InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator Rumiko Takahashi of this wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro and Akemi are conjured by me.
**This chapter has some violence, language and some adult content, thanks to our ever-loving monk Miroku! Still love him though.**
It has been two days since they left Kaede's village. Through Kagome the crew had gotten word from Shippou's parents that they should arrive to the village in another three days. The group was grateful that the journey was a little closer to its destination.
Kagome and Inuyasha were almost back to normal with each other. The only difference is when Inuyasha seem as if he wanted to talk to Kagome in private and Kagome agreed, he'd just say something stupid and Kagome would come back to camp annoyed.
Shippou was just content with Kagome being somewhat happy. With all that was happening to her body, he knew that there was a strain on her while his parents were residing in her, and Inuyasha's behavior was no help. Kagome was as equally concerned for Miroku. He'd been experiencing painful headaches that made them stop a couple of times to tend to him and Sango was just as concerned and stayed close to him. Miroku enjoyed the attention Sango showed.
The journey south proved to be very hot and tiring. As they traveled, they passed village after village. They were grateful to have a miko and a monk visit their homes. They received extra food for their travel as Shippou went around and chopped firewood for an elderly couple that just found him adorable. Kagome and Sango helped a couple that was expecting a baby with herbs for the mother. Kagome told the midwife how to prepare the herbs for the mother and that it should help with keeping the mother calm.
Inuyasha was keeping his distance. He didn't like all the fuss that was being made, so he just stayed in a nearby tree close enough to Kagome. She looked so content when she was helping people. There was a sort of calmness to her. People flocked to her not caring that her clothes were weird or that the way she talked was confusing. Was he getting jealous over all the attention Kagome was receiving, or was it that he was not getting any from her?
When they left the village, they were loaded down with gratuity gifts from all that they had assisted. It was a simple village where the people seemed not to be alarmed with the youkai that traveled with the humans. They explained to Kagome that they lived in peace with some of the lesser youkai and that they were great at giving the villagers early warnings whenever a youkai appeared who did not have good intentions so they could protect themselves. The humans took care of the youkai by making sure there was sustenance for them when the winter months rolled around. In the spring and summer the youkai took care of their own needs.
Kagome loved the fact that they looked out for each other. She asked Miroku if they could say a prayer of protection for them. She didn't know if the protection would be anything like what they did at Kaede's village, but keeping faith in all that was good and great would always prevail, it couldn't hurt, so Miroku and Kagome did just that.
Inuyasha was ahead of the group looking for a spot to camp. The rest of the pack just giggled and talked about the things they did at the villages they visited. Kagome was proud of the way Shippou took care of the elderly couple. She was amazed that he actually chopped wood. But then she forgets that he is a demon and is actually stronger than a human child. Shippou would blush when Kagome praised him. He was glad she was pleased with him.
Inuyasha was feeling alarmed. Something has been gnawing at him. Like something or someone was following them. So he just kept his senses open. He decided not to interact too much with the group so as to not let his guard down, and then he could use his aura to keep away whatever threat might be present.
The unknown follower knew that it had been detected so it decided to move its presence farther away from the group. He felt the aura of the hanyou and knew that it should keep back and not bring any attention to itself. So as to not alarm the hanyou again, it will stay at least a day away from the group.
Yoshiro and Souta were very busy. The customers were non-stop because this happens to be the tourist season. People from all over the world stopped in gathering gifts for loved ones. Souta was a little excited because he got to help Yoshiro with the register. He thought he would never be able to do that. After all he was only nine going on ten. Yoshiro felt confident to let Souta handle the register. He'd had seen how the lad had handled a customer one day with the money, and every since he trusted Souta with the task.
A woman was amazed at how much the young boy knew about the merchandise. She knew he was very young. She had a daughter about the same age as Souta and wished her daughter would show as much enthusiasm over such subjects. But history was not her daughter's best subject. The woman figured Souta was one of those child prodigies from a prestigious school. Once Souta took care of the woman, the store seemed to be less busy. She thanked Souta for his help in what she purchased and left the store smiling.
Souta was proud that he could help in this matter. Yoshiro was taking care of the last customer and noticed it was time for Souta to go home. He asked him if he wanted him to drive him home. He wanted to close the shop early because he wanted to go to the museum to meet the director. Souta was rather tired and waiting for the bus to the shrine would be long. So he asked if he could call his mother to tell her so she would not wait for him at the bus stop. Yoshiro said he would call her and they could get going.
Souta gathered his books as Yoshiro called his mother. They left the shop and headed to Yoshiro's car. Souta was shocked to see that it was a sports car. A red Pourche with a beige interior, chrome hubcaps and what looked like a small television screen on the dashboard. Yoshiro told him that it was like a map. Souta was amazed! He never ever knew he would be in a car such as this. Yoshiro smiled and watched as Souta entered the car with such care as if he was going to break it if he sat down with any force.
