InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maya and Sesshomaru: A Fuedal Love Tail ❯ A talk and some feelings shown ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi, I’m back again with an all new chapter. For all you Sessie fans out there...he’s doing good now. No more of him saying he’s the star of the story. He does good for me. (I threatened to get him neutered. It worked like a charm. Now he sits and keeps quiet. ^_^)

BTW: MORE INTERACTION BETWEEN MAYA AND SESS! Yes, I know everyone waited for this part! And no Jaken will be making any appearances...unless I feel like it...

Oh, and rating has gone up!!!

*Disclaimer: I don’t own Inu-Yasha...but like I said before, I got claims on Maya. And also, Sess is mine too. So everyone, back off! This is my doggie. But I’m willing to share him if I get more reviews. Please...with milk and honey on top...MMM honey...........*

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Chapter 5: A talk and some feeling shown

Sesshomaru and Maya walked through the forest of Inu-Yasha neither one talking or even making the slightest sound. The only sounds heard were Maya as she would occasionally step on a twig, breaking the eerie silence. It went on like this for hours. Sesshomaru quietly leading the way, and Maya trailing along behind. Finally, Maya couldn’t stand it anymore. Latching onto Sesshomaru’s sleeve she stopped.

‘We don’t have much farther Maya. Start walking.’ Sesshomaru stated coldly.

‘But I’m tired of walking. Can’t we stop for the night? My feet hurt.’ Maya whined. ‘You’re a demon. You can take this kind of punishment. I’m human, I can’t go on anymore until I’ve rested.’

Sesshomaru looked at his companion. She was right and he knew it. Her small frail human body couldn’t move as she sat down right where she was. Frowning, Sesshomaru sat down beside her. ‘We will rest for a bit, then carry on.’ he stated.

‘Fine with me.’ Maya smiled. Smiling, Maya stared at the ground for a few minutes before returning her gaze to the demon beside her. ‘Hey Sesshomaru, I was wondering something. Are you a king or something? I mean, why do you live in a castle?’ she asked, silently hoping he wouldn’t grow angry.

Sesshomaru looked at Maya. Nodding, he turned away. ‘I am the Lord of the Western Lands. These are my lands upon which we travel. The castle in which you speak was inherited to me by my father. He himself was a great Lord and none could compare. But he died years ago, when Inu-Yasha was still a pup. He died defending a human woman and her half breed son.’ he explained.

Maya thought for a moment and then nodded slowly. ‘So basically, you were a prince until your father passed. Then once he did, you became heir to the throne and the western lands. But what about Inu-Yasha? Doesn’t he have any claim to anything? I mean, he is your brother...’

‘Half brother. We may share the same father, but our mother’s were very different. His was a human and my mother was he most beautiful female Inu-youkai that ever lived. And as for Inu-Yasha ever having claim to anything, he does. One half of these lands are his. I just inherited the castle.’

‘But, why not let him stay with you? I you hate him that much?’ Maya asked.

‘I do...’ Sesshomaru froze. Did he really hate Inu-Yasha as much as he thought? Of course the half demon was a nuisance, but of course, that was because he was still young. But still, did he really hate him. Pondering upon this question, Sesshomaru thought for a moment. Then he looked at Maya.

‘I do not hate Inu-Yasha. In fact, I am very fond of him. He is after all my only living family member. But, I do tend to hold grudges against him. I am angry that father had chosen to give the demon slaying Tetsusaiga to him while I only inherited the Tensaiga. I will never quite understand why the old man did such a thing. It is I who should have Tetsusaiga.’

‘I think I know why he did. And I don’t believe he did it just to spite you. Sesshomaru, I think he did it because he felt you were the one who needed Tensaiga. Inu-Yasha explained to me that when you two fought, the Tensaiga saved your life. I think your father left you this sword because he wanted you to know what it was like to save others. He felt that you weren’t as bad as everyone said you were. I don’t think you are either. I just think you were misjudged. And that’s alright. It’s not shameful to inherit a weapon such as this. Think of it as a second life. I believe that if it saved you once, it will do it again. This is like a second heart to you Sesshomaru. It is your gift from your father. Don’t hate it so much. I know he did it to prove his love to you.’ Maya said.

Sesshomaru looked at the girl beside him. She was right. He should have figured it out long ago. His father gave him Tensaiga because of his love. Tetsusaiga was inherited to Inu-Yasha for the same reason. How could he have been so blind. The old man cared deeply for his children. Maya had just proven a point and he was happy about it. Sighing himself, Sesshomaru stood.

