InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator Rumiko Takahashi of this wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro and Akemi are conjured by me.
CH. 12: To The Fox Village We Go
The gang was already about a half day away from the village. Kagome would every few steps turn and look back towards the village they called home. Everyone was rather silent. They assumed that Kagome was looking to see if Inuyasha was coming. So Shippou asked,
“Kagome, you still looking for that ungrateful dog? The nerve of him sneaking off into the night, he's so inconsiderate.”
Kagome turned her attention to Shippou saying,
“Oh I wasn't searching for Inuyasha, I was just looking at the barrier that is now surrounding Kaede's village. It's a beautiful light lavender color and so huge! Look Mirouku and Sango can you see it?”
Miroku looked in the same direction and was amazed; they were considerably far and he could see the barrier, so he said to Kagome,
“I can see the barrier, truly remarkable.”
Kagome looked back again. She was hoping that Miroku could see it being that he had spiritual powers. It was beautiful the way it sort of domed around. Sango also mentioned that she could see it as well. But Shippou figured he being a demon might not be able to see it. But much to his surprise, he could see it.
So they journeyed on until they came to a suitable spot. Shippou had been wonderful using his nose to spot out a wonderful river with trees and a nice small clearing for camping. They thought to set up camp being that it was getting low on light.
Kagome was humming as she prepared the cooking pot she used and the kettle for their tea. She packed the tea she knew Sango and Miroku loved. It was and herbal tea that she brought from her time. It was a mixture of mandarin orange and lemon. She had a huge plastic bottle of honey for them to sweeten their tea. Kagome knew that they liked drinking the tea together and alone, so being the manipulator she was when it came to them, she would prepare this last and she and Shippou would go to the river and clean the dishes.
The meal was eaten in silence because a member was missing. They were concerned for Kagome because she didn't show any signs of anxiousness with Inuyasha not being present. As Kagome gathered the dishes for cleaning, she told Shippou to help her to the river. She even asked Kirara to come with them. Kagome pick up her bow and arrows and her little party started towards the river. She already prepared the tea for Sango and Miroku.
Miroku knew what Kagome was up to and so did Sango. They both laughed as they saw Kagome and her crew skipping to the river. Sango looked at Miroku saying,
“She never gives up does she?”
Miroku gave a hearty laugh saying,
“Let her. If it makes her happy to see us happy, she could use some happiness right now.”
Sango nodding her head in agreement and got a serious look saying,
“She not talking about Inuyasha's disappearance has me worried for her. Any other time she'd be so sad and near tears that I want to comfort her so much when that happens but she puts on a mask and let other things distract her.”
Miroku could tell that Sango had been thinking long and hard about Kagome's actions. He was also concerned. Just then they both jumped when they had a feeling that something was lurking. Miroku quickly picked up his staff as Sango picked up her weapon. Then they heard rustling above them in a nearby tree. A red streak flopped right in front of them. Inuyasha looked at the two of them. He knew their heart was racing so in a solemn voice he said,
“Didn't mean to scare you two. I know you all want an explanation but where is Kagome? I don't see Shippou is he with her?”
Sango trying to keep her voice cool saying
“She and Shippou are cleaning dishes by the river, they should be on their way back.”
Inuyasha turned in the direction of the river and saw Kagome, Shippou and Kirara coming into the camp.
Kagome looked up and saw Inuyasha standing with Miroku and Sango. Her stomach felt nervous but then quickly quieted. She got closer to the group and walked passed Inuyasha. All she stated was,
“Glad you could join us Inuyasha, sorry the meal is done, but if you would like some tea and flavored crackers I'd be happy to prepare some for you.”
He was taken back by her congeniality and not her silent treatment she would usually display when he… well…
When he didn't answer her because he was musing over her demeanor, Kagome just shook her head and started to prepare for bed. She promised Shippou she would read to him.
No one wanted to ask the question burning in everyone's brain. So Kagome read Shippou a story while he ate his pokey. When she finished the story she and Shippou got in their sleeping bag, Sango and Miroku sat up to watch. Even though Inuyasha told them to turn in Sango replied,
“Since you were not here, Miroku and I decided to keep watch over Kagome and Shippou so we're sticking to our plan. If you feel the need to go off again we'll keep an eye out.”
