InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maya and Sesshomaru: A Fuedal Love Tail ❯ A Puppies Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I’m back...yet again for another chapter. Don’t really know why I bother. Oh well, must be my love of writing. And, Sesshomaru is okay now. The blow from my bat just made him nicer. See? Now you can rub his tummy and he won’t get mad. *Starts rubbing Sessie's tummy*

Sess: *Laughing* ‘Stop that.‘ *Stops laughing* ‘So, did anyone review?’

Me: ‘Probably not. But hey who cares? I’m not going to let it get me down.’

Sess: *Hiding a pleasant smile* ‘No, you shouldn’t. If I could though, I’d torture those humans until they did review your story. I’ve been reading what you wrote so far, and I find it, interesting.’

Me: ‘I thought you hated my story?’

Sess: ‘I lied. Now, what about this disclaimer business? Shouldn’t you state that you don’t own Inu-Yasha, but you do own me now?’

Me: *Looks at Sessie funny* ‘Oh right.’

Disclaimer: Nope still don’t own Inu. Still broke. I do still own Sess. And now! I own Vegeta!!!

Vegeta: ‘What? How did I get here?’

Sess: ‘Don’t make a scene. The writer is very short tempered. And it looks like you’re hers as well. Welcome to the end of your sorry pathetic life.’ *Starts laughing evilly*

Vegeta: *Glares* ‘What’s with the fluffy...Fluffy?’ *Busts out laughing*

Me: *Starts hitting Sesshomaru with a newspaper* ‘Bad DOG! And no banana’s for you monkey boy! *Glares at Vegeta*

Vegeta: *Eyes wide* Banana’s? Where?’

Sess and Me: *sweat drop*

Me: ‘Hey Sess? Ever wonder how many licks it takes to get the center of a tootsie pop?’

Sess: ‘I don’t wonder silly human. I know.’

Me: ‘Really? How many then?’

Sess: ‘2 for me. One lick, One bite. It’s quite simple really. First you take a lick, then you bite. Everyone should be able to do so. It’s not hard at all.’ *Sesshoumaru nods his head like he knows everything*

Vegeta: ‘Yeah well dog face, not all of us have dog canines in our mouth. You’re only able to do that because you get fed Milk Bones every day. I have to get cruddy human food that Bulma makes for me every day.’

Me: ‘Leave Bulma alone Vegetable Head. At least she feeds you! And as for Sessie and the Milk Bones, I don’t have any to give him. *Looks at readers* Please donate some juicy Milk Bones for Sess. He really likes them.’

Vegeta: *To Sess* ‘Dog breathe!’

Sess: ‘Ape face!’ *Sticks out tongue*

Me: ‘Sesshomaru! Vegeta! Stop fighting or else both of you are going to the pound!’

Vegeta: ‘I am a Saiyan! Saiyans do not go to pounds you worthless human!’

Sess: ‘That’s my worthless human banana’s for brains!’

*Starts fighting*

Me: ‘Oh well. Animals will be animals. Here’s chapter 6 for all those who have nothing better to do. I’ll let you know who wins at the end of the chapter.’

(Japanese Names used in story= Kumiko (KOO-mee-koh) ‘Companion child; drawing together’

Suzu (soo-zoo) ‘Long-lived’. If you would like a list of possible Japanese names, please email me and I will send it to you. Thank you.)

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Chapter 6: A Puppies Love

(Yes, It’s

They had finally made it. Looming in front of them, the castle stood tall. Trees obstructed the view, so Sesshomaru had to lift Maya up so she could see it clearly. As he did so, he couldn’t help but to smile as she started to giggle.

‘Do you like it?’ he asked.

Sesshomaru, Great Dog Demon Lord of the West, was smiling at a human woman. Not just any human, but a spunky red head that caused all sorts of strange emotions to play out in his mind. Mostly, he came to notice, was the feeling of love. Yes, he loved her. After their first meeting, who wouldn’t? She was strong and not afraid. She had proven that when she had kicked him. Sesshomaru growled at that thought and shook his head. Yes, she definitely had spunk. Too much if you ask him.

‘Hey Lassie?’ Maya laughed.