‘Get some rest Maya. we will leave when the first rays of light hit these trees and you’ve bathed.’ he said before positioning himself against a nearby tree.

‘Right. Good night Sess. Sweet dreams.’ Maya said as she laid down. Closing her eyes, Maya smiled. Then she sat up again. ‘Hey Sesshomaru, I hope we can become real good friends. I like you a lot...but I feel like you hate me. Is it true?’ she asked, yawning.

‘No Maya, I do not hate you. And yes, I believe we can be friends. Now go to sleep.’ he said.

Without another word, Maya drifted off into a deep slumber. This allowed Sesshomaru some time to think. What were these strange feelings he had? Why did he feel strange when he was near Maya? Could he in love with a human? No! He shook his head, trying to clear any thoughts as absurd as those from his head. She is weak human. He mentally screamed. To mate with her would cause weakness. But, would it really? He had remembered his father mating himself to a human. For reasons unknown, it had made him stronger. Also, the child born from that union, Inu-Yasha, was a strong as any full demon he had known. Sesshomaru knew this. Was it really so wrong to do something as ridiculous such as that? But, what if it was? What if he was targeted by other demon’s because of it? His father was killed because he had grown soft. Or so he thought.

‘Father, why did you mate yourself to a human? Did you do it because you were lonely? Or was because you loved her? I never quite understood. I always hated the fact that she was human. And I always hated the fact that you were with her. But...’ Sesshomaru stopped. Looking at Maya, he allowed a smile to grace his usual cold face. His eyes narrowed with a certain feeling that he knew was there, but laid dormant. Then he returned his gaze to the stars above.

‘Is it wrong to love such as you? I feel so lost. Father, should I love her? Or should I stop thinking nonsense and leave her where she is?’ he asked silently. ‘Should I open my heart to a human, the way you opened your heart to Inu-Yasha’s mother?’

Sesshomaru fell silent when no sounds reached his ears. Only a gentle wind blew through his hair. The wind carried the scent of love and admiration. One he knew as a pup. Although his father was not around, his spirit was. The feeling of peace surrounded him. He now had his answer. It was not wrong to love something as weak as a human. It had made his father and Inu-Yasha stronger and it would do the same for him.


The next morning, Maya yawned and stretched as she sat up. Half expecting to see Sesshomaru gone, she turned toward the tree he had leaned against. He was still there. His eyes were closed as if sleeping, and his chest moved up and down in slow steady rhythms. Smiling, Maya crawled over to where he was. He looked so peaceful. Yet he was dangerous at the same time. Looking at him, Maya sighed. The first thing she had noticed when she met him was his long silver hair. It looked so soft. Gingerly, she reached out a hand and began to run it through his hair. It was soft. Softer than dog fur. This thought made Maya giggle a bit. She had forgotten that he was in fact a dog demon. It would be natural for his hair to be as soft as dog fur. When she had enough of that, she traced the crescent moon that adorn his forehead. Maya silently wondered what it was for, but dismissed it. Most likely, all dog demons had a mark similar to his. It must be a birth mark. When she was done. Maya sat down beside Sesshomaru. Leaning against his shoulder, she promptly fell back asleep.

A few hours later, Sesshomaru opened his eyes. Yawning, he covered his mouth and started to get up. That was when he noticed it. Looking over, he saw Maya. She had her head on his shoulder and a content smile on her face. Her eyes fluttered, as if having a dream. Listening, he could hear noises coming from her. She was sleep talking. Sesshomaru listened to her words, not sure why.

: Sesshomaru? We’ll always be friends right?: Maya asked in her dream. : Forever...:

‘She’s dreaming about me?’ the demon lord quietly thought. ‘But why? She does not know this Sesshomaru that much. We had only just met.’ Then he looked over at the fiery red head beside him. The smile had left her face, and he could see tears making there way down her cheek. Was she crying?

: You really do hate me that much, don’t you Sesshomaru? I am a burden on you, aren’t I? The first chance you get, you will kill me. But...I love you Sess. I have and I always will...:

Sesshomaru’s eyes widened in fear. She had just said I love you to him. Not out loud mind you, but in her dreams. How could he react? Here was a human, admitting feelings that were also felt by him. Shaking off the feelings he was having, the demon lord shook Maya.

‘Maya, wake up.’

Smiling, Maya opened her eyes and looked up to see, one very confused demon. The smile left her face quickly when she realized why he was confused. ‘Oh god, please don’t let have been sleep talking. I really hope he just woke up.’ she thought.