Inuyasha knew someone would snap at him, he'd thought it would be Kagome but it appeared she had not even asked him anything. He turned to see Kagome back was turned away from the fire. Then he turned his attention back to Sango. He could tell that she was highly upset. Miroku on the other hand had just been staring at the fire, Miroku turned and looked at Inuyasha as if he expected something. Inuyasha knew he had to explain himself to the group so he just sat down. Kagome on the other hand just stayed in her position. She just wanted to get some sleep for the long trek ahead.
Shippou was tempted to leave Kagome's sleeping bag to speak to Inuyasha, but just thought to close his eyes and sleep. No one spoke. Inuyasha was feeling uncomfortable so he just climbed up the tree and perched on a thick limb. Sango gave an exasperated sigh and put Kirara in her lap and stroked her fur. Kirara had no complaints for she loved it when her mistress stroked her.
Miroku pulled Sango close to him promising to behave, with Kirara still in her lap. Kagome was deep in sleep for they both heard her soft snoring. Sango rested her head on Miroku shoulder as they both stared at the fire. Inuyasha looked down at the two lovebirds and wished that Kagome were by his side. He knew it would be a long while before Kagome even let him near her.
Morning came and Kagome saw that there was water on for breakfast. Inuyasha had caught some fish for every one and they were roasting over the fire. Sango and Miroku was also surprised that Inuyasha got all of breakfast prepared. He's usually up in the tree waiting for Kagome to beckon him down. This morning found him busy. He told Miroku he was going to the river to fish before the sun rose. Kagome was shocked! Was Inuyasha doing this out of guilt? This she felt was a legitimate question. But decided not to ask it. Some things are left better unsaid. Breakfast was done and she was grateful.
They ate in silence as Shippou offered to clean up. He took all the dishes and asked Kirara to help him. Kagome said she would join him if waited for her to gather her change of clothes and toiletries. Sango also said she would join them. She wanted to freshen up. Kagome smiled and was glad Sango wanted to join her. The guys except Shippou decided to stay at camp.
As the girls walked, Shippou and Kirara were ahead of them. Sango looked at Kagome with concern. Kagome picked up on it and asked,
“What do you want to talk about Sango? Inuyasha's disappearance or my weird attitude?”
Kagome giggled as she saw how Sango face changed to shock. Kagome grabbed Sango's arm as they walked to let Sango know that it was okay to ask her question. So Sango asked,
“Why haven't you asked Inuyasha about his leave of the group?”
Kagome face went solemn as she walked with her surrogate sister. She knew it would concern Sango and Miroku to no end. She looked at Sango and said,
“I just get tired Sango. He knows how this bothers me, yet he goes off anyway. I know I can't stop him. It hurts all the same and I know deep down that he's being pulled at all directions between Kikyo and myself. He can't help how he feels about her, and I can't help how I feel about him. But I'm not going to give into all this depression when there is a little fox child in need. I tried to help Inuyasha see that he's not alone in this world and I want him happy that's why I stay by him. But I don't think I have the right to hold him to a promise when he's made one that he's having a hard time dealing with. I want to get this thing with Naraku done, but right now I am on this quest that I am compelled to see through. Anyway, you got some steam off yourself last night, you didn't need me to say anything.”
Sango gasp because she didn't think Kagome heard her. But she smiled knowing that Kagome was okay. Kaogme sounded very confident and Sango hope that she was strong in her principles. Shippou yelled at them to hurry up and Kagome and Sango walked a little faster. Kagome added,
“As for my funky attitude, well let's just say it don't hurt as much when I let go.”
Sango smiled saying,
“Good for you!”
Miroku looked at Inuyasha as he was gathering things for packing. He wondered why was he being so helpful? It irritated Inuyasha that Miroku was looking at his every move. So he snapped,
“Got something to say Monk? Spit it out and stop trying to stare a hole through me!”
Miroku didn't say a word. He decided just help pack up camp. This mad Inuyasha even more irritated. He knew that the Monk would have much to say so he bit out,
“Well what is it Monk? What's nagging you?”
Miroku took a deep calming breath saying,
“Look Inuyasha, it was you that said you had some explaining to do and have not done so. So why would I want to say anything when you left and didn't say anything to anyone. Kagome didn't even seem fazed by your disappearance. I know it bothered her much, but she has been acting like it didn't matter. So if she's not showing concern then why should I? You are the one with explanations left unsaid.”
