InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maya and Sesshomaru: A Fuedal Love Tail ❯ Another Day ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, for all who waited patiently, here is chapter 7. And since I’m in a bad mood today, I won’t be playing fetch with Sesshomaru. Besides, it really hurts when you have a 30-40 foot dog panting and drooling and bringing trees back to ya. And then, dropping them down on ya. Especially when I threw a measly stick for him. I may love Sess, but I’ll be damned and go to hell with the icky bitch Kikyo if I ever do that again. Just to warn you people out there, never play games with a very BIG puppy dog! You will get hurt very badly.

Sess: ‘Well, you did tell me to fetch. I can’t help it. I turn into a common mutt when someone plays fetch. It must be my nature. Many fear me and think me as the devil in girls clothing. But really, deep down inside, I’m just a puppy looking for love. ‘

Me: ‘Yes Sessie, we all know how much of a puppy you are. *Thinks to self* Puppies don’t have drool that‘s full of acid. They don’t grow to be over 30-40 feet. And I’m sure that no common puppy would bring back a tree to it’s owner. Unless by chance, that puppy was of course, Superman’s dog. *Stops Thinking* So, you’re not much of a puppy huh? Just a really big cute doggie who everyone loves. Well, I do of course. You’re just so sweet and cute in your doggie form.’

Sess: ‘Uhh, I forgot to uhh...turn off my coffee-pot.’

Me: ‘You don’t have a coffee-pot.’

Sess: ‘Then I forgot to ummm, brush my hair.’

Me: ‘Your hair is fine. Of course, Naraku could use a good shampooing and brushing. *Note to self: When World Domination is fulfilled, find Naraku and brush that unruly mop on his head he calls hair. Then threaten to tell everyone his little secret if he does something bad!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!*’

Sess: ‘OOOH! A secret? Can you tell me?’

Me: ‘Yep sure. The secret is *Gets close to Sessies ear* *Whispers* *Laughs*’

Sess: ‘Okay, you can stop there. That is nasty. This Sesshomaru has heard enough! Never say anything like that again or I’ll gut you like a fish.’ *Walks away shaking head.*

Me: ‘I’m sorry. *To readers* Anyways, if you would like to know Naraku’s secret, you have to wait until the end of the chapter. I won’t say if it’s good or bad. But, according to’s bad. He could be wrong though, so don’t go by what he says.’

Sess: ‘Are you still talking girl? Shut up already! I want to play fetch again.’

Me: ‘Yes I‘m still talking! And NO! I will NOT play fetch with you. So stop pestering me. *To readers* See how he is? I swear! Can’t get a moments peace with the puppy doggie. *Sees Sess with a sad face* Oh all right. *Picks up stick* Fetch boy!’

Sess: *Transformed in his full youkai state, panting happily, barking and jumping around on only three legs (kinda sounds silly huh?), runs into the forest. *A few minutes later* He brings a giant oak tree and drops it*

Me: ‘Ahh Sesshomaru! Not a tree again! *Hears muffled yell as tree lands* My back!!’

Sess: *Wagging tail* :BARK:

Me: *From under tree* Medic! *Scolding tone* Bad Boy Sesshomaru!’

Sess: *Ears droop, sad face* :Whine:

Me: *Smiling at Sess* ‘It’s alright Sessie. I’ll be fine. Go get your ball and we’ll play some catch. *To readers* Well, as I play ball with Sesshomaru, here’s chapter 7. Just to point out, Inu-Yasha will be really, and I mean REALLY OOC in this chapter. As will Sesshomaru. *Turns around and looks at ball that is rolling* Eww, dog drool. Oh goes nothing.’ *Picks up ball and throws it*

Sess: *Barks, stumbles (cause he only got three legs darn you Inu-Yasha!) and runs after ball*

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Chapter 7: Another Day

‘So, she’s fine then? That’s good. I was so scared when she disappeared.’ Kagome said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Inu-Yasha had entered Keade's hut after Oda had told him the news of Maya. It made him feel better inside, knowing that one of his friends were safe and sound. Of course, she was in Sesshomaru’s castle, but still, she was safe. Now, if only the Shippo would stop the whining. Stepping over to him, Inu-Yasha did his best to cheer the young fox kit up. Forcing a smile on his face, he bent down and gently picked him up. It felt so strange, even to him, that he would do this to the runt. But still, he had to get Shippo to stop somehow. His ears couldn’t take much more of it.