‘Umm, good morning Se...shomaru.’ she said quickly before standing. ‘Did you have a restful night?’

‘Somewhat. What of you? Did you sleep well?’ the demon lord asked, forgetting for a moment why he was so confused.

‘None better. I haven’t felt this rested since the day I fell asleep on my couch at home. Well, after I get something to eat and a well earned bath, we can be on our way.’ Maya said with a smile.


(A/N: Awww, bet ya thought I left Inu and the gang out huh? Silly people. You know I can’t write a fic without puppy and the gang, now right?)

That very moment...


Kagome Higurashi, cousin to Maya Higurashi, friend to Sango, Inu-Yasha, Miroku, Keade, and Shippo, was steaming and fuming at a not so happy hanyou. You see, what happen was this. Kagome had awoken that morning, feeling somewhat flushed. Her stomach hurt and she seemed a little depressed. Her cousin, had not come home. Inu-Yasha didn’t make matters any better when he said, quote, ‘Maybe she got ate by Sesshomaru.’, unquote. So here was Kagome, shard hunter extraordinaire, trying her best not to kill a half dog demon.

‘SIT! SIT! SIT! Ect...Ect...’ Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs.

Inu-Yasha couldn’t say a word. He had too much dirt in his mouth. By now, he had become accustomed to the flavor, which in his mind, tasted a bit like chicken, and silently awaited for the spell to wear off...

3, 2, 1...’YOU BITCH!!!!’ Inu-Yasha yelled! ‘What the fuck did you do that for? I was only stating the obvious you moronic twit!’

‘Moronic Twit! SIT!’ Kagome yelled again.

Down goes Inu again. This time, he stayed quiet as the spell wore off. Didn’t want a face full of dirt, even if it did taste like chicken.

‘I didn’t mean to upset you Kagome.’ Inu-Yasha said as he stood, spitting chicken flavored dirt and wiping his tongue with his hand. ‘I only said it cause we all know how Sesshomaru is. If he hasn’t ate your cousin, then that’s good. But if he has, no doubt he’ll be picking his teeth with her bones.’

‘But, I thought you said he might like her. Where did the eating part come from?’ Kagome asked.

‘Actually, I was only joking with you woman. Damn, can’t I play around without being sat into the next dimension?’

‘No! It wasn’t a very funny joke Inu...I was scared. I actually thought Sesshomaru would do that.’ Kagome said.

‘I know Sesshomaru well enough to know that he won’t eat humans. They taste all bitter and stringy. He said so himself.’

‘So, he has ate human flesh before?’

‘Once. But stopped after getting hold of a bad piece.’ Inu-Yasha laughed.

‘You can shut up now. I’m starting to get sick over here.’ Kagome said as she paled.

‘Look Kagome. I know that Maya is safe. I can feel it. Sesshomaru won’t hurt her. You saw what happened yesterday. She was about ready to deck him in the eye. And trust me, I think she has the balls to do it. Your cousin is strong. She can handle that dog, better then anyone. Don’t worry so much about her. Sesshomaru won’t lay a hand or finger on her. She’ll probably bite it off and spit it in his face.’ Inu-Yasha smiled.

‘Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Maya will have that dog begging to be put in a pound before he can lay a hand on her.’ Kagome smiled. ‘Sorry I ‘Said the word’. Forgive me?’

‘Always...and I’m sorry I called you a bitch and a moronic twit.’ Inu-Yasha said.

‘You know something?’ Kagome said.

‘What?’ came the reply.

‘I like it when you call me bitch.’ Kagome smiled again.

Inu-Yasha falls to ground, twitching.

‘Inu-Yasha? Are you okay?’ Kagome asks worried.

No sounds from the hanyou. He’s out cold from the shock.


And now...back to Maya and Sess...

‘I’m done Sess.’ Maya called from the direction of the river. After eating deer, thanks to Sessie's skill of hunting, and bathing, Maya had dressed and started to walk toward the dog demon. She was dressed in a purple sundress with yellow butterflies, with matching purple sandals. Her hair was left down to finish drying. Giving Sesshomaru a smile, she sat down and started to brush out her hair. Sesshomaru watched, and finally took the brush from her. Looking at it, he began to run it through Maya’s hair. Every once in a while, it would get caught in a tangle, and he would have to run his hand through it, so not to hurt her. (Yes, Sessie can be sweet.) After a few moments of this, he laid the brush down.

