His wound was healing nicely. When Kagome and Shippou awoke they told the slayer and the monk to take this time to rest. They were up all night watching over them and knew they were tired. So Kagome told them she would fix them breakfast when they wake up. They may as well stay for another day until Inuyasha fully recovers. Inuyasha sulked saying,
“I don't need to stay down; I can get up an move damn it! Stop babying me!”
Kagome looked at him not showing any emotions. She kept at her task of preparing tea, ramen and trail mix saying to Shippou,
“Well he's fussing, he must be okay. We'll just wait for Sango and Miroku to get their rest and we'll move on okay?”
Inuyasha just gave a snort as he always does when he knew Kagome was dead set on doing something. He noticed that she was a little distant with him. Sure she's serving him tea and ramen like always but it seems to be not as cheerful.
Kagome opened her bag to get fresh clothing. She asked Shippou to collect the white robes everyone wore so she could wash them. Inuyasha's robe was ripped from fighting the boar youkai. She'll mend it before washing. Miroku had helped Inuyasha into his pants while he was resting. Only his white and red shirts were not worn so Kagome could treat Inuyasha's wound.
Inuyasha was tired of lying around. He wanted to get up. So without warning, he started to get up. Kagome saw him struggle to his feet. She just watched him. Knowing if she said anything now, he would only bark at her. She saw him stagger, as his legs were not steady. He weaved from side to side as though drunk and landed on his backside.
Shippou snorted out a giggle as Kagome got up and walked over to Inuyasha and asked,
“Inuyasha, what are you doing? You shouldn't move yet. You were poisoned. It takes time for it to leave your system. Even if you are a half demon, the herbs mixed to draw out the poison are very strong even for full demons. You want something; I can get it for you just tell me okay?”
Inuyasha's pride was more injured than the poisoned arm. His whole body felt like a boulder. He saw Kagome's expression go from stern to concern. She was in the process of helping him up when he snapped,
“I'm not an invalid okay! I can move!”
Kagome just stood for a moment looking into Inuyasha's eyes. Then turning away from him walked back over to Shippou who noticed that Kagome was a little hurt. So he said,
“No, an invalid you're not, but an idiot you are!”
Inuyasha gave a growl saying,
“Shut up you bushy tail brat! If I could get up I'd throw you somewhere!
Shippou stuck out his tongue. Smiling at the fox and hound antics she often thought about when the two went at each other Kagome went inside her bag again and pulled out a reading book, Shippou's crayons and a drawing tablet adding her comment in a forlorn tone,
“Maybe he doesn't want me to help him. Maybe he wants Kikyo to wait on him.”
Shippou hopped into Kagome's lap he knew by now when she went through her bag, it meant something good for she was opening the reading book. It was a book that had large pictures. She told him it was a compilation of different children stories. He loved when she read to him. Kagome often told him that when she read to her brother he loved when she made her voice change to express the character she was reading about. Shippou knew a lot of the times she missed her brother when she was here. She taught him a lot of the things she taught Souta.
Inuyasha eyes widened when Kagome said that. He wanted to come back with a comment of his own, but thought better to keep his mouth closed. He knew she was a bit miffed about Kikyo's presence last night. It wasn't that he didn't want Kagome to help him; he just didn't want to feel helpless. He should be protecting Kagome, not she protecting him. He knew that Kagome was hurt. He really didn't mean for it to come out the way it did.
“Kagome that's not what I meant. It's just that…”
He noticed that Kagome was not paying any attention to him, not even looking his way. She started to read from the book she had as Shippou was enjoying the story. Inuyasha was upset that she was ignoring him so he shouted,
“Kagome! I'm still talking to you!”
Kagome stopped her reading long enough to softly say,
“Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku are trying to rest. Please keep your voice down. They were up all night keeping watch! Have the courteously to keep quiet. ”
Inuyasha growled in frustration as she went back to reading to Shippou. He just wanted to put his two shirts on and go for a walk. He needed to be sure that the camp would be safe. So again he tried to rise up on his feet. He stood up and again his legs felt weak.
{What the hell are these herbs that got me so weak?}
He struggled to take a step and fell. Kagome quickly looked up and saw Inuyasha still trying to get up. For the life of her she couldn't understand why he wants to get up so badly! He had to realize by now that the herb is trying to work, he must be still. She places the book and Shippou down and walked over to Inuyasha's fallen posture. She looked down at him. First she thought to give him a chewing out. But a thought came to her,
{What if wants to see if he could track down Kikyo?}
Giving a sigh she asked him as calmly as she could,
“Do you want to go find Kikyo? If you do then you will have to wait until the herbs leave your body. It has a mild paralyzing effect because you must remain still. It works with your body's natural defenses so your youkai blood can fight the poison.”
Inuyasha was about to interrupt her to say he didn't want to track down Kikyo but Kagome held up her hand for him to remain silent,
“The effects of the herbs may subside by tonight or tomorrow, either way if you want to still look for her, we'll journey on to the village. You can catch up at your convenience.”
Inuyasha didn't know where to go this. It wasn't his plan to go search for Kikyo at all, but since she's going on about it he did want to ask her why she was there at the camp. When Kagome finished what she was saying he replied,
“First of all, I wasn't going to search for Kikyo! I just wanted to patrol around the campsite to make sure we are safe. I've been having this feeling that something or someone is following us. I thought at first it was those dumb-ass demons that attacked us, but that feeling is back. I did want to ask Kikyo if she noticed anything strange while she was waking here. But she left before I could even ask her.”
Kagome kept her eyes on him the whole time. What if it is as he said, that he wanted to check the surroundings? She just assumed that he wanted to go search for Kikyo. Since he always fly off anyway. She just thought that she'd make it easier for him to go if she just says it out loud. She knew this would never end. He see her soul collectors, he follows their light. Giving a deep sigh, Kagome asked,
“So how long have you had this feeling that we are being followed?”
Inuyasha's eyes meeting Kagome's didn't see anything indicating if she believed him or not. Giving a sigh he answered,
“Every since we left that village that had humans and demons living together.”
Kagome turned around and walked back towards Shippou. She sat down and started to read to him again. Inuyasha thought not to say anything since he couldn't feel her emotions. She probably didn't believe him anyway.
Time passed as the afternoon set in. Kagome started to prepare the meals for lunch that would be Sango and Miroku's breakfast. She made more tea for Inuyasha to drink and re-dressed his wound. He saw her face had calmness. She appears to smile as she did this task. She always did this and sometimes hummed some tune. When she finished, she got up and took the robes and put them in a pile. The one that he wore that had ripped she put to the side. In her backpack she took out the needle and thread to repair the torn sleeve and back of the robe done by the horrendous whip of the boar youkai.
Miroku woke up first as he stretched. Kirara also stretched and let out her adorable little mews that caused her mistress Sango eyes to open. Sango and Miroku were both welcomed by the smells of their favorite tea served by Kagome. She told them that she and Shippou were going to the springs to wash the robes. Inuyasha protested that she shouldn't go alone. He attempted to get up again. Finding that now his legs were a little stronger, he put on his shirts and put his sword to his side. Kagome asked,
“Where do you think you're off to? You still need to rest!”
Inuyasha just snorted saying,
“You are not going to the springs alone. I'm fine now let's go!”
Kagome gave a sigh as she looked at Sango and Miroku. She wanted them to have some alone time as she asked them,
“Will you guys be okay?”
Miroku and Sango both nodded affirming that they will be fine. So Kagome took all she needed to do the laundry as well as bathing supplies to the springs.
As Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou were some distance from the camp, Kagome saw that Inuyasha was a bit agitated. She asked,
“Is something wrong Inuyasha?”
Without turning to look at her he says,
“I have that feeling again.”
Shippou was looking around also. He knew something was following so he said,
“I had this feeling too. But then it goes away. You didn't notice anything Kagome?”
Kagome looked around and said,
“You know it don't feel threatening, but it is sort of annoying to know that you're being followed”
Inuyasha stopped and jumped up to the top of the trees and just looked around. Sensing nothing he jumped down and motioned for them to move on to the springs. Keeping he senses open they continued to walk.
Once they arrived at the springs, Kagome immediately went to work on sewing the torn robe. He bow and arrows were close by her side. With the sewing done she prepared to wash the robes. Shippou decided to help Kagome wash the clothes.
Inuyasha took this time to stretch all the kinks out of his body. He was so stiff that all the cracking going on made Kagome and Shippou laugh because Kagome told him about the morning cereal that made a crackling sound when you added milk. Shippou remembered that cereal when he was in her time Souta let him try some and right now Inuyasha was doing a symphony all his own. Inuyasha gave a snort and continued to stretch. As he raised his arms he noticed a mark on his wrist. He never gave it much thought, but he remembered that Shippou bit him as he screamed,
“Hey! You brat! This bite you gave me! What the hell!”
Shippou jumped behind Kagome. He was hoping Inuyasha would forget about that bite mark. More so he was hoping it would've gone away. Kagome got up to look at the mark.
“Let me look at it Inuyasha.”
He held out his arm and Kagome saw that it was the shape of a heart. She smiled it was the cutest thing. She smiled but Inuyasha did not find it amusing. Kagome noticed that Shippou was shaking behind her under her hair. Inuyasha noticed the fear Shippou was radiating. He knew the runt didn't mean to bite him so he told Kagome.
“Feh, I didn't mean to scare the brat. It doesn't hurt. I just noticed it on my wrist.”
Kagome smiled at Inuyasha in his own way forgiving Shippou for the bite. She knew Inuyasha remembered why Shippou bit him so she said,
“He was very brave to do that. That boar was flinging you both around. I don't mind saying I was scared for both of you. I'm glad Shippou did what he did. No telling what would have happened if that boar had another chance”
Inuyash's felt Kagome's worry as she rubbed his arm and cradled Shippou. Shippou felt her heart beat faster. Kagome then wrapped the arm that was rubbing Inuyasha around his waste and put her head on Inuyash's chest as Shippou was between them in sandwich form.
Inuyasha was shocked to say the least. He didn't know why Kagome was embracing him. He thought she was mad at him but no way was he going to mess this up. He held her closer. He smelled tears as she said,
“You both mean so much to me. I don't want to loose neither of you. I know there are dangers facing us with Naraku, and finding the shards and the gods know what else. I'm thinking of what Kaede said about us not being split apart by anyone. Let's stay strong guys okay?”
Not many moments Kagome and Inuyasha had been together close like this and Shippou was involved. It reminded Shippou of his parents, as they would hold him. Inuyasha never wanted to let this moment go. He felt Kagome gently push herself away from him saying,
“I'm sorry guys, didn't mean to get all emotional on you. I'll finish up so we can get back to camp.”
She put Shippou down and walked over to the shore of the springs and prepared to wash. Inuyahsa and Shippou looked on as Kagome busied herself. Then Shippou jumped on Inuyasha's shoulder saying,
“How lucky are we to have someone like her in our life.”
Inuyasha affirming saying,
“Yeah, definitely lucky.”
Miroku and Sango finished their breakfast that Kagome made them. They were still tired but knew they should be moving on. Miroku kept looking around the camp. Sango noticed him looking around. Even Kirara seemed occupied looking into the thickness of the forest west of the camp. She didn't growl but kept her eyes in that direction. Sango rubbed Kirara's head but the fire cat just sat steadfast looking towards the forest not reacting to her mistress touch at all.
This concerned Miroku and Sango. Sango got up and grabbed her weapon and Miroku already had his staff in his hand. The two looked in the same direction Kirara was looking. Being that Kirara didn't growl, Sango thought maybe Kohaku might be out there. But who was she kidding? She hasn't seen her brother since Naraku's disappearance.
Just at that moment, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippou returned. Inuyasha noticed the tension of the camp. He also felt something. Now he was certain someone was out there. He picked up a scent he never smelled before. It was definitely a kitsune. Since he knew Shippou's scent well enough, he only hoped that this kitsune wasn't after the shards. Pulling out his sword, he stood in front of Kagome.
The crew steadied themselves for an attack, as the youkai was getting closer. Through the trees the stranger cautiously approached the group. He knew that they were prepared to attack him. Kirara started walking towards the stranger. Sango called out,
“Kirara! Wait, where are you going?”
Kirara obeying her mistress stopped in her tracks. Sango immediately stood beside her with her weapon. Miroku stood on the other side of Kirara. He felt that the presence of this demon was not hostile. Shippou ran and jumped on Kirara's head looking in same direction. He sort of recognized the aura. Taking a sniff of the air, he did sort of recognize the scent. So out loud he said,
“The scent is familiar. But it's not clear.”
The stranger was now close enough making his features clear to the group. Before them was indeed a kitsune. He was very young by his appearance, a teenager like Kagome and Inuyasha. He was sporting deep reddish-brown hair that was in a low ponytail and was braided. The very long braid rested on his left shoulder. He had on a sleeveless vest that was white with two dragons embroidered in red on each side of the chest area. He had hakamas that was a deep midnight blue and a sash that was blue and white. Unlike Shippou, he had on thong sandals with feet that were more human. His eyes were green like Shippou's.
Inuyasha was growing impatient as he noticed that Kagome placed her hand on his arm saying,
“He doesn't appear that he is hostile. And Shippou thinks that he might be familiar. Let's keep cool for now.”
Inuyasha noticed Shippou was sniffing the air again and said,
“What's the matter runt can't make him out? Your nose is not working?”
Shippou snapped,
“Oh shut up Inuyasha! I'm concentrating like you do when you can't make scents out right away!”
The stranger chuckled which caught everyone's attention. The chuckled went into a hearty laughter as he spoke,
“Forgive me fox child, but you should recognize your kin. Has it been that long?”
Shippou eyes widened as he jumped off Kirara's head and jumped on the strangers shoulder shouting,
“Yo-Yo! Wow it has been a long time! Everyone, this is my cousin!”
A shocked group shouted,
End Ch. 14
A/N: Wow, this was something. I had so many interruptions of which I had no control as life goes. Some of my co-workers are not having a happy Mother's Day because some have lost their moms from January up to this point. But God is good! They have others in their family that gathered to embrace them. Myself and another co-worker are the ones who take care of such matters when there is a loss in family on the job. I'm honored to do such a thing, but let me express that it can be taxing when it is back to back to back. But listen, on a lighter note, I want to wish all who are mothers, coming into mother-hood and are taking care of your mom, I wish you all the blessing that can be given to you on this day.
This Yo-Yo guy is going to be making things a tad interesting. Inuyasha is not going to accept this relative of Shippou so easily. Kagome will find herself having her hands full as she will be attracting many unwanted attentions. Please review. Until then Peace to all!