Inuyasha ears dropped, as he knew he would have to explain his actions. I was just hard for him. All his life he never had to explain himself to anyone. He never had to answer to anyone. On his own he was master of his whereabouts. He also knew that he was part of a pack of friends and they did say many times how much he's needed, and is important. They told him he's strong, and protecting his pack of friends was very important. Kagome bought them all together. Some crew they were, three humans, two demons, and one hanyou. Kaede was very stern in telling them that it was imperative that they let nothing come between them. There are many forces at work that will see your closeness and use any means to split them. He heard Miroku take a deep breath and saw that he was in his form of meditation. He knew that Miroku did not want to talk.
Kagome and the rest were making their way back. They were giggling like most girls did. He'll get the information from Shippou later. Kagome walked past him. She would usually give him that goofy grin of hers but she wasn't upset or anything. Just it made him feel as if he didn't exist for that moment.
Kagome packed her things as the others help put out the fire and checked around to make sure they were not leaving anything behind. Inuyasha started to walk ahead of them and Miroku with Kirara on his shoulder walked with Sango behind Inuyasha and Shippou and Kagome was behind everyone.
They walked for what seemed like hours. Inuyasha asked if they wanted to break. They were all shocked! He saw their surprised look and he ranted,
“What! Do you want to break or not? Simple question ain't it?”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha saying,
“Simple question, yes. You asking the question, not so simple to answer we're shocked that's all.”
Everyone else just snickered as Inuyasha huffed and kept on walking. Scowling his face not appreciating their amusement he barked,
“Well excuse me for showing some concern. Since you all got so much energy to be so amusing, let's just keep walking! Feh!”
Inuyasha walked a little faster as everyone felt that they should have accepted his offer. Kagome was running towards Inuyasha,
“Inuyasha, wait! Slow down will you!”
Inuyasha acted as if he didn't hear her and kept on walking. Pouting and mumbling, Kagome finally caught up to him. Grabbing his arm she turned him so she could look him in the eyes.
“Look I'm sorry for my comment and I appreciate you asking us for a break. But it just took us by surprise. You always just push us to our limit, and we got caught off guard.”
Inuyasha still feeling a bit miffed answered,
“Fine! We'll just keep walking until I hear whining, okay!? Maybe this will teach me to know when I should be concerned!”
He turned and resumed his speedy walk. Kagome slumped her shoulders and sighed heading back to the rest of the group.
Sango was asking Shippou if he could hear what's being said.
“Kagome was trying to apologize for her remark, Inuyasha blew her off as always. I really don't know why she bother.”
Miroku who was walking behind Sango and Shippou said,
“Well, we could all take a lesson from Kagome. She knew Inuyasha was trying to accommodate us by halting for a break and we just mocked his concern for our well being. We all need to apologize.”
Sango and Shippou were a bit shocked and appalled, saying in unison,
“Why Us!”
Miroku holding up his hand gesturing for them to listen said,
“Now, now. Inuyasha was only doing at that moment what he thought was best for us.”
To which Shippou replied,
“Well I think he was only doing it out of guilt. He left the group and instead of saying he was sorry for leaving us, he just goes on as if nothing happened. I mean he made breakfast, and now asking us for a break hoping we don't bring up his disappearance the other night.”
Sango shaking her head in agreement added,
“If anything he owes us an apology and an explanation. Wasn't Kagome's safety an issue here?”
At that moment, Kagome walked up hearing some of what they were saying. She knew all of their concerns were valid but felt that she needed to come to Inuyasha's defense.
“It's funny how misunderstandings can create so many problems. Good intentions are often misunderstood. Touchy situations are usually appeased by other acts. Tension around the campfire last night, and then an offering of a breakfast is a form of an apology. At least I'd like to think so.
Shippou was agitated again feeling that Kagome was letting Inuyasha get away with hurting her, so he said,
“But Kagome, he's left us before and not long ago! Miroku was hurt badly, and that could have been you, not that Miroku's injury was any less serious! Did he care at that moment? No, he went off into the night. Leaving us to fend for ourselves. Some leader he is!”
Kagome understood where Shippou was coming from. She knew it scared him as well if something should happen to her. She held her arms out for him. He hesitated for a second thinking Kagome was going to reprimand him for his ranting. He jumped in her arms and Kagome cradled his head to her chest. She then looked at Miroku and Sango saying,
“Inuyasha has been on his own for a long time fending for himself. He had to create this lonely world just so he could survive. This group thing is new to him. I'm not condoning his actions, but I'm not condemning him either. No one is perfect. We rise and fall in a lot of the things we do. Most leaders do.”
