InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maya and Sesshomaru: A Fuedal Love Tail ❯ Of Ceremonies and Markings...But What Is Taking So Long? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey all, I’m back again with Chapter 8. Surprising how I managed to upload all these chapters at once huh? Well, the fact behind that is hasn’t let me log in lately. I can’t upload stories or even check my reviews. All I have to say is that FFNet really sucks. I just hope this place doesn’t.

If I left out anything so far, please do not get angry. And as for the quickness of Maya and Sessies relationship, I will explain that part soon enough. I like to make the characters get involved sooner than normal. It makes it more easier for me to come up with plot twists and cliff-hangers. But anyways, if I did leave anything out...please be kind and point it out to me. I’ll be under this boulder if anyone needs me...

Sess: ‘That’s right. Go hide your face in shame. But do not worry, this Sesshoumaru will continue with your story. And I shall make it one to remember.‘

Me: ‘You screw up mister and I’ll feed you to the sharks.’

Sess: ‘Tsk tsk, such violence. Now be a good minion and let your Lord and Master tell the tale.’

Me: ‘Why do I get the feeling this isn’t going to turn out so well...?’

Sess: *Reading Disclaimer and looking utterly bored with it* *Stifles a Yawn* ’Inuyasha and all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and all other affiliates that have legal claims to the franchise. This is a non-profit story and the author does not claim it to be in any form or fashion.’ *Looks at disclaimer* ’So, I don’t belong to you either? And if you did have claim, it would be punishable by law?’

Me: ’I claim you but you belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Just like Vegeta belongs to Akira Toriyama. I have fact everyone has ownership over your fluffiness. And speaking of Fluffy...who in their right minds came up with that? It’s a disgrace to all dogs everywhere. Sure I understand someone calling their cat that, but Sesshoumaru? Why not call him the Lord of The Belly Button Lint instead and be done with it? (Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. Have to remember that one...*Starts taking notes* Alright, Sesshoumaru is now the Lord of Fuzzy Lint and Vegeta is still King of The Dolphins.)’

Sess: ’Idiot.’

Me: ’Takes one to know one mutt face.’

Sess: ’Silence wench! It is time for this Sesshoumaru to tell his own version of this piece of crap you call a story. Listen well and perhaps you will learn why I am considered the best in everything I do.’

Me: ’Wow, talk about having your head in the clouds...or in your case, up your own ass. Get over yourself Sesshoumaru. If you ever need a ego boost, talk to Vegeta. His is as large as Texas and Mexico put together. Now that’s real ego!’

Sess: ‘Silence. I will begin now....’
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(And so, he begins....everyone shield their eyes. This may not be a pretty sight....)

The time had come for this Sesshoumaru to be done with the pesky human that had so carelessly entered my life. I will thoroughly enjoy gutting her and using her gizzards to frame my domicile. Next, this Sesshoumaru will use her very bones to make a lovely arched doorway so that other disgusting humans will stop bothering me. Next, I will skin the human and use the tasteless hide as a kite for Rin. I am sure that should keep the child entertained for some time. Next, this Sesshoumaru will have Jaken fix the rest of the humans remains into one large pot and then send word to my half breed brother Inu-Yasha and his idiotic friends to come and feast. Little will they know I had Jaken be sure to feed the wench known as Kagome more of her own family. When they are full, I’ll kill them all. No, forget that. I will kill them all except for that sweet little bundle of fur they call Kirara. She is so sweet and adorable. I just love fuzzy things....

(At this moment, large hearts are seen where Sesshoumaru’s eyes should have been. (Ever see Sailor Moon? Yeah, it’s just as scary.) Also, just for the notes...beware of large popping hearts. They could jeopardize your very health)

Me: ’Umm Sess? What kind of telling is that? You jump from one thing to another in like 3 seconds flat. If you ever feel the need to write your own story, please let someone else do it.’

Sess: *Annoyed* ’If you can do better human, prove it. This Sesshoumaru is going to keep tabs. If at least 1 human writes something meaningful on their next review, I shall refrain from writing for as long as I live. If not though, this Sesshoumaru will do the next chapter in any way he wants. I may or may not keep with the original concept. That’s for me to decide.’

