InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ❯ Maturity and Sacrifice ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its affiliates.
That belongs to the Original creator Rumiko Takahashi of this wonderful cast of characters. Takahiro and Akemi are conjured by me.
CH. 11: To Trek or Not to Trek
Shippou was sitting by the well. He wished Kagome and Inuyasha would return. He'd figured that because it was `New Moon' Kagome might want him to stay in her time. He couldn't wait for them to come back. He wanted to tell Kagome of the dream he had.
Just at that moment, huge bags came flying out from the well and one fell on top of Shippou momentarily knocking him out. Inuyasha and Kagome soon followed the bags as Kagome looked at all of the bags that touched down on the ground.
“Gee, mom sure packed a lot of stuff. Might as well get going. We got a lot to do to the village before our journey.”
Kagome started to move to pick up her backpack when she heard a moan and saw a bushy wad of fur moving. She knew it was Shippou and removes the heavy bag that was on his head.
“Oh Shippou! Are you Okay?”
Inuyasha knew Shippou was there. Damn brat should've moved. Inuyasha watched as Kagome got Shippou from under the heavy bottles of water and other drinkable items that her mother packed. He saw how she rubbed and kissed the lump that appeared on his head and offered comforting words. Shippou opened his eyes and saw his most favorite person holding him. He was elated. He thought he'd just stay in Kagome's arms a while longer and pretend he's still knocked out. He just loved to be held by her.
Inuyasha noted that Shippou had revived and went over towards them and snatched Shippou away holding his tail saying,
“Alright brat, help with the bags, like Kagome says we have a lot to do!”
Kagome jumped up in Inuyasha's face saying,
“Look, if you're gonna pull a stunt like that warn me first okay! I don't appreciate having my care and comforted disregarded like that!”
Inuyasha was stunned!
“What are you getting so uptight about?! The brat was awake all along! He's just trying to get out of doing any work!”
Inuyasha dropped Shippou on the ground and started to pick up the bags. The bags were all tied so nothing spilled out if handled roughly. Kagome had her overstuffed backpack and Shippou carried the bags that had the heavy drinks. Inuyasha made Shippou carried the heavy stuff saying that brats needed to grow strong by using their muscles. To which Shippou's reply was,
“When are you going to use that muscle in your head? It seems to be a bit rusty.”
Inuyasha growled, as Kagome laughed. Inuyasha looked at Kagome laughing saying,
“Well, I'm glad you find this funny. You know Kagome; you shouldn't encourage him to be such a brat. He'll get all wimpy and not want to do nothing. I bet if his old man was here, he'd have him straighten out.”
Kagome stopped laughing. She kind of took offense at Inuyasha saying that her treatment of Shippou will cause him to be a wimp.
“Listen you! I am not going to be the cause of Shippou becoming a wimp! And furthermore, for your information his father and his mother are here to help him so you see not everyone thinks I'm useless!”
With that she stormed off towards the village leaving Inuyasha dumbfounded. He didn't understand where this outburst came from. What did he say? He heard Shippou clearing his voice saying,
“Ahem. You see I told you that muscle in your head might need to have some rust scraped off.”
Inuyasha growled saying,
“Lay off brat or I'll…”
Shippou didn't know where he got the strength from, but he ran with the heavy bags all the way towards the village. Inuyasha was dead on Shippou's tail giving chase. Both flying pass Kagome as she gave an irritating sigh saying to herself,
“Fox and Hound, Fox and Hound!”
To which Inuyasha and Shippou yell while running,
Kagome smiled at the two of them. Always roughhousing! Well what's a girl to do? Just like she and Souta going off on each other, she figured Inuyasha and Shippou must let some steam off. They both are a rather rambunctious duo. Both being youkai males, she guess they understood each other. She really love it sometimes the way Inuyasha takes charge keeping Shippou straight when he gets a little too mischievous.
Seeing the cabin gave Kagome a warm feeling. Almost like being home again. She saw Kaede just coming out of the hut. Sango was brushing Kirara's tail and Miroku was sitting in a meditating position still with eyes closed.
“Hello everyone! We're back!”