All were silent. Miroku took in a deep breath saying,
“I have heard Inuyasha consider us as friends and with that I must say at first I couldn't stand the ground he stood on. But you Kagome has taken that and turned my point of view of him. We are all in this together. As Lady Kaede says, we can't let anything come between us.”
Kagome smiled as she looked at Sango and Shippou still pouting. She knew everyone including herself had a temper so she said,
“Come on guys. Miroku's right. Let's create a bond now while on this journey. I think each of us has had some sort of enlightenment since this started. I know that these feelings I've been having are mysterious. The possession is not as scary, but I will tell you all there's something I can't quite put my finger on. I feel a little scared but confident if that makes any sense. Knowing you all is there for me that kind of lessen the fear a bit.”
They all walked along for a little while. Inuyasha was far ahead of them, but not so that he couldn't hear. They all seem to forget just how he can hear from fair distance. He heard Kagome tell them about her fears. Why wouldn't she tell him when he asked her several times? He heard her speaking again,
It's not that Inuyasha says I'm useless, worthless, weak, or that I get in the way or anything like that, heck he says that to my face. It's just that he said it in front of Kikyo in what he thought was my absence.
“To say such things and then call me a friend… well it just hurts. So behind my back hearing their conversation, I feel I'm the worst thing that happened in his life! Sometimes he makes it hard to be his friend.”
She felt her chest tightening and a lump started to form in her throat. But instead she breathed deeply and started wiping tears that had the nerve to show themselves. Shippou nuzzled his head deeper towards Kagome's chest as he felt her heart beat change and speed up due to pain and then straining to suppress it keeping the pain from surfacing. At that moment she held Shippou tightly. Sango walked closer to Kagome and hugged her. She looked at Miroku who was deep in thought. Miroku noticed that Sango was holding Kagome with Shippou and Kirara sandwiched between them. He was concerned for Kagome's circumstance pertaining to their hanyou friend. Truly this was a complicated situation. He walked closer saying,
“Come everyone, let's catch up to Inuyasha and graciously accept his offer.
They all agreed. Inuyasha saw they were walking slow and was about to yell at them to move when he caught their conversation. Kagome was explaining that they should be a little understanding towards him. But then the conversation changed to Kagome's pain. When he heard what she had to say his heart skipped several beats! His breathing was cut short when he realized what his words and actions did to her. What he said about her behind her back. When he realized she was there, he couldn't retract what he said. His temper got the better of him.
Oh by the gods how was he going to make this up to her?
Souta was surprised at how well Mom and Grandpa took his explanation of the locket. He should've known. With the weird stuff that's going on with Kagome, they were more curious than anything. He was clearing the glass cabinets at the gift shop. Business was slow but there was plenty to do. His boss Yoshirou had a new shipment of artifacts and there were categorizing to do, inventory and display shelves to make room for the new items.
Yoshirou noticed how Souta was being very careful of the new items. He watched how Souta took responsibility and care of every item that has been shipped in. Although Souta time in the gift shop was short, he accomplished a lot. He noticed the locket that was around Souta's neck. He wondered if anything was going on with it. The young man would every now and then look at the pictures and close it back. He wanted to ask questions, but decided to wait until Souta felt comfortable to talk on personal bases.
The bell to the door ringed to let them know someone entered. A very tall man in a black suit that looked expensive also sported a long dark brown ponytail. He had on glasses that sort of hung down near the tip of his nose.
The tall man approached Yoshirou giving a bow of greeting. Yoshirou returned the greeting and spoke to the gentleman. Souta noticed that the tall man carried a package wrapped in brown paper with tight strings all around. The tall man handed Yoshirou the package. Yoshirou then went around the counter and took the checkbook out. Writing out a check Yoshirou handed it to the tall man. The tall man smiled and bowed to Yoshirou and left the store.
Souta walked to the counter asked Yoshirou,
“Is this package to be put in the back with the other shipment?”
Yoshirou smiled at the young man's eagerness to help.
“No my young one, this is going with me when I lock up tonight. It's for someone who requested this for a museum.”
Souta nodded in understanding and turned back to finish his work. Before Souta knew it, it was time for him to prepare to go. The telephone rang and Yoshirou answered. It was Mrs. Higurashi, she wanted to know if it would be all right if Souta stayed at the shop for a little while. No one would be home and she would pick him up for she was running late.
