InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of Heat ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish to have the rights to say that I own InuYasha and associates, I, however, do not. All rights reserved, I make no money from this publication.

A young woman sat at her desk, staring at the blank document page of her word processer on her ancient computer. She let out a troubled sigh and turned her head to look out the window, but every time she looked out the window she was reminded of why she hates this time of year. On her window were cold, steel bars that reminded her of prison bars. In some worldly diabolical way, to her, they were prison bars. She could remember when she used to be free. Free to do whatever she pleased and when. Now, she could not even go outside, in fear of attacking the first male that she would see.

Standing up, she walked into the adjoining room and turned on the water, then poured some bubble bath into the tub after placing the stopper into the drain. Tonight will be the start of her long trek of menstruation. Her menstruation cycle is not that of other females. She only menstruated twice a year, late summer and late spring. A few years ago, when she had gone in for a routine check-up, she had asked her doctor about this, and they were both puzzled.

When her doctor had asked if they could bring in another doctor for consultation, Kagome had agreed, but was very skeptical in the back of her mind; wondering if she should even be talking to her OWN doctor. She watched as her gynecologist left the room, leaving the young woman on the table, half-naked, in a hospital gown. She felt like she had been sitting there for hours before her gynecologist came back into the room, following closely behind was her colleague.

Miss Higurashi, Doctor Kobayashi asked, as if he were not sure he should be asking this kind of question. Is it possible that you know your familys genealogy?

They watched her as she looked at them with a blank stare. Family genealogy? What, may I ask; does that have to do with anything Sensei?

Perhaps it is something in your genealogy that is the cause of yourunusual cycles. Doctor Kobayashi said.

And what is that supposed to mean? She had asked, confused and getting a little angry.

Maybe you should ask your parents about their genealogy. Doctor Kobayashi said as he and Doctor Miles moved to leave the room.

Doctor Miles paused a moment, looking back, a little confused herself, and added, Perhaps he is right. I am not that very knowledgeable on Japanese history, but he may have a point.

Excuse me. She said as she closed the door, giving her the privacy that Kagome needed to change back into her clothes.

When she had gotten home, she had asked her mother about their family tree, but her mother could not tell her as much as she wanted, or needed to know.

Since then, she had not forgotten what that doctor had said to her, and would often ponder on what he could have meant. Slipping further into the bath, she once more pondered on what it could have meant. One thing I should do, while Im thinking about it, is maybe look up Japanese history. She thought, probing the stopper with her toe. It has to be something to do with her bi-yearly cycle. But the question is What?

Sitting up and pulling the stopper from the drain, Kagome stood up, wrapped herself in a towel, and walked back into her bedroom. Sitting at her desk, she moved her curser over the internet icon and clicked on it, taking her right to the search engine homepage. Typing in her search, she hit the enter button and looked at all the links that it had provided.

She sat there for five hours looking at Japans history. A lot of its history has to deal with vile creatures and demons. She read about different myths and folk tales. In the end, she chalked it up to old women doing nothing but making up ridiculous stories and obvious misgivings and calling them history.

Grumbling, she turned away from her computer, and made a few sandwiches and ate them in peace, before heading to bed. She was going to have a long few weeks ahead of her, and she needed to get all the rest she could while she could.

She slowly walked through the large patch of trees, and finally saw an opening up ahead. Letting out a sigh, she slowed her pace once more. A million things were going through her mind at what could be lying at the end of the long green tunnel. Her family; some place she has never seen before, but always knew was there; someone she has never seen before, there were many more like these thoughts. However, what was up ahead, she had never imagined. She was so deep in thought that she had not realized she was walking toward a body of water, until she broke through the threshold of the forest and came upon a waterfall.

She stopped to think for a moment, Where am I? She thought. Looking down at her wardrobe, she noticed the style of the kimono, and realized that she was wearing an elaborate funihitoe, the last layer a beautiful medium green, with black butterflies fluttering around the bottom, and her right shoulder. No wonder it was so hard for me to move, and why I am so hot. She thought drily. It must be like a hundred degrees out here.

Walking to the edge of the water, she looked down and thought, Wow. The water is so clear here. I think I can see to the bottom in the middle of the lake. She looked to her right and saw a beautiful waterfall. She was completely stunned; it was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. She wanted to jump in, but she was afraid that she would defile the water, and thought that this was a sacred place, since it was so beautiful.

A breeze blew through her hair, pushing the hair that had fallen from her tightly done up bun, back over her shoulder. Throwing all caution into the wind, she pulled her hair out, throwing the pins and clips to the ground, and then started undressing. Stopping at the last layer of her kimono, she hesitated, unsure if she should take it all off. She started walking into the water, her arms tightly wrapped around her. She shivered from the coldness of the water, though it felt wonderful against her hot skin.

Not liking the feeling of the cotton against her skin, she threw the juban with the rest of her discarded clothes, then walked a little further into the water, and dove in. Surfacing nearly twenty feet away, she pushed her hair out of her face, and stayed there, treading the water for a few minutes. Shortly after that, she started floating on her back while looking up at the night sky, admiring how beautiful the stars and the moon looked.

Early the next morning, before the sun had even a chance to show itself for the day, a young woman awoke suddenly with a cold chill going down her spine. Instantly, her hands went to grip at her heart. She had just woken from the most sensual dream that she had ever had, just as the man was about mark her as his own. It was not the first time that this man had entered her dreams and was becoming a vocal point in them. Many nights she was finding him in her dreams more often than not, more often around the time of her heat. However, the man in her dreams was never clear.

Although, it is the same man, every time, he is always behind a shroud of fuzziness.

Turning to her computer one more time, Kagome took a few hours to search the internet some more, trying to find something, anything, that could be of any use to her. After spending what seemed like nearly the whole day, when in reality was only a few hours, about to give up, something caught her eye. Clicking on the link, Kagome quickly read the small article. She sat back in her chair as she thought about what she had read. It was so informative, and fit her situation almost to a perfect T.

Looking around the page, Kagome tried to find the contact information for the webmaster. Almost giving up, she had scrolled over a few links when she was about to close the page, she saw the words Contact Webmaster and instantly clicked on the link. Kagome looked at the address that was listed sighed. The page was based in another country half way around the world. Kagome hung her head as she thought of the cost of that phone call and any others that may follow.

Reaching for her phone, she picked up the receiver and dialed the number. It seemed like forever before the person answered with a distracted Wéi?

All Kagome could think to say was, English?

Look, I already told you Americans I am not removing anything from my website that you think is offensive, because frankly, you think everything is about you and you think everything I have to say is offensive! The man said in nearly perfect English, and very disgusted.

She knew that he was going hang up on her so she had to think fast. No! No, no, please wait. When Kagome did not hear the phone clicking, an indication of him hanging up, she continued. My name is Higurashi Kagome, and I have found your site very useful.

In what aspect have you found it useful?

I am very much interested in how you have come across the information about the article you called, Cycle of the Unmated.

Cycle of the Unmated, he repeated, trying to remember the piece, Hmm.

You just posted it a month ago and you forgot it already?

I have the tendency to forget things once I post them. He took a moment to think, Why is it that you want to know about this article?

Because that article holds the information I need to understand why my menstrual cycle is the way it is. Your article is the only thing I have found to be the most accurate in all the conditions I have with my cycle.

What did you say your name was?

Higurashi Kagome, Sir.

There was another pause and this time longer, when he did respond, he said, Im sorry Miss Higurashi, but I am a very busy man, goodbye. With that, he hung up on her.

She slowly took the phone away from her face to stare at it in complete bewilderment; He hung up on me. She thought.