Kaede gave a smile seeing Kagome looking a little better. Perhaps she and Inuyasha talked and at least come to some common ground. Kagome gave Kaede a hug and told her to come into the hut that there was something she had to show her. Kaede noticed the rather strange clothing Kagome sported, but most of all was what was attached to her arms.
Kagome showed Kaede first the stick telling Kaede what her grandfather explained to her. Then she showed the Yin-Yang disk and told her how it reacted to Inuyasha's sword. They all suspected that it might be the fact that it was the New Moon and Inuyasha being in his human form might be a theory. But it's just a theory. She told Kaede that the sutra papers that she bought before was to be used and placed around the village.
“My dear child that could take a long time! Ye must be off to the trek to the fox demon's village.”
Kagome bit her bottom lip thinking about how she could shorten the time. She thought about splitting into two groups. Since demons were naturally fast, she thought about Kirara's flying, and Inuyasha's running they should be done in no time. But what if the sutras harmed the demons. No she didn't want that. She told Kaede what she was thinking. She didn't want the sutras to harm the demons that were with them. Especially Shippou and Kirara or yes-even Inuyasha.
Kaede needed to try out something she was thinking. She wanted to see if they touched the sutras would it have an effect. So she called Inuyasha, Shippopu and Kirara in to see if any reaction proved harmful. Sango and Miroku were also called in.
They all gathered around the pit. Then Kagome pulled out the sutras, and the jar. The jar contained a paste like substance used to keep the sutras in place. First was Inuyasha he with no finesse or tact picked up the sutra and to all surprise nothing happened. Then Shippou and Kirara. Nothing happened. Kagome was glad, as was everyone. Inuyasha exclaimed,
“Feh! I could've have told you nothing would happen. Gramps sutras never work! Especially if it's like anything he's thrown at me many times.”
Kagome trying to keep her composure thought better to ignore Inuyasha. She asked Miroku his theory on what they should do and how they should place the sutras all over the village. Miroku gave careful consideration as Inuyasha patients got the better of him and he left the hut.
“Why did he leave?”
Sango asked no one in particular. Everyone shrugged their shoulders and stayed focus on the task of placing the sutras around the village. Miroku eyes widen as he looked at Kaede and then to Kagome. An excited looked sported his face as he says,
Kaede-Ba-ba, is there not a chant that can place these sutras all at once? I mean between you, myself and Kagome we should be able to do this in no time using a prayer of protection if you will.”
Kaede rubbed her chin in thought to what Miroku just mentioned. Kagome felt as if what Miroku said ringed true. She's not sure how she knew, but had a strong feeling that this would work. But what concerned her were the demons in their company. How would they be protected? Kagome put that question to Miroku as he answered.
“I am not sure, maybe if we put them in the center of the prayer circle they could be protected.”
Kaede agreed but was a bit concerned. Usually if protection were offered to demons, there must be something offered. She expressed that blood was sometimes offered and that she was not sure Inuyasha would be cooperative giving his mood and all. Kagome said she would talk to Inuyasha. Shippou was a bit squeamish about giving his blood but he would be brave.
Miroku told Shippou that blood may not be necessary and that hair may suffice. Shippou let out a sigh of relief as well as Kagome and Sango. Kirara gave a mew signaling her relief. Kaede suggested that they go towards the center of the village. So they all gathered the items they needed to perform this task.
Kagome went out to search for Inuyasha. She was puzzled as to why he stormed out of the hut. Her search leads her to the god tree. Many times she herself would go to the god tree for comfort. Inuyasha liked to perch up high away from what he considered annoying.
“Inuyasha, would you please come down we need to get this over with and Miroku needs all of us present to do this task. He feels we may be able to protect you, Shippou and Kirara while we put the sutras all around the village. Miroku hoping that doing it this way may save us time. Would you please come?”
Inuyasha didn't want to go through with this. He wasn't sure if this was harmful to him. He figured he might as well go through with it. He couldn't quite figure this out but felt compelled to cooperate. He jumped down from the tree and faced Kagome. As he looked at her, he saw that same sadness in her eyes. Like she did when she was in her time earlier that morning telling him she didn't sleep too well. He had to ask,
“Kagome what's wrong? And don't tell me that it's nothing! I feel your sadness and I don't know if it's because I am being overly concern, but I am concern Kagome. It comes and goes and then I can't feel anything from you. Tell me! What's going on?”