Sesshomaru looked at the human in his arms. She was smiling at him and pointing toward the castle. Sighing, he knew what she wanted. Placing Maya on his back, Sesshomaru ran the rest of the way. The castle was before them with the gates wide open before anyone could say ‘Kangaroo Jack’.

‘Sure is big. But I guess everything is big when you’re a demon lord.’ Maya said after Sesshomaru had put her down.

Looking around, she noticed that many different demons were running around. Some small, others large. One was huge. But the look in his eyes told Maya that he was also very friendly. Or so she thought. Smiling, she walked toward him. Sesshomaru watched, ready to behead the demon if harm came to his human.

His human? Where had that came from? Was Maya truly his? In a sense, yes. He protected her and cared for her. So who was to say that she didn’t belong to him? No one that’s who. Watching her, he let his guard down, but only for a minute. That was when he remembered.

‘Maya, get acquainted later. Kumiko, see that Lady Maya is cleaned and ready by the time I return from my trip. And if anyone does so much as to harm a stand of hair on her head, I’ll personally see to it you never live again. Does this Sesshomaru make himself clear? And Oda. Send word to my brother and his companions of Maya’s state. I am sure that they worry.’ Sesshomaru said with a regal tone.

‘At once my lord.’ Oda, an older female demon replied. Bowing, she took her leave.

Sesshomaru stood where he was for a moment. Then taking Kumiko’s arm, he pulled her over to where Maya could not hear.

‘Be sure to give Lady Maya the chambers next to my own. I wish for her to see the sun as it rises every morning. I will return soon.’ he said.

‘Where are you going my lord?’ Kumiko asked.

‘I am making a trip to see Suzu. I wish to know whether or not it is a good thing to mate myself to a human.’ Sesshomaru whispered.

‘Mate? My lord...are you sure it will be wise?’

‘And are you having doubts on my choice of mates Kumiko?’ Sesshomaru eyed the young demoness skeptically.

‘Of course not. I am pleased with your choice of mate. I am only worried that Suzu will take advantage of you my lord. She is a terrible old witch. I would not trust her even if she and I were the last upon the earth.’

‘Indeed. But we will not worry about that. Bathe Lady Maya and dress her. If she gets hungry, have the cooks prepare her anything she desires.’ the demon lord said as he turned and left.

‘Yes my lord.’ Kumiko said as she walked toward Maya. Her soft blue eyes scanned over Maya and she nodded her head.

‘This way my lady. The lord wishes for you to be bathed and dressed upon his return. If you are hungry, let me know and I shall have the cooks prepare whatever you like by order of his Lord-ship.’ she said as she lead Maya through the large doors.


( Vegeta: *Singing while eating banana’s* Banana’s are yummy and they’re all for me! They’re healthy and nutritious and make me sing! You just pull back the skin and with glee! Gobble them up and yell out WHOOPEE!

Me: ‘And here I always thought Goku was the moron. *Shakes head in pity*)


‘What do you mean you lost the scent? How could you lose the scent Inu-Yasha?’ Kagome yelled. It had been nearly two days since her cousin disappeared and worry lined her young face.

‘I just did. Sesshomaru must have flown the rest of the way. If I knew what direction he took, I could have just as easily caught up with him now. So stop yelling at me! I’m trying my best bitch!’

‘Bitch? Hey Inu-Yasha, here’s an idea. Go roll over and play dead you mutt!’ Kagome yelled.

‘What? No SIT! What’s wrong Kagome? What ever happened to the word? And besides, I thought you liked being called a bitch.’ Inu-Yasha said as he looked at the Miko.

‘You want the word mutt boy? Alright, here’s the word. SIT!!! And I don’t like being called a bitch every hour of every damn day! You may be half dog youkai, but I’m not! I’m a human Inuyasha! Not your bitch that’ll bear your pups whenever the urge to mate arises! ’ Kagome yelled loudly. Now that was out of her system, she turned toward Keade’s and stomped off.

‘You didn’t say that the other night in your room Kagome! Kagome? KAGOME!!!’ Inu yelled as he chased after her.

