InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maya and Sesshomaru: A Fuedal Love Tail ❯ The Hanyou, The Miko, and The Fiery Red Head ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Maya, Kagome’s 25 year old cousin, is visiting for the summer. After hearing the 411 on Sesshomaru, Maya

follows Kagome and Inuyasha (with a little persuasion) through the well, and meets him for herself.

BTW: Pretty much most of the characters are out of character. I’m sorry if the story really sux...I didn’t mean to make it so bad. Also, Maya’s last name is Higurashi. And she calls Kagome’s mom Auntie.

Disclaimer: Comes in dragging a not so happy Sesshomaru in his dog form on a leash. Just so you know, Maya is mine. All other characters are the sole property of Rumiko Takahashi. And far as I’m concerned, so is Sessie! Sit boy! Good boy!

Chapter 1: The Hanyou, The Miko, and The Fiery Red Head

The morning was fresh and the sun was bright as Kagome awaited on the steps of the shrine. Her cousin, Maya, had called a week ahead and asked if she could come and visit. Kagome had asked permission and her mom agreed. Now Maya was coming and Kagome couldn’t wait and excitedly jumped for joy. It had been nearly a full year since she last saw her cousin. Both always enjoyed each others company and this time would be no different. After their conversation, Kagome went straight to work with cleaning the guest room and making it suitable for her cousins stay. About nine months ago, Maya had moved to America. She would call from time to time to let Kagome know what it was like. She explained how things were different and how all the guys usually looked at her. Maya was odd, to say the least. Her long red hair was a dead give away at how odd she was. Both her parents had black hair, and their only child came out with red instead. Maya’s father at one time, accused her mother of sleeping with another man. That wasn’t true as her mother would point out that her own grandmother had red hair in her younger years. The arguments stopped and Maya was happy for it. She never liked it when her parents fought, even if it was over something stupid.

Kagome was in a panic once she saw a car approaching. Knowing it to be her cousin, she shifted and smiled. ‘Always wanting to be noticed.‘ she thought as the car came to a halt.

Fixing her skirt, Kagome held her breath as the car door opened and a slender leg poked out from it. The figure the leg was attached to moved a little and the other leg followed. Kagome had to stifle a laugh as she watched her cousin hand money over to the cab driver. Okay, so it was more like a limousine, but she was always so nice as to pay whoever gave her a ride. Finally, after paying the man, who acted as though he didn’t want it, Kagome’s cousin stood upright. Her red hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she gave a lopsided grin at Kagome.

‘Well Kagome...are you just going to stand there, or are you going to give me a hug?’ she asked as she held out her arms.

Kagome smiled and ran toward Maya who grabbed her into a hug.

‘How is my favorite cousin in the world? Haven’t been getting into trouble have you?’ Maya laughed as she pulled Kagome out at arms length. Getting a look at her, Maya giggled. ‘You were always so short Kagome. But now, it seems to me like you’ve had a sudden growth spurt. How old are you now?’

‘I just turned 18, and believe me, I couldn’t be happier.’ Kagome laughed as Maya did the same.

‘Why is that Kagome? I thought you never wanted to grow up. You told me that growing up was to much for you.’ Kagome laughed and pushed Maya away. Folding her arms she gave her cousin a cheesy grin and nodded.

‘Anyways, how is everyone? Auntie and grandfather? What about Sota? Has he given you any trouble?’ Maya asked as she picked up her belongings.

‘No...and everyone is fine. They’re just as excited to see you. Mom even went out of her way to prepare your favorite dinner tonight. Grandpa has a present for you Maya. And Sota was out all day yesterday telling his friends that his cousin was coming. He was really excited. I guess it because you two never had time to talk after you moved. He wanted to call you but mom wouldn’t let him.’ Kagome said as she picked up two suitcases.

Maya nodded and followed her cousin up the steps to the shrine. ‘I would have called him...but we’re low on cash these days. The phone bills are outrageous and mother can’t afford them on her salary. Father tries to bring home a decent check each week, but the factory he works at only pays minimum wages. So his check is usually only for about one hundred dollars. Sometimes even for one hundred and seven dollars. Also, stupid Mister Peterson fired me from my job last you can pretty much tell that my life is slowly going down the proverbial drain. I’m telling you Kagome, living in America is rough. But I’m happy I could break away to see you guys again. Now, why don’t you show me where I’ll be staying and we’ll eat dinner and perhaps go out somewhere.’

