InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe Next Time ❯ Served Cold ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha or any of his friends. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Author's Note: I'm trying to be good about this updating thing. We'll see how that works out. Those of you who have been with me for the three years that I've been working on Flight, Bane and Rent may be skeptical, but hopefully I can prove you wrong!

Disclaimer: The characters from Inuyasha belong to Takahashi Rumiko. Judge Abby Parker and Angela Goodlove, on the other hand are entirely mine. Oh! In this chapter, I also make mention Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter. She's not mine, either. She and the Harry Potter books are the property of JK Rowling.

Next Time
Chapter Two:
Best Served Cold

Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest and slouched in his seat as he glared at Kagome across the group anger management class they were forced to take together. This was complete bullshit. Why should he have to take anger management classes when he hadn't done anything wrong? That crazy bitch was the one who had completely destroyed his Land Rover.

Kagome just smiled at him and batted her eyes, which made him fume. She smirked as he turned red with fury and waited for the expression. Their counselor, however, cut him to the chase, deciding at that moment that it was time to start the session.

“Welcome, class. My name is Angela Goodlove.” Kagome couldn't help but think that the poor woman looked like professor Trelawney from Harry Potter. She had short, frizzy hair and large coke bottle glasses that magnified her eyes to ten times their normal size. “I want each one of you to stand and tell us who you are and why you are here today.”

She looked expectantly at Inuyasha, “Young man, will you please start us off?” Kagome giggled and Inuyasha shot her a look as stood.

“My name is Inuyasha Takahashi and I'm here because that bitch” he pointed at Kagome for emphasis “trashed my car.”

Angela raised an eyebrow and her eyes were wider than Kagome believed was possible. “Well, aren't we an angry young man?” She reached out and patted his arm, “That's ok, my dear, we will help you with that.”

Inuyasha stared at the woman with a look between fury and confusion. The look on his face was priceless and Kagome had to giggle. He shot her a look that clearly said he would like nothing more than to throw his chair at her.

Angela turned to Kagome next, “And you dear, why are you here?”

Kagome stood, “My name is Kagome Higurashi and I'm here because Inuyasha cheated on me with my cousin in the house I paid for and I destroyed his Land Rover in retribution. And he wasn't exactly truthful with you, Ms. Goodlove. Inuyasha is not here simply because I jacked with car. He's here because he could not contain his violent outbursts in the courtroom and this is part of his punishment.”

Apparently, Kagome was wrong in thinking the counselor's eyes couldn't get any wider. The woman's eyebrows disappeared beneath her bangs and her mouth worked for a moment before any sound would come out. “Well, that was...honest of you.” There was a long pause. “Next?”

A young man with long, brown hair and brilliant sea green eyes stood. “My name is Kouga and I'm here because I beat the shit out of a guy who was picking on a retarded kid.” He looked Kagome up and down. “I'm single, if you're interested.”

The girl in question raised and eyebrow. “We'll see.”

Inuyasha clenched his fists at his side. That fucking bitch. Who did she think she was, openly flirting with that asshole? He really wanted to hit something, preferable the wolf youkai that was flirting with his woman.

Angela Goodlove was beginning to question whether or not she had pursued the right career as she turned to a lovely red haired wolf youkai. “And you, my dear?”

The tall, youkai woman stood, hand on hips, looking very defensive. “My name is Ayame, and I beat the living hell out of my girlfriend and my boyfriend for cheating on me with each other.”

Yes, Angela thought to herself, I have most definitely chosen the wrong field.

---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

After two hours of sharing and art therapy, Inuyasha was sure he felt more violent than before he came to this class. He was gritting his teeth, trying to ignore Kouga and Kagome as they shared friendly banter. He was startled out of his wits as the female wolf youkai leaned over his shoulder, “You really dig her, don't you?”


“Kagome. You haven't been able to keep your eyes off her the entire session.” she noted astutely.


“So, if you're so crazy about her, why would you cheat on her?”

“I'm not crazy about her!” he yelled and looked up to see everyone staring at him. Kagome was looking at him with an odd expression on her face and Kouga was looking at him like he was nuts.

