InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe Next Time ❯ Buck Wild ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Note from Sedjet: Ok. So, I'm really on a roll lately. I'm flipping out about all the great feedback I'm getting on Next Time and Bane. You guys are awesome! I'll warn you, though. Things are about to get a little out there. Our dear Kags is going to go buck wild. Yes, she and Ayame are going to fool around. If you aren't into girl on girl action, I suggest you turn back now. And please don't flame.
Disclaimer: The characters from Inuyasha belong to Takahashi Rumiko. Judge Abby Parker and Angela Goodlove, on the other hand are entirely mine.
Maybe Next Time
Chapter Four:
Buck Wild
Miroku sat on the floor of Kagome's living room, grinning from ear to ear. He was up to his ears in drunk, horny bitches. He might just end up getting laid if he played his cards right. Had he been in his right mind, he would have realized that there was no chance in hell he was getting laid. The girls were horny, yes, but they were more interested in each other than they were in him.
Kagome was sitting between Ayame's splayed legs while Sango was draped on the plush, microfiber couch which Ayame was leaning against. Kagome's bottom lip was sticking out in an adorable pout.
“Is she prettier than me?” she asked suddenly. “Are my tits not big enough?”
Ayame smiled...well...wolfishly and gently squeezed Kagome's breasts. “Your tits are perfect, Kagome. Don't stress about it. Inuyasha's just a dumbfuck who doesn't realize how good he had it.”
“Fuck yeah!” Kagome slurred. “I fucked him good, too. Motherfucker!”
Sango eyed her best friend, “'Gome?”
Kagome turned her head drunkenly, trying to see Sango somewhere behind her. “Yeah?”
“Have you ever fucked a girl?”
Kagome giggled. “No, but I think I might remedy that tonight.” She winked at Ayame who licked her lips suggestively.
“Oh. Ok. You'll have to let me know how that works out for you.”
“Oo!” Kagome clapped her hands. “You could join us, Sango!”
The brunette eyed them warily. “I don't know. I've never done anything like that.”
“Girl, you don't know what you're missin'!” Ayame exclaimed. “When women make love, it's like a work of art.”
“Ok. Well...maybe...”
Miroku was completely shitfaced and was completely turned on by the fact that there were three girls in the room with him talking about how they wanted to get it on together.
“I've been thinking about getting my clit pierced,” Ayame mused.
Kagome squealed, “Really?! I've heard it heals quickly and afterward it feels a-fucking-mazing.”
“That's why I'm interested. Anything that can help me reach an orgasm quicker and more often can't be too bad an investment.”
Kagome waggled her eyebrows suggestively, “Let me know if you decide to go, and I'll go with you.”
Miroku's interest was piqued. “You mean getting...that...pierced wouldn't hurt?”
Ayame shook her head. “Most chicks I've talked to about it say that it hurts less than getting your ears pierced.”
Miroku thought back to when he got his tiny golden hoops and nodded. “There are so many nerve endings you'd think it would hurt more,” he murmured thoughtfully.
“Ah, but the nerve endings are pleasure sensors. AND the clitoris is one of the fastest healing places to pierce.”
He pondered that, “Makes sense. Lots of blood flow during arousal.”
Ayame nodded, and Kagome looked back and forth between her best friend and her soon to be fuck buddy. “Wow. You two would make the perfect pair to go girl watching together,” she giggled.
Miroku grinned and then sobered. “Hey, um, if you guys want to get busy, I can call a cab to take me back to the hotel.”
Ayame grinned, “Why are you so anxious to leave, Miroku? She stroked Kagome's inner thigh at the edge of her tiny red short shorts. “Are we making you uncomfortable?”
Miroku cleared his throat. “That's one way of putting it.” He raised his eyes to Kagome's. “Do you want me to stay? I don't want any weirdness between us.”
Kagome's face grew very serious. This was Miroku, her best friend. They ran around in diapers together. How would she feel about him watching her get down and dirty with Ayame and Sango? Sure, she trusted him. If she didn't, he wouldn't be here right now. But would it damage their friendship? Would he think any less of her?