They made it to the house as Mrs. Higurashi was cooking dinner. She heard Souta yelled that he was home and she wiped her hands on her apron. She saw that Yoshiro was at the door. She bade him to enter, but he told her he had to be on his way to meet someone. But he wanted to express how well Souta did at the shop today. He told her Souta was a joy to have and that he couldn't get through the day without his help. Since the museum was in the same direction he thought he would drive Souta home. With that said he bowed to Mrs. Higurashi and headed back to his car.
Souta told his mother about how busy the shop was and that he never thought that it could be so much work. But he liked helping Yoshiro-sama.
“He taught me so much mom. I think my history tests are going to be high in scores now that I got first hand in the gift shop's artifacts and their history.”
His mother smiled as she saw how excited he got when referring to his work. She was truly grateful for Souta and his job. He really was growing. He had saved money for his next year school uniform so his mother would not have to worry about that. Even though it wasn't much, he gave his mother what he had left for herself. This touched her for her son was truly turning into a man. She thought of their father and how he would be proud of his son. She was shocked out of her thoughts when Souta slammed his hand down on the table saying,
“Oh Mom! Yoshiro-sama has this red Pourshe that he drove me home in. He must be filthy rich to drive a car like that. I was afraid to sit in it. You should have seen it mom it was beautiful! The red was like the color of Inuyasha's clothes and it was beige inside. He also had some kind of map system that I thought was a television screen. Man! It was awesome!”
Mom giggled as her son went on about the car. She told him to go and wash for dinner for it was just about done. As he jetted up to his room he saw grandpa and yelled a hello and went to get ready for dinner. Grandpa saw how his grandson was excited and asked his daughter what was up. She explained about Souta's day and told him that his boss drove him home in an expensive car and how Souta was excited about the ride. Grandpa was distracted as his daughter talked. She saw this and asked him,
“What's wrong father? You seem distracted.”
He looked at his daughter and smiled. She didn't know how much he appreciate how she just held on to life even though she struggled all the time she manages to keep a smile and plug away. He looked at her and said,
“I'm just grateful for my family. Here I have a granddaughter who gallops off to the past to help protect the future, and a grandson who is fast becoming a man. I'm just grateful. My friend has no family, no children and here he's ill and has to depend solely on himself.”
Mrs. Higurashi never saw her father so solemn before. He was always one to give her strength when she felt like giving up. She understood so she told him,
“Father, he's your best friend, you are blessed to be able to still move around. Why don't you keep an eye on him? Souta and I can see to the shrine's day to day.”
Grandpa smiled at his daughter. He knew she could handle it. After all she was his daughter. Most men would leave such responsibility to the sons of the family. But he's finding daughters are survivors and strong. He looked at his daughter saying,
“I'm going tomorrow to see when they will be releasing him from the hospital. I'll see him home and stay a while until he's settled. Just wanted to let you know. I'll be leaving early so the shrine must be swept and well you know the rest.”
Mrs. Higurashi smiled. She knew her father was concerned about his friend since his friend was hospitalized. At that moment Souta sat at the table giving his grandfather a proper bow and waited for his mother to place the food on the table. Grandpa noticed the locket around Souta's neck. He asked,
“You haven't taken that locket off since your sister left. Seen any more activity in your dreams?”
Souta laughed. He didn't want to tell either of them about the waterfall incident. It was too embarrassing for him to tell. So he just told them that they were fine. Even Inuyasha and Kagome seem to be getting along well. With that everyone ate dinner peacefully and then retired to bed.
Night was coming soon. The beautiful orange sky was calling for them to find a spot to rest. Inuyasha had gone off to find them a suitable spot. He was gone for some time and they were getting concerned. Kagome suggest that they keep walking and that she knew he was not to far off. Sure enough Inuyasha fell from a tree in front of them scaring them into screams of fits. Shippou's tail puffed up as he fell onto the ground from Kagome's shoulder. Kirara's fur was completely puffed up all over. Kagome, Sango and Miroku all jumped and fell as well. Inuyasha laughed at the sight. Kagome heart was pounding so fast she got a headache. Miroku and Sango helped each other up as Kagome held her hand over her chest.
She wanted to `Sit' him so bad. But that would be childish. Her head was pounding! She couldn't help it she was going to say it. Inuyasha felt that all knowing aura of Kagome. The look he saw told him a `sit' was coming. He braced himself for the impact. Nothing. He couldn't believe it! No `sit'! What's going on? Kagome just dusted herself off and checked on Shippou. She picked him up in her arms. She walked over to Inuyasha. Now he was scared! He knew he was going to get it. He just knew it! Kagome looked scary. But all she did was take a deep breath and asked him,
“Did you find a spot for us to make camp Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha was shocked. So was everyone else. What's going on? Any other time Kagome would `SIT' him to high heaven! She started walking with Shippou in her arms. Inuyasha walked along side of her expecting the `S' word. Growling he was about to say something when all of a sudden, BAM! He hit the ground! Nothing was said. What happened?
Miroku and Sango still chuckled in amusement. But what was puzzling was that nothing was said. So Miroku asked,
“Kagome, how did you `sit' Inuyasha without saying a word?”
Kagome smiled saying,
“I just tripped him that's all! Hee-hee!”