Yoshirou assured her it would be fine and asked if she would like to speak to the lad. She appreciated his thoughtfulness and Yoshirou call Souta to the phone. Souta listen to what his mother was saying and agreed to stay with his boss until his mother picked him up. He said farewell to his mother and hung up the phone.
Souta mentioned to Yoshirou that his mother appreciated his help. He wanted to know if Yoshirou wanted him to do anything while he waited for his mother. Yoshirou smiled saying.
“I'm sure you have homework to get to. Why don't you use my office in the back and I'll bring you a snack if you so wish.”
Souta was grateful for the snack part and equally thankful that he could do his homework there then that way he could play his favorite video game after dinner. So to the office he began his homework. A few minutes later Yoshirou came with a snack for Souta. Yoshirou closed the door to his office so Souta could have privacy.
Souta finished the last of his homework. He started yawning and stretching. He couldn't believe how sleepy he had become. Without thinking he place his head on folded arms and went out. At that moment Yoshirou felt something. He knew what it meant and instantly went towards his office. As quietly as he could he opened the door to his office. He noticed that Souta was asleep, and he noticed the locket glowed a soft blue.
**Souta's Dream**
He heard Kagome's voice. She was talking to her traveling friends. Shippou was in her arms. At first Souta walked along side her and Shippou. He wondered what happened to Inuyasha. He looked up and saw that Inuyasha was so far ahead of them. He wondered why Inuyasha was so far. The one called Miroku was doing something very strange. He was staring at something behind the girls. Especially the one called Sango. Then he saw Miroku going closer behind Sango. Sango stopped short causing Miroku to bump into her large weapon, and falling back on his backside.
Kagome and Shippou turned to see a very agitated Sango looking at a fallen and dusted backside Miroku. They laughed as the monk stood trying to gain some dignity. Sango took a deep breath and walked along with Kagome and Shippou.
“That monk will never learn.”
Shippou expressed as he looked down and noticed that his locket was glowing and vibrating gently. He held it in his hand and told everyone what was going on.
“Look everyone, this means that Kagome's brother is asleep. I wonder what he is dreaming about?”
As soon as Kagome saw the locket glowing, she touched it and got a flash image. Souta was sleep. She couldn't grasp the image for it had happened too quickly. She looked at Shippou and the others telling them,
“Souta is asleep. When I touched the locket, I saw an image of him with his head down on his arms and his schoolbooks. I couldn't see where he was exactly. But it didn't look like his room.”
Miroku was astounded by what was going on. An actual connection between Kagome and her brother through Shippou's locket was amazing.
Souta was amazed that they could tell he was asleep. But he knew that they couldn't see him. Kagome started to giggle. Everyone looked at her wondering why she was laughing.
“I wonder if my brother saw what happen that caused Miroku's mishap just now? I remember the told me he could see what we were doing only when he slept.”
Miroku and Sango both blushed red as Shippou and Kagome laughed. Souta laughed along with them. Then he felt a presence and turned behind him seeing the road they had passed and saw the tall fox youkai from the first time he made connections with his sister. Curious as to why he was there, he only heard him say,
“It is time to awaken my young one. You will be able to join them another time.”
Souta was disappointed. He wanted to go on. At the last moment he heard Inuyasha yell,
“Come on slow pokes, this ain't a luxury walk you know!”
He saw the others walking quickly to catch up with him and he noticed that everything started to fade.
**Dream Over**
Souta felt a gentle nudge on his shoulder and when he lifted his head he saw Yoshiro smiling at him. He told him that his mother was here and that he should gather his belongings and to make himself ready. Souta stretched and gathered everything and headed out of the office.
When his mother saw how sleepy he was she apologized to Souta. She held her arms open as he sluggishly walked into his mother's embrace. She also apologized and thanked Yoshiro for his kindness.
He smiled telling her it was no problem and that he was happy he could help her. Bowing and saying many thanks she and her son walked out of the shop. Yoshiro locked the door behind them for it was closing time. He turned the cords on all the vertical blinds closing off the windows and doors. His concealing spell left and there the fox demon stood. At that very moment he felt a little weak and staggered to his office and sat at his desk. He knew what this meant and he could only say a wishful prayer,
“Oh my dear cousin, you must follow through. Our family gets weaker. I'll put my trust in the miko, for only she can help us. I can only hope.”