Once everything was settled, Maya and Kagome made their way into the kitchen were Kagome’s mother had dinner waiting for them. Sota and grandfather were already there, stuffing their mouths as usual. Upon seeing the red head, Sota jumped up, spilling his drink in the process, and jumped into Maya’s waiting arms.

‘How is my most favorite little cousin in the whole wide world? You haven’t been getting into trouble have you Sota?’ Maya laughed as she hugged the happy child.

‘No. I’ve been mostly getting Kagome out of trouble. How is America Maya? Is it big? Are there lots of things to do there? How come you never call me anymore? Don’t you love me anymore?’ Sota asked at the same time.

‘Whoa. Calm down there Speedy. Yes, America is big. And it’s a great place to live. There are millions of things to do there. I haven’t called because I haven’t had time. We’re still trying to make ends meet. And yes, I love you silly. You are my only other cousin besides Kagome. So how could I not?’ Maya said as she ruffled Sota’s hair.

‘I wish you would call more Maya. I missed you after you left.’ Sota said as he hugged his cousin once more.

‘Aww, I missed you too Sota. ‘ Maya said as she hugged him back.

‘Maya dear, how was your trip?’ Mother asked as she brought two plates in from the kitchen.

‘It was great Aunty. But my behind is killing me! I think I sat too long.’ Maya giggled.

‘I’m sure it is. How about after we eat, I go run you a nice warm bath? Does that sound nice dear?’ Mother said as she walked over to Maya and hugged her.

‘That would be great Aunty. Thank you.’ Maya said.

‘Maya, I have something for you.’ Grandpa said as he placed a small object that looked like a leaf in Maya’s hand.

‘Grandpa? It’s just a leaf.’ Maya said as she looked at her new “gift”.

‘It’s not just any leaf Maya my dear. The story behind that very leaf goes back many generations ago. It belong to a powerful demon...or so they say. He was a fearsome beast, with razor sharp claws and fangs that dripped with the blood of a hundred dead men. He was a terrible spirit that prayed upon the weak. He was so vile that even men...Maya are you listening?’ Grandpa asked as he looked over at Maya.

‘Not really Grandpa. Sorry, but to me, this is just an ordinary leaf. But I’ll keep it since it means so much to you. Just do me a favor and not tell anymore history. It’s really getting old you know. I bet I know the story behind everything in this place.’ Maya said as she smiled.

‘Not everything....’ Kagome thought to herself.

After eating, Maya stood and stretched. Mother had ran her bath and now Maya was ready to soak for a few hours. Bidding Kagome a playful fair well, she walked into the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, Maya stripped and got into the tub.

‘Ahh, this is the life. Aunty always knows how to cure a back pain. I should visit more often.’ Maya thought happily as she soaked.

A few hours later....

Several hours passed and Kagome led Maya to her own room. Maya was going to go stay in Kagome’s room for a few hours before bedtime. It was their chance to talk without others listening in on them. While walking, Kagome couldn’t get the strange nagging feeling that “He” had came out of her head as she neared her room.

‘Umm...hold on for a second Maya. I have to umm...make sure my bed is made.’ Kagome said as she rushed into her room. As if on cue, who should poke his head into her window but Inuyasha himself. Looking around, the hanyou smirked a little as he stepped inside.

‘Hey Kagome...I thought you were coming back? What happened? Did you get lost or something?’ Inuyasha joked.

Kagome ran over to him and held her hand to his mouth. ‘Inuyasha...’ she whispered, ‘My cousin is right outside the door. Don’t be so loud or else you’re going to get caught.’

‘Kagome? Is everything fine in there?’ Maya asked through the door.

‘Yeah Maya, everything is fine. You can come in here in a sec. Just wait there okay?’ Kagome said through clenched teeth.

Inuyasha moved Kagome’s hand from his mouth and looked at her. ‘So, who is this Maya? What does she look like? Can I meet her?’ he asked.

‘What? No!’ Kagome had the feeling that she should push Inuyasha into a closet, so Maya wouldn’t see him.

‘Are you jealous or something Kagome?’ Inuyasha asked as he gave a small smirk.