Kagome heard Inu’s yelling. Angrily she turned around and glared at him. Taking a deep breath, she let go another bombardment of “Sits” putting the half demon in the dirt once again. Before he could take his face out of dirt, Kagome had already left, leaving Inuyasha to his own defenses.

‘Damn, I love it when she does that.’ Inu thought as he spit out chicken flavored dirt. Then quickly, he hopped up and followed her.


(A/N: Yes, it was short...I gotta work up to Oda and the message...)

Back at Sesshomaru’s castle, Maya was having the time of her life. Finally, a real bath. Smiling like an idiot, she got in and let the warm waters soak her skin. Leaning back, she was in heaven. Turning toward Kumiko, who had accompanied her, Maya smiled and let the young demon begin washing her hair.

‘This is the life...’ she thought happily.

Her happy thoughts were ruined though as Kumiko poured a large bucket over her head. Sputtering, Maya stared at the demon. What was with people trying to drown her?

As Kumiko rubbed some sort of nice smelling substance on Maya’s head, which could have been taken for shampoo, Maya thought it best to ask where Sesshomaru had sent the other demon.

‘Hey, where did Sesshomaru send Oda?’ Maya asked, remembering the old demon’s name.

‘She was sent on a mission. She is to take word of your state back to Lord Sesshomaru’s brother and friends. Now hold still while I rinse.’

‘My state? Oh, you mean my well being?’ Maya grew quiet as a thought came to her. Would Kagome and the others be worried? Of course they would be. ‘So, Oda is out on a mission? Where did Sess go?’ she asked.

‘Sess? Oh you mean Lord Sesshomaru? He went to see the witch of the west. He felt that a question needed answered and so he set out. Do not worry much young one. He will return soon and you and him can become mated after that.’ Kumiko said.

‘Mated...Wait? You mean...I’m...Him...We...’ Maya stuttered.

‘I do believe...those are his plans. But do not get your hopes up just yet. The witch may bring bad news.’ Kumiko said as she rinsed out the shampoo type substance.

Maya didn’t say a word. Instead, she gripped the tub (what ever it’s called in Feudal Japan) and fainted.

‘My lady? Are you alright? My lady...’


Several hours later...

Maya awoke and found herself in a huge room. Beside her, Kumiko, awaited patiently as she came too. Sitting up, Maya rubbed her head. Smiling at Kumiko, she was amazed to find herself in a huge room. And what a room it was!! And very spacious I might add. The bed was lined with silk and furs and everything was inlaid with precious stones. (He’s a Lord. So he’s gotta be filthy stinking rich. Hey Sess! Marry me!) Rubbing a hand over the silk, Maya smiled.

‘Maybe it won’t be so bad to mate with him. He is good looking. And he does seem to care about me. Perhaps, I can live with this.’ she thought. ‘But, what about Kagome? And Auntie? And the rest of the family? What about mother and father? I can’t just mate myself to a man I just met. No matter how hot he is. Gahh, What am I going to do?’

‘My lady...are you alright?’ Kumiko asked worried.

‘I’m fine. Just dizzy. How long have I been out?’ Maya asked.

‘You were unconscious for about three hours my lady. I thought that something dreadful had happened, so I brought you to Lord Sesshomaru’s chamber. I did not mean to alarm you my lady. But what I said was possibly the truth. Please forgive my outburst.’ Kumiko said as she went on her knees.

‘I uh, forgive you. So this is Sesshomaru’s chambers? Pretty big for just one guy huh?’ Maya said as she got up.

‘Lord Sesshomaru was always one to like things big.’ Kumiko smiled.

‘I say so. Geez, I didn’t even know they had stuff like this back in Feudal Japan. And it’s so clean too. Cleanliness is a virtue I always say. This is so cool. I could get used to this.’ Maya said as she walked around the room.

‘But my lady. It is not for certain. Until he decides, your chamber will be the one closest to his. Through those doors lie your own bed-chamber. Would my lady like to see it for herself?’ Kumiko asked.

‘Would I ever.’ Maya said as she ran over to the doors. Pushing on them, she was surprised to find that they opened quite easily without slamming into the wall. ‘These doors are perfect. At home, the doors always slammed whether you opened or closed them.’ she said to herself.