Inuyasha stood up quickly spitting out dirt saying,
“That was very clever of you Kagome. Didn't know you had it in ya!”
Kagome still giggling just kept walking with Shippou in her arms. Sango giggled out loud. She thought that Kagome might have some new power to make Inuyasha sit with out saying a word. Miroku walked over to Inuyasha as the hanyou was belting curse after curse. Inuyasha saw Miroku's dumb look and growled,
“What the hell are you looking at monk?”
Miroku smirked because he knew he was going to get the cursing of his life by saying,
“Good thing Kagome can't `sit' you with her mind. I'm afraid dirt would be your daily meal”
Sango busted out in laughter for she had been thinking the very same thing. Kagome didn't get what Sango was laughing about. Shippou caught on and let Kagome in the merry moment. Kagome laughed and thought for Inuyasha sake it was a good thing that she couldn't do that. Inuyasha just let out another round of curses on the whole group.
The area that Inuyasha led them to had to have been the strangest rock formations Kagome had ever seen. The rocks were sort of a disk shape and stacked like off centered dishes. They were a tawny color and gave the appearance of being smooth. The scent in the air was the smell that only a hot spring could give off. Inuyasha looked at Kagome's expression. He saw that she was fascinated by how vast the spring was.
It was very wide, had many separated pools of water that collected in the plate shaped rocks, some were deep some were shallow and there seem to be a rising wall that separated some of the plate shaped rocks. The steam felt so good! Kagome couldn't wait to get in! Just a few short miles away were a forest that was a little cooler than the area the hot springs was in. Inuyasha lead the crew there to start setting up the camp. There was a small stream that had fresh water that flowed from a neighboring hill.
Kagome was whizzing by all of the chores, as she couldn't wait to try the hot spring. No one was really hungry being that the last village they were at had fed them plenty. The only one hungry was Shippou so he helped himself to some of the rice balls that was packed.
Kagome had an idea, she wanted to know how everyone would feel if they all went to the hot spring to relax. So she asked,
“Hey guys, how about we all go to the hot spring. It seems we all could use a relaxing moment. What about it?”
Miroku was surprised! Kagome suggested such a thing. Sango eyes widen even Inuyasha sprayed his drink and choked to that question. Shippou was happy; he liked the idea of all of them being together just like his family would all be together having a relaxing moment and talking about fun things. Kagome felt she had better explain her reasons.
“Look guys, I got the robes we can put on just to soak in so modesty can be protected. See! One size fits all. I bought them the last time I went home and was waiting for an occasion where we could this together. Now will you come? Please?”
How could they refuse her? She had the most soulful eyes that pleaded and whined. Inuyasha wasn't sure about all going. He voiced,
“Who's going to stay at the camp while we're boiling in the hot spring?”
Kagome let out a sigh saying,
“Oh come on! We won't be gone long. This will be fun. We take our weapons, I saw a perfect spot for us to enjoy a relaxing moment with each other okay?”
Inuyasha growled. He didn't like the idea. Who was he kidding? He knew he wanted to go. He just didn't know how to handle Kagome's over zealous notion. Kirara gave a mew that got everyone's attention. She turned into her fire cat size, circled in one spot and flopped down on Sango's sleeping bag. Sango knew what Kirara was telling them,
“I guess she do not want to go. She did play with the children at the village until they passed out, so I guess she's worn herself out.”
Shippou wanted Kirara to go, but he knew that she was tired so he got himself undressed and put on his robe. Kagome went behind a tree and did the same. Sango was being cautious, she knew Miroku had only perverted intentions. She thought Kagome lost her mind, but thought that she'd go along if it made Kagome happy.
Inuyasha was the only one who thought that this was crazy. But that's Kagome for you. Kagome, Shippou, and Sango started to head out to the hot spring with weapons and toiletries. Miroku and Inuyasha soon followed; as Inuyasha told Kirara to keep a watch she gave a growl letting him know she would be alert.
With their white robes on them all they made it to the spring. Kagome pointed out the spot she told them about. It was inviting. It had a wall like structure that separated two of the disk shaped rocks. It had water that was trickling down like a fountain that poured into the plate shaped pools. The steam felt even so if you breathe in it didn't insult your nose cavity.
Inuyasha first stepped in then held his hand out for Kagome. Placing her weapon and her bag of bathing stuff down, she took Inuyasha's hand with a smile. She was surprised to find that the rocks felt rough like a pumice stone, but not as abrasive. Shippou just rushed in splashing all the while. Sango was assisted by Miroku warning him to behave.
Kagome suggested they cleanse themselves first then relax. So taking advantage of the divided wall, the men went on the side that was away from the bank and the girls were closer to the bank. Kagome gave each of them what they needed to wash. She told the guys that she would call them when they were finish and for them to join her and Sango.
Inuyasha and Miroku wondered what Kagome had in mind. They just went on with their duty of cleansing themselves. Once that was done they heard Kagome calling for them. She had asked them to sit in the pool that she and Sango were in which was one of the plate shaped pools that was big enough for all of them and was hip deep. Sitting in a semi-circular fashion she was smiling followed by a giggle. They wondered what Kagome had in mind.