(A/N: And now, Inu OOC (Out Of Character)...hehe)

‘It’s alright kid. Maya is fine. Nothing happened to her.’ Inu said as he slowly rocked Shippo back and forth. Just as his own mother had done for him so many years ago.

‘But, Sesshomaru...’ Shippo sniffled, enjoying the relaxing motion.

‘I know. Sesshomaru has her. But Maya is fine. My brother won’t hurt her Shippo.’ Inu soothed.

‘How do you know Inu-Yasha? What if he’s waiting for the right moment to eat her?’ Shippo asked. Looking up at Inu-Yasha, he suppressed a shaky cry. Inu-Yasha, the half dog demon that cared nothing for him, was holding him the way his own father had held in when he was in his human form. It felt so comforting. Shippo sighed a little and closed his eyes.

‘He won’t eat her Shippo. Sesshomaru has more dignity than that.’ Inuyasha replied as he continued the rocking.

‘Then what will Sesshomaru do with her?’ Shippo asked, fearing the answer.

‘I...I don’t know. All I know is that he’s changing somehow. I’ve never seen my brother so content before. It’s almost like he’s...happy being with her. It would do him a world of good if he showed his feelings once in a while. Perhaps Maya is changing him for the good.’ Inu said.

‘I really hope so Inu-Yasha.’

Inu-Yasha stopped and looked up into the eyes of Kagome. She smiled at him and held out her arms. Looking down, he surprised that Shippo had fallen asleep. Blushing a little, he handed the snoozing kitsune to her and smiled. He hoped that this would have calmed Shippo. It worked.

‘You’re wonderful Inu-Yasha. Just like a real father.’ she smiled as she took Shippo. Kissing the hanyou on the cheek, Kagome sighed a little. ‘I hope you’re as gentle with our pups as you are with Shippo. Thank you so much In-Yasha for what you did. I know Shippo will be grateful to you as well.’ Kagome said as she walked over to were her bedspread laid. Placing Shippo down gently, she was surprised as a hand touched her shoulder. Turning around slightly, she was amazed to see Inu-Yasha smiling at her. A real genuine smile.

‘Shippo is an alright kid. I’m glad he’s with us. And, I’m glad I’m with you Kagome.’ Inu admitted.

‘I’m glad I’m with you Inu-Yasha. And now, I think so is Shippo.’ Kagome hugged Inu-Yasha and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if Shippo thought of you as another father.’

‘I’d like that...I really would.’ Inuyasha smiled. Suddenly his face froze. ‘Did Kagome just say Our pups?‘ he thought.

(A/N: End of Inu OOC. Aww, that is so cute. Makes me wanna hug Inu and squeeze the air from his lungs. Hmm, and what did Kagome mean when she said our pups? Is she going to be a mother? And how would she know if she was? Perhaps time will tell. Please no one ask. I‘ll have the answer soon.)


(And now...Sess OOC)

Back at Sesshomaru's castle, Maya smiled as she watched the Demon Lord enter the gates. It had been hours since they had arrived at the castle, and the sun was high in the sky, casting it‘s evening warmth everywhere. Not being able to contain her excitement as she watched him, she ran out of her room and down the steps to greet him.

‘Lady Maya! You are forgetting your sandals!’ Kumiko yelled as she saw the red-head skip the last two steps.

‘I don’t care! Sess is home!’ Maya squealed.