Me: ’You’re mean! Don’t talk to me you over grown mutt. *To readers* Please, someone review and say something nice about the story so far. If not, the Giant Dog from Hell is going to take over the story. And believe me, if you read the crappiness he wrote, you won’t want him too. So I need just one good comment. That’s all. You can say something....anything. I don’t care as long as it’s a good word.’

Sess: ’Stop harassing the readers. If they decide to write something nice, that is for them to decide.’

Me: ’Fine. *to readers* Please review. I really don‘t want to let him write the rest of it.’

Sess: ‘I said stop harassing the readers. Now if you are done, begin the damn chapter already.’

Me: ‘Fine! *Mutters* Damn dog!’

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Chapter 8: Ceremonies and Markings

The moment of truth was upon him. Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands would claim his mate upon this night. Nervous as he was, he wasn’t about to let them be shown. His nerves were on end since the moment Maya had said yes. He was getting more anxious as the time passed slowly. Too slowly for his Majesty. Sesshoumaru turned toward his gardens were he could see the sun setting in all it’s glorious fashion. Upon nights such as these, he remained indoors. He loved the beautiful golden sky as hints of red, orange and yellow tinted the heavens. Sesshoumaru truly did enjoy moments such as these, and inside the confines of his own territory, he could let his guard down and enjoy the small things in life he took for granted.

As he basked in the glorious glow of the setting sun, Sesshoumaru became vaguely aware of another presence in the room. He slowly opened one eye and looked to his right. Suddenly both eyes widened as he caught sight of the trespasser. What was the meaning of this?! How did Teiji get in here? Without any further thoughts, Sesshoumaru let loose one of his acid whips, totally melting one of Teiji’s arms. The large Neko Youkai yowled in pain, but didn’t move an inch.

‘What is the meaning of this intrusion Teiji? And if you cannot find the words, this Sesshoumaru shall find those very words for you! Now speak up! Before I cut out your tongue and serve it up during the castle‘s next royal function!’ Sesshoumaru said angrily.

Teiji looked at his now decapitated arm and then back at Sesshoumaru. His eyes burned with hatred for the Demon Lord, but he kept his emotions in check. One outburst would cost him his very life. And he knew the Lord could end it quickly.

‘Begging your pardon your grace, but the guests have arrived and are eagerly awaiting for your appearance. Please forgive my intrusion, but the Lady Maya has sent me to fetch you.’ Teiji said while bowing.

‘Very well. You may leave this Sesshoumaru. Let Lady Maya know that I will be along shortly.’

‘Yes your grace.’ Teiji said as he bowed yet again and left without a word.

After Teiji left, Sesshoumaru took one more glance out the window. This was the night when he, the Lord of the Western Lands and hater of all humans, would take one of the very creatures he despised as a mate. It was now time to show the world that he, Lord Sesshoumaru, had had a change of heart.


Elsewhere in the castle...

‘Oh Lady Maya. That kimono is so lovey upon you. I know that his Lord-ship will be pleased with the choice you have made for this night. Now, after we do your hair, we can get this ceremony over with. Oh, I just love happy endings. I think I’m going to need a tissue as you call it.’ Kumiko exclaimed happily as she put the finishing touches on Maya’s white kimono.

Just like the dragon kimono she had worn hours before, this one was as white as snow and had images of dog demons printed at the base. Patterns shaped as flowers adorn the upper sleeves and gold thread stitched it together. The obi she wore around her waist was gold in color as well with small delicate flowers sewn in for measurement.

(A/N: Yes, I don’t know how to describe these things. But if it sounds pretty to me, then I like it. Anyways...I just found out about traditional Japanese weddings. The kimono that the bride wears is called a Uchikake. It‘s normally white and quite long. The bride has to be assisted by one of her attendants to walk in this kimono. Although this is the formal Japanese wear for brides, I added the dog demon images, flowers, and golden obi. I thought it would make for a very beautiful kimono. Besides...they‘re not really getting married. The ceremony is just to show who Maya belongs to.)