With that he reclined in his chair waiting for the wave of weakness to stop. Taking deep calming breaths, he went in front of his mini shrine that had an incense holder. Lighting three sticks and placed it in front of a mini shrine. This ritual was to be performed every night. This also helps with the weakness he felt.
Yoshiro started to feel a bit stronger. He extinguished the incense sticks and went on with the task of closing the gift shop. He understood that many factors were in play. But the final burden laid on the miko and his cousin Shippou the hoped the fates would be kind.
Souta helped his mother with cleaning the table. She asked him how things went at work.
“Oh pretty much the same Mom. I help Yoshiro-sama categorize the new shipment of souvenirs and displayed them on the shelves. He also let me do my homework so mom may I please play my new game?”
Mrs. Higurashi giggled. How could she say not to those big puppy brown eyes.
“Okay. But not too long you do have school tomorrow”
Souta hugged his mother and kissed her on the cheek and then jetted up stairs. While Mrs. Higurashi was drying the dishes, grandpa entered the kitchen and sat down. He had been thinking a lot about Kagome and all the sutras he sent with her. He prayed that all would work out. He really worried about the plight of his granddaughter, but he felt the gods knew what they were doing. Mama Higurashi watched grandpa as he was in deep thought. She knew he worried deeply about Kagome.
“Dad, don't you worry about Kagome, I know that all you sent her with will protect her. She may give you the impression that she doesn't believe all you told her over the years, but I do believe she will make the best of any situation that is put before her. We just have to trust her.”
Grandpa looked at his daughter and knew she read him right. He was worried. He expressed to her,
“What I'm puzzled about is the way the yin-yang disk reacted to the boys' sword. He's not all that bright you know. I hope that what ever becomes of that, Kagome can handle it. I'm going to bed now. I'm going to see an old friend of mine I heard was in the hospital. He's fine, just needs to take it easy for a while”
Mama Higurashi nodded her head in understanding. Grandpa's friend had been the one instructing Kagome on her powers. He said it is not too late for her to learn how to harness some of the powers she do know she have with just the meditation alone she could tap into how to protect, purify, and hide scent and emotions. Grandpa's friend had been asking about Kagome. Like always, Grandpa comes up with some freaked out excuse for her absence.
Souta was preparing for bed. He took a nice long soak in the tub and was now sitting on the bed placing the locket around his neck that he had hanging on the picture frame by his bed. The picture was of Kagome, Shippou and himself. He smiled remembering the day at the fair. He really connected with Shippou. He longed to be there with his sister. He wished Inuyasha had come. He looked up to Inuyasha as a big brother. Even though he knew Inuyasha made his Sis sad most of the time and he knew and understood that the relationship was just between the two of them. He knew Inuyasha would protect his sister. Instantly Souta's head hit the pillow. He slowly shut his eyes and was in a deep sleep.
It was getting dark. Inuyasha found an ideal spot to make camp. He went back to the group because he was ahead of them. He told them to speed it up. So he took Kagome and Shippou on his back while Sango and Miroku mounted on Kirara. When they made it to the site, everyone gave their many thanks. Kagome gasped! It was a beautiful site indeed! There was a nearby river that was flowing southbound and there were tall trees with huge trunks that were surrounded by beautifully colored and wonderfully fragrant flowers.
What caught Kagome's eyes was a small waterfall that was cascading over a short ledge that was an equivalent of two stories high compared to where Koga's lair which was high as the towers in her era, this was a small waterfall but good enough for her use. A shower would come in handy and was needed. Even though the water was cold, it was a very warm evening.
They set up camp close to the waterfall so the set-up was quick. Inuyasha made a fire; Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Kagome got the food started. Inuyasha caught the fish after he found the campsite. Using his claws he gutted and cleaned all twelve fish. He gathered some twigs to skewer the fish so they could be ready for roasting. He stored the fish up in a tree while he went to get his pack members. Kagome was elated when she saw how many fish Inuyasha caught as she said,
“Inuyasha this is wonderful! A beautiful river with a waterfall and all this fish you caught! I'm amazed and grateful! Thank you Inuyasha!”
She gave him a smile that he hadn't seen in a long time. A smile like she used to give him when things were normal between them. He liked that smile. She seemed truly pleased with him. Shippou giggled. He didn't miss Inuyasha's blush at Kagome's praise and gratefulness, so he said,
“Inuyasha, I've never seen you look so pink!”
