InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe Next Time ❯ Here Comes Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Note From Sedjet: Hey, kids! I'm updating again so soon! I know, it's unheard of! But I've had more free time this weekend than I have had since December, so now I'm ready to crank these chapters out. By the way, if you haven't read Flight of the Wounded Dove (an aniverse Rurouni Kenshin fic), it's nearing its end, so you should get caught up before the final two chapters are posted. Also, I'm revising The Bane of My Existence (an AU I/K Inuyasha fic), so I can start working on it again I just posted a new chapter yesterday, if fact! I started looking back over Rent (my Au Rurouni Kenshin fic) and realized how atrocious it is. I'm going to have to do an in-depth revision before it is in any shape to continue writing. So, there you have it. My writings in a nutshell. If you're interested, please take a look and give me some feedback. I love constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: The characters from Inuyasha belong to Takahashi Rumiko. Judge Abby Parker and Angela Goodlove, on the other hand are entirely mine.

Maybe Next Time
Chapter Three:
Here Comes Trouble

As Kagome strutted into the Red Room with Ayame and Sango in tow, she knew she was playing with fire. This was Inuyasha's old haunt. She also knew that he was bound to be here honing in on some rebound action. With a devious smile, Kagome knew she would be putting a stop to that quick, fast and in a hurry. She wasn't fucking around anymore. He was going to pay. And if she could help it, he was going to love every moment of it. She was aware of how he stared longingly at her when he thought she wasn't looking. So, why in the hell did he fuck Kikyou?! She just couldn't wrap her brain around it. He acted like he wanted her back, but why would he stray in the first place if he didn't want to let her go. Did he think he could just keep her as a standby while he banged any chick he fancied at that moment.

Ayame saw the dark glare on Kagome's face and was quick to come to the rescue. “Come on, Kags. I'll buy you your first drink of the evening.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Kagome snapped out of her brooding thoughts and grinned at her new friend. “Lean on!”

Sango leaned in and whispered in Kagome's ear. “Is she for real, Kagome?”

Kagome shrugged. “Yeah. Apparently, she had a girlfriend and a boyfriend and they started the fun without her. That's why she ended up in the anger management sessions.”

Sango nodded, “Ok. My next question is: Are you for real?”

Kagome shrugged. “I don't see any reason to be discriminating based on gender. You see I've had such a great track record with the men.” She rolled her eyes.

Sango shrugged. “Well, it explains a lot of drunken college nights, that's for sure.” She grinned. She and Kagome had woken up in some of the most precarious positions with some of the most interesting photos on their camera phones due to Mr. Jose Cuervo.

Kagome giggled. “Yeah!” She grabbed her best friend's hand and drug her to the bar. “Let's get shitfaced, baby!”

Ayame turned around, raising one sultry eyebrow at the pair, “Are you zeroing in on my conquest, Sango?”

Sango shrugged, “She was mine long before she was yours, Ayame.”

“You wanna wrestle for her?” Ayame asked, leaning in suggestively.

Kagome pushed herself between them. “Ladies! There is enough of me to go around!”

The trio erupted into peals of laughter, only to be interrupted by a lovely baritone voice. “Excuse me, ladies, I couldn't help but—Kagome!”

Kagome knew it was only a matter of time before there was a confrontation. She arranged her features into an expression of pleasant surprise. “Miroku! I didn't know you were in town!” She embraced him as an old friend.

He just gaped like a fish out of water. His eyes were glued to her figure. She was pleased by his reaction. It meant that she looked good. Not that she doubted it. Red had always been her color. It emphasized her pale, skin and dark eyes beautifully.

“What are you doing here?” She turned to Sango, who was glaring at the newcomer. “Sango,” she smirked, “I believe you remember Miroku.”

Miroku's eyes widened, his gaze sliding over the tall brunette. “Sango?” His heart skipped a beat. He had only met her a handful of times, but her visage had been scorched into his memory. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. She was no nonsense, strong and empowered. She also had the nicest ass he had ever seen and he had taken the opportunity to grope it when he could. Unfortunately, his wandering eye and wandering hands had prevented them from becoming anything more than casual acquaintances. On more than one occasion, she had threatened to disembowel him with a nail file.