‘This kimono is so comfortable Kumiko. I’m glad you made it for me. But I’ve been wondering something. Don’t you think this is all happening quickly? I know Sess loves me...but I mean, mating and this ceremony are big steps. I don’t want him to change his mind after we go through with this. Also, I wish I had Kagome and the others here with me. I know they wouldn’t quite agree to this arrangement, but they would be very supportive...well at least Kagome would be. I’m sure of it. Do you think Sess will let them come as well?’ Maya asked.

‘I am sure he will grant your wish Lady Maya. If you would like, I will go ask him right away.’ Kumiko said as she brushed Maya’s long red hair.

‘Oh that would be wonderful. Thank you so much Kumiko!’ Maya smiled. ‘Well I guess I can finish up in here. You go ask Sess for me, alright?’ Maya said as she took the brush from Kumiko and finished brushing her own hair.

‘Very well. Remember, the ceremony will be held shortly. Be sure to carry yourself as though you are royalty. For once you and the lord are together, you shall be judged as one.’ Kumiko said before she left quickly.

‘Hmm, I get to be a queen in a way. This has to be my best vacation ever.’ Maya smiled happily.


Inside his chambers, a very nervous demon lord paced back and forth. What was with Teiji? He was plotting and scheming, he had to be. Why did he enter the way he had? No one dares to take Sesshoumaru by surprise. The Neko was getting to be quite the nuisance. If he stepped out of line once again, Sesshoumaru would be sure that he never did it again. As he continued his pacing, Sesshoumaru was not aware that Kumiko was right outside the door. With an angry huff, he pushed the door open, causing the poor young demon to fall back unceremoniously. Sesshoumaru stood in the doorway for a moment, before walking past.

‘My Lord...please wait.” Kumiko said as she picked herself up of the floor.

‘What is it that you need Kumiko? Can you not see that this Sesshoumaru is busy?’

‘Yes my lord. I know you are quite busy...but I have a request from Lady Maya.’ Kumiko said as she bowed low.

Sesshoumaru suddenly stiffened. A request? Would she be requesting that they call the whole thing off? Is it possible that he, the great Demon Lord Sesshoumaru, chose her to be his mate far to early? Without turning around, Sesshoumaru nodded his head, fearfully dreading the words that would come out of Kumiko’s mouth.

‘My lord...Lady Maya wishes to know if she could possibly...”

‘I knew it. This Sesshoumaru will always be alone. I was so stupid as to think she would be my mate. Perhaps if I am the one to end the ceremony, I shall not feel so downhearted. That’s it. I shall end it before she does.’ Sesshoumaru thought sadly.

‘Request the presence of Lady Kagome, Inuyasha, and her friends.’ Kumiko asked.

Sesshoumaru stopped and turned to look at Kumiko. His eyes were wide and he had a small, yet hardly noticeable smile on his face. Without warning, he grabbed Kumiko and hugged her...much to the confusion of the young demon.

‘Her request shall be granted. Kumiko, I will send you to fetch my no good whelp of a brother and his companions. But be quick. This Sesshoumaru shall expect you back shortly.’ Sesshoumaru said as he released her.

Then, without another word, Sesshoumaru left the chambers and headed straight for the ceremony chambers where the other demons awaited him, leaving Kumiko to ponder over his actions.


Back at Keade’s village...

Days had passed and no one had heard or seen from Maya. Kagome and the others had settled down quite a bit, all hoping beyond hope that she was doing good. Inuyasha was back to normal, the night of the new moon off his mind now. Miroku had gone back to his old routines, but he still kept his hands to himself...well, almost. Today would make a total of twenty slaps he earned in one day. A new world record. Sango busied herself with helping Keade with herbs and medications. Shippo played with Kirara every chance he got. He still missed Maya, but at least she was happy now...he hoped.

On days like this, Kagome and Inuyasha sat and chatted for a few hours. Both had things on their minds they wished to tell each other, and they both knew that sitting wouldn’t get them anywhere. As they pondered their thoughts, Inuyasha was the first to speak up after ten minutes of complete silence.

‘Kagome...what did you mean when you said “our pups?” You’re not pregnant are you?’ the hanyou asked.

Kagome smiled and looked at Inuyasha. But the look on his face was hopeful one. Frowning, Kagome turned away...afraid of what he would say if he knew the truth.