‘Did I hurt you Maya?’ he asked as she ran her own hand through her hair, which was dry.

‘No Sess. You didn’t hurt me. I liked it. Thank you. Now, what about you? Would you like me to brush your hair?’ she asked.

‘If that is your wish.’

Sesshomaru sat in front of Maya. Because he was so tall, even while sitting, Maya had to get on her knees to brush out his hair. All the time, Sesshomaru had his eyes closed, taking in Maya’s scent. It seemed to him, that she always smelled like honey suckles and roses. Strange combination, but delicious at the same time. When Maya had pull, he would tense a bit.

‘Sorry. I didn’t hurt you did I?’ Maya asked, stopping.

‘No...keep brushing.’ Sesshomaru said. He was in heaven. The last time anyone had brushed his hair, he almost killed them for pulling. Yes, even dog demons hated having there hair pulled. But for some strange reason, he wasn’t mad at Maya.

‘You know something? I feel like I’m grooming you for a dog show or something.’ Maya giggled.

‘What is a dog show?’ Okay, dumb question. Sesshomaru maybe smart, but not that smart.

‘A dog show is where human’s bring there pet dogs to a place to determine if they are good enough to be considered best in breed. Some bring them to find a suitable mate for their pet. It’s very good to mate a certain breed with the same breed. You get better pups that way.’ Maya explained.

‘Alright...just wondering.’ Sesshomaru said as he closed his eyes again.

Even the great Lord Sesshomaru could let his guard down once in a while. He wasn’t worried at all, and with Maya with him, he was content. When Maya was finished, he open his eyes and look at her.

‘Hey Sess, one more question. What happened to your arm?’ Maya asked.

‘It was lost in a battle with Inu-Yasha. Why do you ask?’

‘No reason. Can I see what’s left of it?’

Sesshomaru stayed quiet for a minute before removing the top part of his clothing. (Yes, All Fan may drool at this moment. But, please, clean up your own mess) Showing Maya where his arm used to be, he turned away.

‘Whoa. I bet that hurt like a bitch! Why didn’t you kick Inu’s sorry behind for doing such a thing?’ Maya asked as she looked at it. All the while thinking, ‘My god! What a body!!! Damn he’s HOT!!!’ in her mind.

‘Why do you keep staring at me like I’m a piece of meat?’ Sesshomaru asked annoyed.

Maya blushed and turned away as Sesshomaru redid his clothing. ’I wasn’t. Get your mind out of the gutter doggie.’ she said.

‘Doggie? Where did that come from?’ Sesshomaru silently asked himself before smiling. ‘She was looking. I know she was.’

(A/N: Okay, so Sess is really...and I do mean REALLY...OOC in this chapter. But hey, it’s my story so Blah!)

‘Anyways, shouldn’t we get going? I want to see your castle Sess. And also, do you mind if we fly like last time? I kinda like having you hold me like that. Oops, did I just say that out loud? Ha ha, never mind.’ Maya laughed.

Sesshomaru just shook his head. Strange girl. ‘If that is your wish.’ he said as he picked Maya up.

Maya smiled at Sesshomaru and held onto him for dear life.

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Well, that does it for this chapter...Hope everyone is liking it so far. Actually, I’m afraid that no one is. I haven’t had any reviews except for a few and that is really starting to make me feel bad. I hope someone out there likes my story. Stay tuned for the next chapter...Sess and Maya finally make it to his castle. Rin will be in the next chapter. But not Jaken. I hate him so much...unless someone convinces me to bring the lil frog back. Well, laters...

And please...REVIEW!!! I want to know people think of this story!

Sess: ‘You know nobody is going too right? No one cares about this piece of garbage you call a story.’

Me: ‘Maybe you’re right Sessie. Maybe I should stop it all together. But, I’ll have to wait to find out what everyone wants.’

Sess: ‘You’re an idiot girl. Those humans have better things to do than read about some other human and myself. Which brings me to want to know, why a human? Why not another Inu-Youkai?’

Me: ‘Cause I wanted too. So shut up and help me get people to review more. *Thinks to self* Hmm, I wonder if I had Sess do some stupid pet tricks, they would review more?

Sess: ‘What’s going on that little mind of yours girl?’

Me: ‘Nothing.’

Sess: *Looks at me like I’m an idiot* ‘You suck.’

*We interrupt this moment because the writer is causing some massive damage to poor Sesshomaru’s head. Please, review so she will stop and poor Sesshomaru won’t become a vegetable. Thank you.*