Kagome frowned and sucker punched Inuyasha in the stomach. ‘No, I’m not jealous Inuyasha!’ she said, a little to loudly. As if her whole world couldn’t have gotten worse, Kagome watched as the door open suddenly.

Maya stood in the doorway, looking at her cousin. Beside her, Inuyasha sat on the bed, his hand gripping his stomach.

‘Damn it Kagome. You didn’t have to punch me. I was only joking.’ he said.

‘Kagome...who is...or should I say...what is that?’ Maya asked as she tapped her foot. Who knew her 18 year old cousin was letting men in her bed room.

‘Who that? Umm...well you see Maya...he’s ummm...’ Kagome tried to talk but the words didn’t come to her. How was she going to explain to her cousin that the man in front of her was a half demon, from Feudal Japan?

‘I’m waiting Kagome. Does Auntie know of him? What about grandfather and Sota? Do they know?’ Maya shifted her weight and leaned on the frame of the door. She stared at Inuyasha, and then back at Kagome.

‘Just tell her already.’ Inuyasha said as he stood up. Kagome took a deep breath to settle her nerves. Then she explained as best a she could, who Inuyasha was, what he was, and why he was there. To say the least, it astounded Maya who held onto every word till she was done.

An Hour Later...

Maya sat on the bed, just opposite from Inuyasha and Kagome. It was hard, but she had living proof that demons existed right in front of her eyes. “So, you’re saying that dog boy here is a demon?” Maya asked as she looked at Inuyasha.

‘Half demon...his father was a demon and his mother was a human.’ Kagome corrected.

‘Alright, half demon. This is so cool Kagome! Why didn’t you ever mention him before?’ Maya asked.

‘I thought you would be mad. And besides, nobody apart from mom, grandpa and Sota know about him in this time .’ Kagome explained.

‘Really? But why? I mean, he’s a real looker Kagome. You should be introducing him to girls ya know. Bet he would be a real ladies man if given the chance. Or are you his lady already?’ Maya asked.

‘I’m not his lady. I’m his shard detector. At least, that’s what he says I am. Truthfully though, I have no clue as to how he feels about me.’ Kagome frowned.

‘Shard detector? Uhh, I’m not even going to ask.’ Maya said while giving Inuyasha a strange look.

‘Good. Keep your comments to yourself.’ the hanyou said as he looked away.

‘Not very courteous is he now? Anyways, let’s talk. It’s been so long since I’ve been here. Got any juicy gossip?‘ Maya asked.

Inuyasha sat between Maya and Kagome as they talked about guys, the mall, shopping and soccer. Kagome’s mother had called them down for dessert an hour after Inuyasha had arrived. She was glad to see that he could visit and gave him his own bowl of cherry ice cream with vanilla topping. Muttering a thank you, he took it and sat with Kagome and her cousin.

‘Hey Kagome. Why does your ice-cream have that dark topping? What kind is it?’ Inuyasha asked as he spied Kagome and Maya’s bowls.

‘It’s chocolate Inuyasha. The reason you have vanilla is because dogs and chocolate don’t mix. It makes them really sick.’ Kagome explained.

‘Oh...’ Inuyasha said as he looked back at his bowl. He was half upset, but he knew that he was in fact part dog demon so he shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

‘So, how many cute guys have you seen since you’ve been going through the well?’ Maya asked as she dipped her spoon in for another bite.

‘Plenty...let’s see...there was this demon named Hiten. Then there was Koga...umm...Naraku...’ Kagome said joking. Inuyasha turned with his spoon in his mouth, toward her.

‘WHAT!’ Inuyasha yelled, his mouth full. Kagome looked at him and started to laugh harder. Maya also laughed, knowing that her cousin was only messing with dog boys head.

‘Calm down Inuyasha...’ Kagome said in between laughs. ‘I was only kidding. You don’t seriously think I’m being serious when I say that I think Hiten, Naraku and Koga are cute, do you?’

‘Well, you looked serious...’ Inuyasha growled.

‘Oh grow up and stop acting like a baby. You know darn well I don’t like none of them. Hiten is dead, Naraku is a evil bastard, and Koga is just really stupid. Can you believe that idiot calls me “His woman“. He acts as though I’m his property. But we all know who I really like.’ Kagome smiled as she patted Inuyasha’s head.