Inuyasha growled at Shippou's annoying ribbing. Why was he blushing? Kagome always says those things to him. So why did he blush this time? Hearing Shippou's continued giggles forced him to bark out,
“Shut-up you brat before I stick a skewer in you and roast your bushy tail!”
Shippou gasped at the thought of being roasted and hid behind Kagome. Inuyasha growled as Shippou cried out,
“Kagome! Inuyasha said he's going to roast me!”
Kagome smiled. These two are going to drive her crazy. Shaking her head she said,
“All right you two settle down so we can eat.”
While all the foolishness was going on, Sango and Miroku were preparing the bedding. Kagome had gotten them all lightweight sleeping bags except Inuyasha since he liked treetops. Each was responsible for carrying their sleeping bag. Shippou didn't need one since he slept with Kagome most of the time. Sango was grateful for hers since it kept Miroku at a respectable distance. She smiled knowing full well it would not deter him for long.
The meal was enjoyable. Kagome seems to be her normal self. She was smiling again. She started to gather her toiletries for her trip to the waterfall. She grabbed her bow and arrows. She asked Sango if she wanted to join her. Sango agreed and followed her sister. The two giggled as they left a warning for the guys not to follow them. Inuyasha gave an indignant huff, Miroku just sighed, and Shippou grumbled because he wanted to follow them. He loved to bathe with them. They were fun! The guys were nothing but boring and only had perverted things on their mind. Miroku always expressed his hentai thoughts while Inuyasha acted like he was dumb and asked dumb questions.
While the guys talked, Shippou noticed that they were engrossed in their hentai conversation. He slowly eased away going towards the waterfall where the girls were. He ran quickly and as he got to the waterfall he noticed the girls were in the water washing their hair. He jumped in as the girls let out a yelp. They playfully reprimanded Shippou for startling them as they laughed when Kirara jumped on Shippou's head dunking him deeper in the water.
The playful noises got the guys attention. Inuyasha looked and discovered that a Kitsune was missing. He growled and was about to jet off towards the waterfall. Miroku stopped him saying,
“Inuyasha, let's not go dashing off just yet. The girls will surely be alarmed by your presences. Jump up to the tree top and you can get a view without being so close.”
Inuyasha was appalled at what Miroku suggested he do. He wanted him to spy on them! Hearing the fun noises made him curious. As he was about to jump, Miroku grabbed him saying,
“Uh-uh Inuyasha not without me. The noises are curious so let us explore together shall we?”
He couldn't believe that he was going to do this. But the noise was compelling him to explore. So he grumbled and jumped up with Miroku on his back. They got up to the top and Inuyasha jumped closer towards the waterfall. Where they landed was a very good sturdy spot. Inuyasha dumped Miroku off of his back not caring if he fell. The two shameless men just watched as the two very necked women, a Kitsune and a Neko played joyously in the water.
The women stopped the play and headed back to he bank where their clothes were. Sango picked up her weapon and quick as ever, tossed it into the direction of the peeping Toms. It hit the branch next to the guys and sent them falling down to the bottom. Inuyasha's quick reflexes saved Miroku as he grabbed the monk and landed on both feet. Inuyasha yelled,
“You see that monk! I should've let you fall. Listening to you is gonna get me killed.”
Inuyasha stormed off towards the camp. He heard the giggles of Kagome, Sango and Shippou and left a perverted monk to his fate. As the girls quickly dressed, they noticed that Miroku was running away. Shippou and Kirara shook their tails free from excess water. The girls quickly dressed and headed back to camp where a perverted monk and a dog boy was going to get the razzing of their lives.
Inuyasha was way up in a tree as he saw Miroku franticly looking for him. Miroku knew Inuyasha was there so the only place to look was up. He said,
“Think being up there is going to save you Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha smirked at the monk. He may not be safe, but if he's going to get yelled at, his ears will fair better up high. When Kagome screams, it really goes through the soul.
The girls made it back to camp and just ignored the fact that Miroku was nowhere in sight and Inuyasha was up in the highest part of a tree. They just started to prepare themselves for bed. Kagome took out two brushes giving one to Sango; they brushed the Kitsune and the Neko. Kagome hummed as she brushed Shippou's tail. She loved to brush his tail. It was so soft and fluffy. Shippou didn't mind. It kind of reminded him of his mother. Kagome's hands were very gentle like his mother's tongue when she bathed him. He missed that so much.