Kumiko followed swiftly behind Maya. Upon entering the room, Maya let out a squeal of delight as she ran over to the bed. It was almost as large as Sesshomaru’s bed. It had the same fine quality silks as his, but lacked the furs. The walls were painted with fantastic pictures of battling dog demons and other demons. Carved dragon ornaments adorn the room giving it a mystical feel. (A/U: Okay. So I don’t know what Feudal Japan castle would look like. Work with me here alright.) There was a vanity type thing sitting in one corner made of ivory. Maya took in everything by site and feel, getting used to the predicament she was in, quite quickly.

‘Does it please you my lady?’ Kumiko asked as she drawled the curtains. ‘Lord Sesshomaru made it clear that we were to give you this room. He said he wanted you to meet the morning sun on your awakening.’

‘It pleases me just fine Kumiko. Thank you so much.’ Maya smiled sweetly at the she-demon and finished looking around.


Somewhere to the far West...

Sesshomaru, Lord of The West, had made his way to an old gnarled tree that took root over-looking a high cliff. This tree he knew, was home to Suzu, the witch. She was a fierce old crone, but had loyalty and praise whenever her lord and master came to visit. Sesshomaru entered the tree by way of a special passage and walked down the deep passage way to where the witch awaited.

‘My lord? What brings ye to the humble home of Suzu, witch of the west?’

‘I am here on utter importance Suzu. I have found myself falling for a human woman. I am here only to ask, should I, Lord Sesshomaru, return the feelings of love and admiration back to the human woman?’

‘I will tell ye....for a price.’ Suzu said.

‘Name your price witch.’ Sesshomaru said as he sat down on a large fur pelt.

Suzu thought for a moment, deciding on a price. Looking at Sesshomaru, she smiled wickedly and sat before him.

‘My price is this my lord. I wish for better accommodations. I grow tired of this dank cave. Ye shall grant permission for myself to live in the castle with ye. If ye do not agree, ye may leave.’ Suzu said as she looked at Sesshomaru.

Looking at Suzu, Sesshomaru let the request slip into his mind. Should he do it? What if Kumiko was right? Suzu was not to be trusted. But, if he did not agree...he would never know the answer to his question. Pondering this thought, he closed his eyes.

‘I am not a very patient woman my lord. I expect an answer from ye quite soon.’ Suzu said.

‘Very well Suzu.’ Sesshomaru said as he opened his eyes. ‘I shall grant permission. You may stay at the castle. But only under one agreement. You shall not harm those who seek protection under myself. Does this Sesshomaru make himself clear?’

‘Yes my lord. I shall not harm those living with ye.’ Suzu replied.

And with this, Sesshomaru nodded. The agreement was settled and now he would learn the answer.

Suzu nodded herself and busied herself with the task of finding the answer. As she watched on, a small steady light slowly filled the space between her and Sesshomaru. When the light finally dissipated, she looked up at an eager demon lord, who at that moment, was lost in the colors he had seen.

‘This is surprising.‘ Suzu said, gaining Sesshomaru’s attention.

‘What Suzu? What news do you bring for this Sesshomaru?’

‘The light has told me so. Lord Sesshomaru and the human woman Maya, are to be one, now and forever. Neither will stray from each others love. It is said so because you my lord and the human, are soul-mates. The stars are giving you their blessings.’

‘Soul-mates? Thank you Suzu...I will return now. Peace be with you old witch.’

Sesshomaru had heard enough. Upon this little bit of news, he felt happy inside. Walking outside, he felt nothing but joy. But, what would Maya say? Would she agree to what Suzu had said? Hopefully, she would.

‘My lord...a word of caution to ye. Be kind to your human and in return, she will be kind to ye as well. Treat her as though she is everything a man such as ye, desires. If not, she will take refuge from your anger and harshness elsewhere. From that moment, neither will be able to see one another until thirteen years had passed. This is my prediction. Heed well upon the words I have told ye. And do not forget our deal.’ Suzu’s voice carried through the tree and right to Sesshomaru.

If he and Maya fought, it would cause her to leave? Then he would not see her until the thirteenth year had come? ‘I will not let that happen. Maya will stay with me forever.’ he said as he left.