Maya giggled as his ears twitched, trying to stay from her grasp. ‘He is a cute one Kagome. You two should get married. I bet the kids will look so cute!’ she laughed.

‘Yeah either that, or get him his license and registrations and enter him in a dog show. I bet you he might even win first place...for being so cute.’ Kagome giggled as she petted Inuyasha’s ears. The three sat there, two girls laughing, while one hanyou growled low from being petted.

Later that night...

Maya turned out her light and laid back on her pillow. Who knew her first day back would be so fun? Kagome was around and she had met Inuyasha. True he wasn’t really as nice as she might of thought, but after a while, he had settled down. That was, until Kagome and her began to play around. Now, she couldn’t help but think she had hurt his feelings. He was after all, half human. Smiling a bit to herself, Maya asked for forgiveness as she closed her eyes.

In Kagome’s room, it was a whole other story. Inuyasha, having been felt of as nothing more than a joke, sat on her floor. His posture made Kagome want to grab him and sit him up properly. He slouched and turned to give her angry looks now and again.

Brushing her hair, Kagome sighed. ‘You’re not still mad at me, are you? I told you we were only playing. It’s what we do Inuyasha. Maya and I always joke around with people we care about. You know darn well that I was kidding. I don’t like Naraku...Koga or Hiten. It was nothing more than girl talk.’

‘Girl talk? You call joking around about our most dreaded enemy, girl talk? It’s true I shouldn’t be angry at you when you was “joking” about Hiten and Koga. I always knew you didn’t like them. But to say such things about Naraku. That was really uncalled for Kagome. I thought you hated him.’ Inuyasha pouted.

‘I do hate him! I hate everything about him. The way he turned on you and Kikyo...the way he hurt everyone I know and care about! I just thought if I played around a little and joked about it, all the thoughts and worries would go away. I never meant to upset you Inuyasha. ’ Kagome now stood in front of her best friend. Looking down at him, she smiled a little and dropped down in front of him. ‘Inuyasha...I’m really sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean any of it.’ she said as she hugged him.

After a few minutes, Kagome let go of Inuyasha. He wasn’t about to break free of course, and grabbed her back into a tighter embrace. Nuzzling his chin in her hair, Inuyasha smiled. Now that he knew she was only playing, he laughed.

‘What about me? Was you only joking when you said you liked me?’ he asked putting on his best puppy dog face.

Kagome giggled and brought herself closer. ‘What do you think?’ she said simply.

‘I can live with long as you don’t get me fixed.’ Inuyasha smiled.

Kagome laughed and pushed him away from herself. ‘I couldn’t do that Inuyasha. Dog shows are for breeding purposes. If I got you fixed, I couldn’t breed you with a cute little poodle and get puppies.’

‘How do you feel about having puppies of your own?’ Inuyasha said as he put his arms around Kagome.

Back in her own room, Maya listened to the conversation. She was a little angry that Inuyasha had yelled at Kagome, all because she was joking. Who knew he would get so worked up because of them playing. Her mood changed from sour to complete and utter shock as she heard Inuyasha say the last few lines before they were quiet. Was he coming onto Kagome? He had to be. Maya didn’t hear anything else from them, and suddenly thought the worst. ‘Great! Dog boy is going to try to get my cousin pregnant!’ she thought. Getting out of bed, Maya marched over to Kagome’s door and knocked.

Opening it slightly, she was surprised to see the two in a massive lip lock. ‘Ahem...excuse me.’ she started.

Kagome pulled back and looked at Maya. The look on her face told Inuyasha that they had been caught.

‘What do you two think you’re doing? You know Auntie, grandfather and Sota are around, right? What if they catch you two?’ Maya said as she leaned on the door frame.

Kagome blushed as Inuyasha turned around, his back to Maya.

‘We wasn’t doing anything, all right?’ he said without looking back. Kagome bit her lip as Maya changed her position.

‘Sure you wasn’t. And I suppose asking my cousin if she wants puppies, not doing anything either?’ Maya smiled.

Inuyasha’s face turned red from embarrassment and he turned to look at her. ‘You heard...everything?’ he asked.

‘Every little word. I know Kagome is older now, but she’s still my cousin and I don’t want her getting hurt.’ Maya stared at Inuyasha.