Maya couldn’t contain her happiness as Sesshomaru showed up. Running to him, she had an unwavering smile across her features.

Sesshomaru had stopped at the gates and reprimanded the guard there. He had fallen asleep almost, with the gates still open just slightly. Scolding him angrily, Sesshomaru was about ready to kill the gate guard when he heard a slight sound from behind him. Turning, he was surprised to see Maya running to him. It shocked him a little, seeing her like that. Then he noticed her state of dress. In his mind, she looked absolutely stunning. The kimono she wore was as white as his hair. Dragons adorn the sleeves and the base. Around her, a golden obi tied it together. Her long hair was down, waving in the slight breeze. She looked at that moment, like an angel running to him. Sesshomaru was speechless. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life, and she was his. Not sure of why she was running to him, Sesshomaru was surprised as Maya jumped into his arms, her own arms wrapping around his neck as she hugged him.

‘Maya...are you alright?’ Sesshomaru asked, a little worried.

‘I’m fine Sess. I’m just so happy to see you again. I missed you so badly.’

‘I missed you too Maya. I’m happy to see you once again as well.’ Sesshomaru admitted. He looked at Maya, who seemed to have a never-ending smile upon her face, and smiled back. For the first time in his entire life...he felt as though he could smile. And not just any smile...but a genuine smile.

‘So, what happened? Did you find out the answer to your question?’ Maya asked as Sesshomaru gently put her down.

Sesshomaru looked at Maya puzzled. Then he nodded. ‘Yes, I found the answer to my question.’

‘What was the question? And the answer?’ Maya asked.

Taking her hand, Sesshomaru lead Maya back into the castle. There, he told her of how he met with the witch of the west and of her answer to him. Maya listened intently as he explained it to her. After an hour, Sesshomaru finally stopped. He looked at Maya, who had the same smile upon her face. She never stopped smiling. Was it because he was near her? It had to be.

‘She told you that we are soul-mates? What did you think Sess? Do you think we are as well?’ Maya asked him after a few moments.

‘I believe that we are Maya. Perhaps that is why I feel so content when I’m near you. I know it has been only a week since we met, but I can’t hide from my feelings when I’m with you. I wish for you to be my mate Maya.’ Sesshomaru said as he hugged her.

(A/N: Sess is really, and I do mean REALLY OOC in this chapter. Hope everyone likes it.)

Maya was speechless. Kumiko said that she wasn’t certain of Sesshomaru’s plans and told her not to get her hopes up. But here was Sesshomaru, asking her himself. What could she say? Inside, her mind yelled no. But her heart screamed yes. Going with what her heart was telling her, Maya looked at Sesshomaru.

The way he was looking at her made Maya giggle. ‘Just like a puppy.’ she thought. Bringing herself as close as she dared, Maya looked him in the eyes. ‘Those eyes. They're so beautiful. So golden. A girl could get lost in eyes like that.’ she silently thought to herself. Then, she did the unthinkable. Bending toward him, Maya placed a light kiss on Sesshomaru’s cheek. Liking the surprised effect that play across his features, she readied herself. Closing the distance between them, Maya wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Sesshomaru was surprised yet again as he felt Maya’s soft lips upon his own. But, he relaxed and held her tight.

After a few short moments, both pulled back and looked at each other. Catching their breathes, both smiled.

‘I would like that Sesshoumaru. I really would.’ Maya said as she kissed him again.

In the background, Kumiko smiled. Her lord and master, had found his mate. She was happy that he finally had someone. Nodding her head, she left the two alone.

Nearby, Rin, the little girl who followed Sesshomaru like a lost puppy, watched her beloved Sesshomaru and the girl. They seemed so happy. But still. He was her Sesshomaru! Why was the girl trying to claim what was rightfully hers? It wasn’t fair! No other human should come between them! And to make matters worse, he had scolded Rin right in front of everybody the day she had met the girl. So what was so special about her anyways? From what Rin could see, not a whole lot.