(And now...Oda and the message...HAH! Thought I’d forget huh?)

Inu-Yasha had still found no leads linking to Maya and her disappearance. Kagome was worried, Sango a little worried, Shippo cried at every point until someone threatened his life, and Miroku was just plain happy.

‘How can you be so happy Miroku? This is my cousin who is out there! Don’t you at least have one ounce of remorse? She could be dead you know!’ Kagome yelled at the monk.

‘Lady Kagome, I am saddened by the sudden disappearance of your cousin. But I do not think I should be remorseful. I have a strong feeling that she is alive and very happy. Be strong Kagome. Lady Maya is very resourceful. She is in no danger.’ Miroku said as he readied his ever groping appendage behind Kagome.

Out of nowhere, a voice carried back to Miroku from outside, thus making the monk move away from Kagome.

‘You touch her monk and I’ll see to it you don’t ever bestow a child upon to any woman! I’m warning you Miroku. One tiny thing, and I’ll be the one to personally castrate you! Understand?’ Inu-Yasha growled as he looked inside the hut. After that, he went back to where he was beforehand. Guarding the doorway.

‘I understand Inu-Yasha.’ Miroku hung his head. Then he looked up. Sango sat over in the corner, trying to hush Shippo. Smiling, he approached.

‘Lady Sango, if I may...’ he began.


‘What was that for?’ Miroku said as he clutched his head.

‘I know what you were up too monk! Touch me and you die!’ Sango said angrily. Turning around, she patted Shippo, trying to calm him down.

‘Shippo be strong. Maya is alright. I know she is. Don’t feel so bad. We all miss her.’ she soothed.

‘But...I want her back! Sesshoumaru will kill her! I want my Auntie Maya back!!’ Shippo cried.

Outside, Inu-Yasha listened to the others talk. Shippo acted as though Maya was dead. Miroku was a little too happy. Sango tried her best to calm Shippo. And Kagome was angry at him. All in all, they were really beginning to piss him off.

‘Damn it! When I get in there I’m gonna give Shippo something to really cry about! Next I’m gonna beat Miroku silly! Then I’m gonna slap Sango! And after that I’m gonna...’ the angry hanyou muttered as he got ready to enter the hut.

‘Are you the one known as Inu-Yasha?’

Inu-Yasha stopped and turned around. Behind him, a slender she-demon looked at him. (And no, I’m not going to describe her. She is of the bird type. With pretty white wings.) She looked old, but ages were hard to distinguish within the demon race.

‘What if I am? Who are you?’ Inu asked.

‘My name is Oda. I come from Lord Sesshomaru’s castle bearing a message. He quotes, ‘Do not worry about the young Lady Maya. She is safe at the castle. I will not let any harm come to her. Please let Lady Kagome know of her situation.’ signed, Lord Sesshomaru. Now that I have delivered the message, I will be on my way.’ Oda said.

Then as quickly as she came, she had left. Inu-Yasha stared as the she-demon flew out of sight. Then he made his way into the hut.

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HAHAHA!!! Cliffhanger time!!! What will the others say of Maya’s predicament? Will Sesshomaru ever admit his feelings? And will Hojo ever stop smiling? (Ok, so Hojo isn’t in my story. But still, doesn’t he get on your nerves too? I mean geez...what a dork.)

*We interrupt your reading for this special bulletin. The winner between Prince Vegeta of all Saiyans and Lord Sesshomaru of The Western Lands is...(Drum-roll please)..........................................

*Quite a long drum roll, wouldn't you say?*


Lord Sesshomaru!!!*

(Due to the fact that he is taking a well earned rest, Sesshomaru can not end the chapter himself. And don’t worry about Vegeta. He’s having the time of his life swinging on some jungle vines.)

Sess: *Awakens and Yawns* ‘Please review. I know the writer quite well and she would really love to hear your comments. Oh and if you can, please donate some Milk Bones for me. This Sesshomaru thanks you kindly.’ *Falls back asleep*

Me: ‘What a sweetie. No wonder I love him so much!. Oh and I love Vegeta too, just not as much anymore. Lol. Be on the look out for Chapter 7. It’s coming soon!’