‘Inuyasha...I’m sorry if I got your hopes up. I thought I was, but I had Keade check for me. I’m not pregnant. I’m sorry.’ she said as she watched Inu’s ears droop. ‘But that doesn’t mean we can’t try again.’ she winked.

Ears perked, Inuyasha looked up to see a smiling Kagome. Without a second thought, the hanyou picked the bewildered girl up and headed deep into the forest. If she wanted to try again...then hell, he’d be there in two shakes of a leg.


‘Rin? You may come out now. This Sesshomaru will speak to you now regarding your attitude toward Lady Maya and myself the other day.’ Sesshomaru said as he stood by Rin’s door.

‘Go away...I don’t want to talk.’ came a soft voice from inside.

‘Rin. Open the door now. You behavior for these last few days have been appalling. You should have known better. Now open up.’

‘You said I was your human and no other would come between us! You said you was my Sesshomaru! Why do you like that woman so much? Is it because you’ve grown tired of Rin?’

‘ are my human. You know that no one would ever come between us. Not even Jaken, and he’s been dead for these last few days. Lady Maya is only here to help. This Sesshomaru admits, she is now his human as well. But you should know that this Sesshomaru puts his child first and above all others.’

Sesshomaru waited. He heard no sounds but sniffling coming from the other side of the door. Seconds slowly went by as he heard a sigh. Then he heard some footsteps. Watching as the door opened, he looked at Rin who looked to be having a bad day.

‘Rin always be your human?’ the little girl asked.

‘Always will always be my human.’ Sesshomaru said as he knelt down to pick the little girl up.

Smiling, Rin hugged the demon lord and smiled up at him.

‘I think Rin would like to have a mother. And possibly, could Rin have a sister or brother too?’ she asked.


And now...back at Keade’s...

Sango sighed as she helped Keade with the medication. Inuyasha and Kagome had disappeared and no one knew where they had gone. Miroku had a knowing smile on his face, while Shippo looked at them curiously.

‘Inuyasha and Kagome has suddenly disappeared. I wonder where they could be.’ Keade thought to herself.

‘It’s not like Inuyasha or Kagome to go running off like this. I wonder what is going on with those two?’ Sango thought as she pulled some dead leaves off one of the herbs. ‘Lady Keade. Do you know where Inuyasha and Kagome have gone?’ she asked.

‘I’m not sure...but if my predications are right, they should be getting ready to mate again.’ Keade said, never looking at Sango.

‘Mate? Again? You mean...they...that is to say...’ Sango stuttered.

‘Yes child. Inuyasha and Kagome have mated. They are trying for a child...but I fear that they will have no such luck. Unless the fates decide to bless them, nothing will come of this union.’ Keade said as she took the forgotten herb in Sango’s hand.

‘How long have they been mates?’ she asked.

‘For a few days now. It was to be kept a secret until they were sure everyone would approve. Kagome came to me a few nights ago, asking for help.’ Keade replied.

‘What did she ask for?’

‘She needed my help in seeing rather or not she was with child. Kagome was disappointed when I gave her the bad news. I imagine her and Inuyasha are off trying again.’

Sango looked at Keade, who still had her head down as she worked. Inuyasha and Kagome were mates now? Boy was she in the dark...

(A/N: BTW, I don’t do lemons...sorry.

Sess: ‘It’s a good thing you don’t. This Sesshomaru does not feel like showing the world what he ate for dinner last night.’

Me: ‘And I’m sure they don’t want to see what poor defenseless little animal got on your bad side neither...’

Sess: ‘Who said it was an animal?’

Me: ‘Uhh...I’ll have to take your word for it. Eww.’ *Starts to turn green* Anywhoo back to the story before I‘m the one to show my dinner...’)

‘Inuyasha...that has got to be the best sex I ever had!’ Kagome smiled as she laid on her hanyou.

It had been just a few hours, and like any lovers, they just couldn’t keep their hands off one another. Go figure.

‘What was that Kagome? It was the best sex you ever had? How about we make it the most wonderful sex you ever had.’ Inuyasha laughed as he turned over.

With Kagome on top, they were ready to do it again. But something stopped them.