“I mean, look at her. She's hot. I'd do her.” Ayame commented and Inuyasha's eyes went wide as saucers. But the crazy dike had a point: His ex-fiance` was hot. She had the tiniest waist and the nicest ass he'd ever seen. She had pale, pale skin, the color of cream and her lips were the perfect shade of soft pink. He glanced at her right hand and noticed with slight disappointment that she had taken off her ring.

Ayame noticed his crestfallen look and put her hand on his shoulder. “Make it up to her.”

“Keh!” he scoffed. “She's the one that fucked up my car. I don't got nothin' to make up to her.”

Ayame frowned, “And here I thought you might have had some redeemable qualities. I guess you're just a dick.”

---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Kagome was bent over her large, yellow backpack, rummaging for her keys when Ayami came across her. She couldn't help but admire the view. With a predatory glint in her eye, she leaned against Kagome's green Cooper Mini.

“Aha! I caught you, you little bastards!” She stood up, raising her arm in the air, keys fisted tightly within her grasp. “Oh! Hi!” She was slightly unnerved by the gorgeous youkai woman leaning against her car, staring so intently at her. “Ayame, right?”

Ayame gave a toothy grin, her expression brightening. “Yeah! And you're Kagome.” The girl in question nodded her affirmation. “Do you want to go out sometime?”

Kagome raised an eyebrow, “Are you hitting on me?”

Ayame grinned, flashing her pearly whites, “Why, are you interested?”

“I'm a practicing heterosexual, but if you get me drunk, I'm terribly bisexual.”

Ayame was amused by her frankness. “Well, I guess we'll have to go drinking, then.” She winked at the raven haired beauty.

Kagome shrugged. “Ok.”

Ayame blinked. “Wow. I wasn't really expecting you to agree.”

Kagome eyed Inuyasha from the corner of her eye as he got into his Land Rover that still had “CHEATING FUCKER” keyed into the side in capital letters. “After that asshole, I'm willing to try anything.”

Ayame laughed a hearty, full bodied laughed and Kagome found herself thinking that even if she didn't end up fucking this chick, that there was a good chance she would have a friend for life.

They looked up to see Inuyasha glaring at them out of the driver's side window of the Land Rover. The two girls looked at each other and lost it. “Real mature, Kagome,” he muttered.

“I believe you chose to exit our relationship, Inuyasha. You don't get to lecture me on maturity.”

Inuyasha glared daggers at her. “Why did I ever date a bitch like you.”

Kagome crossed her arms and cocked her hip to the side. Inuyasha recognized this as her usual battle stance. “Apparently at some point, you liked me enough to ask me to marry you, you sorry piece of shit. Don't try to make me the bad guy. You fucked my cousin in MY house. In MY bed! So, I fucked up your car. You threw away what I considered the best five years of my life. Your car can go to the shop. I'll never get those years back.” He thought she would leave at that, but as soon as the thought was there, she opened her mouth. “By the way, Inuyasha, how do you like sleeping on your brother's couch?”

Ayame snickered and then guffawed. She hugged Kagome to her as Inuyasha drove away, still glaring at them. “I think I'm in love!”

Kagome patted the girl awkwardly. “Easy there, tiger. I haven't had any alcohol yet.”

Ayame gave her lop sided grin. “Let's fix that.”

Kagome grinned. “Ok. Do we want to take one car or two?”

“Let's take one. That way the most sober of the two of us can drive.”

The raven haired girl chuckled. “Can you drive stick?”

Ayame raised an eyebrow. “Are you referring to sexual orientation or my ability to drive a standard transmission vehicle.”

Kagome shook her head, a wry smile on her face. “I was asking if you could drive standard. If not, we'll need to take my car home.”

“Are you kidding?! I had three brothers and my father was a drag racer!” She looped her arms around Kagome's neck. “I love a girl who knows how to drive...” she sighed.