Kirara was curled up with her twin tales tapping up and down lazily while the fire crackled. She heard the pack family in the distance. She was a little tired. The children in village they left really had a lot of energy. But she never had this much amusement in a long time. She felt it was good for her for it kept her young. As old as she was she still had vitality. Suddenly she felt something that disturbed her. She quickly jumped, already in her large fire cat form and jetted off to the others.
The hot springs was so relaxing. As everyone waited for Kagome's plan to be put into play, something touched all of members. An unwelcome presence was coming. Quickly they all began running to the bank picking up their weapons. No one bothered to get dressed for they were all still wearing their robes. Still wet the group was greeted by Kirara in her battle cat form. Sango quickly ran to Kirara side as every one got into a circle with their backs facing one another. Kagome had her bow and arrow ready as well as the yin-yang disk and chanting stick on her arms she kept them with her weapon and placed it on her arms as they were running. Inuyasha had drawn his sword as it transformed to the huge fang. Miroku was ready with his staff as Shippou stood on Kagome's shoulder.
Whatever was coming their way was now silent but the presence was still there. They all waited looking all around for any movement. As they waited Miroku couldn't help noticing that the women were drenched giving a display that was sending his perverted mind whirling. The drenched robes were revealing every curve of their hips, buttocks, and long slender legs. Inuyasha picked up on Miroku's signals and growled loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. Wondering what was going on Kagome asked,
“What's wrong Inuyasha?”
Before Inuyasha could answer their intruders appeared. It was three rather large youkai. One was a Cyclops oni who was about 15 feet in height; another was a large tusked boar youkai who as a little shorter than the Oni, and the other was a snake youkai, which stood about 9 feet. Kagome was a little scared as she held Shippou to her chest. Just then Kagome felt light headed. Inuyasha's attention turned to her because he felt the change in her aura.
{Oh no not now!}
He thought to himself. But then he noticed that her eyes turned green and her expression changed to that of a feral beast. He figured that now it was Shippou's parents present to protect their kit and he wanted to make sure every one knew. So he voiced,
“You make sure you protect Kagome as well now that you're here! We need to take these bastards out quickly!”
With the exception of Shippou who was aware that his parents had surfaced, Sango and Miroku kept their eyes on the invading youkai, but were aware that a change happened. In a unison voice they heard Shippou's parents say,
“Do not concern yourself; we will do our part to protect the miko and our kit”
The three youkai looked at the group confused. They only saw six but they felt the presence of what they knew to be kitsune youkai even though they saw one little kit. Knowing that the kit was not a threat, they felt the presence of the sacred jewel shards. They would take it from this weak pack and be on their way. The boar youkai spoke,
“You! Half-breed! Hand over the shards it would never do a filthy dog like you any good.”
Inuyasha just gave a snort like he's never heard these words before. It just fueled him to cut their lifespan short.
“You're gonna have to come up with a better request, `cause all ya gonna get is this fang up your sorry asses!”
Inuyasha voiced. Takahiro saw the snake youkai trying to slither his way towards Kagome. Takahiro coaxed Kagome to hold her hand out palms facing upward as a blue flame formed in her hand. The snake youkai came to an immediate halt. He was shocked! How in the hell did a human possess a kitsune aura? So Shippou's parents spoke,
“Do you wish to see another day? We think you need to re-think you course of action at this point. You are the type of snake who likes to project poison at your opponent. I assure you it will not be leaving your mouth.”
Just then the three intruding youkai decided to attack at once. Inuyasha swung his sword as the Oni dodges the fangs contact. He tried to come down on Inuyasha with his spiked club but due to Inuyasha's speed he missed and just hit the ground. Miroku and Sango were attacked by the boar youkai. The boar carried a whip that had three braided strips and at the end of each strip were red stones and was knotted to hold the stones in place. Sango was concerned for Miroku due to his head injury so she would keep him as close to her as possible.
The boar attacked with his whip. The red stones at the end of the whip glowed brightly as the boar snapped at the two humans. The whip hit the ground and shook the earth beneath their feet causing them to lose their footing. Sango and Miroku fell together. Sango held Miroku's head to her chest so it did not hit the ground. Surprised by her actions, Miroku did not complain. He looked where his face was and smiled the biggest smile that could come across his handsome face. Sango at this time did not pay heed to Miroku's response. She just quickly got up and called for Kirara. Taking her weapon she also grabbed Miroku and the two straddled Kirara's back taking to the air.
The snake youkai gave a smirk at the little woman before him. Although he heard the voice of a man and woman, he knew he was looking at a woman holding a little Kit. He knew Kitsune were tricky and thought that the little kit was trying to trick him. He advanced towards Kagome as she still held the blue flame. The Snake opened his mouth to spray his poison at Kagome and simultaneously quick as lightening Takahiro again coaxed Kagome's hand to throw the blue flame straight into the snake youkai mouth. The snake's mouth full of the blue flame yelled in agony.