As she looked at him, her face suddenly changed as a new mood came over her. ‘Promise me you won’t ever hurt her Inuyasha. Promise me you’ll always be there to protect her.’ she stated slowly.

Inuyasha listened carefully to Maya’s words and nodded. Looking over at Kagome, he smiled. ‘Fine, I promise. It wasn’t like I was ever going to leave her anyways.’ he said.

Maya laughed and walked over to the hanyou. ‘I think you better tell Auntie what your intentions are Inuyasha. Who knows better than us how angry she gets.’ she laughed, indicating herself and Kagome.

‘I have to ask...permission?’ Inuyasha asked, stunned. Who knew?

‘Well, in this family you do. I’m not sure Auntie will want her daughter coming home one night and spreading the news that she’s pregnant.’ Maya giggled. This was fun.

Kagome froze and looked at Inuyasha. ‘He wants to get me pregnant?’ she thought to herself.

Seeing the look on her face, Inuyasha smiled. ‘Well where else was you going to get the puppies?’ he asked. Kagome could only blush and turn her head away.

Maya had returned back to her bed and thought to herself. Getting Kagome and Inuyasha worked up and scared, really worked. Now she didn’t have to worry about anything until she knew Inuyasha seek permission from the family. Not that he wouldn’t make a good father. Maya had come to adore him since she met him. He was a bit moody, if not cranky. Cute in his own way and he seemed to really care for her cousin. ‘Maybe he has an older brother...’ she thought as she fell asleep.

The next morning, Maya sat up and groggily looked around. She knew of the conversation last night and tiptoed to Kagome’s bedroom. Peaking in, she was happy to see both her cousin and Inuyasha asleep. From the looks of Kagome’s lips, which were swollen, Maya guessed that they had kissed each other to sleep. That was a good thing. If anything else happened, she would have stopped them. Walking over to the two love birds, Maya smiled. Noticing that Inuyasha’s hand laid on Kagome’s stomach and her hand in his hair, Maya couldn’t help but think they got a little frisky after she left. Oh well, who said a little fore play wasn‘t allowed? As long as they didn’t go through the whole thing. Fore play was fine. Stifling a giggle, Maya stood over Inuyasha, who was halfway off the bed.

‘Kagome...Inuyasha. Wake up. Auntie is here and she don’t look happy.’ Maya whispered.

Okay, so it was a rotten thing to do, but how else was she going to get them out of bed? Smiling a bit, she watched as Kagome pulled Inuyasha’s hand off her stomach and sat up fast. Inuyasha also sat up fast and looked around, eyes wide.

‘Oh god, you two should see yourselves!’ Maya laughed.

Kagome and Inuyasha exchanged glances and looked over at Maya who was laughing.

‘Maya! That was a mean thing to do! I really thought mom did catch us.’ Kagome huffed.

‘I’m sorry Kagome...I couldn’t resist.’ Maya laughed.

Inuyasha let out a sigh of relief as he stood up. It was a good think Maya was only joking. Or else, he would have to deal with an angry parent. He wasn’t about to tell Maya about his and Kagome’s night.

(A/N: Yes...for all those who are asking “Did They? Huh? Did they?” Yes! They on with the story)

Maya sat on the edge of Kagome’s bed, and watched as her cousin gave Inuyasha a kiss on the cheek. Then she went into her bathroom, showered and came out dressed in a purple sundress. From the looks Inuyasha was giving her cousin, Maya could have sworn they did something other than just fondle each other. But she knew Kagome had more class than that. She also knew that her cousin would want to wait until they had permission, so she let the thought drop. Smiling, Maya had something else on her mind. Seeing Inuyasha, she thought of him as a really good looking guy. That’s when she wondered if he had a brother or even cousin of his own, she could talk with. Turning toward Inuyasha, Maya stood.

‘Inuyasha...I was wanting to know something.’

‘What?’ the hanyou replied.

‘I was wondering if you had a single brother or something...’ Maya asked.

The look on both Kagome and Inuyasha’s faces told her that something wasn’t right. Sitting back down, Maya sighed to herself.

‘You don’t huh? Oh well, I guess that’s alright.’ she said in disappointment.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome who in turn, looked at him. ‘She wants to know...if you have single brother? Oh this is so funny!’