Kagome's humming was very soothing. Shippou was falling asleep. Kagome kept brushing his tail and softly rubbing her hands along behind the brushing. Sango slowed down her brushing Kirara much to the fire-cat protest, Sango looked at Kagome's face and noticed her expression changed and she felt a presence. She was still smiling and humming, but it was like before when Shippou's mother spoke through Kagome. It was Shipppou's mother! To be certain she said,
“Kagome? Is that you?”
Kagome kept brushing Shippou and humming. At that moment Inuyasha jumped down from the tree. He looked at Kagome because he felt something different. He heard Sango's question and decided that he better check this out. Miroku also surfaced from where ever he was hiding and both he and Inuyasha stared at Kagome brushing and humming. Kagome looked up finally at the group. They instantly noticed that her eyes were green like Shippou's.
“No my young ones, I'm Akemi. My little one here is asleep and I wanted to relieve Kagome. She's very tired. Something is really going on with her. A part of her is different. I cannot place what it is, but it is not life threatening, but I guess I'm concerned about her welfare or emotions. She's sad. But I do notice that she recovers quickly. Not as bad as a few days ago. If you all don't mind, I don't mean to be rude, but may I just have this moment with my son? The miko is asleep and I won't weaken her while she rest.”
Sango and Miroku understood what she was asking and went on to make ready for their rest. Inuyasha on the other hand was not about to leave. He was concerned. He not knowing what to expect of this whole situation, was not about to move away. So he just kept quiet and observed.
Akemi knew Inuyasha was being protective and didn't take offense to his watching. Takehiro smiled as he saw his son. They started to converse with each other. All that was heard was a language spoken in which neither Sango or Miroku understood. They just watched as Inuyasha was a bit agitated by the exchange. Takahiro spoke,
“Inu, why are you so wound up? Do you fear that we might harm the miko? You need not to be worried. We have been guarding her while you traveled.”
Inuyasha took offense. He was Kagome's protector and why were they guarding her? So he said,
“What do you mean guarding her?! I guard and protect Kagome!”
Takahiro smirked at Inuyasha; he knew the pup would be agitated because he being a male is making Inuyasha annoyed.
“Ah yes young one, you guard her from the outside. We guard her from within. You see, she had for a while cut us off. Remember we told you of her dark side? Well we just got that part of her to trust us. This was very difficult for she only wanted to keep the miko from hurting within. Kagome is very unusual for a human. We honestly do not understand the human heart, only the compassion she displays is a beautiful feeling and humans like her give freely. We appreciate what she is doing for us and will do whatever we can for her. Now would you please let us have this time with our son?”
Inuyasha's instincts to protect Kagome was strong, but from within was what bothered him the most. This dark side they spoke of, this is confusing! He looked at Sango and Miroku. He saw in their eyes that it was okay. But he will stay close. Very close!
Long moments went by and the couple used Kagome's body to relax and rest in her sleeping bag along with their son cradled in her arms. Kagome stayed asleep. Sango and Miroku were also feeling fatigue for they were watching the incredible display of Kagome's body being used by two Kitsune spirits. When they saw her in her sleeping bag they relaxed. Inuyasha was like a statue. Eyes glued on Kagome as he felt her own aura return to her. Shippou was still asleep. He saw Kagome stroke his hair and she laid him down on her arms as she closed her eyes. He started to say something, but knew she was tired. He couldn't help but feel that something was gnawing at his soul. He didn't know what to expect at this Kitsune village, but he knew he would have to keep his wits about him.
Everyone was sleep now. Inuyasha would keep watch. Nothing would move him. Nothing! He had to protect Kagome. The fire was getting low. He put several more stick on the fire to keep the light going. He wondered how long it would take to get to this fox village. No matter, he'll find out soon enough.
Because of the wind blowing away from Inuyasha, he didn't detect a presence that was lurking, watching from a very far distance. It will pursue them another time.
End Ch. 12
A/N: It has been a whole year since I started this story. I would like to thank those of you who read my story, and I appreciate your reviews. I have some ways to go with this story, but I WILL FINISH THIS STORY!!! It's taking me a while because a) this is my first, b) life issues, and c) not to mention the good ole “block” issue. Who is following them? Well you will find out next chapter. Until then Happy New Year! Peace one and all!