Kagome saw that he was more frustrated than angry at her. She had to try to control her emotions. She was still new to the way she discovered that she could hide her feelings. She didn't want to tell him yet, because she needed to know if this would work around other kinds of demons. That rat youkai was too berserk to even care about her emotions. So now she needed to ease his concerns.
“Inuyasha, I'm not sure just yet but don't stop being concern. I don't know much about what is going on with me, but I do know the sooner we get this done, we can then go back to tracking Naraku. Just please bear with me. Friends bear each others burdens.”
With that she took his clawed hand in her small hands and started to walk back to the hut. He was a bit surprised she held his hand. She hasn't done that on her own in so long. It felt good! Real good. He would not open his mouth to say anything. He'll just enjoy her unprovoked, genuine touch. Her hair blew in the gentle summer wind from behind them covering her face. The high ponytail she sported whipped and tangled with his silver mane. He really enjoyed this he purposely walked slower just to prolong the feeling he was having.
Kagome didn't realize she was holding his hand, but when she did, she didn't release it. Subconsciously she may have needed to feel his touch. She knew she'd been distant, but kept her heart guarded. She would not be too needy of him like she was before, and at the same time not withdraw from giving him comfort. She would be a good friend to him if nothing more. She didn't understand, but a foreboding feeling came over her. She didn't want to dwell on anything negative at this moment. She wanted to enjoy the company of her friend. So she pushed that feeling to the side. Negativity had no place in this upcoming task.
Every one was at the center of the village. Kagome, Kaede, Sango and Miroku sat around Inuyasha, Shippou and Kirara. The sutras and the jar with the unusual solution sat in front of Kagome. Shippou wanted to know,
“Kagome, why are we in the middle? I want to be next to you!”
Inuyasha snapped at Shippou's whining saying,
“Quit your whining you brat! The sooner this is over the better! Will you get started already! I don't know what this might do and not knowing how much control you all may have doesn't sit to well with me.”
Miroku agreed with Inuyasha and started chanting. Holding his hands in prayer form, he looked to Kaede bowing his head indicating for her to start her chant. When it got to Kagome she was unsure if she should do her part. So Sango said a prayer she knew when the demons bones used to make their weapons was chanted to remove any evil auras and then they were blessed in a prayer. Then it got back to Kagome. She wasn't sure so Shippou jumped onto her lap, looking dead into her eyes saying,
“Kagome, please don't doubt what it is you need to do. Trust yourself, because I trust you okay?”
Kagome's heart swelled! She knew Shippou trusted her, but it was the way he said it. He held her hands and squeezed them firmly. She in turned kissed his little claws feeling a renewed since of confidence. Shippou went back to the center holding Kirara. Inuyasha just bowed his head towards Kagome for her to start.
Kagome started chanting and when she finished they all held hands and chanted a prayer in unison. At that moment just as Miroku believed, the sutras floated above their heads. They glowed a honey gold and dispersed all around the village. Not breaking the hold, the hair samples that were gathered from the demons in the center also floated. Shippou looked up seeing all the sutras fly around and going in different directions. He looked at Kagome seeing her eyes closed and still chanting. Miroku, Kaede and Sango had stopped chanting, but Kagome was still chanting.
The chanting stick on her arm floated out of its holster and circled the demons in the center. Inuyasha was a little unnerved but decided to put on a brave front. The chanting stick floated slowly, then Kagome's chanting got louder. The yin-yang disk that was on the other side of Kagome's arm also floated out of its holster. The disk was spinning very fast but stayed suspended over the demons. Kagome continued to chant as the spinning disk met the chanting stick. Then without warning the spinning disk in a swooping motion, went right through the three demons. They were startled, but they felt no pain. Just knew something went through them. The spinning disk then floats back over the demons heads as the chanting stick and hair samples merged together.