Kagome started to laugh which caused a chain reaction, that got Inuyasha laughing also.

‘Kagome...what’s so funny? Tell me...‘Maya demanded.

Inuyasha stopped laughing for a moment and looked at Maya. Clearing his throat a bit, he spoke to her. ‘I actually do have a brother. And yes, he is single. No girl will ever date him cause that’s what he looks like...a girl. My brother is a pansy looking freak of nature and trust me, I think he’s gay.’

‘That’s not the only thing. Maya, Inuyasha’s brother doesn’t like humans.’ Kagome said as she sat down next to Inuyasha.

Both looked at Maya who’s mouth had dropped open. ‘Why not?’

‘Well, you know how Inuyasha here is only half demon?’


‘His brother is full demon. And he’s not a very nice guy...umm...that is too say....’ Kagome stopped as she searched for the right words. Noticing her dilemma, Inuyasha filled in the rest.

‘My brother would rather kill you then look at you. We’re sorry Maya, but he’s definitely not your type.‘ he said slowly.

Maya thought for a moment and frowned. ‘ Inuyasha has a brother...but they both think he’s gay and looks like a girl.’ she thought silently, ‘But still, I think it would be nice to see what he looks like.’

The frown fading, Maya put on one of her cheesiest grins. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other as she stood up. Getting up slowly, Kagome walked over to her cousin.

‘Maya...are you alright?’ she asked, putting a hand to her cousin’s forehead.

‘Yeah I’m fine. Hey Inuyasha, what’s your brothers name?’ Maya asked over her shoulder.

‘Umm...Sesshomaru...why?’ he answered, unsure if it was safe.

‘Sessho-mo-what? Okay, strange names run in your family, don’t they Inuyasha? Alright, what does he look like?’

‘Umm...he has...umm...’ Inuyasha stuttered. Kagome’s cousin was asking about what his brother looked like. What could Inuyasha say? Somehow, recalling Sesshomaru‘s looks caused Inuyasha to freeze. ‘Why are you asking me this?’ he asked as he turned away.

‘Sorry. I just thought that since he’s your brother, you could give me the 411.’ Maya said.

‘What does 411 mean?’ Inuyasha asked Kagome, who only giggled.

‘It means information in street slang. You know, like 911 means emergency. But anyways, if you want...I’ll answer her questions. Though what I say might not be very least to you.’ Kagome smiled.

Kagome answered Maya’s question, knowing it was hard. How could one describe Sesshomaru’s looks? He was a weird sort of way. He did have the same eyes as Inuyasha, even the long white hair. But how could she say those things without getting the hanyou upset. Choosing her words wisely, Kagome explained what Inuyasha couldn’t.

‘Well lets see Maya. Sesshomaru has white hair that umm, that‘s really long. He umm, has golden eyes like Inuyasha here. Tall...umm...’ Kagome bit her lip, hoping Inuyasha would forgive her, and thought of another thing to say about his brother.

‘He’s really...umm, not that bad looking...he’s kind of...oh man...oh...well that is too say...’ Inuyasha growled low, knowing what Kagome was trying to say. But seeing the fear in her eyes, and the way she was looking at him, made the half demon sigh and nod for her to continue.

Kagome gave him a silent thank you as she finished.

‘As I was saying Maya, he’s kind of umm handsome. I guess...if that’s what you would call him. And he has a crescent moon on his forehead.’ Kagome sighed in relief and looked over at Inuyasha. Shrugging her shoulders and smiling a little, she let him know she really didn’t think of his brother handsome. It was just something she thought Maya would like to hear.

Listening, Maya took mental notes of what Kagome and Inuyasha had told her. Tall, white hair, golden eyes, crescent moon on forehead...‘Is that it? Or is there more to him I should know about?’ Maya asked. Both Inuyasha sighed and shook their heads. This was going to be a long day.

For the rest of that day, Maya thought about what she think would happen if she met Inuyasha’s brother. Was he really that bad? Was he even good looking? Was Inuyasha and Kagome lying? Maya thought to herself for sometime. Deciding that she had to find out for herself, Maya quietly snuck up to Kagome’s room.

‘I need to find out for myself. I hope she doesn’t mind me borrowing that shard. I’ll just go through the well and steal a peek at Inuyasha’s brother. I’m sure he doesn’t look that bad.’ Maya thought to herself. After securing a lone shard in her possession, she walked back down stairs.