‘I am so sorry! I did not mean to step into you and your mates surroundings! Please forgive me!’ Kumiko said as she covered her face with her hands. ‘Great. What a time to show up.’ she thought. ‘Now I’ll never hear the end of it.’

‘Ahh! Who are you?’ Kagome cried as she quickly reached for Inuyasha’s clothes.

‘Forgive me...I am so sorry. I am here on important matters.’ Kumiko said as she once again bowed, adverting her eyes to the ground.

‘What kind of matters? Can’t you see we’re busy trying to make a brat...I mean I meant little monster...damn it. Kagome what are those things called when their really little?’


‘Yeah that’s it. We’re trying to make a baby. Now get the hell out of here before you end up meeting the sharp side of tetsusaiga!’

‘Inuyasha? Look at her. I think she is truly sorry. No one blushes that badly. Come on. Let’s get dressed and talk to her. We can try again later.’ Kagome said as she changed back into her own clothes, and then tossing Inu’s to him.

‘Feh...It better be important enough to take my mind off that one thing that I need...I mean we need.’

After they were dressed, Kumiko sighed in relief and sat down in front of them. Looking at Inuyasha, she thought to herself ‘So this is Lord Sesshomaru’s younger brother? I thought I’d be seeing a full demon. But he’s only half...I wonder if his mother was human? Or maybe his father was...’

‘Hey. Don’t you have something soooo important to tell us that you ruined a perfectly good evening?’ Inuyasha said as he got Kumiko’s attention.

‘What? Oh yes...sorry. Umm, I am here to tell you that you and your companions are invited to Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Maya’s mating ceremony. You have been given permission to enter upon his lordships territory. I also inform you that there is to be no violence. If Lord Sesshomaru catches anyone defying his orders, they will be severely punished.’ Kumiko said as she looked from Inu to Kagome.

‘Sesshomaru and Maya...Wait! What do you mean mating ceremony? Who said Maya was his mate?’ Kagome asked, bewildered.

‘It was his wish. He asked and she accepted. There is nothing none can do to change it. Lady Maya will be staying in the castle from this moment on as his lords companion.’

‘But what about her home? Is she just going to forget about all of us? I can’t believe she would do such a stupid thing! I swear when I get my hands on that bimbo I’m gonna ring that neck of hers!’ Kagome yelled.

‘Kagome calm down.’ Inuyasha said as he tried to calm a furious Miko. Turning to Kumiko, he frowned.

‘Are you sure that’s what’s happening? I mean...we can’t be talking about the same “Mr. High and Mighty” Dog Demon Sesshomaru?’

‘Yes...that is what is happening. I was told to let you and your companions know. Her Ladyship wished that you were there and Lord Sesshomaru agreed. I will accompany you and the others. Lord Sesshomaru will expect you soon.’ Kumiko said as she stood.

‘Well, I guess we can’t stay here. Let’s go Inuyasha. We have to get the others. I’m sure they’ll be equally surprised.’ Kagome said as she also stood.

‘What a way to finish off the most rewarding night in my, life sucks sometimes.’ Inuyasha mumbled bitterly.

‘Did you say something?’ Kagome asked.

‘No...let’s go get the others and get this over with.’ Inu answered.

As they walked back to the village, Kagome couldn’t help but to look at Kumiko. The girl was small, a bit shorter than herself. She had black hair and green eyes. She carried herself well, and seemed to have perfect balance.

‘I wonder what kind of demon she is?’ she thought to herself.

‘I am a cat youkai. I live in Lord Sesshomaru’s castle with my older sibling Teiji.’ Kumiko said as she caught Kagome’s stare. Then smiling at the Miko’s dumb struck face, she also added...’I am also telepathic.’

‘Oh...alright. Sorry to pry into your business.’ Kagome said as she turned away and walked with her head down.

‘So you’re a cat demon huh? How come you live with my brother?’

‘I live there because I have no other place to go. My clan was killed and only my brother and I survived. We were fortunate to have Lord Sesshomaru take us in...on account we do everything we were to be told.’

‘What do you do there?’ Kagome asked.