--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Inuyasha went home. Not to Sesshoumaru's like Kagome had taunted, but to his parents' which was ten times worse. Going home had meant he had to tell his mother and father what had happened. Since his father was dog demon and could a smell a lie from a mile away, there was nothing to tell them but the truth. His mother had been tight lipped and disappointed. She had always been fond of Kagome. His father, however was not so silent. He berated Inuyasha for being twenty kinds of stupid. His defense of “Did you see what she did to my car?!” certainly had not gone over well. His father had gone silent and had that smoldering look of barely concealed violence. Apparently, his parents didn't care that his precious Land Rover had been violated. And they weren't going to help him pay for it. And they were making him pay rent! His parents were going to make him pay rent!

He sighed, frustrated as he pulled a brush through his moonlit hair. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had to brush his hair himself. It was one of Kagome's favorite morning and evening rituals. He would sit on the floor between her legs and she would brush his hair. She loved to comb through his pale waist-length hair and sift her fingers through it. Inuyasha would never admit to anyone else, but he missed those moments.

He slammed the brush down on the dresser. Fuck her! why should he miss anything about her. She was obviously fucked up in the head if she would vandalize someone's property!

He stalked to his closet to pick out something to wear. He hadn't had a chance to go back to the house to get the rest of his stuff. He didn't want to do it while she was home and she was always home. She had a home office marketing firm. Occasionally, she went on business trips, but she mostly dealt with clients via video conference. He shook his head, determined to get that crazy bitch out of his head.

He rummaged through the closet with a vengeance. He tore items off their hangers, tossing them left and right. finally, he decided on a dark pair of jeans and blood red t-shirt. Red was his color. It made him feel powerful. Tonight he was going to get tore up drunk and forget that bitch. He looked at himself in the mirror and nodded decisively.

----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Kagome and Ayame had decided that Kagome would drive the Mini. Along the way, Kagome thought it would be a good idea to call Sango and invite her along. Sango had quickly agreed, using the excuse that they had not properly celebrated Kagome's get-out-of-jail-mostly-free card. Ayame decided that what they were wearing wasn't fancy enough for a possible first date, so they when they dropped her car off at her apartment, she forced Kagome to partake of her wardrobe.

Looking in the mirror, Kagome had to agree that Ayame had good taste. She was wearing a slinky red dress that hugged her curves in just the right places and curved way low in the back, showing off her three tattoos and the dimples of her lower back. She'd been forced to sit through a makeup session as well and Ayame had lined her eyes with kohl to create a dark, smoky look. Her lips were a deep, ruby red, and Kagome had to admit that she felt sexy. The overall affect was sultry. One way or another, Kagome was going to get laid tonight.

Since Kagome was driving, she offered to pick Sango up at her flat. Sango agreed and met them at the door with a disbelieving expression. “Kagome???” She squealed. “Girl, if I swung that way, I would eat you up!”

Ayame popped her head in, “I just might eat her up if she's not careful.”

Sango blinked a moment, looking at Kagome for an explanation.

“Sango, this is Ayame. She's in my anger management class. She's bisexual and very horny from what I can tell. And she dressed me.”

Sango nodded, speechless for a moment, “Well, you did a damn fine job, Ayame.” She put her hand out to the buxom wolf youkai. “I'm Sango. I got Kagome out of jail.”

“Hey! I was never in jail and it was my brilliant acting talent that kept me out of jail!” Kagome pouted.

“Actresses.” Sango muttered to Ayame.

Ayame nodded and suddenly leaped to action. “What are we doing hanging around here?! There are drinks to be had!”

“I second that motion!” Sango exclaimed, grabbing her clutch. “Let's make like a baby and head out, ladies.” She paused for a moment. “Where are we going, anyway?”

Ayame's eyes took on a devious gleam. “The Red Room.”

Kagome shook her head, wondering just what she had gotten herself into.

----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

“Miroku, it's Inuyasha. I'm coming by to pick you up. Be dressed to go out. We're going to the Red Room.”


Thanks to my reviewers: dreaming in anime, MyInuyashaObsession, you-ma-cookie, and kimonia. You guys rock! I hope this chapter didn't let you down!!!