Kagome chanting became louder. Miroku was concerned as well as Kaede and Sango. But they knew not to break the circle. Kagome was definitely calling the shots. She squeezed Kaede and Miroku's hands as they felt serge of energy flow through them. Sango felt it as well. Kagome's eyes opened and her head went back looking up to the sky. The spiritual barrier turned from honey gold to an icy blue. Then the yin-yang disk, and the chanting stick returned to Kagome's holster on her arms. She gave out a yell. A word no one understood. Then everything went calm. Kagome was panting hard, sweating and looking very exhausted. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at everyone staring at her.
“Okay, so what happened? You all are looking at me kind of weird. What did I do?”
Miroku decided to tell Kagome what had transpired. He was amazed that she had no recollection as to what went on. Kaede also expressed how remarkable the whole situation turned out. With excitement Sango explained,
“Wow Kagome! That was amazing! You mean you wasn't aware at all?”
Kagome was a little disappointed; she would've liked to know. All she could remember was being asked to do her prayer. Inuyasha crawled over to Kagome looking into her eyes. There! He saw it! A dark shadow going across her eyes as Kagome's eyes widened. Inuyasha yelled,
“What the hell was that?! Something dark went across your eyes, like a shadow or something floating. What the hell is going on inside you other than Shippou parents? This is too weird!”
Kagome was startled at Inuyasha's ranting. She took a deep breath saying,
“Inuyasha please calm down. I can't say what it is you saw. I admit I do feel a little strange, but nothing out of the ordinary. Come on I want to check to see if the protection barrier works.”
They all got up to go around the village towards houses, fields, and the entrance of the well. Kagome really wanted to make sure it worked because she not knowing how all this will turn out, at least the village will be protected. Her grandfather told her she would be able to see it. The well was the last to test. All the houses, fields where the sutras was placed all gave off a glowing lavender color when Kagome, Kaede and Miroku passed by.
“Amazing! I never knew anything like this could be on such a grand scale. Truly remarkable!”
Miroku marveled at the reaction of the sutras. Only the ones that had spiritual training could see it. Although Kagome wasn't that well trained, it was based around what she carried. Then as they all approached the well, there was the glow of the sutras around the lip and sides of the well. Kagome and Inuyasha got closer and Kagome went into a trance. She started to fall as her knees gave out. Inuyasha caught her as his arms wrapped around her. He had a startled look because her aura changed. He sensed it before but couldn't' get any hold on it. Then her saw Shippou approach. He had an incredulous look on his face saying,
“Mother! Mother! Is that you? Mother!”
Everyone including Inuyasha was wondering what Shippou was talking about. Then Kagome opened her eyes. They were green! Kagome pushed herself away from Inuyasha.
“Shippou my little treasure Come to mother!”
Shippou jumped into Kagome's arms and she held him close to her. Shippou little arms wrapped around Kagome's neck as he held on to his mother.
“I'm sorry for this everyone. I am Akemi Shippou's mother. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I must hold my baby. I miss him so much.”
Just then Kagome's voice changed deeper into a man's voice.
“I too apologize for this intrusion as my mate could not contain herself. I am Takahiro, Shippou's father.”
Shippou's tears rolled down his eyes as he held now his father whom he had last seen when Inuyasha defeated the thunder brothers. Everyone was awe-struck by what they were witnessing. Takahiro continued to speak,
“Please young Inu-demon; do not concern yourself with what you just saw. It seems to us that this is the miko's dark side but not harmful to her. It appears that it is a source of strength for her. She draws on this and it protects her. The only thing that concerns us is that it will not communicate with us as her light side often did. She has been very silent towards us.”
Miroku thought that this would be a good time to ask,
“Excuse me, but may I ask why have you two chosen Kagome's soul to reside in? Will this not harm her?”
Akemi spoke,
“We will never harm this child who loves our son. We were granted this journey. We are grateful for her acceptance of us. So worry yourself not”
Never in her years has Kaede seen such a possession such as this where two spirits resides. She noticed that Shippou has not let go of Kagome the whole time. The Takahiro spoke,
“Young monk; I understand your concern for the miko let us say we would not let any harm come to her. With her acceptance of us comes our protection.”
All this seriously unnerved Inuyasha. He was Kagome's protector!