‘I do many things. But mostly I help with the important tasks. I am a messenger, cook, I groom his lordship when he feels the need, washer...anything his lordship wishes of me...I obey. If not...I would surely die.’ Kumiko said as she looked at Kagome.

‘You groom him? How often?’ Kagome asked.

‘At least once every week. It’s hard when you’re being threatened. His lordship does not like his hair to be pulled. I think he broke at least a dozen brushes before he settled down...’ Kumiko smiled.

‘Never thought that brother of mine would need his own personal groomer. I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard.’ Inuyasha snickered.

‘Lord Sesshomaru does not like his hair to be everywhere. Which is more than I can say about you! And he is not a bastard. He is a kind soul who cares for everyone in his care!’ Kumiko yelled in the defense of her master.

‘Kind soul? What rock have you been hiding under all these years? Sesshomaru is not a kind soul! I’m surprised he even has servants...and a human child at that! To bad he hasn’t gotten hungry.’ Inuyasha laughed.

‘Lord Sesshomaru would never harm me or my fellow servants. So you can just...just...shut that big mouth of yours you stupid half breed!’ Kumiko yelled suddenly throwing her hand over her mouth.

‘What was that? You stupid little bitch! I am not a fucking half breed! Yes, I admit it. I did have a human mother! And yes, I am the son of a Demon Lord!! But if I ever hear something like that come from you or anyone again...I’ll fucking kill you and any other sorry piece of trash that mentioned it!’ Inuyasha yelled as he held Kumiko up by her throat.

‘I’m sorry...please....let go.’ Kumiko gasped.

‘Inuyasha! Put her down right now!’ Kagome cried as she tried to pry the offending hand off Kumiko.

‘Feh! You’re not even worth my time!’ he said as he dropped the now gasping neko. ‘Let’s get the others and go already.’

‘I’m so sorry...I didn’t mean it...’ Kumiko gasped. ‘I never knew...’

‘It’s alright. Inuyasha just doesn’t like to be reminded of his own personal life. He’s had it tough you know. It’s not easy being what he is. He’s not accepted anywhere. Demons shun him and humans are afraid of him. He just wants to forget the feelings he has. It’s not your fault Kumiko. He’s always this moody.’ Kagome said as she knelt down by a fallen cat demon.

‘I do know how he feels...’ Kumiko said sadly. ‘I myself am a hanyou...’
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Yay! Chapter 8 is done!!! Whoohoo for me! Come on! Everyone throw me a big party!! LOL

Sess: ‘You are pathetic girl. And what is this I hear about Kumiko being only half cat demon? What is the other half?’

Me: ‘I can’t tell you cause the truth is...I don’t know! It was just a spur of the moment thing. I thought it would add some spice to the cooking pot ya know?’

Sess: ‘I see...well, as long as she is not half dog youkai this Sesshomaru will accept it. *nods head as if thinking...then looks at me with fear in his eyes* She isn’t half dog is she?’

Me: ‘ Hello, earth to Sess. If she was half cat and half dog...don’t you think that would be a strange mix? I mean...come on. Half human and half any type of animal is strange enough, but a cat and dog? Wow, talk about the worlds strangest animal.’

Sess: ‘She is...isn’t she? You are going to reveal that she and that no good brother of hers is in fact part of this Sesshomaru’s family. If so, you will die human!’

Me: ‘She’s not part of your family. Calm down Sess. Here *takes out a milk bone* chew on this for awhile.’

Sess: *Eyes Milk bone...then me...and takes treat and runs off*

Me: ‘Dogs...who ever said they were intelligent needs to be shot.’

Sess: *From somewhere in the distance* ‘I heard that!’

Me: *laughs* ‘And your point would be? *to the readers* Please review. If anyone would like to contribute to my idea of Kumiko on what other half she is...please email me. I am online everyday. I look forward to hearing from you...Laters.’

*Camera pans to a large clearing where Sesshomaru is seen busy finishing of the milk bone. Getting up a minute later, the camera follows him as he makes his way back to where the author is.*

Sess: *to readers* ‘And also, donate some milk bones to this Sesshomaru. I am starting feel thin. I think my clothes are starting to fall off on account of not being properly nourished.’

Me and the cast of Inuyasha: *BIG Sweatdrop*