This caught everyone's attention. They saw Kagome throw the blue flame as she still held Shippou in her arms. Her eyes were still green and as she jumped back Inuyasha knew he heard growling. It was low but he heard it just the same. Even the boar and the oni youkai heard the growl. The Boar replied,
“Onna, you dare pretend you have demonic power? I bet it was the little fox that did that. You are weak and obviously do not possess such power!”
Kagome turned towards the boar youkai putting Shippou down behind her and instantly she shot the blue fire towards the boar youkai. Not having the chance to respond the flame hit the boar's leg causing it to fall to the ground. As it was howling in pain, the oni youkai came down with its spiked club trying to target the miko. Inuyasha quickly dashed and moved both the kit and miko.
Kagome retrieved Shippou from Inuyasha's grasp and gave him a nod indicating all was well. Inuyasha ran towards the boar youkai as he was summoning his wind scar. The boar eyes widen and he ran backwards tripping over the ailing snake youkai. The snake youkai moved away while holding his mouth. As Inuyasha yelled for the wind scar to come forth the snake youkai never had a chance and got caught in the path of the terrible force of the fang. Disintegrating into dust, the snake youkai was no more.
The Oni youkai was now after Sango and Miroku. He was frustrated because they were air born. He swung at them but Kirara swooping motion was causing his swings to miss them. The Oni youkai was blindly swinging because of his lack of proper vision when Mirouku saw that he was on the blind side of the monster, he yelled to Kirara to get closer as he slammed his staff on the top of the Oni's head. Quickly Kirara swooped up higher away from the Oni as it howled due to Miroku's spiritual energy.
As they were far up, Sango took the opportunity to throw her weapon as it spun towards the Oni slicing off the hand that carried the club. Not having enough time to recover from the injury to his head, the Oni agonizing yell from losing his hand was just too much. The Oni reached down with the other hand and picked up the club with the former limb still attached and wildly swung the club.
Kagome at this time saw how Sango and Miroku were handling the Oni. She held onto Shippou as Takahiro again coaxed Kagome to hold her hand out as another blue flame took form. The Boar youkai now had to rethink his strategy. He had to devise away to get the jewel shards from the miko. He knew she was not the one doing all this flame throwing, but he kept his eye on the kit and how she was holding onto him. He would go after the kit! He was probably using her as a vessel being that he was small. Illusions he also knew were part of the Kitsune way to throw you off guard.
Inuyasha saw how the Boar was contemplating his next attack. He saw that he was staring at Kagome and Shippou. He didn't care that Shippou's parents were bent on protecting Kagome; he was going to protect her. He quickly stood in front of her with the fang ready to strike. The Boar gave a snort as his tusks grew twice its size. He snapped his whip and as the red stones at the end of each three braided strands glowed as if on fire. The Boar hurled the whip in Inuyasha's direction, but just as Inuyasha was readying his defense, Kagome split into seven images as well as a barrier. The Boar as well as Inuyasha was surprised. Still sporting the blue flame in her hand she said in Shippou parents voice,
“Your thoughts are going to cause your demise! If you think for one moment that you are going to place any harm on my kit!”
Inuyasha was in the center of the seven images and the barrier as he kept his eyes on the Boar. He knew this bastard was going to be a tough one. He didn't want to take a chance on the real image of Kagome being hurt in any way so he said,
“Look, let me out of this barrier, I will handle this swine! He's nothing!”
Takahiro was getting very impatient with the way the young hanyou wanted to go in head first into this battle. The boar had transformed into a full beast. Once transformed, Takahiro knew that the tusk became poisonous.
Akemi was keeping an eye on Kagome. It was taking a lot out of the miko to allow them to protect her. They knew that she would weaken if they surfaced too long. Akemi saw Kagome eyes shifting towards her for Kagome was in a trance-like state and Akemi took the opportunity to ask,
“My young one, are you fairing well?”
Kagome shook her head `yes' giving a weak smile. Kagome was aware of what was happening but wanted to stay as still as possible to allow the fox family to protect their kit. If she forced herself back, then she would weaken. She wasn't sure how she knew this, but this was compelling enough for her to follow through.
The Boar at this time was beating down on the barrier with his whip. Each time the whip touched the barrier it shook the whole area. This started to weaken the barrier.
Kagome eyes widen as this frightened her. Akemi at that moment went over to Kagome and held her. The dark side of Kagome appeared and said to Akemi,
“Go help your mate, I'll stay with her. I'm her strength and she needs me now so she will not weaken too quickly”
Akemi was amazed at how this dark side of Kagome really changed how the miko was becoming. Akemi shook her head in understand and went to help give her mate more support to the barrier.
Inuyasha was getting very impatient. He wanted to be let out of the barrier. Takahiro noticed this and said to Inuyasha,
“Listen young one, you must be very careful. The boar's tusks are poisonous! He's also cleverer than the other two. This barrier will hold out while we devise a plan taking careful consideration of his poison.”