“Would it make things weird for you, Miro?”
“I'd like to say no, just so I could watch three hot chicks go wild on each other. But truthfully? I don't know.”
“I would never want to do anything to damage our friendship, Miro. You know that.”
He smiled. “I know, Kags.”
Ayame decided to play mediator. If she left it up to either of them, she wasn't going to get any at all. “How 'bout this: We get this party started and if things get weird, we part ways.”
Kagome nodded. “That's ok with me, if it's ok with you, Miro,” she said shyly.
Miroku smiled. “Sure.” He looked over at Sango, hanging off of the couch. “Is that ok with you, Sango?”
The brunette in question lifted herself into a seated position and smiled shyly. “Yeah.”
Ayame grinned, thrilled from the tips of her youkai ears to her toes. “We should set up some limits and boundaries, then.”
Miroku raised his hands in surrender. “I for one am happy to just watch and jerk off.”
Sango giggled and knew she had had too much to drink, but she was horny and wasn't going to let that stop her. For once, she would worry about the consequences later. “Ok. As the lawyer of the group, I am going to officiate these rules.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Only Sango could form a sentence like that when she's drunk.”
Sango fisted one hand on a shapely hip, “In a situation like this it is important to know where your boundaries lie. Right, Ayame.”
Ayame bit back a grin and nodded gravely.
This was the brunette's cue to stick out her tongue at her best friend. “See?”
“Real mature, Sango,” Kagome muttered.
Sango gave her a withering look. “Ok. No touching unless you are invited. This goes for everyone, not just Miroku.” She took a peek at him from the corner of her eye. “Besides, it's not fair that he should be excluded.”
Miroku was shocked. He only hoped this meant that she planned on inviting him to do a little touching.
“That's really all I can think of. So, no touching unless you're invited, and if you're uncomfortable just say stop.”
Miroku grinned from ear to ear, “Does that mean I can take photos?”
If looks could kill, the glare Sango graced him with would have had him pushing up daisies. “If I see one photo of me on the internet or anywhere else, I will castrate you.”
Kagome grinned deviously. “I don't mind if you snap some well timed photos as long as Inuyasha gets to see them.”
“Why would you want Inuyasha to—Oooohhhh!” Sango giggled. “Ok, Miro. I'll be in the photos as long as you don't get my face. And I get to see every. single. photo. you. take.”
“I can live with that.” And he could. He had memorized every one of Sango's features over the years. He wouldn't need her face to identify her body in a photo.
Ayame rubbed her hands together. “Alrighty, kids. Let the debauchery begin!” She reached for Kagome and pulled her close by fisting her hand in the hair at the base of smaller girl's head. She slanted her lips against the raven haired girl's and forced her backward to the floor.
Miroku's camera seemed to materialize from nowhere and Sango tilted her head to side. “Wow,” the lawyer murmured. “I'm impressed.” She and Miroku continued to watch in awe as Ayame ravished Kagome. Sango glanced a Miroku. “I'm really turned on right now.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Four!” Ayame mumbled between licks and nibbles and Kagome's neck. And Kagome just giggled.
Sango turned her cinnamon hued gaze to Miroku. “Miro?”
“That was your cue to touch.”
The indigo eyed young man gaped for only a moment before leaping into action. He didn't need to be told twice to touch a beautiful lady. “Are you sure?” he asked, even as he reached for her.

“If I weren't I wouldn't have invited you to touch,” was her perfectly reasonable response.
Miroku closed his eyes and thanked the gods for putting him in the right place at the rightest of times as he leaned in to kiss the lawyer he'd been hot for since the day they met.
* * *
Indigo eyes opened to a sunlit room and immediately closed as their proprietor winced against the brightness of the morning. He stiffened as the weight on his chest shifted. Squinting one eye open, he craned his neck to see a brunette head nuzzling closer to his neck.
Miroku's heart nearly stopped. Oh, he was going to be so dead. Sango was going to kill him. Last night was supposed to only be a night of experimentation. The evening's events replayed themselves in his head and cemented the knowledge of his impending doom. Once Sango woke up and realized what they'd done, she was going to rip his balls off, pan fry them and feed them to her cat.
The woman in question stirred again and raised her head. Her cinnamon colored eyes met Miroku's and to his surprise, she blushed a becoming shade of pink. Miroku gulped, “Good morning, sunshine.” he ventured, testing the waters.
She ducked her head, looking up at him from under her lashes. “Good morning.”
For the second time that morning, Miroku's heart nearly stopped. He knew in the moment that she looked up at him shyly from beneath her lashes that his heart was lost. There would be no more pining for Kagome, whose heart could never be his. From that moment, there would only ever be Sango. He was completely smitten and, to be perfectly honest, shocked as hell. He had expected a beating when she woke, but this? This was something he was entirely unprepared for. The lay like that for quite some time, just looking at one another.
Finally, Miroku cleared his throat a little, “So...about last night.”
Sango started, her head shooting up. “It was great.”
Miroku couldn't help but smile. “Really?”
Sango rolled her eyes, “Oh, come on! You can't tell me you didn't enjoy it!”
“If I remember correctly, I enjoyed it very much.”
“None of your cheek, mister!” she muttered.
“Yes, ma'am!”
She lowered her head and concentrated on tracing delicious patterns on his chest. “I'm glad it was ok. I didn't think I would measure up.”
“Sango, look at me,” he commanded softly. She raised her eyes to meet his. “Last night was the single most incredible night of my life.”
“Shut up.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes, “I'm serious, Sango. Of all the times I imagined us having sex, I never dreamed it could be that good.”
Her jaw dropped. “You've thought about us having sex?!”
“Well, duh! I'm the biggest lech you know. How could you think I wouldn't be thinking about us having sex?”
“Cheeky bastard,” she muttered, “I am flattered, though.” She was quiet for a moment and the tension in the room kicked up a few notches. “So...what happens now?”
Miroku considered telling her that he would like nothing more than to roll her over and repeat last night's activities, but he thought better of it. “I don't know, Sango. That depends on you. We have several options: 1) Continue on as if this never happened, 2) Turn tail and run, never seeing each other again, or 3) Test the waters and see how things work out.”
Sango sat up, covering herself with the sheet, “You and I both know we can't go on like nothing happened. The sex was too great for that. Number two is out of the question for me, because in spite of everything, I think I actually enjoy your company.”
“Gee thanks,” he muttered.
“Oh, shut up. But number three is the one that is dangerous territory. I'm a one man kind of woman. If I'm seeing someone he's the only one. I've known you long enough to know that you don't operate that way. I don't want to be your flavor of the week. And anything we had would be long distance. I don't know if I'm prepared for something like that.”
Miroku shifted himself into a sitting position, “Sango, I'm not saying we have to begin a committed relationship right now. Hell, I don't know if I would be ready for something like that, either. I'm suggesting that we get to know each other a bit better and see where it takes us.” She started to protest, “Look, Sango. I know that you are a strong woman. You're a lawyer. You like to have everything laid out for you in black and white. I get that. But relationships don't work that way. They aren't set in stone.”
Sango mulled it over in her mind. Her silence was beginning to unnerve Miroku when she sighed. “Ok. I'll try it.”
“Well, don't sound so happy about it.”
“What did I say about your cheek?”
“Yes, ma'am,” he grinned. “But seriously? I'm glad you want to give a try.”
“Honestly? I'm surprised as hell that it was your idea!”
He clutched his chest dramatically, “You wound me, Sango!”
“If we can make it a week before I kill you, I will be surprised.”
“Why so violent when you could just bend me over your knee and spank me?”
“Dear gods, what am I getting myself into?”