‘Maya? Are you alright?’ Mrs. Higurashi asked as she began setting the table.

Maya had walked into the kitchen in order to pack a few things to take with her, in case there was no food beyond the well. Picking up an apple, the young woman smiled at her aunt and shook her head.

‘No Auntie, everything is fine.’

‘That’s good. Do me a favor dear and call Inuyasha and Kagome in for dinner. I think they were getting ready to go through the well.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Maya smiled to herself. Perhaps if Kagome went through the well tonight, she could follow. That means she wouldn’t have to lie. Within seconds, Maya was outside. Going over to where her cousin and the hanyou sat, she tapped Kagome on the shoulder.

‘Hey, Auntie wants you to come in and eat dinner. Oh and by the way, I found this in the living room.’ Maya said as she handed Kagome the shard. ‘You should be more careful Kagome.’ And with that, Maya walked back inside...smiling to herself.

After Dinner...

It had taken some time, but finally Kagome agreed to let Maya go with them. She giggled and packed up what she was going to take, and followed them out to the well.

‘This is great Kagome! Thank you for letting me come along. This is going to be so fun!’ Maya squealed in delight as she threw her bag over her shoulder. Smiling from ear to ear, Maya followed Kagome and Inuyasha through the well.

On the other side of the well...

(A/N: Haha...Sesshomaru makes the scene.

Sess: ‘And why shouldn‘t I? This Sesshoumaru is the star of the I not right.’

Me: ‘No, Maya is. You‘re just in it for entertainment purposes. *To the readers* Come and pet the worlds largest puppy! One pat for $10 bucks. Get it now before the offer is gone.’

Sess: ‘This is humiliating.’)

Jaken sat down by the fire he had fixed and lazily rotated some meat over it. He would occasionally poke it to see if it was done, and sighed from complete boredom.

‘This is so boring. Perhaps if Master Sesshoumaru had not insisted I cook tonight...I could be out helping him as he looked over his territory. What a life to live. Living in the shadow of the most powerful demon in the entire world. My life sucks.’

Jaken sighed and rotated the meat some more before finally taking it off the fire. Rin sat to the side, with a smiled on her face, watching him.

‘What’s wrong Jaken? Are you angry because Master Sesshomaru has left you?’ she asked.

Jaken mumbled under his breathe and turned to hand Rin her share of the meat. ‘No, I’m not angry you little brat! Now keep quiet and eat your dinner.’ he said as he sat down beneath a tree. Rin ate her food in silence, knowing that Jaken was indeed angry.

Meanwhile...Back at the well...

Inuyasha, Kagome and Maya all climbed out of the well. Looking around, Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Good, no one is around. That’s a good sign.’ he said as he helped Kagome out.

Maya looked around in awe. ‘So this is Feudal Japan?’ she thought in wonder.

Kagome turned to look at her cousin and smiled. ‘Welcome to the Warring States Era Maya. Home of Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, And Shippo.’

‘Yeah and possibly if we’re lucky enough, the graveyard of my brother.’ Inuyasha added with a smirk.

‘Inuyasha! You can’t kill him yet. Maya still hasn’t gotten to meet him.’ Kagome said as she stood next to her cousin.

Maya smiled and nodded her head. ‘That’s right dog boy. I still haven’t gotten to see your Sessho-mo-bro.’ she laughed.

‘It’s Sesshomaru...idiot.’ Inuyasha said under his breathe.

Kagome and Maya busted out laughing as Inuyasha huffed and puffed.

‘Why was I cursed to meet idiotic woman?’ the hanyou growled.

At that same moment...

Sesshomaru had walked all day. After some fighting and kicking major youkai ass, he decided to head back to camp. Walking slowly, he heard some commotion from ahead. It had sounded like it came from Kagome’s Well. Smirking a bit to himself, he began walking toward the well, and the sounds, intent on fighting his brother.

‘Inuyasha! I want to go see him. Come on...please! He can’t be all that bad. Come on Inuyasha. Pretty please, with sugar on top?’ Maya asked as she pulled on Inuyasha’s clothes.