Shippou was watching the boar and remembered when his parents fought a highly poisonous snake youkai. They did a lot of dodging until the snake tired. Then his mother used the bushin attack to make many clones. Then he used his spinning top to confuse the snake as it snapped at his mother's images. The spinning top distracted it so his father could use his 7-kunai blades surrounded with his powerful foxfire as it stabbed the snake in the head, eyes and mouth. The blue flames were very painful as the snake wailed its body around enough for the fox family to get away. He thought that was fun. Even in danger his father knew how to make it fun. So he shouted out,
“Father! Remember the snake youkai a long time ago?”
His father smiled, he didn't think Shippou would remember he was much younger that he is now. Akemi thought it was a wonderful idea but hoped that Inuyasha would catch on. The boar steady beat on the barrier was weakening and Takahiro said,
“Look pack leader, you must pay attention, stay clear of his tusks and let's get him tired, we have enough energy left to get rid of him once and for all. Your sword can do the rest.”
Inuyasha shook his head in understanding and got ready for the barrier to fade out. As soon as that happened the 7 images ran around the boar. Slowly one by one the seven images disappeared as Inuyasha ran towards the boar while the boar snapped his whip straight towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha dodged the whip's assault as it crashed on the ground burning holes from the red stones. The boar turned his attention on Kagome. Shippou was now on her shoulders as he threw his spinning top. The boar cracked his whip and smashed the top to pieces. Inuyasha ran again towards the boar and sliced the boar's left tusk. The boar laughed saying,
“You think I can't grow another one? You fool! I'm a full youkai not a half-breed mongrel like you!”
Inuyasha growled. He was going to show the bastard swine just how much a half-breed like he could bring him down. He yelled to Kagome,
“Kagome! You and Shippou move away.”
As they did Inuyasha summoned the wind scar and the boar cracked his whip and came down on the fang's blade. The wind scar was in a suspension state as a very shock Inuyasha gasped at how the power just stopped. It was still there, but it was at a stand still! Kagome then got an arrow ready to shoot. She shot at the whip but the boar pull it back as it sent Inuyasha flying with it. He sailed over the boar as the one tusk the boar had left cut Inyasha's left upper arm. He howled in pain as Kagome quickly tried to surfaced Akemi and Takahiro begged,
“Please my lady, do not come out yet, you'll need our speed to dodge this mad boar's weapon. Fortunately, his poison works slow. Please my lady.”
Kagome was torn. She wanted to help Inuyasha but knew she had to stay put. She'll let them do what they must. Inuyasha hit the ground with the whip still attached to the fang. Takahiro formed another blue flame and threw it at the boars back as it faced them. They wanted him to release the whip from the fang. So they kept up their assault of the foxfire. The boar was getting annoyed at the kit and the human. He knew he needed to get rid of them but also needed to hold on to the fang of the hanyou.
Kagome had an idea. If they would let her use her power and use a sutra she could lace the sutra with purification maybe this might cause the boar to release the fang. But how to do this when the supplies are back at the camp?
Sango and Miroku had to take out this Oni so they could help Inuyasha. They heard him yell in agony and knew he needed help. The Oni was swinging his amputated hand that was still holding the club. Sango threw her weapon again as it cut off the other hand. With both hands Miroku said,
“No more, we must hurry and help Inuyasha and Kagome.”
With that he unwrapped the prayer beads and unleashed the `Wind Tunnel'. Sango ordered Kirara to go to the ground and Miroku steadied his feet to take in the Oni. It screamed as the void sucked him in. Miroku wrapped the prayer beads back around his hand. Sango was concerned and asked.
“Hoshi-sama, are you okay?”
He smiled at Sango. How beautiful she was when she was concerned for him. But he knew they needed to get to the next battle. So he nodded and gestured that they go in the direction of the next problem. There was a mad boar with a scary whip to deal with.
When they arrived, the boar had Inuyash's fang wrapped in his whip. They saw Kagome and Shippou. Kagome was throwing blue flames at the boars back. The boar turned and snarled at Kagome. Sango ordered Kirara to fly up. Miroku decided to stay on ground to see if he could help with his staff. When he reached Kagome hearing the voice of Takahiro and Akemi's, they explained to him about the poison tusk of the boar youkal. Their concern now is to get the boar to release the sword.
Miroku looked at every way the situation could be played out. As Kagome's host were using the foxfire attack, the boar needed to decide whether to let go of the sword or strip this human and kit to nothing. Inuyasha refusing to let go of the sword was thrown again face down. To the left side of the boar he landed. Miroku took the opportunity to run towards Kagome to talk to her.
“Takahiro-sama, I see that Inuyasha has an injury to his left arm and is bleeding quite badly, if Inuyasha lets go of the sword, it will transform to its thinner blade and will loosen from the whip strands. Then with swiftness the blade can be removed and given to Inuyasha. I am not that swift but…”
Takahiro understood the monk's train of thought. Before anything could be said Shippou darted off of Kagome's shoulder and swiftly ran towards Inuyasha and jump on Inuyasha's back on the right side where he held the sword. Inuyasha felt the kit jump on his back as he yelled,
“What are you crazy?! Get away from here! Ya wanna get killed?”
Shippou not moving shouted,
“Ya big dummy! Let go of the sword!”