Tonight, she was stunning. She wore a corset top in a deep plum color than gave her skin a warm, healthy glow. She had paired it with a pair of charcoal gray gaucho pants that clung snugly to her fantastic ass. She wore a pair of strappy spike heels, and Miroku found himself wondering how women could walk in heels like that. The heels did, however, succeed in accentuating her forever long legs. Staring at her ass, Miroku's hand twitched. When he finally raised his eyes to meet Sango's, she was glaring holes into his head.

“Don't even think about it, lecher.” she gritted through clenched teeth. “I will end you here and now.”

Miroku blinked. “What?!”

“You know what. You just keep your hands to yourself if you want them to stay attached.”

Kagome grinned and rolled her eyes. “Really, Miroku, what brings you here?”

Miroku was finally able to string together a coherent sentence. He gave her another once over. “Wow. The single life seems to be treating you well.”

“Oh, you heard about that, did you?” She asked and she was pleased that her voice sounded nonchalant. She certainly wasn't feeling nonchalant. She wanted to scream and rage.

Miroku snorted. “I haven't heard the end of it! I didn't think you had it in you, Kagome.”

“Why, Miroku?” Her gaze turned cold, and Miroku thought he didn't like the look on her. “Should I have sat back like a good little bitch while my fiance` fucked my cousin right under my nose?”

“Well, since you put it that way...”

Kagome sighed. “I'm sorry, Miroku. You don't deserve my wrath.” She cupped his cheek.

“If it's any consolation, I think he's an idiot to have thrown away such a wonderful thing on such a frigid bitch.”

Kagome gave a half-hearted chuckled. “Me too, Miroku. Thanks.”

Miroku had been a friend of Inuyasha and Kagome since grade school. The three had been inseparable. As freshmen, they had accepted a fourth into their circle. Kikyou and her mother had moved to Tokyo after the death of Kikyou's father. Kikyou's mother had wanted to move closer to the family now that there was nothing to keep them in Osaka.

Once Kikyou had come along, the dynamic of the group changed. Inuyasha no longer had as much time for Miroku and Kagome. He was completely smitten with Kikyou, who was slightly older than the others three. Miroku didn't see what the big deal was. As far as he was concerned, Kagome was far prettier than Kikyou and not as cold. She would smile and titter and flirt, but the actions never reached her eyes. It was as if something in her was dead and cold.

Kagome, on the other hand, was full of life and mirth. She gave her unconditional love and loyalty to her small collection of friends. Miroku had once entertained thoughts of dating her, but realized that it would be pointless. Kagome's heart would forever belong to Inuyasha, no matter how hard she tried to bury those feelings. He had always seen it in the way she looked the hanyou. Miroku could never understand why Inuyasha had chosen to pursue Kikyou. He had only been prolonging the inevitable. And now, he had chosen the zombie bitch again, once more damaging the tender heart of their childhood friend.

Miroku smiled down at his best friend, placing a gentle hand over hers. “If you need anything--”


“Right on time,” Kagome murmured, her eyes narrowing.

Miroku stiffened, getting that deer in the headlights look. Kagome wore a battle ready smirk. And suddenly, it hit him. She had known all along that Inuyasha would be here! Damn, she was good!

The group turned collectively to see a very irate hanyou stomping up to the bar. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Kagome.

“I thought I smelled a bitch,” he sneered, but Kagome didn't miss the look of pained shock before he had been able to mask it.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”

In all reality, Inuyasha was having a difficult time not throwing himself at her feet and begging her to take him back. She was smoking hott in that slinky red dress. Was that new? He'd never seen it before. It clung to her in all the right places, reminding him of why she had always had him at her beck and call. The bodice hugged her breasts snugly, and the dagged chiffon skirt swished about her upper thighs giving glimpses of shapely, pale thighs.

“Like what you see, Inuyasha?”

“Keh! Been there, done that.”