“What the hell do you mean you two became her protectors? I'm her protector!”
Takahiro a bit impatient with Inuyasha's insolence said,
“Then my young demon let me ask you this, who protects her heart? It was pain that brought us to this young soul. Unfortunately she was already in pain when we were allowed to enter her soul. Her heart no doubt was very bruised. Listen all we must leave her body now. We weaken her the longer we stay. We will communicate to our son in his and the miko's dreams for we do not weaken her in this dream state. If we feel we need to tell you anything important concerning this beautiful one, we will chance an appearance. Until then another time.”
With that Akemi and Takahiro were gone. Kagome eyes changed from green to her beautiful brown and she saw that Shippou was hugging her neck and in tears. This concerned her as she asked,
“Shippou are you okay? What's wrong? What happened everyone?”
Miroku spoke up,
“We just had the pleasure of meeting Shippou's parents through you. You don't remember anything Kagome?”
Kagome shook her head no. Kaede knew Kagome needed to rest so she suggested,
“My child ye need to rest now. I must say that was some this was some experience indeed. Inuyasha will you not help Kagome to the hut I will come to the hut later and cook for everyone”
Inuyasha was silent after Takahiro's question to him concerning Kagome's heart. He knew deep down that was one place he couldn't protect as well as he'd like. It was very unnerving indeed. As he went to help Kagome said,
Don't trouble yourself Inuyasha thank you but I'll be fine.”
Shippou was in Kagome's arms sleep with his head on her shoulder. She started walking back to the hut. Inuyasha was taken aback by Kagome's attitude. Any other time she never rejected his help. He was more thrown off by the way she said it.
Kagome walked back with Shippou in her arms along with Kaede and Sango. Sango was concern for Kagome because she felt something different in her attitude. Kaede asked,
“Are ye alright Kagome? Ye seem to be a tad abrasive to Inuyasha. Is there something we can help ye with?”
Kagome didn't realize that her attitude had changed. She felt the same although she did feel that foreboding presence like before. Very faint it was but there nonetheless. So she confessed,
“I guess I have been acting a little strange. I'll admit I get the feeling that something is lurking. I can't explain it but it's like something is waiting and I just don't know what.”
Kaede remembered what the possessed spirits told them about Kagome's dark side. Since she didn't know that was happening to her, she decided to just let her rest. She'll talk to Kagome about it later.
When the women were inside the hut, Kagome unfolded her sleeping bag and immediately climbed in with Shippou still attached to her. It was amazing how Kagome quickly fell asleep. At that moment Inuyasha and Miroku entered the hut. Inuyasha noticed that Kagome was asleep so he asked Kaede,
“Okay old woman, what do you make of this possession thing? It still creeps me out! And what about Kagome's changes? Got any clues on that?”
Kaede just continued to stir the stew she was preparing for when Kagome awakened. She looked at Inuyasha saying,
“In case ye have paid not mind to what ye were told about Kagome's dark side then there is no need in me wasting words.”
Inuyasha huffed his inpatients saying,
“Look old hag, in the time it took you to say all that, you could have told me if she's in any danger!”
Kaede took in an exasperated breath saying,
“From Shippou's parents no, ye on the other hand may be enough to have the poor child grow hairs as gray as my own!”
Sango let out a laugh as Miroku snickered. A fuming Inuyasha exclaimed,
“I don't see anything funny here Sango and Miroku. How can you all be so light about this situation?”
Kaede didn't want to say what she was about to say, but Inuyasha denseness had her say,
“Inuyasha did ye not here what Takahiro-sama say about her dark side? She draws strength from this part of her. Every one has a dark side Inuyasha. Some dark sides are as source of strength and some are shear insanity. Ye need to collect thyself and just notice the different changes and not question her on matters she cannot answer.”
Miroku knew his hanyou friend was frustrated because dealing with Kagome on the surface was one thing but going beneath was something he felt Inuyasha may not liked what he would find. He put his hand on Inuyasha's shoulder saying,
“Look my friend, Kagome has all of us here for her. She knows deep down we are there for her. It is understandable that you are frustrated, but have some faith in Kaogme's reasoning. She herself may not know why she is compelled to do such things; I believe the fate commends her on her acceptance to help all she comes across in her life. I would like to feel that her dark side is a way for her not to have any fear when she chooses to be the protector. Many times she put herself in danger for all of us. You know that first hand Inuyasha for as many times you say how weak and useless she is, she put herself at deaths door for you. Let us all just be as we were and protect each other and accept Kagome's stronger side.”
Inuyasha really hated when Miroku dug deep in his explanations. He just couldn't be simple. So he got up and left the hut. It was the afternoon and he decided to just go hunting so he could let off some steam. This whole situation was getting on his nerves.
Night came and all were having the wonderful stew that Kaede had prepared. Inuyasha had caught a pheasant that was hard to catch and was extremely tasty. Kaede praised Inuyasha for his catch for these creatures were elusive and could hide very well in the thick of forest.
Kagome gave a smile to Inuyasha saying,
“Wow you could sure hunt! This is wonderful Inuyasha! Thank you!”
Inuyasha not wanting to make a big deal said,
“Feh, it's nothing. Just thought we try something different.”
Sango and Miroku were enjoying their meal. Shippou and Kirara were eating like food was going out of style. Kirara's meat was raw as Inuyasha prepared her bird in small pieces for when Kirara is in her kitten mode she saves energy for whenever she needs to enlarge herself for battle. She can eat a lot in either size but prefer smaller size because it stores energy efficiently.
As the night drew near everyone prepared for the trek the following day. Kagome made sure she had the medical supplies and Shippou made sure that the food was well in stock. He appreciated the fact that Kagome had bought a lot of the snack foods he liked. He remembered when he was in her time her brother Souta shared the different types of Pocky there were. Shippou gave a loud gasp,
“Wait Kagome, I wanted to tell you my dream. Can I before we turn in!”
Kagome smiled because she remembered he did mentioned that he wanted to tell her about his dream. She picked him up and placed him in her lap. Sango and Miroku also asked if they could hear. Shippou smiled at all the attention he was getting. So he started,
“Well you know I was in the tall grasses like you an I were our dream before with my parents. But this time Souta was in my dream. We were playing in the grasses running around with that ball he kicks around so much that uh…”
Kagome interjected,
“His soccer ball.”
“Yeah, that's it! Well we kicked around the ball and were having so much fun. Then there was this other person. It sort of looked like a cousin of mine. Haven't seen him in along time his name is Yo-Yo we called him that because he loved to jump up and down when he was excited about something. Anyway, Souta and I was kicking the soccer ball and Souta kicked it so high my cousin jumped up and knocked it back down with his tail and it hit me on the head and then Souta kicked it back to my cousin. We had so much fun! Then this Lady appeared. She was very pretty. She was dressed in blue and had weird color eyes and carried a staff. She smiled at us and then disappeared.”
At that moment Miroku's eyes went wide as he heard Shippou description of the beautiful woman in his dream. He wanted to question this but thought better. He felt the time was not right. He continued to listen to Shippou.
“Then I woke up! I was so tired. You know it felt so real, I mean I felt Souta bump into me, and I smelled the grasses. It was so much fun. I miss Souta you know.”
Kagome gave Shippou a squeeze saying,
“You know Souta had a dream where he too said he woke up very tired. My Mom was surprised he was so undone. My guess is you two shared the same dream the locket maybe what connects the two of you.”
Inuyasha gave a grunt saying,
“Okay, now that Shippou's got that out of his system, are we going to settle down or talk all night?”
Miroku thought about what Shippou and Kagome mentioned about the locket. Truly something is going on more that just this possession.
“Shippou I for one enjoyed listening to your dream. Seems you and her brother hit it off pretty well.”
Shippou smiled nodding his head. Sango smiled saying
“Yes it was nice to hear. Thank you for sharing Shippou.”
When all was checked and rechecked they all turned in. A couple of hours passed and everyone slumbered. Inuyasha's ears twitched as he heard the eerie sounds of the soul collectors. He silently crept outside the hut looking at the sky seeing the collectors heading east deep into the forest. He knew that he shouldn't go, but he wanted to know why Kikyo summons him at weird hours. Curiosity got the better of him.
{Too bad you're not a cat. You know what they say about a curious cat don't you? Oh shut up! You don't have to be a cat to be curious you know! Sure, tell yourself anything! Last warning kid just be prepared to face the consequences of your actions}
Off Inuyasha went into the night.
Morning arrived to find all puzzled that Inuyasha was not around. Kagome just calmly prepared herself to get dressed. She put on her green cargo pants and cream white tank shirt. Her mother had her pack her green hooded sweat jacket in case it got cool. Although it was summer her mother told her you never know how the weather changes. Miroku and Sango wanted to wait to see if Inuyasha would return from where ever he went to. Kagome let out a frustrated sigh saying,
“Look everyone we can all guess where he went. The soul collectors were about last night. So we can all just start out and he can catch up when he feels like gracing us with his presences.”
They all felt that attitude of Kagome surface. Kaede knew that she needed to make one thing clear to the young miko before she headed out.
“Kagome my child, I know ye well enough to know the strain ye are having right now. But let me remind ye of this. Ye must all work together for ye all do not know what ye may face. Do not let anything come between ye! I beg ye all to be vigil over each other. Shippou ye may have to be in the forefront of things ye are important to the group now ye understand?”
Shippou never heard Kaede speak to him in such a matter. He understood that if Kagome did not want to wait for Inuyasha then he would have to hold all together for every one. He knew he wasn't as strong as Inuyasha but he would do his best for Kagome's sake.
Kagome decided to wait another hour for Inuyasha. She didn't understand but she didn't feel as tortured as she use to when Inuyasha disappeared. It scared her and at the same time she felt liberated. Not feeling so needy felt kind of good. She had tapped into some confidence she didn't know she had. The yin-yang disk glowed in her holster and she looked at it. Yes! She felt confident but still a little scared. Oh well she'll do something to pass the time. She asked Shippou if he wanted to toss the ball around. He smiled and asked Sango and Miroku if they wanted to join in. They all agreed.
Hour and a half had passed and still there was no Inuyasha. Kagome seemed to be unconcerned and kept playing with Shippou. Miroku decided to ask,
“Kagome-sama, do you want start our or do you want to wait longer?”
Kagome held her head down saying,
“I waited a half hour over from what I said I would do. Am I not being fair to wait this long? Should I wait longer Miroku?”
Miroku knew she had waited longer but wanted to be sure that she hadn't forgotten the time frame. So he said,
“I think you have been more that fair. But tell us now for this revolves around you and Shippou. Do you want to at least start out and let Inuyasha catch up to us?”
At that moment Sango along with Kirara approached. Miroku explained to Sango what the conversation was about. Sango also agreed that Kagome was generous with her time frame. Sango added,
“Whatever your decision is Kagome, we'll stick with you.”
Kagome looked each of them in their eyes one by one. Her friends in her time could not compare to the group before her. She misses being around her modern friends, but this group is more like family. But she knew she had to give them an answer. Inuyasha would have to catch up so she says,
“We head out. Come on let's say our farewell to Kaede”
And with that they all headed to the hut to get their belongings to start out on this journey to the Kitsune's village.
End Ch. 11
A/N: Oh man! Inuyasha “@#%&-up” again! But will Kagome keep up a brave face? Or will she break down. We will see next. But let's not forget Souta's explanation to his mother and grandfather. Shippou's parents will now be more involved. Kagome's dark side is giving her confidence but lets hope her dark side doesn't dominate her. Oh wow! I passed 10 chapters! I didn't have any idea I've gone this far. I respect you authors out there because when a BLOCK comes along, I smash into it hard! =(
Special thanks to: A wonderful and very encouraging madmiko, who gave me many ideas whenever she reviews and has wonderful stories written and is outstanding on crossovers, sufferingkagome, kokoronagomu, someone by the name ghjrkjsdfgda, all on
On thank you so much: G-bomer, Mikazuki Tsuki who is also very encouraging and a writer of Kag/Sess stories, dark eyed demon girl, Jennie555, thetemptedangel, shippostail, taeniaea, The Tragic Pixie. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my story. You encourage me to write on. Peace to all of you until next time!