Inuyasha kept ranting on about not letting go of his sword when the boar that was becoming impatient got ready to throw Inuyasha again. Simultaneously Shippou bit Inuyasha's hand that held the sword. The boar again lifted and threw both Inuyasha and Shippou in the air. Shippou summoned his `Heart Scar' so Inuyasha could finally release this sword. The pain was intense as both plummeted to the ground and Inuyasha did release the sword. The sword as predicted transformed to the thinner blade and fell on the ground spinning towards Kagome and Miroku. The Boar was surprised at how the blade changed, as the strands collapsed holding nothing.
Shippou quickly apologized and beckoned Inuyasha to get moving. As Inuyasha tried to move he felt light-headed. Then he saw the blood streaming down his left arm. Fast! Very Fast! At that moment Sango swooped down with Kirara and grabbed Inuyasha's right arm dragging him closer towards the sword.
Miroku looked at the way all had turned out, it wasn't quite what he expected but the results were the same. The gang was all together with Inuyasha standing in front of everyone, at that moment Kagome re-surfaced seeing that Inuyasha was hurt. Her heart was quickly beating as she saw the amount of blood Inuyasha was loosing. She said,
“Inuyasha! Your arm! By the gods, your arm!”
Inuyasha gained enough of himself to tell her to stay behind him. The boar growled and prepared his whip to strike again. He snatched it up as it crackled loud and the red stones glowed once again. He came down hard as Miroku grabbed Kagome and Shippou as Sango and Kirara moved also. Inuyasha leaped up out of the whip's aftershock. Inuyasha then raised the blade above his head and again summoned the `wind scar' the blade's power swirled as the boar quickly snapped his whip and again it wrapped around the fang.
Everyone was feeling a bit dismayed because of the same attack from the boar's whip. Inuyasha was holding on not allowing himself to be thrown again by this swine. He was struggling and Kagome without thinking held Inuyasha from behind. Everyone called for Kagome to come back but she needed to help her friend.
As Inuyasha was about to reprimand Kagome's action, she held him closer when the chanting stick and the yin-yang disk started to glow. She held on as the power resonated around both Inuyasha and Kagome. Then it flowed up to the fang. As this happened the strands of the whip disintegrated. Needless to say the shocked look on the boar's face was priceless as he growled,
“This is impossible! This can't be! My weapon brought down by a mere ningen wench!”
This enraged Inuyasha! He knew Kagome wasn't going to let go of him so he summoned the `Wind Scar' again. This time without holding back, Inuyasha shot the power of the fang at the boar. The boar still in shock over his destroyed whip that was passed down from his father could not move away from the on-coming path of the Wind Scar. As it hit the boar he yelled in agony and he was engulfed in the burning wind of the fang. The Boar was no more.
Inuyasha was panting hard. He was feeling weak, Kagome slowly released Inuyasha's waist, as she was feeling weak. The others in the group ran over towards the two wanting to know if all was well. Suddenly Inuyasha passed out. Kagome was yelling,
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha!”
But all Inuyasha could hear was voices that sounded far away. His vision slowly faded to black. Sango told Miroku to put Inuyasha on Kirara's back and that he should help Kagome and Shippou back to the camp.
Just then Mirouku noticed that Sango's robe had become slightly undone. Her breast was if you would, leak from the cross over opening in the upper part giving him a view. Not much showed but enough to send his imagination whirling. Kagome was somewhat exposed as well. Kagome and Sango didn't miss Miroku's shameless behavior and straighten themselves before telling him how they would make his night short lived.
Miroku got himself together and apologized. He knew getting Inuyasha back to camp was priority for the medical supplies were there. So quickly they left for camp.
Back at camp Kagome and Sango worked feverishly on Inuyasha. Kagome was worried because the wound was still bleeding non-stop. She was tired and a bit frazzled seeing Inuyasha's wound. So deep was the wound and he was already turning pale. Just at that moment Akemi surfaced telling everyone on how to treat this kind of poison. She knew how to get the blood to stop flowing and instructed Shippou to gather herbs needed. It grew wild and was plentiful.
Miroku along with Kirara had trekked back to the hot spring to retrieve everyone's clothing. Shippou had also gathered the herbs needed and Kagome went onto cleaning the wound then started to prepare the mixture of the herbs into a paste. Putting pressure on the opened wound with the help of Sango, Kagome smeared the herb paste on the wound and quickly wrapped the anti-bacterial bandages around Inuyasha's arm. The blood was still seeping through the bandages, but had slowed some.
Inuyasha was so pale. He always had this kind of golden hue to his skin that complemented his eyes but now… Kagome knew that he would recover but this delayed the trek. No matter, his health was first. This campsite might be home for a couple of days. She started to prepare more stable bedding for Inuyasha. She was so tired that she didn't realize that she had fallen. Sango ran to help Kagome off the ground. More embarrassed than hurt; she smiled at Sango thanking her for helping her up. Sango didn't like the way Kagome was moving. She was like a walking dead or zombie-like. Kagome eyes were unfocused and glassy.
At this moment Miroku and Kirara had returned. Shippou went to gather more herbs so everyone could stay together to watch over Inuyasha. Sango forced Kagome to sit down if only for a moment. She knew Kagome was as stubborn as an ox and told her so. Kagome knew Sango meant no harm as Sango made a point saying,
“You won't be any good helping Inuyasha if you're passing out over him! Now come on sit!”
Miroku was silent watching the women moving with the soiled robes still damp enough giving him a supreme show of their voluptuous, heavenly bodies. The girls noticed how Miroku was staring at them. Sango picked up a rock and threw it hitting Miroku's shoulder. This snapped him out of his fantasy world. Blushing he placed the clothes down and rubbed his shoulder and hissing from the sting.
Shippou had arrived back with the herbs. He didn't miss Miroku's punishment form Sango knowing what the punishment was for. He couldn't believe Miroku sometimes. Shaking his head he went over to Kagome giving her the herbs then walked over to where Inuyasha was. He felt horrible at how he had to use his Heart Scar on Inuyasha's hand. He saw the bite mark and held his head down. Kagome noticed this and said,
“Don't worry Shippou. I'm quite sure Inuyasha will understand when he's awake. Good thing you did what you did or you and he may have been tossed all night. Come, don't worry.”
She picked him up to assure him that she didn't think less of him. He was feeling a lot better. But he sniffed and scrunched up his nose saying,
“I think we all need a new soak! That swine demon really stunk up everything”
Everyone agreed but at the same time the issue was the pack leader and someone needed to stay and keep an eye on him. Miroku suggested that the women go first along with Kirara, and he and Shipppou would stay to watch Inuyasha. Kagome turned to Inuyasha putting a hand on his forehead to see if he still felt warm. He was breathing better, but the wound was darkening due to the poison. She had hoped that the herbs worked. Holding Shippou in her other arm, she placed him down as she made ready to go back to the spring with Sango and Kirara.
Once the girls made it to the springs, Sango noticed that Kagome was very silent. On times like this she knew Kagome was worried about Inuyasha. So she kept silent while they washed their bodies and cleaned the robes that got soiled during battle. Kagome was done in no time she wanted to hurry back to the camp. So when Sango finished they headed back.
Miroku and Shippou were preparing the bedding for everyone and every now and then checked on Inuyasha. They turned around and saw the women returning so he and Shippou got their belongings together and they went to the springs. Kirara was going to go with them, but Miroku thought best that she stay with the women. He and Shippou hurried to the springs.
Kagome immediately went to Inuyasha's side. He was panting hard as if he was in pain. She touched his head and he was warm she asked Sango to hand her one of the large leaves that was soaked in a towel she used. The cool leaves were placed on his head and chest. While the coolness caused the hanyou to gasp in shock, at that moment he started mumbling. Something was in the air. Sango looked up as so did Kagome and there were soul collectors flying about. Sango's heart sank knowing what this may do to Kagome. She looked at Kagome and saw her sister's face go completely blank. She just went on with the duties of trying to bring the hanyou's body temperature down. The soul collectors just circled around trying to get the hanyou's attention. Sango couldn't help but to say,
“Why are they here, I mean this far? Kikyo must be somewhere near by.”
Kagome didn't answer. She was taking the leaves off Inuyasha as his mumbling continued. It wasn't coherent, as no one understood a word. At that moment Shippou and Miroku returned they too saw the collectors and came as fast as they could. They saw Kagome sitting nursing Inuyasha as he was mumbling and tossing his head from side to side. Miroku looked at Sango who just shrugged her shoulders but looked wary of what might happen next. Shippou couldn't contain his anxiousness and said,
“Kagome are you okay? I mean you know the collectors are here. Inuyasha's in no shape to move so what…”
Before Shippou could continue his train of thought, Kagome stood up and went over to the bag and pulled out the kettle and she asked,
“Does anyone want tea? I'll go and get some water. And as for the Soul Collectors, as you can see Inuyasha can't move, so if she wants to see him, then she needs to come here. If she's not hostile, I won't be hostile.”
Then Inuyasha's mumbling got louder as what he said was clearer than before and Kagome was back at his side when she saw him open his eyes saying,
“Kikyo, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I wasn't there for you… Kikyo! Don't go!”
Inuyasha closed his eyes and the panting slowed down into Normal breathing. Kagome's heart lurched in her chest, but she kept a strong face so the others would not see her pain. She got up and was heading towards the stream to get fresh water and taking her weapon and two large bottles and asked Shippou,
“Shippou will you come with me? Sango, Miroku, look after Inuyasha for me okay?”
Shippou walked along side Kagome as Sango and Miroku agreed to stay with Inuyasha. Sango told Kirara to follow them and in her kitty form she galloped behind them.
End ch. 13
A/N: I really had a difficult time with this chapter. So many things got in the way. But I am not going to give up. I am having some blockage of the brain! =} What can I say. Anyway, I want to thank all of you who took the time to review and read. I'm not one to hold a story ransom because of not enough reviews or anything like that. I'll just keep on writing. I have other stories but I'm not going to post them until this is finished. Peace and Love to all.