Sesshomaru hid behind a tree and watched as well as listened to the conversation. From his view point, he could make out his half brother arguing with a strange human. This human he noticed, had long red hair, the color of blood. Her face was barely hidden and Sesshomaru got one good look at her. When he saw her, he could only stand in awe as her beauty took hold of him. The girl looked a bit older than Inuyasha‘s mate, and had the same fiery attitude. Her outfit was strange, consisting of a half shirt and tight fitting hip hugging jeans. Her hair was done up in a pony tail and she wore very little makeup.

‘No! We have to meet up with everyone first. Then we can go see him. Actually, you can go alone. I have no intention in seeing him.’ Inuyasha said as he sat down.

‘You sure are a stubborn one. FINE! I’ll go by myself.’ Maya said angrily as she stormed off.

Walking for maybe a few seconds, she stopped and turned around. ‘Hey, how will I know when I’ve found him?’ she called back.

Inuyasha looked up at her and shook his head. ‘Trust me, you’ll know.’ he said simply before getting back up.

Then among Kagome’s rants and pleas for him to go with Maya, Inuyasha stomped off toward Keade’s village.

Sesshomaru listened for a bit. Who was she looking for? And why? Did she even know of the dangers this forest would put her in? Slowly, Sesshomaru retreated the way he came, the image of the strange girl, forever in his mind.

Hours later...

Maya walked through the woods, muttering to herself. She cursed Inuyasha’s name and the way he had acted.

‘Damn that dog. I hope he gets his ass kicked for leaving me to go alone in these god forsaken woods. If I wasn’t such a nice girl, I’d beat him silly with a rolled up newspaper!’ she thought angrily.

Walking a little further, Maya sighed to herself and gave up. Turning around, she headed back the same way she came. After some time though, Maya got the feeling she was lost.

‘Oh this is great. It’s one thing to get lost. But to get lost in a completely strange place...this is perfect!’ she thought as she sat down.

‘Where am I?’ she thought, but quickly gave up. Sighing in defeat, Maya stood up and began walking again.

Sesshomaru sat next to a tree and watched as Rin chased Jaken with his own staff. The little girl would bound up him, smack the toad youkai, and then run off before he could snatch the staff from her. After some tries, Jaken gave up completely, exhausted and very annoyed.

‘You will never catch me Jaken.’ Rin called over her shoulder.

Sesshomaru smiled a bit at the game. He never grew tired of Rin’s childish pranks and could only smile when the human had Jaken in a corner. Jaken was slow as he was old. Sesshomaru knew this and so did Rin. She played tag with the withered toad, who could only run a few feet, before collapsing in a breathless heap. After a few moments of watching their game, Sesshomaru stood.

‘Rin, return Jaken’s staff. It is late and you must go bathe in the stream and eat. Then, you will go onto bed.’ he ordered.

Rin smiled, and walked over to Jaken, who sat on the ground mumbling. ‘Here is your staff Jaken. Thank you for playing with me.’ she said as she skipped toward the stream.

‘Master, what is wrong with you today? You have been awfully quiet since you came back from surveying your territory. Is there anything his Lordship wishes of me?’ Jaken bowed low.

His lord, his master, had been quiet all day and Jaken thought it best to know what bothered him. Even if something was wrong, Sesshomaru would always at least talk or sometimes, hit Jaken. When he didn’t do anything but sit all day, the toad youkai knew something was wrong. Sesshomaru glanced at Jaken and frowned. Shaking his head a bit, the youkai stood and brushed some fallen leaves from his clothing. Then he left quickly, leaving Jaken to wonder what his master was thinking.

Maya walked for some time, finally giving up. Leaning against a tree she sighed heavily and closed her eyes.

‘Why didn’t I listen? Why am I so stubborn? Inuyasha had made it clear that he would help me find him, but we had to meet up with his friends. But then I snapped on him and he told me to find Sess myself. And now I’m lost, cold, scared, not to mention practically starving to death. My first time in Feudal Japan and I have to go and mess things up. I’m such a loser.’ she thought.

True she was angry at Inuyasha, but even angrier at herself for being so pig headed.

‘God, what I wouldn’t give for some food and a nice warm bed.’ she thought as sleep overtook her.
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end of Chapter 1. How is it so far? I did have this on at one time, but for some reason...they’re not letting me log into my account. So, I’m using mediaminer for the story now.
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