Ayame smirked, snaking an arm around Kagome's waist, and Kagome responded by molding herself against the wolf youkai. “You don't know what you're missing, Inuyasha.” Ayame purred. “Kagome is a wildcat.” She turned her head and licked Kagome's neck with one long, languid pass of her tongue.

Miroku went hot and cold. He didn't know whether to pop a boner or hide under a table until Inuyasha's ire burned itself out. He looked back and forth between his two dearest friends, wanting desperately to make it right between them.

Inuyasha plastered a snotty smirk onto his face, though his insides were churning. He didn't care that it was another woman fondling his mate. All his brain was processing was that someone was challenging his claim to what was rightfully his. “If you're into sloppy seconds, Ayame, that's fine by me.”

Kagome pushed away from Ayame, death in her eyes. She slapped him. Hard. “You son of a bitch. You have some nerve talking shit like you're the wronged party here. I was faithful to you for five fucking years! Five years and you repay me by fucking my cousin behind my back.”

Inuyasha saw red. He grabbed Kagome and hauled her to him. “You're playing with fire, little girl. That's the last time you slap me.”

“Or what? You'll hit me?” she taunted. “Will the big, bad Inu hit a woman out of spite?” She raked him with a scathing look. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”


“Shut up, Miroku. This is between me and Kagome.”

“What's between us, Inuyasha? There's nothing.” She yanked her arm from his grasp. “Nothing!” she spat.

Inuyasha had seen it. He had seen the hurt that she was trying so desperately to hide behind her initial anger. He saw the betrayal, and it made him want to reach out to her, to hold her. He made to go after her, but a hand on his arm stopped him. He looked down at Sango who shook her head.

“It's too soon, Inuyasha. Just let her go.”

Inuyasha considered her a moment and then sighed. “Make sure she gets home safely, ok?”

Sango nodded and watched as he headed in the opposite direction. She looked up at Miroku, who shrugged. “I guess I better follow him.” He smiled sadly at her, “It was nice to see you again, Sango.”

Sango watched Miroku follow Inuyasha out of the Red Room. Something had changed in him since their last meeting. He was still a lecher, but he seemed...more mature. She smiled softly. Perhaps he did have some redeemable qualities, after all.

She sighed, looking in the direction that Kagome had disappeared. She had better find her before her best friend did something more foolish than picking a fight with a inu-hanyou.

Miroku pushed the crowd. “'Scuse me, pardon me, 'scuse me, 'scuse me.” Finally, he caught a glimpse of silver up ahead. “Inuyasha!”

The hanyou in question heard Miroku, he just knew he had to get out of there before he tore through the crowd after Kagome. He didn't want to acknowledge the feelings coursing through him at the sight of her, the mere thought of her. He knew what he had done was wrong. He knew he had hurt her, but he wasn't ready to live up to that disappointment. He was ready to face up to the wrongs he knew he had perpetrated. So, he ran away.

Miroku finally broke free of the crowd and out of the Red Room. He looked around for Inuyasha.

“Over here, Miro.”

Miroku sucked in a breath. “You like shit, man.”

Inuyasha laughed humorlessly, “I feel like shit, Miro.”

“Inu, what happened back there?”

“I don't know. I just wanted to hurt her.”

“Why?” he asked, trying to think of a way to say it gently. Unfortunately, there was no way to put it gently. “Haven't you hurt her enough?”

Inuyasha leaned his head against the brick behind him, closing his eyes. “I didn't mean to.”

“You didn't what, Inuyasha? You didn't mean to insult her virtue? Or you didn't mean to stick your dick in her cousin?”

Inuyasha blanched at that. Miroku was pissed at him, too. “Neither, Miro.”

Miroku's face turned a furious red. “Then why did you do it, Inuyasha? Why do you continue to hurt her? She could have had anyone,” he murmured. “She could have had me!” He pulled his hand through his long, black bangs. “But she chose you!”

Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked at Miroku incredulously. “What do you mean?”