‘Hmm, she isn’t so special. I bet Sesshomaru is going to get rid of her as soon as he gets tired of her. She won’t last a day.’ Rin said to herself.

Of course, it would have been better if she had thought that last part silently to herself. Hearing a low growl coming from where Sesshomaru stood, she heard it.

‘Rin. Bed. Now. We will discuss your punishment for such an childish remark tomorrow.’ Sesshomaru growled.

Rin didn’t say anything else. Frowning, the little girl did as she was told silently plotting her revenge.


Hours had passed since Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, had asked Maya if she would agree to be his mate. She had agreed. Now, all that was needed was the marking ceremony and the actual mating. Of course, Sesshomaru would never force her. (Of course he wouldn’t. Dogs are loyal. Yeah right. Sure they are.) But, one thing at a time. Maya had an unwavering smile on her face since he had asked, and it never left. Many of the lower demons were confused and scared. What if she was a maniac? What if she was waiting for the right moment too.... And what was with the constant smiling? Talk about nerve-racking. But, none the less, whenever Sesshomaru ordered something to be done for Maya, they obliged and went about their duties.

It was around that time that the large demon that Maya was going to talk to the day she arrived, began plotting something. He could tell that his master was in love. But with a human? Had Sesshomaru lost all sanity? He would watch the two from afar, always ready if something should ever come up. He couldn’t say, but he knew in his mind, he desired the human that stole Sesshomaru’s heart. If only he could talk to her without the lord knowing...ahhh, perfect timing.

‘Lady Maya, may I have a word with you?’

Maya had been walking around the castle grounds that morning, looking at all the flowers and trees that grew in the gardens and around the small stream nearby. She was standing beside a sakura blossom tree, not really doing anything, when someone called out her name. Turning around, she was greeted by the large demon. Smiling, Maya nodded.

‘Yes? You wish to speak with me?’ Maya asked.

‘Please, call me Teiji. I just wish to know something that is all.’

‘Alright Teiji. What is it you wish to know my friend.’ Maya smiled.

Teiji stopped. Had she just called him, friend? Looking down, he sighed. If she considered him as a friend, then that meant...he had no chance in hell with her. What was he thinking? Looking up, he saw that Maya looked at him with worry.

‘Teiji? Is something wrong? Has one of the other demons said something hurtful to you?’ Maya asked.

‘ lady. All is well. I wish you luck with all you do. I will leave now.’ Teiji said as he turned away.


Not far away, a lone figure stood by, watching and listening to the conversation below. It let out a low growl and turned swiftly away. Lord Sesshomaru himself vowed to get rid of the annoying Teiji, before the large cat demon caused harm to his mate or anyone else. Perhaps Maya hadn’t seen it, but their was something sinister in Teiji’s eyes. Sesshomaru was sure of it. He only pretended to be Maya’s friend. But for what purpose? Did he plan on killing her? Or did he plan on stealing the one thing that Lord Sesshomaru himself had made clear never to touch? Perhaps he was waiting for the right moment to take her as his own mate. Maya was not yet claimed...well only in verbal. The marking ceremony was to be held tonight. What if the cat demon found a way to do it before he, Sesshomaru could? Sesshomaru frowned and walked back into the confines of the castle. Too much thinking was starting to give him a head-ache, and he needed to lay down.


Hours passed and everyone who was anyone came to Sesshomaru’s castle for the annual marking ceremony. It was to be held when the sun finally ended it’s daily parade across the sky. Soon, Maya would be Sesshomaru’s. And then, the real fun could begin. Inside a huge room that looked like a perfect place for parties, but not where the ceremony would be held, the Lord of The Western Lands sat upon a throne like structure, eagerly awaiting for the sun to descend from the sky.

‘Only a few hours to go. Soon Maya, you will be mine forever. I hope I can give you everything you want. You have made this Sesshomaru proud.’ he thought to himself.

Sighing despite himself, Sesshomaru stood and walked to one of the large windows that adorn the room. Looking out, he could see demons coming from miles around. They carried with them gifts to be presented to Lord Sesshomaru and his new mate. All were dressed in their finest, even the lower demons. Sesshomaru half laughed as they trudged up the slope and through the castle gates.

‘I am in a good mood tonight. I feel no unnecessary killing should be allowed. If one of the lower demons poses a threat, I will simply banish him or her from this land.’ he said aloud.

‘And what if they don’t comply with your orders oh great and powerful dog demon? What then? Kill them just for the hell of it?’

Sesshomaru turned around and looked at the source of the voice. Maya stood there, smiling at him. Smiling back, he motioned for her to stand at the window with him.

‘I will only kill if one poses a threat to you my mate.’ he said.

‘And what if one tries to kill you instead? What then?’

‘I would rather die then to see you suffer through such things. It is my duty to protect those within my family. I have done so for Rin, and now, I do so for you.’

‘About Rin. She doesn’t like me very well, does she? I can see it in her eyes. She hates me.’ Maya said, saddened by the thought.

‘Rin is still very young. She is shy. It’s new to her as with me, to have an older female around. Her parents died when she was quite young. She just has to get to know you, as I have done.’

‘She wasn’t that shy that day in the forest. All those questions. I can’t believe she even asked them.’ Maya giggled.

‘That day was not something I wished to talk about.’ Sesshomaru frowned. ‘I can’t believe she watched me. That little twerp is gonna pay someday.’ he thought bitterly.

‘Sess hunny, are you okay? You just went pale. Then you turned all angry looking. Was it something I said?’ Maya asked.

‘No...I was just thinking. Noting to be worried about. Now, don’t you think you should get dressed? The ceremony will be held soon.’ Sesshomaru said as he began pushing Maya out of the room.

‘Good point. See ya soon.’ Maya said as she rushed from the room.

‘Finally, I can get back to more important matters. Like where to mark her as mine.’ Sesshomaru thought as he watched Maya disappear around a corner.

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Chapter 7 is done. I hope everyone is enjoying this story. I know the updates are far apart. But I’m trying my best you know. I have massive writer’s block all the time.

Sess: ‘No, it’s just that you’re an idiot. Perhaps you should let this Sesshomaru take over for awhile. I’m sure I will get better responses for my version then yours will.’

Me: ‘Bug off mutt. I’m the writer, not you! If you don’t be nice to me, I’ll get Vegeta back here.’

Vegeta: ‘What do you want now you annoying human? Can’t you see I got better things to do?’

Sess: ‘Why are you here?’

Vegeta: ‘She mentioned my name and by some strange force, I appeared.’

Sess: ‘Makes sense I guess. (To me) Hey, aren’t you gonna tell everyone about Naraku’s secret?’

Me: ‘Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Thanks Sessie.’

Sess: ‘Whatever.’

Vegeta: ‘That’s my line you moron. What secret? And who is Naraku?’

Me: ‘Very bad guy. Alright the secret is...Naraku really wasn’t after Kikyo. He was really after Inu-Yasha. That’s why he went crazy. The guy had the hots for dog boy and he was pissed because Kikyo got her grimy little hoochy hands on him first. I would be too actually. *Please not that this is not true It would be funny if it was though*’

Sess: ‘Don’t tell me you actually like my half brother? If so, this Sesshomaru is leaving.’

Me: ‘I do. And you know what? Leave you big flea bitten mongrel. I’ll just go work on a DBZ fanfic for the people to read. I’m sure they’ll enjoy that just as much.’

Vegeta: ‘Am I in it?’

Me: ‘I don’t know.’

Vegeta: ‘Nuts.’

Me: (To readers) ‘Sorry about that folks. Sess and me are having an argument. Anywhoo, be on the look out for chapter 8. It will be up soon.’