Miroku grinned and kissed her cheek. “We'd better get up and about before Kagome and Wolf Girl get up and about. We'll never hear the end of this.”
The next thing Sango saw was his naked ass and he pulled on his boxers. He does have a nice ass. I could spank it. She giggled silently and took her sheet with her into the bathroom, stopping along the way to grab her from the trail that had been made on the way to the bed. But seriously...what have I gotten myself into???
* * *
Kagome waved as Ayame and Miroku headed to their cars. The moment she shut the door, she turned to Sango, a knowing glint in her eyes. “Spill.”
“Why, Kagome, whatever do you mean?” Sango replied, striving for innocence.
“Cut the crap. You know exactly what I mean, Sango. You and Miroku went to bed together. In my guest bedroom!
“How would you know? You were passed out,” Sango sniffed haughtily.
“Ayame wasn't passed out and she saw you both go into my guest room and shut the door. So spill, Sango.”
Sango crossed her arms stubbornly.
“You did it! You had sex with Miroku!” Kagome squealed.
Sango hung her head in defeat.
“Was it good? How many times? Is he big?” She would have continued, but Sango put up a hand.
“Ok. Yes, we had sex. It was the most fantastic sex I've ever had. I lost count after the fourth orgasm. And his penis is just fine with me. Do you want a detailed list of positions and all the dirty things he said?”
“Oh, my god! My two best friends are having sex!!!” Kagome squealed doing what could only be described as a sort of demented peepee dance.
“Did I just time warp back to high school?” Sango wondered out loud.
“Come on, Sango. I've been waiting for this to happen for years now. My two favorite people are together!”
“Whoa, tiger! I didn't say anything about us being together. You inferred that on your own.” She ducked her head. “But we're going to keep seeing each other and go from there.” She looked up at Kagome with a sheepish expression. I think I really like him, though.”
Kagome emitted an ear-piercing squeal and this time hugged Sango while doing her peepee dance.
Sango rolled her eyes. “I can't believe you're this excited about this. I haven't had sex with anything that doesn't require batteries in over a year and I think you might be more excited than I am.”
* * *
You what?!?! Let me see that!” Inuyasha snatched the camera phone out of Miroku's hands. Sure enough, there was that slutty wolf with her tongue shoved down Kagome's throat. There was another of Kagome looking up at her with the sexiest look Inuyasha had ever seen as she licked the red head's nipple. He didn't know whether to be jealous or pissed off. Kagome really didn't owe him anything, but it still hurt that she had moved on so quickly. Though he knew it was hopeless, Inuyasha had hoped that Kagome would come back to him. Everyone fucked up, right? He sighed and thrust the phone back at Miroku. “What are you so frickin' happy about? Looks like you were only documenting the evenings events for your spank bank.”
“Sango finally succumbed to my charms and slept with me last night.”
Inuyasha snorted, “You mean you got her drunk so she would have sex with you.”
“I should probably be offended by that, but no. Actually, Sango made the first move. And she has agreed to see me again.”
“I can't believe this. Kagome's a lesbian and you're fucking Sango.”
Miroku coughed to hide his grin. He wasn't going to tell Inuyasha that Kagome had passed out, leaving Ayame high and dry. It was too much fun watching him squirm. “Technically, Inuyasha, Kagome is bi-sexual. And why do you care anyway? You forfeited jealousy rights when you fucked Kikyou.”
Inuyasha growled. “Shut your fuckin' mouth, Miroku.”
“No, Inuyasha, I don't think I will. What, exactly, is your fucking problem? You made a choice and you chose poorly. Now, you have to live with the consequences of your actions. You've been a miserable asshole since it happened. You should just let go and move on.”
“I can't, Miroku.”
“Why not? It was easy enough to set her aside for Kikyou. Why can't you just set her free?”
“Because I love her,” was the soft reply.
Miroky snorted. “You have a fucked up way of showing it, then.”
“Can we just not talk about this and go get something to eat.”
Mirkou shrugged, “Whatever floats your boat.”