Miroku rolled his eyes, “You can't mean to tell me that you never realized! All those years that we were together, the three of us, she only had eyes for you! When Kikyou came along and you started dating her, I thought I would finally get my chance. But she couldn't feel that about me.” He shot Inuyasha a look heavily laced with old pain. “And then Kikyou left to study abroad and you finally noticed Kagome. Tell me, Inuyasha. Was she ever anything but a substitute for a lost love?”

Golden eyes stared in disbelief. “How could you think such a thing, Miroku? You know I chose Kagome as my mate. You know the Inu mate for life.”

Miroku gave him a scathing look. “That's sure what it looks like, Inuyasha. How do you think it made Kagome feel that you forsook your bond to fuck Kikyou the moment she returned to Tokyo.”

Inuyasha's eyes widened in realization. “That's not how it was.”

“Then please, Inuyasha, enlighten me,” his best friend sneered.

“Kikyou was coming to visit Kagome after studying abroad. She didn't know about us. She had met some guy in France and was going back to be with him. She wanted closure for us. We were just saying goodbye.”

Miroku shook his head, not believing what he was hearing. “Are you listening to yourself? You were in committed relationship with Kikyou's cousin. You were engaged, mated. That's a forever thing, Inuyasha. You don't get to just fuck someone else because she wants to say goodbye.”

“We're not mated,” Inuyasha mumbled.

Miroku's eyes went impossibly wide. “What?”

“I never marked her. I was waiting.”

“Waiting for what?!” Miroku bellowed. “Waiting to see whether or not Kikyou would return to take you back?!”

“The time was never right.”

Miroku shook his head. “The time was never right. You're an idiot!” he spat, turning away in disgust.

“Miro, where are you going.”

“I'm going back to the hotel.”

“I thought--”

“I really don't want to be around you right now.”

“She's turned you against me, too!” he growled.

Miroku whirled on him, “Don't blame this on Kagome. You did this to yourself, you insufferable asshole.” he hissed, stalking away from his best friend.
Sango caught up with Kagome at the Mini, with Ayame close on her heels. “Kags, are you ok?”

Kagome shook her head. “I'm not, Sango. I might never be alright again. I can't do this. I thought I would be able to.” She began to breathe erratically. “I love him, Sango!” She gasped, one slender hand covering her mouth. “I still love him!” she sobbed.

Sango spared a glance at Ayame and the two girls wrapped their arms around their anguished friend. They murmured soothing words and kissed her hair.

“You could play with my boobs if it would make you feel better.”

That got a laugh from Kagome and she gave a half-hearted squeeze of Ayame's perky breasts.

“Feel better?”

“A little,” the raven haired girl admitted.

Ayame grinned very wolfishly. “See? There's nothing like a nice pair of tits to brighten your day.”


The girls turned to see Miroku making his way toward them.

“Can I get a ride to my hotel?” he asked sheepishly.

Kagome's brow furrowed. “I thought Inu--”

“Fuck that guy. Let's go get drunk.”

Kagome grinned from ear to ear. “Sure. How 'bout we go back to my place instead?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Ayame slipped the keys out of Kagome's hand. “You've had a rough night. I'll drive.”

“Thanks, Ayame.”

“No worries, Kags.” She kissed Kagome's cheek and opened the front passenger door for her before walking to the driver's side.

Miroku lifted the handle to the back passenger seat and held it open. “After you, Sango my dear.”

Sango eyed him warily as she sank into the backseat of the red Mini. “Don't try anything, lecher, or I--”

“Gut me like a fish, I know.” He gave Kagome a toothy grin and kissed her cheek. “It's good to be home, Kags.”

She hugged him before sinking into the front passenger seat. “I'm glad you're here, Miro.”


Author's Note: Well, that's it, kids!

I'd like to thank my reviewers and those who have added me to their favorites and alerts: you-ma-cookie, AMY, Inumara, Mair, Lucinda2323, future baka kikyou, Kouga's Archi, MyInuyashaObsession, hotmiko1, DemonicMiko18, spencer4ever.

Thank you everyone! I'm really excited. I didn't expect this fic to take off like it did. I'm glad it's been such a hit!

This is what the back of Kagome's dress looks like:,1020,441252,00.jpg

The skirt on this dress in similar to what I was picturing: